Batman vs. Ra's Al Ghul #1

Writer: Neal Adams Artist: Neal Adams Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 4, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 6
5.5Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

Gotham City is under siege by terrorists, and Batman is determined to find the source. But when Boston Brand tries to intervene, he discovers an even more disturbing and deadly truth: the terrorists are led by an inhuman monster. Ra's al Ghul has volunteered his own private security force to aid the GCPD, and now they are the only thing standing between nuclear terror and the townspeople! But al Ghul's true goal is hidden from everyone's eyes. He will destroy the city and kill Batman-this time for good. Watching in horror is... Bruce Wayne?

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Tyler Harris Sep 8, 2019

    Overall, a pretty solid first issue. Confusing in places, it left me wanting more, and I'm excited to see what comes next. As my first foray into the mind of Neal Adams, I'm not even mildly disappointed.Batman vs Ra's al Ghul hit the ground running, and it took us all along for the ride. Despite my couple of criticisms in terms of writing, the art really did it for me here, and whether you're a long-time Neal Adams fan or a newbie like me, I can't recommend this enough. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comic Watch - Cody White Sep 6, 2019

    Batman vs. Ra's Al Ghul #1 is beathless and exciting action from Neal Adams, and a mystery that could go in any direction. Inject Adams art directly into my veins. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comic Watch - Tom Caniglia Sep 6, 2019

    Batman vs. Ra's Al Ghul #1 is beathless and exciting action from Neal Adams, and a mystery that could go in any direction. Inject Adams art directly into my veins. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Carl Bryan Sep 12, 2019

    There has never been an artist that clearly draws Batman and Bruce Wayne with such care and precision. And Adam's contributions to the Batman canon are an art to behold (ManBat, Ra's Al Ghul). However, the dialogue and rhythm of this story is a tough read. If you are into retro, and you want your characters around the 1970s and 1980s, then perhaps this is your Batman. It's a lighter, different side of Batman (albeit a whining side and not a winning side). However, this is your father's Batman"not yours. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Legion - Josh Davenport Sep 4, 2019

    I'll likely keep reading to see how the story unfolds. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Jason Jeffords Jr Sep 4, 2019

    BATMAN VS. RA'S AL GHUL #1 feels like a relic plucked from the past. At points it's dialogue is stiff, but the story and actions are so obscure that you can't help but want to read on. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Sep 7, 2019

    That said, this is still very much worth a look for fans of Adams or Batmans classic heyday, and inclusion of Deadman livens things up considerably (even if he doesnt necessarily do much besides hopping from body to body), but I cant help but feel that the clunky dialogue is limiting this new series as being something merely serviceable rather than something truly special. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Adam Barnhardt Sep 4, 2019

    While the classic style of Adams' art is on full display here, the plot seems to pull me every which way without building any story arc up to its full potential. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Batman-News - Nicholas Finch Sep 4, 2019

    It's hard to score a comic like this, because I DEFINITELY enjoyed myself reading it (despite my issues). It's a fun book, and definitely easier to swallow than its predecessor so far (hence my positive slant in this review) " yet that virtue doesn't make it a great book. The problems with this comic aren't small in any respect, but the art and wackiness factor are enough to keep me invested enough to stick around. Look forward to my sanity slowly deteriorating over the next few months, yeah? Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Sep 4, 2019

    The comic plays fast and loose with continuity, as it references both No Man's Land and has Nightwing and two Robins appear without identifying them. It takes place amid a power crisis in Gotham that's caused mass riots " spearheaded by the mysterious remote-controlled evil robot Khaos. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Sep 4, 2019

    Back in the day, when it came to Batman, Neal Adams wasn't my favourite artist. That honour belongs to Jim Aparo. Other artists would include Irv Novick, Don Newton and down the line, Alan Davis. Its ironic that all three could be seen as second even third generation Adams clones. This series is aimed at the nostalgia market. However in the wise words of Billy Joel “The good old days weren't always good”. If you want to see this book done well, you should buy the Batman #232 facsimile that hit the racks a couple of weeks ago. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Multiversity Comics - Christopher Egan Sep 5, 2019

