Ariel DuPey's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Nerd Church Radio Reviews: 143
7.4Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2016) #970

Dec 28, 2016

This had a twist of an ending. You wouldn't have believedthat Superman would convict a man on future crimes, since he is the allAmerican good guy. I guess everyone has their breaking point. It's hard tobelieve D.C will actually kill off such a big character as Lex, but hey younever know. One thing we are all wonderingis who the heck is Flark? Anyways there better be some grand story arc thattells of of his origin and his purpose. Because right now he's a very confusingstatic character. Overall great fun, Superman is killing it like usual. Now wejust have to wait for Lex's fate.

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Action Comics (2016) #981

Jun 14, 2017

This story is picking up heat quickly. Some of Superman's worst foes are out and on a stampede of vengeance. Superman is suffocating in his own guilt, and loses more than he ever has before. Jurgens is doing a fantastic job in giving each character enough space to really highlight their motives and their qualities. If you've ever thought to yourself that Superman was a flat character, this book will change that idea pretty quick.

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Action Comics (2016) #983

Jul 12, 2017

This is everything that Action Comics should be, my jaw actual fell in shock at the events that unfolded. Absolutely everything is up in the air after this issue, and I don't have any guesses of what could happen next. A must read for the week.

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Action Comics (2016) #984

Jul 26, 2017

Wow, what a fantastic read! I don't think I've ever given a Superman comic a 10/10, but this one deserves it. Mystery, action, revenge, heart, this issue had it all. It was also nice to get that tease at the end once again. This is only the begging of the biggest struggle Superman might ever face.

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Action Comics (2016) #985

Aug 9, 2017

This was a fun and fast paced story; something about it felt very golden age to me though. Maybe it was the simplicity of the plot. This isn't to say it was bad, it's just a dramatic contrast to the story that just unfolded previously. I'm excited to see more of Lex, so maybe next issue I'll be able to get more on board with it.

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All-Star Batman #11

Jun 21, 2017

An attractive book with a new and interesting take on the narrative"I mean who doesn't love Alfred. At the same time, I don't feel like your getting the whole story that Snyder wants to tell, it's almost too messy. Splitting the issues up may help the reader adjust to which story is the main plot. I know it's all coming together, so hopefully the pay off is worth it.

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Aquaman (2016) #11

Nov 16, 2016

As we all know i'm biased towards Aquaman, but this is a great read. For many issues now the tension between Atlantis and the US have been building and an on coming catastrophe has been imminent. With the appearance of the Justice League one begins to question if a cross over event is coming or if Aquaman is going to face N.E.M.O alone? Now if you remember, the Widowhood had predicted the Deluge. But in their prediction the Deluge came after Arthur's death. Also, this isn't really the Deluge, just some bad guys posing as the Deluge. Hopefully you're not lost, but i'm hoping there's a neat and tidy clean up to these intertwining stories. I'm in favor of the more realistic looking art and this book gives me just that. There's pops of color, and playful back splashes, but the features on the characters give them a more realistic look. I will continues waiting excitedly for the conclusion.

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Aquaman (2016) #19

Mar 15, 2017

 Super sweet cover, right away it made me excited for thisnew arc. I've always said one of the reasons Aquaman is one of my favoritesbecause he encompasses all three of his identities: Hero, Warrior, fianc, andvery importantly a King. Even though these are the same people who tried tokill him, he puts the thought of maybe this will create an alliance first inhis mind. A thought only a true and good King would have. I liked theflashbacks between when Rhonda first approached him, and what they're doing now…verycinematic. The weirdness of when the Aquamarines take their Aqua form is reallycool. Overall I really enjoyed this book. It is very text heavy which I thinkis why people kind of shy away from Aquaman, it could also use some comic reliefhere and there. Even with that said it's a solid read.

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Aquaman (2016) #21

Apr 19, 2017

Aquaman and Mera just discovered an alien universe that could be a potential threat to their world. Even if this story is contained in the Aquaman territory, I think it'll still be a high intensity story, that is definitely worth reading.

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Aquaman (2016) #22

May 3, 2017

With time being a reoccurring theme throughout Rebirth, speculation of who this hooded man is running wild like a forest fire. Mr. Oz seems like a far reach, since this appears to be underwater. Maybe, its just a coincidence and the man just made an egotistical statement by calling himself the future, only time will tell. We also see a shift in Mera and Arthur's relationship, will Aquaman heed her message or is his desire for approval causing a change in him?

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Aquaman (2016) #23

May 17, 2017

A scandal is upon us, and the King is going to have to fight to secure his throne. Abnett is filling the reader up with a million questions, and when those answers come around, it's going to be immensely satisfying. A perfect time to jump on board, if you've been wanting to get into Aquaman.

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Aquaman (2016) #25

Jun 21, 2017

New art, new plot, and a new Aquaman. Set in a tyrannical police state, Dan is taking Aquaman in a whole new direction. The big question is will it work? Even though the art was gorgeous and set the tone really well, something didn't feel quite right. The plot was too rushed to feel like a natural progression of events. They should have stated that more time had passed to make the reader truly feel that this is a new world we are diving into. The setting is amazing, and we get to explore unseen parts of Atlantis. It's definitely good enough to keep reading and I'm excited to see where it goes, and maybe after an issue or two more the story will find its niche.

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Aquaman (2016) #26

Jul 19, 2017

God I love this book! I'm so deeply impressed by Abnett's total reconstruction and how he is casting the whole city of Atlantis in a new light. Not a moment goes by that something isn't happening. He's weaving action and plot together flawlessly. I'm so completely engrossed by the stunning art and sensational panels; everyone should give Aquaman a try in this new series.

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Aquaman (2016) #27

Aug 16, 2017

Another excellent issue of Aquaman"I can't get enough of this book. Besides being a superhero, it's just a plain good book. Every one has a different agenda, and yet the stories are dancing and weaving with one another flawlessly. The art is a spectacle of beauty and talent. Just a wonderful book all around.

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Batgirl (2016) #6

Dec 28, 2016

Well this issue was"cute. Which I don't know if others agreewith me but I don't want a cute story I want action and badassery. Especiallyfrom Barbara Gordon who has a list full of skills and talents. I can see that thiswas kind of a buffer issue between story arcs. Batgirl has had a lot of ups anddowns for me throughout the six issues. I love Barbara Gordon for so manyreasons that I always want her story to be a front runner. So as the newantagonist enters I'm really hoping for more depth and full on action thatwould be in any Batman issue. This one was a hard one for me to rate, but it isBatgirl so I'll be a little gentler.

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Batgirl (2016) #8

Feb 22, 2017

I was a little skeptical about this arc just because the last couple issues haven't really gotten me excited. With that said I really liked this issue. I like the star crossed lovers aspect of Cobblepot and Bab's relationship. Even though once she sees him for who he is any romantic feelings will probably dissipate. You can tell that the target audience are millennials, with not only the hipster vibe going on, but also the whole app causing trouble part. This particular issue did well in drawing out all the different qualities that Babs has. She's a girl who goes on dates despite her hectic extra curricular activities. She volunteers because she herself is a tech nerd. She fights crime and is a good friend. The woman that does it all, and the Hope Larson captured it perfectly. I'm excited to see how this story unfolds.

