Allen Thomas's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicosity Reviews: 266
8.8Avg. Review Rating

A-Force #4

Sep 9, 2015

This series got me excited when news first broke, and Im saddened to see it go in the next issue. Still, we have an on-going to look forward to and this issue makes me even more ecstatic to read it. Now, there will be much more space to tell larger stories, and this miniseries is laying the blueprint for a wonderful ride. With G. Willow Wilson staying at the helm, we are definitely going to get some great stories. Until then, lets wait and see how our Marvelous superheroines deal with a horde of zombies.

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A-Force #5

Oct 14, 2015

I hate that Marguerite Bennett is leaving, but, as Ive stated before, the A-Force banner is in good hands with G. Willow Wilson. I look forward to what awaits me in December (and theres no way youre going to convince me this series isnt my very special graduation and birthday present).

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A-Force (2016) #3

Mar 2, 2016

From the fights to the feels, A-Force #3 is an issue that makes for a stellar read. There are some major upsets and excellent interactions that pave yet another step in this series making its mark on the Marvel universe. There are definitely still some questions I want answered and developments I want to happen, but I wait with bated breath for each issue to see how these heroines take care of some massive problems. I recommend this series if youre a big fan of women of Marvel as it is full of fun, fury, and tender emotion.

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A-Force (2016) #4

Apr 14, 2016

If you love relationships between Marvel women that center on compassion and support, you need to read A-Force #4. In this issue in particular, the creative team works together to highlight the connections that drive this series and that have connected these women for many years. This was an excellent end to the first story of this team that so many of us have waited for, and I am most assuredly excited for whats in store.

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A-Force (2016) #5

May 6, 2016

Starting with this issue, A-Force as a series feels like its going to develop a new personality and place among the rest of Marvels line. Thompson, Caldwell, and Herring shine, their work a wonderful synthesis of humor and artistic flair. Issue #5 was a great start to a new arc which gives me hope for the series as it moves forward.

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Adventure Time (2012) #50

Mar 9, 2016

And maybe another time Ill talk about my theory that Billy the Hero is an AU Grunkle Ford who survived the Great Mushroom War and became functionally immortal.

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Adventure Time (2012) #53

Jun 8, 2016

This issue has some great touches that expand on the larger Adventure Time mythos. On its own, its a fun and engaging story. However, readers may be a bit confused if they havent picked up the previous two issues. That being said, this issue has tiny moments of humor that hold the heart and spirit of the entire Adventure Time universe. If you have been reading thus far or if you just like a wacky and random adventure, this issue is for you.

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Adventure Time: Ice King #1

Jan 20, 2016

Ice King has a lot of emotional depth and conflict which I hope comes out through the miniseries as it progresses. However, thats also my personal bias, as I love the stories that focus on Simon and how he became the Ice King we know and sometimes love. At the same time, though, Ice King has a lot going for him just being his silly self, so I see Ice King going in a lot of possible directions that will work. If you want something lighthearted and magical, I say go for this series. Itll be a quick and fun read, much like the overall Adventure Time comic, but Ice King gets to embark on his own adventure to test the limits of his cool.

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All-New All-Different Avengers #1

Nov 11, 2015

ANAD Avengers #1 was a great start to the series. I hope it fares better for me than past Avengers titles have, but considering Im excited for the next installment, I trust that it will. Theres some excellent interplay between characters and mixing young and older heroes will help change the Avengers mantle, reviving it for a more modern and refreshing taste.

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All-New All-Different Avengers #2

Dec 2, 2015

All-New All-Different Avengers #2 is continues to set up the long haul for our new team of Avengers. Theres a bigger story ahead and this was just one cog in the machine. I have faith that this story will lead to something great for our new team, and I cant wait to see how the arc finishes and what it leads to.

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All-New All-Different Avengers #3

Jan 13, 2016

I knew that getting to the final chapter of the first arc for All-New All-Different Avengers would be the deciding factor in determining the impact of this series. I got everything that I expected with fighting, but also the budding relationships between each of the characters. This issue was a great way to bring in the ANAD wave for the Avengers, but also in establishing the utility of some of Marvels fresh faces. I am pumped for this series moving forward, and I am definitely happy to be excited about reading a new Avengers title.

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All-New All-Different Avengers #4

Jan 27, 2016

The first arc for these All-New and All-Different Avengers was definitely enough to keep me captivated, but this issue left a bit to be desired. Im still invested in finding out how the team works together, but the story overall felt very quick and not substantial. I think that as a single issue, All-New All-Different Avengers #4 works, but Im unsure about its connection to a larger story. There are still some hints and threads to follow, though, so we may be in for a story that packs quite the punch after this arc ends.

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All-New All-Different Avengers Annual #1

Aug 11, 2016

All-New All-Different Avengers Annual #1 was a true delight. Ive had my own issues with the Marvel line, so to see this surface means that maybe theres a chance that the line could continue to grow in diverse stories that give us a break from event-laden storylines. By the end, I was cracking up, reveling in my experience reading this comic. If you love Kamala and fanfiction, even ironically, I highly suggest you read this issue. It does not disappoint and was absolutely entertaining.

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All-New All-Different Marvel Point One #1

Oct 5, 2015

If youre looking to get your feet wet with ANAD, pick up .1. Im sure theres something in there for you, whether you squeal in excitement or consider whats in store for a bevy of characters.

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All-New Hawkeye #5

Sep 16, 2015

I cannot recommend this series enough and I will most certainly be adding it to my therapy file. This issue was incredibly evocative and it could very healing for many people in processing issues related to childhood, especially for those who dealt with the foster care system. The emotional depth of this series always surprises me, and I am grateful for its exploration of Clint, Kate, the kids, but also being human and navigating our present through our memories.

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All-New Hawkeye (2015) #1

Nov 11, 2015

I've enjoyed this series since the first issue of the previous volume, so I'm glad to see it back. This story promises to explore some new and old dynamics between Clint and Kate, but it's spot on in its storytelling and its art. All-New Hawkeye #1 cemented itself as one of the bright spots of the ANAD line-up. It's a different and important kind of superhero story that helps us understand the relationships between characters, but also what shapes their worlds.

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All-New Hawkeye (2015) #2

Dec 9, 2015

All-New Hawkeye continues to be a series Id recommend to others. The action takes a backseat to Clint and Kates story, and theres nothing lost in the meantime. Theres no need for extravagant displays of superpowers or archery; the tension between Clint and Kate speaks for itself and carries the story through the past and present. For an exploration into these characters, definitely pick up this issue. While not dialogue heavy, it is still rife with emotion.

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America #1

Mar 1, 2017

If were being real, America #1 nearly brings me to tears. The story is constructed in such an intimate, real, and human way, something which is heartbreakingly rare in comics. Theres so much that I can see in the everyday life of queer people of color, but the entire team takes it even further by looking at the wonderful details of a young lesbian Latinas life. I cant speak to the totality of Americas of experiences as a queer Latina, but I imagine theres something in this story that many people, especially those who rarely if ever see themselves in comics, have been aching for, and moreover that they deserve. This first issue is everything I wanted and more, and it speaks to the optimism in me regarding representation and the hope that maybe, just maybe, the House of Ideas will listen to what the readers of this story will say, are saying, and have been saying for years.

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America #4

Jun 21, 2017

I have a lot of feelings to sort through after reading this issue. We see some points from the first chapter begin to resolve themselves, and even if they arent neat or what I hoped would happen, they are still integral pivots to Americas character and story that make this series a work of art. Theres a lot of people on the creative team and they all put forth effort to help this story excel. After reading the fourth issue, I think America is headed to a place that it rightfully deserves, traversing dimensions and space to elucidate the hero herself and each of the tiny things that build to her enthralling narrative.

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America #6

Aug 30, 2017

America is a comic which handles different aspects of comics, culture, and life in a way that is deeply moving. Stakes are always high, but not in a way that would drive up your blood pressure. Between the writing and art, everything feels important and is a grand testament to layered narratives which revolve around fictional characters. With a firm lead toward future stories, this series will continue to address cultural narratives while embracing the fantastic parts of superhero comics.

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American Way: Those Above and Those Below #1

Jul 10, 2017

Make no mistake: this story is not lighthearted and it doesn't need to be, as it is the start of something that dares to explore saddening realities but so far without using common notes of dehumanization, exploitative oppression, or simply lack of awareness. This new chapter for American Way is going to be challenging, but also shows why difficult stories can be worth it when done with consideration for others.

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American Way: Those Above and Those Below #2

Aug 16, 2017

To have a comic like Those Above and Those Below is to be confronted with a reality that many people with rather deny. While the story of the comic takes place decades before now, it is remarkably close to events that we see on the news every day. This stomach punching story puts a lot of feelings and experiences on the table, helping us remember that we are all a part of a larger context and have a responsibility to do better for ourselves and those around us.

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American Way: Those Above and Those Below #3

Sep 27, 2017

The American Way: Those Above and Those Below #3 remains an unsettlingly similar reflection of our own world. Though there may be some slight anachronisms, I can imagine characters saying the same things many people do today. This chapter explores the difficulty of choice and how oppressors can take our own language or actions and twist them to exacerbate bigotry. With the inclusion of more characters, I imagine that this comic will continue to address the varied ways each of us show up and why they matter in the larger scheme of social justice for all.

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American Way: Those Above and Those Below #4

Nov 15, 2017

I think there are appropriate stakes and developments for Those Above and Those Below #4. Theres a significant change from the previous issues and the ones that follow are sizing up to be monumental. I like that the politics are beginning to blend in a more intentional manner, and we get to really see how the protagonists of this series are truly connected, as well as who they may truly be. This ongoing political discussion is intriguing and, though heartbreaking, its parallels to our world now give it a hefty weight and relevance.

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American Way: Those Above and Those Below #5

Jan 3, 2018

The American Way: Those Above and Those Below has been a ride since its first issue. This creative team pulls together different talents to make this story what it is. I appreciate the parallels between each of the characters and the overt happenings around them. The creative departure in this issue is a sight to behold and certainly contributes to an exciting installment of the series. Theres no telling whats up next, but this chapter of Those Above and Those Below makes me feel as though something incredible, even if heartbreaking, is in store for the finale.

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Angela: Queen Of Hel #1

Oct 28, 2015

All in all, this was a great start to another All-New, All-Different series. Im excited to see more of Angela, but also more of this era for Marvel. In what Ive read so far, theyve made good on expanding representation and using characters who havent had a spotlight in a while. Angela is a great jumping on point for anyone interested in representation, diversity, and women with swords who will quite literally fight the Hevens.

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Assassin's Creed #1

Oct 14, 2015

What I hope is that my issues with Assassins Creed #1 improve as the story unfolds. It is difficult to judge the entire story by one part of it, but the elements I didnt like were pretty significant for me. However, Charlotte is still an amazing protagonist and I love her characterization. I believe she could pull off something significant within the story, so I have faith in her.

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Backstagers #1

Aug 17, 2016

The Backstagers is the comic you present to the young queer men and men of color in your life, and to yourself if you fit those and you happen to have a time machine. I seriously wonder if this comic could evoke the same experience and joy that we know from Lumberjanes, and in a way that affirms anyone who identifies as male in a world where were told that our emotions, our presence, and our feelings for other men must fit within restrictive and repressive boxes.

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Backstagers #5

Dec 21, 2016

You never know what youre going to get with each new issue of Backstagers, and the fifth provides ample changes to keep any reader interested. I love the liveliness of the characters and the small details that build up into this inclusive comic. If you have a penchant for mystery, fantasy, incredibly convoluted games of global conquest, and, most of all, a story that gives a voice and a face to marginalized characters, pick up this issue.

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Batgirl (2011) #44

Sep 23, 2015

Yet again we have a great example of how to write diverse women and characters. Babs is in true form and this issue reminds us of why she is so great. Her supporting cast point to how comics can seamlessly and organically create more diverse characters and should be an example of what it means to change the face of comics as we know them. Batgirl #44 was a great adventure and Im excited to see Babs world expand as her story evolves.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #1

Aug 17, 2016

If I had a way to summarize Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #1, it would be: it both works and doesnt all at once. The nods to continuity both recent and distant are helpful in framing the context of the story, but between characterization, interaction, and visuals, the story ends up being a bit confusing as to the purpose. I have a lot of mixed feelings, but these are also some of my favorite characters so I have faith. Im not sure where the story is headed, but there could be something awesome in the works.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #2

Sep 14, 2016

Even without comparing the newest iteration of the Birds to my own fond memories, theres something missing from Batgirl and the Birds of Prey that I feel could take it from an okay series to one that is stellar. There are glimpses, like in the growing bond between the characters, but I still feel as though this comic could and should do more with less.

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Batman (2016) #12

Dec 7, 2016

Batman #12 will give you a lot of things to process and may open doors for you that hide the same shadows Bruce tries his damnedest to keep at bay. To that end, I understand how this can be a difficult read for many people. In that same vein, I think this issue is immensely powerful because it questions not only Bruces motivations for his crusade against crime, but also why we do the things we do and what we hope to get out of them. There is a grand discussion to have about the content of this issue which I hope prompts people to think about their own trauma and how it manifests now. Kudos to the team for creating this brilliant piece of work, from word to image, and for doing so with a delicacy befitting its nature.

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Batman (2016) #35

Nov 15, 2017

I'm interested to see how the proposal continues to affect the Bat-family and what it means for the future; what this comic does is shine a light on what drives the pair together and on how Bruce may just be trying to grasp happiness for himself.

