Reggie Hemingway's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Weird Science Reviews: 789
6.8Avg. Review Rating

Adventures of Supergirl #1

Jan 25, 2016

This is like thepilot episode for the comic series, so there's a lot of talky bits and out-loudexplanations of characters' relationships to one another, but between Bengal'ssuperbly fun artwork and Sterling Gates' practiced pacing, it turns out to be apretty fun read. It's worth saying that the Supergirl here is the one from theCBS television show, so whether that appeals to you or not"proceed accordingly.Myself, I'm glad to see a promising Supergirlbook, and as long as her characterization is consistent then I'll keep gobblingit up!

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Adventures of Supergirl #2

Feb 8, 2016

We get lots morecharacterization in this chapter, and really get a sense for how close Kara andAlex's are as sisters"more than I did on the television show, for what that'sworth. We also get the non-introduction of a character acting as plotconvenience and some questionable choices in facial composition, but overallthis is book is a lot of fun and is definitely worth a buck and ten minutes ofyour time. Give it a look, whether you watch the show or not!

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Adventures of Supergirl #3

Feb 22, 2016

The firstAdventures of Supergirlarc ends sort of flat, but looks really good doing it. We learn the secret origin of Rampage, and it is pretty unexpected. There's also some sweet interaction between the Danvers sisters, and in this chapter we really see what kind of person Kara is. I would have liked a more definitive ending, is all, especially for the opening arc for a series. Perhaps this will read better if it is ever stitched into a printed issue.

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Adventures of Supergirl #4

Mar 8, 2016

The very firstpanel of this comic lets us know that this is a cumulative story with its owncontinuity, which isn't always true of DC's digital comics. So there is apayoff to stick with it if you're enjoying it enough to spend two bucks amonth. This chapter pits Kara against alien computer nerdery, which is a goodmatch-up because her nerdliness is very strong when she puts on a sweater set. Andshe's an alien, to boot. Jonboy Meyers and John Rauch take over art duties forthis chapter and do an absolutely bang-up job with it. If you can't enjoy thiscomic, then you suck.

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Adventures of Supergirl #6

Apr 5, 2016

This chapter answers the question, "Does Supergirl dream of electric sheep?" Not when some unseen villain is in charge, she doesn't. Story is okay but the art vacillates between very good and not very good, and never really fits the tone of the book as I've come to know it. We're probably going to see Supergirl kick major butt next issue, so if you want to see that, you should probably get this chapter so you're all prepared. And besides, it's the only way you'll find out if Supergirl sleeps in the nude!

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Adventures of Supergirl #7

Apr 18, 2016

Supergirl continues to flex her expert-level dreaming skills and finds out who has been manipulating her night-nights recently--former Fort Rozz employee, Psi! This chapter is a lot of fun because we get to see a few variations on Supergirl that are both cool as heck and reference different versions of Supergirl from days of yore. Was there ever actually a "day of yore?" Like, were two guys standing atop a hill, watching townsfolk below going about their business, and one said to the other, "Yep, these are the days of yore"? I wonder...and I'd further like to know if the other guy turned to him and replied, "Nope, these days are your'n." And then they probably killed and ate each other, as was the custom in those days.

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Adventures of Supergirl #8

May 2, 2016

The sisters Danvers engage on a quest for Psi and visit one of her old haunts, from before she went all ghost-like. Sterling Gates is writing fairly pitch-perfect versions of the characters from the CBS TV show, and if you're jonesin' for Supergirl since the first season ended last week, well you can spend a buck and get another taste. C'maan, one taste won't hurt. What are you, chicken? I'm gonna tell everyone that you're a little baby that won't take their Adventures of Supergirl digital comic because you're a poo-poo head. No you. No, you. I don't want to get into this anymore, I'm telling mom.

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Adventures of Supergirl #9

May 17, 2016

Sister power is in full effect as Kara and Alex stand side-by-side, blasting robots. Ultimately, Kara has to save the day because, you know, Alex is merely human. The mysterious Facet, who beset Psi on Kara's dreams two issues ago, reveals themselves--and proves to be nothing you'd expect! Unless you expected a chrome-plated lady, that is. Then they're exactly what you expected. This is a pretty thin chapter in the series, but still has some good moments including pretty awesome close combat scenes. I think we'll get some resolution next chapter that should help wrap this story arc into a nice, tidy package.

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Adventures of Supergirl #10

Jun 1, 2016

This chapter is all set-up for future events, and as such it turns out to be twenty digital pages of Kara and Alex talking to a hologram. And it's not even a hologram of 2Pac! The artwork is really nice, but there's not much action to speak of and the reveals are less staggering and more intriguing. This has been a good digital series, and I am sure stuff gleaned from this chapter will have ramifications in the near future, but if you jumped on here for some reason then you might wonderwhat the hype is all about.

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Adventures of Supergirl #12

Jun 27, 2016

An overdue confession leads to some big character developments and the resolution of a hanging thread from the very first arc in the series. Fans that have read every chapter of this series will appreciate this one, but I wouldn't recommend jumping on at any point in the middle. This is the culmination of the entire series and I think preconceived information will be more important going forward. I's a very rewarding series that plays out tonally and at a similar pace to the television show.

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Adventures of Supergirl #13

Jul 12, 2016

We have reached the end of this Supergirl experiment, and if you ask me it has been a success. I'd take Supergirl stories of this caliber endlessly, if provided, but I guess DC has other plans with the print book or something. I don't mean to make this sound like Evil DC Comics hates fun and teddy bears, perhaps Sterling Gates had another opportunity, or maybe there would be some conflict with the new season of Supergirl on the CW. It just seems truncated, that's all. But even if it has been shortened prematurely, this has been a really fun series for fans of the character and the television show.

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All-Star Section 8 #5

Nov 2, 2015

If you feel like thecomics you're reading don't make you pleasantly nauseous enough, then you should definitelycheck this out. It's rude, it's crude, and it's got a rapping fallen angeldude. You'll get more insight into Six Pack and his motivations for re-formingSection Eight in this issue, but you'll also laugh your ass off and even have asurprise or two. If you're so inclined to such humor, that is. If you preferyour humor a little drier, then go read PuppetMaster.

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All-Star Section 8 #6

Dec 2, 2015

Fans of the series arerewarded with an ending that is more silly than touching, which is just what wewant. Superman acts as Six Pack's guide through his emergence as a hero, whichinvolves probably a lot more vomiting than most rebirths. I mean, I bet HalJordan puked a little when he got rid of Parallax, but do you think it wasenough barf to stand on? Ennis and McCrea have done a great, crass thing withthis book. It's not for everyone, but it's for me and other deplorable humanswith no moral compass like myself.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #21

Nov 21, 2016

Overall, unless you're severely investedin what Kaine has been up to and why he's back in the pages of Spider-Man again this really feels likea book you can skip in regards to this event. The dialogue and art are fine,but the story would have been better served as back-up material in an issue of Clone Conspiracy.  

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Aquaman (2016) #1

Jun 23, 2016

Despite the planet's contentious political climate at the moment, Aquaman yet seeks an accord with we, the land-dwelling folk of the world. This is an engaging and charming story backed up by some dynamite artwork that should really be seen and appreciated. If you walked away from Aquaman for whatever reason, then you might want to take a few tentative steps back, because this issue is certainly worth reading.

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Aquaman (2016) #2

Jul 6, 2016

An issue consisting of a single fight, no matter how nicely drawn, is still a rip-off. If you're brand new to Aquaman, it will fill in a few plot points, but it's doubtful that this issue will draw in to explore the character further. But if you've got a thing for lots of splashing, then you have found your comic book! Things are exploding and splashing all the time!

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Aquaman (2016) #3

Jul 20, 2016

An uneven story and mediocre artwork result in a middle-of-the-road score. I really hope this book gets going, because here at the third issue I feel like we've gotten almost nowhere. There's a scene with Black Manta that's pretty cool, so there's some potential for a good story here. But the "fish out of water" shtick is beyond stale at this point.

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Aquaman (2016) #4

Aug 3, 2016

This run of Aquaman is a lot like the television sitcom the Big Bang Theory in that it sucks. It's going nowhere anyone is interested in going, and it's doing it at a very slow pace. The art in this issue is nothing great, but isn't the reason the stay away from it. The reason you should stay away from it is because it may cause drowsiness and irritability.

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Aquaman (2016) #5

Aug 17, 2016

Last issue depicted Mera breaking out of prison, this one consists primarily of them escaping. Next issue will be Arthur preparing an omelet, and the issue after that will be him eating it. You'll have to stay tuned to find out whether or not he washes his dishes in the next story arc! Though the overall yarn is moving incredibly slow, this issue picks up the pace a bit, and slides some components into place that look to hopefully bring it all to a merciful conclusion. Or maybe like four more issues of running. That could be something.

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Aquaman (2016) #6

Sep 7, 2016

The pointless conclusion to a meaningless, meandering story. Some great artwork is all that saves this book's score from being a vertical line. Superman's in it, but you won't like his inclusion. Tune in next week when we have an entire issue of Aquaman making a pot of coffee.

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Aquaman (2016) #7

Sep 21, 2016

Some dangling threads are sewn up, others are pulled, and the stage is set for an interesting mystery tale, despite the fact that we already know the culprit. Though there's a lot of dialogue, much of it fleshes out the world of Atlantis and explains some of the thinking behind those for and those against collusion with the surface dwellers. Would have been nice to see some more action, but Scot Eaton renders some terrific undersea landscapes that definitely kept me more tranquil and calm. Maybe Aquaman can be my personal therapeutic fish tank.

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Aquaman (2016) #8

Oct 5, 2016

A great issue of Aquaman full of underwater action, heroism, and a surprise character revealed at the end! And this character is awesome! Mera is presented with a conflict that could have dire consequences, but probably won't because Aquaman is completely smitten with her. The art was never a problem in this series, and looks really nice here. Put it all together, and you're looking at a dang good comic book, I tell you what!

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Aquaman (2016) #9

Oct 19, 2016

A nice wrap up to a story primarily about the destruction of public property. There's some character development, we learn a little more about the mysterious Widowhood that are training Mera to be a Queen, and...Shaggy Man! Do I really need to say more? Shaggy Man throws an oil truck! I don't usually put spoilers in here but you should know that's like the least of the damage he causes! I had a great time with this two-part story and I encourage more comics to take this lead.

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Aquaman (2016) #10

Nov 2, 2016

A very Mera-centric issue that provides some answers and serves to humanize those Mean Girls at the Tower of the Widowhood. The return of a not-disliked character is pleasant, if inconsequential, and this issue directly continues the story from previous issues--but can be read as a standalone! It's a one-off! This doesn't look like it will be some bloated tale, padded out for the trade collection! It's the dawn of a new day, my fellow comics enthusiasts! The 5-7 issue story arc is defeated!

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Aquaman (2016) #11

Nov 16, 2016

The final preparations are made for what looks to be a real humdinger of a city-destroyin' slugfest! This issue reads a little slow, but we learn some important information, and more importantly characters learn things we already knew. I've enjoyed this lull before the storm, now it's time for some good ol' over-the-top comic book action!

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Aquaman (2016) #12

Dec 7, 2016

We were promised a war, and a war we shall get! Some bombastic scenes and lots of intriguing avenues make for an exciting, compelling issue that's just what the doctor ordered after the meticulous set-up. The artwork looks better to me than usual, and it's never bad, so that's probably a function of how much I enjoyed this comic book. This issue was worth the wait!

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Aquaman (2016) #13

Dec 21, 2016

The pacing and quality remains high, but somehow the stakes seem low in this continuation of Arthur Curry's wartime hijinks. For long time readers, this explosion-fest packs a lot of payoff, and even new readers will get engaged. In the explosions. Come on, it's not rocket surgery. People like explosions, eviscerated bodies drenched in blood, and butts. In that order. There are other things, but if you hit those three then you don't need to look any further.

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Aquaman (2016) #14

Jan 4, 2017

So we see the Aquamarines in action, and it's a little underwhelming. In the context of this story arc, this issue is decent, but alone it would read like the insane rantings of a madman. Which may be the point. All I'm saying that is if you decided 2017 is the year you start reading Aquaman, go a couple of issues back so you can understand the import of a Lion Fish/human hybrid.

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Aquaman (2016) #15

Jan 18, 2017

"The Deluge" comes to a satisfying, if not altogether entertaining, conclusion. Despite my relatively low score, I would say that this story arc that picked up from issue #8 has been a dependably fun time, and I would recommend it to a fan of Arthur Curry or even someone looking for a casual beach read.

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Aquaman (2016) #16

Feb 1, 2017

This issue acts as an epilogue to "The Deluge," and it's quite welcome. Aquaman is affable, funny, and helpful in the way that I like to see my superheroes behave once in a while. There's also a tease for an imminent conflict facing Arthur, but that's for a later issue. Today, let's celebrate Aquaman and why he's one of the great DC Comics characters!

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Aquaman (2016) #17

Feb 15, 2017

Our beloved Aquaman basks in the glory of adulation and the annoyance of Warhead sending telepathic hallucinations his way. A slow burn of an issue that unfolds well and keeps the reader interested throughout. Looks pretty sweet, too. Aquaman, I think you and I could be friends!

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Aquaman (2016) #18

Mar 1, 2017

You'll go from neophyte to expert where Warhead is concerned in this issue, but it's a pretty engaging story that deals with a very current topic. There's some great characterization of a compassionate Aquaman, as well as another diplomatic wrinkle that I'm sure will turn up in the future. The pacing and action of this series is very satisfying and consistent. You should give it a look.

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Aquaman (2016) #19

Mar 15, 2017

This issue continues a story line left over from the end of the New 52. Not having read those issues, I still found it perfectly easy to follow along and enjoyed the story to boot. Some good dialogue and a crazy-looking monster makes for some decent comic booking. Aquaman has been one of the most consistent titles of Rebirth (after the first arc) and those looking for a steady smile should give it a look.

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Aquaman (2016) #20

Apr 5, 2017

This story is to be continued for at least another issue, which may its biggest crime. Not a wholly bad comic book, just not a lot more than what we got last issue. Maybe I shouldn't have so many expectations, but what can I say? I had a very entitled childhood.

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Aquaman (2016) #21

Apr 19, 2017

Some interesting developments with Strange Water and an incremental passage of time still left me a little disappointed in this underwater horror tale that's just going on too long. The arc should be shorter or the story should be better. I like the basic conceit, but it ain't jaw-dropping.

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Aquaman (2016) #22

May 3, 2017

A pretty unsatisfying conclusion to this story arc includes a bit of pushback by Mera against Aquaman, probably the issue's main redeeming scene. Despite this yarn having gone for four or five issues, the ending sees half-finished. Maybe the rest comes after the next DC Comics reboot.

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Aquaman (2016) #23

May 17, 2017

If you're not getting enough politics in your waking life, well here's an extra-heapin' helpin' in your comic books. Art is phenomenal, but while the story's concept is intriguing, this bloated take is probably not integral to the arc. Save your three bucks, unless you're a completest (you're a completest, you know it and I know it.)

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Aquaman (2016) #24

Jun 7, 2017

The Council of Elder Jerks makes their decision on Aquaman's kinghood, and if you check the cover you'll see how it goes. Turns out Corum Rath's leadership style isn't all "compassionate conservative" at all, he's more of a "constantly yelling stuff" type. The ending will make you sad, partly because it seems like we have more to go on this Atlantean politics stuff.

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Aquaman (2016) #25

Jun 21, 2017

This beautifully-rendered book is a worthwhile buy based on the art alone. The story is a little flaccid, but does advance the story somewhat from last issue when Corum Rath took the Atlantean crown. Plus, Aquaman grows his hair and beard out as will be necessary for this crossover with Metal this Summer. So that's a thing.

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Aquaman (2016) #26

Jul 19, 2017

A cool story about Aquaman slumming in the mean shoals of Atlantis is made more spectacular by the terrific drawing and coloring by Stjepan Sejic. When I saw this comic was going monthly and gaining a buck, I thought it was on a death march. Now, I think we're seeing another Rebirth for Aquaman, and it's one you should take a look at.

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Aquaman (2016) #27

Aug 16, 2017

The plot thickens, and perhaps gets more murky as the waters are ever-muddied...okay, forget this terrible water metaphor. This is a pretty solid issue that looks cool, but doesn't have any great moments. The mystery of how Aquaman yet lives persists, and we get some new questions and developments besides. Hopefully this all comes to a head next issue.

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Aquaman (2016) #28

Sep 20, 2017

There's a lot going on in this issue, but there's really one thread that feels active, and it ain't about Aquaman. There are worse things, however, and I'll be glad to see how these different parts converge for what I hope will be a satisfying ending. We can enjoy the pretty pictures along the way.

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Aquaman (2016) #29

Oct 18, 2017

The three plots running in the last issue conclude in a satisfactory, if somewhat flat manner. Vulko and Ondine engage in some spectral comedy hijinks that help to break up the monotony. Elsewhere in the issue: monotony.

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Aquaman (2016) #30

Nov 15, 2017

Here, at what was intended to be the conclusion of this story arc, some new elements are introduced that render previous parts to the story pointless. So if you've been waiting to hop on the book, now's your time! But if you've been reading it regularly, you got hosed.

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Aquaman (2016) #31

Dec 20, 2017

Strong line work and coloring go a long way to make this status advisory issue something to appreciate. If you've been looking to hop on the Aquaman train, now's your chance. Faithful readers will feel less enthused.

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Aquaman (2016) #32

Jan 17, 2018

On the very last page of this issue, it's the moment we've all been waiting for. Otherwise, this book is mired in circular conversation and the same conundrums that have persisted for the last ten issues. This new art team is absolutely terrific and I hope to see a lot more from them to come. As for this plodding story arc, I hope it wraps up next issue.

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Aquaman (2016) #33

Feb 21, 2018

There's finally some payoff for a very long build-up in this series, and this issue is a sight to behold. The art team did a beautiful job that might be worth the cover price by itself. Throw in some fast-paced action and palpable stakes, and you've won my embittered heart.

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Aquaman (2016) #34

Mar 21, 2018

A little diversion from an already-bloated story might not be warranted, but it can be welcomed when it's handled by Jones and Madsen. Some rare insight into a character barely developed, but who should be central to this story. Better late than never.

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Aquaman (2016) #35

Apr 18, 2018

All of the disparate elements from the last dozen or so issues...almost come to bear here. They're about to. I can just taste it. Something is going to happen in this comic book series soon, and when it does, you'll be laughing out of the other side of your neck, jack!

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Aquaman (2016) #36

May 16, 2018

This title jogs in place for yet another issue, as the Most Sustained and Boring Revolution continues. By this point, I'd expect anyone displeased with Atlantis would have left by now. I know I would have left this comic, were I not reviewing it. Continued reading of this series is an exercise in being ripped-off.

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Aquaman (2016) #37

Jun 20, 2018

The Atlantean revolution against King Corum Rath continues and continues and continues and continues and continues and continues and continues and continues and continues and continues and continues and continues and continues and continues and continues and continues and continues and continues and continues and continues and continues.

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Aquaman (2016) #38

Jul 25, 2018

It all comes to a rapid conclusion, thanks to the events detailed in Mera #6. Oh, you haven't been reading that miniseries? Sucks to be you, bud. That's the underwater series that's actually had some stakes and forward movement.

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Aquaman (2016) #39

Aug 15, 2018

This crossover event plods on incrementally as we wait for the climax to happen. I figure it's got to be just around the bend, by rights.

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Aquaman (2016) #40

Sep 19, 2018

If you've been reading "Sink Atlantis" all along, then this issue likely ends exactly as you'd expected. If you haven't been reading "Sink Atlantis," then this would be a weird issue to have jumped on, huh?5.5/10

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Aquaman (2016) #41

Oct 17, 2018

This issue is a rollicking, fun read with lots of peril and hopelessness--just the way we like our comics! The story within is a little short on content, but the impressive visuals more than make up for that: you'll want to linger over these panels again and again.

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Aquaman (2016) #42

Nov 21, 2018

An inoffensive but very dry story that could probably be skipped, with no damage to the integrity of this "Drowned Earth" event. Do not pass "Go," head directly to Justice League #12 for actual story momentum.

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Aquaman (2016) #43

Dec 19, 2018

A new creative team brings a new status quo for Aquaman, and one that fits neatly within current continuity. A few new characters are introduced, but not so many that it's tough to keep their names straight. An intriguing beginning to a story yet to be told.

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Aquaman (2016) #44

Jan 23, 2019

We learn some more about the people inhabiting the mysterious village where Aquaman is being held--including the name of the village, from the solicit's copy--but precious little happens in this story to advance it or create any compelling moments. Nice-looking book, for sure.

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Aquaman (2016) #45

Feb 20, 2019

An epic tale of the world's beginning, told a bit too late in this story arc. Perhaps its the story arc that should be truncated. PERHAPS EVERY STORY DOESN'T NEED TO BE SIX @#$%! ISSUES LONG.

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Aquaman (2016) #46

Mar 20, 2019

Things fall into place as Aquaman and Caillie confront Namma, revealing a secret that I'm pretty sure we already knew. Now that all the characters introduced feel relevant, the story has become more compelling, which I guess is a pretty neat trick in comics today.

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Aquaman (2016) #47

Apr 17, 2019

This creative team's opening arc ends rather neatly and abruptly, but it is still pretty satisfying for those who have been keeping up. Fans hoping for a total restoration of the character might be disappointed, but the issue ends on a familiar note that bodes good things.

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Aquaman (2016) #48

May 15, 2019

Aquaman regains some of his memories, and fans ofthis series can gain some more footing in terms of what is in continuity andwhat is not. The new art team does a great job, both maintaining the designs ofnew characters and making this somewhat quiet story a joy to read. Well done.

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Aquaman (2016) #51

Aug 21, 2019

Things stall out foran issue while this “Year of the Villain” business gets shoehorned in, but it'snot an altogether offensive little pause. It's also not terribly exciting.

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Aquaman (2016) #52

Sep 18, 2019

A sliver of story slicedthinner, this issue will prove to be without great meaning later on when biggerstories have usurped it. Or when Year of the Villain concludes, whichever comes first.

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Aquaman (2016) #53

Oct 16, 2019

If you're new to Aquaman, this is a good issue tojump on…and so are the most recent five issues, because they've all been recap.There's less forward progression in this story than the Mary Worth comic strip.

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Aquaman (2016) #54

Nov 20, 2019

A by-the-numbers doling out of story elements accruedin the last four issues, to create a very contrived cliffhanger that you couldprobably guess in three tries. Give it a shot! Save yourself the four bucks forthis visually impressive comic book.

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Aquaman (2016) #55

Dec 18, 2019

Every T is crossed, every I is dotted, and it highlights how much extra baggage this story  has been dragging along. A satisfying conclusion to a bloated arc with a pretty cool development that's run into the ground in the same issue that it's introduced. Forget it, Jake. That's comics.

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Aquaman (2016) Annual #1

Nov 29, 2017

We see a future as it might be, if Aquaman had his druthers, but of course it turns out looks are deceiving. Loyal readers of DC Comics will know what's coming by the fifth page. Some cool-looking artwork goes a long way to make this issue interesting.

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Aquaman (2016) Annual #2

Oct 23, 2019

A Year of the Villain tie-in that doesn't feel like a Year ofthe  Villain tie-in. And it's a prettyenjoyable read. How about that?

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Aquaman (2016): Drowned Earth Special #1

Nov 28, 2018

At the conclusion of "Drowned Earth," things get complex and then are summarily dispatched. You might not be afraid to go into the water after reading this book, but it might put you off calamari for a while.

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Aquaman: Rebirth #1

Jun 8, 2016

Are there any questions you have about Aquaman but were afraid to ask? Well this issue will probably answer them all. Like most of the Rebirth titles, this one establishes the status quo and provides some background for stories going forward. There's a Bad Guy reveal at the end, and you've probably guessed who that is already. The art is great, and the undersea scenes look especially good. It's a nice story that won't light the world on fire, but if Aquaman picks up and turns out to be a whirlwind of a book, you'll wish you had read this issue.

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Arrow: The Dark Archer #1

Jan 13, 2016

Fans of thetelevision series Arrow would do wellto check this book out, it's well-written and the characterization of MalcolmMerlyn is spot-on. Whether or not this will give us any insight into stuffhappening on the show, I can't say, but even by itself Dark Archer is a fun read and the first issue left a lot oftantalizing threads for us to follow. I'd say that if you're not watching Arrow, then you can skip this book,unless you're Eric Shea in which case 99 cents is a small price to pay for sucha riveting cover photo.

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Arrow: The Dark Archer #2

Jan 27, 2016

This chapterreally threw out some wild concepts, and tied Arrow's Malcolm Merlyn to the DC Comics universe in a satisfyingway, at least to this old codger. It was well-paced, nicely written, and I dothink the art in this chapter was slightly better than the last one"or maybe Ijust grew more accustomed to it. Regardless, there's lots of intrigue andaction in this chapter, so if you're a fan of Arrow"and ONLY if you're a fan of Arrow"you should definitely give it a look.

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Arrow: The Dark Archer #3

Feb 10, 2016

Chapter threeplayed out differently than the previous two, and it wasn't to this issue'sfavor. We learn R'as Al Ghul's ex-wife's name, and get a better impression ofSaracon as a douchebag, but basically all that happens is Merlyn descends aflight of stairs. Some of the art in this is a little rough, but not reallyterrible at all. Except on a few flying rodents.

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Arrow: The Dark Archer #4

Feb 24, 2016

I was initially very excited tolearn more about Malcolm's sordid past, but it turns out to be barely moreinteresting than my own life. Some strange connections are made, and there's alittle fan service for adherents to the television show, but overall it's a lotof pages with nothing happening. Too bad. The art is nice, but certainly notnice enough to warrant checking this out on that alone.

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Arrow: The Dark Archer #5

Mar 10, 2016

The artwork seems really polished this chapter, moreso than in the last couple of chapters. Too bad the story is as dull as drying paint. You don't even learn anything new about Malcolm this chapter, just that he likes standing around on mountainsides. And really, who doesn't? This book better pick up or resolve quick, because it's starting to ramble on like one of grandpa's stories. And by "grandpa," I do mean Jim.

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Arrow: The Dark Archer #6

Apr 5, 2016

Can anyone still reading this series please leave a comment below explaining why? No judgment here, I genuinely want to know why you've kept up with this comic book. I am compelled by the laws of this website, but are you otherwise enslaved? Do you come from a country with a prohibitive internet and this is literally the only thing you can get? I really want to understand what other people see in this book, because all I see is space that could have been better used as an IKEA assembly instructions or a pamphlet about venereal disease.

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Astonishing Ant-Man #11

Sep 5, 2016

Some pretty funny scenes, but not a lot of story define this ending of what was a fairly exciting arc in the series. Not really the place to jump on the Astonishing Ant-Man, but still a worthwhile series, particularly if you like humor and blue-collar sensibilities in your comic books.

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Astonishing Ant-Man #12

Sep 26, 2016

Conditions are established for what is sure to be the Trial of the Century, excepting future trials whose greatness cannot be predicted. Characters are moved into place, and motives re-established, while Darren Cross gets some new duds. An intriguing enough start to a story arc, I'll be watching to see if it ramps up to an interesting story by itself.

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Astonishing Ant-Man #13

Oct 24, 2016

We say goodbye to Scott Lang, and hello to a new superhero team that is sure to have an overlooked miniseries sometime in the next ten years. The ending of this series isn't as laugh-out-loud funny as it was early on, but it does get a little bit sappy and touching, which is almost as good as a guffaw for a comic book. Any kind of emotional register will do. God, anything to get people to interact with these things, we need to sell more comics!

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Bat-Mite #5

Oct 16, 2015

Thisis really a comic you can take or leave, depending on how you feel likespending your three bucks. You can feel free to pick up this issue or any issueof Bat-Mite at random because theymore or less tread the same bland territory, with some nice artwork and a coupleof smirk-worthy gags. There is a story developing behind all of the hijinx, butso little space is given to these events and they seem so immediatelyinconsequential that I didn't even mention it in my review. I wouldn't callthis comic a must-read, but if you were stranded on a desert island with onlythis issue of Bat-Mite, things couldbe worse.

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Batgirl (2016) #1

Jul 27, 2016

Barbara Gordon has traded in her ironic t-shirt collection for fine silk kimonos and relocated to Japan, and it looks like this might be the first leg of an East Asian tour that is going to make me super hungry for dumplings. There's a lot more story to develop here, but so far it has the feeling of a Shaw Bros. kung-fu epic that will hopefully end with a super brawl at some remote monastery and the destruction of an evil despot's castle. Albuquerque and McCaig execute a specific mood and style perfectly, one that may not resonate with every reader. But then, nothing about Batgirl ever seems to, anyway.

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Batgirl (2016) #2

Aug 24, 2016

Born in Gotham some years ago/ A red-headed smarty named Barbara/ She loves to read, but what she loves more/ is fightin' 'round the world! She fights her friends and she fights her foes/ with feet and knees, fists and elbows/ If there's one thing that Barbara Gordon knows/ it's fightin' 'round the world! Learning moves and pummeling crooks and fightin' 'round the world!

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Batgirl (2016) #3

Sep 28, 2016

Batgirl recoups from her butt-whuppin' by getting down to the mystery at hand: what is specifically happening in this book. The story seems told in broad strokes, with incidental stuff like character names dropped unceremoniously in some thought balloon. The art and motion in this comic book has been phenomenal, which is little surprise considering Rafael Albuquerque is at the board. This issue has good doses of story and action, but I am beginning to lose a little faith in this series.

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Batgirl (2016) #4

Oct 26, 2016

There are too many convenient plot holes and unanswered questions in this story, and some of the answers given in this issue are incredibly stupid. I don't really mind the ideas behind this story, but the execution seems ham-fisted and sloppy. Rafael Albuquerque's art on the book is phenomenal, however, and lends a lot of drama to otherwise head-scratching scenes.

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Batgirl (2016) #5

Nov 23, 2016

The "Beyond Burnside" arc comes to a close, and I can't say I will miss it. What looked like a promising story with new locales and traditions turned into a bizarre and badly-planned conspiracy to cheat on a country-wide standardized test, and this last issue that was supposed to tie up all the loose ends was very flat and underwhelming. The relationship between Babs and Kai never came across as anything meaningful to me, and Barbara's unlikely cluelessness is boring by now. If I want to read stories about someone who doesn't know what the hell they're doing, I'd check out the police reports filed against me.

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Batgirl (2016) #6

Dec 28, 2016

A filler issue on a monthly book makes for a waste of time and money. Rafael Albuquerque's skills are wasted on a directionless series featuring an annoying character. I'd like to say that Barbara's return to Burnside is a good portent, but I've lost faith in this book under the direction of Hope Larson. Perhaps I will be proven wrong with issue #7. I was wrong once before.

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Batgirl (2016) #7

Jan 24, 2017

Well, that was a bunch of bunk. Penguin's son being in the mix is intriguing, but if the issues going forward are of this caliber, I doubt I'll care. This was almost antagonistic in its poor storytelling.

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Batgirl (2016) #8

Feb 22, 2017

The budding love between Ethan Cobblepot and Barbara Gordon blossoms...into a stink rose...or some crummy metaphor like that. This was a well-paced, terrifically-drawn issue that clicked a few story lines forward one notch, which is always appreciated. More like this, please.

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Batgirl (2016) #9

Mar 22, 2017

The basics of Barbara Gordon's world are reinforced and some more smart phone apps revealed in this pleasantly mundane issue of Batgirl. Some nice storytelling choices and an enticing confrontation with the Penguin save this book from a direct comparison to Young Romance. But it could be, still!

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Batgirl (2016) #10

Apr 26, 2017

Turns out the Internet is a dangerous thing, and I don't just mean the YouTube comments. The story creeps forward incrementally, but there are some nice character moments, and the debut of a new supervillain. There's also the debut of a new skill exhibited by an old supervillain, about which I am dubious.

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Batgirl (2016) #11

May 24, 2017

Batgirl bumbles through another fine mess and comes out fine and sippin' wine at the end. This concludes a low stakes arc that ultimately has few consequences. I sure wish Batgirl would be smart again. Anyway, it looks pretty cool, though the art is uneven in places.

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Batgirl (2016) #12

Jun 28, 2017

Batgirl solves a mystery, in a roundabout way, and it feels sort of nice. There are some problems with the story but if you can look past them, you might have a decent time with this. The artwork is nothing spectacular but the storytelling works just fine. How much is this? $3.99 now? That might be a bit much, but for a buck less it would be alright.

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Batgirl (2016) #13

Jul 26, 2017

This comic book is just silly. The story is contrived, the situations unbelievable, and the main character is a simpleton. But the artwork is really something to see in this issue. So if you've got an inclination towards the visuals, or if you like laughing at silly comics, then maybe you could give it a peek.

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Batgirl (2016) #14

Aug 23, 2017

The sparks don't exactly fly when Barbara and Nightwing meet for the first time in this post-Rebirth continuity, but there are some sweet interactions and nice combo action scenes that make for a pretty satisfying read. The usual status quo where Barbara is serious while Dick is a goofball is sort of flipped here, so long-time readers might find the new dynamic interesting to observe.

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Batgirl (2016) #15

Sep 27, 2017

A tantalizing smooch on the cover deserves a full-on make out session in the interior--but you'll have to get the issue to find out! And beyond the alleged kiss, it's a pretty nice story with some tasty clues to the mystery at hand and a lot of prequel information doled out liberally in flashback scenes. It reads slightly clunky, but that only contributes to the effect of Batgirl and Nightwing's pairing.