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Batgirl (2016) #9

Mar 22, 2017

I have to say this book keeps going back and forth on me. I see the angle that Hope Larson is going for, at least I think I do. This Barbara Gordon seems very rooted in a realistic set of problems. More than ever we see her without that Batgirl Suit, and see that like most people she has a million things on her to do list. I don't know if me just not being into the whole millennial culture that why it's hard for me to get into this book. The way the characters are drawn seems very…hipster, and the big bad right now is using apps to be evil. So yes, I definitely feel Hope Larson is bringing Batgirl the 21st century. It may not be my style or taste but I also know it's really trendy so it'll be interesting how the book does going further.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #10

May 10, 2017

A perfect conclusion to the Blackbird arc. It had everything I could want" every character gets a resolution, and they used their bonds to purge forward valiantly. This a book you should be reading, because each issue brings a little mystery, action, compassion, and good storytelling to the table. They tease you just enough without it getting gratuitous. I know with the Benson sisters finally getting into the new oracle storyline, it's going to be an enjoyable ride.

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Batman (2016) #23

May 17, 2017

A short but impactful story, Tom King is able to spin a well crafted narrative despite the seemingly simple plot. A nice interlude from The Button and the aftermath of Bane that is coming, I couldn't have pictured a better story to be the buffer. With only 23 pages you find yourself truly invested in both Swamp Thing and Batman, individually and as a team. Great read, I very much hope to see these two together once again someday.

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Batman (2016) Annual #1

Nov 30, 2016

The reason I only pulled two because I didn't want to spoil too much about this book. I got such a joy out of reading it that I feel everyone should get that chance. These two really stood out to me because it's the first time in a while I've seen the more human side of Bruce. His alter ego is always at war with its own demons and the evils around him; sometimes we can forget that there is still a man underneath. Yes, a man with deep rooted issues and improper grieving techniques, but a man none the less. It's nice to see the more relaxed side of him. The last think I'll say is that there is a pretty big reveal during this comic about what is coming up in the next year for Batman. You'll have to read to find out!

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Batman / The Shadow #1

Apr 26, 2017

I believe the Shadow is a popular character. Maybe if I had a better understanding of who he was, I would've enjoyed this book more. Either way, for fans who know and love both these characters I'm sure this was quite an epic event for them. For new readers I hope his character will be more fleshed out and less obscure.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #7

Apr 26, 2017

A stand alone story that can carve any plot it so wishes. This book, not exactly being in the same continuity as the others, brings an element of mystery to the story. Now with some iconic characters back in play, we get to go inside Dan's imagination of what happened over the last couple decades.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #8

May 24, 2017

This book is able to work on pure imagination since they aren't in continuity with the other runs going on right now. Considering that, you can see the artists are having a blast bringing back old enemies and creating new ones. So for the most part it's a really fun and high adrenaline read. The panels on this issue were a little too "creative" for my taste, but the plot made up for the lack of structure. Worth a read.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #9

Jun 28, 2017

If you like action and suspense, then you will surely like this book. I personally found out that it is in continuity with the DCU. This was pretty insane to me, but at the same time amazing to see what the future holds. Damien is full on evil, but will things turn around now that Bruce is back in the picture? Vibrant art and fast paced dialogue makes this a fun and breezy read.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #10

Jul 26, 2017

Fun, fast, exciting read each week. It's interesting to seethe paths of these well known characters, and having moments of yes, of coursethat happened. I also like thepsychological dance that Damien does to avoid admitting he was hurt by Bruce'sseemingly indifference towards him. A good breakfast read.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #11

Aug 23, 2017

This arc was fun, the ending kind of killed it for me though, but again the ride was good. I love the sharp colors and edges of the art, bringing that futuristic feel. I'm wondering where this book is going to go now that Bruce is alive, either way I'd say I'm a fan.

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Clean Room #13

Nov 9, 2016

I'm a little speechless right now which is odd since I spent the whole time reading this book with an array of curse words flowing out my mouth. Not because it was bad because it was a freaking rollercoaster to read! If you like horror, if you like space, if you want some mystery in your life stop what you're doing and pick this book up. Now I'm just jumping onto the Clean Room bandwagon right now, but they have another fan. One of my biggest pet peeves is being confused about a plot line. The fact that I can jump in at issue thirteen and enjoy it and understand to an extent to what is going on just shows the talent to the writer's ability to serve a plot line.

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Clean Room #15

Dec 28, 2016

I absolutely love this book. It's probably in my top five runs. Chloe is the character that seems to be the only one that has common sense, and is easily relatable to. While on the opposite spectrum Astrid is like the evil emperor who has feminine touch. Really great contrast of personalities and watching their stories intertwine is impressive. Now getting this back story of Mary, you get the feeling that she's going to be important in upcoming issues. Her sweetness makes her instantly likeable. With such a troubled pass you know she will relate to Chloe and you as a reader can't help but root for her. Seriously love this book, if you're not reading, you are missing out!

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Clean Room #16

Feb 22, 2017

Well holy crap that was just awesome. I'm pretty sure theentire issue my heart was racing. This book has easily become one of myfavorites of all time. You can't even compare it to anything really, because it'ssuch a unique and twisted story. Seriously some of the stuff that comes out ofthe baby's mouth actually made my jaw drop, and that's awesome that a comic canstill have that effect on me. That baby trash talk was on the tip of the iceburg when it comes to shock value. Walter Geovani does a great job of bringingSimone's twisted visions alive on the page. I became a fan of Gail Simoneduring her Wonder Woman run, but this book has made me respect her so much as awriter! Go to your local comic book shop and purchase this book immediately!

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Clean Room #18

Apr 26, 2017

Gail was able to paint such a wonderful and specific story to read. From the images of an almost cast like system… to the monsters hidden among friends. Every inch of this book was fantastic. Horror, much like the superhero stories, can easily fall into the same old predictable troupes. Considering this, Gail was able to take us on a journey into a whole new type of horrific, that felt fresh and exciting. Everyone should go and find the first 18 issues of Clean Room, and prepare yourself for a ride!

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Cyborg (2016) #10

Mar 1, 2017

This book was very text heavy, but Cyborg has beenconsistent with being this way. There's a lot more information that needs to berelayed so it fits the story. He's not your typical punch and kick superhero. Ilike Exxy a lot. His snarky comments or reckless suggestions do well to breakup the seriousness of all the techno talk going on.  I really enjoy the mystery of the voice thatis instructing Anomaly. Semper has done a really great job with taking anunderrated character and really making him more dynamic and interesting. Ithought the art was really well done and helped dramatize the tone of the book.Overall a great read and worth a pick up.

