Alyssa Jackson's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: AIPT Reviews: 124
8.8Avg. Review Rating

America #1

Mar 1, 2017

Overall, I'm really excited about this series and I can't wait to see where the team takes America next.

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America #2

Apr 5, 2017

I'm so torn, because I love this character, but this book is such a mixed bag. The pieces are all there, the team just needs to bring it all together.

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Backstagers #1

Aug 17, 2016

And no, I could not end this review without acknowledging the perfect variant cover for the introductory issue. This team is not throwing away their shot! I need this as a print.

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Bitch Planet #2

Jan 28, 2015

I like a book that isn't afraid to have a strong point of view and I'm incredibly happy there's a publisher like Image where such books are possible. The fact that the writing and art are incredibly strong and compelling doesn't hurt either.

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Bitch Planet #3

Feb 18, 2015

Next week, we get back to the main story but I loved this detour. Penny Rolle managed to become a major fan favorite from issue one, so getting her story right away was immensely satisfying.

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Bitch Planet: Triple Feature #1

Jun 14, 2017

I love seeing what different creators do in established worlds and these three stories knocked it out of the park. I think these anthology issues are going to be something to look forward to, and I'm especially excited to see who else Kelly Sue and Valentine tap to participate.

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Bitch Planet: Triple Feature #3

Aug 17, 2017

'Bitch Planet: Triple Feature' #3 focuses on law enforcement in the New Protectorate, and how those in charge use otherness as part of their controlling vision.

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Bitch Planet: Triple Feature #4

Sep 20, 2017

These triple features were such an excellent idea, and I'm excited to see what we get next.

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Canto #1

Jun 25, 2019

While the story seems simple at the start, Booher lays the groundwork for a fascinating world. Who are these beings? How did Canto's people become enslaved? Who is the mysterious person replacing the hearts? He also does a good job of keeping the book carefully straddling the line of intense without it crossing into too scary for an all ages book.

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Captain Marvel (2014) #12

Feb 12, 2015

So while this issue might not have set me on fire, it does lead us back into the main story and I am looking forward to seeing what happens next.

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Captain Marvel (2016) #1

Jan 19, 2016

As I read, I found myself grinning as I went along. This book is not only a great continuation of the Carol that Kelly Sue Deconnick drew many readers to, but it's also an easy introduction to the character for new readers. I would have enjoyed this book even if I wasn't already invested and I'm definitely hooked for what's to come. Especially if we get that promised visit from Rhodey.

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Catwoman (2018) #7

Jan 16, 2019

I also have to give props to the gorgeous variant cover by Ben Oliver. Absolutely stunning colors and I love the delicate, sketch-like quality to the piece.

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DC / Looney Tunes: Wonder Woman/Tasmanian Devil #1

Jun 21, 2017

Overall, this issue is extremely lopsided and I think it's because these are inherently such different characters. That extreme opposite can sometimes create some interesting complications, but in this case it just ended up with a mess. The second story actually only worked because they used an outside story for the bulk of it, which was really smart.

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Euthanauts #1

Jul 18, 2018

This book isn't easy and it's introducing a lot of questions before we get any answers, but it's a challenge I'm very excited to follow.

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Faith #1

Jul 22, 2016

I'm so happy this book is back. Faith became a must-read book for me during the mini-series and I'm looking forward to a long adventure with her.

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Faith #4

Oct 19, 2016

All in all, this was a terrifically entertaining mini-arc and I can't wait to see what we get next!

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Faith #5

Nov 2, 2016

While I think tackling an election special issue is tricky no matter the circumstance around it, if you are going to do it, then make it an actual election special. Have all the stories tie in somehow, not just one. I appreciate the concept of encouraging people to vote, but ultimately this felt like a pure concept piece rather than a fully fleshed story.

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Faith #9

Mar 1, 2017

Faith works best when the story has some playfulness and this one worked brilliantly.

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Faith #10

Apr 4, 2017

This is a comic that keeps getting better and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where this arc goes.

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Faith #11

May 5, 2017

The writing continues to be solid and the art is wonderful.

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Faith #12

Jun 7, 2017

I love so many moments in this book--I think it might be the best of the arc.

