Batgirl #6

Writer: Hope Larson Artist: Rafael Albuquerque Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 28, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 25
7.7Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

"RETURN TO BURNSIDE"! On what should be a relaxing flight back home, Babs finds herself and her fellow passengers in mortal peril from...Poison Ivy? Batgirl must get to the bottom of Ivy's attack and save the plane if she ever wants to see home again!

  • 10
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Dec 28, 2016

    If you've haven't read the post-Rebirth Batgirl, this is a fine time to start. The story doesn't require any previous experience with the series to date. The artwork appears amazing throughout. This is a great comic, plain and simple and a must-read for all fans of Batgirl and/or Poison Ivy. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Comicsverse - Sam Sobel Dec 28, 2016

    Overall, BATGIRL's creative team has been doing an excellent job, and BATGIRL #6 is no exception. This was the perfect epilogue. It made the trip home, the most boring part of any vacation, exciting and action packed, and it left us some phenomenal questions to chew over while we wait. If Ivy changed her back into her other clothes, does she know Babs is Batgirl? Did our mysterious gentlemanoverhear Barbara talking to Frankie, revealing her secret identity? Most importantly, exactly who is he? The next issue of BATGIRL can't come soon enough! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Dec 28, 2016

    This is an enjoyable done in one story that requires bending reality a bit to work, but is a lot of fun. Batgirl is good for plenty of sharp art and great pacing. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Dec 28, 2016

    Hope Larson demonstrates that she can write a tight complex one-shot using lots of go-to comic tropes without completely rehashing tired scenarios. Batgirl here is funny, quick on her feet, and whip-smart. She also gets to display some fun gadgets. Even though Poison Ivy inadvertently causes part of the crisis, Batgirl is level-headed about what's "just" under the circumstances. Okay, there's some story silliness here due to the very nature of costumes superheroes, but if you can't tolerate a little dual-persona illogic you shouldn't be reading comics books to begin with. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Sean Blumenshine Dec 28, 2016

    This is a fun read. It's a cool concept both with the plane in danger and the inclusion of Poison Ivy. The art is pretty good with exceptions in a few places. Overall, I enjoyed this one. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Nat Brehmer Dec 30, 2016

    I have no idea where Batgirl is headed next, but this whole opening arc has been an impressive and accessible debut. I'm on board, wherever it goes from here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Dec 31, 2016

    This was a fun little done-in-one adventure with solid performances by both Batgirl and Poison Ivy, who is definitely getting a bit of a makeover these days. Gone is the evil villain, here is the feisty anti-hero. I like it. This issue was a great showcase of the talent on hand, keeping the action issue moving with solid character work, a neat conflict and the perfect artwork to keep it all amazing. I remain a little confused about the ending, but maybe Larson planned it that way and has something more planned for the future. By all means, I look forward to more quality Batgirl going forward. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Black Nerd Problems - Jordan Richards Dec 28, 2016

    Overall, the prelude gets you ready for what's to come, and offers a slight bit of character development for Babs as she heads back home. It's not an essential issue by any means " actually the most skippable of the series so far " but worth the read for those continuing to follow. If this is what a filler looks like in Larson's Batgirl, it's a testament to the series being worth your time. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Ian Miller Dec 29, 2016

    Batgirl returns from Beyond Burnside in a fluffy one shot adventure with Poison Ivy. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Nerd Church Radio - Ariel DuPey Dec 28, 2016

    Well this issue was"cute. Which I don't know if others agreewith me but I don't want a cute story I want action and badassery. Especiallyfrom Barbara Gordon who has a list full of skills and talents. I can see that thiswas kind of a buffer issue between story arcs. Batgirl has had a lot of ups anddowns for me throughout the six issues. I love Barbara Gordon for so manyreasons that I always want her story to be a front runner. So as the newantagonist enters I'm really hoping for more depth and full on action thatwould be in any Batman issue. This one was a hard one for me to rate, but it isBatgirl so I'll be a little gentler. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway Dec 28, 2016

    A filler issue on a monthly book makes for a waste of time and money. Rafael Albuquerque's skills are wasted on a directionless series featuring an annoying character. I'd like to say that Barbara's return to Burnside is a good portent, but I've lost faith in this book under the direction of Hope Larson. Perhaps I will be proven wrong with issue #7. I was wrong once before. Read Full Review

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