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Cyborg (2016) #12

May 3, 2017

Cyborg is more of a Team-B member of the Justice League, heeasily gets over-shadowed by the other members. Unfortunately, he still seemsto get over-shadowed even in his own book. Semper Jr. seems to be tryingto make this book everything, and it's leaving me dazed. There's an undergroundstreet element, there's a mystical over voice thing going on, and a final bosslevel we've been trying to get to, just a lot to take in. I think if Semper Jr.would just hyper-focus a bit more, this book could be a really good read. Untilthen I have to admit I'm just not fan. Anytime I find myself continuouschecking to see what page I'm on to see if I'm close to done yet, I know theissue has lost me.

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Cyborg (2016) #14

Jul 5, 2017

I want to give Semper a high-five, this book got me excited and for once actually interested in the next issue. I get pretty tired of hero-book troupes, but this felt like a new sinister spin. It felt like this book has been trying to find it's footing for awhile, but the last two issues have me hoping for a brighter future for Cyborg.

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Deathstroke (2016) #6

Nov 9, 2016

Not too shabby D.C. only knowing Deathstroke through Batman, this comic got me interested and wanting to know more about Deathstrokes story.

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Deathstroke (2016) #18

May 3, 2017

Despite the riddle of a layout Priest and Bennett present, I find myself really into this arc's run. With the continuation of this story being in Titans, you know that the Lazarus Contract is here, and there are a lot of players involved. Deathstroke's life is kind of falling apart right now, which is a great set up of all the possible ways he could react to upcoming events. Being blind, estranged from his kids, and losing Power Girl's friendship, there just might be some desperation in him, that could result in some impulse behavior. We will just have to wait and see.

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Deathstroke (2016) #19

May 24, 2017

The colorful art highlighted every scene very well. But the dialogue left me for a loop on a couple occasions. There were also moments that really had no explanation, and congested the flow of the overall story. Other than that it was a high paced, and fun read. Priest does well in giving the reader an even deeper look into the good and bad parts of our heroes and villains. With time yet again, being the plot device, will this be a defining moment in Rebirth history? We can only wait to find out.

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Deathstroke (2016) #20

Jun 7, 2017

What?!? Seriously what is going on. It feels like Priest is only writing half of what comes to his mind. I love a good read the between the lines plot story, but I feel like I missed so much in this issue. I guess it'll get explained along the way? It is frustrating because you can feel the presence of a good story, just not executed well. At least for me"

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Deathstroke (2016) #21

Jul 5, 2017

This is the first Deathstroke book i've enjoyed in a while. There wasn't as many breakups so the narrative was easier to follow. There was one line that seemed out of place and did take me out of the story for a moment. This book was short and sweet and we get a reintroduction into the cast that will be gracing the pages for the next couple months. For the first time in a while, I find myself caring about Deathstroke.

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Deathstroke (2016) #22

Aug 2, 2017

Okay, Okay, I like this book, the costumes are still dumb,but the story is pretty good. It's interesting watching a bad man trying to begood. It's a really new take on the hero world; at least for me it is. I hopePriest focuses on the group dynamic more in the next couple issues, becausethese kids are so different I'm excited to see how their relationship with eachother grows. I can see why this book is a fan favorite.

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Doctor Fate (2015) #18

Nov 16, 2016

What a ride! A rollercoaster that spits out rainbows kind of ride. Since starting this serious a couple issues ago i've been a fan of Dr. Fate. I really enjoy the interaction between Khalid and Nabu and the teacher, student dynamic. The conclusion of the whole dying threads of life seemed to rush. Such a big build up and just ended with a beam of light. Don't get me wrong the beam of light was cool, but i felt this conflict deserved a better ending. The mythological aspect of this comic is really what draws you in with the power of Egyptian gods and helmets with spirits in them, it's easy to capture the imagination. There is no way to explain the art without using the word psychedelic. Each page pops with color and swirls of well...more color. Don't get distracted there is definitely a story worth reading underneath.

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Earth 2: Society #18

Nov 9, 2016

I enjoyed that a lot more than I initially thought I would. I'm a stickler for the classics and variations on those classics have never been my thing. But with a gripping story just as lovable alter egos I will gladly say I'm a fan of Earth 2. The story was quick and clean and even just jumping in at #18 easy to follow. Even with white backgrounds the panels popped and the characters in them were well drawn and defined. I loved the dynamic between all the characters. Nothing better than a good ol' cliff hanger, and "come with me or you'll die" is one of the best. Again I am forced to go spend all my money on back issues because I've once again feel in love with a new title.

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Flash (2016) #20

Apr 12, 2017

Last issue we were finishing up with the whole Wally Westdiscovering his father arc. It felt like a clumsy jump from that story to thisone. Maybe they should've added a buffer issue to have a smoother transition?The only real part of this book I was intrigued by was that ‘Batman and theButton' teaser at the end. So now we know that the Flash book will start toaddress long standing Watchmen questions. What will that mean for this BlackHole dilemma?

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Flash (2016) #24

Jun 14, 2017

Williamson has proven time and time again that he knows how to write Flash, but it's hard to hide from some speedster cliches. This story just feels like one that i've read many times before. Williamson does a cool and unique job in framing up the story, but it still felt repetitive. I am very interested in where he takes the plot, and I hope it ends up surprising me.

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Flash (2016) #26

Jul 12, 2017

If you can get past the comic book redundancy of the secret identify reveal, this book was very pretty good. I'd say the ending was the saving grace for this particular issue. I loved the art and found the panel layouts very clever. As predictable as some of these issues can be, Williamson got me on this one.

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Flash (2016) #27

Jul 26, 2017

Visually the book was fun, but the plot was a mess. For howsimple it was, there was way too many shortcuts put in place to get the end.The fight ended up being lackluster. I like Williamson, but this issue feltvery not genuine, and almost more of a time filler than a good storyline.

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Frostbite #3

Nov 24, 2016

That was awesome! It's like a mix of a gang movie mashed with Mad Max. I can already tell that the characters created are going to be some that will make me want to come back to this comic over and over again. Even on issue three the storyline is laid out easily and within the first half you know exactly what is going on. The art was really cool, a watercolor vibe that painted each scene beautifully. Just when you think there this story leans more towards realistic fiction, you're given wicked ice queens and evil firemen. It was just great overall and easily my book of the week. A Must Read!

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Frostbite #5

Jan 25, 2017

I love, love, love this book. Every moment is so deliberate and spins together this tale of an almost apocalyptic world.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #3

Nov 9, 2016

Ummmmm".I kind of feel like I just watched an episode of something on pbs. I'm not sure if this is directed towards kids and that's why it was so hard to get into. The art was playful and related to the juvenile story just fine. The characters were okay and likable but there were so many of them that I lost track of who was who and who was doing what. Again I'm pretty convinced this was meant for younger kids and if it's not it should be. A clean, wholesome story with colorful pages and easy to follow story line would be great for the youngins.

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Green Arrow (2016) #25

Jun 21, 2017

If Orwell wrote comics instead of novels, I have a feeling him and Benjamin Percy would have worked together. I love seeing the parallels Percy draws between real life and fantasy. He does it in a way that still makes it comical and still rooted in fiction. A great anniversary issue that will keep you on your feet from beginning to end; and actually have you wondering if the good guys are going lose this time.

