Alison Berry's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicosity Reviews: 74
8.8Avg. Review Rating

All-New Invaders #1

Jan 23, 2014

Overall, this issue was a strong start to a new series that was enjoyable, accessible, and a bit too short. The double cliffhanger ending was unexpected, but Im interested enough to stick around for the second issue. This story doesnt fit into any kind of box, and being genuinely surprised by a superhero comic is a hard thing to come by these days. Next time: more Cap! Because, America! Pretty please!

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American Vampire Anthology #1

Aug 30, 2013

There you have it. The world of American Vampire just got a little bit bigger and a whole lot bloodier. The only downside to this book is the wait for books return hurts like a gold bullet in the gut.

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Avengers Assemble #18

Aug 22, 2013

Overall, the book is a great mix of character work and action, which Ive come to expect from DeConnick, and it has a clear connection to the events of Infinity #1. An enjoyable issue, and a solid tie-in.

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Avengers Assemble #19

Sep 26, 2013

The two Avengers Assemble tie-ins have been my favorites in the land of Infinity. Its important to tell stories about individuals to keep readers grounded amidst the reality-altering consequences of the mega-event. Its also vitally important to hit Clint Barton in the head with a plushie squid.

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Avengers Assemble #22.INH

Dec 19, 2013

Throw in a Zelda joke that is extra fun for lovers of both beloved Nintendo franchises and early 20th Century American authors, and you have a really solid tie-in that is easy to follow and enjoyable to read. Avengers Assemble has been very accessible throughout the multitude of crossovers this year, especially the tie-ins written by DeConnick herself. Its nice, as a newer reader, to be able to play in the Avengers sandbox without having to undertake the mammoth homework assignment of catching up on the main Avengers titles (Ill get thereeventually). The book, and this issue, are everything a fun superhero comic should be: clever, thoughtful, kinetic, and bright.

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Batman (2011) #25

Nov 14, 2013

There are a lot of questions piling up. Whats the Riddlers long game? What is going on out in the African desert? How is SHE involved in all this? What the hell, Lucius? At least now we know why the GCPD has zeppelins and how Batman got the opportunity to tap into Gothams power grid. With the lights about to go out, Im looking forward to seeing some street-detective Batman, who cannot punch or electronic-gadget his way out of everything. Bring it on. And someone get that dude a toothbrush.

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Batman (2011) #27

Jan 27, 2014

This story will read as well in trade as it does in single issue, but single issue has the advantage of highlighting the character moments at which both Snyder and Capullo excel. Those moments are making the entire Zero Year arc stand out as a story that respects the Man as much as the Bat. Im the High Priestess of the Church of Pennyworth, thank you for listening.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #23.3

Sep 19, 2013

Im excited to follow Ras al Ghuls evil schemes once more. Im even going to swallow my distaste for Jason Todd and pick up Red Hood and the Outlaws, where this story will continue under Tynion's capable pen. Thats how much I like this book. In addition to being a great piece on my favorite baddie, its a perfectly executed one-shot story. You get a lot of action, a lot of drama, and bonus Batman. Theres little else you can ask for.

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Buzzkill #4

Dec 18, 2013

If youre in recovery, or youre close to someone who is, do yourself a favor and read this. Dont expect catharsis. A hippie Doctor Strange, a psychotic drunk killing machine, a wish that someone be killed to death by bees; all of these things you can expect. You can also expect something pure, and smart, and beautiful, even in the sad parts.

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Captain Marvel (2014) #2

Apr 14, 2014

Ive been excited by the prospect of a Captain Marvel/Guardians of the Galaxy crossover since I first heard it mentioned, mostly because Carol is so well suited to this kind of adventure. On Earth, shes an Avenger, established paragons of Earth-defending. The Guardians are heroes too, but unlike the Avengers, theyre a bunch of misfits. There are no gods, no insanely rich geniuses with conveniently available resources, and no infinite roster of teammates. I look forward to seeing what Carol learns about herself in a setting where people dont know her and she doesnt have her established support network to help her. Carol will have to grow and evolve to operate under such conditions; certainly DeConnick has some thrills and twists up her sleeves for She of the Sparklefists.

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Daredevil (2014) #1

Mar 20, 2014

While the fouled pun on page 9 is still somewhere between YES and WHY, this issue is a piece of comic book treasure. The final page makes it impossible not to buy the next one. Daredevil remains one of the best, most accessible books being published today.

