Raven #1
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Raven #1

Writer: Marv Wolfman Artist: Alisson Borges Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 21, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 22 User Reviews: 14
7.7Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

"The White Carnival" part 1! In a tale set between TEEN TITANS #24 and TEEN TITANS: REBIRTH #1, Raven takes a break from the team and moves to San Francisco to stay with her estranged aunt and face her most perilous challenge yet: high school! As Raven discovers more about her human side, one of her classmates goes missing under mysterious circumstances, and she must face an evil like none she's known before!

  • 10
    CourtOfNerds - Kevin Carley Sep 22, 2016

    The only bad thing I can say is that I wish this was more than a six issue series. I'm sure by the time the sixth book is in Tim Drake will be found and the Titans will be back to their old habits. Until then, I will enjoy the "hell" out of this book. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Sep 21, 2016

    If youre a fan of Raven, whether from the 80s or now, read this issue. This is the reintroduction we needed years ago so Im glad we are getting a chance to dive into the life of a Titan with a dark history but bright future. Raven #1 gives just enough to make her interesting while setting up what looks to be a truly shattering and evocative story from here. Im interested to see where the story goes and how it ties into this new era for DC. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Alexis Simonetta Sep 21, 2016

    This is a great issue for teen readers to start. I think the ability to relate has been included really well and the supernatural side is always intriguing. It's a great start to the series. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Black Nerd Problems - Jordan Calhoun Sep 26, 2016

    Overall, this is a 6-issue series that, if the first issue is any indication, I will love to read. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comicsverse - Brian Delpozo Sep 25, 2016

    RAVEN #1 is a highly enjoyable read for fans of the character. Writer Marv Wolfman still has a handle on his creation, while artist Alisson Borges brings a youthful energy to the title's visuals. Combined, this creative team reinvigorates the character after a few years of false starts. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ryan.L Sep 21, 2016

    This miniseries is off to a great start and I highly recommend you picking it up. Raven is such a unique character and it’s nice to finally see her get some love, even if it’s just for a miniseries. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GWW - Pwaelchl Sep 21, 2016

    This is a first issue, and it is as accessible as a #1 should be. Readers also benefit from Raven's increased visibility over the past few years through television cartoons and DC's animated direct to video films. The combination of character awareness and character relevance makes Raven #1 a great jumping off point for fans of the character and readers looking to identify with the feeling of isolation in a crowded world. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Sep 28, 2016

    At the same time if you are familiar with the character, seeing her interact with the devout Christian family she moves in with gives this book a bit of humor and depth. When Raven attends school for the first time, she encounters an energy that she knows isn't right. Just what that energy is and how it will affect her and those now close to her remains to be seen. This book is lacking the Rebirth cover dress so this may not make it into the hands of new DC or previous New 52 readers, but I'm glad I ordered it. According to DC's solicits, this takes place between Teen Titans #24 and the first issue of Rebirth but there is no mention of that and you really don't need to know that. Wolfman obviously understands this character and he'll keep me coming back for the remainder of this series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Capeless Crusader - Lindsey Bass Sep 21, 2016

    This mini-series has mass appeal to those that follow Teen Titans, and fans of Raven. As someone that is not as familiar with Raven, this book has given me a reason to take interest. It's an easy way to introduce new readers to an ongoing series like Teen Titans. It's focusing on one person, rather than dumping a cast of characters on you all at once. One thing I do want is for Marv Wolfman to explain why Raven felt the need to explore her past away from the group. Regardless of how this story plays out over the next few issues, it will be a learning experience for Raven as a character. This could potentially add more depth to her in future stories. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Sep 28, 2016

    Raven #1 is not your normal DC Comic. It has traces of the New Teen Titans ethos, but it's undeniably modern and, though it possesses a polish and caution that suits a Big 2 title, it's got an indie book's spirit. Marv Wolfman returns to one of his classic characters and succeeds in giving fans a new and complete vision of the Devil's Daughter. Though the art is drawing from a few too many sources and has sporadic moments of weakness, Allison Borges nails the tone of this series and delivers a Raven that feels familiar and powerful. Like Raven herself, the plot is a little mundane, but the emotions - the book's soul self - can reach out and grab you. Raven #1 is a clever reintroduction to the character that positions her as a hero to young girls and provides an entry into her fandom that will appeal to anyone with an appreciation for character and heart over bombast. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 22, 2016

    It's less a superhero comic than a high school drama with a dash of the supernatural. And it's an approach that mostly works. I wish Wolfman's script were a little more overtly humorous at times, but the decision to cast Raven as a socially awkward student struggling to suppress her powers and fit in is inspired. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway Sep 21, 2016