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Green Arrow (2016) #27

Jul 19, 2017

I actually liked the art in this issue, it was very clean and did well in telling the story in itself. It just took me an issue to get used to the style change. There was a lot going on in this issue, but Percy did a great job of making it cohesive. I've always been a big fan of how he's able to parallel our reality, and this issue is no exception. The ending has me super pumped, because I've been waiting for the fall of a certain character for awhile now, and Percy may finally give it to me.

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Green Arrow (2016) #28

Aug 2, 2017

As fun as it is to see Oliver team up with the Leagueone-by-one, this story got a little too unbelievable for me. I know that I'mreading a comic, but there can still be some base lines. I mean that was a lotof people with deep dark secrets"and how the situation was handled feltreaching. Luckily, Percy has such an act and undeniable talent for how he weaveshis story, that even some silliness still makes for a good book. Overall thestory kept me captivated, and I'm very invested in the mission Ollie is facing.His next stop should be a hell of a ride"

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Green Lanterns #14

Jan 4, 2017

This book has been really fun. Just when you think it'sgetting a little too fluffy they throw another twist at you. Half way through Ithought that the Frank plot was coming to an end in a too tidy of a bow, but ofcourse it was just to throw you off track. When in fact an even bigger threatis coming our way. A wolf in sheep's clothing. Now that Jessica has someconfidence I can't wait to see how her character develops with her new foundconfidence. Until next time.

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Green Lanterns #15

Jan 18, 2017

This issue was an interesting one for me to read. I likeit…but I wish it would have come before the last issue. I think all us readershave been wanting a closer look at Jessica. She's so relatable, her stories canstir up your own memories of being frozen with anxiety. Most people have todeal with anxiety or self doubt. With that said I was sooooo excited when sheput on the white ring and remained a Green Lantern. I was like “yeah this isit, this is where Jessica gets the confidence she needs to be the bad ass Iknow she is,” but now this issue felt like it back tracked. I do think it isimportant to know that anxiety isn't something that is just fixed, but It canbe overcome, and I really want to see Jessica reach that point. Overall goodissue, nice insight, just ready for the next big thing for her. HopefullyBatman will bring it out.

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Green Lanterns #23

May 17, 2017

It's one on one, as Simon and Jessica have to prove to their trainers that they are worth the rings they wear. I'm excited to get back on track with the main plot, and I think we are finally going to get some real down to the core, character development. Either way, after this issue, I'm back on board with the Green Lanterns.

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Green Lanterns #24

Jun 7, 2017

Yes, Green Lanterns is finally back on track with an eventful, funny, and exciting issue. Maybe, just maybe, after this issue we are going to see some much needed character development with both Simon and Jessica. Not a panel was wasted, with its beautiful art and gripping plot, I was completely drawn in. So excited to once again be into this book!

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Green Lanterns #25

Jun 21, 2017

Wow! I haven't had a book make me curse out loud in a while now, in a good way I mean. The art alone deserves a salvation, the detail and finesse that went into every panel is breathtaking. It was also great to get a moment of having Jessica and Simon bond, we haven't seen that for a couple arcs. What a brilliant issue, I can't find one single thing I would change about it!

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Green Lanterns #26

Jul 5, 2017

One of the strengths of Humphries is his ability to reallyhone in, and fully develop a villain. We can understand better why Volthoom has hatredagainst the guardians, why he is so persistent in getting his travellantern back, and we understand his motivations and his fears. Whatwe really excites me about this issue is the pattern that is developing. We areslowly being introduced to the wearers of the first seven rings. So i feel like an epic reunion is coming our ways. Overall a quick fun issue that helps us dig further into the overall arching plot.

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Green Lanterns #27

Jul 19, 2017

I love when a book I wasn't super in to, becomes one of my favorites. How Jessica is handling everything that's thrown at her, is exactly what I've been waiting fro since day 3 of Green Lanterns. Even though the whole back in time story gets redundant, the way Humphries had the characters approach the situation made it feel new. Perfect amount of thrill and humor, a great read for the week.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #11

Dec 28, 2016

There's something for every type of reader in this arc. Legends of yesterday, heroes of 52, and a new twist of colors working together. Just fantastic.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #18

Apr 12, 2017

The Sinestro Corps and Green Lanterns have a very long history dating back to the very beginning, and this mix up in alliances is fresh and exciting. Venditti is doing a fantastic job in writing a riveting plot line that has different stories smoothly entangling with one another. Now that we have another threat in the midst how will this new union handle the situation?

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #19

Apr 26, 2017

If you've been reading any other titles of Rebirth you know that time is a big factor in what is going on. Everyone's timelines are messed up, and future pest keep coming and muddying things up even more. So is this book in connection to those stories, and the over arching theme in Rebirth right now, or is it contained in just this story?

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #20

May 10, 2017

A battle for the soul and the future of the universe is on the horizon. The Green Lantern's fate is held loosely in their hands, as they throw everything they have at their aggressor. With talent that splatters incredible art on every page, and a writer who scripts a sensational plot and dynamic characters, I have no doubt that this story will be one of the classics.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #21

May 24, 2017

A fantastic conclusion to the Prism of Time arc. Even though the battle itself was pretty predictable and played out like most fights; the surprise twist was really unexpected. Venditti is able have all the big names in one story, and still give every character the space they need. A spectacle of heroism and divergence will have you completely engaged the whole way through.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #22

Jun 14, 2017

You never have to look far if you want to see some gorgeous art. Consistently, this book has dulled out page after page of just beauty. The plot was light for the most part, felt almost Guardians of the Galaxy like. There is a twist at the end, that it worth reading to find out. Next week we let's play a game of "who dunnnit."

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #23

Jun 28, 2017

Well, I didn't expect that ending. I loved the whole Murder on the Orient Express vibe that was going on through this book. It felt new and fresh compared to the normal flow of how Robert usually writes. The action is more at at a minimum, but the plot and drama has definitely thickened. One can only guess what on Earth is next for the Corps.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #24

Jul 12, 2017

An exciting and smart issue from start to finish. A lot of dialogue, but every word meaningful and thought provoking. Venditti will make any reader deeply invested into these groups of misfits and warriors. I can't get enough of this book!

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #25

Jul 26, 2017

I've really loved this run, it's been exciting andsurprising consistently. The events of this issue were pushed to the edge ofexaggeration it felt. There is something about how these events unfolded thatisn't sitting quite right with me, either way a fantastic read. The twist atthe end is going to get a lot of fans excited.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #26

Aug 9, 2017

The beginning did a good job with having a buffer from the events of the last arc into a new story line. I will say that Hitch has me very weary of anything resembling a big bad monster now, but Venditti is an amazing writer and I'm sure this big bad will have more depth then we've seen in the Justice League runs. I do wonder if this book is connected to Batman Metal??

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Harley Quinn (2016) #19

May 3, 2017

Heroes tend to take themselves somewhat seriously, so it'snice to let loose and have anything go when you read a Harley Quinn comic. She'sa popular character right now and everyone is taking a free reign in how they interprether. As long as she can hold her own, talk your ear off, and plays with hersanity, your interpretation will be good in my book.