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Faith: Winter Wonderland Special #1

Dec 5, 2017

While this is a fun break from the main story, there isn't a lot of depth here. It's as candy-colored as the art in the issue.

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Faith (Mini-Series) #1

Jan 26, 2016

All in all, this book made me happy in so many ways. There are couple of clunky moments that are mostly due to this being a first issue of a new series, but not enough to detract from the book's overall delightfulness. We've got a solid set up to a good story, with a fun and unique heroine, and I can't wait to see what's coming next.

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Faith (Mini-Series) #2

Feb 24, 2016

I like this book so much that it's gotten me interested in Faith's origins and her former superteam. Looks like I'm going to be hitting my LCS for some trades!

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Faith (Mini-Series) #4

Apr 26, 2016

The issue ends with what feels like a mission statement: “Maybe it's the little changes that end up being the best ones. After all, it's the big and the little moments that make it my story.”

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Firefly (2018): The Outlaw Ma Reynolds #1

Jan 8, 2020

This is a fast-paced and thoroughly enjoyable read, and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how the story plays out.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Tales From Oz #6

Jan 13, 2015

Ultimately the issue is leading into a larger plot, but I'm not interested enough to stick with it. Nothing about this story felt new or unexpected, even with the deviations from the other Oz works this pulls from. I'd rather be shocked than bored, and I'm definitely coming down on the side of bored with this book.

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Hawkeye (2016) #1

Dec 14, 2016

This is a solid start to what is going to be a great book and a nice addition to the Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, etc lineup of kickass Marvel girls.

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Hawkeye (2016) #2

Jan 4, 2017

I'm definitely excited by the inclusion of lots of diverse characters and it seems like they are setting up the police detective, Johnny, and Ramone to be important players in the story as it unfolds. I think it's important to point out that like Ms. Marvel, this is the kind of easy, non-showy diversity that comics should do – making a character a person of color, having them drop into the convo that they are gay — this doesn't have to be a big deal or stop the flow of the story, and that's exactly what the team successfully does here. I really appreciated seeing that.

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I Am Groot #1

May 24, 2017

This is a huge win of a first issue, setting a great tone for the series and has got me very excited for where it's gonna go.

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I Am Groot #2

Jun 30, 2017

This is such a fun and weird little book. I'm enjoying every issue.

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Jem and the Holograms #1

Mar 25, 2015

There are hints of promise here. I like that Thompson had Jerrica composing a song, a nice throwback to all the original music in the cartoon. The girls have distinct personalities and hopefully in coming issues we'll get more of their family dynamics. I'll stick around for more issues, but I really hope the writing improves.

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Joyride #1

Apr 20, 2016

So I'm in. I love a book that isn't afraid to have a little fun, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Joyride #3

Jun 15, 2016

However, I still love the snappy dialog, and the art and colors are sharp and fun. And despite my nitpicks, this book is definitely enjoyable and fun to read. The bit when Protex gained life goals and zoomed away made me laugh out loud. But my standards were set very high at the outset, so I'm just left a little wanting.

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Joyride #4

Jul 22, 2016

Definitely looking forward to where the story is going.

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Kim & Kim #1

Jul 6, 2016

This is the kind of book I want to support for many reasons and there is a lot here that I genuinely enjoyed. I'm definitely sticking around, but I hope the team will settle in and hit hard on the things that work best.

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Lady Killer 2 #1

Jul 13, 2016

This is quickly becoming one of my favorite books and I cannot wait to see what Jones and Madsen have in store.

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Lady Killer 2 #2

Sep 14, 2016

This comic never fails to delight me. Every panel has something that catches your eye and stops you from racing through the issue, and her use of textures and playfulness with breaking panel walls mirrors Josie's desires to break out of her stifled 60's housewife role. I'm sure there will be an issue I'll rate less than 10 some day, but this is not it.

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Lady Killer 2 #3

Nov 16, 2016

Jones always creates big, bold storylines, so now that Josie's personal and professional lives are now intertwined, things should be getting very interesting. This title remains the best book I'm reading and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Lady Killer 2 #4

Mar 6, 2017

Knowing how much Jones is able to plot within each issue, I know the final two are building to something truly fantastic and, of course, blood-soaked. I can't wait.

