Beneath the ice of the Siberian seas, a final reckoning awaits the Suicide Squad. Amanda Waller has been implanted with her very own brain bomb-with Rick Flag's finger on the trigger. While Deadshot, Katana, Boomerang, Harley and Croc fight tooth and nail for their very survival, they must also uncover answers to a host of life-and-death questions: What's the secret hidden within Temho Me4ta prison? Who are the Vets? And who, ultimately, will be the Squad's final judge, jury and executioner?
Suicide Squad #49 is a great continuation of the "Squad on Trial" story arc that advances the storyline in a meaningful way while also wrapping up nearly 50 issues of plot. Read Full Review
Suicide Squad #49 hit us with another emotional roller coaster for everyone trapped in this game of vengeance. A lot happened here, but nothing stood out more than digging into the past of Rick Flag and what really happened that day when his mission went south. Putting an image to the story makes a world of difference in getting this guy better. Read Full Review
The story is crazy. The art isn't as good as what I would hope but it works. I really have nothing more to say except it's enjoyable and you need to turn your brain off as always to read this. I enjoyed it for the silly goofy time that it is. Read Full Review
Itll be interesting to see how Williams wraps his run. Will he kill off a few characters or largely retain the status quo for the next creators? Either way its been a fun ride thats ending faster than I would have liked. Read Full Review
Overall though, a great issue that I enjoy reading the next of. Read Full Review
So I am more than willing to give this issue a pass, and keep my hopes up for the next one. Read Full Review
The penultimate issue of this run takes us back to the beginning, and reminds the reader what a narrative mess it was. The concepts in this issue might appeal to faithful readers, but with little connective tissue between them, it's difficult to find a context. Read Full Review
A good setup to a finale. It's sad to see this one go, I truly did enjoy some of these issues and had fun reading them, so seeing it go is painful, however I hope this final arc allows some break out characters to shine though and make new names for themselves. Read Full Review
With Suicide Squad #49 being the penultimate issue of this incarnation of team, writer Rob Williams starts setting up for a big finale, but 49 issues into a 50-issue run, the reveal of the villains and the setup for the end evokes largely the same feeling the majority of the run has: disappointment. Read Full Review
The second-to-last installment in this 50 issue run is a far cry from #1. There are cool ideas in the story, but they never get fully realized and as a result the story remains superficial. Unfortunately I can't say I like this issue, and therefore I also can't recommend this in good conscience. It's a shame. I want this series to succeed because I like the Suicide Squad characters. Now I'm just going to cross my fingers and hope that #50 will be great against all odds. Read Full Review
With only one issue to go before the series ends and is rumored to get a reboot with a major creator, this series never really lived up to its potential. A relaunch will need to change things up if DC wants to capitalize on the success of the movie. Read Full Review
This series is stuck in a creative rut. It looks like this series is ending after the next issue, and in my opinion, could not be ending any sooner. Hopefully whoever handles the eventual relaunch will have some new ideas, because there just arent any left in this title. Read Full Review
While I am still confused on why they hate Rick or the deal with. Cosmount, this issue was over good! Art not too bad and the writing is one of best we’ve seen in the run in a while! Surprised we didn’t see Croc freak out about fire.
Meh, can't say anything in this issue made an impression on me. It's mediocre. Painfully mediocre, leaving me with pretty much nothing to say other than "meh", because it lacks any real pros and cons to point out.
This is such a boring series.
This comic sucks so much. All of the characters are characterless blobs. They are always dealing with some stupid world-ending catastrophe when literally none of them are equipped for it, I hate it and I hate that it’s happening to characters that I care so much about.