"FALL OF THE GODS" part two! Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner face off against God Killers as they try to protect an injured Orion from certain death. As the battle turns against the Corps, will they have to sacrifice a New God to save an entire sector of space?
An awesome issue that's fun as hell! Read Full Review
A New God is cornered and only the Green Lantern Corps can help him. The story is big, could tie into Metal, and the visuals make this story epic. An outstanding read for those who want their comics cosmic. Read Full Review
Robert Venditti writes a remarkable story. Subsequently, the flow is on point. Never at any time while reading his work have I ever felt bored or thought to myself "ok, next" like I have with some other titles. His writing is enthralling and totally takes my imagination to another place. I hope he stays on this title forever. Read Full Review
In one of the most stunning and fluid issues of the series yet, Venditti and Sandoval tell one of the premier New Gods stories at DC right now, one which still has some New Gods goodness left to tell. Read Full Review
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #27 is a rock solid adventure that does very well as the second part of Robert Venditti's “Fall of the Gods” arc. Every character has something to contribute in an issue that advances the overall story while giving readers a fun action packed science fiction adventure worthy of the legacy of the Green Lantern name. Nine out of ten lanterns. Read Full Review
Even event tie-ins can't bring this series down! The characters are diverse and allow everyone someone with which to identify. Character is King! Read Full Review
This issue has wonderful art, fights, and characters which create an awesome comic experience. Read Full Review
It's fun not seeing where Venditti plans on taking this story as there's a slew of possibilities. So far, this has been another solid arc in a title where that's the expectation. Read Full Review
Great look visually. Good story with great pacing. Read Full Review
Bottom Line: Venditti is on point, as usual. This is a gorgeous, action-packed book that is at its best when it's playing for all the marbles. This is Green Lantern done right. Read Full Review
This issuefeatures everyone " Hal, John, Guy and Kyle, all in key roles, as well as otherGLs, and even a few former Sinestro Corps members. But thats okay. Noteveryone followed Soranik out the door a few issues back. Though perhaps not asstrong as they once were, the GLs have a tough mission ahead, but as Hal saystoward the end, All systems go. Read Full Review
This comic is, as always, a top recommendation from me. It is the most narratively thin, but a straightforward issue every now and again is good for a series. Pick this one up. Read Full Review
As the picture sharpens, we learn that the stakes are at a peak--and honed enough to pierce the very breast of truth itself! Here's a selfless Orion you could learn to like, and a foolhardy Hal Jordan that you already know and love. Plus: terrific artwork. Here's what comic book ought to look like. Read Full Review
Once again, Rafa Sandoval proved to be an apt choice for this title. Sandoval is no Ethan Van Sciver, but this issue let him go big with his action sequences and some of his pages are really impressive. His art enhances the script, and it almost made sense out of the Metal tie-in. Almost. Read Full Review
The art in this issue is some of the best I've seen in a while and the ending really has me excited for the next issue Read Full Review
Hal #27 delivers a fun action filled romp and an angry New God, what more could you ask for?! Read Full Review
Action-packed, super-hero comic.
Venditti has a great feel for the characters.
I especially like Hal. He’s brash and cocky.
Sandoval and Tarragona are a great team.
Doesn't try too hard to be something it is not.
Just fun space-cop adventures.
Great use of actual linework to evoke atmosphere. This isn't relying on the colorist to do the job. The colors enhance the linework, but are not necessary to the job. Jordi Tarragona is the inker on this issue and should get a raise. You don’t see inks like this much anymore. This is old-school.
Well now, that's some creative problem solving.
Book of the week, and a return to form for Vendetti. Great action, great script, and comfirmation that the tragedy that shaped John Stewart is still in play. All four Terran GLs and a couple of aliens shine, as does Vendetti's rough-hewn Azzarello-influenced Orion.
Good story and Hal in his never back down moments is always a joy.
This part has some good. Orion is very very mad. I was a little disappointed by Kyle but that's not his title. I didn't like how he's draw too.
So I tried to going back on this ongoing, but with two issue Venditti don't convinced me. I was hopping for something more, something different. But I'm still a Lantern.