Old Man Logan #14

Writer: Jeff Lemire Artist: Filipe Andrade Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 30, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 25
8.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

LOGAN will have to team up with the supernatural HOWLING COMMANDOS to unravel the mystery of why Jubilee has disappeared...but is he prepared for what this investigation will uncover? Follow the old man to ROMANIA and find out!
Parental Advisory

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Alyssa Jackson Nov 30, 2016

    Lemire, Andrade, and Bellaire make a fantastic team and I think this is a going to be a great arc. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Joe Ruggirello Dec 1, 2016

    Old Wolverine has some unusual new allies, and their introduction provides an ample amount of laughs (though Logan's chat with an unusually friendly Sentinel in the issue's first few pages is pretty great, too). Things get serious once the team launches their attack on Dracula's army of vampires, but Warwolf, Manphibian, Hit-Monkey, and the rest are a refreshingly fun addition to the pages of Old Man Logan. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Dec 1, 2016

    While this story feels a little decompressed " perhaps because it's missing its trademark flashback sequences " Old Man Logan #14 is still some solid entertainment. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Alex K Cossa Dec 4, 2016

    It's also worth pointing out the first time I read this comic from the review copy Marvel provided to Graphic Policy I wasn't too fond of the art, but when I picked up the physical copy (Old Man Loganis the last Marvel comic I still pick up in physical form) the art popped, and seemed to translate better from a physical comicthan when it was on the screen.Though that could just be the screen I read it on. Either way, this was an enjoyable comic that keeps the consistency of the series so far. It's not a spectacular issue, butOld Man Logan #14was good enough to hold my interest and get me excited about #15. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Dec 2, 2016

    After such a strong story arc Jeff Lemire follows it up with another story that is already set-up to be just as enjoyable. Old Man Logan #14 does not waste anytime introducing Logan to the Marvel's world of monsters and making it feel like a natural place for him to be a part of. The new Howling Commandos added a unique dynamic to the story that was refreshing. It all lead to an ending that has me highly anticipating Logan's clash with Dracula and how he will save Jubilee, a person that is like a daughter to him. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comicsverse - Alex Bisignaro Nov 30, 2016

    Overall, this issue of OLD MAN LOGAN left me wanting. I honestly believethere could have been better plot development and internal dialogue from Logan himself. While I have no idea exactly where the next issue or so will lead, I can't help but think this will be a fast story arc with too many missed opportunities. OLD MAN LOGAN #14was the kind of comic that you can skim through in about five minutes, and while that's not necessarily always awful, this series has too much potential to produce mediocre stories. As I said previously, the potential for the next issue is high, but if it's rushed like this one, I don't foresee the Howling Commandos and Dracula being fully utilized properly. Read Full Review

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