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Batgirl (2016) #16

Oct 25, 2017

This issue feels like a placeholder that doesn't do a lot to advance this mystery. There's some Babs and Dick smooching, but that was supposed to be the bombshell two issues ago. Now I'd just like to wrap this up with the usual stumbles and bumbles we've come to expect from Batgirl.

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Batgirl (2016) #17

Nov 22, 2017

Batgirl is in checkmate and the Red Queen holds all the cards! Dick rolls the dice and the devil's bones come up boxcars! Will our heroes pass "Go?" Will they collect two-hundred dollars?? In the end, it won't really matter, so proceed with resignation.

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Batgirl (2016) #18

Dec 27, 2017

Batgirl finds herself in another fine mess and Oliver Hardy isn't even the cause of it. Some old names, including a certain clean energy business that hasn't been mentioned in months, make cameos. And hey, Harley Quinn makes a cameo too! Still not enough to make this tale of bumbling a worthwhile read.

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Batgirl (2016) #19

Jan 24, 2018

That's our Batgirl! Tusslin' with hipsters and rubbing elbows with the Penguin and just gettin' herself into a whole mess of trouble. If you've gone this long in the series still looking for the genius Barbara Gordon of yesteryear, I feel sorry for you. Because that Babs, she doesn't live in this series.

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Batgirl (2016) #20

Feb 28, 2018

Batgirl be Batgirlin'. Even within that context, this is a pretty flat issue that offers a few gags and no real thrills. There are a few stupid contrivances and eye-rolling conveniences that are now the hallmarks of this series. So if you're coming for those, sidle up to the buffet.

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Batgirl (2016) #21

Mar 28, 2018

A Gotham City connection that should be exciting falls flat when the content of the story proves stale. The new art team handles their duties superbly, but somehow the usual chuckle-worthy situation isn't here. Maybe it will be back in the next issue.

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Batgirl (2016) #22

Apr 25, 2018

Here's a little trip down memory lane for those that have been reading Batgirl since the Rebirth issue(s). We should probably set up some kind of support group. A common, yet unforeseen twist at the end of this issue piques my interest to give #23 a look. I mean, I review the title, so I was going to read it anyway. But the end of this issue genuinely intrigued me.

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Batgirl (2016) #23

May 23, 2018

The tale begun last issue continues into this one, and it's way sillier and will make you more incredulous than before. Ultimately, Batgirl is saved by a trite bit of misogyny, which would be unlike the character except as written by Hope Larson. I think the hallmark of this run on the character is that she makes bad decisions where dudes are concerned.

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Batgirl (2016) #24

Jun 27, 2018

A one-off story about Batgirl fighting crime and bumbling a bit while righting wrongs. If I didn't know any better, I'd think this was the character I remember from the Before Time–the Long, Long Ago.

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Batgirl (2016) #25

Aug 15, 2018

A suprise four-story anthology yields some tantalizing threads for future issues of Batgirl, and a couple of stories that don't do a whole lot else but fill pages. It could be worse. Fans hoping for a return of the more familiar Batgirl from her pre-Burnside days could be enticed by this issue.

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Batgirl (2016) #26

Aug 29, 2018

Continuing right from where the story in the last issue left off, this one offers no great details about the new baddie, but plenty of potential for Batgirl to go in a new direction...including a new costume? The story offered here isn't complete, but it does make me anxious for the next issue, and that's a pretty good sign.

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Batgirl (2016) #27

Sep 26, 2018

Batgirl behaves heroically as the mystery of Grotesque's grisly murders deepens, and I am enjoying the feeling of not knowing exactly where this story is going to wind up. Curious folks and lapsed Batgirl fans should take a look, this is gearing up to be a pretty intriguing series.

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Batgirl (2016) #28

Oct 24, 2018

We meet the new Grotesque and some of the scope of their plot, but not enough to hang our hats on. Barbara's character continues to be elevated in subtle but lasting ways, and this issue has a much-needed talk between Babs and her dad, though it ran a little long. This has been a pretty cool story arc, I think I'm ready for its conclusion now.

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Batgirl (2016) #29

Nov 28, 2018

Barbara arrives in plenty of time to save the day and make the conclusion more complicated than necessary. Some nice character moments, but the story arc itself sort of fizzles out instead of finishing in a satisfying way. Plenty of satisfaction to be found, however, in the visuals.

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Batgirl (2016) #30

Jan 2, 2019

A flat, uninspired story that is offensive only in its tedium. Sensitive, bigoted types need not apply.  

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Batgirl (2016) #31

Jan 30, 2019

A slow, but methodically-paced issue that seems to be building around the story, instead of towards an immediate conclusion. I can't complain about that; if we must have six-issue story arcs to satisfy trade collecting, then let's make the padding palatable. Despite some other personal grievances, I think this is a solid issue and worth your time.

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Batgirl (2016) #32

Feb 27, 2019

Batgirl almost saves the day! If you knew how close she came, you'd be very proud. Why not pick up the issue and check it out? Comics could certainly come a lot worse than this one--and they do!

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Batgirl (2016) #33

Mar 27, 2019

Barbara's brother is on the loose, and it's time he got what's coming to him: a stern lecture! And there's more where that came from for the Commissioner, too! When Batgirl scolds, you know you've messed up.

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Batgirl (2016) #34

Apr 24, 2019

Adecent story, mindful of recent events, that drags a little bit in the thirdact. It's very cool to see one member of the Bat-Family doing detective work,and not just stumbling around like a clod. The issue ends on a good cliffhanger,so I'm hoping the next issue is more explosive.

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Batgirl (2016) #38

Aug 28, 2019

Barbara recovers from getting beaten dowm by KillerMoth and prepares for revenge. Elsewhere, Oracle is back as an independententity and she's already downloading mainframes or whatever. A middling issue ofsowing seeds that will pay off later.

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Batgirl (2016) #39

Sep 25, 2019

Some good storytelling and downright goofy exposition is ruined by uneven artwork. Long-time Batgirl fans will be rewarded here.

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Batgirl (2016) #40

Oct 23, 2019

TheTerrible Trio play comic relief in this otherwise meandering story. It iscertainly cool to look at.

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Batgirl (2016) Annual #1

Mar 29, 2017

A couple of decent but milquetoast stories make for a fairly limp Annual. The team-up we've all been waiting for winds up a bit disappointing, but is still promising. Or maybe my self-delusion is as strong as ever. In any case, there are better ways to burn through five bucks in this world.

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Batgirl (2016) Annual #2

Aug 29, 2018

A very creepy horror story that reintroduces a fan-favorite member of the Gordon family. While some scenes evoke other popular media, the issue as a whole reads very well, and perhaps rarest of all, the reader should be surprised by some of the happenings. I'm looking forward to what's going to happen in Batgirl going forward, which is a relatively new feeling.

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Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice Prequel #2

Feb 8, 2016

What you've gothere is a fairly cool scene from a movie, translated to the comic format. Mostof it takes place in one room and there's a lot of back-and-forth chatter, butthe characterization and dialogue are nicely developed and enjoyable to read.The whole comic is pretty well-executed, to be fair, it's just not exactlychock full of action. We do learn quite a bit about the world post-Man of Steel, but a lot of it isrevealed in the other chapters as well. At least the price is right.

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Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice Prequel #4

Feb 9, 2016

This comic was weird. I liked the basic idea"that we learn about Superman through the observations of others"but the execution was a little off. A little more of the post-Man of Steel world is revealed,but I'm not sure that it tells us a whole lot of value. Superman clumsily saves a bunch of people from disaster, so I guess he's doing that now. I dunno. It's tough to complain about a free comic book. But then it's also tough to read a comic solely about a conversation. My Dinner With Andre, this is not.

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Batman vs. Ra's Al Ghul (2019) #1

Sep 4, 2019

Ifyou've read Neal Adams most recent work, then you know the deal. Prepare to bedelighted and confused.

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Batman vs. Ra's Al Ghul (2019) #2

Oct 9, 2019

Atotal mess of a comic book that should be observed more as a disaster inprogress than it should be read. Masochists and dyed-in-the-wool cultists needonly apply.

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Batman: Arkham Knight Annual #1

Sep 30, 2015

This is asolid comic that details the Arkham Knight's motivations and personal fears inways that really support his characterization in the game. The art isphenomenal, and there are lots of really cool scenes, but it's not so vital orgreat that I would beat down a door to get at it. I will suggest giving thisseries a try in general, and this could be an okay place to hop on. This is a goodBatman book and I suggest you take alook.

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Batman: Arkham Knight- Robin Special #1

Nov 28, 2015

TimDrake comes across as wooden and one-dimensional in the video games, and Tomasidoes his job to bring that dullness to the comic book page. I imagine Drake isa vapid, douchebag Jersey Shore-typecharacter that fights for justice because fuckin' A dude, someone's got to bethe hero. What the fuck, Killer Croc, you lookin' at my girl?! I'll flex mytribal tattoo and knock yer ass into next week, brah! You're lucky Batman'sholding me back because I would wreck you, dude, so don't try it. Tim Drake,never fake, your face will break hahahaha nah jus' playing bro pass me a Coors Light.

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Batman: Arkham Knight: Batgirl & Harley Quinn Special #1

Dec 28, 2015

Here we get someadventures of Barbara Gordon as Batgirl and the origin of Harley Quinn asdefined by the Rocksteady video games, and it's fairly well a dud. There aresome really creative storytelling choices made by Matthew Clark, but they aren'treally worth the price of admission despite it being only ninety-nine cents.The sad thing is, if someone does a search for this comic online, they'relikely to turn up this shitty review since DC Comics didn't say word one aboutthe issue coming out. So while I have your attention, have you pledged to WeirdScience DC Comics Blog this year? Thirty dollars gets you a free tote bag.

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Batman: Arkham Knight: Batgirl & Harley Quinn Special #2

Jan 6, 2016

Its ties to the Batman: Arkham Knight video game aretenuous, and the story is ho-hum and inconsequential, but this isn't the worstthing you can get for a buck these days. I'd say a can of that "Mountain DewBerry Booyah" shit is worse. Whatever it's called, I don't know. The shit theygive kids today is deplorable. I saw a kid eating a slice of pizza and drinkinga 16 oz. "Red Bull" as a drink on the side, I almost called the police. Thatboy's heart is going to give out before he turns twenty. And don't get mestarted on the smart phones! Which, incidentally, you could use to download andread this book, if you were so inclined.

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Batman: Arkham Knight: Genesis #1

Sep 14, 2015

This is a really solid comicby some great talent, took me back to Tomasi's classic run on Detective Comics some years ago. It'sstraightforward Batman stuff with alot of the familiar trappings tweaked just enough to pique your interest. Theart is top-notch and the colors and executed nicely. If you're a fan of thevideo game or you're just looking for a classic Batman story, you should checkthis out.

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Batman: Arkham Knight: Genesis #2

Sep 16, 2015

There's nothing specificallywrong with this comic, the art and plotting are done with expertise. I just wouldn'texpect this issue to grab anybody's attention without prior interest in theArkhamverse. We do get some more insight into Jason Todd's motivations andlearn about his time as Robin, to find that he really is a selfish littlewhiner. I think that was the point: the murderous Arkham Knight is, in fact, adejected little boy. But damn, dude. That's what they made beer for.

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Batman: Arkham Knight: Genesis #3

Oct 22, 2015

Peter Tomasi continues toweave an interesting origin story for the Arkham Knight, blending it seamlesslywith what we know from the video game while paying some homage to the original Death In the Family comic book story.This issue reads a little thin since so much of it is given over to starkdepictions of violence and torture, which to be fair isn't something you reallywant to cover with a "Meanwhile" caption box. It was just a surprise; eventhough there has been violence in the first two issues of this comic, this wasa little over-the-top. Still a good issue, and it definitely makes you feel alittle more sympathy for that shrill asshole that plagues you forthree-quarters of the video game.

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Batman: Arkham Knight: Genesis #4

Nov 19, 2015

We learn some more about how Jason Todd becameArkham Knight, and it turns out that it wasn't quite a considered choice. Thisis a really violent comic book and is not for children, though the video gameupon which it is based isn't for children either, so technically no kids shouldeven be aware of either's contents. So since we're all adults here, I wouldlike to sell you on purchasing some insurance from the American Association ofRetired Partners. Superheroes may not have a retirement plan, but we should.

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Batman: Arkham Knight: Genesis #5

Dec 16, 2015

Now we aregetting to the Arkham Knight portion of this origin story, when Jason Toddamasses the money and technology that would eventually allow him to dominateGotham City. This is just a nicely-executed comic book and it was fun to read,even if it was over sort of quickly. But that's how it goes in Gotham City,baby, one minute you're Batman's sidekick and the next minute you're an angrydouchebag with ludicrously elaborate revenge fantasies. Do you think this ishow Pizza Rat started, first the butt of internet jokes and humiliating memes,and now one of the frontrunners for the GOP presidential nomination? The mindreels.

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Batman: Arkham Knight: Genesis #6

Jan 20, 2016

I had a lot oftrouble scoring this issue of Batman: Arkham Knight " Genesis. It is a prettytalky comic book. But if you've been following the story all along, and know alittle something about the Arkhamverse as presented in the Rocksteady videogames, then you will definitely enjoy the dialogue. It's been a goodminiseries"not the greatest, but thoroughly enjoyable and consistent in the waymonthly comic books should be. Hats off to Tomasi and Soy!

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Batman: The Drowned #1

Oct 18, 2017

The Dread Pirate Batwoman has her spiteful retribution on Earth-0, and it is very...wet. A great character design and perfectly atmospheric art go a long way to propel a story that is otherwise scant. Fans of Abnett's Aquaman will get a little service, but probably not enough to warrant the cover price.

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Black Canary (2015) #5

Dec 28, 2015

After four issues of not alot happening, we get a fifth issue infodump that sounds exactly asentertaining as it reads. The conspiracy against Dinah, and the mystery behindDitto and those who would kidnap her is detailed through dialogue, but withoutanything resembling a conclusion. Odd, I would have expected the first arc toconclude with this issue due to the regular practice of writing for tradecollections, yet here we are headed into issue six and we still barely knowwhat's going on. The more important question should be: do we still care?

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Black Canary (2015) #6

Dec 30, 2015

Bits and PiecesPoor pacing and lame plotcontrivances make this story somewhat of a dud, but the artwork by Annie Wu andLee Loughridge is really creative and should be celebrated. Though I don't hearany music while reading this book, some of these panels surely did sing. Thereis a big reveal at the end, which only opens another host of questions, and theway the series has been unfolding thus far I don't know if I care to know theanswers. If you can flip through this book at your local comic shop withoutgetting your knuckles rapped by the owner, I'd say it's worth that much of apeek.

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Black Canary (2015) #7

Jan 27, 2016

The first half of the book is given over to many wordballoons as we get the infodump to end all infodumps: virtually the entire plotis revealed and most mysteries revealed in about nine pages. I find thisannoying because it seems like we spent six issues dicking around for noreason. The second half of this issue is a sonic battle that is rendered sowell by Annie Wu that I couldn't get enough of it. So this issue is a tough oneto rate. Overall, despite my snit over getting so much exposition in one spot,at least there's some payoff and it wraps up to be a pretty entertaining issue.So you could give or take a half a point here, depending on your personalcrankiness.

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Black Canary (2015) #8

Feb 11, 2016

This is a pretty dense issue that reveals some ofDinah Lance's background as well as introducing a new story arc. The pacing isa little clunky, but it does the job and there are some really well-drawnaction scenes. Mea culpa, Sandy Jarrell! I will no longer consider this comicbook an Annie Wu-only production! If you've been enjoying the comic so far,then you can keep on picking it up. For new readers, I suppose this is as goodan entry point as any, but prepare to take careful notes.

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Black Canary (2015) #9

Mar 17, 2016

We take a little break here for a one-off story and I'm okay with it. Moritat does an expert job on art, as one might expect, and relative newcomer Matthew Rosenberg whips up a fun little prequel story that is a joy to read. Since the new story arc in Black Canary just began last issue, this comic didn't jostle the proceedings too much, and its high quality has kept the momentum high. This is one of those inventory issues that is like having an ace up your sleeve, and I don't think many fans of the book will mind it having been dealt.

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Black Canary (2015) #10

Apr 18, 2016

The Dynamic Duo of a bat and a bird is back in action, but this time it's Batgirl and Black Canary, and they spend half the issue talking about Black Canary's family tree. Some good action scenes in this issue, but also a huge info dump of which I could not make heads or tails. The art shift from Moritat to Jarrell is a little jarring, but it's really the extended yammering that made it more of a drag. Only two issues left to figure out whatever the hell it is we're supposed to care about involving Dinah's mother and maybe some weird Swedish dude that may or may not play an important role at the end of this series.

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Black Canary (2015) #11

Apr 27, 2016

A clunky first half of the book gives way to some ooky spooky action in the second half, that might be worth the initial ride to a lot of people. The artwork looks a bit rough, but does the job okay in a punk rock book like Black Canary. Though if Black Canary was really punk rock, it wouldn't be published by a subsidiary of Warner Bros. It would be a Xeroxed mini zine, sold in boutique shops and via mail-order. And most of it would just be collages of people's faces clipped from the newspaper with an Anarchy symbol drawn over it in magic marker. And then years down the line, you would find yourself barred from employment at the investment firm of your choice because your name popped up as being on a counterculture mailing list during a routine background search.

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Black Canary (2015) #12

Jun 9, 2016

This issue's concept was cool and handled fairly well, despite a clunky story about Dinah's mother and some demons that need to form like Voltron. Well, a two-piece Voltron, anyway. Maybe they form more like Firestorm. Annie Wu's return this issue is felt in the creative captioning, expressed as handwritten notes in the header margin, but it doesn't make this superfluous arc seem necessary. Some interesting artistic choices throughout this run will probably never be seen due to its relative banality.

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Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #1

Nov 1, 2017

A character primer for the new and a familiar tale for long-time fans, Tony Isabella does a great job writing a Black Lightning that feels relevant in the twenty-first century. Now when this Black Lightning does something substantive, we could see some great comics.

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Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #2

Dec 6, 2017

A placid issue that packs a subtle punch, the portrayal of Jefferson Pierce is one of true heroism, even as he does relatively mundane things. Which is not to say that you don't get plenty of high-zapping action, but it's the character moments that will stick with you.

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Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #3

Jan 3, 2018

A neat, emotional story that does very little to advance the encompassing plot of this miniseries. It feels like this isn't a miniseries at all, but the opening salvo to a longer run that I suppose might happen. I'd welcome it if it achieved the consistent quality of this book so far.

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Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #4

Feb 7, 2018

An exciting issue in and of itself that does little for the overall miniseries. Very readable, but not remarkable. Might serve best for instructive purposes in today's comic book climate.

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Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #5

Mar 7, 2018

A too-quick read with not much advancing the overall plot. This has been a beautiful-looking miniseries with some interesting bits, but thus far it could have been done in one issue. Here's hoping the final issue wraps things up in some amazing way that makes spending the previous twenty bucks worth it.

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Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #6

Apr 4, 2018

This series ends pretty much how we'd have guessed, and then it finds itself in the position of having several pages to fill. This is simply one or two issues worth of story expanded into six issues. In other words: a rip-off.

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Black Panther (2016) #6

Sep 19, 2016

This is a pretty good issue. Itwrapped up a sub-par arc, and set up something awesome. T'Challa is back tobeing a smart cookie, and Tony Stark plays a role. I hope the next arc andissue can start delivering on the seeds it has sown. 

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Black Panther (2016) #8

Nov 21, 2016

This issue I actually enjoyed. The whole dream sequence and the history lesson was good, though I am a sucker for history lessons. This was a nice departure from the revolution story line, and now that Shuri is back maybe she can bitch slap T'challa so he stops making stupid mistakes. The art in this issue is still really good. 

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Black Panther: World of Wakanda #1

Nov 21, 2016

This issue was really good. At least the beginning part, the backup was pretty lackluster. Which I see as proof that Coates shouldn't be on Black Panther since he did write the backup. The art however could have been better. Zola looks like a dude sometimes and a ugly chick at others. It is really weird. Anyway, if you are reading normal Black Panther than I would suggest picking this up, otherwise the issue isn't strong enough to warrant picking up on its own.

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Black Racer & Shilo Norman Special #1

Aug 30, 2017

An unexpected but very welcome great story by Reginald Hudlin about two characters that I don't think would land on many people's list of Kirby favorites. If it were selling for a buck less, I'd probably give this a 9. You should consider checking this one out, even if you're only reasonably familiar with Jack Kirby's Fourth World.

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Black Widow (2016) #7

Oct 24, 2016

This comic is an absolute pleasure to read from front to back. My only misgiving is that it doesn't have a lot of the high-flying action I associate with Black Widow, but since this is the beginning of an arc about Natasha getting revenge, I expect we'll see enough fighting soon. Waid and Samnee are a great creative pair, and I would probably follow their combined efforts anywhere.

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Black Widow (2016) #8

Dec 5, 2016

Here's a well-written, expertly-drawn, self-contained story in a comic book, and it's both fun and compelling to read. Behold, ladies and gentlemen! A comic like this from the Big Two is the choicest plum, and seem increasingly rare. I can't wait to read the next issue of this series, and I'd follow this creative team anywhere.

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Black Widow (2016) #9

Jan 2, 2017

Some great storytelling and plotting goes on a bit too long, but the surprise introduction of a familiar character and s nice cliffhanger is enough to keep my interest piqued. And let's face it, Waid and Samnee have generated enough goodwill that I would probably read three straight issues of all-black panels and no words before I figured out I'd been duped.

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Bloodlines #1

Apr 6, 2016

So this is a horror comic. I'm not sure what I or anyone else expected, but that's what it is. And if you're a fan of the genre, then you're probably going to dig this. The storytelling is excellent, makes great use visual cues as well as well-paced dialogue. You could do a lot worse than giving this comic book a look, unless you're flat out turned off by the horror genre. I still think they could have juiced another couple of bucks out of this if they stamped holographic foil over the title. 

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Bloodlines #2

May 4, 2016

There are a lot of cool scenes, but not a ton of forward motion in the story as this issue plays out like a redux of the first issue, with different maimings and eviscerations. There's a particularly disturbing scene that could have been more disturbing, but V. Ken Marion went a more tasteful route and the book is better for it. I did enjoy the issue, and I think if you enjoyed the first issue then you should follow suit with this. The fact that it was so similar to the first issue, at least in pacing and theme, however, did affect my appreciation for this comic.

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Bloodlines #3

Jun 1, 2016

Here at the halfway mark, if you haven't realized this is a bit of a love letter to eXtreme 1990s comics, then you've missed the point. The art style, the character convenience, the gratuitous all makes me want to slam a Mountain Dew and go see Rage Against the Machine! What's that? They're touring again? With Chuck D from Public Enemy and B-Real from Cypress Hill? That sounds awesome! What are they calling themselves? The Traveling Wilburys??? I'm so old.

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Bloodlines #4

Jul 6, 2016

Do you like campy slasher films and with extra gory scenes? No? Well you are in the wrong place. The rest of us enlightened folk can continue to enjoy this series, which is consistently delivering the goods by the gut-filled bucketful. There's a development with the core characters that promises to change the direction of this series, that direction specifically being a ramp up to the cataclysmic and goopy finale, since there's only two issues left to go.

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Bloodlines #5

Aug 3, 2016

If this miniseries has been working for you to this point, then there's no reason to stop the Bloodlines train, just keep on a-chugging along. For those that dropped this after the first issue, why are you even reading this blurb? Take a hike! Go read your Scouts manual or blow some bubbles or do whatever pleasant pursuit you think is more worthwhile than reading a messed-up comic book. I love this book, it's like every page is another shredding guitar solo and every panel is an obscene tongue-wagging or crotch-grabbing. Back in the 1990s, we'd say "this isn't your father's comic book!" But considering we're nearly thirty years out from the 90s, Bloodlines probably does resemble your father's comic book. So get outta here kid, scram. Leave us old folks our gore.

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Bloodlines #6

Sep 7, 2016

Someone told the creative team of Bloodlines that there wasn't enough gore in it, and they were like, "Really? Okay," and made the next issue much bloodier. Then they heard there still wasn't enough gore, and they said, "Are you sure? If you say so," and made the next issue that much bloodier. Then the creative team overheard someone say that even now, there still wasn't enough gore, so the team figured that's it, we have one more issue, let's spray veins everywhere. And that's when they learned that what they'd overheard all along was Dan Didio complaining about his pus-filled canker sore.

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Bug: The Adventures of Forager #1

May 10, 2017

This issue delves into the subconscious of Bug, and there's a lot more than building hives on his mind! Do bugs think of building hives? They don't really "think" about them at all, do they? It sort of happens on instinct. In fact, that's what "hive mind" is all about! They don't have individual impulses or wants. So that was a bad metaphor, but this isn't a bad comic. Check it out.

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Bug: The Adventures of Forager #2

Jun 14, 2017

Bug travels through time and space to pay more tribute to the work of Jack Kirby, before skedaddling off to the next setting. It's a fun issue, but Kirby aficionados only need apply. Indeed, Kirby aficionados should apply, liberally and regularly! Soak in every issue of Bug!

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Bug: The Adventures of Forager #3

Jul 12, 2017

More traipsing through what feels like Bug's fever dream, orchestrated by a stuffed animal, abetted by Jack Kirby comic books. I love looking at this thing, but this shtick is wearing a little thin. While the book's story certainly moves with gusto, I don't sense that it's moving forward.

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Bug: The Adventures of Forager #4

Sep 20, 2017

We return to the complicated adventures of Bug after two-month hiatus, and it doesn't feel welcoming. This series is increasingly difficult to grasp as the Allreds pull more minutae from the weathered longboxes of their childhood. They could have published a list of hard-to-find comic books and saved everyone the trouble of reading this.

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Bug: The Adventures of Forager #5

Nov 15, 2017

You will love this book if you grew up with Mike or Lee Allred, or are Mike or Lee Allred. For everyone else, it's like watching someone else's home movies. Great looking book, though.

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Bug: The Adventures of Forager #6

Dec 13, 2017

A series already thick with pretension and heady philosophizing at the end, which skids into a soggy conclusion that is neither revealing or satisfying. As my grandma used to say: "What a load of old crap."

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Cage (2016) #1

Oct 10, 2016

Ever wonder what a Genndy Tartakovsky-produced Power Man cartoon would look like? Well, here's your answer.

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Cage (2016) #2

Nov 28, 2016

Only buy this comic if you're a big fan of Genndy Tartakovsky's art, because there isn't much of a story to speak of. And frankly, the art isn't even that great. This is your basic comic book rip-off.

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Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #1

Oct 19, 2016

I had no history with this character going into the book, and I find I didn't need to. It was pretty intriguing and, at times, emotional enough to make me interested to know more. The artwork is highly stylized and has a very 1960s advertising aesthetic, though it straddles several styles that work more often than not. Very curious, Mr. Cave Carson. You drew me in with your cybernetic eye, but I think the organ we might learn more about is his heart.

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Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #2

Nov 16, 2016

There's a solid story emerging in this series, which may end up reading better in one sitting rather than parceled out in single issues. Still, this issue answers a few floating questions and provides some much-needed background that makes future installments compelling. The whole style of this book is fantastic, and it could easily be appreciated on its visual impact alone. I look forward to further adventures.

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Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #3

Dec 21, 2016

In order to get to the bottom of this subterranean mystery, Cave Carson and company...will have to go deeper! The plot thickens a bit, but the characterization thickens more and the story is well served for it. This is an action-heavy book with a strange sensibility that probably has a broader appeal than I give it credit for. So prove me wrong! Check out this comic book, love it, and then tell me where to stick it!

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Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #4

Jan 18, 2017

Cave and the gang fend off successive threats in turn, and there's a dangling plot point on the last two pages of the issue, but otherwise I'd say this is the most "normal" issue of the series. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, mind you, the scenes were appropriately cool and the action was wacky enough that one might think this concept could support a more conventional comic book series. But who would want that?

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Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #5

Feb 15, 2017

The extent of EBX's nefarious scheme is revealed and drugs are consumed, and not in that order. Oeming's usual ever-changing style looks even more dynamic in this issue, a by-product of either the substances consumed in-story or Oeming growing more comfortable with the series, or both. Whatever the case, I welcome it. This is one of the most unique books around and it seems to draw me deeper with every issue.

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Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #6

Mar 15, 2017

Things come to a head, but not quite a conclusion in the sixth issue of Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye. But what a wild ride! I find this book more engaging with each issue, and by now I am absolutely riveted. Not a lot of new developments in this issue, but everything we've learned and everyone we've met to this point come into play in a most satisfying way. And the most satisfying thing of all is that I can't wait to read issue number seven!

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Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #7

Apr 19, 2017

This story pulls a few switcheroos on the reader, which will be most welcome to fans of the series and the psychedellically-inclined. I suppose it's not giving anything away to say that Superman appears in this issue, except to say that he doesn't. Or does he? You gotta read it, I don't know what else to tell you! If you don't like this series, drink a bottle of Robitussin DM and try again.

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Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #8

May 17, 2017

A highly mind-bending issue that might frazzle even the most cybernetic eyeballs, there's a development here that kicks this story up to "berzonkers." The comic book has the best problem, in that it leaves you annoyed for wanting more immediately. Much like Cave Carson's eye socked is wanting for a cybernetic eye! See what I did there? Not if you're missing your eyes!

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Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #9

Jun 21, 2017

Things come to a pus-filled head on the grody surface of Whisper, as it/he/they continue their campaign of inter-dimensional psychedelic devastation. If you've been following the series to this point, you'll be glad to see this issue. If this is your first issue...well, drink some milk and lie down in a dark room. The visions should dissipate within a few hours.

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Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #10

Jul 19, 2017

This comic takes a much-needed left turn, and we're treated to some good ol' strange adventures and weird encounters that comprised much of the first arc. We meet some new characters, some that will raise an eyebrow, others that will make you feel giddy as hell! I want to give it away so badly, but I try to avoid that in these blurbs. Just go read this issue!

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Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #11

Aug 16, 2017

This comic has rounded the last corner of its final lap, and it looks like we might finish strong. While we have spent too many single issues on a specific story, this will make a solid couple of trade collections...which may have been the intention all along. Not to dismiss the fun of it! This comic is a good time but trade-waiters may feel even more for it.

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Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #12

Sep 20, 2017

A thoroughly satisfying ending to a series that kept my interest even as it tried my patience. Things wrap up the way you might have expected, through means you likely did not expect, and the stage is set for further awesome adventures, whenever they might arise. The big winner of this issue is the outrageous art and coloring by Michael Avon Oeming, who has lent such a distinctive look to this series that I dare say that it should not be attempted by others.

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Cave Carson Has An Interstellar Eye #1

Mar 21, 2018

Things are less interstellar than they are interdimensional, but let's not mince words. The fun and flash of the original series are back, so if you liked it before, you should like this now. Folks that never bothered to read the original series can also hop on here, with the understanding that you're about to read something weird.

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Cave Carson Has An Interstellar Eye #2

Apr 18, 2018

Some good, by-the-numbers comic book storytelling, with the requisite psychedelia that is the hallmark of this series. Cave Carson and co.'s adventures continue, and we're more than along for the ride--it's like we're sitting in the Mighty Mole for the experience. I just hope Cave isn't driving. That guy is a maniac.

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Cave Carson Has An Interstellar Eye #3

May 16, 2018

Cave gets to the bottom of what's ailing the Lazer Monks and Nejire, clears their Thetans and has a real bug-out besides. Here's an issue perfectly suited to Michael Oeming's unique talents, and it's a pleasure to read. I'm glad there's a hero solving psychedelic problems out there, often with the use of psychedelics.

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Cave Carson Has An Interstellar Eye #4

Jun 20, 2018

A one-off adventure of Cave and company is more than welcome, being that there's only three issues left to the series. There's a nice father-daughter moment, but you know we all come to look at the colorful psychedelics, and you get plenty of 'em here.

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Cave Carson Has An Interstellar Eye #5

Jul 18, 2018

An old character we barely met returns, and an even older character we never met also returns, and we're left wondering if we're supposed to care. I'm betting we are. The stakes feel low in this volume of the series, but it's a lot more wacky fun, and I think that's a reasonable trade-off.

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Cave Carson Has An Interstellar Eye #6

Aug 15, 2018

Cave Carson gets his redemption, and he doesn't need to sacrifice anything for it. The final issue of this already low-stakes series is almost totally devoid or intrigue or suspense. But Wild Dog makes a cameo appearance at the end, so that's nice.

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Clean Room #1

Oct 22, 2015

Some horrors are easy todescribe, but the kind of horror we see in CleanRoom is more visceral. Though many of the characters have a pugnaciousquality about them, the art is very strong and detailed and effective where itneeds to be. Perhaps you were feeling like you were sleeping too well and coulduse a few mild nightmares? Well say no more, pick up this series and wonderabout those spaced-out people pushing reflective stickers and flowers down atthe airport.

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Clean Room #2

Nov 19, 2015

The mystery deepens and even gets a little grosser aswe learn about the Clean Room and of what it is capable. The artwork is verysolid and storytelling straightforward, for the most part, and the dialogue isgreat even when it's about icky things. How do you think Gail Simone got sogood at writing dialogue when she doesn't even watch television? Do you thinkit's the real life people she talks to? Seems to contradict everything I knowabout comic creators!