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Daredevil: Dark Nights #6

Nov 7, 2013

This book is a nice break from the relatively seriously themes of racism, government corruption and cancer in the main DD book. I think its important to explore as many facets of a character as you can, especially if a character does have a lighter side. As I and my fellow hosts on the Hangout often say, comics should be fun! Palmiotti delivers exactly that. This book is entertaining as hell. Bring on the next issue!

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Detective Comics (2011) #33

Jul 11, 2014

Throw in a cast of very interesting original characters and some much-needed diversity, and you have a Detective Comics run that is distinguishing itself very respectably from the many, many runs that came before. Manapul and Buccellato are amazingly talented storytellers. No doubt this arc will continue to deliver compelling surprises and gorgeous Bat punches.

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East of West #2

Apr 24, 2013

What sticks out about this story in particular is that even the protagonist isn't primarily concerned with stopping the end of the world. He's more concerned with revenge. The Message has taken root so deeply in the leadership and government structures of this world that there seems to be no stopping the end.And how ironic is it for the world's only hope for continued existence to rest with Death himself?As he tells his companions, “I am constant, or I am nothing.” Whether it's death for Some or for All, there will be a period at the end of the sentence. I cannot wait until next month when I get to turn the page.

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East of West #7

Nov 7, 2013

One of the things this issue did better than some of the others was show how bound even god-like characters seem to be to the Message, either out of devotion or obligation. Only Death seems not to care whats expected of him. So how inevitable is the inevitable? How much is plan and how much is faith? At this stage, there might not even be a difference.

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East of West #12

May 23, 2014

Stunning looks and political intrigue aside, I do miss Death and Im itching to see what those obnoxious siblings of his are up to, so I hope theyll be featured prominently next issue. This is a story that definitely takes effort on the part of the reader, and the reward often entails more effort down the road. However, each time it comes out its at the top of my stack and Im left on the edge of my seat until the next issue, so I wont complain too loudly.

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Flash (2011) #23.3

Sep 21, 2013

Overall this book was not as fun as I wanted it to be. I expect fun from the Rogues. Theyre colorful and dont care what you think of them. I dont want them to fall down the dark well of super-seriousness that so many others have recently. But, Im interested in what this book leads to a showdown between the Rogues and the CSA? Or the Reverse Flash? I like these guys way more than I like Barry Allen, so Im happy to see how they run the show in his absence. Also if Captain Boomerang, Rainbow Raider, The Top, and Pied Piper (I bet youve all forgotten him from those early issues!) could crash the party, Id be even happier.

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Forever Evil #3

Nov 11, 2013

Overall, Forever Evil continues to be an interesting event, but the pace needs to pick up and the scope needs to remain consolidated within the main title itself. The biggest strength of this story is the characterization no one knows the DCU as well as Geoff Johns. If the story can carry that focus through to the conclusion, it will be a worthwhile event for the DC library.

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Green Lantern (2011) #23.1

Sep 6, 2013

Overall, the story feels a bit like an afterthought something meant to be a short story that got padded out into 22 pages. Its not bad, its just not as good as the stuff Robert Venditti has been doing the last 3 months. It didget me incredibly excited for Lights Out, which is impressive given how much Lantern Event Fatigue Ive had. So, while this isnt the A++ example of what the Green Lantern books have been recently, Id recommend you read it so you can jump in with issue 24.

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Green Lantern (2011) #23.4

Sep 30, 2013

If you are new to Sinestro and you read this book, Im not sure how interested in him youre going to be. The issue assumes a lot of knowledge about pre-existing events in the Green Lantern books (especially New 52), but contradicts many central plot and character points. The end result is a boring, cookie-cutter villain who somehow earned the greatest weapon in the universe through deception and then earned it back through murderous rebellion. Both Sinestro, and the Green Lantern mythos at large, are done a disservice by this issue.

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Green Lantern (2011) #24

Oct 4, 2013

Green Lantern#24 has me excited because so much could happen, but given the length of the arc, Im left guessing as to what will. Last time we saw Sinestro he had an entity inside him; will the mystery of the dying entities bring him back into the fold? Atrocitus is in a similar situation. How long before the Indigos show up in force again? I dont think Ive ever been so excited about a GL event in my life. (My prediction: Dex-Starr saves the day, is a good kitty.)

