"THE ZERO ULTIMATUM" part one! Dr. Omen's deadly first experiment, the original New Super-Man of China, frees himself! Kenan Kong may be learning to control his super abilities, but to survive an encounter with Super-Man Zero he'll need to learn faster! Plus, the shocking origin of the ultra-powerful All-Yang reveals a surprising connection to Kenan's teacher-Master I-Ching!
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What's not to love about a superhero comic book that combines a Chinese legend with the Doomsday Virus to produce a 21st-century giant turtle man? Read Full Review
I really feel like Yang and Tan are firing on all cylinders here giving us enough of the title character to make it feel like it is truly his book while also showing us the big world around him. The League, the origins, the Turtle Spirit, the big bad behind the scenes - it all shows a long form thought around this corner of the DCU. It all feels fresh. I do worry a bit about this book being lost among the other titles. I don't think it helps that DC puts out 4 super-books on the same day. Readers only have so much to spend week to week. Why not spread out Supergirl, Superwoman, and New Super-Man onto different weeks of the cycle? Read Full Review
New Super-Man continues to impress and is one of DC Comics' best regular mainstream superhero reads. Read Full Review
I have to say another strong issue by Yang as he also introduces some new elements and players. Like how he introduced Super-man Zero and it appears that Master I-ching has some nefarious role in the government, but we are not sure how much power he really has. This definitely stands to remain one of my favorite monthly DC books. Read Full Review
This issue brings the usual high-flying fun and unabashed Silver Age-style action, but it seems a little overly-packed with story. I know it might seem strange to complain about getting more rather than less, but I'm skeptical like that. Long-time readers of the series will get some cool payoff at the end, which is pretty much revealed on the cover. Read Full Review
A brilliant read that will have you engrossed from start to finish. I always get so excited when I get a chance to talk about this book, because it's just so captivating and well laid out. It has action, mystery, and a good amount of humor. Yang does a marvelous job of bringing you into his world and showing that even heroes have flaws. Read Full Review
The DC Universe is a tough place to make your debut, with decades of history and established characters with some of the highest cultural profiles of any fictional folks around. That's what makes New Super-Man #11 so impressive, as it shows us a an entirely new corner of the DCU, using the existing history to its advantage but drawing on new and different inspirations for the action and characters. Read Full Review