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Lady Killer 2 #5

Aug 30, 2017

In some ways, this echoes #5 of the first Lady Killer series, but instead of watching a carefully executed plan play out, we get a brutal, desperate battle for survival, more Tarantino than James Bond.

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Lumberjanes #9

Dec 17, 2014

While this issue is mostly an independent story, it still gives us more of the girls and traditional camp activities, with the bonus hint of what the next arc might be. I'm hoping for some Native American influences in the next arc. A bear turning into an old lady? What the junk!

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Lumberjanes #11

Feb 18, 2015

So all in all, though I'm still definitely enjoying the series, that spectacular first arc is a tough act to follow. Hopefully once the storylines start coming together, the pace will pick up that sparkiness that first captured me.

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Lumberjanes #12

Mar 18, 2015

So where does the story go from here? I don't know, but I can't wait to find out! Things have picked up steam and I know it should be something good.

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Lumberjanes #13

Apr 14, 2015

So here's to friendship and fun and a very interesting summer indeed.

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Lumberjanes #15

Jun 18, 2015

This new story arc has really kicked Lumberjanes back into high gear. The writing is top notch and the pacing on this issue was superb, moving back and forth between the two perspectives at just the right moments.

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Lumberjanes #16

Jul 15, 2015

I am loving every issue of this arc! Not only is it action-packed as the story races on, but we're getting backstory without slowing the pace. The history of the Lumberjanes is fascinating and I probably should have guessed that the Bear Woman used to be the camp leader.

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Lumberjanes #18

Sep 16, 2015

I'm intrigued by a giant merpeople battle, but I hope getting there becomes more interesting as the arc continues.

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Lumberjanes #19

Oct 21, 2015

We are nearing the giant battle we saw in the first issue, so I'm looking forward to how we are going to get there.

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Lumberjanes #20

Nov 17, 2015

I feel like I've come across as overly harsh in my reviews of this arc, because I still love Lumberjanes and I enjoy reading it every month. It just started on such a high note and was such a unique book that I hold it to a very high standard, and this arc just didn't do it for me. Maybe I'm not the target audience for this particular arc – I'm an adult and I have no doubt that younger readers, especially tweens, will love it. But I would have liked a little more show and less tell with the messaging.

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Lumberjanes #25

Apr 19, 2016

I'm so happy to get back to Lumberjanes and the beginning of this arc feels much closer to the origina stories I loved so much. I definitely can't wait to see where this story is going to go.

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Lumberjanes: Beyond Bay Leaf #1

Oct 14, 2015

This is a great standalone story; Hicks deepens the world of Lumberjanes while keeping us firmly within it. I hope I see more of this team in the future!

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Lumberjanes: Faire & Square #1

Jun 21, 2017

A heartwarming collection of stories that showcase what makes Lumberjanes special. Sweet, not saccharine.

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Misfit City #1

May 10, 2017

Overall, the art is strong. I really like the character designs " each girl looks unique and has lots of great details. The action is clear and the panel layouts work with the story. My one nitpick is that the color is on the dark side, with lots of muted tones, even with the pops of color. I'll be interested to see if things start to pop more once the adventure gets going.

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1

Nov 24, 2015

This is an awesome intro to a new series. Lunella is going to fit in nicely with her fellow young Marvel ladies, Kamala and Doreen. (I also think she and Gertie would have a lot to talk about. #badassgirlswithdinosaurs). Bring on the dinosaur/girl bonding!

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #2

Dec 27, 2015

This book is such a great addition to the Marvel universe, specifically to the new generation of lady heroes. I'm really hoping we get a Kamala cameo soon.

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #12

Oct 26, 2016

Mirka Andolfo does a gorgeous job with the art. It feels within the established style of Ms. Marvel, but with her own distinct flavor added. But it's Ian Herring's colors that take it to the next level. I love the warm tones and shades of yellows and reds, and how he changes the tones as the story progresses. A fantastic team effort that made this a special issue.