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Clean Room #3

Dec 17, 2015

Things get no more normaland a lot more spooky in the third issue of CleanRoom. The story felt, at times, a bit burdensome, but the cuts happened atthe right times to keep me wanting to find out more. Jon Davis-Hunt seems to bein a good groove here, and renders some noteworthy panels that you're gonnahave to look at the comic book to see. Having enjoyed the series thus far, thisinstallment served only to whet my appetite for more, but if you were to hop onto the series with this particular issue I'd expect you'd be fairly well lost.And grossed out. But in a good way.

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Constantine: The Hellblazer #8

Jan 13, 2016

What a pleasure it was toread a comic book about two lying magicians hanging out at an evil clubfilledwith torture and gore. The story is good, the characterizations were better,and the art runs away with everything in the ad hoc awards show taking place inmy head. And for best animal used to menace captives: the rooster-headedpython! For strongest thighs and calves: John Constantine! Thank you, ladiesand gentlemen, drive safely. And thank you, creators of this particular comicbook. It is really picking up steam now.

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Constantine: The Hellblazer #9

Feb 11, 2016

The characterization of John Constantine is fantasticand his Lethal Weapon routine withPapa Midnite is wonderful. This is a really enjoyable, well-paced comic bookthat should have fans of DC's creepier side flocking. The artwork alone"oh theartwork! Minstrels should be singing its praises o'er the countryside, wavinglinen prints of the splash pages like fluttering flags,beckoning children, squealing with laughter and grasping reflexively with their pudgy little fingers, to run behind and follow this art where it may go.

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Constantine: The Hellblazer #10

Mar 10, 2016

Despite Travel Forman filling in on art for the worshipful Riley Rossmo, I was able to get into his style as the book went along and very much appreciated his clean lines in Fairy Land. Unfortunately, Fairy Land turned out to be more of a waylay, John got all sulky and resolute, and then he and Oliver fight about who is more self-sacrificing for like four pages. Eh. Still interested in seeing Papa Midnite take his club back from Neron, though.

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Constantine: The Hellblazer #11

Apr 14, 2016

Like Ice Cube said, "L.A. ain't all surfing, son," and John Constantine knows that all too well as he is rebuked by those he solicits for help. Of course, his being a prick and apparently covered in sewer much doesn't ingratiate him to anyone, either. Deadman makes a cool cameo in this book that is really funny, but I get the feeling this whole story has been cut a bit, almost as if the comic book were going to end and then be rebirthed in a few months as something else. Just a funny feeling I have!

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Constantine: The Hellblazer #12

May 11, 2016

We're back in New York City with John Constantine as he tries to undo the damage wreaked by douchebag demon Neron, and it feels good to get back to the main story. The contents were a little thin, unfortunately, and the art was serviceable but not great. I'm interested to see how this all turns out, but with the stark changes in interior artists coupled with a few issues that seem like unnecessary padding, I don't know that I would recommend this run to a prospective Constantine fan. I guess we'll find out after the last issue!

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Constantine: The Hellblazer #13

Jun 9, 2016

You may need to consult with your satanic accountant to comprehend this issue to its fullest, but it is a good story and a nice conclusion to the series. The characterization of John Constantine as a hapless dickhead was conveyed well, and despite what seemed like unnecessary padding over the last few issues, it's been a good read. Ever stop to think that Constantine is sort of the Ziggy of the magic world? A lovable loser who always mucks things up despite his best intentions. I want to see one-panel comics of John Constantine getting peeved off at a department store's Returns counter or being mocked by God. Get on that, DC!

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Creepy Comics #24

Jul 5, 2016

Fans of old school horror comics rejoice! Dark Horse is here to scratch that itch with this high-quality, reasonably-priced anthology series in the vein of the original Creepy and Eerie titles of yesteryear. I suppose if you're lame and don't like horror comics, then this will hold no fascination for you. But if you're a normal, gore-loving closeted sadist with an unspeakable blood lust, then yeah, sure, you should check it out.

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Cursed Comics Cavalcade #1

Oct 10, 2018

Another mixed bag of stories, with a couple that are pretty good, a couple that are pretty bad, and the majority of them are shrug-worthy. Too much investment for too little return overall, me thinks.

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Daredevil (2015) #8

Jun 27, 2016

A gripping tale of high-stakes poker, and I'm not being sarcastic! The pacing and potting of this issue take center stage to tell some engrossing mysteries, some for the Matt Murdock to solve and some for the reader to solve alone. The art serves the story well, but I think the muted color palette made the action a little less than it could have been. Still, a very good issue worth picking up if you like good storytelling.

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Daredevil (2015) #9

Jul 18, 2016

You won't find a ton of progression in this five-part story, but it is a lot of fun and features Spider-Man, who only increases that fun. Goran Suduka's art steals this show in this issue, as he renders cityscapes and interiors and compressed musculature with equal aplomb and a unique style. I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for his work in the future, and considering how unique and lively it is, I should have no trouble spotting it going forward.

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Daredevil (2015) Annual #1

Aug 8, 2016

Two fairly tepid stories that seem unlinked to the prevailing narrative make for a pretty disappointing issue of Daredevil. This iteration of the character seems burdened by past versions and pays a lot of service to the Daredevil fanboy, but provides little in the way of interesting stories or characterization. I mean here, Matt Murdock is District Attorney of New York, yet the last time we saw him in his civilian garb was three issues ago--and then he was in a Chinese casino, not litigating at all! The whole thing seems like a missed opportunity, and as we head into another renumbering I wonder if I should bother being attached to this book at all. 

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #6

Oct 19, 2016

I will gladly eat my share of crow for having doubted this series, because I must say I am enjoying it quite a bit. One should put on their Frank Miller hat before reading, but once applied I think you'll find this is tonally in lockstep with Dark Knight Returns. The story itself is okay, perhaps not worth the cover price, but not an abominable rip-off either. And Kubert does a bang-up impression of Miller's artwork while he was in his prime. I still say you should check this out in trade if you just want to read a fun story, but that is more than I might have recommended when this was first announced.

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #7

Dec 28, 2016

Some interesting developments with Batman, Gotham City, and Kara make for a reasonably interesting, if all too fast read. This is the direct sequel we should have gotten from Dark Knight Returns, and it will probably read a lot better in a trade collection. So if you can wait until 2024 when that comes out, then it might be for the best.

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Dark Night: A True Batman Story #1

Jul 9, 2016

Paul Dini's story of the time he got mugged turns out to be a self-revealing tale about finding one's confidence, and the ongoing struggle to maintain it. Eduardo Risso's watercolors are lively and convey the many disparate intellectual properties withefficiency, even a particular IP that isn't part of the Warner Bros. collective! I'd have expected to recommend this to fans of Paul Dini's work or to comic book fans in general, but having read it I think I recommend it to everyone. The feelings described in this book are, I think, fairly universal, and not often discussed in even the most emotional novel.

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Darkseid Special #1

Aug 30, 2017

A pretty solid Darkseid story and a fairly middling OMAC story do not really make for a good five-dollar value (though the Burnham/Fairbairn cover helps.) Yet Jack Kirby fanatics might find it indispensable. Meh. What else are you gonna spend five dollars on, a Happy Meal? Maybe check this out, then, if your kid is acting like a jerk.

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DC / Hanna-Barbera: Green Lantern/Space Ghost #1

Mar 29, 2017

A reasonably touching story and some unbelievably great artwork makes for one solid issue of a comic book. This one, specifically. Don't know if I want too much more of it, but I liked what we got. Howard Chaykin does a story in the back which will probably make you want to smoke cigarettes. This is a weird comic book and only bonafide weirdos need apply.

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DC / Looney Tunes: Legion of Super Heroes/Bugs Bunny #1

Jun 14, 2017

If you read Paul Levitz's run on the Legion of Super-Heroes, then you might enjoy this comic. Otherwise, I imagine you'd find it pointless. Essentially the same story is repeated twice, though the second one is closer to the Silver Age style than the other. Eh. It's better than Space Jam.

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DC / Looney Tunes: Lobo/Road Runner #1

Jun 21, 2017

Harken ye to the sad tale of a mutated coyote's unrequited desire to catch and eat a road runner. Leave with heavy hearts but enlightened minds...or lightened minds. This story is pretty boring to be starring the Main Man and the Fast and the Furious of the Looney Tunes set. The back-up is nominally better.

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DC / Looney Tunes: Jonah Hex/Yosemite Sam #1

Jun 28, 2017

If you've got a Jonah Hex itch, then this might be the comic book to scratch it. If you've got a Yosemite Sam itch...well, that's sort of weird, but yeah, this might fit the bill, too. Any other itches we should know about? I hope none of them are contagious. This issue was decent fun and should please fans of Jimmy Palmiotti's work in DC Comics' Wild West.

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DC Beach Blanket Bad Guys Summer Special #1

Jul 25, 2018

As expected, it's a mixed bag of mostly fun stories that should have little effect. Ten bucks is a bit much for this; I would have liked it a bit more at eight dollars. Nice batch of visuals, though, for your money.

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DC Comics: Bombshells #60

Sep 2, 2016

A lot ofreal-world history mingled with phony locations and personnel are what great comics are made of, and this one is stuffed to the seams. The story is really interesting, and might be of particular interest to history buffs, though it is really wordy and not exactly full of the punching and kicking we've come to expect from comic books. The art is great, very tight and yet lively, and I sure would like to see more of it in the future.This is a cool comic book, worth checking out for the dollar!

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DC Comics: Bombshells #60

Sep 9, 2016

A pretty action-packed chapter that reveals some more of the tortured history of the Bombshells, as well as a weirdability of Batwoman's (that might be new only to me.) Though this is a three-part story, the conclusion isn't very...conclusive, and this will probably make a very cogent print issue. As digitals, though, it's a little disappointing. The art is solid, and I did think this chapter was good fun. Just didn't seem like the ending to anything.

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DC Comics: Bombshells #61

Sep 17, 2016

A little more intrigue, some friendly interactions, and spooky ancient blood gods make for a pretty cool chapter. This is sort of like Scooby-Doo crossed with H.P. Lovecraft. Except a lot of the characters have boobs. Also I didn't detect any overt racism. The artwork is spectacular in this chapter, and well worth the purchase price alone. Come on, ya cheapskate!

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DC House of Horror (One Shot) #1

Oct 25, 2017

This score constitutes an average of the scores fromeach story in this anthology, but overall I'd say this is a worthwhile purchasefor your favorite junior high schooler that bends towards horror orsuperheroes. Or both.

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DC Universe Holiday Special: 2017 #1

Dec 6, 2017

A strange collection of stories, most related to the holiday season only tangentially. Some of the tales are downright morbid. Which, come to think of it, reflects Christmas at my house pretty well. The price point is prohibitive.

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DC's Nuclear Winter Special #1

Nov 28, 2018

As you might expect of an anthology series: a mixed bag of stories. More on the lame side than not. The post-apocalyptic setting is interesting but makes some of the stories that allude to its causes a little confusing. Not a bad stocking stuffer, for a few dollars less.

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DCeased #1

May 1, 2019

This foray into superhero zombification is interesting, and uses some entrenched DC lore in a satisfying way that makes sense. In comic book terms, that is. It's not like they've created the formula for a real zombie outbreak here…or have they???

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Deadman (2017) #1

Nov 1, 2017

Only those hep to the jive of a Neal Adams solo jam will enjoy this, but BOY will you enjoy it! The art seems tighter than usual, but best of all is the mind-bending story that neatly contains a full history of Deadman. Now to get all that into one comic book is a feat in and of itself.

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Deadman (2017) #2

Dec 6, 2017

Some intense spectral battles and a devastating beatdown on the grounds of a circus gives way to a meeting of some of the DCU's most famous folks from the afterlife. The emotion is keyed really high in this comic, which might turn some people off. But if you can stand the dizzying effect of these high-flying feelings, then you might find this trapeze act to your liking.

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Deadman (2017) #3

Jan 10, 2018

More rubber-faced goodness from the mind of Neal Adams. I can't, in good conscience, give this a high score because I think it takes a certain sensibility to get into it. But if you are of that sensibility, then you'll have great fun with this comic book. Do you enjoy Godzilla vs. Hedorah? The Butthole Surfers' music? That's the kind of sensibility I mean.

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Deadman (2017) #4

Feb 14, 2018

I know you think I've given this comic book a low score, but I want you know that I know that you think I've given this a low score, so give that a think, hm?

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Deadman (2017) #5

Mar 21, 2018

The cover says this is a search for Ra's Al Ghul, but instead it turns into a big magic brawl against monsters and robots. Same difference, really.

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Deadman (2017) #6

Apr 18, 2018

This issue is the biggest rip-off of the series thus far--that's right, thus far--but if you've come along to this point, I suppose we can keep strolling along this insane road together. Because it turns out that this six-issue miniseries was actually the first book of (at least) two. I'd like to say all will be revealed in a subsequent miniseries, but we know it won't.

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Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #1

Oct 5, 2016

A spooky location and a sensitive medium seem like great components for a Deadman story, but it hasn't taken off yet. Indeed, this Deadman doesn't seem familiar, and I wonder if this might have been served better as a prose novel. I suppose that's something we can assess once this short series is concluded.

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Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #2

Dec 7, 2016

The plot thickens as Berenice learns more about Adelia's sordid past and why ghosts get stuck at Glencourt Manor. Perhaps it thickens, however, a bit too slowly. Could have stood this losing a buck off its cover price, while we're on the subject.

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Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #3

Feb 8, 2017

This story took a little too long to come around the bend, and by the time we get to the conclusion it's a wonder we made the trip at all. Deadman is an afterthought in this series, but even on its own it's a fairly paltry horror tale. Sort of a mediocre romance tale. But that Dark Mansion! That's an architect's dream!

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Dial H For Hero (2019) #1

Mar 27, 2019

Learning just enough about the Hero Dial to definitively say we know nothing, this issue is all about possibilities. The setting in place, it is now up to the players to perform, and the readers to read. And to buy. The readers have to do that, too.

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Dial H For Hero (2019) #2

Apr 24, 2019

Themystery of the H-Dial and the Thunderbolt deepens, and we get to see a couple moregoofy, stylized superheroes. If you were expecting something else from thisseries, you were barking up the wrong telephone pole. But if you're disposed tothis sort of thing then you'll probably enjoy the latest iteration.

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Dial H For Hero (2019) #6

Aug 28, 2019

If you love comic books in general, then you shouldbe touched by this Superman-centric love letter to the medium, Other folkswould probably be confused by it.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #9

Jun 27, 2016

If you ever get the call from an ethereal beacon to trek to a monastery in the Himalayas, here's a tip: don't heed it! It's freezing cold up there and you'll probably have wasted your time. Doctor Strange continues to gather artifacts in preparation for his final conflict, in this story arc that looks to be about two issues too long, yet somehow each issue is a freakishly quick read. You get a lot of bang for your buck, however, poring over the exquisite artwork and layouts.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #10

Aug 8, 2016

The finale of "The Last Days of Magic" ends less like an awesome Doug Henning spectacle of fireworks and bejeweled albino beasts, and more like a creepy David Blaine card trick on the street that makes you feel cheated. There really are no great developments in this issue that required a four-issue build-up, and the conclusion casts Doctor Strange in a less sympathetic light than before. This comic's saving grace is its artwork, which is sort of like an ethereal graffiti that is rich in texture. That alone is not worth the cover price.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #11

Sep 12, 2016

Dr. Stephen Strange is on the skids, and I think that includes his tighty whities. After some failed shortcut attempts to restore the world's magic, seems like there's only one thing to do: start from scratch and rebuild it one spell at a time! The art looks great in this book and really works great with the story. I especially liked how the "magic world" is expressed. Plus, a throwback to Doctor Strange's origin! Which actually happens quite a lot. But still! I dug it!

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Doctor Strange (2015) #12

Oct 10, 2016

Some nice, chunky artwork and some appearances by Ditko-era characters doesn't absolve me of the feeling that we've been cheated. Looks like the two Doctor Strange comics that came out in the month of September were meaningless, since the post-Imperikul story begins here. There are some cool elements of Doctor Strange's new unmagical condition, but not enough to mask my distaste. Maybe the rest of this arc will prove my annoyance to be unfounded.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #13

Oct 24, 2016

Here's a filler issue to expand this story arc into a neat five- or six-issue trade paperback collection. This is the second time the series has clearly done it. I've about had it, this book is an absolute rip-off since you need read only two-thirds of the issues that are released. This comic book deserves a FU 5 because it always seems to be biding its time and I'm growing less interested in the potential payoff by the issue.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #14

Nov 21, 2016

A fun little romp through a conceptual stylish Hell that reads a bit too quickly for my liking. You will want to pore over the lushly and grossly illustrated pages, however, and there are lots of funny moments to hold your interest. This was perhaps the singularly most entertaining issue in the entire series, even if it didn't bring us demonstrably closer to the end game face-off with Baron Mordo.

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Doctor Strange (2015) Annual #1

Oct 3, 2016

A cute throwback story for long-time Doctor Strange fans, that seems primarily to set up some future story and reinforce the fact that Stephen Strange is a jerk. The art is really nice, reminiscent of David Aja, and this looks to be the visual trend of the last issue or two. There's a backup that provides some back story for the forthcoming Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme series, and it's a nice enough story but not entirely worth paying another buck for. The first story is good enough.

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Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #1

Oct 31, 2016

Sort of a lot to throw at the reader for a first issue, but you won't come away feeling ripped off. Fans currently reading Doctor Strange will probably appreciate this the most, though I wouldn't call it a requirement. Some really solid art and good use of whatever nightmarish visions plague Javier Rodriguez's waking hours made this a real worthwhile read--but if you don't liken to horror or magic-based heroes, then you might want to steer clear.

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Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #2

Nov 28, 2016

Some talk-laden meandering and a rather flat ending are the low points that keep this book from being the exciting mystical romp it could be. The assembled team is pretty interesting, however, and each has their own back story that I will be curious to learn about. There are certainly less-deserving comic books out there that get more notice, but I'd say that only serious fans of Doctor Strange need apply here.

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Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #3

Jan 2, 2017

Most of this book is a long and winding conversation, but there are a few scenes of action and intrigue that make it worth a look. The storytelling and plotting is fairly straightforward, so anyone worried about offbeat comic book layouts can read without compunction. This issue makes me want to read more issues, which is fairly well the point of comic books, I think. That, and giving us something to write about.

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Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #4

Jan 16, 2017

This issue tells us a little more about another member of the Sorcerers Supreme, this time the Conjuror, whose character is still somewhat enigmatic but whose whole style and weaponry is terrific. When they're betrayed by one of their own, the Sorcerers find themselves on the metered end of poetic justice, and Doctor Strange wonders if he'll still have a future when this is all over! I imagine he will, I mean even if his powers are diminished, fortune tellers can make some pretty good tax-free coin in the right location.

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Doctor Strange: Mystic Apprentice #1

Oct 31, 2016

Bits andPieces:  This comic book sort of came out of nowhere, but it's not a bad read. Without critiquing the classic Lee/Ditko stories included in the issue (it wouldn't be fair), the new story is enjoyable enough, introduces some new characters, and is reasonably well-plotted. I'm just not sure if we'll be seeing more issues of this series, or if this ties into one of the other Doctor Strange properties floating around at the moment. I guess we'll find out soon enough!

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Doom Patrol (2016) #1

Sep 14, 2016

A pretty surreal comic that may be impenetrable to readers that are brand new to the team, Doom Patrol #1 is packed with stuff to dazzle your eye and fry your brain in the grand tradition of the series. Our new hero Casey Brinke is really intriguing and all of the new concepts introduced in this comic are highly strange. The art was perfect, like a psychedelic TinTin. Buy this book if you think your workaday life has gotten stale.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #2

Oct 12, 2016

The reintroduction of some favorite characters brings the usual chaos and confusion that seems to surround Casey Brinke's life, but the team is coming together, piece by piece. The artwork is absolutely wonderful throughout and there are lots of intriguing moments that might be meaningless to a brand-new reader. I have a solution! Read every single Doom Patrol comic book from 1963 to 2011 and then come back to this series! You might get a lot more out of it.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #3

Nov 9, 2016

Some questions are answered and some answers are questioned and all things come to pass in the magical realm of Dannyland! New fans of the Doom Patrol will find some backstory within that will probably be relevant, and all the plots seem to be moving along at a good pace that just makes me want more and more. But the clincher is these awesome comic book parodies that need to be seen to be appreciated. And you should be seeing them. So get on that.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #4

Jan 25, 2017

Though the time gap between the last issue and this one diminished some of the momentum, this is a great issue that answers a ton of nagging questions without introducing too many more. There's funny moments, gross moments, confusing moments...not a ton of action, but there's a bunch of heavy metal band names based on DC Comics properties. So that'll keep you busy for a couple of minutes.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #5

Mar 22, 2017

A lot happens in this issue, though we wind up more or less in the same place we start. Plenty of high weirdness to satisfy your DP longing, but it's been a pretty long wait for the story to move incrementally. Luckily, in a book like this that can mean progress in several dimensions.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #6

Apr 26, 2017

There's some cool concepts, and the return of a fan-favorite character, but it all happens so quickly that I found it a bit unsettling. I think the overall story of this first arc has been good fun, but the last two issues have seemed a little over packed when taken individually. I know, I'm usually the guy saying stories are too decompressed in comics these days, but I guess with the Doom Patrol I want to luxuriate in the weirdness a little longer.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #7

Jul 26, 2017

Even though it's been a long time since the last issue, and we've got a guest artist on this one, it fell right in step with the series and felt just like coming home...if you live in a day-glo, psychedelic funhouse in another dimension, that is. Would that we could! Danny, come pick me up, I'm ready to commit! Doom Patrol forever.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #8

Sep 6, 2017

This issue picks up from the storylines left in issue #6, back in May. As a result, there's a lot of exposition to remind the reader of all the goings-on. There's some implied interspecies sex, and a new status for the Negative Entity, but it feels a little like we're in the tutorial stage of this Doom Patrol: The Second Arc video game. I hope the first level proper is coming next issue.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #9

Nov 22, 2017

A familiar villain's appearance is cool, but a bit unearned before a series has even gone into double digits. How each character recursively fits into this story is always fascinating, and artistically this title extremely strong. But the constant delays make it difficult to sustain enthusiasm for the book over an extended period.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #10

Jan 24, 2018

This issue is trying to be a little too cute for a series that comes out so irregularly. Next issue's solicit has been pulled already, so like I tell you every time an issue of Doom Patrol comes out, wait for the trade collection. Though the way this issue seemed tossed together like a large salad, that collection may not be worth your time, either.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #11

Apr 25, 2018

This issue could be titled "Everything You Wanted to Know About Young Animal's Doom Patrol, But Were Afraid to Ask." Many loose ends are tied up, in rushed and unsatisfying ways that should please only the most sycophantic reader. The rest of us will know we've been hoodwinked when we see the final panel's suggestion that we pick up the "Milk Wars" trade collection. That's the unkindest cut of all.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #12

Oct 31, 2018

Delays notwithstanding, this book is a rip-off. Even fans of the Reynolds clan from this series–all six of you–will feel cheated by this crap. I've no specific beef with the art team, except for their involvement here. Choose better projects.

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Eternity Girl #1

Mar 14, 2018

This comic is about a woman facing her own obsolescence late in life. To make matters more complicated, she's also omnipotent. Is anyone looking to hire a goddess for their burgeoning society?

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Eternity Girl #2

Apr 11, 2018

A kind of clunky issue that manages to bump against some comic book themes that will be familiar to the seasoned reader. Caroline Sharp's malaise is warranted, but wearing thin. The reader isn't supposed to be as morosely bored as the character they're reading about.

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Eternity Girl #3

May 9, 2018

Some new information is revealed about Caroline, and she gains a new sense of purpose, just in time for Armageddon. Isn't that always the way? As this story congeals, it begins to taste like marmalade...laced with psychedelics. My favorite flavor!

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Eternity Girl #4

Jun 13, 2018

This issue is the most fun of the series, since it shows several contextual scenes taking place in various Caroline-derived realities. But the overall storytelling is lacking, and some of the characters feel forgettable, which makes for a somewhat frustrating read in single issues.

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Eternity Girl #5

Jul 11, 2018

This issue serves well to re-establish the somewhat confusing events leading up to it, but provides very little forward movement. We are positioned for a grand finale, so I suppose it has done what a penultimate issue in a series should do. Some great storytelling by Sonny Liew, but the story might be too obtuse for normal comic book layouts. Or perhaps my drugs have worn off.

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Eternity Girl #6

Aug 8, 2018

The impending End to All Things doesn't happen, which you might have guessed since you are still in existence and reading this blurb. This was a nice-looking series, but the ending fell pretty flat. I guess when the only things that can happen are either every dimension  collapsing into nothing, or not that, then the former is the logical recourse.

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Far Sector #1

Nov 13, 2019

A nice-looking and interesting comic that feelsa little bloated with exposition. GreenLantern fans should definitely check it out.

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Female Furies #2

Mar 6, 2019

Turns out it's not just the creepy men that subject the Female Furies to rigorous, unspoken expectations—other women do it, too! If you can accept that these characters resemble the originals in an only visual manner, then you're still left with a pretty dull story. Of course, the whole miniseries should conclude before we truly evaluate it.

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Female Furies #3

Apr 3, 2019

The story moves along, with a few permissible hiccups, but fails to capture the reader's attention. Despite the issue being weak visually, there are some cool scenes of Apokoliptan interiors that should interest any fanatics for the anti-life equation.

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Female Furies #4

May 1, 2019

The gripping story of professional sexual harassment against the backdrop of Apokolips and the Female Furies has become the boring story of professional sexual harassment. Why the effort to make this an illustrated and colored comic book was made is beyond me.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #16

Mar 9, 2016

A couple of cute stories,and also: Damien Wayne! Do you think he likes Maps? I mean, does he “like” likeMaps? Because I think Maps “like” likes him! Oooooh Maps has a boyyyyfrieeend!Ken Niimura does the second story in this book, and it is going to melt yourcold, unfeeling heart. If it doesn't then you are probably clinically dead.Everyone did a good job for this issue, but Niimura really stole the show.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #17

Apr 18, 2016

Some nice stories and some great artwork equals a really worthwhile comic book. The connecting thread of this clip show is a little thin, but it doesn't have to be anything too dramatic for what is basically a light-hearted romp through the spooky side of Gotham City and the DCU. Frankly, if this was the format for Gotham Academy going forward, I'd probably be okay with it. But if it isn't, then it's still a good time, well worth checking out (from the beginning of this arc) if you're curious about the students of Gotham City's third-creepiest institute of learning.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #18

May 11, 2016

"Yearbook" has concluded, and you know what? I liked it a lot. I don't know that you could sustain a book indefinitely in this format, but luckily the publisher doesn't intend to. Gotham Academy will be back next September with the "second semester," and will crossover with Lumberjanes this summer which is a series I WILL be reviewing. This last arc in Gotham Academy before Rebirth has been entertaining and mostly of a high quality, and I think the editorial staff in particular should probably take a bow here. 

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Gotham Academy (2014) Annual #1

Aug 31, 2016

Here's a solid, entertaining story, rich in Gotham lore of the past...and future! Instead of centering on Olive and Maps as usual, this issue focuses instead on the secondary cast of the book, and to good effect. Various artists contribute a wide range of styles to this issue, and the way the tale is structured allows for it. A great showing from the old Gotham Academy writing team that bodes well for the new issues coming in September!

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Gotham Academy: Second Semester #1

Sep 14, 2016

Folks that read and enjoyed the first semester will find a lot of payoff in the second semester, though the story is a little different than the madcap antics we're used to. New characters are introduced, new information is learned, and kids skulk around in the passageways between walls, which is what this book is all about. The art is fabulous, and retains the "painted animated cel" style of the previous volume. All that, and Professor Macpherson's fresh cranberries!

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Gotham Academy: Second Semester #2

Oct 12, 2016

This issue is very Maps Mizoguchi-centered, which is a relief after the previous issue that barely featured her at all! While there are lots of cute moments and some groundwork is laid for future stories, the whole thing is rather dull. The shocking conclusion isn't shocking at all, and the perceived threat to the school's integrity doesn't translate. I guess there are worse comics out there: ones that don't feature Maps Mizoguchi at all.

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Gotham Academy: Second Semester #3

Nov 9, 2016

The mysterious head of the Witch Club is revealed, and I'm not sure if I've seen her before in this book, or if I even care. The whole thing was sort of bland and contrived, and felt more like a Scooby-Doo? Where Are You? cartoon than a comic book. There are some tantalizing seeds sown for future issues, though, and I do appreciate the fact that this was a two-part story instead of some written-for-trade monster. Fans of the series will want to check it out.

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Gotham Academy: Second Semester #4

Dec 14, 2016

Here's a meandering, out-of-continuity story that is better executed than conceived. As always, a very pretty-looking book, but it's gone a bit off the rails lately, focusing more on the Scooby-Doo hallway hijinks than the characters that made this series interesting. Also, there's been much less Maps involvement lately! Look, Gotham Academy Second Semester team, you know what side of the bread your butter is on! Make with more Maps!

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Gotham Academy: Second Semester #5

Jan 11, 2017

This episode picks up from the cliffhanger two issues ago, and it's about as exciting as you'd expect a school expulsion to be. Lots of disjointed scene jumping between meaningless moments make for an unsatisfying and confusing read. It's as pretty look at as it ever was.

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Gotham Academy: Second Semester #6

Feb 8, 2017

Last issue Pomeline and Tristan were investigating an ancient Gotham Academy mystery. And they continue to do so! Also featured in this issue: not much else. Eric has a symbol-related freak out, but you can tell that from the cover.

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Gotham Academy: Second Semester #7

Mar 8, 2017

We finally get to the bottom of Olive's mysterious roommate Amy...and it's cool enough, I guess. I think this story has just gone on for too long, and Colton's expulsion feels like a red herring for the actual story, which is in this issue. That's a good thing. Here's hoping my interest can be rekindled going forward.

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Gotham Academy: Second Semester #8

Apr 12, 2017

The pacing has been way off for this whole series, but now we come to the payoff. And it's pretty mediocre. I think it's time some children got left behind.

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Gotham Academy: Second Semester #9

May 10, 2017

The explosive last arc of Gotham Academy Second Semester begins with a weak "baf!," as some familiar characters are reintroduced to virtually no effect, and most of the cast talks a lot. I hope this flickering flame will eventually burn bright and hot--and briefly.

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Gotham Academy: Second Semester #10

Jun 14, 2017

Another day, another issue of Gotham Academy Second Semester that brings us virtually no closer to a satisfying conclusion to this school year. I mean, I suppose we'll be satisfied because it's finished, but that's like an actual school year. And I definitely failed this time.

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Gotham Academy: Second Semester #11

Jul 12, 2017

This book should be coming to its ultimate point, but it's still fumbling around in the dark. Maps and Damian make a cute couple, but most of this issue is snoozers. One more shot, fellow Academites! (That's what Gotham Academy fans are called, right?)

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Gotham Academy: Second Semester #12

Aug 9, 2017

This issue ended in a way that was very respective of the series: it was just more prep school dopes fumbling around for books in the dark while a cool fire rages elsewhere entirely. Do the creators not know that people like fire more than looking for moldy books? I'd say it's probably 50:1, fire versus books. I wish I could say the ending was satisfying, but the only satisfaction I feel is not having to read it next month. A missed opportunity for a concept that could have led to some cool stuff.

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Gotham City Monsters #2

Oct 9, 2019

A fairly interesting if slightlyperplexing team of monsters is assembled through clunky storytelling andcontrivances. It all works, story-wise. But you have to want it to.

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Gotham City Monsters #3

Nov 13, 2019

A wacky team of inhuman beasts killsother creatures. This whole thing feels like a joke without a punchline. So it'snot unlike the Archie comic strip, ina way.

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Green Lantern (2018) #1

Nov 7, 2018

A much needed reintroduction to the trappings of the Green Lantern Corps is welcome, if not altogether thrilling. We see space cops in action, and Hal Jordan whipping up constructs. It's too early to get overly jazzed for this series, but all signs look positive.

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Green Lantern (2018) #2

Dec 4, 2018

The series begins proper with a couple of crimes to solve and the dispensing of a Silver Age character. No hints on which one! This issue is highly readable and offers some pretty compelling moments that should pique your interest for the next issue. But if Hill Street Blues was never your thing, then this issue might run cold for you.

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Green Lantern (2018) #3

Jan 9, 2019

The fate of the Earth is sealed! And most of its inhabitants seem cool with it. Hal Jordan's by-the-books police technique might not jibe with every sleep-n-eat and ne'er-do-well, but by gum there's going to be law and order in this galaxy, if he has to arrest bug-eyed slacker to do it!

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Green Lantern (2018) #4

Feb 6, 2019

Can Hal Jordan and some weird-looking members of the Green Lantern Corps stop a world's sun from being consumed? Probably. I mean, that's like his "thing,' right? All "save the planet" and whatnot. Me, I'd want to know what the sun thinks about it. Has anyone considered that the sun might want to be eaten?

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Green Lantern (2018) #5

Mar 6, 2019

Hal goes through the application process to be a Blackstar, and after retaking the test with an sharpened #2 pencil. Some nice scenery in this issue, but it's really a place holder for that sixth issue huzzah.

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Green Lantern (2018) #6

Apr 3, 2019

There's a stylistic gimmick happening here that somewhat supersedes actual Green Lantern characters or continuity. If you enjoy the gimmick, like I do, then you could enjoy this book. If you're Eric, then this series will leave you furious.

