The Wicked + The Divine #17

Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist: Brandon Graham Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: December 16, 2015 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 8
7.8Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

In the last of our guest issues, we're joined by BRANDON GRAHAM (PROPHET, ISLAND, MULTIPLE WARHEADS) to slink closer to the mysterious and oft-murderous Sakhmet. Plus a back up by JAMIE & MATT. Also... the of an arc? You know WicDiv. Expect big game changers and/or Sakhmet having a nice purr.

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Alyssa Jackson Dec 17, 2015

    And finally, the stinger, very appropriately named "the inevitable cliffhanger". The character many of us have been wondering about is apparently going to be making an appearance and I cannot wait. The WicDiv team are very evil and I'm sure delighting in torturing us with our long wait til March's issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopOptiq - Ashley Leckwold Dec 16, 2015

    As the end to the "Commercial Suicide" arc, WicDiv #17 is like the goddess it is focused on. Sexy, languid, and tragic, Gillen and Graham deliver a story about Sakhmet that is just as layered as she is, showing that there is more to her than just being a cat goddess. Now the question remains is can we wait until April to find out what happens next? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Andr Habet Dec 16, 2015

    Although the final page literally spells out the return of a major character, I'm super excited to see what Gillen and McKlevie decide to do with this revelation given how successful the comic has been since that character's absence. With 'Commercial Suicide,' The Wicked & The Divine showed how the use of guest artists doesn't have to equate to a dip in art quality, or that large-scale aesthetic changes hurt a book's overall tone. By getting guest artists at the top of their work with distinct art styles that complement the spotlighted characters, readers like myself were introduced to some great work. The world of #wicdiv itself has grown and benefited from its expansion into an ensemble narrative, and so too has its narrative greatly benefited from the inclusion of creators who are able in their own way to get to the core of what makes these gods enviable, and also what still makes them human. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jeff Lake Dec 17, 2015

    The real depth ends up coming from guest artist Brandon Graham. As far as styles go Graham's is easily one of the more simplistic issues we've seen, but his simplicity actually goes a long way in heightening the book's focus. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Dec 21, 2015

    Brandon Graham's art is a change, but the story is solid (even if it doesn't give us as much background on Sakhmet as one might have hoped.) A good arc-ender… Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Dec 16, 2015

    With all that in mind, though, it's the final page of "The Wicked + The Divine" #17 that readers will be thinking about until the book returns in April. Considering that Gillen titles it "The Inevitable Cliffhanger," it's clear he and McKelvie know exactly what they're doing here, too. It's a startling little twist, one that potentially has been sitting in front of readers for months now without ever calling notice to itself. More importantly, after a very low-key final issue in this story arc, it's a smart way to rev up the readers and make them eager to see what happens next. I suspect it's going to work like a charm. It'll be a long wait for "The Wicked + The Divine" #18. Nicely played. Read Full Review

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