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Batman (2016) #45

Apr 18, 2018

This issue will have you scratching your head and wondering whats coming next. Especially coming of the heels of the previous issue, things feel out of place. Im curious how things will play out from here, as Bruce makes a choice that we dont always see in cape comics, or from him especially, when it comes to reality altering time hijinks. Still, this team brings a lot of interesting elements into the fold so what we see from this point is likely going to be a very enjoyable kind of bonkers.

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Batman (2016) #48

Jun 6, 2018

Reading Batman #48 as a superhero fan but also as someone coming from axes of marginalization is a complicated experience. I like a lot of the story beats and I feel the creative team flexed some artistic muscles in executing it, but there are particulars that dont sit well with me. That is the glory and the bane of analysis: not only do pieces of media exist in their own context as a story, but they do also exist as parts of our reality. It is undeniable that we cannot fully divorce fiction from reality. Thus, this story has an excellent structure and overall plot, but some of the specifics dont quite land.

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Batman (2016) Annual #3

Dec 12, 2018

Batman Annual #3 is something special. While the story seems relatively straightforward, there is so much that lies underneath the surface. Bruce and Alfreds relationship is one of the cornerstones of Batmans existence, and though much of it is demonstrated through dry and pointed humor, it is one that is imbued with love. This issue was a wonderful exploration of the parallels, similarities, and contrasts between the two, and somewhat revelatory about what their connection means for Batmans presence and Bruces personality. With an endearing ending and a slightly fraught build-up, this comic is a vital glimpse into one of comics oldest dynamics.

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Batman: The Devastator #1

Nov 1, 2017

Batman: The Devastator really takes its name to heart. You wont leave this comic feeling the warm fuzzies, which is just evidence that this team did their job. At their heart, I think most cape comics are about hope, and sometimes to get there things have to get sufficiently and appropriately dark. Between Devastator and the rest of the tie-ins, the stakes have been raised in a manner which I think is really cool, though this entry in particular is incredibly strong.

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Batman: The Murder Machine #1

Sep 27, 2017

Batman: The Murder Machine is a relatively fun exploration of one of the many ways Bruce could change, as well as a great portrayal of Vic as a character. In this cascade of tie-ins, while we simultaneously deal with the consequences of Metal, there is a lot to unpack, but that does not mean there is anything missing from this story. This story is connected, but stands on its own as a piece of affective storytelling, crafted by a team of creators that can unravel intense and deeply emotional themes.

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Batwoman (2017) #1

Mar 15, 2017

Theres something to Batwoman #1 that I think fits the character and her penchant for long lost memories. The setup is nice, and the shell that holds the story is one that is evocative and intriguing. Yet, I would have liked more from the story: more info on the past, more exploration of Kates feelings beyond frustration, more ties, even if subtle, between Coryana and what transpired in Kapalicarsi. Theres promise, but the narrative is built around a wait-and-see approach which did not gauge as much interest from me as I expected. I want to know what happened and will happen in Coryana, but I need more to go on, too.

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Black #1

Oct 5, 2016

I think Black #1 has a lot to work with, and I really can see it going somewhere. Yet, it has a little bit further to go to capitalize on its theme, premise, characters, and our current social narrative. Not all stories have to be explicitly political, but Black presents a situation where thats almost necessary. I hope we get to see more of that in the future.

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Black Knight (2015) #1

Nov 18, 2015

While Black Knight #1 left a few questions for me and was not quite the introduction to the hero that Id hoped, I am curious whats to come for this series. Theres a lot of potential to use elements left from the aftermath of Secret Wars, and I want the series to capitalize on that. This issue gives a brief primer for a relatively obscure Marvel character, but I think it will take a few issues to fully gain its footing. Arthurian legend always gives a great foundation to work from, so I hope to see Black Knight gain its wings and create a shining Marvel magic story.

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Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #2

Dec 6, 2017

Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands continues a story about Blackness in the face of oppression, bringing together a classic cape story but with the realistic spin of systemic violence without gratuitous harm. This comic is proof that such a tale can be told without subjecting its characters to undue harm or ignoring the plight they may likely face in our own world. I admire what this team is doing to tell Jeffersons story and I appreciate the care they have put into every page, panel, and dialogue bubble. This is a great progression for Black Lightning and I hope it leads to more stories with a similar level of depth and reflection.

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Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #4

Feb 7, 2018

Cold Dead Hands continues to be a series that more than adequately addresses the meeting of race, super-heroics, and law enforcement. The narrative structure of this issue is superb, and the tiny nods toward past continuity are certainly a boon to the storytelling. Theres one aspect of the story that makes me feel disappointingly nostalgic, but I like that we have an indication of the existence of two important characters in a post-Rebirth status quo. This miniseries has been excellent from the start, and this issue is truly no exception.

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Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #6

Apr 4, 2018

Ive enjoyed this comic and it was refreshing from start to finish. Id love to see Jefferson in a more long-form context, but these creators set out to tell a story that works within this window and that still manages to touch on realities faced by black and brown bodies, as well as how these could believably intersect with super-heroics.

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Black Panther & the Crew #1

Apr 12, 2017

Black Panther and the Crew #1 is a great model for a team comic first issue. There is more than adequate context, character work, and storytelling. This series is already a gem for the Marvel line, and Im grateful that we have another comic that can address real issues in an organic manner without pulling punches. This comic proves that you can be political in comics in a way that does not betray reality or marginalized peoples experiences.

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Black Panther & the Crew #2

May 11, 2017

Overall, Black Panther and the Crew #2 excels from a storytelling perspective through writing and art. Elements coalesce in a manner which propels the plot and characters to a place of deeper meaning. However, the insertion of brief politics which have more dire bearing on reality is a mark on this issue in particular. I hope the story expands to address that point and looks at the nuances of it, but as it stands, it is not a favorable part of this comic. Im still invested in the Crew, but there are some ways where I expect better.

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Black Panther & the Crew #6

Aug 30, 2017

All these aside, Black Panther and the Crew #6 is a rather straightforward but deeply meaningful part of the story of the comic and the characters involved. From overt to subtle themes and techniques, we see the range of each of the people involved in the comic. Being able to read this kind of story is a blessing, and its comforting to feel as though someone sees what goes on around us and the fact that this kind of reality can be reflected in invulnerable skin, weather control, teleportation, or bionic arms.

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Black Panther (2016) #1

Apr 6, 2016

Black Panther #1 was a re-introduction to TChallas story that he deserves and that was a stellar new beginning. Narratively, the story works and feels believable, requiring little knowledge or investment of the titular characters history, even with nods to past events. Such a set up means that new readers wont have too much trouble and old fans of TChalla will be able to jump in with immediate recognition of his current conflict. There are some obvious questions, but not necessarily ones that are vital to understanding the story. This story is definitely worth a try and this team is most assuredly what TChalla and the nation of Wakanda deserve.

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Black Panther (2016) #2

May 11, 2016

Im happy that a Black man is penning this title because Coates is able to speak to a cultural experience with sensitivity that does not betray the characters or their setting, even if we must also point out that this is from an American perspective. Stelfreeze and Martin add to the experience with emotionally laden art, from the characters to the world that surround them. I recommend this issue if you love TChalla and are down for an intellectually engaging story.

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Black Panther (2016) #3

Jun 30, 2016

Whether through word or visage, the team of Black Panther #3 continues to craft a stellar tale. Im emotionally invested in each of the characters and the quick transitions within each of the issues feel as though they are beginning to coalesce. If youve been a fan thus far, issue #3 is perfect for you and the series as a whole is great for getting to know the inner workings and emotions of the Black Panther.

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Black Panther (2016) #4

Jul 29, 2016

While I have some misgivings about the story and specific elements, Black Panther continues to be a solid series. Philosophy, storytelling, and drama mix together to create TChallas conflict, and characters around him continue their movements, complicating the story in an intriguing manner. This purposeful story is intellectually engaging and visually superb.

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Black Panther: World of Wakanda #1

Nov 9, 2016

I appreciate the care and deliberation evident in the writing and art of this inaugural issue. In a world and in a time where people dont respect nuance, World of Wakanda is daring to showcase the varying presentations we offer the world. The Dora Milaje is not a bevy of women solely cast as sexual objects; they are warriors, they are cunning, and they are different. This was an excellent creative team to give justice to the women of Wakanda and they have crafted something important in the context of comic and society.

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Books of Magic (2018) #1

Oct 24, 2018

Books of Magic is already shaping up to be something awesome. There are so many directions this story could take and I wonder how things will turn out. We see some very important characters early on, a marker that this story is likely to transform into something monumental. The Sandman Universe comics are all interesting; Books of Magic is going to do its own magic in re-establishing this part of the DCU.

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Bullseye (2017) #1

Feb 1, 2017

With Bullseye, what you see is what you get. This story fits the character and his position within the Marvel universe, right down to wanton killing and deadly aim. The first issue was about what I expected and was executed well. Im not sure whats down the line, or how long Bullseye will be able to hold down a title, but it at least delivers exactly what it needed to, no holds barred.

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Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #4

Sep 24, 2015

I know Carol will still be around, but Kelly Sue DeConnick did something so spectacular with her. Just like Brian Reed worked to rebuild Carol, Kelly Sue tapped into her inner power to bring Carol back on top, showing us the value of Carol and the Star and what it means to take hold of your own reservoir of power and reach the stars.

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Catalyst Prime: Superb #1

Jul 19, 2017

Superb #1 introduces us to characters face not only adolescence, but a world where being powerful means being marked. With diverse leads and storytelling that gives them a chance to be fully realized, this comic is an important example of how to push comic storytelling forward. Elements of the art dont quite jive with the story, but it is still one which takes sensitive issues regarding characters and puts them in a reality which addresses parts of our own. The Catalyst Prime universe has a lot of promise and Superb is yet another example of that.

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Catwoman (2018) #3

Sep 12, 2018

Catwoman #3 is just as cryptic as Selina herself. We are getting to see more and more what shes up to and what she hopes to accomplish, but it is still hidden behind a shroud. With the inclusion of Rainas story, we get a new dynamic for what Selina is going to encounter. I like how this creative team comes together, especially as we move from Jones/Allred to Blanco/Kalisz, an effect which slowly transitions between differing truths. I feel like this series is doing Selina right.

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Catwoman (2018) #4

Oct 10, 2018

In fiction, I do not think the idea of humanity always emerges, but through these kinds of emotional moments we get a glimpse into who the characters could be were they to live in our world (or us in theirs). Even if this issue had many deep and painful themes, it is more than worth reading, though Id caution you to make sure you have the emotional space to do so.

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Champions (2016) #1

Oct 5, 2016

The first issue of Champions is a nice rendition of the team formation story. I appreciate the speed and plot, how the characters meld together, and the important values that underlie the story. However, some of these elements feel disparate, and the characters do feel like theyre written by someone who has a disconnect with current culture. Its weird to encapsulate how Champions #1 both gets it and doesnt get it when it comes to age, youth, and colloquialism, but at the very least its a series I dont mind being invested in.

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Civil War II #1

Jun 1, 2016

All in all, Im interested to see what happens with Civil War II in the coming issues. Events on this scale take time to develop, so I hope that we get deeper into what drives a wedge between Carol and Tony. As it stands, the setup is slightly believable, though rather on the nose. This first issue of the event also has some of the first Civil Wars misgivings, which Im surprised and not happy to see. Yet, things may improve as the story moves forward.

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Civil War II #2

Jun 15, 2016

Overall, this issue is an improvement, but unfortunately not by much. Many of the problems with the plot and interaction of the characters persist in a manner that betrays the set-up for this event and where the lines are drawn. Im not sure where the story is going, as some of the plot elements feel rushed and hollow, but I do have hope that every part of this story can be woven together. The art however continues to astound and amaze, ultimately helping to digest the story.

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Civil War II #3

Jul 13, 2016

Despite the storytelling, the art continues to excel and there are spectacular visuals. I dont know what this story will turn into, and Im not sure if the ramifications will actually matter. This event so far has been confusing and incongruence in many dimensions, but Im at least resolved to see it out.

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Civil War II #4

Jul 29, 2016

I want to see this story through, and I want to and do have hope that it will resolve in a manner that isnt an insult to readers intelligence, but with each subsequent installment I find myself astounded at how much more this story could unravel in a manner which does not know how to utilize characters or plot threads properly.

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Civil War II #5

Sep 21, 2016

Civil War II continues to be a confusing mish mash of ideas, both morally and plot wise. There are surprises that dont make sense and the motivations of the characters feel unclear at best. The ending was not so much a surprise as a hackneyed way to deliver shock, complete with beautiful, sad, and opportunistic posing of characters to commemorate their pain. I havent been sure where this story has been going and Im still not sure, especially with only two issues left.

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Civil War II #6

Oct 26, 2016

Civil War II has had more than its fair share of problems. The sixth issue changes the game by unifying the story and placing the characters firmly within it, rather than relying on event-convenient ideology and behavior. I wish the rest of the series had been written like this issue, because it could have had a much stronger start. On its own, this issue is a cut above the rest in the event, but though it tied together the threads started in the ones that came before, it still has problems that arent easily fixed.