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #13

Nov 30, 2016

It's a shame that this issue got pushed back from its intended release date. I think if I had read this before Election Day, it would have made me feel excited to vote and about the possibilities of what could happen. Now it just makes me feel sad. But I believe in what Willow has to say and hopefully in a couple years when voting day arrives again, I can reread this to get inspired.

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #14

Jan 11, 2017

While online privacy isn't exactly a new topic, I trust Wilson and team to make this story interesting and this first issue did a great job of setting up the coming story.

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #15

Feb 9, 2017

I'm only expecting this short arc to get more real, and I really can't wait to see how Wilson and team tackles the current state of our country once this arc is complete.

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #17

Apr 19, 2017

Outside of the main villain storyline, I'm so happy we got some great character movement throughout this arc. Zoe's transformation has been wonderful to watch, and her conversation with Nakia in the last issue was beautifully handled. And I'll admit that my heart gave a little leap when I realized that Kamala was calling Bruno, and the cover for next month's issue has me very excited for potentially reuniting this friendship.

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Mulan: Revelations #2

Jul 28, 2015

Now this sounds like a lot of negatives, but don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed this issue. Seeing Mulan's powers in action was badass, and overall the art is still gorgeous, with great use of color. I'm just have some concerns; a book with such a cool and interesting concept is in danger of going in a very standard direction with the story.

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Mystery Girl #1

Nov 17, 2015

I really enjoyed this book; I'm hooked on the story and I'm especially taken with the art. A very solid intro into a new series and I can't wait to read the next issue.

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Mystery Girl #3

Feb 4, 2016

I'm still intrigued by the story and by Trine as a character, but I don't know if I'm going to like the darker direction the book is taking.

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Old Man Logan (2016) #14

Nov 30, 2016

Lemire, Andrade, and Bellaire make a fantastic team and I think this is a going to be a great arc.

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Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl #1

Aug 4, 2015

I think if I'm going to continue with this book, I'm going to have to go back and read at least “The Singles Club”, as Gillen suggested. While he was right, and I'm getting enough to enjoy this book on the surface, I think you have to have the backstory of these characters and the intro to the world to really get the full experience. I have a month, so I better get reading.

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Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl #2

Sep 10, 2015

McKelvie and Wilson own this book, perfectly capturing the styles of the music videos and seamlessly moving from style to style as Emily flees and fights. It's fantastic how Emily still looks like herself, though in the pen and ink drawing of Take On Me, while the rest of the scene looks identical to the video. The zombie backup dancers in Material Girl, framed against that sinisterly cheerful pink background? Perfection. It feels like Matt and Jamie are having as much fun drawing/coloring these issues as Gillen is writing them.

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Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #1

Jan 20, 2016

Overall, I came away with a feeling of "meh". I'll probably pick up the next issue, but the art may be a big reason I don't stick with it.

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Rat Queens #9

Mar 4, 2015

This issue is a great start back into one of my favorite books. Losing your co-creator/artist could have been a major blow, but Wiebe doesn't lose a stride, giving us his trademark humor, friendship, action, and snark in an issue that is perfectly paced. This book is so consistently great, I can't wait for next month.

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Rat Queens #10

Apr 8, 2015

And we end with a huge cliffhanger! You got me, Wiebe. I'm in and I can't wait to see where you go from here.

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Rat Queens: Braga #1

Jan 14, 2015

Next week we swing back into the main story and I for one can't wait. This issue didn't feel like a placeholder, it just whetted my appetite for more of our foul-mouthed heroines.

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Runaways (2017) #1

Sep 13, 2017

'Runaways' #1 brings back a fan-favorite team with a fresh take.

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Sleepless (2017) #1

Dec 5, 2017

An intriguing and beautiful beginning to an exciting new series.

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Sparks Nevada: Marshal on Mars #4

Jul 29, 2015

So I'm in. I'm ready for this future of Sparks and his pals, and I'm under onus to Acker and Blacker for building a world that I love so much.

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Spell On Wheels #1

Oct 19, 2016

I'm definitely in to see where this series goes, especially now that the girls are on the road in their sweet ride. I'm sure many shenanigans will follow.