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Green Lantern (2018) #7

May 1, 2019

This issue's story is told in a unique, copy-heavy style that should be familiar to fans of illustrated fantasy tales. Folks looking for a Green Lantern story respective of recent continuity, however, get hosed.

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Green Lantern (2018) #11

Sep 4, 2019

Some silly fun is reason enough to enjoy this otherwise threadbare plot.Kudos for not putting Green Lantern Batman right on the cover.

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Green Lantern (2018) #12

Oct 2, 2019

A decent sci-fi storythat fumbles a little at the end by advertising other comics. Not that I won'tbe reading those comics, I'm just saying. It seems cheap.

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Green Lantern: Blackstars #1

Nov 6, 2019

A well-drawn opener revealing the scope ofController Mu's plan. Hint: it's not to distribute boysenberries. If you liked The Green Lantern, you'll keep readingthis series.

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Green Lantern: Blackstars #2

Dec 4, 2019

An overly-wordy look at how Belzebeth went fromspace-Lady Dracula to second in command of the Blackstars. Plus, a littlesarcastic commentary on current-day comic books! You gotta love that.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #1

Jul 27, 2016

Things shift in the Sinestro Corps this issue, despite last issue's introduction of new concepts and and factors. Maybe things will change every issue? Like, in issue #2 Sinestro operates an ice cream truck and Arkillo has to wear a little paper hat? That would be hilarious. I can just picture him all crammed into a Good Humor truck, handing Astro Pops to the kiddies. This Sinestro-heavy issue has some great-looking scenes, but not a ton of action. But there is the promise of action, which is the next best thrill.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #2

Aug 10, 2016

A few plot developments and some daddy-daughter time that results in the traditional Korugarian Slapping of the Father, and you've got a pretty good issue of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps that promises some fun times in the future. Let's hope it's the near future, rather than some far-flung time beyond the next title change. Also: yes to more Guy Gardner.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #3

Aug 24, 2016

Summer is almost over, but we're still in re-runs where this comic book is concerned. If you liked the last issue, this one follows its formula almost exactly. There's a development with the Sinestro Corps rings, and a revelation concerning Sinestro that largely falls flat, but it's still basically the same issue. The awesome artwork by Sandoval and team may be all that saves this comic book from being birdcage liner.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #4

Sep 14, 2016

After three issues of running in place, this book takes off like Shaggy and Scooby-Doo to find a Scooby Snack. Wait, that's a terrible analogy. What I mean to say is that this issue has more interactions between core characters, and I believe it makes all the difference. You get a good look at Sinestro's style of rule, and it's not very cool. If you weren't sold on the art to begin with, then get your eyes checked. I hope this good time Green Lantern Corps train can keep rollin'!

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #5

Sep 28, 2016

The final tumblers are in place to make this story a lock...hopefully. It took a little longer to get to this point than I'd have liked, but now that we're about to see a crazy conflict I'm getting pretty excited. Hal Jordan really acts over the top on his narcissism this issue, and I love to see him cast as a one-dimensional blowhard. If that bothers you, however, be forewarned. This book has heated up and is worth your time and hard-earned money! Or even your stolen money, I don't judge how you get it!

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #6

Oct 12, 2016

Are you ready for some Green Lantern Corps action??? Well, keep waiting. This issue reads like a placeholder, for some reason, despite being issue #6 and therefore the conclusion of a swell trade paperback. So people that get the trade collection of this won't even get a complete story? Great. This seems really well thought out.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #7

Oct 26, 2016

The culmination of this opening story arc reads just like every other issue. Great art, disappointing story, no payoff. Entire arc should have been three issues as most. If not for the superior artwork, I'd consider this book a total rip-off. As it is, I'd say you can afford to avoid it and luxuriate in the bi-weekly preview pages.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #8

Nov 9, 2016

It's the beginning of a new story arc, and it's already starting to smell a little ripe. Maybe I'm a little gun-shy after the previous yarn, and some fantastic art does make this potential pill easier to swallow. If you didn't read the prior seven issues, you're in luck because there's a pretty extensive recap in this one. Save yourself the time and the twenty-one bucks.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #9

Nov 23, 2016

A fairly mediocre issue that moves some puzzle pieces incrementally closer to completing a full picture. But as it is, we're still getting a fractured story where protagonists aren't even aware of one another's existences--protagonists who are named in the title of the series, mind you. The art is great, and Rot Lop Fan is in this issue, so that's something to celebrate. But the story is just plodding along, and I fear we may be staring down the barrel of another bloated seven-issue story arc. I hope I am wrong!

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #10

Dec 14, 2016

A lot of this book is taken up by a well-padded scene of Lantern struggle, but it's still a reasonably fun time. The art is fantastic, some classic characters make cameos, and a last page reveal that was given away in the solicit makes this what we in the industry call a good comic book. A buck more, I might think differently about it. But it isn't a buck more, it's three bucks, and I'd say you get a decent return on that investment.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #11

Dec 28, 2016

A little bit of forward motion in the story peppered with some goofy antics and incredible artwork makes for a pretty good comic book. This issue is definitely a good sign of things to come, but I should point out that I have never correctly picked the teams that will be in the World Series, even after the first round of playoffs.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #12

Jan 11, 2017

A contrived ending and some classic hard light construct smashy smashy results in a fairly underwhelming comic book, save for a new minion for Larfleeze and a change in the status of Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps relations. It's a lot more exciting than C-Span, I promise. And with Van Sciver at the pencil it looks a lot better than that, too.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #13

Jan 25, 2017

We take a break in the action for some unearned teasing and boredom. Nice visuals, irritating tale. This story should have been moved to the title Meandering Tales About the Green Lantern Corps. Hopefully due out never.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #14

Feb 8, 2017

The details of the Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps alliance we saw a couple of issues ago gets hammered out, and some old characters are reintroduced to the series. Plus: dragons. You could do worse for three bucks.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #15

Feb 22, 2017

There isn't enough story development in this issue, but there is some. And my momma always told me, "You can't look a gift narrative in the story's pacing." There's a great scene with Guy Gardner, and some other stuff that should be satisfying to long-time Green Lantern fans. So yeah. Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, as my momma also told me.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #16

Mar 8, 2017

There's some good character development for Guy Gardner in this issue, handled expertly in terms of plotting and art. This was my favorite issue of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps in recent memory, and I think it had to do with it not pulling my attention to other plots the whole time. Keep it up, we could use some more development for our otherwise one-dimensional Lantern crew.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #17

Mar 22, 2017

This issue serves as a bit of a break in the action, which may have been needed. It's a pretty good place for new readers to hop on, if they're so inclined. The big development, revealed on the cover, is a bit of fan-service to a certain segment of readers, but I don't mind. I'm a fan, and sometimes I like a little service.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #18

Apr 12, 2017

There's tension between the Sinestro and Green Lantern Corps, but they seem to be getting along okay in this issue of mostly characterization and banter. The pacing and plotting was great, and I do enjoy smiling while I read my comics. I'm hoping more Green/Yellow partnerships will yield more yuks and camaraderie in the future.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #19

Apr 26, 2017

A deepening mystery and some brisk pacing makes for a good read. There's more talking than action in this issue, but the dynamic artwork serves up the appropriate dazzle. The dialogue is snappy and everyone's behaving in character. Nice job, creative team.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #20

May 10, 2017

The Prism continue to attack Mogo, and the combined Lantern Corps continue to fight back. We learn the source of their woes, but that doesn't seem to do them a lot of immediate good. The story moves along a little, the crazy constructs look great, there's nothing wrong with the nuts and bolts of this Green Lantern comic book.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #21

May 24, 2017

The conclusion to this arc is satisfying and predictable, like a warm glass of milk. There are worse things for a periodical to be than dependable, and I like how this series has been going lately. This book has been doing a good job of scratching my Green Lantern itch. Though the doctor did say to come back if it persisted for longer than a week.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #22

Jun 14, 2017

A pretty entertaining issue that's the opening salvo to a new story arc. Not a whole lot more to say without giving it away, except that with Ethan Van Sciver at the lead, it all looks correct. Might be a good time to jump on the series, if you're so inclined.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #23

Jun 28, 2017

When John Stewart finds out about the secret Bolphunga's threatening to reveal...well, he looks a little miffed. Certainly not stunned to his core. This issue also contains some friendship action between Guy Gardner and Arkillo, and it is terrific. With Ethan Van Sciver drawing, you'll say, "Yep. Looks like a Green Lantern comic for sure."

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #24

Jul 12, 2017

John Stewart has all the facts about this peace-shattering murder that Bolphunga tried to lord over him, and...well, it's unclear that justice is served. Something is served, but it may well be a Green Lantern's head on a platter before all is said and done. Another enjoyable issue about the office politics of the Sinestro and Green Lantern Corps, but I swear if we spend the next twelve issues on Mogo in some trial or something, I'm going to grab Volthoom from the Green Lanterns comic and lay waste to the whole thing.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #25

Jul 26, 2017

Here's a fairly predictable but not altogether unlikable issue of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps. The story moves along, but I think the arc could have ended here instead of continuing, though not knowing what the continuation entails I could be quite wrong. It's good enough to stick around and keep getting read.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #26

Aug 9, 2017

This opening issue to a new story arc is pretty great, and makes me really excited for what's to come. Much of the good feeling can be attributed to the fantastic artwork, which sets a perfect tone for what looks to be a pretty bombastic story. Let's see what will happen together!

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #27

Aug 23, 2017

As the picture sharpens, we learn that the stakes are at a peak--and honed enough to pierce the very breast of truth itself! Here's a selfless Orion you could learn to like, and a foolhardy Hal Jordan that you already know and love. Plus: terrific artwork. Here's what comic book ought to look like.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #28

Sep 13, 2017

What if they threw a superhero race and nobody showed up? The whole issue is a race between Hal Jordan and Black Racer. If that strikes your fancy, you're in luck. Visuals are a definite treat.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #29

Sep 27, 2017

An unexplained reference and the equivalent of a "self-destruct button" make for a very neat and rapid conclusion to this story arc featuring the New Gods. Not a satisfying ending for those of us that followed along, but I still say the artwork alone is worth the cover price. This Sandoval/Tarrgona/Morey team produces some really nice stuff.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #30

Oct 11, 2017

A visually-thrilling issue whose best qualities are contained in the character work, especially between Hal Jordan and Superman. Ah well. Talking heads can still be visually-thrilling.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #31

Oct 25, 2017

A fairly pithy story is enhanced by some nice visuals and strong character work. I like it when superheroes get along, so sue me. Not a bad couple of issues, a neat little story that expands Hal beyond the gung-ho jackass we normally get.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #32

Nov 8, 2017

A pretty entertaining issue that has very little impact on the Metal story on a whole. There's something to be said for that. The pencils and color are spectacular, even if much of the book takes place in darkness.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #33

Nov 29, 2017

This issue should refresh the reader about the comic's status quo, after we had that two-parter with Superman and the one-off tie-in with Metal. Unfortunately, where we are in the world of the Green Lantern Corps seems really boring. Hopefully the thing advertised on the front cover will spice things up.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #34

Dec 13, 2017

Some late backstory and upfront Green Lantern hijinks make for an entertaining issue. The stellar art takes this book into another level. No stunted cover reveals this time, the interior pages really are a treat to see.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #35

Dec 27, 2017

This issue runs in place as our four Earth-born Green Lanterns stall for time while the Controllers figure out how to work their doohickeys. There's some phenomenal art and plotting in this issue, that might be worth the cover price alone. It's probably not worth the time spent reading it, however. You can pick up the next issue and have missed practically nothing.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #36

Jan 10, 2018

This issue is almost identical to the previous one, except for the very end, where the Guardians assume responsibility for the Green Lantern Corps again. Did I just spoil the ending to the book? Now you can skip it.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #37

Jan 24, 2018

This issue is a pretty quick read but it begins with a resolution to a dangling thread from last issue and ends with a thrilling slobber knocker that looks amazing. This feels like great comics. Here's a place to hop on if you've been waiting in the wings.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #38

Feb 14, 2018

Kyle and Hal remain battered on Zod's stolen planet, but Hal's got a little trick...down his sleeve. This issue moves at a good clip, but advances the story incrementally and has a lot of chit-chat. I could probably read transcripts of Zod's pompous orating all day, but I don't know that I'd pay three bucks for the opportunity.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #39

Feb 28, 2018

There's a break in the action, while the Green Lantern Corps acts all blustery and gives Zod time to prepare for their arrival. That will be next issue, which you just as well may wait for, unless you don't want to miss another amazing installment of Sandoval, Tarragona and Morey. I know I wouldn't.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #40

Mar 14, 2018

Here's an issue that exists so that there could be six chapters to this story, justifying a neat trade collection. As such, it's a total rip-off. Visuals are absolutely gorgeous, but if you could use three bucks for better things than a staged conflict that leaves things more or less as we found them at the end of the previous issue, then I suggest you do so.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #41

Mar 28, 2018

The big to-do on Jekku comes to a close, and with all the satisfaction of having watched six consecutive hours of C-Span. This concludes more or less how we expected it to conclude, though there are some incredible panels to keep us juiced along the way. This should have been a two-issue story, period.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #42

Apr 11, 2018

Those Darkstars we saw seven issues ago are back, and now they're actually doing stuff. The stuff they're doing picks up a loose story thread from even further back. I'd applaud this, but there are so many other dropped lines in this series, it's a little too late to play "continuity-minded" now. On the plus side, Ethan Van Sciver pulls out all artistic stops for this issue.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #43

Apr 25, 2018

Tomar-Tu and Hal Jordan have a heart-to-heart that reiterates much of what we learned last issue. Then Hal Jordan tells John, Kyle and Guy about his conversation with Tomar-Tu. I expect the information will get passed along several more people, until someone's like, "Tomar-Tu wants a purple monkey dishwasher???" With artwork like what we see in this issue, I can overlook some redundancies.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #44

May 9, 2018

Our Core Four go on their bad guy recruitment drive, and you might be surprised by the folks they've picked for the team! Biggest star of this show is the artwork, which is spectacular. This series really does have some of the best rotating art squads in the business.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #45

May 23, 2018

Some nice interactions and a smattering of intrigue save this issue from being a complete wash, as this story continues to move at a glacial pace. The mandatory six-issue story arc is killing comic book enthusiasm. It's impossible to build momentum in a story that happens in such small increments.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #46

Jun 13, 2018

Guy's dad gets his comeuppance, but good! Beyond that, everyone sort of stands around, shifting from foot to foot, waiting for the director to call the scene so they can head back to their trailers. There's some nice-looking pages here, but I think you can put a pin in it and pick things up in the next issue; the closing caption promises some actual action.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #47

Jun 27, 2018

Threads dangled over the last couple of issues are resolved, leaving the story precisely where it should have been in the first place. Perhaps someday, we'll actually see conflict between the Green Lantern Corps and the Darkstars. Not in this issue, though.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #48

Jul 11, 2018

After four or five issues of set-up, the Green Lantern Corps and the Darkstars finally face off. Perhaps in another dozen or so issues, there will be a resolution. That is, unless someone has to take a minute to deal with their elementary school bully or something. The merciful thing would be to finish this series and move on. Preferably with this exact art team, thank you very much.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #49

Jul 25, 2018

All of the stuff set up four issues ago comes to bear here, highlighting the pointlessness of the last three issues. Gorgeous artwork and brash epithets do not an interesting story make. This is a tale hobbled by superfluous moments and completely bereft of any palpable consequences. The series will go out with a whimper.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #50

Aug 8, 2018

The big conclusion turns out to be a dud, as nothing of import happens except for concluding the final arc. An Absolute edition of this series might be worthwhile for the artwork alone. But in terms of narrative, this issue was a microcosm for the title as a whole: no real stakes, and a convenient conclusion that is unearned. What a shame.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1

Jul 13, 2016

If you need a refresher on what's been happening with Hal Jordan and the world of the many colored Lanterns, then this is the issue for you. If you feel knowledgable enough to pass a pop quiz, then you can probably skip it. No real problems with this issue, aside from it treading familiar ground. The art is phenomenal and there are a couple of story developments, but nothing so relevant that you couldn't figure it out later on.

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Harley & Ivy Meet Betty and Veronica #1

Oct 4, 2017

Turns out that the mediocrity of Archie comics trumps the zany homicide of Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. For this round, at least. Most disappointing was the art, which was really uneven and distracting, especially towards the end. But there were problematic panels throughout the book.

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Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy (2019) #1

Sep 4, 2019

Up front, welearn that this is an epilogue to Heroes in Crisis and a vehicle for Year ofthe Villain. Split the difference and you've got a miniseries no one asked for.Now that it's here, I'd like to ask for less.

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Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy (2019) #3

Nov 13, 2019

Astory where not much happens, told over several pages. Colorful.

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Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy (2019) #4

Dec 11, 2019

I will save you the cost of the cover price and reveal that Poison Ivy can now regrow herself a la Swamp Thing. Spoilers for a thing that no one cares about.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #26

Mar 29, 2016

I guess we can call this Harley Quinn pilot episode, take two, because this book is more or less an epilogue to the previous arc that re-establishes the silly, murderous status quo of the titular character. The art is great, but the comic is a little wordy for my tastes. If you've been looking for an entry point to the series, this is as good issue for it. But really, unless you're unnaturally confused  by concepts like taxidermied talking beavers and sentient egg-people, then you could probably pick any old issue and jump on whenever.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #27

Apr 27, 2016

In this issue, we learn the Secret Origin of Red Tool, and as Harley points out, it ain't much. Some decent jokes and nice scenes of bludgeoning and skull-cracking are ruined by really bad color work. A forced conversation with Red Tool brings out some nice Harley Quinn character moments as well as opportunities for silly, and if you're a fan of that wacky homicidal imp then you'll enjoy this issue plenty!

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Harley Quinn (2013) #28

May 18, 2016

Conner and Palmiotti pull a dirty trick on the reader and make a throwaway, parody goofball like Red Tool into a likable character with whom we can empathize. There are some new developments at the police department that spell a new status quo for Harley Quinn, but she is able to take it in stride due to her very high-cut booty shorts. They allow her to stride, you see? Get maximum extension of her legs? Ah, jokes are lost on you. The art is great, which you've already guessed if you read Harley Quinn. So pick it up if the mention of "booty shorts" is enticing to you.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #29

Jun 22, 2016

Here's a one-shot issue of Harley Quinn that is really entertaining and very well-drawn and nicely plotted. What gives, anyway? It's almost as if this comic book has achieved a consistent level of quality by being apart from the general DC Universe and being allowed to do its own thing. I really appreciate this one-and-done story, too many comics write in long five- or six-issue arcs to fill trade collections, when they could be writing two- and three-issue stories and use single issue plots to fill the gaps. This probably would be a good issue to jump on the series if you're so inclined, because it provides a lot of backstory and will let you know up front whether this is something you might enjoy, or something you think is unbearably stupid. Me, I think it's joyously stupid and I look forward to next month, when a new arc begins!

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Harley Quinn (2013) #30

Jul 27, 2016

DC, why don't you have Elsa Charretier drawing allthe things? Why aren't you sending gift baskets of cash to her house until sheagrees to draw two back-ups a month, at exorbitant rates that you are compelledto pay? Why aren't you fanning her with palm fronds and having a trained helpermonkey feed her succulent, ripened grapes off the stem? Is there a visionproblem at your offices, DC? Perhaps you need to do company-wide eye exams? Let'sset something up. In the meantime, please forward the appropriate chests ofrare gems and silks that Ms. Charretier needs to become exclusive at yourcompany. Thank you.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #1

Aug 3, 2016

Despite the renumbering, this issue makes it perfectly clear that nothing has changed in Harley Quinn and things have picked up directly from the previous issue. Pretty much everyone makes a cameo in this issue, but the actual story is mainly dedicated to three members of Harley's massive cast of characters. Due to a big explanatory section at the beginning, this is the perfect spot to jump on the series. Longtime fans won't have to feel cheated because the story is classic Harley Quinn fun. A win-win for everyone!

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Harley Quinn (2016) #2

Aug 17, 2016

The plot thickens into a viscous paste as zombies continue to run willy-nilly all over Coney Island. An attempt to capture one lands Harley in the middle of the fray, but a surprise by an old friend might just turn the tables! Or it might result in Zombie Harley, we'll have to see next issue. John Timms picks up art duties for the second half of the issue, and provides some incredible, dynamic splash pages that are practically worth the cover price alone. It's the poop jokes that give it full value.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #3

Sep 7, 2016

A ridiculous ending to a pretty silly story makes for good Harley Quinn fun. There are lots of little tidbits dropped in this issue that are sure to pay off down the line, but the real star of the issue is the dynamic between Poison Ivy and Harley, which is so succinct in its complexity. This might not sit well with certain Leagues, but I liked it a lot and would love to see more!

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Harley Quinn (2016) #4

Sep 21, 2016

It's a one-off issue after an opening story arc! Do my eyes deceive me? You mean this won't be unnecessarily padded with meaningless scenes and overwrought dialogue? Hooray! And I'll tell you, this issue is chock-full of stuff, all done in the name of justice! And sometimes hot dogs. This is a real solid issue in the series, and I do hope we see more single-story issues to break up the formula a little. If ever there were a book to do that, it's Harley Quinn.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #5

Oct 5, 2016

The opening issue to Harley Quinn's punk rock adventure is a lot of fun with some really hilarious jokes...and not a lot of punk rock. Still, the reinforcement of a previously-made arrangement with the City of New York and a solo Red Tool scene counts as character development in my book. I really love when John Timms draws Harley and the crew, he's got a style that is sexy without being pornographic, and it looks really fluid. I am really excited for the rest of this story, though admittedly I have a bit of that New Yawk bias. So sue me.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #6

Oct 19, 2016

This story arc continues to be a lot of fun, and I'm enjoying the punk rock stylings of the Skull Bags. There aren't any shocking reveals or crazy twists that turn everything you believed to be true on its ear, but the jokes land and the art is great and it's terrific to see team Harley Quinn on such a tight focus. Now if someone wants to put some punk rock music to G.G. Harlin's lyrics about curdled milk, I'd be glad to give it a listen!

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Harley Quinn (2016) #7

Nov 2, 2016

This three-part arc was a lot of fun, despite ending a little flatly. The immediate situation is wrapped up in a neat, drunken package, and a familiar figure from Harley Quinn's past is introduced to the proceedings. You think it's the Joker, right? I bet you think it's the Joker. Well I'm not telling. You have to read the comic to find out for yourself!

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Harley Quinn (2016) #8

Nov 23, 2016

Not the best issue in the series, but it does contain a lot of nudity. So on second thought, it is the best issue in the series.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #9

Dec 7, 2016

This is a Harley Quinn comic book. You see some characters that haven't been around in a little while, and there's some fantastic artwork as always, but nothing of special consequence happens and there are no action-packed moments. Actually, knowing Palmiotti and Conner, the most innocuous thing in this issue will prove to be important later on. I have no great complaints nor any huge praise for this issue. If you've liked Harley Quinn up to this point, then I suspect you'll enjoy this one as well.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #10

Dec 21, 2016

Harley Quinn would like to wish you all a Happy Holidays! And she does that by going through several dreams-turned-nightmares and showing off her butt a lot. Eh. Could be worse, I suppose.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #11

Jan 4, 2017

Not quite the "Joker's Back" story we might have expected, but he is in this issue and the actual story we do get is serviceable. The art looks terrific, which is expected on this title. A lot of the dialogue is pretty funny, too. This isn't the issue to jump on, despite the inclusion of Joker, but it's an okay read and appropriately weird for the series.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #12

Jan 18, 2017

Harley finally tells the Joker what-for! And it's surprisingly gory. The issue lacks in story, but it's got some pretty good character moments and the usual peppering of gags that make it worthwhile. And hey, art by John Timms and Chad Hardin! Could be worse.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #13

Feb 1, 2017

The heavily-teased return of the Joker ends with a plop instead of a bang. I think this arc could have easily fit into two issues, though I don't know that it would have made the story more worthwhile. Frank Cho's variant cover pretty much gives away the whole book, so just look at that and keep it moving.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #14

Feb 15, 2017

While the Deputy Mayor does one thing, and Harley Sinn does another thing, Harley Quinn does this other thing that ends up involving a favorite character from the underworld society of Strata. The issue is sort of aimless, and is probably impenetrable to new readers. But for those of us on the Harley trolley, it should read nicely enough.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #15

Mar 1, 2017

An aimless, uneven story that holds some future promise, but no immediate gratification. Nice boobs n' butts, though, if you're in the market for that.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #16

Mar 15, 2017

A pretty dull resolution tempered by copious cleavage makes for a fairly middling issue of Harley Quinn. The things being seeded for future stories wind up being more interesting than the main tale. Ah well, at least we have Paul Dini coming on to write some backups in two weeks. I think that might be the assist the creative teams needs to get this book back into order.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #17

Apr 5, 2017

We finally get down to the nitty gritty on that gross-out cannibalism story we were sort of avoiding, and there is some good development. The back-up is nice enough for nostalgia's sake, and takes the place of what would probably be a superfluous dream sequence or drug-induced hallucination in a previous issue of this series.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #18

Apr 19, 2017

So don't be fooled by solicits: this story continues the cannibals-related tale from last issue and contains no Harley Sinn at all. But it's not a terrible issue. With a prologue teasing what might be a long-running story line, and a pretty entertaining back-up co-written by Paul Dini, this series may have found its stride. It's no masterpiece, but this issue read nicely.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #19

May 3, 2017

The cannibal story wraps up here, and it's pretty satisfying in terms of character moments. in terms of hideous flesh-eaters getting their comeuppance it's also pretty sweet. The back-up story is pretty flat, but its inclusion has really been helping the main story in the past few issues. If Harley Quinn keeps up this kind of pacing and comedy, then this book will be back on track for Harley lovers.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #20

May 17, 2017

This begins an arc I've been waiting for, and maybe the anticipation was too great on my end. All the nuts and bolts of comic bookery are in place, it was just a slow starter. I think this story could go places, and I hope it gets there sooner rather than nine dollars from now.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #21

Jun 7, 2017

Red Tool fans like myself will get an infodump about the one-time parody-turned-real character, but it's a pretty mediocre, chatty story overall. The back-up bring nostalgic feelings to diminishing degrees. On the plus side, this recent arc appears to be two issues flat, so I have to applaud that.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #22

Jun 21, 2017

It turns out that a visit from Harley Quinn's parents is a lot like a visit from my parents, except less critical of my hygiene. This issue felt disjointed and like it didn't know what it wanted to be about. There's a few good gags, but not enough cohesive story.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #23

Jul 5, 2017

Sometimes Jim Werner of Weird Science DC Comics Dot Com says an issue is "all set-up," and this one really fits the bill. There are four incomplete stories here, all in keeping with long-standing continuity but still ends up being unsatisfying to veteran readers. In firework terms, this comic book is an irregular Sparkler.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #24

Jul 19, 2017

Things move along predictably and ploddingly, as we're given more about what's to come in this series than anything happening in the moment. The main story now reflects the back-up in that it's a look at something that might become interesting later. My advice is to wait for the trade collection.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #25

Aug 9, 2017

We don't get the rundown of dangling storylines in this issue, as we had in the last few, but this issue is still a non-starter. It could be a set up for some really funny dialogue, but precious little is to be found. Someone stick a fork in this series already. It's done.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #26

Aug 23, 2017

Using a classic storytelling device, we learn about Harley Quinn's escape from the Unconquerable 25 and who hired them simultaneously. Still, the story has lots of room to breathe with the back-up having graduated to a full-size comic book, and the time is used to gather a couple of open-ended plots and move them towards their conclusions. It's a good trend, if this series can keep up the momentum.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #27

Sep 6, 2017

It's a fill-in issue, and a particularly poor one, at that. We might have done better to get a prequel issue, because pausing several extant storylines for this feels like an affront. If you're following this series, I suggest you avoid this issue because it is meaningless.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #28

Sep 20, 2017

After an issue's journey into the mind of Frank Tieri, and a 25th Anniversary issue that had nothing to do with the current plot, we return to our regularly-scheduled programming for Harley Quinn, and it feels pretty good. The narrative stays on task while Harley ties up a few loose ends before she enters a public life. How she ties up those loose ends is pure Harley Quinn.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #29

Oct 4, 2017

A nice issue that creates enough drama to keep me interested. What else do you want in a comic book? How about Tom Derenick drawing psychedelic tormentors and villains? Okay yes, I want that. I want Tom Derenick drawing psychedelic tormentors and villains.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #30

Oct 18, 2017

A dropped ball from last issue and a fumble in this leads to multiple field goals from the opposing quarterback. Or something like that. Very little of consequence happens in this issue, but you'll get a whiff of what's to come when Frank Tieri takes over in five issues. So that's something.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #31

Nov 8, 2017

Now we can no longer "Vote 4 Harley," I wonder what this story is supposed to be about? Harley faces a grave tragedy that will probably result in some comical ultra-violence next issue, but this one falls very flat.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #32

Nov 22, 2017

A contrived but exceedingly violent final act is good enough for this lovable psychotic jester comic book. Despite the story line running a bit off the rails, readers should be satisfied with the conclusion. And it looks spectacular, as is nearly always true for this book.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #33

Dec 20, 2017

Perhaps my expectations were high for this issue by Palmiotti and Conner, but this thing did not deliver much. The first part is poorly-rendered and meandering, the second looks cool but seems like another comic book entirely, and the third part is by Moritat, so it looks adorable. There's an attempt to set up Harley's Florida-based digs for the next writer, but it's a miss. We still have the final issue in two weeks, but this one just didn't hit like I hoped it would.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #34

Jan 10, 2018

Now at their final issue, Palmiotti and Conner take Harley Quinn to places she's never been before...after she visits a few with which she's very friendly. You really might never know this was the last issue by two writers that have become synonymous with this series, and that is probably the point. Their parting gift to loyal readers is a funny issue of Harley Quinn.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #35

Jan 17, 2018

Unusual for this series, the worst part of this issue is the artwork. It seems unfinished and out of proportion at times. The story is some good fun, with genuinely funny moments that might make you smirk. Laughing out loud would be too much for current times. Folks these days can barely muster an "lol."

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Harley Quinn (2016) #36

Jan 31, 2018

A light, well-paced story that is dragged down by some unfortunately muddied visuals. Those interested in seeing Harley in Man-Bat action will not be left disappointed. Those who want to see Harley's support system acting in concert to save the day will also be satisfied. Those who want to see the author of this issue working at a Coney Island tchotchkes stand...what the hell is wrong with you? Well, you'll be happy, too.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #37

Feb 7, 2018

We ask the question "Where's Harley Quinn?" And we get answers! Pieces are slid into place for a bigger moment that will take place later--sooner, rather than, if I had my druthers. Not a bad bit of Harley yarn for those inclined to such pleasures. Lots of goofery and chicanery abound.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #38

Feb 21, 2018

Now that the Penguin's let loose some of Gotham City's more...colorful supervillains on lower Brooklyn, everything's going to heck in a handbasket--and Harley isn't even aware! This is a fun issue with a lot of cool cameos that should tickle long-time Bat-fans and Harley Quinn exclusionists alike. Nice to be having fun with this series again.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #39

Mar 7, 2018

As Coney Island slides into a gritty, urban, supervillain-infested ghetto, Harley Quinn faces her secret benefactor and tells him to buzz off. The mastermind behind all of this chaos is revealed, and it's not someone I'd have expected! If the art was a little better, I'd be clanging bells for this series.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #40

Mar 21, 2018

When the author of a comic book writes himself as the lamest character, you're dealing in MAD magazine sensibilities and that's right in my wheelhouse. Fun has returned to Harley Quinn, rejoice ye juggalo masses. Some of you other serious types might want to take a look as well.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #41

Apr 4, 2018

An unsatisfying ending wraps up this muddled story arc, whose main result seems to be a changing of hot dog purveyors on Coney Island. The quips are still there, and might be worth a read for the Harley Quinn fanatic.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #42

Apr 18, 2018

Old Lady Harley is even more bad-ass than Young Woman Harley, though it's not entirely clear as to how we get to the situation presented in this issue. When it comes to Harley Quinn, it's best not too look that closely; just add up the fart jokes and divide them by testicle kicks and you've got your requisite reviewer's score.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #43

Jun 6, 2018

Modern Harley Quinn is back in the saddle, and she's out of her gourd. Just the way we like it. Unfortunately, that alone doesn't make for a very compelling story, and this feels like a paceholder for the actual story that commences next issue. Ah well, that's what you get when you double-ship a comic book.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #44

Jun 20, 2018

Everything wraps up neatly in this low-stakes story about Harley Quinn's tendency to rush to judgment. Long-time fans of Gotham City might enjoy seeing some of its key players operating in New York, though in a very minor way. But that Bilquis Evely cover, though! Whew!