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Green Lantern (2011) #27

Jan 11, 2014

Venditti excels at this sort of social/economic/political parable style of storytelling. This tale of sources of power and rights of government is shaping up to be every bit as sharp and fascinating as Lights Out. What next? I do have an idea, one that is bolstered by a very recent announcement about a new DC ongoing title in the Lantern line. Who do we know who loves the Green Lantern Corps so much, that he was willing to damn himself to save it and also has a talent for bringing rebellions to heel with the power of Fear? Im just saying is all, guys. As for Saint Walker: they better not leave him like that.

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Green Lantern (2011) Annual #2

Nov 2, 2013

Venditti said that this is the story he pitched to DC Editorial that got him the Green Lantern book. I think they made the right call. Im left with questions about the future of not just the Green Lantern Corps, but ring-slingers in general. For me, this beat the pants off of Rebirth because it takes nothing for granted. I cant ask for more out of my superhero storytelling.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #5

Aug 1, 2013

Overall, this is still a good issue, but it was my least favorite of the run so far. The various storylines felt thrown together for the sake of a tie-in, and Angela really didnt live up to the hype. I expected much more from a character created by Neil Gaiman. Perhaps it was just too big an introduction for an issue with so many other things going on. On the plus side, a lot of chess pieces are on the board, and it is clear to me that some really cool things are about to happen. Take this issue for what it is a transition and buckle in for issue 6.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #10

Jan 6, 2014

The issue did have one major flaw, and that was a severe deficit of Groot. He showed up at the end, and he got a line, but really, there needs to be more Groot.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #0

Nov 20, 2013

Just when you thought you were just having a giggle at Harleys expense, Conner and Palmiotti get crafty and sneak some plot into the last two pages. Next issue well be moving with Harley to Coney Island, and no doubt shell have a nice, quiet time with her normal neighbors and not get into any trouble at all. The DC Universe is full of dark heroes and villains and people on the fence;Harley Quinn is here to remind us all that the darkness can be funny too.

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Hawkeye (2012) #16

Jan 24, 2014

It will be nice to see Clint Barton again next issue, but its been incredibly rewarding to watch Fraction flesh out Kates world and voice as fully as he has Clints. It proves that Hawkeye is every bit as compelling as the Hawkguy.

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Helheim #6

Aug 7, 2013

This issue is a satisfying conclusion to a unique, creepy, and fun story. Ultimately, it was far too short for me. I need more Vikings and monsters! I look forward to more tales of horror (and hopefully winged Norse Frankenstein warriors) from Bunn in the future. Now if youll excuse me, Im going to try and get my Vikings/monsters fix by rereading this issue while watching the new Thor trailer on repeat.

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Inhumanity #1

Dec 5, 2013

As I stated earlier, this book is part Infinity postscript and part Inhumanteaser. Based on her role in this book, Im very curious about Fractions upcoming Inhumanity: Medusa one-shot. Im much more familiar with Black Bolt than his Queen, and I think her story coming out of this issue will be the meatiest shes stuck wondering what her husband was doing behind her back, while also having to lead her splintered people. Not to mention her entire worldview has been upended and shes homeless. I hope that the Inhumanseries will focus not just on regular people with new powers, but the inevitable Game of Thrones-style power struggle resulting from the diaspora. Inhumanity is a solid introduction to a drama set in a very weird corner of the Marvel Universe, and Id like to see Fraction thrive in that weirdness and tell a story with a more refined scope than the galaxy-sprawling epic that led us here.

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Justice League (2011) #23.2

Sep 13, 2013

There you have it: new Lobo, very different from the old Lobo, but still very Lobo. The story set up at the end of the book even allows the reader to enjoy the best of both Czarnians. It also left me desperate for more, so Id really appreciate it if DC Comics would let Bennett and Oliver reunite for a Lobo mini-series in 2014. I have a MIGHTY NEED to see just how rough this guy can get. I do have one requirement: Space Dolphins. (Sorry.) (Not sorry.)

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Lady Killer #1

Jan 7, 2015

Sort of like how Mad Men took the rich visual glamour of the early 60s and drenched it in alcoholism, failed relationships, and child neglect, Lady Killer upends the story of the Cleavers with a literal cleaver. Its always fun to take a lighter look at the darker side, and this book does it with both style and substance.