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Spider-Ham (2019) #2

Jan 29, 2020

For a book that embraces the ridiculous whole-heartedly (in that vein I apologize profusely for this review's subheader), writer Zeb Wells packs a ton of plot into this cartoon pig invading Earth, while keeping up the puns and visual gags on every page.

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Spider-Woman (2020) #1

Mar 17, 2020

It's obvious Karla Pacheco and Pere Prez are having a blast, and with the writing and the art playing off of each other, there's a great mix of humor and quips, with the more serious moments of Jessica struggling against the murderous rage that's filling her.

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Star Wars: Poe Dameron #1

Apr 5, 2016

The entire team does a great job of keeping the book interesting and friendly to an audience skewing younger. I have a feeling a lot of kids will pick up this book and I think it will satisfy them as much as adults. I think the subsequent issues can only get better as it can expand beyond establishing the story and get into the meat of it.

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Star-Lord (2016) #1

Dec 21, 2016

So yeah, I am all in for this book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and I can't wait for next month's installment.

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Star-Lord (2016) #2

Jan 20, 2017

We're only two issues in and this is the book I'm most looking forward to every month.

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Star-Lord (2016) #3

Feb 15, 2017

Whenever I want to get away, this book is reliably one that can give me a break from my worries. Cheers, guys.

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Strange Fruit #1

Jul 8, 2015

Overall, I think this is a very promising book. Four issues isn't a lot of time to cover the many facets of the story they have set up in this issue, but I'm hopeful that they can accomplish it. I can see this as an on-going world, and I'm definitely looking forward to read the rest of the series, and especially can't wait to see what our mysterious man from the sky is going to bring out in this town on the edge.

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Strange Fruit #2

Oct 14, 2015

I'm planning on sticking with this book, but I'm disappointed in how the book seems to be shaping as the story progresses. Jones and Waid had huge ambitions with this book, but I can't see them finishing this story in four issues.

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The Adventures of Aero-Girl #1

May 20, 2015

We absolutely need more girl heroines and stories with interesting and engaging girls as the star. I can see many pre-teen girls and boys enjoying this book, and can see it be compelling if Feenstra approaches the family story in a sensitive way. I'm interested enough to stick around for another issue, I was just hoping for something more substantial than what we got in this first issue.

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The Clock #1

Jan 8, 2020

Overall this issue is a solid introduction to the world, with the action picking up in the last few pages, hooking you in for the next issue. I'm very interested to see how the story develops, and how he continues with the education aspect in the backmatter.

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The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #0

Dec 21, 2016

As a member of the Carol Corps, I love Carol Danvers, and I go into every book with high expectations. It's been tough for most of the creators to follow the high bar Kelly Sue set for Captain Marvel, and this issue just didn't knock my socks off. It just felt overall like the team is trying a little too hard to get the fans to buy in to this new series. But I know this is a #0, and I'm saving my real reactions for issue #1.

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The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #1

Jan 19, 2017

Reading all this, if you are still with me, you might think that I didn't like this book, which isn't true. It's fine. But that's probably why I'm being picky – Captain Marvel is one of my favorite characters and I, like many members of the Carol Corps, have very high expectations for books with our girl. We need some strong stories so we don't lose momentum before her movie in 2018, and while I'm glad they are moving her away from Events and giving her a unique storyline, I'm not sure this particular issue is going to hook new readers.

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The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #2

Feb 22, 2017

And overall the story is moving along and it's entertaining. But there is still room for improvement; the pacing is still very odd, with scenes just not flowing well from beat to beat. And I think I have to admit that Rosanas' art style is just not for me. But I really like the team of characters on the space station and Stohl does a good job writing the rapport between them.

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The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #3

Mar 29, 2017

I live in hope, dear reader. Not for this book, which I will see through the 4th issue of 4, but if I was a new reader to Captain Marvel, this series would not be convincing me that Carol is worth spending my dollars on.

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The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #4

Apr 26, 2017

Carol deserves better and so does the Carol Corps.

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The Shadow Glass #1

Mar 24, 2016

Overall, for a book with this premise, I was disappointed to be so bored while reading it. And even more that I don't plan to stick with it.

