"HARD-TRAVELING HERO" part three! Metropolis is Oliver Queen's next stop on his quest to take down the Ninth Circle, but he may be too late when the evil financiers start a war with the one man they can't buy: Lex Luthor! That's more fat cats than even Ollie can handle, which means this is a job for Superman and Green Arrow!
Part 3 Hard Travelling hero is definite my favourite issue so far and it was great seeing Ollie go up against Lex Luthor which was kind of unexpected. Furthermore, writer Benjamin Percy creates a very compelling chapter of this arc with some engaging dialogue and interesting plot moments, particularly with the mass suicide of Lex employees. Complementing the story is the ever so perfect art of Juan Ferreyra who captures the essence of all the characters and I love how he's given Metropolis this almost heavenly glow. Read Full Review
Ignoring politics, this book is still a top-notch thriller and Percy's take on the characters is pitch-perfect. I particularly enjoyed Lex Luthor's Sherlockian analysis of Green Arrow and Superman assessment of Oliver Queen. "They tell me you've changed," Superman says referring to The Flash and Woner Woman, "and I can see for myself. It's true. You're still a disagreeable, sarcastic, loose cannon" but I'm proud of you." Read Full Review
Another great issue of team up fun. Read Full Review
Ferreryra's art was sensational here. He's done a lot of work in darker backdrops with the fall of Seattle, but Ferreyra adds a beautiful mix of bright reds and oranges to fully capture the optimism of Metropolis. And his Superman looks truly iconic. Read Full Review
GREEN ARROW #28 is an exciting adventure in the life of Oliver Queen. In this issue the Emerald Archer travels to Lexcorp in Metropolis, seeking out Lex Luthor. The art is fantastic and the story still political and meaningful. Benjamin Percy continues to deliver to fans the Green Arrow we want! Read Full Review
For a one-and-done chapter within the current storyline, this was a remarkably strong issue. If Percy and Ferreyra ever get tired of this series, they seem well-suited to bringing their A-game to one of the Superman series. Read Full Review
Green Arrow #28 tells a good story about Oliver's mission in Metropolis, with solid characterizations of both Superman and Lex Luthor, and excellent art from Juan Ferreyra. This is the best issue of Green Arrow in months. Read Full Review
As fun as it is to see Oliver team up with the Leagueone-by-one, this story got a little too unbelievable for me. I know that I'mreading a comic, but there can still be some base lines. I mean that was a lotof people with deep dark secrets"and how the situation was handled feltreaching. Luckily, Percy has such an act and undeniable talent for how he weaveshis story, that even some silliness still makes for a good book. Overall thestory kept me captivated, and I'm very invested in the mission Ollie is facing.His next stop should be a hell of a ride" Read Full Review
Green Arrow's stop at Metropolis was a fun one, and is definitely the best issue of the arc yet. If you're not yet convinced of the awesomeness that is Juan Ferreyra, then pick this issue up and see for yourself. Aside from some minor story problems, this is a great time. Read Full Review
There is a lot that is going on in this series, and it's worth taking a look. Percy handles the story very well, and there are no wasted characters. Everyone here has a reason to be and they are all given important tasks. Ferreyra is outstanding on art, as is Otto Shmidt who sometimes comes in for the art. There is a lot to like about this series, and I look forward to the next issue wherein Ollie goes to meet up with Batman in Gotham! Read Full Review
Green Arrow remains one of the most interesting and relevant titles that DC is putting out into the comics market. If you haven't read it yet, now is the time to get on board. Read Full Review
While Green Arrow #28 is a decent read Queen is slowly becoming a secondary/tertiary character in his own series. Bring on Batman! Read Full Review
This is a solid issue. I have my complaints but the issue still works for the most part. Superman is fun and enjoyable and there is some amazing art throughout. The dialogue between Oliver and Lex works and is an interesting dynamic, and the Ninth Circle's plan for Metropolis is super creepy. I like that Percy works in this relevant issue to the story that grounds it a little but also makes it more unnerving because it's such a real thing. I recommend reading the issue. Read Full Review
This issue had outstanding art, but not much of a story, unfortunately. Ben Percy seems more concerned of getting Oliver to meet the Justice League than actually telling any kind of story, especially one with Ollie clearing his name. I hope things pick up next issue, because I haven't been enjoying this arc much at all. Read Full Review