Harry Roachford's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Word Of The Nerd Reviews: 71
7.8Avg. Review Rating

A-Force #3

Aug 13, 2015

A-Force's only real issue is that it's been dragged down by Secret Wars. When it's free of the shackles of this Marvel Event, it might just become one of the best titles Marvel has to offer.

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A-Force #5

Oct 15, 2015

It feels like it's been a long time coming with many of the secret wars tie ins ending, but what sets this ending apart is that it also feels wonderfully like a new beginning. The creative team manages to allow the feeling of sadness of the end with the characters almost being overwhelmed, but underneath it all is still the hope that when the whole Secret Wars ordeal is finally at an end this team is one that will be coming out on the other side. We currently have no sense of whether or not the characters of this book will even remember the lives that they led on Arcadia or if it will all just be folded in, but the creative team has been very careful to make sure that for the reader at the very least this first arc of A-Force is completely unforgettable.

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A-Force (2016) #1

Jan 8, 2016

A-Force reassembling isn't instant, and that's weirdly a good thing. A-Force #1this time round in fact is mostly just about Singularity and her trying her best to deal with the evil force that's after her. However, it won't be long before she rallies more than a few of her teammates around her and from that point the book will go from excellent to extraordinary.

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All-New All-Different Avengers #4

Feb 1, 2016

When it comes to reinvigorating the Avengers, theAll New All Different Avengersdoes it in spades. The characters are still learning how to be a proper team but all the drama that seems to surround them just makes the title more fun. Not to mention the fact that they now suspect the new Thor means they could find out just who she is. Which would definitely make things more interesting!

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #1

Oct 7, 2015

Peter's life takes on a very new direction. It's unexpected and even better it's flat out brilliant, everyone has brought their A game for this opening issue and it makes it a true delight.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #7

Feb 6, 2016

This arc moves forward at a break neck pace and hopefully manages to keep this momentum for long as it goes. Slott's style means that there will undoubtedly be some loose ends from this arc, but the introduction of Regent in this issue suggests it won't be long before Spider-Man figures out a way to defeat this villain of the month.

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Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1

Jun 4, 2015

Overall, Renew Your Vows is the perfect bittersweet reminder of why comic characters should be allowed families, and also why they shouldn't. Although the latter may fall more with Slott's opinion. Peter's ultimate decision is understandable, but seems to support the idea that One More Day should have happened.

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Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #3

Aug 7, 2015

This issue is a dark treat in what you would expect to be a sweet story line. Despite the darkness, it still captures the spirit of Spider-Man and delivers a comic that's truly worth the money.

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Angela: Queen Of Hel #5

Feb 24, 2016

Overall the comic is damn well near perfect. For a comic that is set in Hel, who would have thought that the ending of the arc would be so sweet. Angela and Sera actually get a happy ending and it will be interesting to see where they manage to take the comic next. The plot threads for the next arc have been laid out and it looks like they're taking Leah and a Hel hound along for the ride, and it's bound to be great!

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Archie (2015) #3

Oct 7, 2015

The reboot of Archie has been met with a surprising amount of enthusiasm most likely as it's more down to earth than before. The issues of the characters in the comic actually feel like a mostly realistic idea of what it's like to try and navigate your way through high school, the creative team works excellently together and will hopefullycontinue to hit this new version of the classic out of the park for a long time.

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Batgirl (2011) #41

Jun 26, 2015

Batgirl #41 is a Dad and Daughter tale with a twist. In many ways it's like the Wanted Arcof Simone's run except this time Gordon has a costume of his own which makes it all far, far more complicated. However it pans out it's sure to be fascinating especially with the issues cliff hanger!

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Batgirl (2011) #44

Sep 25, 2015

Batgirlas a whole continues to be a breath of fresh air from most of the DCU lineup. It is by no means a perfect book, but it's certainly one of the best books they have out of the moment, and with each week the creative team continues to deliver dramatic, fun and engaging storytelling that leaves the reader wanting to come back for more. Not just that, but it manages to constantly have shocks that the fans don't see coming, which for comic fans is a pretty big deal.The ending of this issue features a dramatic scene focusing on one of the core characters that will shock the fans, most likely excite them too, will make Barbara Gordon'slife even more complex than it already is, and also most likely infuriate her. Which at the very least means that the next few issues will make for some really good storytelling.