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Civil War II #7

Nov 23, 2016

Civil War II #7 stays within the events knack for unnecessary plot elements and breakneck changes in the story, which even the beautiful visuals cannot overcome. The heightened tension between Carol and Maria, Steve and Miles, were a good touch, but the latter was bogged down by odd dialogue and a development that came out of nowhere. At the end of the issue, I have no idea whats going to come of this event or what real or lasting impact its going to have besides confusing readers with inconsistent characterization between the main series and other ongoings. Theres just one more issue, so at least we have that.

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Civil War II #8

Dec 28, 2016

From pacing, characters and dialog to the utter premise, Civil War II itself and its eighth issue have been constructed from the barest of bones with the loosest of threads. There doesn't seem to be any major ramification, the developments don't make sense, and it ultimately is something that falls flat from conception to execution to conclusion.

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Cognetic (2015) #1

Oct 21, 2015

Cognetic #1 was definitely me reaching out of my comfort zone and Im more than glad I did. BOOM! has been a wonderful publisher and a place where I found more of myself reflected in various characters. Im also a huge fan of psychic powers, so Im interested to see where the story goes as more issues come out. I highly recommend this issue.

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Cyborg #3

Oct 7, 2015

Cyborg #3 was action-packed, holding a lot of treasures, large and small. Im excited to see where the series goes and Im happy with what we got in this issue.

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Daredevil (2015) #1

Dec 1, 2015

While someone didnt show up as much as I had hoped or wanted, I was definitely satisfied with Daredevil #1. It captured some of the elements that make Matt who he is as a costumed crime fighter and does not betray his roots or his environment. Everything, from the writing to the art, fits the tone and story of this first issue. Theres some great stuff in store for many facets of Matts world, and I think this series is certainly in good hands.

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DC / Looney Tunes: Harley Quinn/Gossamer #1

Aug 29, 2018

Harley Quinn/Gossamer is a comic I figured I would enjoy, but that is still full of surprises. Bringing these characters together, especially with very distinct creative styles, was an exercise in understanding disparate universes and how they could work together. I had some reservations about some of the art, though overall this comic is still entertaining. Im a huge fan of mash-ups, comics-inclusive, and to see how this one played out was a joy.

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DC / Looney Tunes: Lobo/Road Runner #1

Jun 21, 2017

Lobo/Road Runner Special is truly a delight. This series of comics is going to be a nice break from DCs line, poking fun at the capes while letting the cartoons have fun. The illustration and writing coalesce to create an engaging read that capitalizes on the irony of shady origins as the method of humor. None of the characters are overbearing and this final product is an enjoyable foray into seemingly disparate themes and mechanics of storytelling.

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DC House of Horror (One Shot) #1

Oct 25, 2017

Reading this anthology was a chance to unpack certain politics while also examining what horror is at its core. It is variable, it has many iterations, and it can be an important message of the world around us. However, it also can reflect atrocities in our lived world and experiences. DC House of Horror takes all these to heart, for good and for bad, and allows us to envision a darkest universe that turns capes from symbols of hope to the representation of fear.

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DC Super Hero Girls (FCBD 2016) #1

May 7, 2016

All in all, DC Super Hero Girls is a great pick for FCBD. Its a great read for kids, as it approaches them on their level, while also giving adults a useful tool in reaching out to youngsters as they manage their own issues. Stories like this and the eventual OGN are important for diversifying the landscape of comics and having accessible media for people of all ages. Id like to see diverse characters like Katana and Bumblebee take center stage in the future, but on the whole this was an enjoyable read that I would recommend to anyone.

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Deathstroke (2016) #19

May 24, 2017

Deathstroke #19 gives readers a lot to chew on. In each piece of the issue, from story and script to pencils, inks, colors, and letters, is a new element to contemplate. I like that this chapter of “The Lazarus Contract” challenges me to think about these characters, their continuity, and how all of these parts relate to the real world. Not only is this story one which is filled to the brim with the intricacies of emotion, but it is one which helps us peer into the regret that can bind us to the decisions we wish we could change, too.

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Detective Comics (2016) #973

Jan 24, 2018

The focus on team dynamics and relationships in Detective Comics has been its shining quality, and it is painful to see how these elements have been fractured in recent issues. All of this comes to a head as Basil turns Gotham into a state of turmoil. Even though this is the final chapter of a bombastic arc, it ends with a cliffhanger that will send readers reeling and that leaves one of my favorite characters in a state of acute distress. This series has been a stellar read, and the current issue is no exception, even if it is filled to the brim with difficult decisions and powerful feelings.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #2

Nov 4, 2015

This series has been my first foray into the world of Stephen Strange, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Dr. Strange #2 is setting up a pretty interesting story that Im excited to see unfold. Im curious about the vestiges of the Sanctum and how they, Stephen, Wong, and definitely Zelma, will handle the upcoming supernatural mysteries. I am most certainly along for the ride.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #4

Jan 6, 2016

With minimal exposure to Stephen Strange prior to reading this series, Doctor Strange #4 contains elements I find vital to his character. Theres magic and mystery, but also Stephen as a very human man enmeshed in a world beyond most humans comprehension. As the book is reaching the climax of its first arc, I think it will be a great series for anyone who wants to jump into Doctor Strange as a character, typically before the movie releases later this year.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #5

Feb 4, 2016

Doctor Strange #5 was the type of issue that shows why the series should not be completely insular. Magic has had a major effect on the Marvel universe, and this issue shows why you cant just leave it alone within the confines of one series. Stephens situation has grown increasingly critical with every issue, and #5 shows that he is up against something that is going to threaten him, his abilities, and his world. The growing apprehension of Doctor Strange is one of its selling points, and it looks as though we will get a conflict that Stephen will have to resolve without his abilities or his connection to mystical realms. For a trip into horror and the arcane, pick up this issue.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #6

Mar 11, 2016

Stephen is in for some dark days, and Im frankly glad that such a story is being explored through him and magic. Ive spoken on this before, but I hope that this story has major ramifications on the rest of the Marvel U. To be honest, theres no way it CANT, considering the cameos throughout the story and the intimate connection many characters have to a world of mysticism in this publishers comic pages. To fully capitalize on the gravity of Doctor Strange #6, Marvel has to fall in line and create the impact in a variety of series, which will make for a wonderful though bleak story. Theres so much potential for this All-New All-Different Doctor Strange, and this creative team is surely the one to bring it to light.

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Elektra (2017) #1

Feb 23, 2017

Some stuff works, some doesn't inElektra#1. I hope it survives, but the next issues are going to have to pick up for that to happen. Elektra's characterization is cool, just the setting she is immersed in feels like an odd choice, especially considering the shaky foundation that exists under a comic's survival. I think there's promise, but this is a rather odd start for what is honestly a risky series, even if Elektra herself is really cool.

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Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles #1

Jan 3, 2018

The Snagglepuss Chronicles is a trip in many senses of that word. There's a lot to digest and storytelling works through many avenues. Whether what we directly see in writing, pencils, inks, colors, and letters, or the implications of the world that the story is set in, this comic is an incredible combination of history, queerness, and navigating emotional issues of all sorts.

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Faith #1

Jul 20, 2016

After the roller-coaster of the Faith miniseries, this issue delivers by connecting to those threads while embarking on a new and different journey for the character. This first chapter of Faiths new story was exciting and distinct from what came before, pulling in many different elements of her publication history. I recommend this issue because it challenges readers to think of what comes next while never discounting the charm of the series and the character as a whole.

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Faith #4

Oct 20, 2016

Faith is a perfectly executed comic with an awesome protagonist who exemplifies the best parts of being a hero. The young take on superheroism doesnt betray larger emotional conflicts and touches on what life would be like for an emerging adult with superpowers. I can see myself in Faith and her love of all things nerdy, which helps to make her much more real in this issue. The art is polished and the story has more than enough personality to humor and intrigue. Pick up this issue (and all the ones before and after).

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Faith (Mini-Series) #1

Jan 20, 2016

All in all, Im definitely recommending Faith #1. We have a lead who strays from the typical comic book womans body and a cast of characters with a diverse range of shades. This is a story about a woman who is forging a new path and new life, but not out of tragedy or suffering, and I cannot say enough how much we need more stories like this in comics. For something new, pick up this first issue!

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Faith (Mini-Series) #2

Feb 24, 2016

Definitely keep reading this series, as Faith #2 offered some great character development and introspection. I still hate that this will only be a miniseries, as it could really go a lot of different places, especially with a character like Faith at the helm. This is a nice and rather insular cape story with a slice-of-life element, but also a little bit of imagination. Once the series is done, which I dont want to happen quickly, this story will be a great weekend chill story on a warm and sunny afternoon. Until then, definitely cop this issue.

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Faith (Mini-Series) #3

Mar 30, 2016

There are evident challenges in creating narratives that are confined to limited issues, but this entire team has done a great job rising to the occasion. The twists were genuinely surprising and realistic, and the art has taken on new and subtle distinctions that were important for this issue in particular. The execution of this chapter of Faiths story was absolutely on point leaving me both excited for the final installment and heartbroken that it will have to end. If youve been on board so far, you cannot miss Faith #3. If you havent, its never too late to pick up the previous two issues!

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Faith (Mini-Series) #4

Apr 29, 2016

I could definitely say so much more about Faith #4 but Im here to write a review, not another dissertation. The talent for this series was wonderfully chosen, and this issue displays a type of storytelling that has levity mixed with dire straits, fantasy and dreams mingled with the gravity of saving the world (or at least L.A.). As this series moves forward, this part of the story sets the tone for what we will see and captures so much of what is actually right about comics. Theres excellent pacing and movement throughout the issue without losing a beat, and prior strings are tied together in a manner that feels organic. I highly recommend you picking up this issue, and the previous three, if you want a story that has the trappings of nerddom without the toxicity.

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Fence #9

Aug 17, 2018

Im never not delighted by an issue of Fence, a comic that ends up hitting lots of beats I love in any media, but especially comics. The creative team has definitely worked together to create a vital part of this story that manages to take a rather isolated period of time and express it with clarity and palpable emotion. Fence #9 is a quick read with a quick pace and its certainly a good one.

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Flash (2016) #2

Jul 13, 2016

This was a Flash story that Im actually excited to finish. While there are politics involved that strike a chord in me, it is truly a great story. I do like the Barry is a static force of good, which reflects his character, and August provides a new dynamic to play off of as a man of color in law enforcement. It was a bit strange to see more elements from the TV show play out in this issue, but they didnt detract from the story. Theres going to be a great buildup within this new Flash and this team is a great one to see it through.

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Flash (2016) #4

Aug 10, 2016

The Flash #4 is a fun issue that manages to express important parts of each of the characters. By this point, I thought many of them would be depowered, so I am happy to see that Meena, August, and others still have their powers and fit neatly within the world of Barry Allen. I get the sense of hope and faith that Barry stands for, which are vital elements for any Barry!Flash story. Based on this issue, the series seems to be moving in a good direction, even with my own misgivings about some of the art.

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Freedom Fighters (2018) #1

Dec 19, 2018

With this being the first issue, especially with a rather surprising and hopeful ending, I have no idea what's going to come in the following eleven. Still, I'm curious to see what other messages pop up and I wonder what we will be able to glean from them as a society.

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Freedom Fighters (2018) #2

Jan 23, 2019

Comics as a serial medium means that there is not just a singular issue, but how it works within a larger collection of pieces. I love how this context is forever evolving, even after a series ends, so to see Freedom Fighters begin its evolution makes me wonder how the rest of the story is going to pan out. With the second issue of a 12-issue maxi, there are likely some major events to follow, sparked by the embers of this installment. The mood feels appropriate for this series, and it is dishearteningly timely.

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Gamora #1

Dec 21, 2016

I want to hang in there for this series, but I cant lie and say Im not on the fence. There are a few things Id take out of the story, such as Gamora being on the floor for about half of it, and others Id keep, like slashing alien throats in vengeance. Amping up the badass factor would be more of a boon than an empty device for this comic and I feel thats where it needs to go. There are clearly emotional elements to explore with Gamora, but the execution needs to change if thats going to be a focus.

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Generations (2017): Phoenix & Jean Grey #1

Aug 10, 2017

This issue of Generations is truly a spectacle. If you know the X-Men in any capacity, you are familiar with the daunting task of continuity and timeline knowledge, and this issue is no true exception to that. However, even with handling the many, MANY iterations of the Phoenix force and its relationship to Jean, we get to see multiple avenues through which to explore their story and what it means now, particularly once you get to the last panel of the issue. With art befitting a cosmic entity and writing that leaves a bevy of interpretations, Generations: Jean Grey/Phoenix may be a required read for any Phoenix buff or X-Men continuity nerd and, if nothing else, gives us a story that I imagine many may have been waiting for.

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Godshaper #1

Apr 12, 2017

I can definitely say Im invested in this story. Even with some of the issues regarding worldbuilding and detail, theres enough for readers to grab and characters that are refreshingly new. The creative team works on all levels and all of their efforts lend to a tale with many nuanced moving parts. Godshaper is weird as hell and it works.

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Godshaper #2

May 10, 2017

I continue to be impressed with Godshaper even with my reservations. Beyond the mind boggling story and visuals, it provides a helpful discussion of social politics, their parallels in fiction, and why they matter in relation to reality. With odd creatures and overtly queer presentation, this comic takes many moving parts and puts them together to create a tale that is as awe-inspiring as it is thought-provoking. With the worldbuilding of this second issue, Im curious about how the story will continue to develop.

