Sinestro #1
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Sinestro #1

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Dale Eaglesham Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 16, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 27 User Reviews: 18
7.5Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Thaal Sinestro has lost everything he's ever loved: his home, his family, his only friend. But no matter how desperate he becomes, Sinestro will never be without fear...a lesson his one-time ally, one-time enemy Lyssa Drak is eager to teach him! Can he take back the despicable Yellow Lantern Corps? Or does the universe have a new destiny in mind for Sinestro?

  • 10
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey Apr 16, 2014

    Sinestro #1 is a great launch to the newest book in the Green Lantern family. Cullen Bunn is a welcome addition to the writing team and it's always great to see Dale Eaglesham on a monthly book. With this first issue the creative team has set the stage for the next phase in Sinestro's long and storied life. Something tells me we are in for a great ride.  Five out of five lanterns. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Refueled - vashmcdash Apr 20, 2014

    A great fresh start to a character who deserves to be in the spotlight more often. If Bunn can continue on the path this issue on, we can all aspect amazing thing, and with Eaglesham and Wright on board you know it's not only an intelligent read but one that is great for the eyes as well. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Apr 17, 2014

    As hyped as I was for this title to come out, I don't think I ever thought it would be this good and intriguing.  We have a wide variety of things on Sinestro's to do list right off the bat, and are introduced to what looks like a bad ass new group of villains for our anti-hero to go up against.  This whole issue is a win, and even though it's chock full of exposition, it's never boring.  Hopefully this momentum can keep up because I can easily see this being one of my favorite titles. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Apr 21, 2014

    Overall, a very satisfactory issue. The only place where I think it doesn't quite match up is in addressing what Sinestro is doing in Geoff Johns' Forever Evil book, given that he is one of the members of Lex Luthor's Injustice League in that big and is going up against members of the Crime Syndicate. And the issue doesn't deal with the happenstance of Sinestro and Parallax's previous… association. Sure, it is a lot to add in for a debut issue like this, but I would have liked to see some addressal of it nonetheless. We shall see! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Guy Copes III Apr 22, 2014

    On the art front, flat out, Eaglesham is a superstar. His storytelling and panel layouts are dynamic. From the quiet scenes to full on fights his art is just about as A-game as it gets. In short, this is a first issue that hits it out of the park. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Alison Berry Apr 17, 2014

    This book may have a lot of hardcore fans anxious, but they should be happy with this issue because its a great start with a lot of promise. Bunn is a master of many genres horror, westerns, superhero adventures, Viking stories and has also been entrusted with the latest interpretation of another famous villain at the other big superhero company. Hes the best possible captain for this ship. Its certainly a different side of Sinestro less conqueror and more rescuer but the story has started with the right balance of past and future to highlight what made Sinestro rise so high (in both the DCU and readers estimations) in the first place. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Apr 16, 2014

    Sinestro #1 does what it needs to do in terms of showing us where Sinestro is and the direction he is headed on this new path. We understand where he's at now, what challenges he faces, and what threats lie ahead. Though nothing big or spectacular, Cullen Bunn still did what he succeeded to do with Magneto when it comes to putting characterization above all else. We want to see Sinestro as the same Yellow Lantern he was in his prime, and here is is making that rise back to power. Sinestro definitely has my attention for a first issue, where interest takes it's place to see where this story goes. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Wayne Hall Apr 18, 2014

    I highly recommend this series! Both Magento and Sinestro deserve your attention! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Apr 16, 2014

    Im still fond of the overall look of the issue and I love the way Sinestro is being written in it. I think this is a great title to get in the ground floor on and answers the question of how to make a book that stars a villain compelling: give him a compelling, even sympathetic, motivation. The world-building is already seizing my interest and the creative team gives us a great cliffhanger to end the issue on. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Apr 19, 2014

