I enjoyed the arc more than you but I can get behind the score
"FALL OF THE GODS" part one! Ancient hunters awaken across the cosmos to end Highfather and the New Gods! Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps draw the line between gods, but that won't stop the body count as the most powerful deities in the universe go to war.
As always, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps gets a high marks and a strong recommendation from me. If I havent convinced you before, hopefully I will this time. Get. This Book. Read Full Review
Bottom Line: This book has been strong for most of its run so far, but the return of Rafa Sandoval to the pencil is what it needed to get over the hump and get back to being a Top 5 DC book. Read Full Review
The flow of the issue is brilliant, the writing is on point, and the artwork is arguably my favorite out of all of the current titles right now. It's so well drawn and colored beautifully. Read Full Review
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #26 continues the series' excellence of quality as it sets the stage for its second year. Robert Venditti's script is engaging and fun while the art team continues to turn in excellent visuals. This looks to be the beginning of another great story arc is Venditti's great post-Rebirth run with some clear ties to DC's “Metal” event that shouldn't be overlooked. Nine out of ten lanterns. Read Full Review
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps shows no signs of slowing down, as this issue kicks off a new story arc that seems just as promising as Robert Venditti and Van Sciver's work on the last arc, "Fracture". Read Full Review
Epic scenes are made strong with a link to Metal and a great use of Orion. Read Full Review
Rafa Sandoval is solid. He has a clean style with a few edges and angles that add to the dynamism of Green Lanterns. I really enjoy reading a comic without any internal logical flaw, good art, and a strong plot. Read this! Read Full Review
This book has seen an upsurge in quality with the entirety of the last arc, and this issue is no different. The story was engaging and fun, and the art was incredible. New Gods fans will want to check this out as well. Read Full Review
This is a well-balanced story from start to finish that allows for the past arc to be referenced without sacrificing aspects of the new arc that are being established. Read Full Review
This opening issue to a new story arc is pretty great, and makes me really excited for what's to come. Much of the good feeling can be attributed to the fantastic artwork, which sets a perfect tone for what looks to be a pretty bombastic story. Let's see what will happen together! Read Full Review
It's always hard to judge on the first issue of a new arc because you never know which direction the story may go. But this issue successfully makes the reader want to find out more. Who is this enemy? How are the New Gods tied to it? How well will the Green Lantern Corps work with the New Gods, especially after such a recent and utter failure with the Sinestro Corps? Read Full Review
While I'm extremely positive about this issue, at the end of the day it's still mostly set up for what's to come. All in all, really enjoyed it from start to finish. I'm personally looking forward to some New God action! Read Full Review
With New Gods back and the arrival of a deadly Omega Beam shooting enemy, the Corps are going to be busy. Fall of the Gods looks to have a lot of potential without a letup from the previous stellar arc. Read Full Review
The beginning did a good job with having a buffer from the events of the last arc into a new story line. I will say that Hitch has me very weary of anything resembling a big bad monster now, but Venditti is an amazing writer and I'm sure this big bad will have more depth then we've seen in the Justice League runs. I do wonder if this book is connected to Batman Metal?? Read Full Review
This isn't Venditti's strongest outing, as his leads have some very out-of-character moments while declaring their friendship for each other. It's very on-the-nose, and Venditti's take on one of the classic New Gods doesn't even seem like the character that we've seen before. Read Full Review
Whenever I start thinking Rebirth has gone a little stale, this title shakes off those thoughts. Obviously this sets up a Metal tie-in but we already know Hal is one of the main players in the event and not Simon or Jessica, which is fine because if Snyder wants to tie up some loose ends leftover from New52, it would make sense to use the JL team from that time period in DC continuity. What's more intriguing is the connection to the New Gods and possibly New Genesis. I already am excited for Mister Miracle and hope it's all connected and this helps keep it alive. Hal and the GLC is consistently good.
Whenever the side Green Lanterns are used, such as Grak, I always have a better appreciation for the storytelling because it means that the story cannot simply rely on the grace of the big lanterns. This is a great start to what I hope will be a fantastic arc.
Oh, this is going to be fun. Feels like classic cosmic in the first issue of the arc. Keep the New Gods coming, please!
This Hal Jordon run has been really great love the pacing and this new arc has me intrigued.
The New Gods are entering the Green Lantern mythos again, I'm hoping this arc is better than the last one to include the New Gods was.
Pacing is a bit odd, but otherwise a notch better than last time out.