David Hinspeter's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Booked Reviews: 91
8.4Avg. Review Rating

All-New Ghost Rider #1

Mar 27, 2014

The greatest part of this new direction for the Ghost Rider is the gentle soul behind it. Robbie Reyes is a truly compelling and sympathetic character, an underdog that has you rooting for him immediately. Being dealt a raw deal over and over again, even in just these 32 pages, has you raising your hands and crying come on! by the end. With so many unfair turns of events, there is plenty to fuel the rampage that will be All New Ghost Rider.

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All-New Ghost Rider #2

Apr 14, 2014

There are two things that caught my attention in this months issue. First, the art is hyper stylized and it is wholly effective. The action and violence, particularly when the Rider is dealing with the thugs is pulpy and full of poise. The distortion from the ruffie girl defending herself and the use of smoke and circular light flares all bring to mind the classic anime movie, Akira.The second is the edge-of-your-seat story telling. From the bullies mocking Robbie to the henchmen leadership change and the powerful brutality of the Rider this title delivers on every claim to be pulse pounding and adrenaline fueled. I find myself looking down the night time street, hoping to catch a glimpse of the burning charger, as it burns towards next months issue.

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All-New Ghost Rider #3

May 24, 2014

I could not be happier with this series. I'm looking forward to Eli's betrayal. It is coming, in my opinion, because Eli offered what Robbie wants most in the world, keeps telling Robbie to trust him, and the boy has asked nearly no questions before accepting that help. The new ability, being able to march through the shadows and become one with his vehicle is just incredible. With that ability, what else can he do with his favorite steed? It's hard to see where exactly this series is going because Robbie has just as much inclination to being a villain of vengeance as he does to be a virtuous victor. C'mon next month!

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All-New Ghost Rider #4

Jul 8, 2014

While this issue wasn't as action packed and visually stunning as I've come to expect, it isn't because the quality has fallen. Every story arch has a few issues that are heavier narratively and these have significantly less action. Since the majority of the really powerful and compelling art is dynamic and rooted in the action sequences I found myself missing them.

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All-New X-Factor #5

Mar 30, 2014

X-Factor was a good read, likeable art and characters make it easy to sit through. I couldn't help but feel like there was a lack of depth in the writing. I can only contribute this to not having read the previous issues, but it felt as though the writer skimped on any character besides Danger. Who knows, maybe this is just her arch to shine, and we will see a greater sense of character development to come.

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All-New X-Factor #6

Apr 13, 2014

This issue was actually a bit more boring than the previous one. The pages of All New X-Factor read more like a boring episode of Madmen with the occasional super powered character. With no excitement, no payoff for the small amount of suspense, and no real reason for the team to exist as far as I can tell, this is a comic that may soon be hitting the wayside for this intrepid reader.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #5

Mar 28, 2014

Amazing X-men #5 was a fitting ending to an emotional and twisting story carried the reader, literally, to hell and back. There could be no more fitting battle ground for our blue skinned swashbuckler than ship to ship against his demon father on the high seas. I am left wondering, with this troubling price paid, what is next and what will change as Kurt finds his place once more in the land of the living.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #6

Apr 21, 2014

From what I can tell, Amazing X-Men , after bringing Nightcrawler back to life, isn't done with him and his family. Using an issue to celebrate his return pays homage to character who hasn't been there from the start, but close enough. I hope now we can look to the future and see how far Mystique and Azazel can get before the X-Men can put a stop to their plans.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #8

Jun 7, 2014

This is a really interesting first issue to a story arc for me. For those readers old enough to remember, there was a trilogy of day-after-tomorrow arcs that went by the names of Earth X, Universe X, and Paradise X. In the second installment, Multiple Man turns into the Wendigo and begins ravaging the African plains. The site of the raging pack of Wendigo really makes me hope that this is the case, seeing as other elements of those books have come to fruition recently, namely the Inhuman's releasing the Terrigen Mists. Clearly the population ate the human meat from the opening scene, but I'm curious to see why they went through such a complete and terrifying change. I am so psyched for the rest of World War Wendigo.

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Avengers Undercover #1

Mar 13, 2014

This issue was an excellent beginning to the long awaited sequel. Avengers Undercover is focusing on the lives of the survivors and showing how each has had their life change, for better or worse, in the fallout of Murderworld. Any worry that the story is going to focus more on the Masters of Evil and not enough on our beloved characters has been laid to rest. Everything is made much or intriguing by the tagline on the cover, "Which hero becomes a villain?" And you know what? I don't have a clue.

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Avengers Undercover #2

Apr 15, 2014

The second element is the inclusion of Constrictor and Masque. The idea that the Survivors are going to be groomed to be villains because of their actions inside Murderworld has a lot of potential and I cant wait to see what Hopeless will do with it. Finally, the slimy feel of the whole Masters of Evil community strikes a chord with me. No different from a drug dealer offering the first hit free, or a cult empathizing with someone they are trying to convert, the club is such a warm and cuddly place to be, that you can almost smell the rot underneath. I for one cant wait to see just how much more our Survivors can survive!