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Injustice 2 #2

May 17, 2017

Do you want action, drama, gore, love? Well if you do, I guarantee you'll find something to love about this book. Throwing us into a world of 'What if's" Tom has done a fantastic job of crafting such a thrilling and engaging story. I can't get enough of it. It flows so beautifully, I breezed through the issue. I honestly can't find one thing I'd change. The humor is well distributed and not over done. The suspense keeps you on the edge of your seat. The characters easily draw you into their world. I loved it!

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Injustice 2 #4

Jun 21, 2017

I'm a huge fan of this art style, even with its dusk back drop it still pops with vibrance. I also absolutely love Harley in this comic, I wish Tom would be more involved in other versions of her. It'd be fantastic if he got involved in making an animated movie. I just love his characterizations. His dialogue between characters are always so natural and smooth. Even though much didn't happen in this issue it was still very solid, and I can't wait to see what Tom Taylor has for us next.

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Injustice 2 #6

Jul 19, 2017

I was a little bored during this issue, in all honesty. Not much happened and the only action was kind of a throw away moment. I did like how the beginning was fleshed out a little differently than usual. Kara's story is one we all know very well so this is more of a checkpoint issue, than a good story, but I have plenty of faith in Tom Taylor to reel me back in next issue.

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Injustice 2 #7

Aug 2, 2017

I know a book is good when I curse a lot while reading it,and this book made me curse out loud at least three times. I knew I coulddepend on Taylor to make up for a slow week. Wow what a read, I was so into it,the pages just flew by. It was unexpected and dramatic and I can barely waitfor the next issue. I love when comics get me excited like this. There weresome confusing moments, that I'm hoping will be sorted out on the podcast.

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Injustice 2 #8

Aug 16, 2017

Tom Taylor is a magnificent writer. It always surprises me how well he writes these heroes, especially Harley and Batman. The humor that was integrated into this issue was hilarious and not over done. My only hope is that Tom furthers his career and begins writing for the Justice League in continuity.

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Justice League (2016) #18

Apr 5, 2017

After months of ragging on Justice League I feel just a hint of "okay I could get on board with this.' I still find myself struggling to get the plot straight and am having to continuously go back to fact-check. Comics aren't suppose to be this complicated! But from what we've been getting so far I would say this arc is finally an improvement.

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Justice League (2016) #19

Apr 19, 2017

If you've read any of my reviews before this, you know I have been unhealthily obsessive with finding any hint of the coming Watchmen story. Both Tempus and Molly are doing this in order to avoid the hell coming their way. To me that screams, DR. MANHATTAN! I've been trying so hard to like this book because I know it will play an important role in what is to come. I'm hoping with the DC having such tight reigns on the Watchmen plot, that the higher ups will give Hitch direction on how to address it. You know it's not good when someone says they hope corporate gets involved… So overall I do believe that the Timeless arc was an improvement from previous stories, but it's still too confusing, too busy, and too disordered.

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Justice League (2016) #20

May 3, 2017

DC is going to keep Bryan Hitch on, as long as sales are high. Unfortunately, he was given the most popular title, so of course people are going to keep buying it for the namessake. I don't recommend this book. Take the money you were going to spend and buy a different title.

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Justice League (2016) #25

Jul 19, 2017

Despite the usual Hitch plot holes and annoying big flashy bad guy, this book had some decent qualities. I'm happy to see some rounding of the previous Timeless story, and the red head ramblings were interesting enough to keep my engaged in hers and Batman's conversation. It's hard to get into the conspiracy theories of this book anymore since Geoff told us when and where the Watchmen plot is going to show up. Overall a decent book, but it's hard to get past all the characteristics of a Hitch book that drive us all crazy.

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Justice League (2016) #26

Aug 2, 2017

So I went into this pretty begrudgingly, but I waspleasantly surprise. Even though a portion of it is very Hitchy, and has beenplayed out a couple thousands times, the story itself was pretty good. I likeseeing that some of the previous stories are finding a place, and it's not 100%confusing. Even though I actually liked this story, Hitch still left me with amillion questions. But hopefully this straightforward story-telling will stick around...

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Justice League / Power Rangers #4

May 17, 2017

If you want to feel like a kid again, with a bowel of fruit loops in front of you, and the TV on Saturday morning cartoons, this book is perfect for you. Tom Taylor is doing a great job of mixing nostalgia with just plain good story telling, and with good characterizations. Add in some art that fits the tone of the story to a T, and you'll have one of my favorite books coming out of DC right now, Justice League/ Power Rangers!

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Justice League of America (2017) #7

May 24, 2017

Things have slowed down, and for the first time I'm really into a JLA issue. We get to dive deeper into the individual members and begin to care about them, apart from just as a team. The more simplistic art was a nice transition from the very busy first arc we read. A great place to jump on. I'm finally excited for JLA!

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Justice League of America (2017) #11

Jul 26, 2017

I've actually really enjoyed the Kingbutcher story, I dohope Orlando fleshes it out completely in the long run. I still have a hardtime connecting to each of the main characters, I would like to see them moredeveloped and possibly more likeable. Either way I would say this run is definitelyan improvement.

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Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #2

Dec 28, 2016

This was so awesome! It made me super excited about comicsagain! Everything ran so smoothly and flawlessly I breezed through the wholeissue. Each character's personality was perfectly done and brought such aspecial element to this comic. This is the Harley I've been waiting to show up.The characters interacting with each other drew me into their world. For thefirst event of Rebirth it has everything you'd want. A clash of heroes in villains.Bad guys you haven't seen in a while. An actual suspenseful plot. Perfecto.

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Midnighter And Apollo #4

Jan 4, 2017

The conjunction of Midnighter's violence and Apollo'sglowing goodness weaves an enticing story. I wasn't sure at first; I felt itwas too similar to Batman and Superman, but now I have to say I'm a big fan ofthese characters based on their own merit. Fernando does well with addinglittle details, like Egyptian vases in Hell's castle, to add depth to the story.Some of Hell's creatures were a little silly to me, but overall you felt thesense that Midnighter is traveling far to find his love. I also think it'sgreat to not only have a gay relationship be the main source of plot, but to alsohave it be as romantic and real as this one is. Neuron has been built up toseem like this great evil force so I am very interested in how the lovers areable to take him down. As much as I enjoyed Mawzir dying I do hope there ismore strategy involved when taking down Neuron. Either way great book.

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Midnighter And Apollo #5

Feb 1, 2017

Applause to Orlando for taking a character I knew nothing about and honestly kind of dreading reading, into one of my favorites!

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Midnighter And Apollo #6

Mar 1, 2017

It's crazy how much I care about these two characters. Seeingthem reunited was one of the best moments I've read in awhile. I loved thatBlanco had Apollo's light shining bright and overwhelming the page. It helpedgive a sense of homecoming. When they were talking about why they were witheach other it was just a sweet moment. Let's take a moment to appreciate SteveOrlando. This has been one of the bloodiest kickass over all awesome books. Atthe same time, it was one of the sweetest and tender love stories I have everread. To have both those in one book and have it done well speaks volumes tothe talent to the writer. Midnighter and Apollo has by far become one of myfavorite books and characters of all time.