    Raven is starting a new life in San Francisco with the aid of some estranged family members. I mean strange family members. I mean Raven is strange. It's a fairly typical "fish out of water" story, with the wrinkle being that the protagonist is prone to painful attacks that might bring about the end of the world. It's called her period! Ha! Hey, what are you doing? Put that cheese grater down! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bounding Into Comics - John F. Trent Sep 24, 2016

    Raven #1 is a solid entry. The story is compelling with plenty of mystery and it let's us really look into Raven's character while also being easily accessible to new readers with a great use of Raven narrating the story to catch you up on what has previously happened with Raven. There are some issues with the story especially towards the end where the flow is broken and you are left hanging trying to figure out what is going on. Borges' artwork is for the most part good; she uses some interesting panel layouts, but struggles a little bit when it comes to facial expressions. If you are looking for a Supernatural mystery Raven #1 will fill that spot perfectly! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Sep 21, 2016

    Marv Wolfman and Alisson Borges cast a long overdue spotlight on the daughter of Trigon with Raven #1, a solid first issue which serves as a great introductory point for the character as well as expanding a recent lost period of Teen Titans history. Although Borges' horrific artwork shines, busier sequences in Madison High School suffer for their detail. Most of all, Raven #1 offers Marv Wolfman the opportunity to show us all that he's still got it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Critical Blast - Critical Blast Staff Sep 28, 2016

    Real inconsistent first issue. Starts strong, but quickly gets bogged by weakly written attempts at high school drama. Love Raven's "new" look, but the art thoughout this issue could have been better. For Raven's first solo mini-series, it just feels like this could have been a much stronger book. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Sep 20, 2018

    Raven has been a favorite character of mine for ages and she's been through so many interpretations over the years and in different mediums that a chance to get back to her with Marv Wolfman writing is a delight. It's a solid standalone piece to let her story be explored and I like what we get here in a basic kind of way. It's familiar and straightforward with the story and has some really great artwork to it with the detail and backgrounds along with some strong character designs. It's a good read overall as it doesn't fly by and there are so many fun areas to zoom in and take in the detail of that it's worth slowing down or taking a second read to soak it up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    We The Nerdy - Jean-Luc Botbyl Sep 21, 2016

    I guess that sums up this issue pretty well. I don't think it does anything that's all that bad. Sure, there may be a few text boxes too many on some pages, but reallyRaven #1 is rather inoffensive. There's just no reason to be excited about future issues. For me, that's actually kind of worse than the issue being offensively bad, because it means I'll be giving it at least another issue, probably two. And at that point I might as well finish the mini, which could end being a mistake. Granted, the book has the potential to actually be a pretty great mini series. And I hope it meets that potential, but the debut issue isn't convincing. That's pretty damning. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Sep 27, 2016

    Is Raven a top-tier character that deserves to be held inesteem from the higher echelons of DC or is she a has been, that only long-term fans like me have any appreciation for? Judging on this issue only, it seems that Raven the comic book has a certain resonance with Raven the character, in that they are both trying to find their feet.If anyone can steer her back in to the fold, it would be character co-creatorMarv “Teen Titans” Wolfman. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The GCRN - Daniel Clark Oct 7, 2016

    There are a lot of comics about teenagers trying to deal with the duality of being a superhero and being in high school. So seeing Raven placed in that same situation also raises some concerns. Those concerns are not completely quelled quite yet. Luckily we have not dealt with the common problem of trying to do homework while making time to fight crime, but that does not mean it wont happen eventually. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Graphic Policy - Logan Dalton Sep 21, 2016

    Raven #1 has nice dialed up color palette from Blond and couple intense magic sequences from Borges, but Marv Wolfman doesn't really break new ground in the superhero in high school department. He uses Raven's empathetic abilities to cause her pain and tension, but doesn't connect it to her real emotions just some random magic using student. So, there is a lot of screaming and magic, but no real emotional connection in the comic, which makes it fairly mediocre. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Chris Tresson Sep 21, 2016

    I think this is a good start to a mini-series and I'm pretty confident you'll agree with that when you read it. It's nice to see supporting characters like Raven getting their own series, I think it's great that DC are doing it and I'm looking forward to reading the rest. Hell, it's great that they're doing a mini-series full stop. I would like more. As for this one, go grab yourselves a copy this Wednesday and see what you think. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Sean Blumenshine Sep 21, 2016

    This is an okay issue. I love the art and Raven is very well written, especially her narration. I normally hate narration but Wolfman makes it work. However, the high school aspect seems a little stock to me and there's not a lot that allows this issue to stand on its own. Read Full Review

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