Siege #1
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Siege #1

Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist: Filipe Andrade Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 15, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 16
8.1Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

•  THE SHIELD is the only thing that protects the more civilized areas of Battleworld from the ZOMBIE HORDES, DEATH MACHINES, AND ANNIHILATION WAVES.
•   Anyone who annoys Doom gets sent to The Shield. Anyone who gets sent to the Shield deals with ABIGAIL BRAND.
•  Miss America, Lady Katherine, Kang the Conqueror, Leah Shieldmen, the Endless Summers Company, Leonardo Da Vinci and a cast of thousands will fight to the death to keep Battleworld safe. But don't worry, Kieron Gillen is writing this book, so I'm sure everything will end happily more

  • 9.4
    Comicsverse - Tom Bacon Jul 16, 2015

    This is easily one of the best "Secret Wars" tie-ins to date " a mini-series that, to my surprise, actually feels like required reading. A hearty well done to the whole team! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Danny Witt Jul 21, 2015

    As essentially the Nick Fury of this new universe, Ms. Brand fights to protect the entire world on The Shield- a massive wall that encompasses all of BattleWorld. The safety of every one of BattleWorlds inhabitants rests on her shoulders, as every single day those with a mind for destruction and carnage test the fences and see if they can get through to the other side. A fine start by scribe Kieron Gillen (Legends Of The Dark Knight), Filipe Andrades (Rocket Raccoon; Figment; Captain Marvel) pencils arent exactly my cup of tea, but it does fit the tone well, of a last outpost on the fringes, cut off from civilization. If youre looking for a reason to care about BattleWorld, Siege #1 is a great find. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - pmanzato Jul 17, 2015

    Overall, I was thoroughly satisfied with this story, and I can't wait for the next issue. I love the characters and want to see more from them, and the warning of what's to come has me eagerly anticipating the continuation of the story and see how this band of heroes come together to face it. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Jul 18, 2015

    The art style for Siege is one that does manage to catch you off guard. You'd expect something in your face or gritty, but instead we got something different. It looks more painted with the only real defining in shape is when we reach those scenes when they are taking on an army. A smart choice overall because this style allows for the art team to focus on the characters first and everything else second. It creates an atmosphere where it really does feel like The Shield is the end of the road on Battleworld. Especially when it came to that initial capturing of The Shield in this issue that looked stunning. Beyond this the dark color choice carried that idea that anything could go wrong which is important given the threats Brand and her army face daily. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Comic Book Herald - Matt Lehn Jul 19, 2015

    It's by no means an oasis but in terms of getting into the next-level nitty-gritty of Secret Wars, it can't miss! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Recap - Sofia Marlasca Jul 18, 2015

    Siege #1 is an exposition book that sets the story into motion, but it's nonetheless a fun read. Gillen gives us, finally, a deeper look into the world behind The Shield and sets up a cliffhanger that promises loads of action to come. Now that we've finally put the beginning aside, I'm hyped to see where Siege takes us. I'm sure it's going to be a wild ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Jul 15, 2015

    This is a great edition to the tie-ins as it has resounding importance on the main event. It also has some stellar, moody art and a worthy edition of an important character. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Jul 21, 2015

    Nonetheless, this is a great issue, and a fantastic start to the all-new Siege series. I’m really glad I picked this book up, and that it’s as good as I hoped it would be. Gillen does a brilliant job of setting up the story for future issues. And, like I said, I’m curious to see if anything happens with Ms. America Chavez, or if she lets her adrenaline/anger get the best of her again. Bottom line: You need to read this book. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 16, 2015

    Siege #1 manages to be both entertaining and dramatic, but the visuals don't always live up to the writing. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - C.K. Stewart Jul 20, 2015

    Siege has the potential to be an interesting and more psychological addition to Marvel's stable of tie-ins. By sentencing the likes of Miss America Chavez (fresh from her sentencing in A-Force #1) and Lady Kate Bishop (Secret Wars Journal #1) to the Shield, is Doom punishing them with their inevitable death, or punishing them with their failure to protect the lands to the north? But while this philosophical bent is Gillen's strong suit, Siege #1 lags in large part thanks to a bevy of inscrutable faces and muddled emotions. With any luck, the art will take a more dynamic turn in future issues -- or the story will be compelling enough to make up for it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comicosity - Alison Berry Jul 17, 2015

    Zombies. Robots. Giant mutant ants. Theres a 20-day countdown to destruction, and it doesnt seem like theres any chance this will end well. That said, advance notice of doom doesnt have to undercut your investment in a story, nor does it necessarily soften the blow. My hopes for this book are high. Maybe its the whole Nights Watch/A Song of Ice and Fire vibe I get off the setting, but for my money theres nothing more compelling than heroic misfits doomed to lose and fighting anyway. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper Jul 17, 2015

    "Siege" #1 is a psychological portrait of its team at work and, as a result, it can feel a little tonally jumbled and slow. However, it's kicked off an incredibly appealing team-up and premise and, given the ending, it's going to have a banner second issue. Read Full Review

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