pmanzato's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Graphic Policy Reviews: 13
7.5Avg. Review Rating

Age of Apocalypse (2015) #1

Jul 12, 2015

I cannot waitfor the second issue of this book! Iwas a huge fan of the Age of Apocalypse way back when, and I thank Marvel for reigniting my love of this world and bringing it back in a new and exciting way.Definitely go out andpick this title up; you will not bedisappointed.

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Age of Apocalypse (2015) #2

Aug 9, 2015

I apologize if my summary of this issue is so blas, but that is exactly how I felt after reading it. The story didn't really move forward, as this was nothing more then a recap of past events. I still enjoy the characters, the art and the colours, but I really wanted more from this second issue. I will more then likely pick up the next issue, as I am not ready to completely write off Age of Apocalypse, butI hope the story advances and is able to pull me back in like the first issue did.

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Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #1

Jul 18, 2015

I am looking forward to the second issue of this story and I am veryeager to see more of Mondo City and the Bosses who make it up (and I hope others catch the similarities to another known comic character that Mondo City seems to be based on). I really enjoyed Captain Britain, even though I am not familiar with this character and look forward to seeing more from her. I only wish this title wasn't only 2 issues long, and allow more time to flesh this story out.

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Magneto (2014) #19

Jun 21, 2015

I have enjoyed thisbook from the start, showing Magneto going back to hisroots and doing what he always strivedto do; protecthisfellow mutants. Away fromthe X-Men, Magneto has gone back to doing whatever necessary, even spilling blood, to see his goals attained, and this is the Magneto I have always liked reading. I have not beena big fan of Briar, at his sideserving as guide and counsel, but in this issue it is revealed Magnetoas his doubts about her as well. Cullen Bunnhas given a greatvoice toMagneto andgetting the reader into the story; and Paul Davdison‘s art really made mefeel the action, but also the darkness and mood of the flashbacks. The end is coming with the Incursion, and I am looking forward to see how Magento will face it.

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Runaways (2015) #2

Jul 13, 2015

As I mentioned, this second issue lost a lot of steam from the first issue. It felt to me that the characters themselves just lost something for me between the issues; there really wasn't any growth here, and the story just played itself out as one note for me. I know not all of the Secret Wars books are goingto be number one with me, but after the high issueone left me on, issue two dropped me down hard.

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Secret Wars 2099 #1

Jun 20, 2015

Overall, I'm hesitant about picking up issue #2. I wasn't grabbed and pulled into this story, unlike others I have read in Secret Wars. I can't say I would reccomend the read if you were a fan of 2099 from back in the day, but if you're going to pull all the tie-ins from Secret Wars, I suggest you keep your expectations low on this one.

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Secret Wars Journal #3

Jul 5, 2015

I really enjoyed this story. More then once I found myself thinking about our world, and how things would turn out if everyone could turn into a Hulk every time they got angry. Scott Aukerman does a great job of showing this ‘Hulk world' through Leonard Samson's eyes; his doubt that civilization can continue giving into their baser feelings, but also the change in his attitude and outlook after his session with Peter. I loved RB Silva's art for this story. Every panel was used to it's fullest, full of colour and action…and I loved how he depicted our characters in their Hulk state. This was a story that I would love to see explored deeper, and would want Aukerman and Silva to be the two to bring it to life.

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Siege (2015) #1

Jul 17, 2015

Overall, I was thoroughly satisfied with this story, and I can't wait for the next issue. I love the characters and want to see more from them, and the warning of what's to come has me eagerly anticipating the continuation of the story and see how this band of heroes come together to face it.

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Siege (2015) #2

Aug 9, 2015

Overall, I am really enjoying the story being told in this book. There is no happy ending to look forward to, and I'm ok with that.This is a tale of a group of people who wake up every day knowing it could be their last, but wake up anyway to face it. They can't win…but also can't fail.

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Star-Lord And Kitty Pryde #1

Jul 27, 2015

From the cover of this book, this is not the story I was expecting to be told with Peter and Kitty…but I loved every minute of this. The familiarity from Peter, the art work and colors (I can't say enough about them) and just the overall light tone of this book made it a great read for me and I cannot wait for the next issue.

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Thors #2

Aug 3, 2015

This has been a fantastic book from issue one and I am really excited to see where the third issue takes us; what answers are found to this mystery, but also what new questions will undoubtedly be raised. I encourage anyone who hasn't read this title tograb the first issue and jump on board – you will not be disappointed.

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X-Men '92 #1

Jun 27, 2015

If you're as big an X fan as I am and looking for a throwback to Saturday mornings, I recommend checking this title out.

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X-Tinction Agenda #2

Jul 4, 2015

I for one am really looking forward to the next issue of this book; I want to see how X-City retaliates against Genosha and how the true ‘cure' revealed at the end is going to impact the island nation of mutants. Pick this one up folks; you won't be disappointed.

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