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Lazarus #1

Jun 26, 2013

There you have it. Wealth and power, family and morality, feudalism and a girl who can get up from a gunshot (or three). Rucka states in the back-up essay at the end of the first issue (seriously, dont skip it, it explains quite a bit and Warren Ellis is in it) that he and Lark have a multi-year plan in place for Lazarus, and I am telling you that you will regret missing the first arc. This is fine world-building, and you cant skip over the foundations if you ever hope to keep up.

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Lazarus #3

Aug 28, 2013

Things are ramping up. Forever's eye is not entirely on the ball. Carlyle doesn't appear to be the only Family with loyalty problems. Johanna's contempt for her little sister has exceeded her contempt for serfs and waste. Weirdly familiar people in an uncomfortably recognizable future make this issue yet another fine read.

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Lazarus #5

Dec 11, 2013

As always, as some questions are answered (how does social mobility work) at least 10,000 remain. What kind of education system is there? Where does skilled labor come from? How often are Lifts held? How evil can Johanna really get? Will we ever hear anything about Mama Carlyle? Did James send Forever that text out of some sense of paternal-ish affection, since hes spent so much time with her over the years? Thank goodness we have at least four months before the next hiatus to gather more clues about whats ahead.

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Loki: Agent of Asgard #1

Feb 5, 2014

Expectations for this book were very high, and I dont think fans will be disappointed. Loki: Agent of Asgard is pretty, funny, clever and exciting basically if there were ever a comic book that deserved a second date, this one is definitely it. Im already on pins and needles waiting for issue 2.

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Loki: Ragnarok and Roll #1

Feb 21, 2014

This mini-series is going to be a treat for fans of rock music, the Norse god of mischief, put-upon smarter siblings and laughter. If you hate this book I can only assume you hate fun and good times.

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Lumberjanes #1

Apr 14, 2014

While this book wont appeal to everyone, its important that everyone be aware of it. Comics has room for all kinds of books, and there need to be more like this one. Girls doing for girls is important in comics especially, because it is traditionally dominated by male characters and creators. Im not saying those guys are all bad; Im just saying an all-female creative team and a book celebrating young female friendships shouldnt be such a rarity in 2014. Hats off to Stevenson, Ellis, Allen, and everyone else involved for making this a reality. Im sure theyve all earned their Up All Night merit badges.

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Memetic (2014) #1

Oct 22, 2014

So, to recap: intriguing concept, timely questions, and very sharp character work. Best of luck to Team Memetic. I hope they stick the landing.

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Moon Knight (2014) #2

Apr 4, 2014

Moon Knight is a beautiful, thought-provoking comic book that doesnt read like your average cape and cowl tale. If youre willing to stretch out of your comfort zone and try something weird, you need to take a look. It tastes good, I promise.

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Moon Knight (2014) #6

Aug 11, 2014

Before this book, I had no experience with Moon Knight. Ellis was able to take a complicated character with an involved continuity and streamline him, making him more accessible to new readers like myself. For all that, he didnt sacrifice any sense of depth. The one-shot format was a great asset in this case; each issue examined a different facet of Moon Knights broken mirror of an identity a bunch of jagged pieces that look different depending on who you are and where you are standing. The sparse dialogue and the bare bones elegance of the art make this issue and this arc a stand-out piece of storytelling.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #2

Mar 24, 2014

Wilsons depiction of a young woman learning her own heart and mind is as authentic as anything I ever experienced growing up. Kamalas story is personal, it feels personal, and she feels real. The only drawback to this book is that Im starting to itch for more action, and the decompressed introduction to Kamala necessitates a bit of a slower burn. I understand that, and its definitely the right way to tell the story, but MAN I want to see her punch Doctor Doom with her giant fist at some point. In the meantime Ill settle for the sweet story of a slightly weird girl from Jersey with loving but neurotic parents and an annoying brother and homework.

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Night of the Living Deadpool #1

Jan 16, 2014

Deadpool is a playful character, and Bunn is the best there is at using him to play with everything from literary history to the nature of human existence. This issue is another strong start to the next go around the playground. I look forward to more jokes at the expense of venerated zombie-related institutions, be they film or print. Im also genuinely curious to see whats become of the world while Wade was farting in his sleep. Treat yourself to some horror humor and give this a read.

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Original Sin: Thor & Loki: The Tenth Realm #1

Jul 11, 2014

If youre all caught up on the happenings of Thor and Loki from their own books, you are going to love this book. Theres layer upon layer of subtext in every interaction. The moving parts interlock perfectly. Its bananas, but in the best possible way. Thinking forward, Angela seems a natural fit to the world of the Asgardians; it will be interesting to see how she reacts to the news of siblings, parents, and of course finding out her upbringing was a lie. Its better than a soap opera, and theres more magic hammers.