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Godshaper #3

Jun 15, 2017

Godshaper continues to engage me in its story and the underlying politics. I keep finding myself intrigued and challenged by whats presented, and while I may not be completely on board with everything, I still find this story valuable as its own work and in how it connects to our world. Dissecting this series through its art, writing, and narrative is a worthwhile endeavor, and even on the plane of pure enjoyment it is an evocative story with amiable characters. Ive continued to enjoy reading and examining Godshaper and I hope it is a story that finds its way into many peoples longboxes.

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Godshaper #5

Aug 16, 2017

This issue of Godshaper manages to touch on the politics introduced in preceding issues while also giving us a direct look into what drives the story. I like the departure from the more political themes of the other installments because this issue does not betray them and instead offers a deep, profound exploration of the major players of the story. There is so much mystery left to uncover, yet I do not feel that the comic has left readers out to dry. In fact, Godshaper #5 is indicative of this creative teams ability to tell a story and to offer new perspectives with each issue while still being consistent in theme and representation.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #11

Oct 21, 2015

Taking the chance to dive into Gotham Academy mid-story did not disappoint. I definitely see what the hype was about and will be making an effort to work through the entire series. Despite the serious tone, this is also a series I can see myself recommending to kids or therapists, who are regularly looking for material to connect and use with their clients.

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Gotham City Garage #1

Aug 16, 2017

Given that this is a short introduction to a new world, there is more information we need to firmly jump in. Yet, I can say that I have confidence that this story is one that has a lot of potential and will be a nice departure from common cape comics while also holding true to their core mission all the same.

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Groot #4

Sep 2, 2015

After reading this issue, I immediately thought of ways to use it in my clinical work. Groot looking for the best in people is something that I think many clients may need in order to work through depression or challenge social anxiety. This issue of Groot, and the series overall, can be a helpful way to explore how to elicit positive emotions, manage a sense of grief or regret, and how to look for the best in ourselves or others. For this reason alone, I recommend this issue.

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Groot #5

Oct 7, 2015

If I havent said it before, I feel that Groot captures many of the things that comics get right. While delving into more serious stories is important, we also need something lighthearted and fun. Groot has been a great ride and issue #5 was yet another excellent adventure.

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Harbinger: Renegade #1

Nov 16, 2016

Harbinger Renegade #1 is heavy. This is not a team comic that focuses on lighthearted compassion. Each of them are struggling to make sense of their lives as they are, as well as the places they find themselves in. From the looks of the first issue, this will be a dark series, so even the bright moments may still be tinged with shadow. I think its worth a shot if you want more context about the Harbingers, especially if you read Faith, though be prepared to face some of the difficulties of the human experience within these pages.

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Hawkeye (2016) #2

Jan 5, 2017

Kate is still my favorite, though Im not quite sure about the story thus far. I think its a helpful direction that maybe needs some fine tuning in order to be fully realized. The art gets the feel right and the writing has enough mystery, but I think the story suffers from maybe including too many things and would better work under the principle of less is more. I think theres potential in Hawkeye, especially moving into this issue, but it may need to find its voice sooner rather than later.

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Howard The Duck (2016) #1

Nov 5, 2015

I'm glad I read Howard the Duck this week. It was outside of my typical zone but has a feel to it that is rather novel. In a world of capes, masks, and superpowers, Howard is an alien who gets by with dry wit and political savvy. I think a series like this is needed to break up the superhuman reverie, but also give a new series to people who may not be as into capes. While Howard the Duck was a bit different for me, I definitely have my eye on it going forward.

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Iceman (2017) #1

Jun 7, 2017

Iceman #1 makes me happy, to put it simply. While I must hold my fears at bay regarding how long it will stick around, I appreciate that it was done. I like how the story is laid out, and even with a couple of issues with art the issue really does sparkle. The intimate foray into an important issue of gay adulthood is handled better than Ive seen in a while, leaving me with more confidence about how Bobbys identity will play into his overall story. I think this first issue is worth it for conversation alone, but its also a charming, though sometimes bittersweet, new adventure for Bobby.

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Iceman (2017) #2

Jun 21, 2017

However, taking everything into consideration, this issue took some of the promise of the first and made it a more challenging read. I hope things will look up for Bobby from here.

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Iceman (2017) #3

Jul 26, 2017

Iceman #3 has pushed the series in a better direction. Im still unsure how all the narrative pieces work together, particularly in the plot, but they seem to be coalescing into something that has a vision of the future. Bobby has an interesting story to tell, but the series needs to catch more of its bearings. There are signs that things will pick up for the X-Man and I hope that what develops is something that does the character justice.

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Iceman (2017) #4

Aug 23, 2017

Yet, there is still something missing from Iceman in the sense of direction and its future, marked significantly by breakneck developments. This series may just need more time to find a firm footing, but it seems as though that is becoming a much bigger challenge than I expected.

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Iceman (2017) #5

Sep 6, 2017

Iceman #5 marks a turning point for Bobby for too many reasons. His family, his powers, and his life in general are put on display with an emotional intensity appropriate to the character, giving life to a conversation many people have had with their loved ones in a journey toward authenticity. I appreciate how everything was unpacked, the fact that much of this issue was a par for the course type of storytelling but without being contrived or empty. Bobby has some truly great moments and none of them are easily or simply reduced to common denominator narratives. Ive wanted things to look up for Bobby and if this issue is any indication, I think things are heading in a great direction.

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Iceman (2017) #6

Oct 4, 2017

Iceman #6 continues to find and use its voice. Having a firm focus guides the story and helps the story feel cohesive on one level, and it addresses the elephant in the room by putting a spotlight on Bobby being gay and how that fits into his life. The team works together to tell a good story at every level, though there are a couple of areas that detract from the strength of the narrative. Bobby and the team working around him are heading in a good direction that I hope is full of way more gay boy kisses.

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Injustice 2 #1

May 3, 2017

All in all, lets just say Im way more hyped for the game.

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Iron Fist (2017) #1

Mar 23, 2017

Danny is moody and so is his environment, and how the team works together to portray this could mean they are on to something. There may not have been major surprises, but there is an undercurrent for this story that plays on a different kind of human grief.

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Jean Grey #1

May 3, 2017

Jean Grey #1 has me in its talons. This comic truly could be a new step forward for the character. Even with my attachment to the Jean of Marvels history, I feel this Jean has never been written better. I hope to see more connections to the past, but also how Jean herself is trying to be more than what people know or remember. Every layer of this story matches its protagonist, so Im excited to see what comes next.

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Jean Grey #2

May 24, 2017

I can understand how the history of any Jean Grey can be confusing or frustrating, but this series has done the character and her continuity a service by more deeply exploring what it means to be an avatar of the Phoenix. From the ground up, the creative team uses technical skills which synthesize into a story taking one of the largest sources of nerd ire and making it feel like it can be unpacked. Im beyond curious what the next issue is going to explore and I cant say enough how happy it makes me to have this series in existence.

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Jean Grey #3

Jun 28, 2017

Jean Grey #3 further touches on a sense of inevitability about Jean and the Phoenix, though I also feel like it is opening doors for her to explore a different way of approaching her situation. The creative team adds a different kind of spark on every level and each artistic choice has a corresponding note in its narrative, from hulking monsters and firey panels to vital character interactions. I want to see what happens for Jean, and after this issue I am all the more curious.

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Jean Grey #6

Aug 30, 2017

A vast departure from previous issues, Jean Grey #6 brings in many new components to expand her story. In a manner through which she could not contact the parts of her mind we see in this issue, Jean faces herself and inches closer to a fully realized image of her future. The changes in this comic add another complex layer to the story of this Phoenix-host and how the ever cyclical tale of destruction, passion, and power may not be what she or readers think. With new things on the horizon, Jean Grey may end up touching upon important aspects of the characters story that reconcile some of the issues regarding the complex points which surround her.

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Jean Grey #7

Sep 21, 2017

For the first time, I have no real idea where Jean Grey is headed. Whenever the framework or structure for a story changes, theres some capacity for it to not quite land. Ive liked the set-up for the series so far, but this shift is one that is leaving me with a lot of questions. Whats going to happen from here? What does spectral Jean want and is she truly the Jean we know? How will Emma play a role moving forward? Hopeless has been hitting out the park on writing, so I have faith, but the series seventh issue is not quite what I expected and was maybe more ambitious than it needed to be via storytelling but less ambitious in visuals.

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Jem and the Holograms #10

Dec 30, 2015

Jem And The Holograms continues to be a series that should grace your pull-lists and pre-orders. We have some great creators at the helm that do these characters justice and modernize a story that lit many of our eyes up, whether we saw it in the 80s or re-discovered it on Netflix. Issue #10 is a solid story that is setting up some interesting relationships moving forward, so definitely keep your eyes peeled for the next great installment of this series.

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Jem and the Holograms: Holiday Special #1

Dec 16, 2015

For something fun and light and infused with the feels, pick up this issue. You definitely won't be disappointed. It's a great take on the relationship between the Misfits and the Holograms and has some excellent character moments that I hope will continue to happen.

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Jem and the Holograms: Infinite #1

Jun 28, 2017

Though the two manners of artwork are in stark comparison to each other, they each imbue a different effect for this comic, and diving feet first into either would be an excellent choice. Im not sure what waits in the other world, but Im pumped for a slightly different take on the bands.

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Jim Henson's Fraggle Rock #1

May 9, 2018

Fraggle Rock #1 is a heartwarming kind of enjoyable. Not only is this comic stellar from a storytelling standpoint, it also has the potential to be used to help people. We hear a lot that it is not always easy to find a way out of where you are and that the solutions are not always the same, but at least there can be one. The metaphors imbued in this comic are worth examining, but you dont even have to ponder them for this story to be valuable. It is certainly one which could jive well with all ages, and beyond it being an endearing story, you can glean helpful talking points that could aid people in telling their story and either their way through a challenge or how they could make one.

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Jonesy (2016) #2

Mar 16, 2016

Jonesy #2 is a great all-ages comic that I highly recommend. The story is relatable and theres some great inclusivity that reflects what we need in comics as a whole. While I strongly suggest picking up the first issue, the second stands by itself rather well, so even if you jump on at this point youre sure to have a great time.

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Jonesy (2016) #9

Jan 14, 2017

Jonesy #9 examines our protagonists anxieties with jarring precision. Her fears are real, justified, and the very same ones that most if not all adolescents experience. We get to see Jonesys anger and apprehension, expressed wonderfully through the narrative and the art that accompanies it. This is a great issue if you want to look into the challenges of teens and adjustment and perfect for the young people in your life who may need some kind of outlet.

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Josie and the Pussycats #2

Nov 3, 2016

Josie and the Pussycats #2 succeeds at comedic and witty storytelling. This comic is a raucous dive into the journey to fame and fortune filled to the brim with characters who are the very definition of lively and dynamic. Overall I love how the series is done, but I also dont want it to get too carried away in the future, as it could teeter the line between amazing and too much for many readers. Despite these factors, this issue is engaging, funny, and entertaining. Josie and the Pussycats doesnt take itself too seriously, which allows the creative team to let loose. I cant help but want to join the band on their trek to fame, and I like that kind of happiness in a comic.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #1

Jul 25, 2018

Justice League Dark feels somewhat like a rehash of things of DC past, but it is no less enjoyable. The magical arena of DC has frankly been neglected over the past few years, so a deeper dive as part of a trend with the publisher is a nice turn. Wonder Womans inclusion is one of my favorite parts of this comic, as her ties to magic are often ignored in favor of other story and lore elements. Magic in DC is assuredly weird, so it fits that the team is as well. However, Im curious to see how these characters work together and if this can turn into a fresh new story for them and the world of magic for DC Comics.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #2

Aug 22, 2018

All around, Justice League Dark is finding its voice. This issue is superbly cohesive on every level, and that helps to convey important symbols, messages, and elements within the plot. From vital surprises to important connections to continuity, this series is delivering. Im hopeful for what will come next, even if the story is, well Dark.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #3

Sep 26, 2018

I like magic. I like Diana and Zatanna. To see how Justice League Dark #3 unfolds is a spectacle. I was already sold from the first issue, but now Im invested. The developments from this story should hopefully have a lasting impact on the DCU, and its great to see classic characters, but also a new understanding of who they are. Moving forward, I think this series can be monumental for cementing a major aspect of DC Comics and helping us understand why its important. Im excited for what comes next and everything that we will get to see unfold.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #4

Oct 17, 2018

Justice League Dark #4 is a lot in a lot of ways. Our dark and wonderful foray into the world of magic is rather intense, revealing the naivete of some and the wisdom of others. Things are really about to be shaken up, and Dianas inclusion in this story shows that she is not just a warrior, but an agent of magic. There seems to be much in store for us in subsequent chapters, and if this issue is any indication, the team behind the magic will continue to shine.

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Justice League of America (2017) #1

Feb 22, 2017

Its been a long time since I encountered a Justice League-anything that I wanted to continually read. JLA #1 puts us right in the action and gives us a glimpse of each of the characters and how they come together. The characterization and plot are on point, aided by visuals that truly astound. I love where this story is going and I like that it feels fresh, a departure from a lot of the team stuff weve seen in the past few years. Check this out if you want to see a band of characters from all walks of life that dont easily succumb to their differences, but instead do what they can in the moment while displaying their humanity.