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Harley Quinn (2016) #45

Jul 4, 2018

Harley is on Apokolips, and she's fartin' up the fire pits! OK, not really...this is a pretty funny issue that should tickle fans of Jack Kirby's Fourth World especially. Others may be turned off by these Bronze Age trappings, but that's their problem. This definitely feels more like the familiar Harley Quinn of a few months ago.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #46

Jul 18, 2018

Harley's struggling with her first day at Female Fury school, and the results are hilarious. Giving Harley this Fourth World hammer is the best thing to happen to the character since she got that taxidermied beaver that she talks to all the time. Granny Goodness may have met her match.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #47

Aug 1, 2018

Harley Quinn reverts to form and saves the day, but not without a lot of silliness and violence along the way. This story, which sounded ridiculous when first solicited, wound up being a lot of fun. This just goes to show, you can't judge a comic book by its solicit. Strangely, you can judge a comic book by its cover.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #48

Aug 15, 2018

Harley Quinn is on the case to save her Coney Island building from the wrecking ball, and it involves her return to a live of crime! I mean purposefully-committed crimes, not the ones she does accidentally why trying to be heroic. This issue is enjoyable, but is more a series of silly incidences than it is a story. Still, you can have a lot of fun with silly incidences.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #49

Sep 5, 2018

Harley saves the day, and technically she had to commit only one murder to do it! The voices and characterizations are okay, but this isn't enough for a story for the cover price being asked. I expect antics like this in some kind of anthology, or an Annual.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #50

Sep 19, 2018

Comedy opportunities abound, yet nary a laugh to be had. This comic book is a waste of time and resources with a few semi-precious moments.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #51

Oct 3, 2018

Nonsense from the previous issue (that we'd rather forget) spills over into this one, and it feels like overtime at the dentist. Once a veritable font of silly good times, this book has become an absolute bore. Avoid.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #52

Oct 17, 2018

Even if you're a big Captain Triumph fan for some reason, you can pass this issue up. Heck, if you're a big Captain Triumph fan, this issue just might piss you off. Overpriced, even if it were one dollar.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #53

Nov 7, 2018

Harley Quinn takes to YouTube in order to drum up some funds, but her attempts are thwarted by someone that wants to usurp her fame. Huh. That was surprisingly easy to recap.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #55

Dec 5, 2018

Humor-wise, it's about on the level of an episode of Family Matters from season one. Stakes-wise, it has the ramifications of an episode of Family Matters from season six. You know: where Urkel would become a Bruce Lee robot or whatever. The art in this issue is great, though.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #56

Dec 19, 2018

A half-formed commentary on ComicsGate masquerading as a complete story.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #57

Jan 9, 2019

There's the introduction to one story and the start of another story featuring Batman for your sloppy seconds. The firsts were sloppy enough. Have mercy and end this series.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #58

Feb 6, 2019

Batman and Harley Quinn team up to clear Harley of a murder charge.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #59

Mar 6, 2019

Harley takes on a new form, and she doesn't even need to change her outfit. Ultimately, she learns a lesson about the bugs within us that show the world our truest selves. Mine is a June bug!

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Harley Quinn (2016) #60

Apr 3, 2019

Harley comes to grips with her sensitivity in order to endure another Trial. There is no joy to be had by reading this comic.

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Harley Quinn (2016): Be Careful What You Wish For Special #1

Jan 10, 2018

A reasonably pleasant story from Harley Quinn's pre-Suicide Squad (The Movie!) days, with a nice roster of artists and some appropriate hijinks. It's just a little superfluous, being that Conner and Palmiotti are leaving the book and the asking price is five bucks. It ends up being a pretty good value, though.

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Harley Quinn (2016): 25th Anniversary Special #1

Sep 13, 2017

A well-constructed anthology book of various Harley Quinn stories that should titillate any level of Quinn-phile. That's a thing, right? There's some great creators on this book, so it might be worth getting just to have this work in one place. Or maybe you want to read about Harley hitting on Poison Ivy some more. Either way, you're good.

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Harley Quinn and Her Gang Of Harleys #1

Apr 13, 2016

The pilot episode of Harley Quinn and Her Gang of Harleys gets off to a pretty solid start, with some good gags and great artwork throughout. We're introduced to a fairly large crew, but thanks to many of their names being related to their ethnicities, it's easier to keep 'em all straight. I think I can hang around on this for another five issues, but it will remain to be seen if I want to follow the pathological antics of angsty killer clowns much longer than that.

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Harley Quinn and Her Gang Of Harleys #2

May 11, 2016

There should be a warning label on the cover of this book: DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU ALREADY LIKE THE MAIN BOOK. I wouldn't expect people to just pick up the miniseries, but it takes all types in this world. If you are a fan of Harley Quinn, then I think you will enjoy this book quite a lot, because it's not short on the main Quinn herself, and has enough thrills and laughs to act as a good supplement to Harley's expanding continuity. This issue could have done with less talky and more punchy, but I enjoyed it enough and look forward to see what's in store for the Gang next issue!

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Harley Quinn and Her Gang Of Harleys #3

Jun 8, 2016

I don't want to spoil too much here, but the Gang of Harleys might not be as diminished as was implied at the end of the last issue. We learn more about Coach and a few of the members, through their dialogue and relationships with their family. Things do take a twist in this issue; whether it's interesting or not will depend on how much you like this Gang of Harleys. Me, I like 'em just fine, though I'd probably like 'em better if they were called Harley's Heroes.

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Harley Quinn and Her Gang Of Harleys #4

Aug 3, 2016

The tale of Harleys continues on, and the team leaves New York for a more exotic locale. Did I write "exotic locale?" I meant "likely spot for violent death and murder." We learn more about Harley Sinn's past and finally find out what's up with Hannukah Quinn...and it ain't pretty. All that and a subtle dig at Donald Trump! Not a bad outing when the usual high-quality art and colors are considered. A worthwhile read for Harley Quinn fans.

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Harley Quinn and Her Gang Of Harleys #5

Aug 31, 2016

Some madcap antics and zany hijinks aren't enough to carry the fairly uninteresting story of Harley Sinn: who she is and how she came to be! We do see the Gang use some smarts and a semblance of teamwork, which implies that they can carry their own stories, but of course this issue ain't it because it's all about the Sinnster. The art is uneven, though when it's good, it's great. I enjoyed this comic enough, but I am about ready for the series to end.

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Harley Quinn and Her Gang Of Harleys #6

Sep 28, 2016

Harley Quinn and her Gang of Harleys comes to a conclusion, and possibly not quite the conclusion you might have expected. What had been a loosely-organized clique of Harley Quinn wannabes, most of whom were presumed dead after the first issue, has become a cohesive group of supportive friends who happen to have no compunctions against murdering with their bare hands. What are friends for, if not to wring the last gasps of life from our mutual enemies? And that's the best lesson to be learned from this series: the value of friendship. And the value of money. That Harley Sinn was living pretty well on her daddy's blackmail dough.

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Harley Quinn And Power Girl #4

Sep 23, 2015

When I expose myself inpublic, I get arrested, meanwhile Vartox of Valeron can whip his junk out andit causes world peace. Is that justice? This meandering story of littleconsequence has its cute moments, but not enough to justify the time spentreading the majority of fluff. No complaints about the art or colors, but theydon't supersede the pointlessness of the story. Wait for the trade or avoidentirely is my advice.

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Harley Quinn And Power Girl #5

Nov 4, 2015

What many thought would becomic bookery's Thelma & Louisehas turned out to be more like Jack Kirby's FourthWorld: nice to look at, but incomprehensible to most. If you were alreadydigging these characters' antics in previous issues, then you'll get more ofthe same here. If you're a little bored of watching Power Girl fume whileHarley Quinn burps on her, then you can probably pass. I'd say there are worseways you could spend your four bucks.

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Harley Quinn And Power Girl #6

Jan 1, 2016

We've reached theconclusion of Harley Quinn and Power Girl's wacky romp through space, and it isfairly well a dud. This issue employs the literary device called Making Shit UpAs You Go Along and frankly it's insulting to anyone that's spent the time andmoney to read the series to this point. The saving grace is the artwork, that"despitebeing done by three separate pencilers"is really good throughout. But it's notworth the story, which changes gears several times during the issue and rendersmeaningless what came before. The whole thing reads like a forgettable issue ofPower Girl with a Harley Quinn cameothat does nothing for the book. I was more tickled to see Cluemaster and ClockKing for a couple of panels.

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Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad: April Fool's Special #1

Apr 6, 2016

Here's a sneak peek at the new Suicide Squad (not to be confused with the New Suicide Squad) that will be coming with DC's Rebirth in June. Looks pretty good so far. The story is a little weird, even by Rob Williams' standards, and the art by Jim Lee and Sean "Cheeks" Galloway is superb. You just never want to say it any other way. Sean "Cheeks" Galloway. I'm sure his friends call him "Cheeks," but if I ever met him I would say "Hello Mr. Sean 'Cheeks' Galloway, I am a big fan of your art and an even bigger fan of your name." And then he would say "Would you be quiet? We're at a funeral." And I'd stand up all indignant and yell like, "Well! Look who's too fancy to talk to fans! Look who's so big and famous now!" And then I could collect the corpse from the coffin and storm off in a huff.

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Harley Quinn: Harley Loves Joker #1

May 2, 2018

This comic continues the series of back-ups by Dini and Blevins that ran in Harley Quinn around this time last year. It has nothing to do with Batman & Catwoman's forthcoming wedding, as has been implied in publicity copy. A huge Batman: The Animated Series junkie may like this, but regular readers of this series have been cheated.

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Harley Quinn: Harley Loves Joker #2

May 16, 2018

This two-part-plus-six-backups length story concludes and...that's nice, I suppose? I still don't get why this was part of the regular Harley Quinn run, or why it was commissioned in the first place. Fans of The Animated Series might enjoy this "lost episode," but fans of the modern Harley Quinn will be left scratching their heads. And even those that remember the cartoon fondly won't be thrilled here.

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Harley Quinn: Road Trip Special #1

Sep 9, 2015

There's a little more tothis book than meets the eye, but even on the surface it's just a bunch offunny vignettes and silly jokes. The price point puts expectations higher, butif you can let go of the idea of comics always "counting" and enjoy it for whatit is, you might like it and you'll probably live longer. The art is solidthroughout, even during the short rotation that takes place during Harley andPamela's hallucination, and everything is pretty easy to understand if you knowthe basics conceits of each character. Not a bad place to peek in on the seriesif you're so inclined!

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Harley's Little Black Book #1

Dec 3, 2015

Harley Quinn goes toLondon and fails to save Wonder Woman from a middling threat. That's about thehalf of it. The art is great, but for five bucks it's really got a lot offluff. There's pages of exposition so dense that you'll wonder if the scripterswere paid by the word. If you like Harley Quinn's antics, well you'll see someof them here, but you can also see them every month in her regular solo title.So far, what this title has to offer is a fairly thin team-up and somecheesecake shots of Wonder Woman. Which, incidentally, are no extra charge.

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Harley's Little Black Book #2

Feb 10, 2016

I am as surprised as you, my loyal tens of billionsof readers: I really enjoyed this issue. And I don't mean that as a slight againstthe comic, but more owning up to a personal epiphany about the character.Harley Quinn is a goof. She fights against and then teams up with Hal Jordan togreat comedic effect. Plus, you get to see a new Lantern ring, possibly themost dangerous one of all! I enjoyed the heck out of this silly comic.

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Harley's Little Black Book #3

Apr 20, 2016

Harley Quinn and Zatanna team up and take on the forces of Hell, and they are not prepared for Harley Quinn! Fans of the main Harley Quinn book will ease right into this story, which draws heavily from the character's Coney Island continuity. People that hate Harley Quinn...well why would you even be reading this review? Are you some kind of masochist or something? The art by Joseph Michael Linsner is wonderful (and pretty cheesecakey to boot), but I've come to expect excellence from Palmiotti and Conner and act like a real smug prick about it.

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Harley's Little Black Book #4

Aug 24, 2016

A densely-layered story full of intrigue anddownright hilarious moments that suffers from uneven artwork. The extantBombshell Harley Quinn being in the same space as, uh, our Harley Quinn createsa temporal problem that I'm sure will have repercussions in future comics.Palmiotti and Conner never throw anything away, they're like pack rats. HarleyQuinn will be eating an ice cream cone in one issue, and then half a year laterit will turn out that she ate Proty II by accident. I'm telling you. You gottawatch everything with these guys.

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Harley's Little Black Book #5

Dec 28, 2016

This homage to Superman vs. Muhammad Ali has sufficient Harley Quinn silliness to make it an enjoyable read throughout. Indeed, don't feel like you must have read the earlier work to make sense of this--nothing will help you to make sense of this comic book! And since it's a Harley Quinn quarterly, that ends up being okay. Some masterful work by Neal Adams and really funny scenes make this title well worth the wait. Check it out.

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Harley's Little Black Book #6

Mar 29, 2017

If you don't like potty humor and sexual innuendo in your comic books, then you probably stopped reading anything Harley Quinn-related a long time ago. The rest of us enjoy this comic and its nastiness, though the story itself is recursive. The art will take you back to the Main Man Lobo of yore, and fits the bill for this kind of gross-out butt-fest. Turns out Harley Quinn and that other pasty white dude with a broad grin make for the best couple in the DC Universe!

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Hellblazer (2016) #1

Aug 24, 2016

Now that John is safely in London, he's in debt (as usual) to the Swamp Thing (as usual.) To make good on a promise, John connects his old Swampy pal with another frenemy that we met in the Rebirth issue. Plus: an alternate take on world history. All that, and it's rendered expertly by Moritat and colored divinely by Andre Szymanowicz. Now who could ask for more?

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Hellblazer (2016) #2

Sep 28, 2016

Though much of this book is John Constantine making the rounds, the dialogue and character moments are enough to keep you engaged. I just wish I could say more about this issue than "John chatted with some people, and then ran away." The opening scene with Mercury and Swamp Thing was a little bit enlightening, but not enough considering the page count. The art is spectacular and could never be denied, at once cartoonish and horrifying, like Johnny Craig, but looser and with a heavier line. Keep your eye on this series, I have the feeling it's about to go all warbly (that's British for wibbly.)

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Hellblazer (2016) #3

Oct 26, 2016

Juggling a few plots simultaneously is no easy feat, as evidenced by this issue. I'd like to say it worked more often than not, but truthfully each story came across like a pile of bricks rolling down a cobblestone hill; we get the point by the end, but there's a lot of tossing off before we get there. That's the proper Britishism, isn't it? "Tossing off?" Like s story throbbing in jerky spasms before gushing to the inevitable payoff. A totally legitimate literary term.

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Hellblazer (2016) #4

Nov 23, 2016

John gets Chas into hot water, again, and gets out of it by hook or by crook, again. Meanwhile, whatever the hell is happening with Swamp Thing and Mercury continues to happen. It's a strange thing when the protagonist seems involved in a comic book's B-plot, while ancillary guest stars seem to be the only ones propelling the story forward. My enthusiasm for this book has lessened with every issue, and if something really cool doesn't happen next issue then I'll definitely call this story arc, if not this series, a bust.

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Hellblazer (2016) #5

Dec 28, 2016

This book is boring as hell. Even the inclusion of Swamp Thing can't bring any life to this book. Did I make a pun? That must have been fun. I've been sucked dry of emotion by this series so I can no longer purposefully experience fun or pleasure. Learn from my experience! Avoid this book like it was on fire.

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Hellblazer (2016) #6

Jan 25, 2017

Another dull, plodding issue of the Hellblazer that answers few questions and acts as a placeholder for actual story. I've about had it with this book. It looks like a herpes pamphlet from the 70s and it reads like a court transcript. What a disappointment.

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Hellblazer (2016) #7

Feb 22, 2017

Some really interesting, though series incongruentartwork can't cover up the fact that this series is like something stumbling in the dark. And I don't mean anything spooky, either; I mean me at 3 AM in ten year-old underwear feeling my way for the bathroom and hoping I don't grasp a cockroach. I suppose if this was the only issue of the Hellblazer you'd ever read, you might enjoy it. But if you've been following the series as I have, then you're likely wondering if the comic book is secretly slipping you drugs.

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Hellblazer (2016) #8

Mar 22, 2017

Regular readers of this series will get jerked around once again as the story careens into utter confusion. I'll admit I came into this with high expectations, but what can I say? I'm a regular optimist.

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Hellblazer (2016) #9

Apr 26, 2017

We shuffle between seemingly unimportant scenes and are introduced to a few new characters who may or may not be of future importance. Still no Swamp Thing in sight. This book seems to be digging a pit for itself, ever deeper.

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Hellblazer (2016) #10

May 24, 2017

It is nearly incomprehensible, and what can be understood is so boring that it defies the very nature of storytelling.

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Hellblazer (2016) #13

Aug 23, 2017

The new creative team on this series takes it in the bold and exciting direction of being coherent, and it's a relief to this reader. The story is reasonably engrossing, but not really something that will have you crawling the walls for the next issue. You may, however, want to appreciate the multiple technicolor yawns rendered by Mr. Jess Merino up close and personally.

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Hellblazer (2016) #14

Sep 27, 2017

There's some classic John Constantine magic-makingaction in this issue—and that means actual magic tricks and being yelled at bysomeone he's screwed over in the past. It feels pretty good. I much prefer Johnas a sleight-of-hand trickster than an all-encompassing sorcerer. No complaintsabout the artwork, but there's nothing particularly moving here that shouldpique your interest. John Constantine fans only need apply.

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Hellblazer (2016) #15

Oct 25, 2017

This is a really solid issue, featuring some gross ritualistic spells and typical double-dealing by John Constantine, but the real trick might be that it appears to be the conclusion of a three-issue story arc. Yes! That concise span that is rarer in modern comics than non-murderous characters. If you've been missing some of that ol' Constantine magic, then this could very well be your ticket.

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Hellblazer (2016) #16

Nov 22, 2017

The story seems partially told and the art is unnaturally stiff. There's barely any magic in the issue at all. Pretty disappointing, especially after the last issue which was great.

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Hellblazer (2016) #17

Dec 27, 2017

A slow-paced, confusing story that features the main character not doing a whole lot for most of the issue. The burgeoning threat is weird and doesn't have any stakes attached to it. The art is fine, but certainly not enough to warrant buying this comic book.

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Hellblazer (2016) #18

Jan 24, 2018

Aside from a fairly fun exchange between John and a scary, blue demon, this issue offers more of the overly-complicated, barely-explained stuff we've been getting for the last two issues. Maybe I'd understand it better if I were a Buddhist? This comic fails on some basic comic book storytelling necessities, and the blame for that falls squarely on editorial.

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Hellblazer (2016) #19

Feb 28, 2018

A pretty simple but satisfying story that's hampered by some rough artwork. I suppose if you're going to give an artist some practice, this title is a good candidate for it. But lord, we've got to expect better than this.

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Hellblazer (2016) #20

Mar 28, 2018

John Constantine moves closer to finding out what happened to Margaret Ames, even employing an old flame to do so. Unfortunately, it reads pretty dull. This might be owed, in part, to the particularly bland artwork. Or maybe the day-to-day of a hipster mage isn't all it's been cracked up to be.

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Hellblazer (2016) #21

Apr 25, 2018

Turns out that bringing your brother back from Hell and having him possess a police officer has its drawbacks. The biggest drawback in this issue, however, is that we spend much of the time practicing our cockney accents while the script from the film Attack the Block gets pilfered. A bit too cute by 'alf, yeah? Let's get on wit' it lad. 

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Hellblazer (2016) #22

May 23, 2018

John Constantine and the Huntress continue to be nowhere near the relevant action, as a demon chats it up with some souls about how much he hates John. Essentially, another placeholder issue in a bloated, six-issue story arc. Sigh.

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Hellblazer (2016) #23

Jun 27, 2018

This thing keeps dragging on, losing all sense of urgency or interest along the way. The storytelling is clear but stiff, so even action scenes seem perfunctory. Let's put this IP to bed for a while, folks, maybe dust off the old trench coat when cigarettes come back in vogue.

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Hellblazer (2016) #24

Jul 25, 2018

Constantine saves the day by pissing everyone off, and actually performing a magic rite for the first time since this whole story arc began. This story was bloated and boring, and its conclusion is neither satisfying or amusing. Put this character back in the box until you figure out what it is you want to do with him. And "maximize his profitability" is not a good enough reason, Didio.

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Hellblazer: Rebirth #1

Jul 20, 2016

There's been a few changes to the world of John Constantine, but none to change the same jerkbag pseudo-Sting magician we've known and loved for thirty years. Fans of Vertigo's Hellblazer will be pleased, and I think fans of the character from the New 52 alone should be able to play along pretty easily as well. Some might bristle at the illustration style, but Moritat is a terrific talent that I know will just get better and better as his comfort level with this world and its players increases.

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Heroes In Crisis #1

Sep 26, 2018

We finally learn about that mysterious superhero brain spa, Sanctuary, just in time for it to go out of business. Heroes die, heroes live, and I'm left feeling that this is one of those Imaginary Stories from the 1950s and 60s that won't have any lasting repercussions. Maybe it's because familiar characters don't behave in the way that I'm used to? Probably.

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Heroes In Crisis #2

Oct 31, 2018

The story widens in scope a little, but I find it difficult to see this as a story happening in the DCU. It's more like a super-dramatic episode of Hogan's Heroes. Like super-dramatic, like Colonel Klink's head was removed mysteriously. And then Corporal LeBeau punches Corporal Newkirk? I haven't worked out the allegorical details.

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Heroes In Crisis #3

Nov 27, 2018

Learning more about the inner-workings of Sanctuary serves to show how silly they are. Nice and easy to read, though, thanks to the polished work of Weeks and Mann.

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Heroes In Crisis #4

Jan 2, 2019

The big shocker is that the comic book public learns about things that happened three issues ago. If that doesn't grab you, how about an unorthodox pairing of hero and villain? Hah? Yeah, it seems like a dumb gimmick to me, too.

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Heroes In Crisis #5

Jan 30, 2019

Now that the cat's out of the bag, it's time to come clean about Sanctuary...and people are pretty cool about it. Some new stuff is learned about one of the murders, Batgirl shows up Batman, and it would be an alright issue if we weren't four from the conclusion--two of them having been inserted as after thoughts to carry it out another few months.

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Heroes In Crisis #6

Feb 27, 2019

Pretentious garbage. You might enjoy it if you've never read a comic before, and will never read another comic again.

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Heroes In Crisis #7

Mar 27, 2019

If you hate superheroes, DC Comics characters, and comic books, then this series is for you.

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Heroes In Crisis #8

Apr 24, 2019

Maybethe story as initially intended might run better, but this one is justinsulting. If you are still collecting this series, please get help. And if youare still reading it, please get medicated.

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House of Whispers (2018) #1

Sep 12, 2018

The party is always popping at Madame Ezrulie Dahomey's crib, even when there's trouble afoot. Isn't trouble what makes the festivity official? Some spectacular visuals and strong sequentials are marred by some mildly confusing scene changes. A strong first issue whose conclusion won't leave you feeling too anxious. Maybe you'll amble on over to the comic shop and check out #2 anyhow.

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House of Whispers (2018) #2

Oct 10, 2018

The Boat of Whispers sets sail, but comes back to its beginnings with a resounding crash. Is that an allegory or actual spoilers? You'd have to read the issue to know for sure.

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House of Whispers (2018) #3

Nov 14, 2018

This story raises a lot of questions, but the narrative is clear and shouldn't confuse patient readers. Looks like Mistress Dahomey has more tricks up her sleeve––and more sleeves!

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House of Whispers (2018) #4

Dec 12, 2018

We find the cause behind Maggie and Latoya's walking undeadedness, and probably why the Dahomey Gang are stuck in the Dreaming, but there are so many concepts thrown at the reader in this issue, you might not catch this bit on the first read. This series appears to have a pacing problem, and perhaps an issue with continuity. The latter is difficult to discern when you're dealing with the Dreaming.

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House of Whispers (2018) #5

Jan 16, 2019

Things are brought to a scary crescendo...and sort of summarily dismissed on the last page. Maybe. This book is tough to follow without a working knowledge of Creole culture, but I'm proving it not impossible. Whether it is most rewarding to read this way, I can't say.

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House of Whispers (2018) #6

Feb 13, 2019

Some more stuff happens, but it's making less and less sense as we go. I can't even rightly say that the initial story src is concluded with this issue. So much ethereal posturing has become tedious.

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House of Whispers (2018) #7

Mar 13, 2019

Even after some cursory research, I am completely lost with this story. I'm not sure what is happening, or what the main characters are attempting to achieve. I think that's a problem when you're seven issues into a comic book series.

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House of Whispers (2018) #8

Apr 10, 2019

Ending one story and beginning another story…about stories, this issue is the most concise and well-told in a few months. It comes a bit too late, however, being that it cost $32 to get here. But there's hope for better stories to come, if they are explained like this one.

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House of Whispers (2018) #9

May 8, 2019

The contest of stories between Ezrulie and Ananse is off to an underwhelming start. Ananse's stories have real-time repercussions, which probably wouldn't float in an official Olympic setting. Here, though, they've got to play by giant spider rules.

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Howard The Duck (2016) #8

Jun 27, 2016

If you thought the love between a man-duck and his estranged companion a thing of pure beauty, well you might be right. But it's also very boring. This issue is an awkward back-and-forth between a narcissist and a dilettante, and I'm not sure whose side I care about less. The artwork is really solid throughout, though there's not much of interest to draw until the final panel. I enjoyed the flashback scenes done in the pulp paper comics style, a Marvel mainstay. And I like it every time I see it!

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Howard The Duck (2016) #9

Aug 1, 2016

Howard the Duck teams up with Lea Thompson to find out the cause of her memory loss and strange attraction to Howard, and what they find may shock you! It depends on your composition, I guess. If you're easily surprised, then you will probably be the most shocked. If you're super jaded and "over it" already, then you're likely not to be that shocked. Or, even if you are shocked, you won't let your reaction betray the feeling. I'm not going to tell you the shocking twist here, you're going to have to read the comic book. But I can tell you that Lea Thompson is in this issue, since she's featured on the cover.

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Howard The Duck (2016) #10

Sep 5, 2016

That Joe Quinones sure can draw, huh? Skip this narrative abortion of a comic book.

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Howard The Duck (2016) #11

Oct 17, 2016

Daffy Duck being hassled at the drawing table by artist Bugs Bunny, this is not.

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Justice League (2018) #11

Nov 7, 2018

The event moves along with some dicey turns that prove to be intriguing, if not exciting. Manapul's visuals go a long way to present some of the stark scenes contained in this issue.

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Justice League (2018) #12

Nov 21, 2018

Things move along on the three fronts being told in this crossover, but a change to the art style mid-issue could take the reader right out of it. It was nice to see Batman dole out some beatdowns.

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Justice League (2018): Drowned Earth Special #1

Oct 31, 2018

For those that missed Justice League or Aquaman last week, you're in luck: this issue recaps everything. There's some story advancement, but nothing substantial that increases or decreases the stakes. From my standpoint, the world is just screwed.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #1

Jul 25, 2018

Wonder Woman's getting the band back together...and that's pretty much all that happens in this inaugural issue. If the idea of these characters teaming up fills you with excitement, then I imagine you'll hang on for the next few issues. I know I will. But if you think DC's magic side is silly, then you can probably skip this series entirely.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #2

Aug 22, 2018

A new character brings some clarity to the story, instead of introducing a lot of new, confusing elements. How about that? It's almost like a story to be read sequentially. This issue is visually arresting and should impress everyone on that level. The story is picking up fast, and fans of these characters and the DCU magic trappings will be as happy as a pig turned by Circe.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #3

Sep 26, 2018

Hold on to your teddy bears, this issue might give you the heebie-jeebies. Everything fans of DC's line of "dark" characters is on full display here, and there is even a moment of uncertainty. I hadn't felt that while reading a comic for some time! If you're curious about the seedy magic side of the DC Universe, then here's the book you can use to bone up.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #4

Oct 17, 2018

The story continues to raise in this event that should have fans of the DCU's Dark line rejoicing. A new agent of Hecate threatens the Green, and Nanda Parbat is all but lost. Can Wonder Woman fight past her witchmark to take down Hecate? I can't wait to find out!

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Justice League Dark (2018) #5

Nov 21, 2018

A look at Detective Chimp's past reveals that he's been a bad monkey. What? That's offensive? What do you mean, "a chimpanzee isn't a monkey?!" They swing through trees and eat bananas, don't they? Well whatever he is, Bobo has done a bad thing, and now it comes home to roost.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #6

Dec 12, 2018

A high-quality, gripping comic book that is as emotional as it is bombastic. Perhaps this will not be to your liking if you aren't predisposed to these characters. But if you don't like the characters in this series, then you're probably a horrible person.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #7

Jan 16, 2019

An EC Comics-style anthology of creepy stories involving the Otherkind, and the real surprise here is that they're genuinely creepy. Anyone curious about the book can check out this issue without reading any previous, and I recommend that you do. This book is right in the wheelhouse of fans who like horror and DC Universe magic stuff.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #8

Feb 13, 2019

Now that folks are aware of the Otherkind, they're getting scared. And you know what? They should be. Looks like the Big Bad of this story might not be what we thought it was, and an old friend from the DCYou returns to tell everyone how badly they've screwed up.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #9

Mar 13, 2019

The Lords of Order's Secret Origin is interesting and all, but we probably shouldn't have sacrificed story momentum to hear it. Or maybe we should; I don't know exactly what rites and sacrifices that are necessary to defeat the Otherkind.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #10

Apr 24, 2019

We learn more about the Lords of Order'sultimate plan, and find out how Circe intends to double-cross everyone, but besidesthese things, there isn't much advancement to the story. Even said plan, setforth by Nabu, seems a little hokey. You will, however, enjoy looking at everypage of this issue.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #14

Aug 28, 2019

After a year-plus of issues, we're stilldealing with mistakes made during the first story arc. Which isn't a singularcrime, but barely anything has happened in the interim. This is a beautifulbook that feels unmemorable because nothing of significance ever happens.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #15

Sep 25, 2019

Anoither visually-arresting issue with a few gross-out panels worth seeing, but the story moves too slowly to be considered exciting. Let's just call it enthralling.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #16

Oct 23, 2019

Lushly illustrated pages and the subtle raising of stakes areobliterated by a dense story full of contrivances and conveniences. Maybe thething that's supposed to happen will happen in the next issue.

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Justice League Dark (2018): Witching Hour #1

Oct 31, 2018

Everything comes to a reasonably satisfying close, though the nice visuals are obscured by an absolute deluge of copy. You might like the explanation behind the Witching Hour, you could appreciate its lasting ramifications. But man, you will have waded through a slog of prose to get there.

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Justice League: Darkseid War: Lex Luthor #1

Dec 9, 2015

We've waited a few extraweeks for this Darkseid War tie-inand we probably could have waited a few more. Like the other tie-ins, not a lothappens except for the titular character coming to a self-realization, which inLex's case seems disingenuous. The art is okay, but nothing to write homeabout, though there are a couple of spreads worth seeing. But for four bucks,you can look at a friend's.

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Justice League: Darkseid War: Superman #1

Nov 5, 2015

When one of thestrongest beings in the universe becomes the god of strength, well you knowthere's going to be apple pie involved. Superman takes to being a god with allof the contempt for humanity and egomania you would come to expect with such astation, I'm sure Ma and Pa Kent would be proud. Luckily, this story gives usSupergod's Kryptonite: apple pie. And uh, probably Kryptonite, too. And come tothink of it, his shitty attitude is kind of his hubris, as well. You just can'tfind good omnipotence these days!

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Justice League: Darkseid War: Green Lantern #1

Nov 14, 2015

Hal Jordan gets an offer he can't refuse and uses it for personal atonement, which is sort of a common theme with all of these Darkseid War tie-ins. Jordan gets to use his stubborn impetuousness for good, to dubious effect, but in the end everything is fairly well reset which is all that matters in this series. The art is really good and the action is clear, even in panels that contain a dozen or more characters moving around. Story's a little clunky but it ends strong and that's more that can be said for LOST.

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Justice League: Darkseid War: The Flash #1

Nov 4, 2015

Turns out that becoming the god ofdeath isn't all it's cracked up to be. Sure, you get a scythe made of lightningand a cool goth-style costume, but you have to work pretty muchtwenty-four/seven with no vacation or sick days. This comic details a verypersonal struggle of Barry Allen's, and if that seems like somethinginteresting then you should give it a look. But if you'd rather the Flashinteract with things outside of his grey matter, then you can probably justwait until the next issue of JusticeLeague.

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Justice League: Darkseid War: Shazam #1

Nov 13, 2015

Billy Batson is a teenaged asshole but he makes some good points as he copes with becoming the God of Gods. You don't need to drive your father's Oldsmobile. You can carve your own path. And part of that path includes a meet-and-greet with ethereal manifestations of personality traits and life events, and that's okay. The story is just okay, but the incredible artwork of Scott Kolins is worth recommending at least giving this a look in-store.

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Justice League: Darkseid War: Batman #1

Oct 28, 2015

Once again, Peter Tomasi shows that he can write Batman from any angle and do a great job, he really seems to have a connection with the world of Gotham City that few others possess. This is a story about Batman being omniscient and somewhat all-powerful; you don't need to have beenreading Justice League to understand or enjoy it, though a rudimentaryunderstanding of Metron and the Mobius Chair would probably be helpful. Therewas a game-changing reveal that was probably only game-changing to a selectfew, but this story is mainly about how the Mobius Chair turns you into apompous, yammering jerk. They should call it the cocaine chair.

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Kamandi Challenge #2

Feb 22, 2017

Kamandi continues cruising through post-apocalyptic America, encountering lots of strange beasts and fantastic devices that will probably be familiar to a lot of readers. The artwork and composition by Neal Adams is impeccable, the story is rollicking and energetic, and the whole package is so lively you won't be able to catch your breath. Kamandi gets no respite, and neither should we!

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Kamandi Challenge #4

Apr 26, 2017

If you like goofy, old school comic book fun against a freakish, dystopian background, then this is probably the only game in town. And it's a good game, at that. The art by Carlos d'Anda in this issue is phenomenal and the story by James Tynion IV is expertly hilarious. I'd say the creative team rose to the challenge with this issue.

