"FALL OF THE GODS" part four! The Green Lantern Corps draws the line between the Godkiller Robots and the Source Wall. If they give an inch, the Corps gets pushed into the wall and the Godkiller Robots pull Yuga Khan free, plunging the New Gods into devastation.
This quickly paced issue manages to say a lot, not only about the individual characters, but also how they interact together and their own perceptions of each other and how their diverse abilities compliment one another. What is clear is that this group works together and respects the other members. Most importantly, the individuality of each character is clearly defined through the storytelling. What really comes through is the effectiveness of the Corps due to the diversity of its members. Read Full Review
The story is incredible, the artwork is so totally fantastic and tirelessly great to admire. Get this issue for the conclusion to a great story, and get it just to add it to your collection because it truly is that good. Read Full Review
Now that High Father and Orion are secured and the threat seems to be defeated, I'm extremely curious as where the story goes from here. I'm sure the answer will surprise all of us. Read Full Review
Lanterns versus Golems that wish to rupture the Source Wall makes for action-packed reading. The story moves quickly and the art makes this epic look sweet. An epic story gets a well deserved epic conclusion. Very enjoyable. Read Full Review
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #29 is a fantastic conclusion to another superb arc in this series. Robert Venditti, Rafa Sandoval and the art team all do a rock solid job in delivering a book that is highly entertaining and just plain fun to read. One minor concession aside this was a nearly perfect ending. Nine out of ten lanterns. Read Full Review
It's the big cosmic space action you always wanted. Read Full Review
Ive neverbeen a passionate Green Lantern fan, especially since the advent of KyleRayner. In some ways its become the lore has become a bit unwieldy, but itsbecome more manageable I think since Rebirth. Im liking it more and more. Read Full Review
An enjoyable, if a little rushed, conclusion to this particular arc with great artwork and a good overall story. Read Full Review
Theres not really a whole lot to say here. Its an awesome battle of galactic proportions. The Golems, even if they strongly resemble the Celestials of Marvel Comics, have a great design brought to life by an incredible art team. Their battle with the Green Lantern Corps is really cool. Its a battle issue, and it works. Read Full Review
Venditti and Sandoval are making "sci-fi heroics" look easy. There are so many legendary hero moments in this book, one would be hard pressed to not see how this takes it place so easily as the flagship book for the Green Lantern franchise. Read Full Review
One of the best things about Green Lanterns are the creativity of their constructs and diversity in fighting styles and this issue conveys that quite well. Read Full Review
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #29 is a strong ending to the "Fall of the Gods" story arc. Robert Venditti and Rafa Sandoval combined to deliver a lot of strong action that showed the Green Lantern at their best while taking on the Metal Golems. John Stewart and Kyle Rayner in particular came out looking even better than they did before this arc. That is going to be needed with the exciting things coming down the line for this series. Read Full Review
This wasn't the book's best arc, but it was enjoyable enough as another day in the Corps. Hopefully with next issue's guest star, Venditti can truly make it feel important. Read Full Review
Despite my enjoyment of the issue, there simply isn't much to say. The Corps fight the giant mechs and it ends. I appreciate the ending and I wouldn't mind seeing Orion in this book a bit more. Sandoval's art was just incredible and I can't wait to read his next arc. Read Full Review
While the dialogue occasionally falters, the visuals are strong throughout. Read Full Review
An unexplained reference and the equivalent of a "self-destruct button" make for a very neat and rapid conclusion to this story arc featuring the New Gods. Not a satisfying ending for those of us that followed along, but I still say the artwork alone is worth the cover price. This Sandoval/Tarrgona/Morey team produces some really nice stuff. Read Full Review