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Justice League of America (2017) #6

May 10, 2017

Like I said, JLA is willing to take risks, a sense of bravery that makes this comic work. Threads are slowly coming together as the team grows closer, and with each issue I have more confidence that this book will become something everyone will need on their shelves. This mix of characters has proved to be a wise choice, especially with the developments that have emerged in this chapter. Even if there were some beats in the art that didnt mesh with the story, overall it still ended up being enjoyable and a deeper foray into the minds of this new team.

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Justice League of America (2017): Killer Frost Rebirth #1

Jan 25, 2017

I really had no idea what to expect out of this story and its made me so much more excited to read more about Caitlin and Justice League of America. You should be reading this one-shot yesterday, and youre never going to regret having it in your longbox. I hope this means something vitally new for the character, and that the little seeds planted at the end of the story, reminiscent of the long-form storytelling of older cape comics, end up becoming something more critical later on. While Id love to read this as a Caitlin solo, JLA Rebirth: Killer Frost definitely looks like it points to.

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Justice League: Odyssey #1

Sep 26, 2018

When I first saw the characters for Justice League Odyssey I knew it would jive with me. As I was reading, I saw some of my favorite things in comics: expert use of color, emotional relationships, and wonderful use of form. The creative team and their interpretation of these characters are an invigorating mix that will no doubt provide excellent storytelling and an engaging narrative.

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Justice League: Odyssey #2

Oct 24, 2018

This comic is cool. Not only do we get stellar art and storytelling, but in some ways it addresses the idea and importance of a Trinity. Im excited to see just how Starfire, Cyborg, and Azrael become analogues for the DC Trinity, but also how Jessica becomes part of the larger picture. There seems to be so much in store for this series and I cant wait to see it.

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Justice League: Odyssey #4

Jan 2, 2019

Diving further into the mythology behind Justice League Odysseys gives us a chance to look more closely at each characters role among the team. This time, we see Cyborgs continued hesitation about his status as a god, and what everyone will do in order to have their desired story play out. JLOdyssey ends up being not just a narrative adventure, but one for the creators, whose choices provide new and interesting ways to view the story and the characters who inform it. This latest installment is another great example of how a story, wild at its inception, can coalesce from varying ideas and still keep an air of mystery and surprise.

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Kim & Kim #1

Jul 8, 2016

The eponymous Kims are forces of nature who express themselves in distinct ways that still form a colorful whole, and the world around them is full of spirited characters who engage in life with a wonderful sense of creativity. If you want a story that is parts representative, fun, ass kicking, and cryptic plot threads, pick up Kim & Kim #1.

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Lucifer (2018) #1

Oct 17, 2018

As I said, Lucifer#1 is a lot. Digesting the story, the ideas, present in the comic is no small feat, and it leaves us reeling from the events and curious as to what happens next. I am excited to see how these story threads intertwine, how John and Lucifer may be parallels to each other. Using the narrative set forth by this creative team, we get to see how as humans or paranormal beings, we may still have similar experiences. Dense and macabre, this comic seems to have a lot in store for the future.

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Lumberjanes #17

Aug 26, 2015

This issue points to the start of a new saga for the Lumberjanes. While Stevenson leaving is a bit heartbreaking, I know we will be in great hands with Watters staying at the helm and Kat Leyh joining in the fun.

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Lumberjanes #19

Oct 21, 2015

Ripley may have been my favorite part of this issue. She was adorable! When I first encountered her, she was rambunctious, active, spunky, and curious. Seeing her looking forward to the Bandicoot Bacchanal showed that she is multifaceted and sometimes adventure isnt the only thing on her mind. I think Ripley saw some major development, even if it was part of the backdrop of the main story.

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Luna the Vampire #1

Jan 13, 2016

If you like out there stories where the sky is the limit on imagination, pick up The Adventures of Luna the Vampire. While this series may not appeal to everyone, its a great addition to the sea of issues coming out today. Its a break from the traditional serial format of comics and makes for a great break or lunchtime read. This series could also be great for kids. Even with witches, zombies, and vampires, nothing is too over the top or graphic and kids may get a kick out of the strange plots and characters.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #1

Mar 2, 2016

I thoroughly enjoyed Power Rangers #1 not because I dreamt of being a Power Ranger (and made a paper airplane called a Falconzord long before its first appearance stateside), but because its a great look at teenagers being superheroes while dealing with teenage problems. Were I to have no history of the Rangers before reading this issue, Id be hooked and invested in seeing where the story moves. Theres a solid foundation for the series going forward and I think everyone should jump on it, Power Rangers fan or not. This comic really could be shaping up to have an awesome story grounded by the realism of teenage experiences, so it is definitely worth picking up this week.

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Milk Wars: Doom Patrol/JLA Special #1

Feb 28, 2018

It bears repeating: this comic is weird af, but each member of the creative team for Doom Patrol/JLA make that a shining element of this comic. Seeing all these characters together is cool enough, but the ending speaks volumes not just to the story but the medium of comics as a whole. Diving into the various meanings of this text was beyond enjoyable, and Im glad we are getting more stories in this vein. This story in particular is a reminder that bringing worlds together can be a fun ride and is an important part of engaging continuity.

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Mockingbird #2

Apr 15, 2016

Mockingbird #2 exemplifies the need for diverse creators and the value of women creating women. Had this story been written or drawn by a man, I feel as though it would have come off very differently and likely problematic. Having Cain, Niemczyk, and Rosenberg at the quill and brush of this series means we get a story of a woman with agency with less likelihood of problematic themes arising, particularly with the use of BDSM elements. Bobbi feels real, shes in charge, yet her characterization is not done in a manner that comes off hamfisted or based on mens ideals regarding women and leather.

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1

Nov 25, 2015

I definitely recommend Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1. Lunella is a great protagonist for this series and a refreshing face for many reasons. Her story with Devil Dinosaur is just beginning, and there seem to be some interesting story elements that will unfold. If you work with kids in any capacity, keep this on your shelf. Whether Black, gifted, or not, I can definitely see this series doing a lot of good for many of the young people in our lives.

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #2

Dec 23, 2015

This is a series Im definitely recommending to others and that Im happy to lend to my little sister, who is enamored with science experiments herself. I love seeing characters like Lunella because we truly do need more of them. Never underestimate the power of a smart young Black girl running through New York.

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #3

Jan 27, 2016

Yet again, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur exemplifies adventure and curiosity through the eyes of a young Black girl. So many scenes resonated with me and remind me of the importance of giving young Black kids and other children of color a chance to see themselves excel at science and within the struggle of finding acceptance from your peers. This issue is highly recommended and I am definitely considering it for my upcoming therapy group using comics.

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #4

Feb 24, 2016

This issue in particular had an all-ages feel to it. While the previous issues definitely dont depart from this sentiment, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #4 pump up the activity and the fun. Theres a lot of really great themes to explore in this issue, especially toward the end. For the parents out there, I highly recommend giving this issue to your children. Not a parent? Enjoy the lively story and art as well as the emotional undercurrent running through the story. I will definitely continue to recommend this series, as it has been one of the most enjoyable in the All-New All-Different roll-out.

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #5

Apr 2, 2016

Its taken some time to build Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur to this point, and issue #5 was a natural end to the first arc of the series. There is definitely no lack of precocious charm or imagination as Lunella asserts herself as a hero and friend to her friendly neighborhood tyrannosaurus. The thematic elements in the writing and art were a great choice for this issue, and they help both of the characters appear important and powerful and reveal the dynamic between the two characters as they continue their adventure. This series has been great since its first issue and this installment was no exception.

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #6

Apr 28, 2016

Having an all-ages comic in a Big Two roster is a big deal, and Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #6 delivers with not only an important form of representation but an engaging story that conveys youth, fun, and emotional complexity. Lunella is at her bravest in this issue, but there are some really important scenes involving her mother and Devil Dinosaur as well that highlight the shining moments of the story. If youve been keeping up, this is the issue you need to read from cover to cover, as it brings the story to a place both we and our main character has feared, but that will drive the plot in unexpected and entertaining ways.

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #8

Jun 23, 2016

As we get closer to the mystery of Lunellas Inhuman DNA, this issue drops tiny hints about her powers and how they may affect Devil Dinosaur. I have my thoughts on how the story will proceed, and even if they dont come to fruition this chapter of Lunellas adventure is setting up some fascinating dynamics between her, her dinosaur pal, and a certain Kree youngster.

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #10

Aug 29, 2016

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #10 is something special. I love reading about each of Lunellas adventures, and the series inspires me to consider what the world is like for girls like her and how her own story as a budding Inhuman plays out in everyday life. This issue captures the wonder and mystery of looking up to our heroes while also acknowledging the complex emotional lives of youngsters. This is a great series for any age and this issue is a shining spot among Marvels roster.

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Mosaic #2

Nov 11, 2016

Mosaic #2 is parts exciting, but it also feels trapped in a long exposition. I feel like not enough has been revealed about Morris, though the nature of his powers is becoming more privy to the reader. There are some awesome scenes that mark Morris development into a hero and that put an interesting spin on how his powers work. For the series to succeed, its going to have to pick things up, otherwise it may be difficult to grab new readers.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #19

Oct 14, 2015

I have no doubts Kamala is in for some great new adventures. With her being a feature of ANAD Avengers, shes being thrust further into the spotlight, where she deserves. Through these issues, people have recognized her value as a character but also as a hero. Issue 19 was a culmination of her capabilities, demonstrating what makes her a hero but also a great model of how to navigate the expectations and values of different cultures and ideals.

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #1

Nov 18, 2015

I had every bit of faith that I would continue to enjoy Ms. Marvel, and this post-Secret Wars issue was a great start to a new era for the series. We will undoubtedly see how Kamala adjusts to changes in her world, but also how she lives up to her deserved title of hero. I look forward to seeing where the series goes and I highly recommend this launching issue.

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New Avengers (2015) #1

Oct 14, 2015

Questions are bouncing through my head about where the story will go. However, between the characters and the art, Im definitely on board. All-New, All-Different seems to be gaining its footing rather quickly, so Im excited to see where some of my favorite characters end up in the pages of New Avengers.

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New Avengers (2015) #2

Oct 28, 2015

This issue was essentially made for me, from the stylistic art and colors to some great character dynamics. Some of my favorite characters are in one book and I feel that theyre going to have some awesome growth and adventures through the course of the series. This is definitely one of my top picks for an All-New, All-Different Marvel.

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Nighthawk #1

May 25, 2016

I highly recommend the first issue of Nighthawk for its handling of Black issues and for its departure from much of the Marvel line. Im glad this team is tackling important and real-life issues within a new series and using them deliberately as the backdrop for Raymonds conflict. The story threads are tying together well and Im looking forward to seeing how this creative team portrays Raymond and the world around him.

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Nighthawk #4

Aug 29, 2016

Nighthawk is the series weve needed for a long time, especially since the death of Mike Brown, and I truly feel it is a valuable template for addressing issues in comics that many other marginalized people face.

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Nightwing (2016) #1

Jul 27, 2016

For me, any good Dick Grayson story addresses his journey through independence and his affection for those around him. Nightwing #1 accomplishes with character introspection that uncovers the nuances of Dicks life as a hero and former-spy. In a return to a nostalgic DCU, Dicks place in the universe is wonderfully captured in his recognition of the many moving parts of his past and present. For a good Nightwing story that turns some of his history on its head thematically, check out this issue.

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Occupy Avengers #1

Nov 2, 2016

All of the parts of Occupy Avengers #1 mesh to create a story which is emotionally heavy and introspective, but without unnecessary emphasis on dramatic storytelling or visuals. This isnt a series that needs to rely on over-the-top action or dialog. Its power is in its message and its deliberate nature. I said theres a lot to think about, to say, and to digest in Occupy Avengers, and I think thats what makes it incredibly valuable among Marvels line.

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Occupy Avengers #3

Jan 12, 2017

With a surprise ending, Occupy Avengers is sure to grab your attention. It can be dense with dialogue and narration, and I feel a return to the original mission of the series would have focused the tone of the story. Nonetheless, I appreciate the series, and this issue in particular, for giving a thoughtful look into Clints life after Civil War II.

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Odyssey of the Amazons #1

Jan 25, 2017

Odyssey of the Amazons #1 has promise, though so much happened in this first issue of the miniseries that I have no clue where its going. Some of the elements of the story lend to great twists in later installments, but I worry what is going to be the end of the line considering how few characters it feels we have left. There are major pluses in the diversity of the women, their leadership, and the attention paid to their design, while the reduction of characters and some minor issues in illustration may affect the story. Odyssey is worth a try, and, if nothing else, its nice to see Amazons in their own element.

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Paper Girls #4

Jan 7, 2016

Paper Girls is a series you need to be reading. Theres lots of great 80s references, and it has the feel of many films from that decade, as well as modern films set during that time. Im excited to see where the series goes and hope to see even more out of this awesome cast of main characters.

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Paper Girls #5

Feb 4, 2016

Im definitely invested in this story, but while Paper Girls #5 had a lot of action, it didnt seem to hit me quite like I expected. Im excited to see where it goes and how things develop, especially with the last page reveal. Theres a lot of promise in this story, and I want to see how things change as we get to see more of the main characters and the people and creatures they come across.

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Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1

Dec 22, 2015

If you want some Squirrel Girl-esque feels with a character who faces adulthood head on, pick up Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat #1. I enjoyed this issue, especially as my first real exposure to Hellcat besides random longbox issues of the Avengers. This series really has a lot of potential and its a needed reprieve from the tedious effects of events or the more serious tone of other series. Patsy most certainly deserves your time.