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Red Sonja (2013) #1

Jul 17, 2013

If you like guys getting stabbed and sassy red heads, buy this book. If you like adventure, scary armies and fashionable horse armor, buy this book. Theres something for everyone here, and in light of Mondays announcement, this title is only just the start.

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Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #1

Aug 21, 2014

Both stories touch on the central thesis of Wonder Woman in the Modern Age not all strength is physical. It takes just as much strength and wisdom to know when to hold back as when to use force. This is what makes Wonder Woman so unique. Whether its Catwoman and Harley Quinn or a bunch of preteen boys, Diana of Themyscira has much to teach. If every issue of Sensation Comics is like this one, DC has something truly special that will hopefully never be absent from the shelves again.

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Sex Criminals #1

Sep 25, 2013

I cannot wait for the next issue. I want to know if Jons journey was at all like Suzies, and who knows their secret. I want less Thomas Pynchon jokes. If you dig character driven stories about adults who use their magical sex powers to rob banks, or just really well-written fiction that will make you smile and laugh, give your money to Sex Criminals!

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Sex Criminals #4

Jan 11, 2014

As the story moves from foreplay to the business, its jarring how quickly Ive gotten attached to these people and how vested I am in the connections between them. The thought that Jon might not be the best thing for Suzie makes me nervous. Thats the great strength of this book. Youre laughing at sex jokes but youre also caring about these people and kinda like hanging out with them. I just hope no one else gets tased with a vibrator.

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Siege (2015) #1

Jul 17, 2015

Zombies. Robots. Giant mutant ants. Theres a 20-day countdown to destruction, and it doesnt seem like theres any chance this will end well. That said, advance notice of doom doesnt have to undercut your investment in a story, nor does it necessarily soften the blow. My hopes for this book are high. Maybe its the whole Nights Watch/A Song of Ice and Fire vibe I get off the setting, but for my money theres nothing more compelling than heroic misfits doomed to lose and fighting anyway.

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Silver Surfer (2014) #1

Mar 31, 2014

This book has the potential to go places that other books cant; the universe is big and as strange as the creative team wants to make it. It can be the Marvel book that totally ignores reality and focuses on possibility. I hope it is. I want that. I am on board for what Slott & Allred have to show me. Its definitely a risk worth taking.

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Sinestro #1

Apr 17, 2014

This book may have a lot of hardcore fans anxious, but they should be happy with this issue because its a great start with a lot of promise. Bunn is a master of many genres horror, westerns, superhero adventures, Viking stories and has also been entrusted with the latest interpretation of another famous villain at the other big superhero company. Hes the best possible captain for this ship. Its certainly a different side of Sinestro less conqueror and more rescuer but the story has started with the right balance of past and future to highlight what made Sinestro rise so high (in both the DCU and readers estimations) in the first place.

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Southern Bastards #1

Apr 30, 2014

Aaron and Latour have a story here that would probably make Faulkner hide in his closet, clutching his medal and lamenting the death of Southern gentility. Good for them. Too much Southern literature gets overly sentimental about the Old Days. Sometimes the past is ugly, and confronting that ugliness leads to a lot of even uglier revelations. Southern Bastards doesnt shy from confrontation, which makes it a bold, worthwhile read.

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Spider-Woman (2014) #1

Nov 19, 2014

That said, his art makes it impossible for me to give this book a really high mark. While the writing is a 9, I wouldnt put the art above a 5. I need expressive faces to help me feel the story, and Land just doesnt deliver that. Its my sincere hope they replace the artist with someone more suited to the subject matter. My vote is for Marcio Takara, personally, but there are plenty of others I think who could do the job well. Hopeless has a great handle on my girl Jess, I trust him with her, but comics are a visual medium. The art should tell the story as much as the words. Spider-Woman is presently leaning heavily on the latter.

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Spider-Woman (2014) #5

Mar 5, 2015

It was a pleasure to pick up a book about my favorite super-lady in the Marvel Universe and not cringe; it was an absolute treat to read a book that got me so excited about new possibilities for said super-lady. Hopeless and Rodriguez have put their best foot forward with this issue. Hopefully well be treated to more supporting cast members, fancy fight-moves, and self-deprecating Spider-humor as we go forward.

