The Wicked + The Divine #18

Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist: Jamie McKelvie Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: April 6, 2016 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 12
8.7Critic Rating
9.3User Rating

An ideal jumping-on point. Persephone, live. The question is, will it be for more than one night? Don't call it a comeback, as JAMIE McKELVIE and MATT WILSON return to THE WICKED + THE DIVINE for the most rock-and-roll everything-explodes arc of the hit series.

  • 9.8
    Graphic Policy - Logan Dalton Apr 6, 2016

    After opening with a gorgeous full page spread of Persephone in all her glory and creating a parallel between Persephone losing her parents and Minerva still wanting to keep hers,WicDiv#18 dives right into the set pieces as the characters that Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie, and Matthew Wilson have been building off get to blow off some steam in an epic way. McKelvie truly makes Persephone the star of the show design-wise while making her simultaneously non-chalant and pissed off at Ananke, and Wilson's color work for her is intoxicating with blacks for the underworld and pinks and greens for spring when she is using her abilities in Valhalla.WicDiv#18 is electrifying reading, and its more quiet final page really messes with the character dynamics and sets up a war, both physical and emotional. No one is going to be okay by time this arc wraps up. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    The Latest Pull - Marcus Orchard Apr 6, 2016

    The Wicked + the Divine is back and at its best. Each creator's work is absolutely superb. The action is exciting, the characters are full of depth, and the art is astounding. This series is back to being a must-pull for anyone who wants to read something special. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - C.K. Stewart Apr 5, 2016

    If you're completely new to The Wicked + The Divine, this is a spoiler-tastic place to start and will take much of the dramatic punch out of earlier issues, all of which are available already in trade paperback form. But The Wicked + The Divine #18 is everything WicDiv fans have been waiting for during its brief hiatus. Gorgeous to read, action-packed, and finally pointing towards answers to questions raised over a year ago, this is a solid issue to return to and the wait has been well worth it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Apr 7, 2016

    There's a lot of Persephone's story still be told, but Gillen and McKelvie tease out just enough that it's clear there's a lot more than meets the eye going on here. I have no idea where we're going next, but I'm dying to see. "The Wicked + The Divine" #18 is divinely fun, but it's wicked we have to wait a month for the next chapter. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Flickering Myth - Zeb Larson Apr 6, 2016

    Wicked + Divine is promising a lot of action in the coming issues. Also, hopefully, no more delays! I won't lie and say I don't miss the musing on art and gender, but I do like a good fight scene too. I'd like some answers in the next couple of issues, but this was a hell of a way to come back. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Apr 6, 2016

    “The Wicked + The Divine” #18 is a splendid return for what is one of the most consistently great monthlies going right now. Gillen, McKelvie, Wilson and Cowles are in top form and I can't wait to see where this arc goes. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jeff Lake Apr 7, 2016

    Where the series goes from here is anyone's guess, but one thing is certain " this is one show you don't want to miss. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Comic Crusaders - Lead Sharp Apr 6, 2016

    Interesting characters having fun interactions in glorious settings makes me want more. So job done.4.2 stars Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopOptiq - Ashley Leckwold Apr 7, 2016

    While the tone of this arc will take some getting used to, The Wicked + The Divine #18 certainly makes a mark in driving the story forward after 'Commercial Suicide.' With fast-paced superhero action, questions being dropped along the way, and gorgeous art and color, it's good to see the series back to its old ways. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Alison Berry Apr 6, 2016

    But is it a jumping on point? I have to say no. Gillen scripted the issue with enough context clues to fill you in on whats going on; between the script and the recap you could more or less follow the action. But Im not sure some of the big emotional beats Lauras growth, Baal and Baphomets fight have the same resonance if youve not actually been reading the story? I dont think I would hand this issue to someone as a try this and see if you like it issue. Its still a great issue, and after three solid volumes of Gillen & co. breaking readers hearts, its very nice to see some sweet, ass-kicking revenge go down. The new Pantheon Divided paradigm is ripe for drama and more punching, and the cast is all growing in different directions, in most cases beyond their original archetype. The best thing aboutThe Wicked + the Divine is that's it is the comics equivalent of a mix-CD each volume; this volume is clearly the Pump-Up track collection. Read Full Review

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