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Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #2

Jan 20, 2016

For something lighthearted thats still rooted in history, pick up this issue. Kate Leth is definitely hitting an amazing groove in exploring Patsy and there are some subtle clues as to where to begin reading about her history. There are some amazing guest stars and some light jokes that carry the story, features that make this series stand out in this new wave of Marvel comics.

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Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #4

Mar 24, 2016

Come back next month to see how Patsys first arc ends. Same Cat-Time, Same Cat-Channel!

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Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey #1

Dec 27, 2017

To say this story is weird is an understatement, but then again it is also about a woman who has died and come back numerous times due to being imbued with the power of a cosmic firebird. Phoenix Resurrection gets things so right when it comes to the X-Men, and its nice to see them all like this, even if they may feel like theyd rather not fight ghosts around the world. Especially with the bombshell last panel, I think we are in for one hell of a ride.

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Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #1

Feb 17, 2016

Power Man And Iron Fist is shaping up to be one more facet of the All-New All-Different Marvel line-up. By the end of this issue theres a story unfolding that could bring in a lot of different elements and have many different consequences. Im invested in seeing where the story goes and I hope that Luke and Danny get to work though many adventures in the series. This is a great chance to explore the duo as best friends in a prominent capacity while also highlighting some of the best parts of their world, which I hope involves Misty Knight.

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Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #2

Mar 19, 2016

If you like Luke and Danny, pick up this issue. If youre a fan of women gawking over Luke, pick up this issue. If you want something funny, engaging, real, and Black, please pick up this issue. Power Man and Iron Fist #2 was even better than the first, and I think we are in for a really fun ride moving forward.

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Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #3

Apr 20, 2016

While initially I wanted something different for Jessica Jones in the context of this series, and still do, I also understand why she would be characterized the way she is. Power Man and Iron Fist #3 is the continuation of a narrative that is wholly distinct from the rest of cape comics because it has a feel that is uniquely cultural, something we dont often see. I appreciate the fact that it feels like something I grew up with and the people remind me of the Black people I grew up with in my daily life and that I saw in Black-created media. This series is a gem that Im not sure many people see, and this issue further cemented that reality.

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Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #4

May 18, 2016

Power Man and Iron Fist #4 was excellently constructed. I saw something new in each part of the creative team that I hadnt seen before and that made the story stand out. While a wrap-up of the first story for the series, on its own it works as an evocative piece that addresses themes of friendship and pain, portraying them visually with specificity and detail. If youre a fan of Danny and Luke and the power of friendship, give this issue a spin.

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Prowler #1

Oct 26, 2016

Prowler #1 was pretty cool. I think the series is starting off by being bogged down by another story involving a flagship character, which isnt new for comics, especially those connected to Spider-Man. Hobie has a lot of promise, and the creative team executes him well. I look forward to what they do and Im glad I took a chance on one of Marvels new headlining black men.

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Quantum and Woody (2017) #1

Dec 20, 2017

Quantum and Woody #1 is beginning a process of exploring the complexities of family life, from adoption and brotherhood to how children form relationships with their parents. There are so many feelings driving the ship of the story and seeing them unfold looks to be both revealing and evocative. The structure of the comic lends to some issues with the story, but there is also something in this first issue that provides ample threads to explore in subsequent installments.

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Rat Queens #14

Dec 30, 2015

I highly recommend this series and this issue. From the beginning, Rat Queens has been a great ride and I like seeing issues like #14 which promise some major stories in the future. I look forward to seeing how things change between each of the Queens and what magical misadventures they find themselves in. For something new, refreshing, and irreverent, look no further than Rat Queens #14.

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Raven #1

Sep 21, 2016

If youre a fan of Raven, whether from the 80s or now, read this issue. This is the reintroduction we needed years ago so Im glad we are getting a chance to dive into the life of a Titan with a dark history but bright future. Raven #1 gives just enough to make her interesting while setting up what looks to be a truly shattering and evocative story from here. Im interested to see where the story goes and how it ties into this new era for DC.

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Raven #4

Dec 21, 2016

Raven #4 touches on some of my favorite motifs in Ravens story, from her evil roots to her struggle to maintain relationships with other people. There are some beats that were missed in the story, but its still one Im excited to read. With only a couple of issues left, I hope there is a neat resolution that pushes Raven forward while also honoring the legacy set forth for over thirty years. Theres not much action, but this issue does at least have some important notes that are vital to the character and her place in DCs new status quo.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #1

Aug 10, 2016

For a first issue, this isnt a bad setup, though it relies on a departure from a character with a rather firmly established personality. People can change, but I wonder if the changes were so drastic that it takes away from the spirit of Jason Todd. Still, this story could turn into something beyond the superhero double agent thoroughfare. Its worth reading, but the more interesting parts appear to be coming later rather than sooner.

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Rocket Raccoon and Groot #1

Jan 1, 2016

Going into this series, I had no idea what story would await me. Even in the first few panels I was taken aback, fully realizing this wasnt the type of Rocket and Groot story I had been used to. While its not my typical comic book story, Rocket Raccoon And Groot #1 raises a lot of interesting questions, particularly about life for this interstellar duo since the end of Secret Wars. I like that Skottie Young is exploring a more bleak story because talking tree and raccoon can very easily fall down the funny cutesy hole, though this was assuredly done well in last years Groot series. What I hope for as the series progresses is a story that explores Rocket and Groots friendship and its tests and limitations. There have been some great moments between those two characters to point to an important sentimentality, so I want to see what Young does with this relationship.

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Rocko's Modern Life #1

Dec 6, 2017

Rockos Modern Life is definitely a comic for those who loved the misadventures of the unlucky marsupial. Being able to transfer older stories into modern times is a valuable skill expressed by this creative team, leading me to think that Rocko may have been before his time regarding the strife of survival as a Gen Xer or Millennal. The humor in this comic is on point and definitely makes the entire franchise feel as though it is timeless, or, at the very least, applicable to many of us facing the same struggles today.

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Runaways (2015) #3

Aug 19, 2015

After this issue, I still have questions, but I have no doubt theyll be answered. As we are building to the major points of the main series and its tie-ins, Runaways #3 points to an underlying unease about Doom and his rule over the Secret Wars world. I only hope that Runaways will be a major key in pointing to why we shouldnt trust Doom, but also why we should have faith in a ragtag group of youngsters willing to bounce between domains to save themselves and the ones they love.

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Runaways (2017) #1

Sep 13, 2017

With enough exploration, though, this comic could be a hit for everyone, especially if it touches upon the vital elements of defiance, rebellion, and queerness that preceding volumes expressed or approached.

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Scarlet Witch #1

Dec 7, 2015

I'd most certainly recommend Scarlet Witch #1 to any reader, new or old. If you love Wanda like I do, this was a great change of pace from her stories of late. However, the narrative isnt one that relies too heavily on canon. This issue seriously felt like a fresh start, so its a great point to begin to know Wanda if youve never read her or about her. There are subtle nods to her past, but all directions point toward a future as an independent character.

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Scarlet Witch #2

Jan 13, 2016

Seriously. Buy this issue. If youre a fan of art, especially that breaks away from the typical square panel and muscles world of cape comics, youll love this series. Theres much experimentation throughout each page, and it works well for a series that focuses on mysticism. This team was such an excellent choice for Wanda, and I am gladly keeping Scarlet Witch on my pull list after this issue.

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Scarlet Witch #3

Feb 3, 2016

What I like about Scarlet Witch #3, especially in the context of the series thus far, is that its a holistic and immersive experience. The art and the writing all feel very deliberate, which I find integral in stories that involve magic. Im excited for what the next chapter holds and how it fits in with the larger Marvel Universe.

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Scarlet Witch #5

Apr 8, 2016

This series continues to be the one that Wanda has long deserved. If you want a good jumping on point for Scarlet Witch, issue #5 is definitely that. The story is not anchored by heavy continuity or even the previous arc. It incorporates elements of both without losing the essence and the power of the present installment. There are some great and very deft uses of art and storytelling that make this issue stand out among many others.

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Scarlet Witch #6

May 5, 2016

I could seriously spend days unpacking Scarlet Witch #6. It is rife with emotion, a journey into the image of what it is like to love in the darkness of pain. The writing and art are nearly impeccable and this issue is one that I will forever keep in my collection. The story is grounded in a realistic though sorrowful examination of grief and could be vital in helping people explore one of the most confusing and painful experiences that humans can. I cant make you love this series, but if you read issue #6, you just might anyway.

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Scarlet Witch #7

Jun 23, 2016

Scarlet Witch has been on a solid run since the first issue, and this installment adds a new dimension to Wandas story. As an independent piece of work, this issue is engaging and thoughtful. With slight cultural references and minimal flair, Scarlet Witch #7 is a story of family and magic with artistic emphasis in all the right places.

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Scarlet Witch #8

Jul 6, 2016

I like comics that engage me in multifaceted ways, and Scarlet Witch #8 does just that. While I was ready to give up the ghost, fearing that the series had lost its luster to the annals of a problematic continuity, I'm glad that this installment is deep, nuanced, and layered. Robinson's skill as a writer shines, and Lotay's wonderful art conveys the emotional undercurrent of this story and Wanda's relationship with her past. This may be an issue that is divisive, but I think it's important to digest. It represents the parts of Wanda that many of us detest, while providing a context around them that changes her current dynamic and how it relates to her prior actions.

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Scarlet Witch #9

Aug 11, 2016

I have a lot of things to say about this issue and just how magnificent it is. I love Wandas gumption and her challenge to her brother that she is not to be unduly influenced, pressured, or changed to fit his whims. I truly feel as though this issue is one more stitch in a bandage to help remedy years of keeping Wanda broken or unstable or missing. Definitely pick it up if you want to see your Scarlet Witch defy odds and family to grasp her own destiny.

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Scarlet Witch #10

Sep 16, 2016

While not the strongest entry, Scarlet Witch #10 is definitely not bad. Zamas presence is felt through similar culturally artistic nuances seen in previous issues, infusing a Japanese artistic vibe within the context of an American comic, with the addition of Herrings mysterious color work. This issue conjures odd and nearly wordless feelings within me between the story, the characters, and the art, and I value these things because they give me an opportunity to digest a comic in ways beyond what is physically represented. I have my points of contention, but they pale in comparison to the experience of absorbing this issue in the many facets of its presentation.

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Scarlet Witch #11

Oct 10, 2016

Ive long thought that this series has helped to undo some of the damage to Wandas character, and Scarlet Witch #11 is no exception. We are finally getting down to the truth about her mother and her past, but this chapter holds within it some of the important elements of the stories that have come before. Just like Wanda has helped people connected to magic previously, the same dynamic is unfolding for her, and its awesome to see such a motif so deliberately and carefully carried out.

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Scarlet Witch #12

Nov 2, 2016

Scarlet Witch has been a risky series from it conception. A solo series about a Marvel hero with a mired past and with regularly rotating art teams is a choice youd think the House of Ideas would shy away from. Yet, this comic has continued to excel, and its twelfth issue weaves together the tapestry that started with the first threads of the inaugural issue. With surprise and intrigue, Wanda makes her way back to some of her earliest steps in an effort to learn more about her mother. Whatever comes after this will be a mystical trek through the annals of history and the halls of magic.

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Secret Six (2014) #7

Oct 21, 2015

This might as well have been Risk Week for me, jumping on in the middle of arcs or reading entirely new series. Yet again, Im glad I did. Secret Six is a mix of some of my favorite things in comics, and the story is setting up nicely to end in a major moral crisis or demonic beings from alternate dimensions wreaking havoc. Can we say Win-win?

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Silk (2015) #1

Nov 25, 2015

Silk was a series I recommended to people before Secret Wars, and it remains as a series I think people should read. Not only do we have a new, diverse character within the pages of a Marvel comic, but it captures not only the adventure but the intrigue of a good comic series. Silk #1 showed that the series is definitely in for the long haul, and its one that people need to keep on their pull lists. Im happy to see that many things are the same, but many things are also likely to change in the world of Cindy Moon.

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Silk (2015) #2

Dec 16, 2015

I dont see myself putting down Silk any time soon and this issue was one more piece in Cindy Moons story. I think there are some great things in store and this story cannot be rushed. Cindy has the makings of a great hero and Spider, and I have high hopes for her future.

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Spider-Man / Deadpool #1

Jan 5, 2016

Im not quite sure where this series is headed, but Wade seems to have some machinations at play. The set up seemed strange to me, essentially creating Spider-Man/Deadpool #1 as the antithesis of a buddy comic. However, if you like seeing an agitated Spider-Man, or just love Deadpool in general, Id say this issue and series is worth a go. Some of the jokes werent bad and had great timing. Theres a lot of action and there may be some surprises in store as the series moves forward.

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Spider-Woman (2015) #1

Nov 17, 2015

I loved the pre-Secret Wars series, and Im in still love with Spider-Woman post-Secret Wars. Jessica Drew has some interesting adventures ahead of her, and her supporting cast looks like itll show up in a lot of awesome ways. This series gets into some interesting dynamics regarding the varied lives of super-heroes, so its definitely worth a read. There are some important dialogues that reflect some very real-life experiences, which makes me curious how many people will see Jessica in this new light.