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Kamandi Challenge #6

Jun 28, 2017

Theissue begins with a convoluted solution to the previous issue's cliffhanger andends with a bloated tale of dubious politics. A lot of the issue looks rushedor redrawn, and none of it screams classic Jack Kirby to me. This is definitelythe worst issue in the Kamandi Challenge series so far.

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Kamandi Challenge #8

Aug 23, 2017

A fairly disappointing contribution to the Kamandi Challenge, saved primarily by some spot-on artwork courtesy of Steve Rude. If you've followed the series to this, the last quarter, then I don't see why you'd bother stopping now. Here's a case where the next issue wiping away the prior is a good thing.

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Kamandi Challenge #10

Oct 25, 2017

The wacky adventuring along with anthropomorphic denizens are back in this issue, but it's a collection of wild scenes that aren't very well strung together. Kamandi vacillates between tonight's Blue Plate Special and the most important preservable resource, depending on the page. This issue does bring this issue back to a core story developed in issue #1, which frankly I wasn't sure would be happening at all. So kudos for that.

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Kamandi Challenge #12

Dec 27, 2017

An exciting and decidedly silly battle is cut short to pay some awkward homage to Jack Kirby, and that pretty much defines as well as concludes this series. You could do worse than a back-up drawn by Jos Luis Garca Lopez, though. That's for sure.

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Legends of Tomorrow #3

May 12, 2016

Just like the other two times, it doesn't seem fair to rate this entire book with one score, since it's four individual comics that have nothing to do with one another that happen to be under one cover. But since folks do like their facts and figures, we've provided the average score below so you can file it away like some crafty statistician.

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Legends of Tomorrow #4

Jun 11, 2016

I was initially really interested in this title because it featured heroes that we didn't really see kicking about anymore and because of that aspect it sounded like a little fun, which was really missed during the DCYou era of our favorite comic book company. The thing is though, that charm has kind of warn off because we've been swimming in fun the last two weeks with DC's new "Party over here" initiative called Rebirth. Hopefully we can get something decent out of the heroes in this book this month that can get me back on the trolley, but as of right now I just kind of look at this book and it makes me tired........ and that's a terrible way to look at superheroes.

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Legends of Tomorrow #6

Sep 1, 2016

That's it for our foray into this strange ass collection of mini series....... and it's about time. Yeah, when this was first announced I have to admit that I was interested in the concept, but after having to read all these stories month after month I can see why they were packaged together........ Because there's no way they would have sold separately. If you've been reading the rest of these issues then you should totally pick this up to complete your collection, but I see no other reason to ever read this.

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Lumberjanes / Gotham Academy #1

Jun 8, 2016

If these intellectual properties were actual kids and not just fictional intellectual properties, I think they'd get a long. A lot of good character moments and genuine displays of friendship, as are the hallmarks of Lumberjanes, propel the story at this point, since there's not a ton of action. What I've seen so far indicates that this is going to be a really good time, though, and fans of either Gotham Academy or Lumberjanes would do well to give it a look. Fans of both comic books, our reading group meets on Thursdays at the library.

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Lumberjanes / Gotham Academy #2

Jul 16, 2016

For a crossover between two comic books about a bunch of adventurous children, this issue is a real bore. Most of it takes place inside various log cabins and lodges, which does lend the thing a romantic, "Mount Airy Lodge" kind of feel. The artwork is great and compliments the characters perfectly, but there isn't much else of substance here that should entice even the most hardcore fans of either comic book involved.

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Manhunter Special #1

Aug 23, 2017

This issue is more of a Kirby sampler than the previous one-shots, and it seems all the better for it. Our dear co-publisher Dan Didio pens the first story, a rare showing of his writerly chops, and the second story featuring Etrigan is pretty compelling for the short space that it occupies. Kirby fans will already buy these comics on principle--but here's one you may want to actually read before bagging!

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Marvel's Doctor Strange: Prelude #1

Jul 11, 2016

Nice artwork and coloring don't save this action-heavy comic from feeling like a bit of a letdown. We are introduced to some characters and locations that are probably important in the upcoming Doctor Strange movie, but otherwise we see some martial arts action, which suggests we may be seeing more of that in the film as well. Frankly, I expect more for four dollars.

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Marvel's Doctor Strange: Prelude #2

Aug 29, 2016

A decent little story about Wong and the type of task the Masters of the Mystic Arts get up to that is marred by being too padded and aimless. The whole thing makes me feel cheated, frankly. I understand that this is the "prelude," and we're learning backstory that may or may not be important in the movie, but the lack of actual Doctor Strange content is discomfiting.This should have been two bucks.

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Milk Wars: Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye/Swamp Thing Special #1

Feb 21, 2018

Our journey through the milk-infused realities of Retconn continue, and it's starting to smell a little sour. The artwork, while adept, doesn't marry to the story's tone, and the narrative is littered with padding. Still, it can be understood from start to finish, which puts this issue in rare company for "Milk Wars."

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Milk Wars: JLA/Doom Patrol Special #1

Jan 31, 2018

The story kicks off abruptly and is immediately suffused with high weirdness that does not abate right up to the last page. Some new character designs offer fans of the JLA some interest, while those reading Young Animal titles will feel right at home among the strange. You might, too! Give this book a look, even if you aren't normally so inclined.

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Milk Wars: Doom Patrol/JLA Special #1

Feb 28, 2018

It's a reboot, folks. That's all this has been leading to the whole time. I doubt you'll get your money back from the retailer, but for twenty-five bucks this should have been a lot more. The artwork is gorgeous, but cannot stem my anger at having been duped.

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Mysteries of Love in Space #1

Jan 30, 2019

Eight stories, and one is a reprint from Showcase #17 from 1958. Even if the new stories were great--and they're not--this would be an unbearable cash grab for ten bucks. For shame, DC Comics.

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New Gods Special #1

Aug 2, 2017

If you love Jack Kirby's Fourth World so much that you can brook endless reminiscences of those comics without anything new being added, then you have found your comic. If you're anything less than an expert on the subject, however, you should probably steer clear. The art is all of good quality but the stories are boring and confusing. And no amount of frantic wikipedia-searching makes them interesting.

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New Suicide Squad #17

Feb 10, 2016

I can give this issue a partial passfor being a pilot episode (though it really should be renumbered, in myopinion), but I can't give a pass to a lot of the shitty dialogue. I understandthis is supposed to be the "action movie" of DC Comics, but come on. Peopledon't say things like "hackney carriage exhaust." They say "car fumes." Andthat's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to obnoxious yammering. The artis a little stiff, but I will give Ferrerya a break here since I've known himto get better over time.

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New Suicide Squad #18

Mar 9, 2016

Turns out I was a littletoo harsh on the last issue, since all of my questions and concerns wereanswered with this one. It was a good issue, a bit talky in the beginning butJuan Ferreyra's cleverly plotted pages make it a pleasure to read. The Squad isalive and in mortal danger by the end of the book, which you might haveexpected. What you might not have expected is that I actually apologize for havingbeen rash at the beginning of my review. Don't get too used to it.

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New Suicide Squad #19

Apr 7, 2016

There's only one way out of a spooky castle full of killers tasked with taking the lives of you and your team, and that's through them. If you felt like New Suicide Squad was a little too light on action and murder so far, well this is your issue! Juan Ferreyra's art is great and very expressive, particularly in the faces of some characters. The scene with Waller in the book was a little clunky, but I suppose it had to happen. Little House on the Prairie, this ain't. If you like your action bloody, your blood goopy, and your heroes villainous, then you should give this book a look.

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New Suicide Squad #20

May 6, 2016

The Suicide Squad is clearly feeling at home at creepy Castle Fleischhaus, they've had their mail forwarded there and Cheetah planted hydrangeas. This issue brings Amanda Waller into the fray once again, along with some special guests. But the reason you want to buy this comic book is for the art, colors and layout by Juan Ferreyra, it all works together perfectly and makes me want to frame the pages of this comic book and hang them on my wall.

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New Suicide Squad #21

Jun 15, 2016

A solid final issue to a story arc that went just a little too long. There was an artist change here, but Juan Ferreyra stuck around to do some plotting and finishes that helped make the transition more seamless. I like this team, and especially like the patter between Harley Quinn and Deadshot, but I feel like it began so long ago I don't even remember all the details anymore. This is a good creative team that I wouldn't have minded seeing more from, unfortunately Suicide Squad Rebirth debuts next month and Tim Seeley will be plying his words with new artists! Let's see how that goes.

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New Suicide Squad #22

Jul 20, 2016

Another one-off issue of Harley Quinn Featuring the New Suicide Squad delivers some intriguing backstory for the leading lady of sociopathy, but not much else in the way of the rest of the team. Big fans of the character will want to see this issue, those waiting for the New Suicide Squad to get going can keep waiting. The art is mostly good, but uneven, and looks particularly sparse where it counts. This issue actually plays better as a horror comic than your typical action-packed Suicide Squad fare.

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New Superman #5

Nov 14, 2016

There's a lesson about the Kong family's past, but really this issue is fun romp with Kenan acting his usual goofy but kind-hearted self. Plus we learn something that implies Super-Man's powers are different Superman's. See what I did there? For want of a hyphen, the horse was lost. Think about it, kids. I know I haven't.

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New Superman #6

Dec 14, 2016

A really exciting, fast-paced issue that gives you all the Kong Kenan recklessness you've come to know and love. This issue concludes with what might be some growth for the character, but if he stays the same lovable doofus he is now, I'll be okay with it. This comic book is a lot of fun to read, and if you're not on the trolley, I feel bad for you!

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New Superman #7

Jan 11, 2017

Kenan begins the long and painful journey to mastery of his super powers, and it includes humiliation. And pain. Humiliating pain. We also learn more about Bat-Man's background, as well as some quiet time with Wonder-Woman that couldn't be afforded in previous issues. Plus, I-Ching is in this issue! If you can't appreciate the re-emergence of this racist caricature, then appreciate the appropriation of said caricature by an all-Asian create team. Can you dig it?

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New Superman #8

Feb 8, 2017

This comic is so great, and I don't even want to give any of it away in this blurb. It looks terrific. The characters are unique and engaging. It is funny and intriguing. Don't miss the boat on this series, you can jump in with the last issue and follow along (I hope)!

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New Superman #9

Mar 8, 2017

Kong Kenan makes his way to Metropolis, and it's hilarious. It's also very dangerous, but there some very funny dialogue to keep things light. The introduction of some new Chinese characters with super powers only increased my enthusiasm for the book, and the hopes of a new Justice League of China. This is one of DC Comics' greatest books, and you do yourself a disservice to avoid it.

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New Superman #10

Apr 12, 2017

Kenan Kong gets his groove back and it is incredible. If you are buying this comic, you are a good and smart human being. If you're not, then I don't know what your problem is. Get your act together. Your life sucks and it's not getting any better by avoiding this comic book.

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New Superman #11

May 10, 2017

This issue brings the usual high-flying fun and unabashed Silver Age-style action, but it seems a little overly-packed with story. I know it might seem strange to complain about getting more rather than less, but I'm skeptical like that. Long-time readers of the series will get some cool payoff at the end, which is pretty much revealed on the cover.

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New Superman #12

Jun 14, 2017

Kenan confronts his boss, and it doesn't go well...for her! Also, Superman Zero becomes a Chinese warrior. Wonder-Woman turns into a giant snake! I normally don't spoil the books here but this is one you've just gotta read!

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New Superman #13

Jul 12, 2017

I don't know what more I can say. This is the best comic book currently being put out by DC Comics. If you're not reading it, then you should start. Volume one of the trade came out a few weeks ago, that's a good place to start. Because if you jump in on this issue, you're just going to wish you'd read the earlier comics anyway.

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New Superman #14

Aug 9, 2017

The assault on Shanghai continues, and so does the heroism of the Justice League of China. There's some nice developments with Baixi and Deilan, and some good heroes-punching action. This issue is jam-packed with stuff, I can barely write about it without giving everything away! So stop looking at this and go buy the danged thing!

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New Superman #15

Sep 13, 2017

The insane events of the past few issues come to a head...then come to a head again...then there's a lull and then they come to a head again. You'll never feel cheated out of the cover price with this book. The characters are fully-formed and a lot of fun, and I implore you to give it a look if you haven't already.

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New Superman #16

Oct 11, 2017

A trip to Chinatown in 1937 reveals a new path for Kenan, which does not, as yet, have anything to do with Chop Suey. There's intrigue, surprises, great character moments, and--why not?--a giant robot. This could be the issue you finally hop on board and start reading New Super-Man! Though frankly I suggest you start at the beginning because you're going to want to read the earliest issues anyway.

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New Superman #17

Nov 8, 2017

A limp meeting between two Justice Leagues and some really disappointing art makes for a lame issue of New Super-Man. It has to happen once in a while, I suppose. Let's just hope it doesn't become a habit.

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New Superman #18

Dec 13, 2017

What was supposed to be the final issue of New Super-Man does provide a satisfying capstone to Kenan's character growth, among some terrific action featuring the Justice Leagues American and Chinese. I'm not complaining! The artwork is somewhat sub-par and bland, which is disappointing, but did nothing to dampen my anticipation for the next series!

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New Superman #19

Jan 10, 2018

Laney Lan fans rejoice! Your day has come. Other fans of the series should enjoy this issue as well. It provides a good amount of background and colors in a little more of Kenan Kong's world. Plus, I suspect Laney will be more important to the series when the title changes next month. It's a little poor visually, but not offensively.

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New Superman #20

Feb 14, 2018

Our inaugural issue of NS-M&tJLC kicks off with a bang, and a great entry point for new readers. Some old faces, some new faces...some faces behind opaque masks that are presumably new. I couldn't be more excited to see how this story develops!

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New Superman #21

Mar 14, 2018

The stakes are raised and the action is intense in this second installment about a guy defecting from North Korea under pressure from some friends. Those friends happen to be giant mythical spider crabs. This book is well-paced and very engrossing, and if you didn't jump onto this series last issue when the status quo changed, get off the fence and check it out!

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New Superman #22

Apr 11, 2018

There's a lot of foreshadowing for future arcs, as the Justice League of China likens themselves to Dragonson and prepare for his imminent inclusion, but there isn't too much development of the story at hand. Too bad, really. Still, this is probably the most compelling story coming from DC Comics at the moment, so I am still all-in.

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New Superman #23

May 9, 2018

A fast-paced, action-heavy issue that will satisfy fans of the series. This is the kind of comic bookery we like to see! Not just in this series, but throughout the four-color world(s).

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New Superman #24

Jun 13, 2018

And now, the end is here, and so we'll face the final curtain. It's been a fun read, Kong Kenan, I hope we see you and the crew again someday. Especially Robinbot. In fact, just the Robinbot mini-series will do nicely.

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New Talent Showcase: 2017 #1

Nov 29, 2017

Not an altogether bad effort by the most recent graduates of the DC Talent Workshops, but the eight-dollar cover price is pretty prohibitive to prospective buyers. This is a huge issue, but I doubt anyone would give it a second look for a price above four dollars. And that's a shame, because a few things in here deserve a gander.

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New Talent Showcase: 2018 #1

Dec 12, 2018

A pretty good batch of stories from the New Class of comic book industry prospects. If this is the caliber of work they'll be exhibiting out of the gate, I look forward to seeing more of it.

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Newsboy Legion & The Boy Commandos Special #1

Aug 9, 2017

As a fan of these Jack Kirby properties and much of Howard Chaykin's work, I was surprised to see it look so unfinished and poorly-plotted. The story itself is serviceable, but runs a bit too long without anything interesting happening, which is not a good use of my two extra dollars for this issue. Die-hard fans only need apply here.

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Plastic Man (2018) #1

Jun 13, 2018

It's not a stretch (pause for thunderous applause) to suggest that Simone and Melo may be perfectly paired to handle this character. Great dialogue, some goofy moments, and a reasonably engrossing mystery are just what the doctor ordered. The reiterated "wang" jokes, not so much.

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Plastic Man (2018) #2

Jul 11, 2018

Now that we know who Plastic Man is, we spend some time learning how Plastic Man does...which is to sproing himself to and fro like a rubber chicken with its head cut off. The ever-wang Suave Prince in a hoodie takes a larger role in the story, but nothing could ever crowd out the wacky antics of Plas. A highly enjoyable book, full of yuks and gags.

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Plastic Man (2018) #3

Aug 8, 2018

Plastic Man continues to protect Pado Saskatoon, and in doing so nearly kills the kid. All in a day's work for the google-eyed goofball! The plot thickens, but it's more than likely you've come for the jokes, and you'll stay for the butt-faces. There's truly something for everyone here.

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Plastic Man (2018) #4

Sep 12, 2018

Some interesting teases at the beginning and end, but the middle is a lot of mediocre quips and fan service that we could probably do without. The artwork looks rushed, and there are a couple of storytelling problems that required a re-read. A disappointing issue in what's been a pretty fun series so far.

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Plastic Man (2018) #5

Oct 10, 2018

It's the penultimate issue of the series, and I'm still unclear about what are the stakes and where I'm supposed to be emotionally involved. It's going to take a masterful final issue to wrap this up neatly. If anyone can do it, it's this team.

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Plastic Man (2018) #6

Nov 14, 2018

I can't believe it, but I actually have to give this series an F.U.5 in the final analysis. It's a waste of time and money. There are some good offbeat moments, but as a six-issue narrative, it falls flat. This issue is the most weighted with the story, so if you have to buy one, this is it.

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Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #1

Jan 20, 2016

The problem with "a day inthe life" stories is that most days in anyone's life are pretty unremarkable.So it is with issue #1 of Poison Ivy:Cycle of Life and Death; it's not a badcomic, the art is pretty good and the pacing is fine, but the story is reallydull. There's no great payoff for long-time Poison Ivy fans or new readers,save for the inclusion of Harley Quinn"and seeing Harley in the DCU these daysis about as rare as Jim getting diarrhea from eating crappy food. Personally, Iliked seeing Maps Mizoguchi in that one panel a lot more.

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Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #2

Feb 17, 2016

Things are opening up andmore characters are introduced as the mystery of the Botanical Gardens Killerdeepens. There's some good personality development and some nice scenes, butit's tough to figure out what's important in this book and what's justbackground information. Pamela seems to walk through the world in a daze, notunlike some people I remember from college. Remember these people? Somethingconcrete would happen, like their car would break down, and they're like, “theuniverse has determined I don't need a car, I suppose.” Pamela seems sort oflike that, except she has more disdain for humanity. And that makes me like hera lot.

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Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #3

Mar 16, 2016

Another day, another deaddoctor at the Gotham Botanical Gardens, and it seems like the culprit might besome whooshing werewolf thing, or maybe the guy with the rooster hair, or possiblythe dude that runs the whole facility that I almost forgot about. Pamela'splant babies are gross but her parenting skills are top notch. The art in thisbook is top notch in some places, and somewhat unfortunate in others. Thismuch-heralded book seems to be going down the tubes.

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Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #4

Apr 20, 2016

There are some reveals in the story, but not many that you wouldn't have guessed already. Catwoman's patter with Ivy is cool and I liked that she referenced Harley Quinn, since they were hanging out together during a road trip last summer. I may have liked this issue a bit more than the previous one because the art was more fluid, but really it was an okay installment in a miniseries that I would call "good enough." If nothing else, it's gotten me interested in visiting my local botanical gardens later this Spring.

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Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #5

May 18, 2016

Poison Ivy's hybrid leaf babies and newly-adopted lab experiment have matured into teenagers, and you know what that means! GIRLS NIGHT! Which, in modern terms, would actually mean three ladies ignoring each other and staring into their smart phones all evening, but for these cloistered chickadees means they are gonna step out and be fierce! Poison Ivy does go all "mom" on them, then consults with a formless power that I didn't even know she was friendly with. In all, this story has developed like something tumbling down a flight of stairs, and I find myself less and less invested in the characters as it continues. One more issue to wrap it all up, and from the loose threads still dangling I expect it will be text-only.

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Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #6

Jun 16, 2016

I hope this miniseries will be quietly resigned to the back issue bins of our collective memory, only spoken of in hushed tones among confidantes.

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Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #6

Jul 18, 2016

I am a huge fan of this series and David Walker, but it fell a bit for me since it was an obvious tie-in issue. With that being said, the book was still really good and I would recommend it to those that have been following from issue one. If you are new to the series, I can see this as an issue to pass up on. If you haven't read the series yet, I recommend getting the first four for sure, either as single back issues or when the trade comes out. Hopefully after this cross-over is over we can get back to what this book has been: a fun read with a good blend of action and comedy, and awesome art.

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Ragman #1

Oct 11, 2017

A telegraphed story and some nice artwork make for a pretty standard comic book. There's enough here to sustain interest to the next issue, but I do hope that this debut is suffering from "pilot episode syndrome" and it won't be as rote next month.

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Ragman #2

Nov 8, 2017

This comic book covers a very interesting topic that needs more exposure, but the narrative barely advances at all. The art team is putting out some very interesting layouts and expert design, which could be worth the cover price alone. This issue will play better for the trade collection.

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Ragman #3

Dec 13, 2017

A fast-paced action-packed romp through Gotham City and Rory's psyche--at the same time! A couple of guest-appearances and the introduction of a good, though evil, villain are well-stirred into the fray. The last issue was more of a dud, but this one has me excited.

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Ragman #4

Jan 10, 2018

We see some of Ragman's cool new powers, otherwise this miniseries continues to crawl along, stretching a couple of issues worth of story out to six. Might make for a nice trade collection, when it's all done. It's certainly compelling from a visual standpoint.

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Ragman #5

Feb 14, 2018

Will Ragman make the ultimate sacrifice to save everyone and everything? Eh, probably. He's been a Reluctant Rory this whole time, but I bet he'll pull it together.

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Ragman #6

Mar 14, 2018

Ragman fails to save the day! And then he stops failing. This comic, however, is both a loss in engaging story and decompressed cash grab. I can't imagine anyone being hyped for this one.

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Raven #1

Sep 21, 2016

Raven is starting a new life in San Francisco with the aid of some estranged family members. I mean strange family members. I mean Raven is strange. It's a fairly typical "fish out of water" story, with the wrinkle being that the protagonist is prone to painful attacks that might bring about the end of the world. It's called her period! Ha! Hey, what are you doing? Put that cheese grater down!

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Raven #2

Oct 19, 2016

There's a lot more world-building and not a lot of world-explaining, but this is a pretty engaging issue that should pique the interests of Raven fans. There appears to be some set-up for welcome changes to the character we saw a glimpse of in Teen Titans Rebirth #1. This is a solid comic, but nothing I'd say you should drop everything for and read. If something unbelievable happens in future issues that require your eyeballs' attention, I'll let you know.

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Raven #3

Nov 16, 2016

A fairly weak start to the issue does conclude with a new wrinkle in the story, but since few of the extant wrinkles were ironed out, it's looking a bit disheveled. There's obviously some big connection between the disparate moving parts in this book, but three issues in my interest has waned. I think we should know more about what's happening by now. Now if this were a bi-weekly book, I might be singing a different tune.

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Raven #4

Dec 21, 2016

Raven is back in action! And by that, I mean she kind of farts around for the whole issue and there's not a lot of development.

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Raven #5

Jan 18, 2017

A pointless issue in a frustrating miniseries. If you've been reading, you'll learn nothing of significance this issue. If you haven't been reading, then lord how I envy you.

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Raven #6

Feb 15, 2017

Once again, the Care Bear Stare saves the day and everyone learns the importance of friendship. Or something. Some wonderful and expressive renderings do not save this book from being a dud. Six issues to tell a story that should have been done in one.

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Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

Jul 18, 2016

I loved this book, and my initial score after reading it was going to be an 8.5, but after reviewing it and reading it again I had to adjust that score a bit. I can't wait to see where this creative team takes this series from here.

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Secret Six (2014) #6

Oct 12, 2015

Very well-drawn and well-plotted comic book about a bunch of characters that do weird things for strange reasons. Some of the characterization is really enjoyable, particularly in Catman and Strix, but too many of the characters seem like throwaways or placeholders for punching bags. The wedding teased on the cover is barely an afterthought in this issue, it comes across as just another of the bizarre scenarios that play out through the story. And it all takes place at the same location"this may actually be a tour de force of Hitchcockian proportions!

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Secret Six (2014) #7

Oct 22, 2015

Gail Simone has yetanother attempt to get this book off the ground with the second arc, and withDale Eaglesham on art the showing is pretty strong. The story sort of zipsaround in an attempt to give every character something to do, but it's notdifficult to follow if you can accept just looking at creepy semi-heroeshanging out half the time. Practically the entirety of DC Comics'magic-wielding roster is featured in this book, so if your church has denouncedthem as blasphemous then you should probably stay away and light a candle orwhatever.

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Secret Six (2014) #8

Nov 18, 2015

I rated last issuestrongly but tentatively, in hopes that this book would pull out of thetailspin that was its first arc. I'm pleased to say that Secret Six has done just that and it is all of the madcap, fartjoke fun that we all hoped it would be. If you think Catman's butt could rivalGrayson's, if you like when Etrigan's character is written in correctly rhymingpatterns, if you think a deathless, mute, reformed assassin could be the mosttouching character in comics right now, then you should do yourself a favor andcheck this out. Worst thing that could happen is Big Shot teaching you someawesome new epithets.

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Secret Six (2014) #9

Dec 16, 2015

Our heroes get out of thefrying pan and into the fire. The "frying pan" in this instance is the threatof being crushed by an entire ocean, and the "fire" would be a rural NewEngland mining town from the nineteenth century held captive by a giant wad ofphlegm with an eyeball. I suppose it's a pretty weak metaphor. You'll love theart, you'll love the writing, you'll love this book, and if you don't then youneed to go down to the arcade and take a spin on the Love Tester. You'll probably come up as "Cold Fish."

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Secret Six (2014) #10

Jan 21, 2016

This story arc was cut by one issue for some reason,I would swear to it. As a result, the ending of this issue and the whole taleof Black Alice and the Alabaster Pillars fairly well sucked. Between the pausefor Convergence and truncated storieslike this, Secret Six could join anabuse survivors group"if the book survives, that is. Ah well, at least DaleEaglesham's art is spectacular, as always.

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Secret Six (2014) #11

Feb 17, 2016

Arc number three for thisvolume of Secret Six begins with thisissue, and it's a solid story. Batgirl shows up for no huge reason and neverreally matches that awesome scene on the cover of the issue. If you don't wantto know more about the enigmatic and adorable Strix, then this issue is not foryou. But if you want to see Dale Eaglesham and Tom Derenick put a clinic oncomic book storytelling and make it look easy as pie, then there's loads ofthat in this comic. It's a tough one, I can tell you're torn. Might as well buythe comic and act put out about it than regret having missed something later.

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Secret Six (2014) #12

Apr 4, 2016

The problem with this book is that is has amazing artwork and amazing characters and a compelling story that is well-written and nicely paced while being eminently readable. What's that you say? You don't consider these "problems?" Then why aren't you reading Secret Six? And if you are reading Secret Six, why aren't you buying two and three copies every month? Why aren't you buying issues by the baleful and slipping them inconspicuously into pediatric office waiting rooms and onto church bulletin boards? I'm really going to miss this team, both the creative and the fictional one, but before they take their bows it looks like they're pulling out all the stops. Hop on while you can!

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Secret Six (2014) #13

Apr 27, 2016

Strix is in the clutches of Lady Shiva and the League of Assassins, and it's up to the Secret Six to save her! Right after some grub...and recruiting help from some likely and unlikely friends. The art in this book looks a little hurried along and not up to the usual standard, but it doesn't take away from some great character moments, some gross and slicey fight scenes, and the usual dark humor we've come to expect from the series. Next issue is the last one, so expect a doozy! 

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Secret Six (2014) #14

May 25, 2016

This will suffice as a good ending to a series that I think has been somewhat hindered by external circumstances from the beginning. A year ago, I could have cared less about Strix and her "cute mute" shtick. Now, I can truly say I am going to miss her. And I am going to miss this comic and Gail Simone's perverted mind sputtering its brain juice on the DCU. I hope the company has something planned for her in the pipeline.

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Secrets of Sinister House #1

Oct 9, 2019

Another uneven mash-up of stories of varying spookiness. Visually, the book is very strong. Story-wise, less so.

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Shade, the Changing Girl #8

May 10, 2017

Your Magical Mystery Tour through Gotham City awaits, and you won't even need to wear the M-Vest to enjoy it. There's a bit of a pause in the action as Shade enjoys this blue marble she's made her home, and fans of the series should feel well gratified by it. Everything about this character just rings so true to me. Even the crappy bits.

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Silver Surfer (2016) #4

Jun 27, 2016

This issue was pretty strange for a romance comic. There are no-frills aliens, garish superheroes, and Squirrel Girl is there, too. But wraps with a tearful admission and a desperate hug, which is exactly how you'd expect a romance comic to end. Where was the jealous older sister? What about the problematic suitor whose problems are overlooked by a lovestruck young lady? I think this book has a long way to go before it stands alongside classic fare like True Romance, luckily this is a better title by far on every measurable level and stands perfectly alone as an awesome Silver Surfer book. Any sappy feelings you have while reading this comic are no extra charge.

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Silver Surfer (2016) #5

Jul 11, 2016

Here's another touching and funny issue of Silver Surfer, brought to you by the team that keeps bringing you touching and funny issues of Silver Surfer. Now Norrin Radd is dealing with the results of his decision to erase his homeworld Zenn-La's history from existence, which has rightfully made him feel out of place. Though Earth embraces him, he is yet unfulfilled, because Earth has embraced Kris Kardashian, and she's a horrible inhuman monster. Read this book, unless your doctor has told you to stay off pleasure and fun for the next six weeks. If you want to reduce your smile lines, you'll have to read Hagar the Horrible until the swelling goes down.

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Silver Surfer (2016) #6

Sep 5, 2016

This routine praise of Silver Surfer is getting a bit redundant, isn't it? Here's another expertly rendered and plotted, super colorful issue of Silver Surfer, and this one's got Spider-Man in it. Also fake-out versions of well-known Marvel villains. And a great, human story, a human. If you're already reading this series, then you probably love it. And if you're staying away from this series for some reason, then you're probably stupid. Get on the surfboard.

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Silver Surfer (2016) #7

Oct 31, 2016

Dawn nags Norrin about never taking her anywhere dangerous, so he takes her to the most risk-filled dimension in the multiverse! There, they learn some lessons about themselves and their limitations, but the mutual trust between them is more powerful than their individual shortcomings. And guess what? Mike and Laura Allred make this thing look beautiful, as usual. Get yourself some Silver Surfer, true believer.

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Sixpack & Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin' Heroz #1

Aug 24, 2016

Some DCU cameos and a surprise character introduction aren't even the selling points of this comic book, which are mainly that it is completely inappropriate and nauseating. Fans of the last series will be glad to see that this picks up precisely where it left off, though this isn't new reader unfriendly...but you will know at a glance if you intend to be one of those new readers. The artwork is impeccable and fits this kind of slobbering comedy very well. Pick this up, unless you're one of those people who delude themselves into thinking they have standards.

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Sixpack & Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin' Heroz #2

Sep 28, 2016

This is the funniest book on comic stands today. Oh, what's that? You think hipster Jughead is funnier? Nope. Oh, Adventure Time is a funny book, you say? Get your head out of your rear end. Hard-Travelin' Heroz is the funniest book on comic stands today, and should play best to seasoned fans of DC Comics. It also looks impeccable. Put your prejudices aside and give this miniseries a look!

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Sixpack & Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin' Heroz #3

Oct 26, 2016

Delving deeper in Dogwelder's past proves to be an awkward experience, which I suppose we could have expected. But we don't just take a look at Dogwelder the man, but Dogwelder the institution! With gorgeous artwork that captures expressions and gross-outs with equal skill, it's not tough to see why I read this book first every month!

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Sixpack & Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin' Heroz #4

Nov 23, 2016

We unravel the mysteries of Dogwelder and, no surprise, they are very silly. But a smart kind of silly, like a quip from your eighth grade Earth Science teacher. Some of the jokes are retreads of what we've seen in previous issues, but there's enough here to keep you chortling. If you're on the trolley with this comic book, then you might as well stay on to the last stop. I'm right there with you, but hiding in the back because I have no intention of paying for a ticket.

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Sixpack & Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin' Heroz #5

Dec 28, 2016

Some great gags and a little inside baseball make for an entertaining read, though the story moves along incrementally. More soul-bearing by Sixpack, more poking fun at John Constantine, and a whole lotta silliness. This is probably the calm to the last issue's storm, and the book looks great so it's always a quality buy. But I do think this was paced correctly, since I'm about ready for it to end.

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Sixpack & Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin' Heroz #6

Jan 25, 2017

A bittersweet ending to a bizarre series that was a lot more personal than the DC Universe satire of the last miniseries. Expertly-executed in storytelling and art, the hyper-MAD magazine sensibilities of Hard-Travelin' Heroz may not be for everyone, but those people lack sense of humor so we don't care about their opinions. We normal people can appreciate the tumultuous friendship between a delusional alcoholic and a serial animal abuser. There, but for the grace of vomit, go I.

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Starfire #8

Jan 13, 2016

Really good artwork and aserviceable story make for a pleasant comic book experience. It's a littleuneven between exposition and action, the former taking the lion's share ofpages, but it's got some enjoyable moments peppered throughout and it was coolto see how Grayson and Starfire relate to each other. If Starfire being nave bothersyou, then this comic book will continue to annoy you in that way. But if youlike Starfire and her pseudo-dopey ways, then you'll probably smile while readingthis issue.