    Cullen Bunn weaves a solid tale that delivers not only for new readers, but also for long time Green Lantern fans. He sets the stage for this new series by giving Sinestro a new mission and focus, he incorporates an origin for new readers who may not be as familiar with this character, and includes fan favorite characters from the Sinestro Corps. It's a tightly packed story that does what's needed for a debut issue. I can see this book becoming one of my must read titles, which I can't always say about the other Green Lantern related titles. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - Joey Ulfsrud Apr 19, 2014

    Overall, though, Sinestro #1 is a promising start to a new series. It's not the punch in the face that Bunn's Magneto #1 over at Marvel is, but it's solid nonetheless. Sinestro' new mission makes sense, and though it may feel a bit forced, one can't help but be interested as this popular villain heads out on a quest for redemption. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Max Level Geek - Jonathan Semoneit Apr 17, 2014

    Did they do this? Did theyreallyjust do this? Yep. Believe it or not, DC just released another Lantern title and they pulled it off once again! Another solid title added to the evergreen line ofGreen Lanternbooks. Make that 5 (not counting Larfleeze because, well, it just does it's own thing). Thanks to everyone involved, theGreen Lanterncorner of the DC Universe continues to thrive in new ways.This issue might be a bit slow for some but if you love Sinestro like I do, you'll be loving Eaglesham's rendition of him too much to notice. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Apr 21, 2014

    Is there a case to be made for the similarities between this book and Bunn's Magneto? Assuredly - but whereas Magneto is more of a gritty, streetwise comic (indeed, one that sometimes skirts the line of scary), Sinestro is a bold, dark sci-fi antihero. You know blood is going to be spilled, you know bad things are going to be done for good reasons. Right now, Sinestro doesn't have as compelling or as built-in of a backstory as the Master of Magnetism, but that's not necessarily a bad thing - this is Bunn's chance to focus on a handful of failings to the renegade Green Lantern, and to get us rooting for one of the universe's most bloodthirsty villains. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Green Lantern Corps - iggy Apr 18, 2014

    Sinestro #1 was an interesting opening chapter, and it's certainly a somber approach to Sinestro himself, which makes this reviewer want to come back for more. Eaglesham's art was in top notch form as always hopefully he sticks on for the long haul Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Watsonian Apr 17, 2014

    Overall, this is a strong start to the book. Bunn plants seeds for several arcs worth of storytelling, including a new group of bad guys to fight. This is key. A lazy writer would have instantly had Sinestro oppose the Green Lantern Corps, but Bunn shoots this idea down in an almost meta way. Bunns characterization is on point, showing the brooding, hyper-critical side as well as that of a megalomaniac. Bunn also nails the new characterization and powers of Lyssa Drak. These are greatly welcomed and present an evolution in lantern mythology. Lets hope Bunn, Eaglesham, and Wright can keep up the great work with one of the best characters DC has to offer. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Apr 28, 2014

    Sinestro #1 began with Sinestro being an exiled tyrant and former Yellow Lantern. Sinestro #1 ends with him taking up that mantle again and confronting the harsh circumstances that he helped incur. But he does not apologize for anything he's done. He doesn't seek redemption and he doesn't try to change his ways. He's just back on the same journey he has always been and it's a journey that can't be found anywhere else in the DC Universe. It's still may be jarring to some, rooting for someone like Sinestro. But like a burned out punk rock star, he still has undeniable appeal. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 16, 2014

    Dale Eaglesham gives the book the visual force it needs to stand out. His work is dark, richly detailed, and very adept at conveying the power of fear and Sinestro's intense suffering. In particular, the way Eaglesham visualizes Lyssa's replacement for the Book of Parallax is very eye-catching. My only complaint is that Eaglesham's tendency to draw all of his protagonists as if they were modeled after the Brawny Paper Towel mascot really doesn't mesh with Sinestro. He's supposed to be tall and lean, not squat and barrel-chested. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Apr 16, 2014