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Batgirl (2011) #45

Oct 28, 2015

This issue may just be one of the best issues of the comic so far. Babs is normally so bogged down with the villains that it's nice to see an issue almost fully devoted to happiness for a change, even her burgeoning relationship with Luke Fox which seemed rushed last issue seems to make a lot more sense in this issue as they seem to click much better this time round, and the return of Dinah in this issue really doesn't hurt any either! Any fan of this iteration of the book will be eagerly looking forward to the next issue after how great this one is, Plus Babs and Spoiler are set to team up in the next issue, which is a huge draw on its own!

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Batgirl (2011) #48

Feb 5, 2016

Up till now,Batgirlhas been a much more lighthearted title. This issue more than proves that the creative team is more than equipped to delve into darker plots. They've been pulling this story off wonderfully so far and this issue is no exception, it looks like these events will be leading into the 50th special and the way it's going is gonna make it a doozy.

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Batman And Robin Eternal #17

Jan 28, 2016

The story still seems to be moving quite slow but the plot threads will all come together soon and it looks like it will be well worth it when they do! In the mean time at least the series has really been showing of the links of the robins. Hopefully the next issue has more of an action tone to it than this one gave us.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #2

Jul 2, 2015

The second issue of (Tim's) Batman Beyond is about as good as the first, but the series will hopefully be better on a whole after it manages to pull itself out of the quagmire of all the Future's End stuff. That doesn't look like it will happen any time soon, though, so who knows how this series will end up playing out.

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Belladonna #0

Jan 4, 2016

Clearly the creative team has missed the Hawkeye Initiative entirely. The comic is often either problematic or just strange. Either way it doesn't make for much of a good comic experience at all.

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Black Canary (2015) #1

Jun 18, 2015

Dinah kicks serious ass, both on the stage and off it, sometimes even both. This is a comic you shouldn't miss the idea of Dinah as a lead singer instead of a florist is one that nobody would of seen coming. But it is brilliant. If you can pick it up, you should.

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Black Canary (2015) #3

Aug 26, 2015

Black Canary #3 may not be everybody's cup of tea, this version of Black Canary is incredibly different to the one that was so popular in DC before. It's understandable that it's hard for old Black Canary fans, but this Black Canary is great in her own way and it's just plain brilliant to have a Black Canary ongoing where she's got her own cute cast and where her life isn't all caught up in Ollies. Plus we get a cliff hanger at the end of the issue that really is a clincher to the potential of the series as it really is a doozy!

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Black Canary (2015) #5

Oct 26, 2015

You can't get the gold with every issue, but this time round the creative team barely even manages the bronze, as despite the best efforts of the creative team this issue is mostly just the characters talking, with very little seeming to happen. Even if you have been loving the series so far, this timeBlack Canaryjust isn't as interesting as you would hope. It's sure to rally at some point though, so it may be worth giving this issue a miss and jumping back on for the one that follows.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #24

Feb 19, 2016

Overall Season 10 of Buffy is better than season 9, but it isn't without its issues. There still feels like there's something missing in the comic series that wasn't in the show. It isn't the different mediums, but it's hard to pinpoint just what it is. Hopefully the creative team manages to figure it out as without the slight feeling of wrongness to it, it could be one hell of a comic.

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Captain Marvel (2016) #1

Jan 21, 2016

Who would have thought that the Agent Carter show runners would transfer so well to a comic? Maybe not everyone, but thank god marvel took the chance of putting them on one of their premiere female comic characters. Captain Marvel has a new look, a new incredibly important job and a whole revitalized feeling.

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Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #1

Jun 11, 2015

Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps is not the best comic of Secret Wars, but it's pretty darn close. Carol is always very much a fascinating character, but Carol leading a team of dynamic female charactersfeels like a dream that has come true despite all odds. Although this won't be one of the comics carrying over into the new MU, it's a brilliant Secret Wars story that leaves the reader eager for the following issues of this mini. It's a great read with very little holding it down, and thankfully it doesn't get overly caught up in the larger story line of the main Secret Wars.

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Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #2

Jul 16, 2015

Overall this issue of Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps looks to be the dynamic issue that pushes the theme for the rest of the story along. If you're interested in this series, you should definitely pick up this issue as it features cute moments between Carol and Rhodey, more of Carol being the bad ass she is, and the Banshee Squadron converting the planes to rockets so they can be able to escape the land they no longer trust.