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Starfire #9

Feb 12, 2016

Another issue jam-packedwith fluff where very little happens. The art by Elsa Charretier is really awesome and I'd love to see more of it. Um,what else can I say about this book without any spoilers? There are lots ofcool monsters in it. Also Starfire and Stella have a heart-to-heart, which wasnice to see. Do Tamaranians even have hearts? I bet they actually have like anuclear core or something. Anyway, this book ends in three issues, so if youhaven't checked it out yet, you can keep not checking it out. But if you havebeen enjoying it, why not stick around until the end?

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Starfire #10

Mar 9, 2016

Whoa! Starfire's sleeping, so Atlee's attackin'! Then Atlee's getting beaten up, so Starfire awakens! Then she's sleeping! I wish I were sleeping! This book was a reasonably fun ride that probably went on five pages too long. Artwork is impeccable, and worth the rather paltry admission price. Also there's a little Starfire cheesecake, something you won't even find in Playboy anymore.

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Starfire #11

Apr 18, 2016

If you like the incessant back-and-forth chatter of the Gilmore Girls or your typical Brian Michael Bendis comic, then this is the book for you. I hope the letterer got overtime for this issue. Worth crowing about is the wonderful artwork, which has a classic look with a modern twist brought by some vibrant colors. Otherwise, this issue was a snorefest that exists primarily as a bridge to the next and final issue in the series, where we just might see boobies!

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Starfire #12

May 11, 2016

The farewell issue of the series, wherein Starfire says farewell. All loose ends are tied up, and necessary bridges are burned, and in the final analysis we can say that this book did what it was supposed to: make Starfire a character that more people would want to read about. While the book itself didn't turn huge numbers, I think Kori's character redemption was real, and I expect something closer to this post-Rebirth than what we got prior to the maxi-series. As it has been for the previous eleven issues, the art in the final story is phenomenal, and if there can be only one legacy of this title, let it be Elsa Charretier doing more work for DC Comics. Because I would love to see this style on something like Green Lantern.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #1

Aug 17, 2016

It's the first official mission for the classic Suicide Squad team since Rebirth, and it feels like a familiar, dysfunctional home. In the relatively little space we see them together, there's plenty of action, laughs, and character work that makes it all pretty compelling. The back-up is cool, tells us more about Deadshot and establishes his motivations for those wondering or confused (given other character changes during Rebirth.) Frankly, I could have excised the back-up and done with more story, but that's what you want, right? Leave the audience wanting more?

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Suicide Squad (2016) #2

Sep 14, 2016

Another fun bunch of circumstances involving our favorite team doing what they do best (slaughtering, making quips) is marred by some clunky dialogue. The villain reveal at the end, though, is harrowing. The back-up is really engaging and features Ivan Reis stepping out of the typical super muscles stuff we're used to. Worth checking out if only to see Killer Croc puke again.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #3

Sep 28, 2016

No one could ever call this a slow read, but it definitely keeps things interesting. More happens in the first half of the book than some entire story arcs, and it has a chaotic quality that keeps escalating the action to nosebleed heights. The back-up is really good in this issue, and is probably worth three bucks by itself. This book is a great blend of psychopathic murder spree and light-hearted comedy quips. Mainly about psychopathic murder sprees. Give it a look.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #4

Oct 12, 2016

The wacky Russian prison break (the prison is Russian, not the break) comes to a fairly satisfying conclusion, despite the new threat introduced at the end of the last issue turning out to be no threat at all. Members of the Squad have clearly paired up during this battle, and that's sure to lead to some intrigue in the future. Complete with a nicely-rendered back-up, this title continues to satisfy and impress...satisfy my bloodlust and impress young children with violence, that is! Lord bless it.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #5

Oct 26, 2016

We take a little welcome breather after the all-out action-fest that was the last story arc, and find some interactions developing between certain teammates that are...goofy. But intriguing! The stuff about the composition of the Black Vault is also pretty compelling, and I wonder if that's the real prize here. The back-up looks glorious, and it's a pretty good origin story for one of the Squad members besides. Check it out, it won't bite (except for Killer Croc.)

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Suicide Squad (2016) #6

Nov 16, 2016

A pretty mediocre offering that advances the story by a small increment, and a back-up that is nothing to write home about. I feel like this book has been doing the same thing forever, only teasing us with new character developments but rarely following up on them in a satisfying way. Gotta say, Jim Lee's art is looking a little sloppy here. I'm not going to draw any hypotheses from this, though. Not every time out can be a step up to the plate homerun.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #7

Nov 30, 2016

Continuing the fracas from last issue...well, the fracas continues. There's a big revelation about what's driving everyone bonkers at the end of the story, but the rest of it is Dr. Harleen Quinzell making her violent rounds. The backup is about the Enchantress, and is entertaining enough, but the artwork is really something special and may be worth the cover price all by itself. If you're prone to paying three bucks to look at great pictures, that is.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #8

Dec 14, 2016

I wouldn't call the ending to this story predictable, but that's because I didn't understand about half of it. The other half was fairly stupid and contrived. Some good dialogue makes me think there's a good Suicide Squad comic lurking within, yearning to be free. I'm hoping that after the space constraints (presumably placed by Jim Lee's drawing schedule) for this series are lifted, we can get a story where they're not running around the inside of a facility for five straight issues.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #9

Jan 11, 2017

A nice enough tale of the earliest days of Task Force X that is hampered by looking like a mess. It just isn't the best look for this title, though it seems to work okay for Lobo. It has nothing to do with the Justice League vs. Suicide Squad crossover, so don't feel compelled to buy if you've been reading and enjoying that.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #10

Jan 25, 2017

An Amanda Waller-centric story that is a little discomfiting, which may be the point. This is a one-off issue and you don't need to read it if you're just following the Suicide Squad series, but if you want to know the complete story of Justice League vs. Suicide Squad, you'll have to give it a look. It won't kill you.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #11

Feb 8, 2017

We head back into familiar territory after the Justice League vs. Suicide Squad crossover, but some things are...different. The two stories contained in this issue read more like a two-act play, and this also means they both "count." I wouldn't call this a thrill-ride (because then Jim would mock me), but it is a pretty solid issue that lays out some intriguing developments--particularly the one on the last page which is quite the cliffhanger!

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Suicide Squad (2016) #12

Feb 22, 2017

The story moves in fits and starts, but it does move forward so that's a good thing. I enjoyed the second yarn in this issue more than the first, but they are very different in style and tone purposefully. Both tales have artwork that must be seen to be believed: the hilarious one can be seen on the title page of the issue, but the second story's art by Eddy Barrows is really incredible. So take a look.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #13

Mar 8, 2017

I do appreciate how Rob Williams is juggling two stories per issue, allowing them to inform each other in creative ways, but this whole thing seems to be going nowhere slowly. I think I need to know more about Harcourt, and quickly. Also, John Romita Jr. can't draw faces very well. I'm taking a stand here and now.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #14

Mar 22, 2017

The story meanders along slowly despite cataclysmic events happening in the background. Looks like most everything will snap back to start soon enough, lowering the stakes to nothing at all. It's tough to root for any characters in this book. Eddy Barrows art, however, is terrific.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #15

Apr 12, 2017

If you like convoluted plots and moronic subterfuge, then this is the issue for you. The rest of us will find it's like something created while falling down a flight of stairs. I know conspiracies are supposed to be complex, but even the most speed-addled 9/11 Truther would be incredulous at this. Eddy Barrows sure can draw, though.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #16

Apr 26, 2017

Will Amanda Waller and Lex Luthor cancel out each other's smug evasiveness? You'll have to read to find out, and you might enjoy what you find. I know you're going to dig the artwork and plotting, expertly handled (for once) by Tony S. Daniel. Feels like a Rebirth to me.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #17

May 10, 2017

If you want to read about a capable paramilitary strike force execute a well-planned mission with exacting precision, well this won't help you. But if you want to read about a bunch of dangerous dopes that fight a guy with a claw hammer for a hear, then you've found your comic book! I had a good time reading this, and Tony Daniel's artwork is as dynamic and bold as expected. The boys are back in town! And the girls, the girls are back, too.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #18

May 24, 2017

When Zod's in the Squad...things are bound to get odd! No? How about: Amanda Waller's got a headache...and it's got Kryptonian written all over it! No good? Well, this comic is pretty good if you like high-flight action and silliness. And implied sexual activity, but I assumed you liked that already.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #19

Jun 14, 2017

The story of Zod the Odd Bod on the Squad concludes, and in hindsight it's been a lot of fun. The dialogue is good, the action is fierce, and this comic embraces silly comic book weirdness in a way that I really enjoy. It's worth mentioning that Tony S. Daniel does not draw this issue, but it's still a really fun conclusion to a very strange story.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #20

Jun 28, 2017

We take a break from our usual non-stop bullet-time beheadings for a more contemplative issue of character studies. After the last arc, such a thing is welcome, particularly when drawn by Stjepan Sejic. I mean, let's be real: even if it were Katana doing her laundry, it would still be great if Sejic drew it. If the story can be engaging and funny besides, that's a bonus.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #21

Jul 12, 2017

Now that Harley Quinn is the field commander for the Suicide Squad, everything goes completely smoothly with no issues or conflicts whatsoever. NOT! Man, I still get 'em with "not!" The old gags are still the best. No, but seriously the very idea is insane, and so is this issue. In the fun way, not in the "make me think about my own fragility" way.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #22

Jul 26, 2017

This is a quick read, but it's a solid issue. I think this series has really found its groove, but of course you have to want high-action, silly dialogue comic books. Think "90s action movie" type stuff. It's a good time, twice a month for six bucks.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #23

Aug 9, 2017

At the behest of Amanda Waller (of course), the Suicide Squad goes after Killer Frost--and it's not as simple as leaving a trail of hot pennies for her to follow! Of course, her Justice League of America teammate has to enter the fray, to good effect. For the story, I mean; everyone else takes a pretty good beating.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #24

Aug 23, 2017

Allegiances are broken, new alliances are formed, and few jokes are bandied about in this solid issue of Suicide Squad. There's still the problem of each character having something to do in every issue, but there is some forward movement on the story and a reveal that makes continued reading worthwhile. Plus: Batman! Who could ask for more?

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Suicide Squad (2016) #25

Sep 13, 2017

Plans are enacted, plans are thwarted, and I can't help but feel like we've trod this ground before. A fairly flat ending to a pretty sluggish story arc, this book has its moments but overall it's just a pastiche of japes and jests and wholesale murder. In that light, it could be worse.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #26

Sep 27, 2017

"Gotham Resistance" continues, and our team of heroes are drawn ever-deeper into that crazy mountain hovering above Gotham City. This isn't such a Suicide Squad-specific issue, and the change-up in roster feels pretty good. We learn a few things relating directly to Dark Nights: Metal, which might be a bummer if you're not reading that series, but there's also Stjepan Sejic's artwork in here, so that should lift your spirits.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #27

Oct 11, 2017

So you wanna know the secret history of the Suicide Squad, huh? Well, you won't find out what it is in this issue, but you'll get some tantalizing clues and the reveal of some classic characters from DC's world of covert agencies. Which, considering how many there are, could be any from a thousand people.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #28

Oct 25, 2017

A lame, aimless issue that moves one team from a space station to their certain doom. Ho-hum. They are called the Suicide Squad, after all. Some nice artwork, but a boring issue to read.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #29

Nov 8, 2017

There's some fun times in this issue and some terrifically-rendered action scenes, but the shocking conclusion was evident from jump. This will all read better in the collected version, so hang out and wait for that.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #30

Nov 22, 2017

Events in this story double back on themselves, rendering at least one of the issues in the arc redundant. Also, Red Wave is very silly. Which, come to think of it, is one of the more enjoyable parts of this issue.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #31

Dec 13, 2017

This fairly middling story arc continues to plod along at a pace much slower than it should, and the romantic entanglements of people that are little more than congealed ghosts are shrug-worthy. Red Wave is too crazy-looking a monster for this kind of cerebral treatment. Better he rampage through Tokyo than be subjected to this long-winded chapter.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #32

Dec 27, 2017

Reaching the conclusion of this otherwise mediocre story was like swimming through rapidly-setting concrete. There were never any great stakes, and the incredible things that will change the Suicide Squad forever are, in fact, quite credible. And what's up with the Phantom Zone in this book? I half expect it to get rolled into hi-bounce balls and shot from a spud cannon next. Which, thinking about it now, would be kind of cool. But not six issues of it.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #33

Jan 10, 2018

A whimsical story that teases something entirely unknown, a feeling that, while reading comics, seems rare to me. The story is interesting enough, and there are some pretty funny (and some quite gross) scenes, but the pacing is a little sluggish. Still, I have no idea what's going to happen next, and I love it!

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Suicide Squad (2016) #34

Jan 24, 2018

We finally learn the fate of Juan Soria, and I promise that it's probably not what you expect! This issue and the last comprise a nice little story that acts a respite for regular readers of this series. People looking to jump on here, however, might get frustrated by it. If you're just looking for violent action scenes, then you're in the right place.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #35

Feb 14, 2018

For the purposes of setting up this story, certain pieces--including new team members!--slide into place efficiently, but quietly. Some interesting developments between the cover and the final page, but since those things are identical, one might not feel like plunking down three bucks for ceremony's sake.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #36

Feb 28, 2018

Most of the issue is spent tying this one to the last, but there's some fun moments and a lot of action that all looks terrific, thanks to the team of Pansica, Ferreira, and Lucas. The last page is kind of startling, but I'd be lying if I said I had high hopes for the resolution. It will probably be a hologram or a dream or something.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #37

Mar 14, 2018

This issue ends more or less the same way the last one did. So you can skip it and wait until something interesting happens. Unless you're one of those people that "ships" June Moon and Killer Croc, then this issue could be for you.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #38

Mar 28, 2018

It's all about The Wall now, and that is to the peril of our national security! Though having criminals handle black ops for the government probably wasn't too safety-minded, either. This is a passable story that is interesting enough to grab you for another issue. Whether we face delight or regret remains to be seen. 

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Suicide Squad (2016) #39

Apr 11, 2018

This books runs in place for an issue, so you can skip it and hop on the next one, unless that remains in a holding pattern. You know what? Just get the trade collection if you're hell-bent to read this stuff, though frankly I wouldn't go out of my way.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #40

Apr 25, 2018

The person behind The Wall freaking out and downloading Amanda Waller's contact info turns out to be just who you expected, and the denouement is less than satisfying. I think, however, that I'm going to apply to be a member of the Suicide Squad. Chances are you won't have to do anything but make fart jokes half the time.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #41

May 9, 2018

This issue sets the stage for an unlikely team-up that is revealed on the front cover. That team-up may come to something interesting, but this issue certainly didn't. Task Force X gaining a new member is probably the most exciting thing in the issue, and it happens on the last page.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #42

May 23, 2018

Some sweet action and new developments with the Kobra crew (krew?) makes for a good time reading. Plus a membership shake-up for Suicide Squad, finally? Color me excited.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #43

Jun 13, 2018

A great-looking issue that is fun to read, but ultimately adds no progress to the overall story. Deadshot reveals his true feelings about Batman to us, which come as no surprise. This is a good singular issue, but feels like it's stalling the narrative for trade collecting's sake.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #44

Jul 11, 2018

Though the big story twist is ostensibly revealed on the cover, this is still a worthwhile read for the character work and high action. This has been one of the most enjoyable story arcs in Suicide Squad in recent memory. You'll even chuckle a little, I promise.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #45

Aug 8, 2018

Adding some Aquaman to some stiffly-whisked Suicide Squad turns out to be a good recipe for an interesting story and entertaining dialogue. Perhaps the events in this issue aren't entirely unexpected, but I think you'll find that the outcomes aren't obvious. Some new team members inject new life into a team that had become rather stale over time. Nice job!

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Suicide Squad (2016) #46

Sep 12, 2018

The balance of power shifts, as Lord Satanus acquires some new mojo and Mera becomes...unnaturally angry. A couple of funny scenes and significant plot developments save this book from being an obvious placeholder to justify a fourth issue in this event.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #47

Oct 10, 2018

This issue provides a break in the usual action by involving Captain Boomerang in a series of massive explosions. It makes sense if you read it. A visually-strong issue that is light on story, which might be just the ticket for this kind of one-off silliness.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #48

Nov 14, 2018

Nearing the end of this...sixth? volume of Suicide Squad, we get a shmear of some of the same lame stuff we had before. I heard they couldn't get Enchantress back to do the finale because she felt the series had damaged her brand.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #49

Dec 12, 2018

The penultimate issue of this run takes us back to the beginning, and reminds the reader what a narrative mess it was. The concepts in this issue might appeal to faithful readers, but with little connective tissue between them, it's difficult to find a context.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #50

Jan 16, 2019

The ending brings us back to events from the beginning, reinforcing just how disappointing were those initial story arcs in the series. A tale devoid of stakes or likable characters with whom we can connect. I can't see getting this comic unless you're a completionist.

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Suicide Squad (2016) Annual #1

Aug 22, 2018

Here's a creepy side story involving Amanda Waller and an all-new roster for the Suicide Squad, which falls unfortunately flat at the end after ratcheting the tension up over a full issue. It looks spectacular, and it's properly atmospheric, but this story fails to satisfy despite having some really cool character moments and spookiness. Maybe it will read better in October.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #1

Dec 18, 2019

A good opening salvo that would be tough to pull offfor average creative teams. Luckily, this group is far beyond average. If wecan stay at this level of excitement and intrigue, we may have a volume thatworks.

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Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo #5

Dec 21, 2016

Two full comics for four bucks, one better than the other but neither truly bad. Not a bad deal. We see some great new characters in El Diablo's story, and Amanda Waller's story...well that's nice, too. I'd say you could do a lot worse than to get this comic.

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Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo #6

Jan 18, 2017

A quirky but sparse El Diablo story and a interesting but plodding Amanda Waller story make for a pretty mediocre comic book. I'd still say it's a pretty good value for the cover price, but if you haven't been reading it up to now, then you will probably be okay if you just keep marching down that road and skip this entirely.

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Suicide Squad: Black Files #1

Nov 7, 2018

A couple of stories from out of left field, that appear to have neither consequence or quality. Klarion the Witch Boy fanatics need only apply.

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Suicide Squad: Black Files #2

Dec 5, 2018

Katana's situation creates unwelcome opportunities, while the Suicide Squad Dark descends into a fiery realm of their own peril...or an offer they can't refuse. These aren't the most exhilarating stories you'll read all year, but considering the cover price, this might be the best value. The magical membership of the team from the second story might put off some readers.

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Suicide Squad: Black Files #3

Jan 9, 2019

A couple of middle-of-the-road stories with some silly comics tropes, makes for a decently-passed hour. You're not likely to get this much entertainment at this cover price in most other books.

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Suicide Squad: Black Files #4

Feb 6, 2019

On one hand, you've got Katana running around in Eve's body, and still wearing her Kobra uniform. On the other hand, you've got brain bombs being defused by magic. Split the difference, you've got a couple of weird but inoffensive comics that would probably appeal to a young kid. For four bucks, not a bad investment!

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Suicide Squad: Black Files #5

Mar 6, 2019

Neither story advances very much in this penultimate issue, but they are full of some decent character moments and reasonable dialogue in each. I'm still wondering why this series happened at all, but I'm not too mad at it.

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Suicide Squad: Black Files #6

Apr 3, 2019

Both stories come to reasonably satisfying conclusions, particularly the latter since we don't get to know most of the characters. Though the tales are forgettable and a little formulaic, I am calling this series the best value on the comic stands today, and it could occupy the right kid for a whole car ride under the right conditions.

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Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1

Aug 3, 2016

This issue primarily informs the reader of the Suicide Squad's pecking order going forward, and there are some interesting developments. This iteration of the team seems to be moving closer to the version in the film, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. A strong showing of great storytelling and solid action that bodes well for the title's immediate future.

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Superman: The Coming of the Supermen #1

Feb 24, 2016

The only way I could describe this issue withoutspoiling anything would be to say that it contains virtually nothing you wouldexpect to see in a Superman comicbook. Except for Superman acting heroic and behaving like a member of humankindinstead of like the Loneliest Kryptonian. Neal Adams is still putting a clinicon sequential art, and any student or armchair critic would do well to studyit. I did, and you don't get more armchair critic than me. I haven't left myarmchair since 2013.

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Superman: The Coming of the Supermen #3

Apr 8, 2016

You could sum this issue up as Superman's fist just punching through everything and everyone until its final page. Superman kicks major ass and behaves in a very heroic fashion, despite being a little curt at times. All of the characterizations seem spot-on, and of course the interiors by Neal Adams look so dynamic. My only misgiving is that we don't have answers to a lot of questions lingering from the first issue, and we've compounded our questions since then. So I'm guessing issue six will actually be an hour-long video where Neal Adams explains how much psilocybin he was on when he wrote this story.

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Superman: The Coming of the Supermen #4

May 4, 2016

Buddy, if you've read up to this issue, I don't want to hear any complaints about how "confusing" and "crazy" the book can be. It takes two to tango, and by issue four, you're wearing a groove into the dance floor. If you've enjoyed what these comics have wrought thus far: crazy situations and hijinks, wild dialogue and character interactions, awesome art that threatens to break through the page and into our world, then I don't see why you'd dislike it. On those merits, this is the best issue yet. And now we've whittled the series down to a two-parter!

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Superman: The Coming of the Supermen #5

Jun 1, 2016

I think that an inability to enjoy this book, and not having a huge grin on your face after having read it should be considered Thought Crimes, punishable by tickle torture or repeated viewings of the Three Stooges. This is the most fun I have had reading a comic book since...maybe since I was a kid, truth be told. I love all of the exaggerated action and dialogue combined with an almost meandering plot, reminds me of dense Bronze Age comics that I lovingly read and re-read until they turned to so much dust. Ladies and gentlemen, this is bercomics, operating on a different frequency than your standard capes n' tights fare. And if you've picked up the first five issues, even out of morbid curiosity, then you've got to be in for the finale. I'll see you there!

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Superman: The Coming of the Supermen #6

Jul 6, 2016

This comic book may have rated a seven-point-five out of ten on a numerical scale, but it rates a corn cob pipe on a scale from hegemony to platypus. If you've been reading this series and were hoping for some nice, tidy answers...well, you won't find them here. But you will learn some things about Jack Kirby's Fourth World, the many faces of Superman...and about yourself. Mostly, you will learn about yourself.

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Superwoman #1

Aug 10, 2016

Some good storytelling and carefully-chosen dialogue allows for a surprise development towards the end of the issue. The chemistry between Lois Lane and Lana Lang is palpable and promises to get better. Their patter is fun, though there might be a little too much of it. Artwork is solid and consistent, making for a quality first issue with plenty of intrigue.

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Superwoman #2

Sep 14, 2016

Some new characters are introduced to the proceedings as the plot deepens along with a well-liked DCU relationship. Lex is made to look like a bit of a bumbler, and that's something I enjoy seeing after he's been particularly unbearable. The art is great, though cramped at times, and I loved how the book's ancillary villain is rendered by Jimenez. I'm really interested to see where this story goes, but I hope it doesn't meander around for two more issues until it rounds out a nice trade collection.

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Superwoman #3

Oct 12, 2016

Some flashbacks, some new information, and about 120 minutes worth of actual in-story time makes for a fairly reasonable comic book (particularly at $2.99!) Some revelations are surprising, but not really shocking, and the ending is somewhat flat. The art is terrific, though the layouts seem crowded in this whole series. Overall, this issue is better than getting punched in the mouth, which will probably entice some of you degenerates to check it out.

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Superwoman #4

Nov 9, 2016

A whole lotta stuff happens that brings us incrementally closer to some kind of climax. I suppose you get your value for three bucks, but you're not going to walk away satisfied. Nothing really wrong with the technical side of the thing, though some of the faces seem a little off. There's so many of them yammering away all the time, I suppose I can forgive a little slippage.

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Superwoman #11

Jun 14, 2017

I'm scoring with some leniency, being that I haven't been reading the book regularly since December, and it's not a bad comic at all. Most of the characters waver between yelling at each other and making snide remarks, but the plot is interesting enough, and there's a good, funny moment that breaks up the monotony. Right now, I'm riding high on a feeling...for Superwoman!

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Superwoman #12

Jul 12, 2017

In true fashion, Superwoman learns from her failure that she must try the same thing again, only harder. Does it work? You'll have to read the issue to find out. And if you do, I think you'll find it pretty cool. But I do hope we see some character growth with Lana in the future.

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Superwoman #13

Aug 9, 2017

Lana goes home to Smallville and really tears it up! I mean she paints the town red, just sets the whole place ablaze! She's on fire, I tell ya! This issue was fun to read and worth your time if you're inclined towards the character. There's a flashback to her younger days in Smallville, and fans of pre-Crisis comics will probably be tickled by it. Nice job, all around!

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Superwoman #14

Sep 13, 2017

A nicely-presented but confused issue that seems disconnected from the previous one. That, in itself, is disappointing, but more disappointing is that we're still on Square One where Lana Lang is concerned. It would be too bad if she were reduced to an angrier, more hot-headed Hal Jordan, because her character was really interesting through much of the New 52 and the weekly series Future's End...until its conclusion, that is. Those that read it know what I mean.

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Superwoman #15

Oct 11, 2017

A spooky new villain is enough to charge this issue, which is otherwise the same old stuff; Lana ruminating about the source of her powers. There's enough here to keep one's attention, aided by the exceptional artwork of Sam Basri and Hi-Fi.

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Superwoman #16

Nov 8, 2017

A lot of this issue has the characters learning what we've already gleaned from the last issue, and the secret origin of Midnight does little to inspire more than memories of Sandra Bullock in The 'Net. Which, since I'm not recovering from a hangover on my living room couch on Sunday afternoon, is not a good thing in this instance.

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Superwoman #17

Dec 13, 2017

This issue sort of puts a pin in the momentum since it begins with Lana considering the ultimate sacrifice...and concludes the same way. In between, lots of self-absorbed brooding. I suppose that's better than outright cowardice.

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Superwoman #18

Jan 10, 2018

The final issue of Superwoman hits the ol' reset button on Lana Lang, and that's probably the nicest thing it could have done. Let's move past this series and speak of it no more.

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Survivors Club #1

Oct 8, 2015

This pilot episode didn't knock it out of the park, but then first outings in all media seldom do. There's certainly a mystery here, but whether you think it's worth uncovering or if it's best left buried like a hundred-thousand Atari E.T. cartridges is up to you. I'd suggest giving this a look; the art is great, the storytelling is clear, and there's definitely something creepy afoot, if being creeped-out is your thing. I'll be hanging around for issue #2 at the very least, to see how it develops. Because it will need to develop"and rapidly"if it's going to hold my interest.

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Survivors Club #2

Nov 5, 2015

We learna little bit more about several characters in the Survivors' Club, but itreally isn't enough to keep me wanting to know more, excepting maybe Alice. AndI don't want it so badly that I would wade through a dull comic book everymonth to find out about her. The artwork fits the mood of the book wonderfully,but the pacing is a little too slow with too few payoffs for my liking. Here'shoping this book can"survive"itssophomore slump, hmmmm? Okay I'll show myself out.

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Survivors Club #3

Dec 3, 2015

There's not a lot of corestory progress in this book, and I'm not even sure what the core story is, butI really enjoyed this issue. The eerie moments were well-spaced and the wholething seem to roll along a lot smoother than issue number two, though perhapshaving learned more about several characters instead of a lot about onecharacter had something to do with it. This book is definitely a slow burn, soif you're looking for high-paced action and easily-solvable mysteries youshould probably watch Scooby Doo, WhereAre You? and leave the demonic wallpaper and lock picking ghost monsters tothe adults.

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Swamp Thing (2016) #1

Jan 6, 2016

If this were a silent issue that contained onlyKelley Jones' and Michelle Madsen's artwork, I might give this comic a perfectscore (no offense meant to letterer Rob Leigh.) But then Swamp Thing speaks andit comes across sounding silly. Len Wein stunts his trademarksyllabically-intense descriptive captions, but the dialogue really ripped meright out of the spooky tone that was being set. The plot was nothing special,yet not anything to complain about either. It was the stuff in the wordballoons that disappointing and dragged down my score.

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Swamp Thing (2016) #2

Feb 3, 2016

The Swamp Thing's un-Swampy dialogue from last issuedoes not appear in this one, and so there was little to pull me out of therich, spooky world created by Len Wein and Kelley Jones. There's a little twistto the story at hand, and then it gets put to bed in two issues. And I lovethis comic for it. There's obviously a larger connecting story for this wholeminiseries, but just to see a tale concluded in two issues is so unexpected inmainstream comics these days. There are a couple of cameos but Swamp Thing asrendered by Jones steals the show here. That moss-encrusted mockery looks sogross and scary in this book.

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Swamp Thing (2016) #3

Mar 2, 2016

The overall story in this book could be summed up inone sentence, and there's really nothing wrong with it. But a lot of the dialogueseems lame and contrived, and irrespective of the characters saying it. Acharacter from the past is dredged out of limbo and crammed into this issue,raising my continuity alarm bells in my head that didn't wane until I reachedthe conclusion. I would love to know what someone new to Swamp Thing thinks of this, their opinion would likely be verydifferent. But I will never be that person, and I can only review a comic bookbased on my own experiences.

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Swamp Thing (2016) #4

Apr 10, 2016

Some rushed-looking art and a fairly thin plot hold this book back from greatness, but there's plenty of good classic horror scenes and down home gore to make it worth a peek. Nothing much changes from the last issue, except Matt Cable throws a hissy fit over being kicked out of the Police Benevolence Association. I wonder if this comic is actually subtle commentary on the overworked and underpaid state of many municipal police forces? Beware how you treat your cops, lest they become swamp monsters themselves!

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Swamp Thing (2016) #6

Jun 17, 2016

If you were looking for the more brooding, navel-gazing Swamp Thing that was the staple of the character's time at Vertigo, well you won't find it here. But you will find a pretty fun Swamp Thing story with all your favorite characters and a little bit drawn from the recent New 52 run, to boot. Still, I would say this miniseries would appeal primarily to the seasoned Swamp Thing fan, who would be familiar with the work of Berni Wrightson, which Kelley Jones clearly seeks to emulate.

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Swamp Thing Winter Special #1

Feb 7, 2018

A strange grab-bag of Swamp Thing stories, the first being thematically familiar to fans of Tom King and the second being interesting only to fans of Len Wein and Kelley Jones (who are not bad people to be fans of, mind you.) Not an entirely inoffensive comic, though I'd be curious to know why it exists.

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Tales from the Darkside #1

Jun 28, 2016

What is in fact a rejected series pitch adapted for comic books has turned out, thus far, to be one hell of a comic book. Well-told and paced much like a three-act, half hour television show, Joe Hill has provided something just frightening enough to linger on, but not keep us awake at night. As good as it is, the story pales in comparison to the artwork, which is absolutely gorgeous. Check this out if you've been looking for something to scratch that horror comic book itch.

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Teen Titans (2014) #17

Feb 24, 2016

Greg Pak's inaugural issue of Teen Titans has some nice character moments, and I very muchappreciated the blunt re-introduction of the team's members, but there wasn't aton in this comic book to get very excited about. The art is nice, and thereare worse ways to spend three bucks. I'm hoping this issue is laying thegroundwork for a great story to follow, but hopefully this doesn't turn intofive issues of Wonder Girl being cranky until Rebirth kicks everything in the pants again. It's happened before!

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Teen Titans (2014) #18

Apr 1, 2016

 It really seems to me like Greg Pak is spinning his wheels on this, and since it looks to wrap up in two months he may have every right to. This story continues exposing the secrets and mysteries of Wonder Girl, which is to say it's a love letter to Azzarello and Chiang's run on Wonder Woman. Ah well, spring is in the air. I'm sure Azzarello and Chiang have received things much worse than that, and probably from ruffians more unkempt than Pak and co. Unless you're some kind of masochistic Teen Titans fan looking to have every issue, no matter how shitty, then you can sit tight until there's a Rebirthing.

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Teen Titans (2014) #19

Apr 27, 2016

Wonder Girl's redemption concludes with a saccharine-sweet ending and no real resolution regarding her father. Bunker is the real hero of the book, saving everyone's hash not once, but twice. How awesomely ridiculous is this guy's power? Creating purple brick constructs like Iceman from the original X-Men made ice slides? Give this guy a book for crying out loud, he's been maligned long enough in this train wreck of a series! Let's see a four-issue miniseries about Bunker!

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Teen Titans (2014) #20

May 25, 2016

If you like stories where bullies are the protagonists and everything remotely interesting gets shunted to the side, then have I got the book for you! This issue and series had plumbed new depths of crapola heretofore unknown in the history of periodicals. It is as if this book breached the very core of the earth itself, finding raw sewage instead of a mass of molten nickel and magma. Imagine if that's what happened in Journey to the Center of the Earth? Instead of finding a civilization, they find a pile of poop. Have you ever read the classic novel? Maybe next month I'll review that instead of this claptrap. 

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Teen Titans (2014) #21

Jun 22, 2016

This issue sucked, but less so than the previous issue, so that's a promising trend. The scenes with Monsieur Mallah and the Brain were very entertaining, which only served to highlight the Teen Titans' general bummertude. In the end, we learn that the internet can be used to help, and not just harm people's reputations, which we know is absolute bullshit. Anyone remember the people that started the ALS fundraising stunt the Ice Bucket Challenge? But you'll remember that fat kid who filmed himself flailing a light saber until your dying breath.