    Sinestro #1 is a decent start to this new series, mostly just delving into setup. It's not the most exciting start to a first issue, but there is plenty of potential given the glimpses of solid characterization and artwork. If you are a big fan of the character and the Green Lantern mythos but want a book that's not mired in the Green Lantern crossovers then I strongly recommend Sinestro. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Apr 18, 2014

    Unfortunately, “Sinestro” #1 isn't quite the solid start that the character needs or deserves. Bunn retreads several plot points from recent years, and even makes reference to that fact within the issue. Hopefully, by getting these threads tied up early, Bunn can begin moving the character forward. There's a great potential for the character reconnect with his estranged daughter, a plot point that has always been fascinating but never fully explored. This book appears to have only a marginal connection to the greater “Green Lantern” line. Outside of the purview of space operatic crossover events, Bunn has the perfect opportunity to explore the character in new ways, and Dale Eaglesham proves to a more than fitting partner for such an endeavor. There's the potential for something good, and perhaps even great, but it's going to take a bit more polish and innovation to get there. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Apr 18, 2014

    An appropriate start to Sinestro's solo adventures, but unremarkable, besides Eaglesham's art. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Apr 19, 2014

    I would say this is a solid start to a Sinestro solo series. Bunn really gets into his head and introduces us to Sinestro's world. I won't say Bunn is as good as Geoff Johns at portraying the character, but Johns can't do everything. Bunn's Sinestro is good enough, and I'm confident he'll be able to get the hang of the character as the series progresses. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Lindsey Morris Apr 16, 2014

    It's high time Sinestro had a solo title. He surely takes it as a personal affront that Larfleeze (lovable scamp that he is) got one first. There are still some kinks to work out, but with a few more issues under their belt, Bunn, Eaglesham, and Wright could have a great book on their hands. Here's to hoping. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Apr 19, 2014

    Sinestro seems like a great character to have an ongoing for a villain. I never quite understood why the Red Lanterns got their own book but not Sinestro or the Yellow Corps. Now that the book is here it seems like there isn't any new ideas in the first issue. We'll see where this is heading. The curious reader might like what they see. As far as reading goes, it's an average comic. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Rhymes With Geek - Dante Buccieri Apr 18, 2014

    I love Sinestro. I love the Corps. I love the GL universe. I have a GL tattoo on my shoulder. But Sinestro #1 is another okay entry into the significantly bland GL line post-Geoff Johns. Am I going to continue getting it out of loyalty to my favorite franchise? Yes. Were I not a hardcore GL fan, Id probably not consider getting a second issue. Its neither bad nor unreadable, just bland with some top-notch visuals. I hope that Im wrong and future issues take off, but Im not optimistic. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Apr 17, 2014

    I'll continue to read this series, because I enjoy this character so much, but it's got to improve. This is a mediocre beginning. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Booked - Cal Cleary Apr 16, 2014

    While Sinestro #1 is a stronger debut than the recent Aquaman and the Others #1, it's still only roughly on par with the interesting-but-deeply flawed Batman Eternal #1. Which is to say, there are good ideas here, despite its problems. Bunn's best decision was the give Sinestro a noble goal and set him in opposition to the madness of Lyssa, the unthinking brutality of Arkillo, and the mysterious cruelty of the Pale Vicars. It makes his struggle relatable without dulling the edge that made him interesting in the first place. But the issue itself is too slack, too simple, too small. Bunn, Eaglesham, and Wright have a lot of potential to grow as a team, but Sinestro #1 only sporadically plays to their strengths. Still, like Batman Eternal, it's a book that stands a fair chance of overcoming its flaws with a little time, and it should satisfy Green Lantern fans looking for a little edge. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Apr 21, 2014

    Geoff Johns was able to give Sinestro some depth, but in "Sinestro" #1, the character feels very limited in emotional range and redeeming qualities, not an auspicious start. It does establish a direction for Sinestro and give him a new raison d'etre in finding the remaining Korugarians and rebuilding his Corps, but the path towards those objectives is mechanical and instrumental. Read Full Review

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