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Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #3

Aug 28, 2015

9Flight of the Banshees! Your RatingUser Rating: 0 (0 votes

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Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #4

Sep 25, 2015

It's almost the perfect ending to everything that isCaptain Marvel and the Carol CorpsandCaptain Marvelas we get to see Carol in her element, flying and most unusually she seems to be happy, which any member of the Carol Corps will be emotional to see as it seems like even if it is briefly, Carol is getting somewhat of a happy ending.

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Cavalry: 50 Years of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1

Sep 30, 2015

Agent May is perhaps a character best suited to a one-off, a great deal is still not really known about her character so any chance to see more of her in action is welcome. The only large issue is that the comic honestly doesn't really bring anything new to the character. What it does manage to do is cement her into the Marvel Comic universe properly with a real role outside of that of the show, so it's very much a hit and miss issue as nothing new is really brought to this still mildly mysterious character.

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Constantine: The Hellblazer #2

Jul 9, 2015

This issue manages to balance the suffering of losing all your weird ghostly friends with Constantines usual bored with all the supernatural crap he has to deal with. There's even some subtle Black Canary references with posters of Dinah's band cropping up in the issue. This is currently looking to be one of the best titles of DC You it can only go further up from here!

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Convergence #7

May 22, 2015

8Worthwhile Read! Your RatingUser Rating: 0 (0 votes

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Death Head #3

Sep 17, 2015

As limited series go this one is lukewarm at best. If you're a fan of horror mysteries you may enjoy this comic but the emphasis of this statement is firmly on the may, this comic might pick up somewhat in the next few issues but this is one of few instances where the readers probably aren't too concerned that itis only to be six issues.

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Earth 2: Society #8

Jan 14, 2016

Earth Society 2#8 is not without it's problems. The series as a whole never seems to manage the job of fully drawing you in. The issue ends on a rather large cliff hanger but for the most part the rest of the issue is boring. The creative team still doesn't seem to of decided what they want this comic to be. Until they figure it out the series is likely going to be one of those that people consider buying but never actually do.

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Edward Scissorhands #10

Jul 22, 2015

If your a fan of the movie, it's highly likely you'll be a fan of the comic. I would say pick it up, your unlikely to be disappointed it's a real heart warmer.

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Exit Generation #2

Oct 27, 2015

It's a shame how rough a deal indie comics get most of the time, as often some of the best comics are from small publishers such as this one. This is a limited series that isn't afraid to try something new and push the envelope a little. Despite the fact that there are some faltering moments in the issue, such as the build up at times feeling like it's almost a little overdone, the comic overall ends up as a fun read that you are unlikely to get from one of the large comic publishers. The creative team behind this comicclearly all have bright careers ahead of them. They're determined to bring their "A" game to a small limited series such as this one, so one can only imagine what they'll all do when they move onto bigger things!

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Extraordinary X-Men #1

Nov 4, 2015

Overall this opening issue to the new flagship X- Men title is mostly a good one. There are some kinks of course but it's a number one issue. Everyone is still finding their feet including the creative team. It will be nice to see how this series shapes up but so far all is looking good, every character seems interesting, the stakes are as high as they've ever really been and there's enough drama going on to fill several issues to come. Even Young Jean seems to be more consistent, although it remains to be seen if she will remain that way or not just like every thing else in this comic. If you love the X-Men or just want to start reading them then this is a comic for you!

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Extraordinary X-Men #4

Dec 26, 2015

Using Sinister as a big bad can be said to have been a somewhat questionable decision, but that's only before reading this issue. The team does such a good job showing him off and his reasons for kidnapping some of the team, that it's incredibly difficult not to find yourself drawn into this issue.

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Flash (2011) #43

Aug 28, 2015

The Flashis a pretty hit and miss comic for most of its new 52 run. This week is mostly a hit, it can be a bit dull in places, what with all the angst talking between Barry and his Dad that goes on but the villains are interesting and Barry remains endearing as ever.