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Mother Panic #1

Nov 9, 2016

As intriguing as the cover page looked this story fell flat for me. I feel like a lot of writers want to cram a lot of information into an issue 1 and the story itself gets lost. I didn't really feel any connection to the main character and her attitude was more of an annoyance than a distorted charm. The art reminded me lot of year zero and was fun to look at, but that was probably the only highlight for me. Batman"being Batman is an easy drawn in to any story and will probably be the reason I keep reading. Here's to hoping the story slows down and character development because more president.

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Mother Panic #2

Dec 28, 2016

The ConfessionalThe first issue was hard for me to jump on, but now I'msuper interested in this book. There were some moments of disarray when it cameto plot. But unlike other books you still get a good sense of the overallmission of the main protagonist. Violet seemed just like a moody 'I want to beedgy' type of girl, but as you get to know her story more that changes. Youunderstand why she acts the way she does, and you even find yourself rootingfor her. As I continue reading I can't wait to learn more about this characterand where her story will take her. She is also trying to stop the most heinousof crimes that brings out passion in the readers.

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New Superman #10

Apr 12, 2017

So a lot happened. There were demons and new characters, and a Sophie's Choice moment, that Kenan totally failed at. But the point of it all is that things may not always seem as they appear. Girl Flash, who once was a part of the China White, may be turning a new leaf. Kenan's master has more secrets than the writers of DC comics have, and Supes is revealing his own agenda. Now that Kenan and the Justice League of China is in the US, will they be more involved in what is happening right now?

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New Superman #11

May 10, 2017

A brilliant read that will have you engrossed from start to finish. I always get so excited when I get a chance to talk about this book, because it's just so captivating and well laid out. It has action, mystery, and a good amount of humor. Yang does a marvelous job of bringing you into his world and showing that even heroes have flaws.

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New Superman #12

Jun 14, 2017

This is the most well written story in all of Rebirth. It's action packed and yet poetic. You can feel the strength and mythology behind Chinese culture, and it plays into a really wonderful epic that I can't get enough of. There's not a single thing I would change about this issue, it's absolutely perfect for me. The style, the art, the plot, the flow, all just perfect.

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New Superman #13

Jul 12, 2017

I said it before and I'll say it again, this is one of the best books coming out of DC right now. The art, the dialogue, the plot, every centimeter of this book oozes awesomeness. I can't get enough of the the Justice League of China. It's such a refreshing and new take on the age of the Superhero. I really hope everyone out there takes a chance on this book. I promise it's worth it!

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New Superman #14

Aug 9, 2017

It's obvious that this is by far one of my favorite books coming out of DC. Considering that, I'll be honest and say that this issue didn't get me as excited as previous books. It was still fun and full of gorgeous art, and I recommend it to everyone. The ending teases to a fantastic cross over coming our way.

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New Talent Showcase: 2016 #1

Nov 30, 2016

Each comic has a very unique looking sense of style. From soft lines to hard line, bright to dull colors It was great seeing each artists' interpretation of the characters. The layout and flow of the pages were seamless and easily to follow. Each story brought a new and exciting aspect that felt new. Overall I would easily follow any of these talents creators as they further their careers in DC! You must pick this book up!

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Nightwing (2016) #19

Apr 19, 2017

There's a lot of important factors that are happening in this arc. Nightwing has a new love interest, who might be carrying his baby! Fatherhood could mean the end of Nightwing, or at least a dramatic change in him. Not only that, but Robin's fate is in the wind. As comic readers we are very distrustful when it comes to a character's death. Yeah they look dead, but they probably aren't, or they'll be back. These thoughts are always in our head when we see a “death.” So no, I'm not too worried about Robin at this point. I am curious to see if we will be getting a Batman cameo, since it's his son.

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Nightwing (2016) #20

May 3, 2017

Will Nightwing's experiences in Bludhaven fundamentally reshape his character? He dealt with the possibility of being a father, redefining himself apart from past tragedies, and embraced his legacy. Now, his world is getting a lot more expansive and his role in it will be important. He's helping the Bird's of Prey track down Blackbird, and the Lazarus Contract is just around the corner. Seeley was playing with a fine line between confusing or imaginative in this issue, in the end, the layers of complexity hindered it from being awesome. There's also been a specific tone set for Nightwing for this entire arc that worked decently well, but I'm looking forward to a change of pace. Tim is a great writer and I'm excited for what will come next.

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Nightwing (2016) #21

May 17, 2017

The bonds and interactions between heroes, or even heroes and villains is what drives us to continue following their lives. This was a great little interlude that gave us a closer look into the friendship between Dick and Wally. The dialogue was very charming and witty, and you can't help but smile.

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Nightwing (2016) #22

Jun 7, 2017

The struggle between being a hero, and just being a person is something that every masked hero goes through. But now Dick has a girl that is making the whole normal life even more appealing, but will being the Nightwing get in the way? Seeley did an excellent job in laying out the events in this issue. In only 21 pages he gives the reader all the information needed to make them care about what's going on. I have a feeling this arc is going to be a page turner.

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Nightwing (2016) #23

Jun 21, 2017

Nightwing finds himself in a pretty big mess, in his real and vigilante life. No big surprise there. Even though the story was a pretty good one, it was lackluster. There were definitely some fun panels with the good ol' Dick humor, but nothing in this issue really excited me. The ending does hint to a good break away story for next issue, so hopefully things pick up then.

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Nightwing (2016) #24

Jul 5, 2017

A rat race from start to finish. As exciting as seeing some of these baddies in a Nightwing book, their introductions seemed messy and unnecessary. This was my only issue with the issue though. Other wise, it was fun and fast paced thriller ride. Hoping for a Sherlock worthy redemption next book.

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Nightwing (2016) #25

Jul 19, 2017

I don't know if I've ever been so stale face while reading a comic. Nothing worked for me in the issue. I thought the escape from doom plot was silly, the main fight was too short, and I still don't care about Bludhaven. Nightwing's character in the last couple of book have felt insincere and unlike him for me. I've really liked Seely's previous runs, but ever since Dick went to Bludhaven, it's all gone down hill for me. You know it's bad when your checking the page number every couple seconds to see if your close to done yet".

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Nightwing (2016) #26

Aug 2, 2017

So excited to see Spyral back in the picture, because it'ssuch a defining part of who Dick is. Some of the stuff with Shawn made it pretty obvious of where that story was headed, but it's so small it didn't bother metoo much. I liked this story a lot better. I'm still not to confident in Nightwing's future, but hopefully this is a sign of a nice turning point.

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Nightwing: The New Order #1

Aug 23, 2017

These future stories are getting a little weird for me. I like that the narration is through Nightwing's son, and its more of a reminiscent that live narrative. It's all a little unbelievable, and you can't help but wonder where this story fits with everything else: or if it's an other worlds story? IT was a good read, just left me a little dazed I guess.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #23

Nov 24, 2016

I don't think there are words to describe how much I love Robert Kirkman as a writer. He weaves these overdone stories in such a way that they feel fresh and new. Sweeping in a storyline that make the reader feel that they are on the edge of a catastrophe, but still teasing hope of the protagonist's ability to overcome it.

