Mother Panic #1
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Mother Panic #1

Writer: Jody Houser Artist: Tommy Lee Edwards Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: November 9, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 24 User Reviews: 27
8.3Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Meet Violet Paige, a celebutante with a bad attitude and a temper to match, who no one suspects of having anything lying beneath the surface of her outrageous exploits. But Violet isn't just another bored heiress in the upper echelons of Gotham City's elite. Motivated by her traumatic youth, Violet seeks to exact vengeance on her privileged peers as the terrifying new vigilante known only as Mother Panic.

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - Nick Liu Nov 9, 2016

    Mother Panic #1 is a bold attempt to take bits and pieces of the weirder, sleeker, more experimental Young Animal imprint and splice them into DC’s venerable Batman DNA to produce a piece of art that is as strange and magnificent as it is erudite. Violet Paige, our main protagonist, might come off as harsh and standoffish, but I’m curious to learn what exactly is driving her to take on her crusade. Add to that this issue’s beautiful, thought-provoking artwork, and Mother Panic is looking to be one of the most solid and interesting introductions to a new character we’ve seen this year. Highly recommended! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Kittie Pop Nov 16, 2016

    I do firmly believe that Mother Panic will please a wide variety of readers, and this series is setting up to be such a grand and unique work of art all its own. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Mexi Gremillion Nov 9, 2016

    Im not going to say Mother Panic is for everyone. Its definitely not for children. But I will say that I highly recommend it and if you like the Young Animal imprint so far, you will love this. Read Full Review

  • 10
    GWW - Dillyn Chadwick Nov 9, 2016

    Mother Panic exceeded my high expectations for a new series and left me wanting more. Houser and Edwards did such a great job with the story and art, respectively, that it's definitely worth checking out, even if you're not a Batman/Gotham fan. Violet seems like an interesting character that I can't wait to learn more about. It's not like any other Bat-verse comic we've had and it's such a breath of fresh air when we get something new that's so good. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Nov 10, 2016

    Mother Panic has the power to decimate. It also has the power to inspire.And it's arrived just in time to remind us that when a bolt of lightning strikes, sometimes it sets the whole damn worldon fire. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Manny Gomez Nov 16, 2016

    So if you were hesitating to jump into this new imprint, I suggest you give Mother Panic a try. Itll be enough like a DCU book that you wont be put off, yet it will still give you a feel for the kind of comics Way and DC are trying to create with Young Animal; new, exciting, and experimental. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Nov 9, 2016

    Upon reading the first few pages, I found myself wondering what I got myself into, but by the end of the issue, I wanted more. Mother Panic is dark, gruesome, graphic, and vulgar" and it's the perfect answer to readers who feel that the main titles are a little too "formula" or "safe" to fully meet your needs. Anything can happen here, and there doesn't appear to be a limit for the extremes of where the creative team is willing to go. Houser and Edwards don't even bother to ease you into their world either. You're thrown into the darkness whether you're ready or not, but I'll be damned if I didn't walk away from this book incredibly intrigued and curious. When it's said and done, after you finish Mother Panic you'll feel a little dirty and slightly guilty, but if vulgar, dark themes don't bother you, then you'll want more. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Nov 15, 2016

    It's definintely just for adults, but for those mature enough to handle some violence and adult language, it's very, very good! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 10, 2016

    Mother Panic with its debut issue has angled in on a certain sweet spot for me in a way that just clicks. DC Comics has worked some really good things over the years when it comes to exploring the seemingly endless potential of Gotham itself and something like this that gets gritty and dangerous is exactly what's needed. Houser and Edwards have a very strong book here (and I'm curious to see what the backup feature becomes, though I generally loathe those in ongoing books) that has me wanting to see a lot more of Violet and what she's been up to all this time. And to see exactly how she works in going after her goals and the weird alignments that may come out of it in interacting with others. Definitely the book that has me the most excited from the Young Animal line. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Matthew Sibley Nov 10, 2016

    The latest Young Animal book to debut might be set in Gotham and deal with common scenarios you'd expect from a book set there, like socialite parties and gang violence, but make no mistake - this is not a Bat-family title. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Ashley Leckwold Nov 9, 2016

    As a fan of Gotham stories and Young Animal, Mother Panic hits all the right notes. Its an intense and punk as hell story about a young woman still figuring herself involving vigilantism and art. If you enjoyed the Batgirl of Burnside or Brenden Fletcher and Annie Wus Black Canary, youll probably find a familiarity in Mother Panic that will excite you. If you enjoyed The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, the similar lush tone and surrealism will jump out at you faster than Violet herself. Either way, Mother Panic makes Young Animal four for four so far and brings a new twist to the familiar Gotham story. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Nerds On The Rocks - Logan Dalton Nov 13, 2016

