Jamie Rice's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicsverse Reviews: 20
7.8Avg. Review Rating

A-Force #2

Jul 1, 2015

Overall, the second issue ofA-FORCE isn't quite as good as the first. It gets bogged down with SECRET WARS plot continuity, but the art is beautiful and the cuteness of our new superhero needs to be seen. Let's hope that all of this plot is just laying the groundwork for a better story in the third issue with more answers about our mysterious new heroine.

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A-Force #3

Aug 12, 2015

The whole gang is back, but we don't get to spend enough time with all of their awesome lives because we're too concerned about tying everything into the plot of SECRET WARS.

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A-Force #4

Sep 9, 2015

Basically, I had a higher expectation for this issue, but it is not a waste of time. There are some good moments, and the ending of this issue set-ups a scenario much more like the first issue that I loved. Therefore, I believe in a better and brighter future for Arcadia and A-FORCE when the final issue of this run comes out!

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A-Force #5

Oct 15, 2015

On the whole, A-FORCE, as I have admitted previously, didn't live up to the hype, but that doesn't mean this series didn't have noble goals and that doesn't mean that they won't work out the kinks for the new arc that are going to start in All-New All-Different Marvel. Overall, A-FORCE ain't perfect, but it has noble goals and a strong heart that you have to admire at the end of the day.

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A-Force (2016) #1

Jan 6, 2016

Overall, this issue is little, but the character beats make it an emotional and pleasant experience. It's not earth-shattering, but if you like a good character with good art then A-FORCE #1 is more than enough to suffice!

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Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #2

Jul 8, 2015

Overall, the story doesn't quite do it for me because unlike the first issue, which worked extremely hard to illustrate the difficulty with choosing between different responsibilities and those consequences, this one simply moves around familiar pieces in a way that is supposed to surprise the audience. I believe in what this story is trying to do, but it always works better when Slott writes scenes that illustrate how Parker feels instead of trotting out popular Spider-Man lines and villains.

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Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #3

Aug 6, 2015

Overall, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: RENEW YOUR VOWS #3 doesn't quite live up to the hype that the first issue promised, but there are still poignant moments that any Spider-Man fan will enjoy. It also feels like time for a new twist to arrive, and if it's as good as the ending to the first issue, then it will definitely be worth the wait.

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Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #4

Aug 19, 2015

Spider-Man is back and while this issue may do a better job then the previous one it doesn't quite reach the high highes of the first. However, the art is spot on, and Annie Parker's moment in the spotlight is totally worth seeing!

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Bitch Planet #5

Sep 9, 2015

You need to read this. I can't stress it enough. Not only is this one of the best feminist comics I've ever read, it's also just a really really enjoyable book. The plot moves quickly and exists without being noticeable. The art is perfect for what this comic is about, and the characters will break your heart. Steel yourself for heartbreak, as the cover says, because BITCH PLANET is coming to rip us all to shreds.

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Captain Marvel (2016) #1

Jan 21, 2016

CAPTAIN MARVEL is back, and there is nothing to fear. The new creative team clearly gets Carol Danvers, and this first issue is the beginning of a new and intriguing story.

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Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #2

Jul 16, 2015

Overall, the comic is not at the same level of the previous issue, but the strength of the character beats and the conflicts that Deconnick and Thompson set up between the Corps and the Baroness as we as Carol and Rhodey makes it worth a read. It also makes me very excited to see the fall out in the next issue. I'm looking forward to it Deconnick, Thompson, and Lopez! Don't let me down captains!

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1

Nov 25, 2015

Overall, while the plot is thin here, Lunella has definitely proven herself to be a worthwhile character that I am more than happy to follow to the ends of the earth. I'll be sure to check back with Lunella and Devil Dinosaur. I know they're gonna really tear things up. (Figuratively and literally because that's a big dinosaur. He's gonna do some damage regardless of how nice he is.)

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #2

Dec 23, 2015

Overall, this issue lived up to the promise of the first issue and improved upon it by giving us a good idea of who Devil Dinosaur is, a super fun dinosaur on the run that you should not mess with unless you're Lunellabecause she's totally got everything under control.

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Pretty Deadly #6

Nov 19, 2015

Basically, this comic is art, and if you have an hour to kill, then you should sit with this issue. Don't go to the MOMA or the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Trust me, this issue will be enough to satisfy your artistic side for days.

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Spider-Woman (2015) #1

Nov 18, 2015

SPIDER-WOMAN #1 falters a little, but the beautiful art and quick wit definitely make it worth a read for anyone that likes sassiness and pretty things.

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The Mighty Thor (2015) #3

Jan 13, 2016

Overall, THE MIGHTY THOR has already proven itself to be a good comic, but with the addition of this issue, it makes it a must read just for the amazing art and beautiful scenes that it presents. There is no doubt that there is plenty of depth worth mining under the surface of both Dr. Jane Foster and the ultimate trickster Loki's first but definitely not last conflict.

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Thors #1

Jun 20, 2015

Overall, when the story takes the archetype and twists it in a fun way " like the forensics frog " it works really well and is a delight. But when it sticks too closely to the clich without changing it, five women have been murdered in the same way, it suffers. If you are a fan of noir mysteries or Thor in general then this will definitely be the story for you, but for everyone else I think it is a little too soon to tell. I am going to give this one the benefit of the doubt, and hope that the mystery will get more engaging as the story goes on.

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Thors #2

Jul 30, 2015

Overall, there is a lot of Thor stuff here. If you know about Thor, then every reveal is going to mean a lot to you, but if you are new to these comics then it might be a little too steeped in history. However, the mystery is getting more and more compelling, and the introduction of Thor the Unworthy leaves some very interesting places for it to go. I think it's worthy of coming back to the Valhalla Mead Hall to try and shake down some information out of a few more issues.

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Thors #3

Sep 4, 2015

Overall, this issue is a must read, and if you haven't picked up the previous two issues then now is the time because Thor Lief has been a Thunderer in the Hall of Homicide for fifteen years and he's getting too old for this shit.

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Thors #4

Nov 12, 2015

On the whole, while this issue suffers by focusing less on the noir elements of this short arc, the whole series is still definitely worth a binge read if you missed it on the first time around. And now it is time to grab some mead and get excited for THE MIGHT THOR #1 coming out next week. Can't wait to see you, Jane!

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