The Wicked + The Divine #14

Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist: Jamie McKelvie Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: September 9, 2015 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 12
8.4Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Behind the music, Woden's stayed back from the spotlight. But in this issue? We look beneath the mask. Shall we say it's the most audacious and experimental issue of WicDiv yet? I think so.

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Alyssa Jackson Sep 10, 2015

    So now we know. Ananke has a plan and someone else is going to die and soon. But who and who the mysterious other helmeted figure is, we'll hopefully find out next month. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    IGN - Jeff Lake Sep 10, 2015

    One month after Kieron Gillen devastated with a pointed look at celebrity pressure and the cruel evil of social anonymity, he offers an equally sharp look at the reverse. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    Multiversity Comics - Stephenson Ardern-Sodje Sep 14, 2015

    Dizzying and uncomfortable, even as it draws you deeper into Woden's web, this issue is a masterclass in comic-book creation. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Sep 11, 2015

    "The Wicked + The Divine" #14 is a triumph for comics and does things artistically that no one else has even attempted. It's an issue that not only breaks down established notions about comic book art but also provides some huge developments for the story. This is a perfect example of why you should not be missing out on "The Wicked + The Divine". Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    BGCP - neil_or_no_deal Sep 26, 2015

    The comic book equivalent of Danny Tenaglia's remix of Green Velvet's 'Flash'. Familiar but altogether something new, something dark, something twisted. A creative experiment that more than pays off. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Rainbow Hub - Logan Dalton Sep 9, 2015

    Like Diplo, Woden also is completely unoriginal, and Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie show this by reusing art from previous issues of WicDiv and even a completely different comic (Sex Criminals). It's a bold, experimental choice and pays off as WicDiv now has its true antagonist (Sorry, Baphomet.) and is revealed to be bleaker than we originally thought, especially with a cryptic final page featuring Woden and his new Valkyrie, who may or may not be Laura. And along the way, Kieron Gillen launches some powerful and effective attacks on everything from powerful music exec to pick up artist culture and so-called nice guys. WicDiv #14 is both formally innovative and socially relevant. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Sep 10, 2015

    Most comics couldn't and shouldn't try to pull this off. "The Wicked + The Divine" #14 is a smart and peculiar comic, one that has built up enough of a backlog of material at this point to make what could have easily been a flop into an actual hit. (If you'd told me that Gillen and McKelvie were going to remix earlier issues of their comics into a new one, though, I would have assumed it would be the music-themed "Phonogram," so all the more power to them for surprising everyone.) As eager as I am to see the main narrative move forward, this strange side-step was not only a pleasure, it was something that I wanted without even realizing it was an option. Nicely done. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Word Of The Nerd - Harry Roachford Sep 10, 2015

    This series goes from strength to strength and it annoyingly focuses on the worst of the pantheon characters, Woden really is a class A loser, at least with this flashback heavy issue the readers finally get to know some of the answers to the questions that have been burning since the early issues. Particularly the answer of why Laura bit the dust. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Sep 10, 2015

    A-plus for effort in trying to set this one apart, but the execution isn't all there. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Sep 14, 2015

    The murder of the comic's leading character as part of Ananke's mysterious plan is also addressed, but not explained. I'll admit I'm still at a loss with the series since the death of Laura, removing the human element to the story and leaving us with only the nefarious plans of spoiled gods which may not be enough to keep me coming back to see how things eventually shake out. For fans. Read Full Review

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