Silk #1
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Silk #1

Writer: Robbie Thompson Artist: Stacey Lee Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 25, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 16
8.2Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

•  Cindy Moon has been working to find the missing members of her family since she escaped the bunker that was her home prior to the events of SPIDER-VERSE. But her quest has taken her down a darker path than she expected, and she's now in cahoots with none other than the most ferocious feline in the Marvel Universe - BLACK CAT!
•  What's gotten under her skin, and is there any redeeming the SINISTER SILK? !
Rated T

  • 10
    The Rainbow Hub - Adam Sorice Nov 29, 2015

    There's so much to love in this issue and with this character, I can only implore you to give it a shot and pick it up. This new volume of Silk is taking new chances on a character that already feels like a well-established favourite after just a year, never afraid to wear its heart on its sleeve or be passionate about the little details that are often overlooked. Silk is your new favourite superhero, if she isn't already. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Word Of The Nerd - Harry Roachford Nov 28, 2015

    Opening issues are always tricky but in this case it couldn't really havegone much better. The new status quo of Cindy's life adds an extra depth to the comic and also to the character and makes it a far more in-depth read than it was before All New All Different Marvel. She's trapped between a rock and a hard place and still doesn't know what happened to her parents. If you want your comics dramatic, then you wantSilkon your list for sure! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    We The Nerdy - Joel Raivid Nov 24, 2015

    Therefore, with great twists and turns, an enjoyable story, and a really exciting last page, this Silk fan over here was really happy to have this series back in the palm of his hands! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Nov 24, 2015

    Silk #1 is a strong first issue and accessible for newcomers. It has a likeable main character, a good introduction with a few surprises thrown in, solid writing and artwork, and feels great for anyone of almost any age. If you want to check out a great new series from Marvel or are looking for a good comic for your kid, this first issue is one to check out. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 25, 2015

    Silk's hunt for the mysterious new Goblin King gives the book ample dramatic weight, though it's really the more lighthearted qualities that help it thrive. It's fun to see all the ways Thompson draws parallels between Cindy's life and the early years of Peter Parker while also shaking up the formula quite a bit. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Project Fandom - Nina Perez Dec 5, 2015

    There was something from this issue that I cannot put my finger on. The story is solid enough, and the twists at the end (which I won't spoil) promise an interesting run, but there's a charm missing. Perhaps it's because prior to this, Cindy's search for her family was filled with hope. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Nov 25, 2015

    Silk was a series I recommended to people before Secret Wars, and it remains as a series I think people should read. Not only do we have a new, diverse character within the pages of a Marvel comic, but it captures not only the adventure but the intrigue of a good comic series. Silk #1 showed that the series is definitely in for the long haul, and its one that people need to keep on their pull lists. Im happy to see that many things are the same, but many things are also likely to change in the world of Cindy Moon. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Superior Spider-Talk - Tony Goodwyn Nov 30, 2015

    Silk gets a second strong first issue in 2015, with the same creative team that made her memorable in February. Good artwork, developing narrative that builds on the character from the previous series, and a promising setup make this title one worth checking out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Nov 24, 2015

    The comic's first issue is a lot of fun. I want to see what happens next and Thompson has carved out a solid space for Silk that keeps her in a world that feels familiar for fans of the Spider family but also is unique enough to make it stand out. A great debut. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Matt Little Nov 25, 2015

    With Peter Parker off being a mogul in "Amazing Spider-Man," fans looking for a wise-cracking, entry-level spider-hero who's just looking to get by and do the right thing will find that in "Silk" #1. Though Spider-Man isn't here, the spirit of the character shows all over the book. It's a fun, entertaining debut for the Spider-line and I look forward to seeing where the story takes us. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Nov 25, 2015

    SILK may have had her beginnings spun out of the pages of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN but she's proving she has what it takes to carry her own title. With a different background and a new direction being a 'bad guy' along side Black Cat, we're seeing some interesting changes which will keep you glued to each page. With her new career move as Silk and the continuing developing of her personal life, we're really getting to know who Cindy Moon is. Robbie Thompson and Stacey Lee are on fire. Read SILK and find out why she'll be one of your favorite new characters in the Marvel Universe. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Black Nerd Problems - Lauren Bullock Nov 27, 2015

    Ultimately, what for some people may feel likeSilk's obnoxious immaturity could be lighthearted fun for others, andthe enjoyable artwork does a great job of making up for the writing's shortcomings. Since the plot finally picks up in the second half it'll be the ending's big reveal that helpsreaders decide to stick it out with this series or not, so you might just have to pick it up for yourself to decide. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Nov 24, 2015

    Ultimately, Silk isn't a bad book, but it is playing in a very competitive field. With the Spider-Office already producing some top-notch work from Spider-Gwen and Spider-Woman - not to mention the flagship Amazing Spider-Man series dominating every month - the bar has been set very high for Silk. Right now, Robbie Thompson has a great character and a great artistic partner to work with, but we need a deeper story than that if Silk is going to truly stand on her own two feet. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 28, 2015

    I just can't help but feel that Silk hasn't really"developed yet. Like it's still in its pupa stage and really needs to blossom into a butterfly. It's fine, it really is. And it's quite enjoyable. But it's competing against so many other books right now. There are dozens of quality comics on the stands these days about spunky female heroes, including several other spunky female spider-heroes. Silk doesn't really have anything that makes it stand out. It's really trying, but it needs a stronger niche. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Chase Magnett Nov 28, 2015

    Silk #1 will be a welcome return to fans of the first series, even if it is a weak issue of the ongoing narrative that will leave newcomers underwhelmed. Read Full Review

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