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Holy F*cked #2

Oct 13, 2015

If you like your comics to be kooky and fun then Marino and Massa have definitely created the right comic for you. Despite the fact that a comic about Jesus and Satan being a couple with a baby on the way could be viewed harshly by more severe Christians, it's incredibly difficult not to see this comic as just plain fun. The characters all have a huge amount of life, you actually find yourself caring about Satans pregnancy and you'll definitely be in and out of stitches for the majority of this issue. Especially when you have Satan griping about the fact the bad guy ran through the wall and the fact that he still wants cake. It's a strange idea, but it's definitely an original one. Marino and Massa are bound to annoy some holy people but the other people will be sobusy laughing that they won't even notice.

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Inferno #2

Jun 12, 2015

In many ways this, issue is superior to the first one. Madelyne is funny and engaging and Colossus' determination to save his sister is sweet. Despite the fact the plot and art are by no means perfect and the colors at times seem bizarrely bright for such a dark setting, this is a fairly decent issue. The following issue looks to be action packed and will hopefully provide some answers to where this story will lead.

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Justice League United #11

Jul 9, 2015

In the end if you can get past the weird up and downess in the quality of the art then the issue is well worth a read. For a title that's only on it's eleventh issue, the team is in a constant state of flux which usually would be annoying but the way it's being handled actually makes it quite interesting, hopefully the art smooths out and this series will officially be good.

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Last Sons of America #1

Nov 13, 2015

This comic is definitely an acquired taste. It has drama and a level of intrigue but just not enough for any casual reader. You'd have to be particularly engaged by the members of the creative team or really like this style of story to really get into it, but if you can thenLast Sons of Americamay just be the right sort of read for you.

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Legend of Oz: The Wicked West #1

Oct 8, 2015

As a whole this is really rather not much of an opening issue. There are a few tidbits in it that seem like they would have the potential to be rather interesting but the fact that in the end the comic only ended up going for three volumes is rather telling. The idea of an Oz as a western story is actually an interesting and original idea, however the way it plays out in this issue is kind of dull. The high point of the issue would be that this version of Dorothy is definitely more of a fend for herself take charge kind of girl but even that can't make this particularly salvageable. The creative team clearly all does have potential and hopefully went onto bigger and better things following this somewhat of a failed endeavor.

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Midnighter (2015) #3

Aug 7, 2015

Midnighter is definitely one of my favourite series to emerge from the DC You. It is at times confusing if you weren't well versed in the characters to begin with, but some minor research pretty much irons that out so it's not really a solid complaint. It's about time a series with a gay man wasn't solely about the fact he's a gay man came from one of the big two and Midnighter does this well. Plus, the end of this issue definitely makes any fan of Grayson or Midnighter pysched for the next.

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Midnighter (2015) #7

Dec 3, 2015

When it comes toMidnighteras a series, this may be the best issue so far. The only part that fell flat was the villains whining reasons for why he does what he does, and even that can be viewed in a positive light as Orlando seems to have built the villain to be the sort of a** hole that your more likely to just hate than feel any level of sympathy towards. It is good to see the series come out from under the weight of who robbed the god garden though and it will be brilliant to see where the team takes our protagonist next.

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Midnighter (2015) #10

Mar 3, 2016

As a rule, cross overs are a risky business. The pay off can be great but issues like this show the risks of them running slightly dry. Action is a requirement for this comic and whilst there is some at times it feels like very little is actually happening.

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Mockingbird: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #1

Sep 5, 2015

Mockingbird Shield 50th Anniversary #1is unexpectedly one of my recent favorite comics. I went in expecting not to like it very much as before now all I knew about Bobbi Morse is what I had seen of the Agents of Shield version. What I didn't realise is she is really awesome on the page too and it's rather sad to think that this is only going to a one shot look into Mockingbird.

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Mythic #7

Feb 25, 2016

In total this issue is one that has a lot of ups and downs. There is a lot of good here but the fact is the unpredictable nature of the comic can only do so much. Other than the very odd moments of the comic it's not that enjoyable an experience.

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New Avengers (2015) #2

Oct 28, 2015

Whilst this isn't the best comic out there by any means it is one that's enjoyable, which is really the point of buying any comic. Hopefully the artwork is one wherethe more of it you see the more acclimatize to the quirks that go along with it. If this isn't the case then it may be necessary to either rotate the artists on the book or change the artist all together, as it seems like Sandoual may be one of those Marmite artists. Other than that this is a really solid comic and a good starting point for this team.

