The Lost Boys #3

Writer: Tim Seeley Artist: Scott Godlewski Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: December 14, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
8.2Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

It's getting to be so a guy can't go out on a Friday night in Santa Carla without somebody trying to sink their teeth into his neck! The Blood Belles are wreaking havoc across town. The Frog Brothers are missing, Star has run away, and Sam and Michael are one step ahead of having their blood drained. Only the mysterious vamp hunter known as the Believer can help them now!

  • 9.0
    Nerd Church Radio - Ariel DuPey Dec 14, 2016

    There isseriously not one part of this comic I don't like. It not only does service tothe memory of the original Lost Boys, but it takes it to a whole new andawesome level. It takes a lot to actually make me laugh out loud and this comic did on multiple occasions. This moviewas such a big part of my childhood I may be seeing through rose coloredglasses, but I don't care. Everyone needs to read this, it's just that awesome.Each panel flows seamlessly into the next; weaving an enticing story. There's action, there's humor, there's thepossibility of the end of the world, I mean what else do you need in a comic?Every single character is defined and has their own drama plot line happeningwhile blending it all together in one cohesive and awesome story. Again thankyou Tim Seeley for bringing this book into my life. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Todd Young Dec 14, 2016

    It's the fastest paced of the three issues so far, with more action and vampire battling than the last two. There are a few scenes towards the latter half of the book when Sam and Mike are at the concert where the panels didn't seem to flow so well and it was hard to tell who was talking. However, the action scenes were imaginative and much more of the plot was revealed. This book really makes it feel like the story is coming into its own and not simply a rehash of the film's plot, both using elements that were already present from the film and adding new background to deepen it. Hopefully, since there's no more getting reacquainting to be done, the rest of the series will follow the lead of this well written and paced issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Brent Jackson Dec 15, 2016

    Conclusion: Overall The Lost Boys #3 (of 6) is turning into a fun little "miniseries"/ sequel to the original movie. There are some fun, novel concepts that fans will truly enjoy. I am actually surprised this even happening! In that the movie has enough fans and that the small number of those fans that actually buy and read comics cannot be that much. So I can't imagine this is doing super well sale wise, if your are not a fan of the movie I really can't imagine someone just randomly reading this. All that said I am enjoying this book and it is a fun read month to month. No it doesn't blow me away, but it's fun and a nice escape, sometimes that's all I really want from a comic. So yes "I still Believe!" Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Mister Bungle Dec 15, 2016

    Doesn't answer how or why David is still alive.

  • 4.0
    RustonLF Jan 18, 2017

    This issue seems like a bit of filler that uses a last minute twist to make you feel the issue was worth it. It breaks all the rules put forth in the movie making this feel as if it a nostalgia grab and not a thought out sequel.

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