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Thanos Rising #2

May 6, 2013

Weaving a backstory for an established villain like Thanos is not an easy task, and Aaron should be lauded for delivering such a compelling personal narrative for a character who becomes the Avatar of Death. We know where this ends for Thanos. This is only issue 2 of 5, and I'm overwhelmed with morbid curiosity for the next stage of the journey.

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Thanos Rising #5

Aug 28, 2013

This story was never going to have a happy ending, but it was still an unexpected and enjoyable journey into the mind and motivations of the Mad Titan. If you havent followed every issue, you should make sure you grab the collected edition. Aaron crafted a disturbing, well-done backstory for a villain who is incredibly compelling and worthy of his reputation. It will be interesting to see if any of his additions are evident in Jonathan Hickmans Infinity saga.

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The Fearless Defenders #12

Dec 6, 2013

Bunn and Sliney deserve a round of applause for leaving us with something unique, honest and shamelessly fun. Let's hope other writers choose to run with their loose threads.

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The Remains #1

Feb 21, 2014

Readers who enjoy their horror with a dash of supernatural are going to have a lot to enjoy with The Remains. Bunn and Zamudio say a whole lot with very little, and what they say isnt very nice, but its compelling and terrible and fills you with that sort of dread that forces you to keep going, even when you know you should run back upstairs and hide under the blanket.

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The Sandman Overture #1

Nov 2, 2013

Its very hard to rate a single issue of a story like this. Things that seem minor now will probably gain infinite substance later. I only ever read The Sandman in trades; Im not sure my heart can take waiting month-to-month for the next chapter. Dreams have a very random quality to them, changing setting abruptly without any narrative reset. Thats what this issue felt like a very weird, pretty dream. Ill be waiting anxiously to find out what it means.

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The Wake #1

May 30, 2013

I cant wait for what comes next. As a fan of horror, sci-fi, and suspense, Im probably the target audience for this book. If you have even a passing interest in the concept, please do yourself a favor and pick up this issue. You will regret not jumping on at the start. Snyder and Murphy are a wonderful team. The story is something new and different. Get excited.

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The Wake #6

Feb 28, 2014

Im really looking forward to where this is going next; Im hoping that Act 1 was The Creature from the Black Lagoon and Act 2 is Aliens. Obviously, Leeward is Sigourney Weaver. The big questions remaining: What did Dr. Archer know? When was that message recorded (could anyone possibly actually survive down there)? Why dont the Gov and the Arm want people to hear it? How badass was it when she ripped its head off?? I should probably take a time out before I get too excited and start looking on eBay for a pet dolphin. I dont think my tub is big enough.

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The Wicked + The Divine #1

Jun 18, 2014

I could probably write an entire additional review just on the character design (Luci is Desire of the Endless with a better wardrobe) and the diversity of the gods and popstar analogues, but its better if you just go buy the book and obsess over it on your own time. Gillen, McKelvie, Wilson, and letterer Clayton Cowles are a well-oiled delivery mechanism for beautiful, high-concept joy, 22 pages at a time.Images 2014 line-up is the envy of every other publisher; but The Wicked + The Divine is going to be the jewel in Images crown.

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The Wicked + The Divine #18

Apr 6, 2016

But is it a jumping on point? I have to say no. Gillen scripted the issue with enough context clues to fill you in on whats going on; between the script and the recap you could more or less follow the action. But Im not sure some of the big emotional beats Lauras growth, Baal and Baphomets fight have the same resonance if youve not actually been reading the story? I dont think I would hand this issue to someone as a try this and see if you like it issue. Its still a great issue, and after three solid volumes of Gillen & co. breaking readers hearts, its very nice to see some sweet, ass-kicking revenge go down. The new Pantheon Divided paradigm is ripe for drama and more punching, and the cast is all growing in different directions, in most cases beyond their original archetype. The best thing aboutThe Wicked + the Divine is that's it is the comics equivalent of a mix-CD each volume; this volume is clearly the Pump-Up track collection.

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The Woods #1

May 9, 2014

Hopefully the story will split time between the core team heading out into the woods and the rest of the student body and faculty remaining in the school. It would be an interesting juxtaposition; the desperate white-knuckle grab to maintain order versus the courageous/stupid embracing of the chaotic unknown.Its wonderful to see James Tynion on something without superheroes. If the rest of the story is as fun as the first issue, Im looking forward to watching him stretch his legs.