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Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #2

Feb 19, 2016

In total this series is shaping out fairly well. It's by no means perfect but it works well as a way to flesh out the new 52 version of Poison Ivy. She's trying a new path and reading along her strange adventures are for the most part fun to read. Now that the fleshing out stage is over the next four issues should be very intriguing.

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Secret Wars Journal #1

May 29, 2015

Secret Wars Journal #1 despite it's fault was actually a good comic. Hopefully the issues to follow will have interesting plots for both half of the comics rather than one being superior to the other. Other than this small snafu the first issue of Secret Wars Journal #1 is one of the better comics of Secret Wars so far.

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Secret Wars Journal #3

Jul 1, 2015

Secret Wars Journal #3 remembers that you don't have to take yourself too seriously to tell an interesting story. Both half of the issues do this while having a sense of comedy about them. Secret Wars is still going to be going for a while yet so it's always good to find the issues that actually manage to be fun.

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Secret Wars: Secret Love #1

Aug 21, 2015

This is one of few Secret Wars titles I have been eagerly awaiting. Purely for the fact it was bound to be either funny, corny, or adorable, and it manages to be all of the above making it a real treat to read for any Marvel fan. First time buyers and long-term readers alike should be able to dive right into this.

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Siege (2015) #3

Sep 10, 2015

This issue is a game changer forSiegethere's still one issue to go and up until the very end it seemed very much like it would all be over, which begs the question, what on earth is coming next?

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Silk (2015) #1

Nov 28, 2015

Opening issues are always tricky but in this case it couldn't really havegone much better. The new status quo of Cindy's life adds an extra depth to the comic and also to the character and makes it a far more in-depth read than it was before All New All Different Marvel. She's trapped between a rock and a hard place and still doesn't know what happened to her parents. If you want your comics dramatic, then you wantSilkon your list for sure!

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Spider-Gwen (2015) #1

Oct 15, 2015

If you're thinking of picking up this book for a gritty story, then don't. However, if your thinking of picking it up for an interesting story in the life of a young and troubled female character who still manages to crack wise and maintain a level of happiness then by all means go ahead and buy this! The creative team of this book is hardly one that has had huge issues but their were of course some issues with the last iteration of the book, such as not much on Gwen's past and some aspects of the art. It seems that this time 'round however they're determined to start strong with us finding out more about the Gwen of this world than has ever been revealed before. Plus, the art is great for this issue. If there is any point you should jump on the Spider- Gwen band wagon it is most assuredly now, especially with the conclusion of this issue.

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Spider-Verse (2015) #5

Sep 16, 2015

Other than a few small foibles this is a very solid conclusion. It's definitely worth the money, the humor is good, and every character gets to shine in their own way in the issue. What felt like mostly a hit ormiss Secret Wars book up until this point has really found its footing in the last two issues. With the work in this issue being so good the excitement for the Web Warriors comic is no longer just a tepid feeling.

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Starfire #7

Dec 10, 2015

The reunion of Starfire and Grayson was already bound to be great, but also sort of a mess considering what they're both like. So of course when you read it, it totally is, but thankfully it's the beautiful disaster sort of mess. The kind that you can't help but enjoy.

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Superman: Lois and Clark #3

Dec 31, 2015

This issue begins to bring the pace of the series up, the exposition is gone and now it's time to get into the action more. Thankfully the action is exactly the sort of worrying drama that you want when you get a comic, yet it still manages to give you that warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that there is a Clark and Lois that are together in the New 52, even if they're not really supposed to be the official ones.

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Switch #2

Nov 27, 2015

Except for a few bum notes this issue is mostly a very worthy issue. The art and the writing work well, the story building is strong and the world being built around the new wielder of the witchblade is a riveting one the relationship between Mary and the others is very good, in particular the protective sibling relationship lending to the story and it will be good to see how the story progresses moving forward in the next few issues of the series. Switch does well at making the witchblade fascinating under a new character.

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The Beauty #1

Aug 21, 2015

What makes this so great as a first issue is that Haun and Hurley really portray the world of The Beauty in a way that is incredibly realistic. You could easily see that if this were to happen in the real world, it would go a lot like the world building of the comic.