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The Unexpected (2018) #1

Jun 6, 2018

While the book has a lot of action, nothing really hooked me about it. I didn't feel connected to the story or the characters and while I fully admit that part of that is due to this just not being to my taste, I think there are some fundamental problems that take what could be a cool idea and make it just fine.

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The Wicked + The Divine #7

Jan 21, 2015

This comic sucks me in deeply with each issue. I am never sure where the story is going to go or how I'm supposed to feel about the whole set up, and I'm enjoying that ambiguity. This issue was no exception and I can't wait to see what happens when Dionysus joins the story.

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The Wicked + The Divine #8

Feb 25, 2015

A good issue, but it did feel a bit like a placeholder. I'm hoping the action ramps up in the next issue.

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The Wicked + The Divine #9

Mar 25, 2015

McKelvie knows when to focus on the characters, and when to blow out to wildness. His pacing and Gillen's perfectly mesh, making this a completely engrossing reading experience.

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The Wicked + The Divine #11

May 27, 2015

So we're going into the end and I have no clue where it's leading. But I cannot wait for it and not a little bit dreading it as well.

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The Wicked + The Divine #12

Jul 3, 2015

I know answers are going to come slowly, and the focus on a different god each issue will keep our information limited, but as always, I'm willing to follow where the team is leading. And hopefully we will see Laura again soon.

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The Wicked + The Divine #13

Aug 5, 2015

I guess I shouldn't have expected anything else but darkness in a run titled "Commercial Suicide" and from our lord of None More Goth. And as painful as these issues are to read, the story has me firmly sucked in. I'm glad we got a "here we are in the story" bit to keep us going and I'm definitely intrigued to see what Woden has to say in the next issue.

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The Wicked + The Divine #14

Sep 10, 2015

So now we know. Ananke has a plan and someone else is going to die and soon. But who and who the mysterious other helmeted figure is, we'll hopefully find out next month.

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The Wicked + The Divine #15

Oct 14, 2015

To wrap up, I have to say how outstanding the art is in this issue. W+D

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The Wicked + The Divine #16

Nov 11, 2015

I'm so happy we got to catch our breaths for a month, because the arc end is coming and I have a feeling it's going to be the most heart-wrenching yet. I wouldn't trust my pain to anyone none more goth than the The Wicked + The Divine team.

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The Wicked + The Divine #17

Dec 17, 2015

And finally, the stinger, very appropriately named "the inevitable cliffhanger". The character many of us have been wondering about is apparently going to be making an appearance and I cannot wait. The WicDiv team are very evil and I'm sure delighting in torturing us with our long wait til March's issue.

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The Wicked + The Divine #19

May 4, 2016

I know this is going to all end in tears, but man am I enjoying the journey.

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The Wicked + The Divine #20

Jun 13, 2016

One thing you can say about this team is that they never rest on their laurels. They are constantly trying new things and I love what McKelvie did with Persephone's powers. This is the first time we (and Cass/The Norns for that matter) have seen her powers in action and the wonderful sketchy quality with the tentacle details around each panel. The sketchy quality not only gives the panels a difference, but also signals that we are getting Laura's version of this story and it may or may not be entirely accurate. And Matt Wilson as per usual hits it out of the park with his colors. I especially love the burning church and the post-coital pair.

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The Wicked + The Divine #21

Jul 13, 2016

The standout stars of this issue are McKelvie and Wilson; this issue lets them loose to everything from some of the most intricate battle sequences we've seen, intimate moments, and the insanity of that sacrifice machine. I could show you panel after panel that knocked me out, but I'd end up showing the entire issue. My favorites are Dionysus in the fight, so how about one with maximum emotional effect:

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The Wicked + The Divine #22

Aug 17, 2016

I swear, Kieron Gillen's goal in this series is to torture his readers. But to be fair, he warned us from the very beginning with the description of the book: none of these characters is going to make it out alive. The gods have a end date and nothing can change that"that we know. And nothing has been what it seemed at face value. But the brilliance of this creative team is their ability to convince us again and again that maybe THIS time, in THIS instance, we know what's coming. And we get smacked in the face by the truth every time.