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Scooby Apocalypse #7

Nov 9, 2016

What a ride, other than wishing someone would put tape over Daphne's mouth, this was a fun comic to read. Since the good old days there have been so many different interpretations of Scooby Doo and the gang, and I have to say this is one of my favorites.

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Scooby Apocalypse #8

Dec 14, 2016

The art is fun and colorful. It did throw me for a loop a little bit because some panels looked like they were drawn differently from other ones. I know there were some guest artist on this book that could explain this, but still kind of took me out of the book a couple times. Also there werea couple times Velma looked like a midget like full on little person. Not saying it's a bad thing just wasn't sure if that was what the artist intended. This issue was a lot of fun. This series has been really entertaining. I mean what's better than the gang in a monster apocalypse? Overall I like it, I still wish Daphne would chill out, but I look forward to it every month. Now I just need some one to call them meddling kids and I'll be satisfied.

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Scooby Apocalypse #10

Feb 8, 2017

The writers have definitely taken each one of these characters to the brink of who they are. But doing so with adding dimension and close to real life characteristics that make the characters have more depth to them. This whole series deserves an Oprah sticker.

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Seven to Eternity (2016) #3

Nov 30, 2016

There's nothing like a good sci-fi novel to get you excited and going. There was definitely some Lord of the Ring vibes going on, which I absolutely loved.

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Shade, the Changing Girl #5

Feb 1, 2017

Overall, definitely an interesting and different sort of story to read.

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Sixpack & Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin' Heroz #5

Dec 28, 2016

I'm still waiting on an issue that makes me laugh as hard asI did in Issue 2. I have to say seeing Sleeping Beauty's evil step-mother withJohn narrating made me smile pretty hard. Dogwelder is such a weird characteryou don't really know how to feel about him. Maybe if you saw his face hewouldn't seem so ominous. I also swear John was more British this issue than hewas before. Its cool to see this grumpy British chap lead this band of misfitsand a quest to save the world. It's never not interesting. It kind of feels likewatching "Always Sunny" because it's agang full of dysfunctional people getting into hijinks. Excited how thisspace adventure turns out.

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Super Sons (2017) #1

Feb 15, 2017

This is a series I have been excitedly waiting for and I think it is absolutely living up to its expectations. Tomasi was the perfect person to give this arc to. Can't wait for more!

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Super Sons (2017) #2

Mar 15, 2017

The ending was great and truly unexpected for me. I can't wait to see how that is going to play out.

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Super Sons (2017) #3

Apr 19, 2017

These kids are important, there is no denying that. We saw Dick Greyson start as Robin and eventually grow into the man and hero he is today. Who knows, maybe our own children will see Damian Wayne as more than Robin some day as well. I also believe we are seeing Jon fleshed out more than he has been before. This is only just the beginning for these boys, I am excited to see what the next couple decades will look like for them.

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Super Sons (2017) #4

May 17, 2017

Tomasi is easily making me feel like I'm reading about two brothers. In only four issues you can see a slight change in the dynamic of their relationship. Yes, the boys can't stand each other to a degree, but you can tell there's some respect there as well. Both have a key to iconic thrones, and as readers we are along for the ride as they "find themselves," as clich as that sounds. A great story that's fun and entertaining. It may not seem like it now, but someday these two boys are going to be big players in the DC universe.

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Supergirl (2016) #3

Nov 9, 2016

The art was very stylistic but worked for the story and still gave the characters' definition. I discovered Supergirl through the TV show, and am a big fan. It was cool to see Kara in a different younger version. She already deals with so much and being a teenager doesn't make anything easier. Much like my husband I love when the bad guy gets a good story and we get an in depth look at why their doing what they are doing. In this case Zor-El in his twisted sense of fatherhood is trying to recreate a home that Kara has lost. Yeah it turned out really messed up, but point for trying right?

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Supergirl (2016) #6

Feb 8, 2017

I thought this was a great conclusion to this arc. Most of the issue was filled with great panels of kick ass action sequences. This was done without losing the heart of who Supergirl is.

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Supergirl (2016) #7

Mar 8, 2017

This book has probably been the biggest pleasant surprise of Rebirth.

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Supergirl (2016) #8

Apr 12, 2017

I think it's easy for people to brush off Supergirl, because she may not be as dynamic as some of the other characters. Steve Orlando is doing a fantastic job in changing this. I never considered her one of my go-to characters, but now she's the first book I read when it comes out. Going forward I think her part is going to be a lot more important than people expect.

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Supergirl (2016) #9

May 10, 2017

If you are a fan of Brian Ching's stylistic flair, get excited because he's back on board. Even though there were some character moments that didn't feel authentic, I really enjoyed this book. Yes, it was text heavy and slow paced in the first half, but the second part absolutely makes up for it. The stakes are getting higher and hotter, and it's going to take all of Supergirl and Batgirl's strength and finesse to get them through the hell they are emerging on.

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Supergirl (2016) #10

Jun 14, 2017

Books are just killer this week! Orlando is telling a very solid story, all the while having strong characterizations. There were some powerful moments in this issue, that made this book incredible. I just don't know what more you could want in a comic; there's action, heroism, dragons, and an escape attempt. Supergirl should be on your pull list...go ahead and do it now...i'll wait.

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Supergirl (2016) #11

Jul 12, 2017

A wonderful conclusion to a fun, heartfelt, team up. Orlando does both these characters' justice and uses their wit and caring nature to help them in a tight spot. Ching does marvelously in shifting the tone in each panel to fit the setting. Orlando has more surprises and an even more dire plot in wait for us. Here's hoping to more team up between these women in the future!

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Supergirl: Being Super #4

Jun 28, 2017

It feels like it's been a really long time since the last issue, considering that, it took me a minute to really get into this book. Once I got into the flow of it, I really enjoyed it. Yes, it is more juvenile that some of the other comics, but it's also a lot of fun. You can't help but root for Kara the whole way through. The art is colorful and vibrant as it should be, and the narrative feels natural. I can't wait to see her develop into what we all already know she can be.

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Superman (2016) #11

Nov 16, 2016

I've really enjoyed this story arch since the boys came into it. If you can't tell, I am not a fan of Damian. But watching the dynamic between these two is pretty funny.

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Superman (2016) #15

Jan 18, 2017

I honestly don't know how I feel about this arc. It's really interesting and fun, it also feels very out there. The art is fantastic. I love how much the style changes with each Earth. The quirkiness of different Justice Leagues, you really get a sense of diving into the artists imagination and abilities. Maybe it seems off to me because it is so far off in continuity with the other Rebirth titles. It's its own funky little thing.

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Superman (2016) #24

Jun 7, 2017

Not your normal Superman book, as this one takes 'bad guys,' to an interesting new territory. Wishing I had more exposition on the group that is explored on this issue, because that keeps me from giving it a higher rating. I will say that the events to come that are laid out, sure will be an interesting ride.