    You will be intrigued by the plot it sets up, you will enjoy seeing a very 1980s Batman come up against bonkers situations and Ra's al Ghul, but in the vast market of comics, you may want to ask yourself if this one is worth much once you take off those rose tinted glasses. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The Batman Universe - Donald Townsend Sep 4, 2019

    Ive got to admit this is a rough first issue for me. I dont know if I can place the story, based on the art style specifically but also that callback to No Mans Land that isnt actually a callback to that event, in a concrete timeline, and that bothers me a little. I think some of the writing gets tripped up and has the unfortunate effect of downgrading the potential of Adams intent. Taking this for what it is, Im hoping for a deeper story to take place; but for now, I cant honestly say Ive enjoyed what Ive read so far, but Im not dissuaded enough to drop the book. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway Sep 4, 2019

    Ifyou've read Neal Adams most recent work, then you know the deal. Prepare to bedelighted and confused. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    But Why Tho? - Lizzy Garcia Sep 4, 2019

    Batman vs Ra's al Ghul #1feels like a bad action movie that attempts to cash-in on the post-9/11 fear of terrorism while keeping the aesthetics of one of the worst decades in comics. If you are looking for a better version of that, read Batman: No Man's Land. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Sep 4, 2019

    Honestly, there is nothing to redeem Batman Vs. Ra's Al Ghul one and I feel all the sadder for having read it. I think the only reason this isn't being ripped apart as the worst new comic of the week is because all the critics are saving their poison pens for a Legion of Superheroes comic that is completely devoid of Legionaries. As it is, I would encourage those unfamiliar with Adams' work to pick up a TP of Green Lantern/Green Arrow instead of this issue. Read Full Review

  • 0.8
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Sep 5, 2019

    Still, it's Neal Adams doing this. And respect must be paid. He changed comics forever. He really did. But if these get any worse, he will change comics forever again. But in the complete opposite direction. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Darkseid24 Sep 4, 2019

    Good issue, that feels like a classic Batman story. Terrorists attacked Gotham& Batman is trying to bring them down. Ras is offering his help. While NML gets referenced, I don’t think the story takes place during that time due to the Robins. We see 2 of them, which most likely are Tim& Damien. Damien didn’t exist during NML arc. Nightwing also is there.
    What I liked about this issue is the the portrayal of Batman, who we see fighting big& small crimes like he’s saving a dog for a homeless man& the terrorists. He‘s also makes it clear, that he has a strict no killing rule- modern writers often seem to forget about this.
    I also liked Deadman being a part of the story. He doesn’t often get much attention.
    I also loved more

  • 6.5
    Azrael Sep 6, 2019

    When seeing this I thought it was a random story from somewhere in Batman’s timeline but I was pleasantly surprised to see it was a sequel story to No Man’s Land. That excuses the writing for Batman as it did not match modern style.
    However the story is confusing. Why is Gordon unaware on Ra’s and if Batman somehow never shared information beforehand, why doesn’t he trust him now? Then the whole ending with the bloody cape was just odd. It’s not bad, it just gave me a weird feeling.

  • 6.5
    AdmiralWhiskers Sep 4, 2019

    First of all, I give credit to DC for letting Neal Adams show off his art once again. It's clearly not 70's classic Neal Adams...actually looks like Adams took some inking tips from Frank Miller...but it's cool to see him back at work. (And yes, I get that his writing skill doesn't match his art.)

    I also note that he has figured out computerized coloring quite well. His classic pencils and inks no longer get the monotone color treatment of the older days, but he's wise to temper the wilder aspects of computer coloring. Overdone coloring plus his fine linework on the inking could be messy.

    Only spot where Adams falls down on the art, to me, is where he has Nightwing and the Robins. Can't tell them apart from face/h more

  • 4.0
    rayonymous Sep 5, 2019

    Not my cup of tea, I guess some would find the art good but the story is definitely not up to mark. Have to acknowledge DC for letting 78 year old veteran Neal Adams write and ink this, well, it looks like he tried. The story starts somewhere, involves characters that are out of character and ends in a cliffhanger with an obscure idea. Not to mention the whole comic lacks cohesion, I don't think I will be picking up anymore issues from this series.

  • 3.5
    Psycamorean Sep 5, 2019

    This sucks. Bonus points for spoiling the ending on the cover.

  • 2.5
    KnM Jan 24, 2025

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