Thors #2

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Chris Sprouse Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 29, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 31
7.8Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

• The saga of the Battleworld police force continues!
•  More murders. More mystery. More Thors! (Like GROOT THOR!)
•  And maybe even a break in the case, as a surprising suspect is brought in for questioning...
Rated T+

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Aug 1, 2015

    The art is terrific, as you'd expect from Chris Sprouse (working here with Goran Sudzuka) - and that last page will definitely bring us all back for the next chapter. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Michael Hale Jul 29, 2015

    The second and third page splash is a great one. Check out the detail Sprouse put into the different Thors present, both there and then on pages four and five. Great art for a great comic. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Aug 3, 2015

    I’m pretty glad that “Thor the Unworthy” is back. This book has some surprises and amazing splash pages to go along with them. If you’re a Thor fan, there’s no way you can pass this one by. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - pmanzato Aug 3, 2015

    This has been a fantastic book from issue one and I am really excited to see where the third issue takes us; what answers are found to this mystery, but also what new questions will undoubtedly be raised. I encourage anyone who hasn't read this title tograb the first issue and jump on board – you will not be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Jul 29, 2015

    The atmosphere for Thors #2 is much darker than the first issue. The first issue felt a bit more light as we are introduced to the life of a Thor. But the minute Beta Ray died you could feel a colder tone take over. For the best considering this case is calling for the utmost urgency from the Thors. Something you could see easily in the way they took to the skies rounding up suspects. They literally brought the thunder which was captured in a way that shows why they are to be feared. With that said it is also enjoyable to pick out any of the versions of Thors that you may not have seen before. It's cool when this art team is able to put that kind of effort into making most of these Thors distinct from one another. Thors #2 had no lack of action too and there's no better fight to take from a story like this than two Thors going at it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Jul 30, 2015

    A tantalizing cliffhanger rounds out Thors #2, an issue that seems to have a split personality. Luckily for us, both sides are equally enjoyable. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny Hughes Jul 31, 2015

    This is pretty much CSI Thor style. With that comes not just the police element but also the risk of any murder mystery, that being is the payoff at the end worth all of this excellent set up work. I have high hope that Jason Aaron can continue and conclude this story in the same excellent manner he has started. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - Jeff Lake Jul 30, 2015

    With its narrative firmly in play and a great creative team on board, Thors #2 proves that lightning (lowers sunglasses) does strike twice. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Comicsverse - Jamie Rice Jul 30, 2015

    Overall, there is a lot of Thor stuff here. If you know about Thor, then every reveal is going to mean a lot to you, but if you are new to these comics then it might be a little too steeped in history. However, the mystery is getting more and more compelling, and the introduction of Thor the Unworthy leaves some very interesting places for it to go. I think it's worthy of coming back to the Valhalla Mead Hall to try and shake down some information out of a few more issues. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper Aug 3, 2015

    "Thors" continues to build on a great premise and pacing. I'm always happy to see Aaron on a "Thor" title, and I'm curious how this multiverse mystery -- and Thor the Unworthy's role in it -- will play out. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Front Towards Gamer - Lido Jul 31, 2015

    I'm not sure that Thors is a comic that needs to exist but it's a damn enjoyable one and I'm glad its here regardless. Amid all the ponderous bloat and excessive mini-series that have plagues Secret Wars overlong running time it's nice to have books like Thors or Weirdworld that are a more creative approach to the idea of a gestalt universe created from bits of other realities. I wish more of the Secret Wars tie-ins were as creative and stylish as this one. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Aug 3, 2015

    Walking a beat is tough and its twice that when your friend and partner has just been killed and you don't have a single lead to go on. Thors #2, at its very heart, is still a loving homage to detective fiction and that in turn, proved to be its downfall this month. While Ultimate Thor may be the Thor Corps' top cop, he's still vulnerable and hot-headed like we know Thor to be. Thors #2 gives Jason Aaron and his art team an outlet to allow Ultimate Thor to vent his anger and engage in some good old fashion wanton destruction before putting his head on straight and getting back to the case. Thors #2 may be the grief period, but in Battleworld, you don't have long to grieve and if you do, you may just end up the next subject of an Irish wake. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Aug 1, 2015

    Thors is a decent read. The comic follows a bunch of Thors that are following a trail of bodies. This comic has a fight between two Thors, another dead body and a funeral to kick it all off. There isn't much in here that will make you think about the case of the various dead people and it appears the book will resolve the plot with the Thors just happening onto the murderer. This is an okay read but by no means a crime book as the first issue suggested. Give it a shot, if for nothing else the stellar artwork. Read Full Review

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