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Superman (2016) #28

Aug 2, 2017

Yeah the good deed that Superman did was sweet, butunrealistic and silly. Maybe if this story wasn't so kiddy it wouldn't havebeen so dull to read"again. Like the whole people disagree, that's what makesAmerica great. How about we talk about why they disagree, about the real issuesthat are facing America today. If you are going to root a comic into reality atleast make it real!!! I'm seriously dumbfounded that such talented writers,that I admire greatly, had this be two issues long.

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Superman (2016) Annual #1

Nov 30, 2016

I know very little of Swamp Thing, and I feel this issue gave a tremendous glance into who the character is. Not afraid to use brute force, but also filled with wisdom, Swamp Thing is the watcher of the earth. The actual beautiful and physical Earth. Now that is a character I could get behind.

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Superwoman (2016) #4

Nov 9, 2016

Overall I enjoyed it, the art stayed true to the Supers format of pretty clean lines and colorful inking. The story was well written and leaves the reader wondering what's next.

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Superwoman (2016) #9

Apr 19, 2017

This is the worse time to lose your powers. Superman is recruiting a team to help defend against the big bad coming, and now he's a man short. Considering this, it's easy to assume not having powers is going to be a really short run. We will just have to watch and see how big of a part Lana will play in the next couple chapters of Rebirth.

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Teen Titans (2016) #7

Apr 26, 2017

The Lazarus Contract is just on the horizon and everything we are reading right now is a set up for that. I really hope Benjamin Percy will be the front runner on that, because he is easily becoming one of my favorite writers of all time!

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Teen Titans (2016) #8

May 17, 2017

A great continuation of this crossover arc. It was a fast and enjoyable read. Every character was highlighted perfectly and each unique quirky quality added flair to the story. There were moments, artistically that, for me at least, took away from the story. Even so, the suspenseful plot line and skill of having the heroes be so well developed made up for it. Definitely a book for the shelf.

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Teen Titans (2016): Lazarus Contract Special #1

May 31, 2017

A lot of game changers have been put into motion, and willprobably effect these three titles for quite a while. The actual story thatgot us to this point was a let down, and makes me wonder if Priest even likesany superhero other than Deathstroke. The book flowed fine, had good art, anddecent dialogue, but the heart was missing. Members of teams seemed distant,and at times, cruel, making for an unpleasant read. I don't know what the writer'sintentions were, but I'm not to thrilled about what I got out of thiscross-over event.

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The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #5

May 3, 2017

This is just a good quality book. The plot is engaging and full of unexpected twist and turns. The characters are likable and dynamic. The art is appealing and does really well with pushing the story forward. Overall, this is probably one of the most well-written books in Rebirth right now. It stands apart from an everyday comic hero story, standing in both the world of fiction, but with a sense of having grounded characteristics. A+ in my book.

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The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #6

Jun 7, 2017

This is everything a comic should be. If you haven't been reading Captain Atom, go to your nearest local comic book store, and pick up these six issues. I loved it so much, I pray that some of the other writers from other titles read this book, and go back to their own books and try harder. I hope this isn't that last we see of Bates and Weisman on a book together!

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The Lost Boys #2

Nov 9, 2016

I grew up on The Lost Boys and being able to continue the story with the characters I fell in love with is just such an awesome thing to experience.

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The Lost Boys #3

Dec 14, 2016

There isseriously not one part of this comic I don't like. It not only does service tothe memory of the original Lost Boys, but it takes it to a whole new andawesome level. It takes a lot to actually make me laugh out loud and this comic did on multiple occasions. This moviewas such a big part of my childhood I may be seeing through rose coloredglasses, but I don't care. Everyone needs to read this, it's just that awesome.Each panel flows seamlessly into the next; weaving an enticing story. There's action, there's humor, there's thepossibility of the end of the world, I mean what else do you need in a comic?Every single character is defined and has their own drama plot line happeningwhile blending it all together in one cohesive and awesome story. Again thankyou Tim Seeley for bringing this book into my life.

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Titans (2016) #11

May 10, 2017

This was the first book in the Lazarus Contract, so I feel like the writers wanted us to have a lot of information. There were scenes that would have been more impactful, if less was going on. There was also a lot of build up for this arc, so expectation may have been over the top for the first issue of it. It was still a fun read and I am very excited to continue with the next story in Teen Titans. Some of the most talented artists and writers and coming together for this arc, and once a better flow gets establish, this will be one for the books.

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Titans (2016) #12

Jun 14, 2017

Wow, what a great freaking read. After the disappointing Lazarus Contract, it feels good to see this book back in its comfort zone. No loose ends after this issue, everything the Titans have faced are coming back to haunt them. The plot flowed naturally, and the dialogue was strong and captivating. The art was beautiful the whole way through. Abnett is on his A game with this one.

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Titans (2016) #13

Jul 12, 2017

Wow, what a great issue! Everyone loves a little drama and this book has plenty of it. I love how Abnett is able to bring these super beings down to a normal playing field. Over and over again, I'm reminded that they are just people; something you can easily forget with the Justice League members. It's great that he can take carbon copies of their predecessors and make them so different. The art was beautiful, the story flowed smoothly, and the ending left you wanting more. A+ to the creative team on this one.

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Vigilante: Southland #2

Nov 23, 2016

This was definitely an improvement and a lot easier to read. The flow still had its problems, but overall the transitions were a little smoother. I like the art, the dark colors give off a west coast vibe, and the characters are pretty well defined. I got a kick out of the girl decked out in latex and whips with a head honcho in a diaper bowing at her feet. I don't really know why she attacked Donny since she's pretty much just as escort. So some of the plot could use a little ironing out to let the reader have a better understanding of motives. Again the foundation of a really good story is there and it's enough to keep me reading.

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Vigilante: Southland #3

Dec 28, 2016

Just like the first issue there is a lot of jumping around. It's really hard to have a clean, wellflowing narrative when scenery and characters change each panel so drastically.Which makes me sad because I think the plot is really interesting and have alot of components that could easily make it a great story. I'm guessing andhoping that some great tie in is coming our way. But I am fearful that there isnot. They are focusing on one detail (Dorrie's death and Spector's involvement)but the storyline is so choppy and confusing its hard to jump on board.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #17

Feb 22, 2017

First off a huge standing ovation to Liam Sharp! There wereso many panels where I just had to stop and appreciate the art! Every dramaticscene was just brought out in more depth with the rich colors and clean lines.Just perfection. I love how the issues are between present day and flashbacks.Honestly I don't know which one is my favorite, they are both so good! I'mexcited for Wonder Woman to become herself again, I think this experience iswill definitely develop her character into an even stronger and wiser person.Rucka is able to have all these different plots and characters interweavingwith each other without any confusion or hiccups. That shows how talented heis. I can't wait for this story line to continue and to see how far Godwatchwill go. 

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Wonder Woman (2016) #19

Mar 22, 2017

This issue is a big deal, because it basically will rewrite a lot of Wonder Woman's past. I'm very interested and excited to see what Rucka has planned moving forward. Especially with how this issue ended.

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