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The Beauty #3

Oct 22, 2015

Continuing the trend of the series thus far,The Beauty #3is an issue that balances the elements of intenseworld building with action incredibly well, making it an interesting read. All of the new plot reveals in the comic, in this issue don't hurt it at all either. In fact it doesn't look like the pace will be slowing down any time soon, so if you love high drama, original premises (I mean come on, who would have thought that a comic where people become super hot from having STI would ever be a thing, let alone such a good one!) crime, and of course death then this is definitely the right sort of comic for you!

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The Beauty #5

Dec 18, 2015

Despite these confusing and open ended frustrations, this comic is just one example of howImage Comics is constantly upping their game, and pushing to distinguishthemselves on a whole different level compared to otherpublishers. It is clear in this issue that the creators ofThe Beautyhave a real sense of their story and where they want to go next, and anyone who's been reading is most likely very eager to follow them and see just what their plans are.

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The Saints #3

Dec 11, 2015

Saintsis actually quite surprising, you'd think that it would be a more evangelical style of comic. However it's actually very down to earth. The characters may have powers but they're all pretty much stupid kids who've got stuck with powers they don't understand. The only difference being that whilst it's usually radioactivity or something causing teens to get powers in comics this time round its divine intervention that brings it on, so of course that makes everything far more complicated for the protagonists.

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The Wicked + The Divine #14

Sep 10, 2015

This series goes from strength to strength and it annoyingly focuses on the worst of the pantheon characters, Woden really is a class A loser, at least with this flashback heavy issue the readers finally get to know some of the answers to the questions that have been burning since the early issues. Particularly the answer of why Laura bit the dust.

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Thors #1

Jun 19, 2015

Thors #1 is a decent comic, but it is not as good as the Thor before Secret Wars. However, with Secret Wars continuing on for some time, this comic is entertaining enough to read until the MU goes back to whatever the new normal for Marvel will be.

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Titans Hunt #3

Dec 26, 2015

This comic is important for the DCU. It may be a slow burner but the ramifications of this series could mean a spin out to a fully fledged titans comic. This will only happen if the writing remains decent and the art improves though, some bigger drama and some better art definitely needs to be implemented, butTitans Hunt #3definitely manages to build towards a higher revelation for the potential team.

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Ultimates (2015) #1

Nov 11, 2015

Once your past all the super science, or at the very least used to it then this just might be in the top two for the team books marvel is currently putting out. The characters gel brilliantly, the art makes every page engaging and when Ewing isn't bogged down trying to show the super science changes of the MU he's really able to let loose and lift the characters into a high pace world of action that's as far of the ground as you can get. After all who doesn't love a good space super hero story?

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Ultimates (2015) #3

Jan 8, 2016

It's amazing how unpredictable this comic is. When you have a team whose whole purpose is trying to figure out ways to make the whole universe better, you'd think at some point it would just get either too confusing or too weird. However,Ultimates #3manages to pass this, the ideas are very big but despite this fact you still find yourself enjoying the ride. Whileit can be confusing at times, the characters are trying to change the broken time stream and they're leaving space to do so. It all seems like a lot for something that probably won't even pan out.

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Vampirella (2016) #1

Mar 2, 2016

No first issue can ever be perfect but this new take onVampirellais most definitely going in the right direction. Placing a vampire in the city of angels is ironic but it's the sort of irony that works. The creative team already have a rhythm. Once they get into the swing of things proper then you'll want to watch this space.

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Vision (2015) #1

Nov 5, 2015

Vision #1is unexpectedly good. As a comic it manages to be deeply intense, even though you know that the Visions are doing their best just to live normal lives for the most part you just don't really relate all that much to them. You feel bad for one of the twins at one point but other than that its incredibly hard not to see what is going on with this family as being super creepy. However this seems to be the intent and it is an interesting premise, so the comic does seem to be meeting its criteria. The issue in this way is a good one, and considering it focuses on a lower tier Avenger this is a pretty mean feat. Hopefully the comic continues in this vein, as it is a cool concept.

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We Are Robin #2

Jul 22, 2015

This series has a lot of potential to be incredible. The art style is mostly good and so is the writing, but they need to give some focus to more than just Duke. He's already the most developed character in the book and that was before the series even started.

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Weird Love #11

Jan 26, 2016

Weird Love #11is a comic that is only really suited to the old romantics. If you wish for a time where people were incredibly awkward and overly dramatic in their romantic endeavors then this is your sort of comic. If not then not even staying away from this comic with a ten foot barge pole is far away enough.

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