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Thor: God of Thunder #9

Jun 14, 2013

Thor: God of Thunder #9 is unapologetic fun with giant hammers. Theres a larger message, yes, but I can appreciate putting that on the back-burner for an issue to let the characters go nuts. I was left on the edge of my seat, and I have no doubt Aarons follow up will be as epic as the All-Fathers right hook.

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Thor: God of Thunder #18

Feb 4, 2014

Reviewing this book is never hard, because its been setting such a high bar for awesome and joy since it came out. If you missed out on this run and picked this issue up as a one-off, please do yourself a favor and grab the God Butcher and God Bomb arcs. Then work your way on up. Comics should always be this much fun.

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Three #1

Oct 9, 2013

Anyone who likes historical fiction needs to pick up Three. In one issue, Gillen has already reminded us why western civilization took most of its philosophical cues from the Athenians rather than the Spartans. In the remaining four, I expect to see a sharp picture of a great society reliant on a permanent underclass, contrasted against the real suffering and desires of individual people. Ancient civilizations are more than their great battles and surviving monuments, and its worth digging into the ugly parts to find a more complete story.

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Trees #1

May 28, 2014

This almost felt like a zero issue, more than an issue 1, and that isnt necessarily a bad thing. The direction is still unclear. Ellis has commented that the first arc of the story will be 8 issues, meaning this is going to be a more decompressed type of narrative. If you were expecting the shock and awe of Vertigo Ellis, you will be underwhelmed. This is probably the kind of book that will take a couple issues to really get its hooks in. However, Ellis doesnt write bad stories, and its clear that he and Howard have a unique story to tell with Trees, if readers are patient and watch carefully.

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Veil #2

Apr 5, 2014

Its always interesting when a books second issue is so dramatically different from the first. In this case, Veil #2 is stronger than the debut. It delivers on the promise of the first issue and extends the environment to add more diverse plot elements. One question gets a partial answer, and of course ten new questions are left. Page for page, Veil is a compelling mystery and a satisfying read.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #23

Aug 23, 2013

This issue made me think a lot about Wonder Woman, and where shes heading. How will the rest of the Pantheon react to Dianas ascension? Considering a bunch of them were recently trying to kill her, I bet that first all-staff meeting is going to be awkward. What happens when you have a god of war who only wants peace? Will her new bond with Hera, exiled Queen of the Gods, help or hurt her standing? Will Diana track down her deadbeat dad Zeus and drag his abdicating ass back to the throne? With her new status (and presumably powers), can she undo the horrible fate of her mother and sisters back on Themyscira? Even if Dianas journey doesnt take her where I want her to go (the compassionate, loving warrior-diplomat who once loved the world so much she got a Star Sapphire ring), Azzarello has hooked me bone deep until the end.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #26

Dec 19, 2013

Diana is more powerful now than shes ever been, except that shes still missing control over that pesky thing called free will. She wants to protect her people, but they can go where they please and do what they like. Can she adjust to godhood quickly enough to match her fellow Olympians in their political machinations? Would that be a good thing for her? What the hell does Dio have up his sleeve? Are we on a Hellride or a Joyride? Im genuinely at a loss as to where this story is going. And for once, that isnt a bad thing.

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Wytches #1

Sep 12, 2014

The abrupt ending is one of the cruelest Ive ever encountered reading comics, but it damn well guarantees that you will be back for the next issue. Whether its dread or excitement driving you, its unlikely you wont wish issue 1 had just ONE more page. Wytches pulls you in, and doesnt let you go, the way truly good nightmares should.

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Young Avengers (2013) #5

May 23, 2013

Overall, a great start to the YA relaunch and a spectacular single issue for both action and character moments. Extra fun if you speak Internets, bonus for understanding the Tumblr sub-dialect.

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Young Avengers (2013) #11

Oct 24, 2013

As we barrel towards Issue #15, its only going to get bigger and louder. Its probably a good time to hydrate, maybe eat some Nutella straight out of the jar. Something about fighting monsters unleashed from the pre-verbal fears of humanity makes me crave Nutella out of the jar.

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Young Avengers (2013) #15

Jan 10, 2014

Thank you to the entire creative team of this book, editors, colorists, inkers, letterers, artists, and especially Messr. Gillen and McKelvie. Well always have the drums.

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