    In Mother Panic #1, Jody Houser and Tommy Lee Edwards give readers a view of Gotham that isn't connected to the Batman Family, their rogues gallery, or the GCPD, which are the usual vantage points on this frightening city. They offer up the POV of a young woman, who has had a hard life and is now some kind of edgy socialite by day and a vigilante by night, and repudiates Batman's way of doing things. There are lots of gaps in her backstory and her relationship to the antagonist, Hemsley, but Houser and Edwards offer a tasty brew of dark, psychedelic, and occasionally snarky costumed heroics that makes Mother Panic much more decadent and depraved than DC's traditional superhero offerings. It will be a lot of fun to see them connect the dots in the months to come. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 9, 2016

    Now that all four titles have made their debut, it's safe to call DC's Young Animal imprint a resounding success. Mother Panic is a somewhat more traditional superhero story, but the psychedelic visual style and and surreal, fractured narrative give the book a flavor all its own. Time to add yet another Gotham-based comic to your pull list. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Nov 17, 2016

    Mother Panic takes a familiar story and tells it beautifully, balancing vulnerability and that scathing, untouchable sense of judgement that we as modern westerners aspire to expertly. Art and script know exactly what the conventions of this story are and are all too happy to have it both ways, giving readers the comforting embrace of the well-worn while offering a tale that behaves less predictably than many of its peers. Pitch perfect artwork and a slew of enticing mysteries, obvious and subtle, make this the easiest of the Young Animal debuts to pick up and perhaps the hardest to put down. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Nov 9, 2016

    Mother Panic #1 is highly recommended if you're looking for something from DC that is different from your average vigilante story. Mother Panic doesn't hold your hand and isn't intended to as part of the Young Animals imprint. You enjoy it for the chance to see what happens when a vigilante is not out there to simply save the day. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Tony Farina Nov 10, 2016

    I like it. I think Mother Panic is a nice addition to the Bat universe. Gotham is a huge place. Horrible things are always happening there and it makes sense that some of those things are a bit too graphic and nasty for regular readers. This title, under this banner, allow readers to see Gotham the way it really is. Violet Paige is an intriguing character and I am excited to see where this is going. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Nov 9, 2016

    Mother Panic will pull you in with its good character work and fantastic art. Gotham has another rich elite fighting crime, but based on this there's clearly room for her. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Matthew Strackbein Nov 10, 2016

    Its almost to easy to gush over this comic, and its more amazing that it works as well as it does despite the seemingly exhausted premise. Want to read a Batman comic without delving head first into the regular titles(s)? This is your chance. Want to try out a new serieswithout straying too far from what you already love about DC comics Dark Knight? Go grab Mother Panic #1. The book is good and can only get better. Heres hoping Mother Panic is around for a long time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Lukas Schmitt Nov 12, 2016

    What drives Violet Paige, what did Dominic see, and how will the Batman deal with all of this? There's no way to know, which is why I highly recommend strapping in for what is sure to be a wild ride through the storied city of Gotham alongside Mother Panic. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Garcia Nov 11, 2016

    Some solid, entertaining superhero comicking. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Gerry Green Nov 10, 2016

    While this book isn't my usual cup of tea there is a lot that interests me. I want to know more about Violet's back story and why she is going out at nights hunting bad guys. That is the mark of a good first issue so it is a success. I am not going to give it a glowing rating however because torturing people, particularly the implication of hurting kids, isn't something that I particularly like to read about. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Chris Nov 9, 2016

    Not the ideal initial outing... or at least not the one I was hoping for.  This being the final release of the (first wave of?) Young Animal books set a certain expectation, which in my opinion just wasn't met.  I cannot be too harsh on this, as we aren't quite sure where it's headed just yet.  The art storyline is rather intriguing, however, our main protagonist may be too tough of a sell. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Justin Wood Nov 9, 2016

    We'll see what Mother Panic grows into, granting a healthy start but not a thrilling one. The central gimmick, with Violet's specific rage being aimed towards her fellow filthy rich Gothamites, isn't particularly well communicated here and certainly less clearly than another book with a similar, less subtle approach to the same idea Renato Jones: The ONE%. The book, as well as Violet herself, claims she's not just another Bat Fam member. This is fine to say but prove it. Besides getting to yell "fuck the Bat" uncensored on the comic page, we have yet to see anything that we can't, and haven't, gotten elsewhere. This isn't a robot man exploding out of a discarded gyro or a blond waif projecting a blue elephant into a hospital lobby. It's a woman in armor punching guys in an alley again. And I can't really complain thus far. But "fuck the Bat"? Prove it. Let's see something new. And if you come up with something, I'll be here waiting. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Nerd Church Radio - Ariel DuPey Nov 9, 2016

    As intriguing as the cover page looked this story fell flat for me. I feel like a lot of writers want to cram a lot of information into an issue 1 and the story itself gets lost. I didn't really feel any connection to the main character and her attitude was more of an annoyance than a distorted charm. The art reminded me lot of year zero and was fun to look at, but that was probably the only highlight for me. Batman"being Batman is an easy drawn in to any story and will probably be the reason I keep reading. Here's to hoping the story slows down and character development because more president. Read Full Review

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