Sinestro #2

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Dale Eaglesham Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 21, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 15
8.3Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

Sinestros face-to-face with the Yellow Lanterns, the Corps he built in his own image but does he like what he sees? Or does he look upon his works and despair? Its time to find out if the Sinestro Corps is strong enough for the mission he has in mind for them and if theyre not, then they wont stand a chance against the growing threat of the Pale Vicars!

  • 10
    All-Comic - Joey Caswell May 22, 2014

    As a whole, this was just a damn perfect book. While only two issues in, this series is probably one of the absolute best DC is currently publishing. There isnt enough that can be said about what a top-notch job the creative team have done on this one, and we can already tell its going to be one heck of a ride. While the series will probably be intimidating for anybody not familiar with the long Lantern history masterminded by Geoff Johns, this is a comic book masterpiece that deserves your attention. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder May 21, 2014

    I've mentioned it before, but it bears repeating: writing a compelling villain solo title is one of the most difficult things in all of superhero comics. Making the villain compelling, while still true to its previous stories, without making it an unlikeable sociopath that sounds like its being written by an angry 13 year-old is part of the difficulty, but this book never even strays CLOSE to that territory. Sinestro may be a terrible person, but his motivations are strong and realistic and the character is written with a terrifying charisma that makes his ideas horrifically compelling. His supporting cast is strong as well and theres a threat in the shadows that seems ready to burst into the light at any moment giving us all plenty to look forward to. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Infinite Comix - Joey Ulfsrud May 26, 2014

    Sinestro #2 is on the right track. The art is dark enough, the writer is ambitious enough, and the character is strong enough to carry this 'legendary' story. It's definitely too early to call it yet, but it's hard to be fearful for the future of Sinestro. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain May 27, 2014

    I'm really hoping that the only way for Cullen Bunn & Co. to go from here is go bigger and better. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Max Level Geek - Jonathan Semoneit May 21, 2014

    SCORECullen Bunn and Dale Eaglesham are the new all-star team over at DC.This is an extremely strong entry in theGreen Lanternline of books. In fact, theGreen Lanternmythology is turning out to be such an evergreen source for storytelling, that there's no reason this can't be as expansive as something like theX-Men. There's 5 books right now and all of them are good – this one especially.Whoever ismanagingall these Lantern books over at DCdeservesa raise. Huzzah! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Word Of The Nerd - William Mercado May 23, 2014

    Look, I know Venditti has a really hard act to follow coming after Johns' amazing run on Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps, but I still blame the man for dropping the ball. But that's a different review. What Cullen Bunn (writer) and Dale Eaglesham (illustrator) have created with Sinestro is smart and has all the ingredients for become truly fantastic. They're deftly building off of the history of the character and using said history as a jumping-off point to really make the character their own. Sinestro #2 is smart and edgy. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geeked Out Nation - CJ Yudelson May 22, 2014

    The comic wraps up with Sinestro revealing to his skeptical daughter his plan to help his fellow Korugarians find a new home. That new home will be a former space prison that Sinestro decides to “clear out.”Bunn also introduced two new characters to the Sinestro Corps rouge.This is great because other than Arkillo, Lyssa Drak and the few familiar faces (looking at you woman who makes rabid dog constructs) the Sinestro Corps doesn't have to many important secondary characters. It will be interesting how Rigen Kale and Dez Trevius will react to Sinestro's currentregime. If they play nice or if they decide to follow their leader's example of planning, waiting and then acting to secure theirown ambitions will be fun to see. Sinestro #2 is a quicker read but is a blast the whole way through. Having a writer who understands the character and a great artist on board gives this series a ton of potential moving forward. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen May 27, 2014

    A mostly productive issue whose greater purpose, which it accomplishes beautifully, is to remind you that its star is indeed a badass. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea May 25, 2014

    While this was more of Sinestro just getting his house in order kind of issue, it was still really good.  Not overly exciting, but a few skirmishes will keep you interested, and Eaglesham's artwork will keep your eyes glued to the beautiful pages he's put together.  How this series will coexist with the rest of the Lantern series is unknown at this point, but I can't wait to find out.  Keep coming back to this title , because you'll want to see this book burn with Sinestro's might. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Booked - David Hinspeter May 26, 2014

    Geoff Johns made us love Sinestro during his run of the Green Lantern series, and the new creative team has taken that sentiment and ran with it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon May 22, 2014

    Dale Eaglesham has been sorely missed in comics over the past few years and he's a perfect fit for Cullen Bunn's Sinestro, a book about a tyrant's reclamation of power. Sinestro is one of the most interesting villains in the DC Universe and arguably, Hal Jordan's most worthy foe. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey May 27, 2014

    Sinestro #2 is the second half of what amounts to setting the stage for the entire series and reminds readers just why its title character is one of the most revered in the Green Lantern universe.  Neither hero nor villain, Sinestro has his eyes set on his return to glory even if it means trampling across anyone who gets in his way.  Filled with dark moments and heavy narrative this second issue validates the existence of the series and puts the rest of the Green Lantern universe on notice that Sinestro is back and he's back in a big way.  Four out of five lanterns. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills May 24, 2014

    This was a very enjoyable comic, and a great look at how Sinestro operates. He remains mostly entertaining, even if Bunn can't seem to inject him with the same sense of menace and gravitas that Geoff Johns always managed. Hopefully Bunn will grow into it. The art is fine, and really, this is a pretty solid comic starring a pretty great character. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore May 23, 2014

    Eaglesham, who also drew Sinestro's "Villains Month" entry last year, really has a handle on the character and the world he inhabits. The constructs, always the way to test a Lantern artist, are refined and with purpose when created by Sinestro, and less well put together and thought out by the lesser Sinestro Corps members. The issue doesn't quite have the bombast, artistically, of the debut, but that isn't Eagleshame's fault " his work is as well done as is expected from his reputation. Read Full Review

  • 7.1
    Fanboys Inc - Cody Mudge May 23, 2014

    Sinestro was really made popular by Geoff Johns incredible run on Green Lantern. At least thats what made me a fan, as well as most of the people I hang out with. He should be a character that is able to sustain a monthly series because of his tortured past, troubled present and ever uncertain future. If the art gets the quality bump it needs, this could be one of DCs best non-Bat/Super related titles. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes May 23, 2014

    I'm hoping for a new artist soon, or this book won't last a year. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jeff Lake May 22, 2014

    The art by Dale Eaglesham has it's moments, his brooding Sinestro again commanding attention, yet many of the action scenes feel a bit static given the type of individuals involved. Read Full Review

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