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Spider-Woman (2015) #2

Dec 23, 2015

What I like about Spider-Woman #2 is that it puts Jessica in the place she wanted to be in the previous issue, but after she has decided to stop doing things by her lonesome. I feel like the following issues will bring out what makes her great, but also how she has coped with being forced off planet for so long before. I want to see how Jessica resolves this current issue and what it leads to for her in the future.

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Spider-Woman (2015) #3

Jan 27, 2016

As this story arc builds, I trust that its going to reveal something integral for Jessica, and not just in the sense of her pregnancy. Already, we have seen her acquiesce to her friends wishes then take up her venom blasts when she needs to. Motherhood will be an interesting change for Jessica, and at this point, I believe it wont be in a way that defines or limits her. Im excited for what we get to see as this arc moves closer to being finished.

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Spider-Woman (2015) #6

Apr 30, 2016

Separating this issue as its own piece rather than the part of a larger story is actually not difficult. There are some wonderful parts of one of my favorite characters that re-emerge and as a standalone issue I can definitely see it as part of her solo series across from the crossover. Spider-Woman #6 actually gives off a tone that I think would be awesome in Jessicas solo series, as Hopeless has demonstrated how to incorporate her motherhood with her heroism while also deliberately discussing her personal dilemma in finding balance. Jones and Rosenberg craft a Jessica I love to see and who is emotive, again adding to the new developments in this Spiders life while conveying power and force. There is just enough in this issue to keep you adrift with Spider-Women, yet if you read it as a solo issue not too much is lost. If you love Jessica Drew and what makes her a formidable force in the 616, pick up Spider-Woman #6.

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Spider-Woman (2015) #7

May 19, 2016

On its own, Spider-Woman #7 is enjoyable. Who doesnt like multiversal twins, broken furniture, crying babies, and Spider powers? There are some minor parts of the story that could have been more fully fleshed out, but overall this issue is a point that gets a lot of Jess world right as a standalone story and that helps to give some background to the Spider-Women crossover. This issue is a good mix of storybuilding and intent use of character qualities and I recommend it if youre a fan of Jessica Drew.

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Spider-Woman (2015) #9

Jul 8, 2016

Spider-Woman #9 is an important issue if you love Carol or Jess, if youre caught up on Civil War II, and if you like a good comic that discusses the more heartbreaking parts of friendship. I was worried about the role Jess would play in the current crossover, and this installment gave me hopes about where she stands. The middle ground truly is a viable option, and Jess had taken her stake there despite knowing the potential effects on her relationship with Carol. With dark elements, action, and friends in conflict, this issue get a lot right about two of Marvels premiere heroes without being lost to the whims of an overarching comic event.

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Spider-Woman (2015) #12

Oct 19, 2016

The creative team for this story is absolutely stellar, and each of their talents are uniquely put to use to set up an issue which helps Roger and Jess shine, both narratively and artistically, and that deepens their relationship without relying on common tropes of motherhood and relationships between men and women.

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Spider-Women Alpha #1

Apr 6, 2016

Spider-Women Alpha #1 has a nice mix of everyday superheroes lives, mystery, and giant robots. If the first half of the issue was an ongoing, Id read every installment. The interactions between each of the Spiders is wonderful and the story holds much potential, even before Spider powers come into play. There looks to be some great use of cross-dimensional elements, as well as some great surprises in store for the main characters of the crossover. If you want something that feels like a slight departure from the usual cape comic, especially if you love Jessica, Gwen, or Cindy, pick up Spider-Women Alpha #1.

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Spider-Women Omega #1

Jun 1, 2016

Damn, what a wild ride! Spider-Women: Omega was intense, fun, and completely ridiculous. If Im being frank, we need stories like this. Im not sure where it will lead and how it will affect Gwen, Jess, and Cindy moving forward, but it gave us a glimpse into their lives, their bond, and their love for each other. On its own, this issue is packed with action and emotional resolution, and in the context of the crossover its an important book-end that brings to light many of the major themes. I recommend this issue if youve been keeping up, and if you havent its not too late to get the rest of the cross-over!

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Star Wars: Darth Maul #1

Feb 1, 2017

Darth Maul #1 explores the inner world of the Sith warrior, giving context to his cruelty toward others. He endeavors to face a real challenge, and will plunge himself into the depth of danger to find one, whether that be monster, Jedi, or his own master. The story is a nice addition to the Star Wars comic line, and its a great read whether you like the character or the lore itself.

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Starbrand and Nightmask #1

Dec 15, 2015

I recommend Starbrand and Nightmask #1 personally because it fits what I like to see in comics. Fresh and slightly stylized art, familiar characters, and snark. Im glad I took a risk on this series because its one that I will definitely be looking forward to every month. We have a new lead who is a person of color, disability is represented without infantilizing or objectification, and the reveals at the end of the issue promise something explosive, especially in the next issue. If you want something fun and light, definitely check out this series.

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Starbrand and Nightmask #2

Jan 21, 2016

Starbrand And Nightmask #2 makes great use of continuity, characters, and environment, and is becoming to be one of the series Im most excited about. Its fun, its fresh, and theres a big background to explore through both of the main characters. I hope this series sees more play throughout the Marvel universe, and I have some guesses as to how that could happen. Until then, Im definitely on board and my body is ready for the next installment of Starbrand And Nightmask.

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Starbrand and Nightmask #3

Feb 21, 2016

With other series coming out that lead up to Civil War II, I am curious as to how this series is going to progress. Im realizing that Marvel may have a long haul setup ahead of us, and Starbrand And Nightmask has a rightful place in that order. This issue is upping the ante on the critical situation ahead of Adam and Kevin, so the next issue is bound to be pretty explosive. Im glad Marvel gave this series a chance, because theres a lot of potential both within its pages and in its relation to other series. Hopefully theres going to be some big game reveals and connections as the series moves forward, and Im excited to see where Adam and Kevins adventures take them.

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Steven Universe (2017) #2

Mar 22, 2017

This issue is a wonderful discussion point for fans of Steven Universe, regardless of age and gender, and provides more than enough material to address gender in the context of this universe and ours. Steven Universe is a grand series for all ages and it deserves its spot in your mind, on your shelf, and tucked away in your longbox.

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Steven Universe (2017) #3

Apr 26, 2017

Steven Universe continues to be a comic that inspires awe and touches you right in the feels. Id honestly expect no less, so its good to see this series is in good hands. The creative team is adaptive and adept when it comes to storytelling, vivifying Stevens universe but without the need for him as a central character to drive the plot. Issue three proves that there are so many more stories to explore and that each of the individual characters that live in this oceanside town have enthralling lives of their own which are captured in sentimental moments.

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Steven Universe (2017) #4

Jun 2, 2017

I feel like there are things that Steven Universe is supposed to be, but in the most charming of ways the series challenges me to think differently. All of the characters thus far are familiar, yet the tiny, endearing twists on their lives make this comic enjoyable and rather unexpected. The fourth issue explores the reality of Gems still being alien, even the relatively Earth-adjusted Amethyst, and why that matters for Peridot. The creative team puts a lighthearted touch on the series while also demonstrating truly stellar technical notes in plot, illustration, color, and lettering. Steven Universe is a marvel and a gift and there are no signs of that stopping.

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Steven Universe (2017) #5

Jun 30, 2017

The fifth issue of Steven Universe operates in the same vein of its preceding chapters, focusing on the everyday exploits of the characters of this media. The story may not pack the same punch this time and some of the art can feel strange, but it is still an enjoyable tale that I think would work well as its own episode. Seeing what Lion is up to during the day was nice, and I like how this issue fits the underlying spirit of the themes that have been set forth so far.

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Steven Universe (2017) #16

May 16, 2018

Steven Universe #16 was pretty enjoyable. The story didnt pack as much of an emotional punch for me, but that is also certainly not an indictment. Ive enjoyed that this series is truly for all-ages, and this one is just a little bit lighter on the take. Theres not quite a lesson, but it approaches the idea that sometimes our plans just dont work out, and there can be surprising twists we dont anticipate. All in all, this issue is a soft read and one that is a nice way to wind down.

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Steven Universe Special #2016

Dec 14, 2016

If you want a cute story or you love donuts or both, pick up Steven Universe 2016 Special #1. It has a wide appeal for any reader and can entertain the little ones in our lives or the people who love comics and need some levity on their New Comic Book Day. This comic is an endearing addition to anyones collection and is great for the literal or metaphorical rainy day.

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Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo #6

Jan 18, 2017

This last issues of Suicide Squad Most Wanted shows the intricacies of the team and each of the members. They are smart, they are cunning, and they are deeply flawed, all elements which are important to this kind of comic. I like how things play out and I like the subtle hints as to the dynamic feelings of the major characters. Things may be more complicated from this point, and the creative team gives awesome clues as to why that matters.

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Super Sons (2017) #1

Feb 15, 2017

Super Sons #1 takes the meaning behind the bat and the s-shield and puts them in a childlike context. The main characters lives, interactions, and conflicts fit squarely in the experiences of young children, rather than forcing them into adult contexts. If this first issue is any indication, there will be plenty of laughs and action infused with a necessary levity in the future. Super Sons has the makings of an unbridled and fun comic without forsaking the core of the cape genre.

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Super Sons (2017) #8

Sep 20, 2017

As always, the youthful exploits of the Sons help us see who they are as heroes, people, and characters. The secondary characters to the story are amazing, too, and I am lowkey crossing my fingers that they continue to show up. Even if a narrative emerges that maybe should be phased out, this issue is another solid entry to the series.

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Super Sons (2017) #13

Feb 21, 2018

Super Sons has always struck me as a series dedicated to bringing two different worlds together. Seeing how Jon is exposed to yet another aspect of Damians shows that there are still many stories that could be told regarding how disparate yet alike they are as people. Even though theyve encountered dire circumstances before, Talia introduces something that is still new and striking for Jon, but that also appears to be something Damian really did want to be kept secret. These two boys continue to try to find the balance between the ordinary and the fantastic, and this story is going to challenge that dynamic.

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Superman (2016) #1

Jun 15, 2016

Superman #1 is an interesting reintroduction to the character after the last five years and certainly after his Rebirth chapter. Im excited to see where the story goes, particularly with Jon maintaining much of the focus, while also hesitant about what this means for the Big Blue Boy Scout. This first installment of the new Superman series is intriguing, holding more mystery than I expected. This team feels solid and seem as though theyre ready to tell an important story through their art and writing.

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Superman (2016) #2

Jul 6, 2016

Its nice to see that Superman #2 is an improvement on an already good story. This feels like a fresh start for Jon and Clark and done in a way that conveys emotions accurately. The values of the House of El and the Kent Family are in full effect, and the characters interactions with each other feel realistic. The next issue looks like its going to up the ante, so I look forward to what this series continues to bring.

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Superman (2016) #3

Jul 20, 2016

Superman #3 assuredly doesn't disappoint because of its ability to draw on the emotion and intrigue of the previous issues while increasing the emotional tension of the events surrounding this specific Kent family. I like the touches of Superman's past, no matter the continuity, and how they affect the timeline as it is now. Every character is dynamic and compelling, and the story continues to build into something powerful.

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Superman (2016) #4

Aug 3, 2016

The turns in this issue were unexpected, though not completely bad. I didnt foresee the first arc using these developments, which took me away from what I initially found worthwhile and engaging about the series. I still want to see how the story progresses, but I also want to see a return to the dramatic and evocative storytelling surrounding Jon that was present in the previous issues. Superman #4 feels weird and more disparate in the context of the rest of the story, which has me wondering where it and the characters will go from here.

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Superman (2016) #5

Aug 17, 2016

I like that Superman #5 brought back the shining parts of the previous issues through the interaction of each of the Kent family members and their fervor in watching over each other. This issue makes me feel like the arc is back on track, even if there arent major developments beyond the ending. This focus on storytelling enhances the quality of this new Superman series while also portraying each of the characters in new and interesting ways without sacrificing the underlying themes of the famous S-shield. I think things could be moving up from here and Im excited to see what turns this story takes.

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Superman (2016) #6

Sep 7, 2016

The fight with the Eradicator is over for now, and whats left is a world that has a new Superman, a new Superboy, and that dares to uncover the emotional underpinnings of both. I definitely recommend this issue.

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Superman (2016) Annual #1

Nov 30, 2016

Superman Annual has a nice one-shot feel that pushes the narrative of our new Superman to a new place while also serving as a capstone to the current Superman run. This is where you get to see those tiny moments in previous issues become important. Light on the charm, heavy on the punches, and deep in the feels, I recommend this issue because of its impact as an insular story, but also in the context of a truly remarkable run for Superman thus far.

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Teen Titans (2014) #18

Mar 23, 2016

Teen Titans #18 is a deeper exploration in to the character and history of Cassie, one which Im glad tied into Dianas larger story. There are some great dynamics throughout the issue and the art brings life to the actions and the emotion running throughout this installment of the series. For a rather simple and straightforward story that dives into lore for Cassie, I say pick up this issue.

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Teen Titans (2016) #6

Mar 22, 2017

Im a firm believer that comics should reflect reality, but Teen Titans #6 does so for Jackson in a way that doesnt feel like his background matters. Its only a setup, driving him toward the Titans, not a realistic way of explaining his experiences with pain, hurt, and oppression. Beyond his story, there are other moments, in writing and art, that detract from the feel of this new arc. Jackson has been touted as the next major member of this team, but for him to feel like he was worth the wait, the story itself needs some drastic changes.