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The Wicked + The Divine #29

Jul 5, 2017

So much of this issue is the gods realizing yet again that there is fallout to their actions and that even with Ananke gone, they are each individually dangerous. Once again, they have to deal with one of their own, and I have a feeling we are going to see more of this leading up to the Norns show and the revelation of Ananke's machine.

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The Wicked + The Divine #34

Mar 6, 2018

As per usual, Jamie McKelvie and Matt Wilson work magic to bring this world to life.

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The Wicked + The Divine #41

Jan 16, 2019

The WicDiv team isn't holding anything back as they rocket towards the series' conclusion. I've expected a lot of answers and reunions and we're getting them in spades. I love seeing Luci and Laura reunite, and expect literal fireworks when Inanna finally learns what horrors Baal has been committing all along. Even though the issue is fast paced, we don't lack for character moments or lose the plot.

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The Wicked + The Divine: 455 AD #1

May 17, 2017

Gillen and team have created an incredibly deep world and I'm excited to see what previous pantheon we'll see next.

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The Wicked + The Divine: 1831 #1

Sep 21, 2016

There were two pieces of info that were particularly intriguing to me: one, that gods can be pregnant and have children after they receive their powers. And the second, the creature that the gods created. I think there's an excellent chance we will see this creature again.

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The Wicked + The Divine: The Funnies #1

Nov 7, 2018

This issue feels like a delightful inside joke that every WicDiv reader is in on, and like any good inside joke, it's done with as much love as mickey taking. Some of the comics are pure short jokes, and some are fuller stories. All are fantastically entertaining.

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Thrilling Adventure Hour #1

Jul 18, 2018

While I found this comic incredibly fun and satisfying as a fan of the source material, will it translate to a new audience? I think it can. Acker and Blacker are such sharp writers, and have set up an engaging story, that I believe it can bring in new fans.

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Thrilling Adventure Hour #2

Aug 22, 2018

This issue has settled into a rollicking pace, and I'm definitely here for the continuing story.

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Thrilling Adventure Hour #3

Sep 25, 2018

Acker and Blacker continue to play with the differences between the spoken podcast and the comics medium in this series - this time they play with physical comedy with Adam only being able to fully thrall three people at a time. We also get some signature word play with the soup story and Frank and Sadie being adorable with each other.

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West Coast Avengers (2018) #1

Aug 22, 2018

This book is pure fun. It's got great action, quips, romance, and sharks stampeding down Venice Boulevard. What more do you need?

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West Coast Avengers (2018) #2

Sep 24, 2018

There are too many series that take themselves way too seriously, but I am really enjoying the embracing of teenage heroes and teenage fans and having some fun with comics again. This book should be on a shelf with Ms. Marvel and The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, bringing some brightness into the LCS.

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West Coast Avengers (2018) #3

Oct 31, 2018

This book is so consistently good and entertaining and having fun playing with the dichotomy of the ridiculousness of superhero tropes while putting real emotions into the story. Each issue we get a little deeper into these characters and more importantly, their relationships with each other.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #1

Jun 22, 2016

The surprise appearance at the end of the issue does get me excited for what's coming up, so hopefully the story will give me extra excitement for what the art is lacking for my tastes.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #3

Jul 27, 2016

Reader, I am sad. I truly wanted to enjoy this book and I really tried to see the positives in the first issues. But it is getting harder and harder when I'm just not enjoying the experience. Sigh. Back to you, JR.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #5

Aug 24, 2016

It seems like the next issue will bring the separate parts of the story together, and I'm hoping we'll get more of a connection to the larger problem of Diana's search for herself and Themyscira.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #6

Sep 14, 2016

Now that the gods have appeared to Diana, we'll see what gifts they have bestowed and how that's going to affect her future, and I can't wait.

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Wonder Woman (2016) Annual #1

May 31, 2017

I think this is a great issue overall and you absolutely get your $4.99 worth. My one nitpick is that while three of the four artists on the stories were women, not a single writer is a woman, which seems like an oversight for a Wonder Woman book in 2017.

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Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1

Jun 22, 2016

The surprise appearance at the end of the issue does get me excited for what's coming up, so hopefully the story will give me extra excitement for what the art is lacking for my tastes.

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Reviews for the Week of...