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Teen Titans (2014) #22

Jul 27, 2016

A somewhat clumsy premise makes for some nice teamwork between the normally unbearable members of the Teen Titans. This issue proves that these guys can work well together if they have to, though it does make me wonder what has been going on for all these issues. The art is just okay, nothing to write home about, and the story is enjoyable mainly in contrast with what preceded it. I wouldn't knock myself out to get this issue, but if you'd like to see the Rare Teen Titans Issue That Isn't Terrible, then you may want to come and marvel.

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Teen Titans (2014) #23

Aug 28, 2016

The Teen Titans do something in this issue that I'd not grown accustomed to: teamwork and self-sacrificing heroics. The story isn't amazing, but serviceable enough as a showcase for this newly-invigorated group, just in time for it to wrap up and turn into Teen Titans: Rebirth #1. Ah well, I suppose all loose ends have been tied up and all angst worked out through the power of friendship. I would have liked to see more of this team, but I can't say I'm sorry to be moving on from the title!

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Teen Titans (2014) #24

Sep 14, 2016

The gang reminisces on a fallen member, and it makes for some touching character moments. Yes, touching character moments! From Teen Titans! I know! I was pretty surprised myself. This series did finish strong with a few issues that showed the Teen Titans acting as a team, and not as a bunch of angry brats, so I shouldn't be so shocked. But they were angry brats almost every other time! When we said we wanted Teen Titans, we didn't mean for them to behave like actual teenagers!

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Teen Titans (2014) Annual #2

Jun 30, 2016

It's Friday night and the Teen Titans are stepping out to do some disco dancing! It isn't long before some bad shit goes down and they are on the defensive. But that's taken care of even quicker when Red Robin and Beast Boy find the culprit behind everything and knock her into next week. This story goes nowhere, slowly, and much of it seems like padding. Some of the art is okay, but the real shining star of this issue is the colorist. Which goes to prove how crummy this comic actually is.

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Teen Titans (2016) #1

Oct 26, 2016

The team has been assembled and things are looking good! Everyone's character, particularly Damian's, seems on-point, and their interactions are pleasant. Yes, a team of heroes that enjoy each other's company! Is that too much to ask? I think the artwork is awesome, but it is something you either appreciate or you don't. All together, this makes for a very promising Teen Titans package that makes me want to read more.

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Teen Titans (2016) #2

Nov 23, 2016

Kind of a quick read that isn't short on the particulars of the situation. There's some great action and some really good team moments that are a pleasure to read. Still, having waited a month for this issue, I was hoping for a little more. On the art side of things, there are no real complaints, but it lacks the visual identity of the first issues. All that being said, if the characterizations continue to be amenable, then I'll be glad to keep on peepin' on.

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Teen Titans: Rebirth #1

Sep 28, 2016

A pretty thorough introduction to the members of the Teen Titans going forward, and you can't ask for a whole lot more from a Rebirth title. The artwork is very unique but really worked for these characters, and it's so colorful and angular it's almost kaleidoscopic. It's tough to say what this title will be in the future, or whether it will feature a team of friends instead of a gaggle of jerkfaces, but what we see here is an indicator that all signs point to "maybe!"

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The Demon: Hell is Earth #1

Nov 15, 2017

A new status quo for Etrigan and some spectacular artwork make for a very strong opening issue to this series. Those familiar with the character should find this very intriguing, while folks brand new to the Demon could be a little confused. But why not give it a shot anyway? When has a deal with the devil ever gone wrong for someone?

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The Demon: Hell is Earth #2

Dec 27, 2017

A character we having seen in a while steps into this series, someone who has a deep connection to Jason Blood...and therefore to Etrigan as well. The terrific artwork takes this series to a new level, though I still wouldn't recommend it to people that don't really like Etrigan. For the rest of us that like the Demon, this mini-series may support your reasons!

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The Demon: Hell is Earth #3

Jan 24, 2018

This issue explains a lot of what's been going on, as well as introducing the Big Bad of the series, and it looks spectacular. On reflection, however, it isn't story progression as much as it is a big infodump. Well, that's better than not knowing what's going on, I suppose.

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The Demon: Hell is Earth #4

Feb 28, 2018

This issue gives us a chance to take a breather, in the hot, sulphur-infused air of a growing Hell on Earth. And perhaps it's warranted, but it's much more sluggish than previous issues. A new development in the relationship between Jason and Etrigan may make it worthwhile.

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The Demon: Hell is Earth #5

Mar 28, 2018

After a couple of issues of interminable walking, we now get an issue of standing around. I don't know why this story got six issues, it seems containable within three. This book is very striking visually, but I'm afraid the brightly-burning flame of its narrative is all but snuffed out.

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The Demon: Hell is Earth #6

Apr 25, 2018

Everything wraps up in a neat little bow, if that bow were made from bloody intestines and spiritual torture. The person that caused Hell to spill out everywhere is also the person that fixes things, which can be a cool narrative trick but reads as being very lazy here. I'd hoped for more from this miniseries.

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The Doorman #1

Apr 4, 2016

This is a really good-looking and interesting comic book that you should check out. Unless you have something against mysteries or cool science fiction, in that case you should stay away.

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The Dreaming (2018) #1

Sep 5, 2018

A perfect companion and continuation of the original Sandman series, this issue establishes some new characters and concepts that blend seamlessly with the Dreaming that we already know. The rendering and storytelling is great, but it's the coloring that strikes the exact mood for such a strange book. I would call that mood "strange."

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The Dreaming (2018) #2

Oct 3, 2018

Good old Mervyn Pumpkinhead has a problem with management in the Dreaming: there isn't any! So he petitions an old frienemy to clean up these strange streets. Another artistic triumph by Bilquis Evely and co., but the story doesn't flow as neatly as in the first issue. Perhaps that owed to Mervyn's gravelly-voiced narration?

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The Dreaming (2018) #3

Nov 7, 2018

You'd think a guy named Judge Gallows would be kindly and fair, but it turns out he's got a real penchant for hanging people. Or pseudo-people, in this case. He's been tasked with cleaning up the Dreaming, and it looks like things are gonna get a whole lot messier before that.

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The Dreaming (2018) #4

Dec 5, 2018

The Judge is in! Let the fun begin! And by "fun," I mean soul-crushing fascism and xenophobia. Lucien takes a big risk in the face of losing the Dreaming, and Cain goes through some growing pains of his own. A nice job in bringing everything to a simmer.

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The Dreaming (2018) #5

Jan 9, 2019

The story has ramped up to what looks to be a show-down next issue, with Dora finding her True Purpose and Judge Gallows being...well, creepy as usual. Also: we lose a character that is routinely mistaken for a different character. Guess who it is! It's probably the other one.

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The Dreaming (2018) #6

Feb 6, 2019

It's the cataclysmic face-off between Dora and Judge Gallows! No quarter will be given! No corner of the Dreaming will be spared! Things will conclude, but still be weird, so there's no real transition. Sort of like when you're dreaming.

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The Dreaming (2018) #7

Mar 6, 2019

We take a break from the Dreaming to get an excuse for Daniel's absence. Some old characters and locations pop in here, but it should still be accessible to newer readers. Not a ton to grab on to here, except a tantalizing mystery…

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The Dreaming (2018) #8

Apr 3, 2019

Learning about the tail end of Dream and Ivy's relationship gives us more insight into both characters, but it's the exposing of Rose's true nature that is the real stunner of this story. If you are already disposed to liking these characters, that is.

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The Dreaming (2018) #9

May 1, 2019

We leave the story of Lucien and Rose Walker and return to the Dreaming and the story of where the flipping heck Daniel is at. We don't find Daniel, but we do get a cool story of his time in Faerie, and, uh…one of his fingernails. What a weird book.

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The Flintstones #1

Jul 6, 2016

If you enjoyed the comedy stylings and setting of the Flintstones as a kid, then there's a good chance you'll enjoy this comic book. It's the Town of Bedrock, updated in ways besides making once innocent characters into cynical jerks. The art is pretty nice, though it was difficult for me to get the original character designs out of my mind while reading it. Really, this book's biggest failing is that it is too mired in the same formulaic situations and gender roles that defined the original run of the cartoon. But then, this is just the first issue, so I don't expect the mold to be completely broken yet.

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The Flintstones #2

Aug 10, 2016

If you feel like there weren't enough episodes of the classic Flintstones cartoon, well you're in luck because this is the next best thing. It's practically the same thing, in fact, considering it satirizes American culture from ten or fifteen years ago, and the Flintstones cartoons I watched as a kid were about ten or fifteen years past relevance at that time. The art is really great in this comic book, a semi-realistic take on the town of Bedrock that grows on you as you go along. So there are really no big problems with this comic book, except for the likelihood that you may feel there are enough episodes of the Flintstones cartoon, after all. 

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The Flintstones #3

Sep 7, 2016

The town of Bedrock is beset by little green men, and I don't mean leprechauns. This is a pretty entertaining story with a little bit of pathos to keep things interesting. The artwork is fantastic, I'm fully used to the character designs now and recognize everyone pretty easily. If you enjoyed the Flintstones cartoon (or still enjoy it), then you could do worse than to give this comic book a look-see.

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The Flintstones #4

Oct 5, 2016

A commentary on marriage laws and domestication turns out to be more enjoyable than expected, with some interesting turns and fun moments that add up to an entertaining read. Some characters seem to be inserted to comment on the scenery, but in all it's a complete story where even incidental moments are relevant to the comic book's theme. The art is always great, and if you still can't deal with it at issue #4, then you should probably pass this comic by. For my part, I'm totally sold on it. It looks great.

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The Flintstones #5

Nov 2, 2016

While everyone was clamoring for better writing and representation in a Binky and His Buddies comic book, the Flintstones have quietly become one of the more interesting and relevant comics in the mainstream market. The artwork has been phenomenal and consistent throughout the series, but these characters have changed from reasonably-updated versions of the cartoon originals to complex and fascinating fictional persons, more than just vehicles for the applicable social commentary. Up 'til now, I've been saying that fans of the Flintstones TV show should enjoy this comic because it's more of the same thing. But now I will eat those words. This comic book is different–very different–and should be seen by everyone.

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The Flintstones #6

Dec 7, 2016

This book continues to hold a mirror up to society, but it's a weird mirror because everything in it is prehistoric. But it's like fake prehistoric. Like it's 20,000 BCE or whatever but they have televisions. It's sort of hard to explain. But this is a funny, well-made book that's also holds some stark truths for the reader. I think that's probably worth four bucks.

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The Great Lakes Avengers #1

Oct 17, 2016

If you're like me and you didn't read the previous Great Lakes Avengers series, you're in luck! If you find being mildly confused lucky, that is. I didn't mean to mislead you about that. I don't think you need to have read the other series, but it would probably help. There are some quips, but not really enough to consider this "funny." Still, this is just an introduction to the series and its characters, so I don't expect too much from it. I'm willing to see how wacky this gets.

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The Great Lakes Avengers #2

Dec 5, 2016

Why does this book exist? Was this a real pitch? "The GLA uses the Avengers' resources to legally use the name." This is like something out of a law school textbook. Utter nonsense. The art, you can take it or leave it, and I'd personally leave it. In fact, leave this whole comic book in the trash.

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The Great Lakes Avengers #3

Jan 2, 2017

This issue has a lot of intrigue surrounding things we have no reason to care about, plus a flashback so boring that it's depressing. Who asked for this book? Can you please stand up so we can have you arrested and subject to the due process of law? This is not to humiliate you. This is about justice.

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The Great Lakes Avengers #4

Jan 16, 2017

Hijinks abound as the Avengers' lawyer Connie Ferrari makes a surprise visit while the Great Lakes Avengers are indisposed. And by "indisposed," I mean "holding someone hostage." A couple of amusing scenes and some clean renderings still don't add up to a very worthwhile comic book.

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The Man of Steel (2018) #1

May 30, 2018

This issue promises the fans that the Superman we know best will be evinced in Brian Michael Bendis' run on the character. Unfortunately, that's all we've gotten from him for the last two outings, and I'd sort of like to see some meaningful content. Oh well, I'm sure there's some diabolical stuff forthcoming.

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The Man of Steel (2018) #2

Jun 6, 2018

This book hits a lot of the right notes that will feel comfortable to fans of Superman, and while the "big mystery" remains under wraps, there are nuggets of interest that should serve to keep you hooked in. Plus: random acts of heroism by Superman. That just feels right.

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The Man of Steel (2018) #3

Jun 13, 2018

Only two obvious plot developments to speak of, but the inclusion of some other DC characters, as well as the tone being set for Superman, makes for a good read. Whether or not it is worth the money can be assessed when the final issue is out.

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The Man of Steel (2018) #4

Jun 20, 2018

Some terrific punch-em-up action and some slivers of story progression don't elevate this past the other issues in the series so far. Indeed, much of this issue is given over to Superman learning things we already know. The mystery of the whereabouts of Jon and Lois deepens, but not by much as we do learn who took them away in Clark's successive flashbacks. Still a fun book, but it's definitely starting to feel like a placeholder now.

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The Man of Steel (2018) #5

Jun 27, 2018

The alleged solar flare from the end of the last issue turns out to be a red herring, and this issue continues to tread water to justify a sixth issue. Frankly, skipping this miniseries entirely and waiting for the regular Superman comics to commence in July seems like the smarter idea, the further we get along.

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The Man of Steel (2018) #6

Jul 4, 2018

Our burning questions are answered, and we're left with the feeling that it was more interesting not to know. Isn't that always the way? The character Superman seems to be in capable hands going forward, but it looks like these stories may be taking the scenic route.

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The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage #1

Nov 20, 2019

An expertly-executed but somewhat dry story that paysa lot of gratitude to the versions that came before. Indeed, that seems to beall there is here.

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The Sandman Special (2017) #1

Aug 16, 2017

Fans of Sandman, here's the plan: head to the comic shop and respect the man; that's Jack "King" Kirby, uh, he wasn't a, drove real swervy...okay, that was a big fail. But this comic isn't, for established fans of the character. Folks looking to get familiar for the first time should probably check the archives. A lack of Sandman content at the back knocked my score down a bit, but it's still a good bang for your [five] bucks.

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The Sandman Universe #1

Aug 8, 2018

A lavishly-produced, intriguing issue that will be meaningless to folks that are new to Sandman and its trappings. Those who have read the series will love this issue, it's like going home to visit your spooky, monstrous relatives. Visually, this thing is a stunner, and well worth the cover price--again, if you are already familiar with the characters and settings.

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The Terrifics #1

Feb 28, 2018

A great introduction issue, even for people unfamiliar with any of the characters. This book stands very well on its own merits, and not just as a tweak to the Marvelous Competition. There's some spoilers for Dark Nights: Metal, that I presume can't be helped, but screw it: we've waited for a team book like this for long enough.

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The Terrifics #2

Mar 28, 2018

The second issue takes a little time to familiarize ourselves with these characters: very little time. They fall into familiar narrative types and behave perfunctorily within the structure of comic books. It didn't feel very terrific.

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The Terrifics #3

Apr 25, 2018

The plotting of this issue ain't pretty, but then neither is most of the team. We get an inkling of how this four-person crew might operate in the future, but the high amount of exposition might limit one's enthusiasm. The potential for something special, yet unrealized, is here.

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The Terrifics #4

May 23, 2018

This story hits the ground running by excising some interesting bits that are expressed rather than shown, and though the action is fast-paced, the story seems to crawl. I think this is one that should be enjoyed more on the merits of having included a giant space squid, more than on the beautiful truths revealed by its artistry.

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The Terrifics #5

Jun 27, 2018

A bold and bombastic look belies some smaller, internal stories of the individual Terrificeers. It all wraps up with some goofy, Silver Age-style antics, which is right in my wheelhouse. Not a bad time for your three bucks.

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The Terrifics #6

Jul 25, 2018

We're treated to another visually-arresting, bombastic issue of large panels, but little narrative substance. I have a good time reading this book, but things move along incrementally, never actually reaching a visceral climax. Maybe that's the point. This book keeps me hooked for now.

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The Terrifics #7

Aug 22, 2018

Go pay three dollars for this issue based on the artwork and layouts alone. Now that you've gotten more than your money's worth, you may notice that the story sort of wanders around until the big cliffhanger at the end. Yeah, it's not the most cohesive story in comics today, but that Dale Eaglesham artwork! Whew!

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The Terrifics #8

Sep 26, 2018

There are a lot of fun scenes and wacky goings-on that are disparately connected, and seemingly exist solely to give the artist a chance to draw crazy stuff. There are worse reasons for a narrative, but after eight issues I'd have hoped that convenient changes to the status quo and other contrivances would be ironed out. Because I'm not sure this series is going to get another eight issues to figure it out.

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The Terrifics #9

Oct 24, 2018

The Terrifics' train rolls on to parts unknown, and I think I'm ready to get off. Everything looks great, but there's no story to hold on to. For three bucks, it's not a bad artist's showcase, but I can't help but feel a more substantive title could be in this slot.

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The Terrifics #10

Nov 28, 2018

Plenty of nice artwork surrounding the near total void of story. This series never found its footing, it's been this great-looking thing that has no substance to grab onto. Too bad, because the opportunities to make us care were evident.

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The Terrifics #11

Jan 2, 2019

The story grinds to a halt while every member reminisces on the things in their solitary lives that sucks. Also: Dr. Dread puts together a villainous team whose names will be forgotten almost as quickly as their introductions.

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The Terrifics #12

Jan 30, 2019

Threatened by a far more interesting team of villains, the Terrifics have to figure out how to fill out an entire issue so the thing we know will happen occurs on the last page. Does Linnya have enough character development to support her own side story? Does anyone remember Mr. Terrific's sob story that he revealed like eight issues ago? For three bucks, you can find out!

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The Terrifics #13

Feb 27, 2019

The comic book that normally runs in circles develops some intrigue...while still running in circles. Fans of the series will want to hang on an issue or two longer to monitor new developments, but everyone with three expendable dollars should get this issue, just for the looking at. It's absolutely amazing.

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The Terrifics #14

Mar 27, 2019

An awesome-looking, feelgood issue that finally puts the team together in a way that doesn't seem temporary or tenuous. But is it worth the fourteen issues and forty-two dollars it took to get here? I guess we'll find out next month!

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The Terrifics #15

Apr 24, 2019

The story goes in a slightly new direction, andthe team works together well to dispatch a few problems. The reading experienceis better, but this issue is still pretty mediocre, all told. If you've beenwaiting for this book to get really good, that may yet be forthcoming…but itwill take a few issues to find out.

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The Terrifics #19

Aug 28, 2019

A fairly uninspired and inconsistent Bizarrostory concludes in an uninspired and inconsistent way. Which is, incidentally, aconsistent aspect of this story,

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The Terrifics Annual #1

Oct 31, 2018

Three disparate stories of varying quality, each filling in some of what's been missing from the series. What would you call it? Color? Essence? Gravitas? Whatever it is, this issue adds a little more of that, but not enough to justify plunking down five bucks. Not by a long shot.

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The Twilight Children #1

Oct 15, 2015

There's a pretty fascinating mystery here that involves some complex characters and dicey situations, but really Twilight Children is an expertly executed comic on every level and should be enjoyed by anyone that isn't a moron or an asshole. Hernandez's dialogue reads like broken English at times, which can be at once endearing and odd. Cooke's art and plotting is phenomenal here.

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The Twilight Children #2

Nov 15, 2015

The plot deepens and so does the little fishing village's amorous connections as a mysterious new woman appears in the wake of the storm from the last issue. There's lots of intrigue and some punching in this issue, but really it's just a pleasure to look at, as Hernandez and Cooke's story is so well-paced and draws you in despite not having learned a lot about the suddenly-appearing glowing orbs. You should check this comic book out if you like comics, and if you don't like comic books then this comic may change your mind.

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The Twilight Children #3

Dec 9, 2015

The usual relaxed, Twin Peaks style vibe of the book givesway to a tension-filled offering of slender panels and wordy platitudes. Themystery has ratcheted up a notch, and the formulaic plotting does create asense of high-paced action, but it was a little much to get accustomed to at theend of the story. Darwyn Cooke's art and Dave Stewart's colors are as capableas always, but they seem constrained and limited in the space provided by thesejam-packed pages. If you've gone this far, you'll want to see this tale to itsconclusion. But this issue was definitely a disappointment in and of itself.

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The Twilight Children #4

Jan 28, 2016

You ever bite into some really good food, and you'relike, "Wow! This is really good food! This is the best food I have evertasted!" And then you take another bite and you're like, "This is great food.Absolutely stellar. This food should be the benchmark for all other food andfoodstuffs." Then on the third bite, you're like, "Hmm"this is good food. Itmight be a little too spicy, though. For me. If you like spicy food then youwill definitely love it." And then on the fourth bite, your food turns into apelican that bites you on the nose and then tells your co-workers that you LARPon weekends and then gets on a long elevator ride with you and lays thethickest, smelliest fart? That's what this series is like. Sigh.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #8

Jun 27, 2016

When reading an issue of the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, do not be alarmed if the corners of your mouth turn upwards or of you make a strange noise not unlike a donkey's bray. You are not being "infected" by the comic book. You are merely experiencing joy and laughing because the material at hand is funny. If you do read the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl and do not enjoy yourself, then consult a doctor immediately. It's likely you will require surgery to extract your head from your ass and may require several hundred hours of experimental "lighten up" psychotherapy.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #9

Jul 4, 2016

Humor? Check. Action? Check. Touching character moments? Check. Old-timey lingo? Check. Friendship? Check. This book is great even without Wolverine in it! Not that I don't think Wolverine wouldn't improve it, it's just that Wolverine is not necessary. Who is Wolverine now, anyway? Aren't there like half a dozen of 'em? Squirrel Girl could totally be a Wolverine, y'all! She's got the agility plus the heroism, and by the way she's got retractable claws too! They come out of her palms and she hardly ever uses them, but they're an option for sure! Petition Marvel Comics to make Squirrel Girl a Wolverine today, or you'll stop getting their Funko Pop characters or something!!!

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #10

Aug 1, 2016

In case you think that the way to a woman's heart is stealing the planet's precious monuments, well this issue of Unbeatable Squirrel Girl will be very useful to you. Squirrel Girl handles Mole Man's clumsy, amorous advances the way she always deals with tough supervillains: by using violence as a last resort and being willing to talk things out. Plus all the jokes and gags and also Erica Henderson renders monsters in a really silly way--you should really be reading this comic book if smiling is something you enjoy!

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #11

Aug 29, 2016

TRIGGER WARNING: If you are triggered by learning some basics of computer science, stay away from this issue! Everyone else should check it out. This issue skews a little more to the "educational" side, but it's still super funny and really entertaining. I highly recommend this comic book, for children and adults, in particular those adults who know exactly nothing about computer science or even the most rudimentary coding (me.)

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #12

Oct 3, 2016

While Brain Drain holds it down in New York, Doreen, Nancy and Tippy-Toe head up to Canada to hang out with Doreen's mom, only to find themselves facing the most diabolical and mysterious crime in history! Or maybe I'm exaggerating. But it's still a pretty big crime. Actually, the crime isn't so big but its implications are stagger. Okay, maybe "staggering" isn't the right word. The implications are something you might rub your chin while considering and could elicit a "hmm." It's a fun book, and if you're not reading it then you probably don't know what "good" is!

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #13

Oct 24, 2016

A less-inspiring issue than usual, though still filled with more jokes than you can shake a stick at. Ant-Man makes a cameo, as promised on the cover, but it seems unnecessary and Scott Lang doesn't keep the same character from his solo series. I mean, it is written by different people so the characterization should vary a little bit, but there ought to be some collusion. If only there were an editorial office at Marvel where they could keep such things straight!

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #14

Nov 21, 2016

I didn't read every other Marvel comic book that came out this week, but I assume that this is the premier one in terms of teaching a concise physics lesson and also featuring the Ant-Van. It's pretty good in terms of a Squirrel Girl story, but some of the sloppy and sparse artwork did take away from it. It was a pretty good conclusion to this arc, and you learn a little bit about Canada, too. That's worth a few bucks.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #15

Dec 19, 2016

Turns out that the day in the life of a house cat is pretty boring, even despite the introduction of superheroes and villains from the Marvel Universe. This issue is a cute little diversion from, uh, the usual pretty cute stuff that happens in this title, and isn't more than some fan service. But there's nothing wrong with servicing fans every now and again. We are, at least as pertaining to fans of this comic book, pretty nice people.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #16

Jan 16, 2017

For Squirrel Girl's 25th's Anniversary, it's Doreen Green's 20th birthday! Don't think about it too much, you'll get a headache. This issue is some nice fan-service, and carries a good message for kids, so you can't be too mad at it. There are a few references to the original Squirrel Girl from 1992 that might be missed by new readers, but I imagine they wouldn't confuse anyone too much.

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Uncanny Inhumans #13

Sep 19, 2016

This issue was prettycool. It's got a great cliffhanger and action throughout that really made meexcited for what's next. I am a sucker for a cool villain, and this issue gaveus one. 

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Unfollow #1

Nov 5, 2015

If youjumped from my preamble to this part, then I must confess that this comic bookhas nothing to do with condemning or exalting social media. It's more of anunfolding conspiracy that is very relevant to current events, particularly inthe tech- and app-based worlds. The characterization is good, the art is great,it's worth checking out if you like a little intrigue with your floppy books.

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Unfollow #2

Dec 4, 2015

The intrigue deepens andthe characters unfold and things move along nicely in this issue. We learnquite a bit about four characters chosen to receive the "140" app, guidedsplendidly by Mike Dowling and Quinton Winter's artwork. If you passed on this bookbecause you thought it was like that stupid horror flick Unfriended that Eric was going on about earlier this year, then youwere wrong and you should apologize. Go to your local comic shop and tell theretailer you're sorry for doubting Rob Williams and proceed to buy up all stockof Unfollow numbers one and twoimmediately. The retailer will likely make you buy a few issues of Prez and Omega Men as penance, and frankly you should be lucky to get offthat light.

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Vigilante: Southland #1

Oct 26, 2016

Bits andPieces:  Whatever intrigue this book might have contained is ruined by poor storytelling and expanded scenes of conversation. The dialogue is okay, but the character work is overdone and the plot is sacrificed for it. The book looks good, but as a singular issue it isn't enough to make me too excited for the next issue.

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Vigilante: Southland #2

Nov 23, 2016

There seems to be a solid story somewhere in here, unfortunately it is obscured by poor plotting and bad development that comes across very amateurish. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with the art, but paired with the confused storytelling, it gives the overall impression that this book is a mess. Not a great look. On the plus side, there's only four issues left!

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Vigilante: Southland #3

Dec 28, 2016

I mean, this is really painful. What a complete mess.Moritat inks a few pages, which makes the art look a little nicer, but theproblem with this book is not the gritty, dense artwork, but the storytelling.It just sucks. This thing needs to go back to the drawing board. Charactersneed to be named at least once every issue if you want the reader to know whothey are. Characters should not change their looks in the same issue or withina story arc, unless that is dictated by continuity. Captions can be used toexplain times, places, and internal monologue. There's just so much wrong withthis comic book. It's a chore to read.

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Wonder Woman '77 #14

Feb 1, 2016

It's the WonderWoman you know and love, with an invisible plane and a lasso of truth, and justthe right amount of body to her hair that tells us we're in the late 1970s.Here she faces a villain (normally found in Gotham) and it's for a pretty coolreason if you know your Wonder Woman. And if you don't, you'll figure it out.This book is a lot of fun and a perfectly fine point for the curious to comeand take a look.

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Wonder Woman '77 #15

Feb 15, 2016

It's a showdownbetween Wonder Woman and Clayface, and I don't have to tell you who's got thewinning odds. This is a great conclusion to last chapter's setup, full ofaction and heroics in the traditional comic book form. The art is great, thepremise is cool, and it costs a buck ninety-eight. If you know of somethingthat will put as big a smile on my face for less than two dollars, then I'm allears. Something legal, I should stressto some of our more shady readers.

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Wonder Woman '77 #16

Feb 29, 2016

This is what you call a nice comic story. It's not incredible, and the artwork is just about passable, but upon completion I feel you will consider the money and time investment to be worthwhile. Since you're taking investment advice, would you like to contribute to my Kickstarter campaign? I'm trying to raise enough money so I can buy the license to publish Wonder Woman comics and hire the folks doing the digital-first comics to write them. I mean, for crap's sake. I want to see Diana protecting elephants, not whatever the hell is happening over in the main book.

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Wonder Woman '77 #17

Mar 8, 2016

Fools try to takeout Wonder Woman, but she's all pweeng! Kapweeng-pweeng! And then the elephantsare all smash! Bash! Loud trumpeting sound! And the elephant poachers are likewhat? Huh? Why am I being humiliated and demolished? And then Orion the Hunteris all “Oh wow, I am totally being humiliated and demolished.” The art is alittle rough in some parts, but does very well to serve a chapter that canessentially be summed up as “Wonder Woman wins.”

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Wonder Woman '77 #20

Apr 1, 2016

Once again, the second installment of a two-part Wonder Woman '77 story involves Wonder Woman taking charge and saving the day. She acts almost like a hero or something! The art looked a little rough in these chapters, but the story is great and very satisfying. Not unlike a Snickers bar. But unlike a Snickers bar, this thing costs only ninety-nine cents. Have you seen what they're charging for candy these days? It's a crime I tell ya! Anyway, buy this book or be an idiot, see if I care.

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Wonder Woman '77 #21

Aug 8, 2016

A nemesis from the Wonder Woman television show makes a comeback in this chapter, but you won't need to have watched a single episode to jump right in and follow along. And trust me, you're going to want to follow along. The art is lively and expressive, and the story is so much fun with not a lot of filler. You can't beat it for a buck!

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Wonder Woman '77 #22

Aug 12, 2016

Usually the second chapter of these two-part Wonder Woman '77 stories depict Diana kicking major booty without compunction, but with compassion. This one is slightly different, in that Gault has the upper hand for like eleven seconds. You'll want to read this comic if you're a fan of crappy science fiction movies and/or superheroes winning. If you're not familiar with the original television show, don't worry about it. It's easy to hop in and follow along (from the previous chapter of this two-parter.)

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Wonder Woman '77 #23

Aug 23, 2016

Some interesting Cold War espionage meets MotorCity's funk revolution in this historically accurate chapter of Wonder Woman '77. The story is prettyengaging, despite not containing a whole lot of actual Wonder Woman, but theart dragged the whole thing down quite a bit. Still, if you're looking for somelate 70s Wonder Woman action, thenyou'll find it here.

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Wonder Woman '77 #24

Aug 28, 2016

Concluding the story that began in the last chapter, this one is packed with lots of late 1970s references and some moderate action, as well as classic Wonder Woman butt-kicking. The poor artwork, however, took me right out of this story and made it a little difficult to enjoy. Not the best chapter in this series, but still a pretty good time for the price.

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Wonder Woman '77 #25

Sep 2, 2016

A pretty disappointing chapter of Wonder Woman '77 with a bland story and fairly crummy artwork at points. I'm usually loving this series, but this bit can be dismissed.

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Wonder Woman '77 #26

Sep 8, 2016

A solid chapter that sets the stage for a potential space conflict in the next chapter, which could be incredible. This one isn't exactly action-packed, but I have faith that the Wonder Woman butt-whoopin' will be profuse in the conclusion. The art is kind of rigid with a lot of ruled lines, but everything that happens in-panel is evident and not really much to complain about. The next chapter will determine whether this one was worth the buck...but I'll have to spend another ninety-nine cents to find out! You got me again, DC Digital First!

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Wonder Woman '77 #27

Sep 15, 2016

A nice conclusion to this story that shows Wonder Woman at her best, though there isn't a lot of action. Still, considering the events of this story in the context of the year 1977 makes for some interesting conjecture. The art looks better in this chapter than the last, for some reason, which might have more to do with me than anything else.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #56

Oct 10, 2018

The intrigue of this story is maintained as more succumb to Hecate's witchmark. The dialogue is sharp, the pages will dazzle, this is a good comic book. I don't know if folks new to DC's Dark characters will like it, but they should sure give it a look anyway!

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Wonder Woman (2016) #57

Oct 24, 2018

Looks like the world of magic as we know it is going away, and Justice League Dark continues trying to stem the tide. Except for Wonder Woman, of course, he's possessed by Hecate. Too bad, that.

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Wonder Woman (2016): Witching Hour #1

Oct 3, 2018

A few pages are given over to necessary recap, but most of the book is that spooky, wispy death magic that we've come to know and love from DC Comics. Justice League Dark has proven to be a very solid book thus far, so if you've enjoyed that, you can continue on to this crossover with confidence.

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Year of the Villain: Black Mask #1

Aug 21, 2019

A Black Mask origin story that has been told before,and better, with an extra wrinkle that is pretty disappointing. "Year of theVillain" fanatics only need apply,

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Year of the Villain: The Riddler #1

Sep 11, 2019

If you're one of the handful of die-hardRiddler fans in the world, or if you want to see some nicely-executed sequentialart, then you might check this out. But if you're looking for a lively storywith some moments that “count,” then you can look elsewhere,

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Young Monsters in Love #1

Feb 7, 2018

A mostly-fun collection of sweet and somber stories featuring your favorite DC haints and boogems. If you didn't like them before, this collection won't make you love them now, but it might be worth getting for the Swamp Thing story alone. It might be, if the issue weren't ten blinking dollars.

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