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Teen Titans: Rebirth #1

Sep 28, 2016

Im more pumped about this series than I thought Id be. This one-shot is setting the stage for a Teen Titans that could lose the more serious tone the series has had for the past five years. I do have my reservations, largely regarding characterization and overall feel for the series, but I also have faith that this team is going to do something right. I look forward to seeing how things play out, because this Rebirth issue has a lot of potential. Lets hope it lives up to it and brings back a Teen Titans series that has life, joy, and family.

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Tekken #1

May 10, 2017

If youre familiar with Tekken lore, I think this series will be more of a grab for you. Otherwise, theres a lot of history to fill in blanks and the story may seem like a more difficult investment. It hits the beats regarding fight scenes and motion, but more calm pages seem discordant with the rest of the issue. I think there will be plenty of action ahead that captures a fighting spirit, but Tekken may be a hard sell for newer readers.

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The Beauty #7

May 19, 2016

My initial surprise eventually lead to a pretty enjoyable experience. I like anthology style series that explore the same world, so I hope thats what Beauty is turning into. Because of this issue, Im more on board than I expected I would be. Id like to see where the series goes and how Haun and Hurley craft the story, as well as how they work with the shifting crew of art teams in subsequent issues.

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The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman #1

Feb 21, 2018

Im a sucker for Brave and the Bold stories because they so often involve the melding of different worlds. Bringing the magical aspects of Dianas world into Bruces is a great jumping off point for challenging his perception of reality while elucidating hers. There may be some imagery that feels off for this inaugural issue, yet Im willing to trust this creative team in crafting a tale that is deliberate at all levels. Im ready to see what comes next and I think the level of intrigue in this issue is enough to warrant curiosity for the next.

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The Discipline #1

Mar 2, 2016

Without future issues or a more complete story, its hard to fully gauge The Discipline #1, but regardless I would exercise caution with the issues framing. Through the art we catch glimpses of the horror and occult themes, but in execution the story comes off as creepy and exploitative. I hope that the series departs from this tone, as it makes reading uncomfortable and reminds me of changes that the comic industry has needed to make for decades regarding the relationship to women, sex, and assault.

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The Dreaming (2018) #1

Sep 5, 2018

The Dreaming is off to a great start. With a strange world full of beautiful art and a creative narrative, we are getting a story that is engaging on multiple levels. To say this issue is well-done is an understatement, as it is a coalescence of skill and talent. I look forward to what comes next.

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The Dreaming (2018) #2

Oct 3, 2018

Theres so much to unpack in The Dreaming and this second issue cements that idea. The characters are all strange and diverse, and they exist in a world where really anything can happen. Yet, one of the major themes emerging from this story is the fact that many people can experience pain in different ways, and no matter how fantastic their world, they can experience the same complex emotions we do.

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The Life Of Frederick Douglass #1

Dec 17, 2018

The Life of Frederick Douglass is truly a deep dive not just into a Black historical figure, but the sociocultural context that existed around him. Its not enough to understand that slavery happened, and its not enough to call it bad. This creative team pulls no punches in highlighting the atrocities of this era of American history, as well as who perpetuated them. Such a story dashes ahistorical notions of states rights or that all abolitionists were truly dedicated to Black lives. It also illuminates the small bricks and mortar that add up to slavery and oppression, as well as Abraham Lincolns own folly in protecting Black people. It is a tough, dense read, but this graphic novel is worth anyones time. What I hope is that folks learn from it and see how it is what helped create our modern culture, as well as how it is a reflection of current events.

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The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #1

Jan 19, 2017

If youre looking for a Captain Marvel who is owning up to her mistakes but still willing to fight, even when at odds with others, then this is the story for you. Stohl is doing something so very right with Carol and Im grateful. Im excited for where this story goes and it has certainly revitalized my love for Carol, which never truly left, by making her human rather than mischaracterized moral cannon fodder. With Rosanas, Garland, Joe Caramagna, and Anthony Gambino in tow, The Mighty Captain Marvel is telling the story it needs to with delicacy and deliberation.

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The Totally Awesome Hulk #1

Dec 1, 2015

Overall, this series raises some questions for me. Im always down for a changing of the guard, so Im interested to see where this goes. Until then, Totally Awesome Hulk will be a series I have an eye on.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #1

Oct 28, 2015

I honestly can't recommend Squirrel Girl #1 enough. The series has charm, diversity, but also offers a nuanced understanding of the characters that lends to the fun and joyousness of the series. This is a great title to help usher in the All-New, All-Different Marvel.

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The Wendy Project #1

Jul 27, 2017

This comic is an excellent exploration of something we cannot always fully know, but that affects us in varying ways. The Wendy Project is an excellent addition to any library and could be a vital tool in helping children, adolescents, and adults learn to process their own difficult emotions.

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The Wicked + The Divine #20

Jun 8, 2016

If youre caught up with the series, The Wicked + The Divine #20 is going to rock your socks off. I caution that this is not a jumping on point, as you get a lot of information covered from the end of the second volume to the present. Still, if you happen to read this issue by itself, youll have more than enough questions that will make you want to collect the entire series. Im excited for whats next, as the revelations in this issue are going to have a profound effect on the series as it continues to up the ante.

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The Wicked + The Divine #21

Jul 16, 2016

For The Wicked + The Divine to build to this point and have more to offer is like having my mind blown with no idea of when it will re-integrate. So many things have come to a head, and the action and developments for the characters, especially Amaterasu, have me waiting with bated breath for the next issue. I loved the action, the visuals, and the continued raising of the stakes for the Pantheon.

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The Wicked + The Divine #22

Aug 17, 2016

The Wicked + The Divine #22 is exactly what youd expect from this series if youve kept up. Despite my own issues with some of the story elements, it definitely holds up in the context of the rest of this tale and provides an ending that is shocking and unsettling, refusing to let readers go with a sense of calm and comfort. Many important themes, like youth, defiance, and independence, rise within this issue and encapsulate the larger experience of the series to this defining point. You definitely want to see how this ends.

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The Wicked + The Divine #25

Jan 5, 2017

The Wicked + The Divine #25 ups the ante by the end of the issue, giving the Pantheon something grand and new to worry about. We dont know if their two year shelf-life is still a thing, or if this new development will turn that belief on its face. With complex feelings and deep characterization, the series is moving forward with a wonderful pace that makes you wait with bated breath for the next installment.

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Thunderbolts (2016) #1

May 4, 2016

Im going to need another issue to know if Im fully invested in this new run on Thunderbolts, partially due to my feelings about the end of the issue. Yet, Im willing to give it a chance to see one of my favorite teams have another go-round in the 616.

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Titans (2016) #1

Jul 27, 2016

This issue shows that brightness and joy can stand next to gravity, capturing serious elements and still offering compassion between characters. If youre a fan of these legacy characters and want to see their new place in the DCU, I recommend this issue.

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Titans (2016) #2

Aug 24, 2016

I feel like Titans could be something great, but I didnt think this is where the story would go. What I hope for in the future is a story that utilizes elements without surprises, or one that takes a sense of surprise and weaves it seamlessly into the entire story. Im no stranger to magical doppelgangers when it comes to superheroes, though I feel they werent needed her. While this series captures some of the spirit of the classic Titans, the reliance on some of the tropes through the years lends to storytelling that isnt intriguing. I love these characters and I hope the next issue improves.

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Titans (2016) #3

Sep 28, 2016

Titans is a series I had higher hopes for because the characters involved, but it isnt doing much for me. I wish there was more emphasis on how the characters connect and what it means for them to be back together. I also want the women to have a more prominent role outside of common gender conceptions. Titans teeters in the precipice of getting it right, but it doesnt quite take the plunge. I enjoyed the nods to bigger elements, but overall the series has not been for me.

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Titans (2016): Special #1

Jun 13, 2018

I will always hold a fondness for Titans new and old. This Special captures something, well, special, as the team embarks on a new direction. With their connection to the League and their own space, I think we are headed into some awesome new territory. The characters form a good mix of abilities, from magic to science to might, and their personalities seem as though they will blend to make each other stronger, much like Titans tend to do. It was a delight to see how a new chapter is starting for some classic DC characters and it will be a delight to see how they are cemented in DC continuity.

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Trinity (2016) #1

Sep 21, 2016

I didnt know to expect, and I came into Trinity with my own ideas about what needed to emerge. At the end, I find myself both satisfied and excited about the stories we are going to get in the future. I like this Bruce, Diana, and Clark, and I hope that their friendship not only sets a tone for this series but for the entire DC line as we move deeper into a different kind of universe. These touching and slice-of-life moments are part of what I look for and what I feel helps the Trinity shine, and I hope that we see more of them and the main characters connections as the series grows into its own.

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Trinity (2016) #2

Oct 19, 2016

This comic and this issue is proof that things dont have to be big on action to be good, but also that deeply emotional stories can exist within the context of cape comics. I highly encourage you to pick up this story, and I hope you enjoy it from its startling beginning to its shocking end.

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Trinity (2016) #3

Nov 16, 2016

Trinity #3 is yet another eye catching and evocative addition to one of DCs newest series. I enjoy the emotional trips into the minds and the pasts of each of the characters, as well as Lois inclusion as a gamechanging element by the end of the issue. Between art and story, this team is doing the DC Trinity justice and I appreciate their care in crafting this narrative. There seems to be so much quality work and storytelling in our future, and this issue is clearly no exception.

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U.S.Avengers #1

Jan 4, 2017

U.S.Avengers is a series that may need some time to build. Theres just enough there with the cast of characters, but maybe not enough of what it needs. I like some of the setup, especially that this title may be more prone to keeping up appearances, but it also could have gone further with more diverse characters. It may be worth a shot, though I could also understand why some readers may not be riveted by this first story.

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Ultimates #12

Oct 26, 2016

We are looking at a new age for the Ultimates. This has continued to be the series which mends the storytelling rifts of Civil War II and I admire the series ability to humanize each of the team members amidst conflicts. While this age for the team is coming to a close, Im excited for the next step, because issue twelve helped to remedy the schism between many of the team members in a way that feels realistic and human. A new chapter is in store for the Ultimates, full of promise and cosmic adventure.

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Ultimates (2015) #2

Dec 9, 2015

If you like team series, Ultimates is still your comic. Much of the narration is done through Black Panther, but everyone shines through each panel. We truly have a team of powerhouses, and if they are the right choice to tackle issues of this magnitude.

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Ultimates (2015) #3

Jan 6, 2016

I cannot recommend this book enough. I find myself more excited with each issue I read. The Ultimates #3 hints at some big development for our cast of characters and hopefully the entire Marvel Universe. To have this diverse cast of powerhouses is enough itself, but each installment of this book never fails to excite or amaze.

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Ultimates (2015) #4

Feb 10, 2016

Yet again, Ive definitely enjoyed an issue of Ultimates. I like where this story is going, and I appreciate that the arc has taken a more emotional turn while still tying in parts of the previous issues. This story is slowly but surely weaving together, but its not an excruciating wait. In fact, from start to finish and between every locale, Ultimates delivers on every front. Theres a great mix of action, science, and, in this issue, emotion that is more than enough to keep me on board.

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Ultimates (2015) #5

Mar 23, 2016

If youre a fan of the timey-wimey omniversal stuff, then youre going to love this issue. Ultimates #5 has some excellent talk about Marvels omniverse and timelines that will be sure to have some bearing on other series. The end of the issue promises something big for the future of Marvel and the Ultimates as they move into their second volume.

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Ultimates (2015) #8

Jun 22, 2016

While the major development in this issue is the teams formation, it provides necessary background for the characters and likely how their roles will play out in this series and Civil War II. We get much more of their feelings regarding being on the team and after handling the conflict with Thanos. I like that this issue provided vital information regarding the theme of the Ultimates, that it is very much political, and that more attention is paid to how they respond to the loss of Rhodey. Ultimates #8 is a great character exploration issue that provides a benchmark for the characters and the team as they move forward.

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Ultimates (2015) #10

Aug 19, 2016

Just because this issue breaks my heart does not mean it's not good. It's actually exemplary. This creative team brought together many different elements to capture the difficulty of the Ultimates' schism while relying on older plot devices to drive the series to a creatively complicated but well-executed place. I'm excited, and scared, for what's coming for the Ultimates, but the series is definitely in the right hands.

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Unbelievable Gwenpool #1

Apr 13, 2016

This series may be worth a try if you arent quite a fan of Deadpool, but dont mind Deadpool-adjacent. Rather than heavy on the quips that define him as a character, The Unbelievable Gwenpool infuses gunplay and mercenaries with a lighter and much more palatable tone and style, never losing sight of the character in effort to connect her to Marvels modern cash cow.

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Wild Storm #3

Apr 19, 2017

If youre a fan of these long lost characters, I think The Wild Storm #3 will give you what youre looking for. New readers, though, may have a slightly different experience. Theres a distant vision that is slowly being enacted, which is helping to build the drama and tension of this crew of characters. With that in mind, the pacing may feel slightly off in this series third issue, but theres still enough to pique curiosity.

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Yo-Kai Watch #1

May 17, 2017

If you have someone in your life who loves the anime, this is great for them and I think it will definitely be engaging for those who deeply love the characters. As a general reading it can feel schticky, but it is an interesting adaptation of this brand of media.

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