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Avengers Undercover #3

Apr 25, 2014

This issue was pulse pounding and relentless. The inherent comedy offset the bitter seriousness of the situation. The unified front, when it mattered, of the Survivors made for a realistic and troubling team dynamic, and the death of Arcade, who had only recently become truly dangerous in the previous series, was truly shocking. The most striking pages in the issue are the pages of the Survivors beating Arcade bloody in a vengeance fueled frenzy. The muted colors of the characters over a back drop of red, with no dialogue, and only sound effects spattering the page comes off visceral and cruel, a side of Survivors most would have expected to have been left behind in Murderworld. I can't wait to see what Zemo has in store for our"heroes (?) next month!

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Avengers Undercover #4

May 24, 2014

This pitch has been a long time coming. This series has really been so focused on tying up the loose ends, and though it has, it has also felt like misdirection. Because this concerted attempt at corruption has been the point, ever since the announcement that one of the Survivors would actually cross the fence by the end of the series. I loved every second of this issue, and the suspense created from the slow building to this invitation to the Masters of Evil was both thick and palpable. Bring on next month!

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Avengers Undercover #5

Jun 15, 2014

It's been a long time coming, but Avengers Undercover has finally gotten to the point where the story is what it claimed to be. I think this was an excellent decision, with the slow burn working up to the team actually joining, with little options to the alternative. At this point, I feel safe sounding off my guess that Death Locket is the one who will become a villain by the end of the series. I can't wait to see what steps the masters use to introduce them to villainy and corrupt them by degrees. When will the team begin to fragment? When will they give up the goat? I'll be reading well into next year if they let me, because these answers are worth the effort.

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Avengers Undercover #6

Jul 7, 2014

So, this series is doing a fantastic job of keeping you guessing who will become the super villain by the end of it.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #8

Apr 13, 2014

I found this issue interesting, but not in a super hero kind of way. I enjoyed the feeling of competence from Huntress, and vulnerability from Power Girl. The mentor angle of the two heroes as they work with their Earth 2 counterparts made for a compelling dynamic, even though it was a little expected. The largest draw for this event is the Kaizen Gamorra character, and the fact that something he is doing has turned a character from Earth 2 into a timebomb. All in all, a solid story building towards a multiverse changing climax.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #9

Apr 25, 2014

I have to say I am a little disappointed in this installment of First Contact. Each threat seems trivialized and each solution seems almost comically contrived. Even Kaizen Gamorra, the villain that was the most interesting part of this event, is forgotten in the aftermath of the portal opening. The best things going for this issue was both the art and the enigmatic and nebulous memories of both Batman and Superman. With the portal open, and the destroyed landscape in sight, I wonder what the connection between worlds will mean for the four heroes.

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Batman Beyond Universe #8

Mar 20, 2014

All in all, this was a good milestone issue. Both endings were interesting and engaging, although I closed the back cover feeling like there was something more I should have taken away from the Batman storyline. The stories seem poised to take a running leap next month, but the suspense just isnt killing me.

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Batman Beyond Universe #9

Apr 30, 2014

If ever a comic had deserved an OMG, it was this one. The excellent use of the Justice Lords in a beyond comic is exactly what the beyond timeline is for; taking old and interesting threats and advancing them as far as Batman. The twisted and circular storytelling, the ambiguous nature of Wonder Woman, and the introduction of brand new enemies, this issue is a must read and has guaranteed my reading for the foreseeable future!

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Batman Beyond Universe #10

Jun 1, 2014

Absolutely excellent issue! The similarities of the Justice Lords really make the differences shine. Terry and his counterpart are an excellent team, and the rich story of the Justice Lords timeline is a powerful epic that makes you think. I just cannot wait for next month, because the best villains are the heroes you trusted most.

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Batman Beyond Universe #11

Jul 1, 2014

This story arch has been just incredible. With the two stories being told together and all of the alt world angles to explore, the Justice Lords Beyond story has been building in suspense and hitting us with "Oh, Shit!" moments since the first issue. I can't wait to see what happens with Zod and the Kryptonite Bat Suit. Sure, Zod will most likely return to his world as an heir and the alt world Terry will be the new Lord Batman, but I hope the Justice Lords are an element of the Batman Beyond Universe for many issues to come.

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Daredevil (2014) #1

May 8, 2014

I was on the fence about getting this new Daredevil series because, like most beloved characters, writers both talented and disappointing have gotten a hold of him numerous times in the past. Like the new Hulk series, Daredevil brings flaws to the forefront, while reminding readers of just how powerful the protagonist really is. The comedy is down to earth and refreshing, only showing up when it isn't a distraction to what is really important on the glossies in front of the reader. I think we will be enjoying this new Daredevil for a long time.

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Daredevil (2014) #2

May 28, 2014

I have to say I loved the choice of the new rival for Daredevil. A man with martial arts training, blindness, and powers allowing him to function beyond his infirmity is perfect to tango with the Man Without Fear. He is also, apparently, the strategic match for Matt, allowing himself to lose a fight to draw the red clad devil right into his trap. I can't wait to see where this dance is going, and look forward to the next issue with fearless anticipation

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Daredevil (2014) #3

May 31, 2014

I am a little disappointed that Shroud isn't the crime boss, which was my impression from last issue. The team up was interesting, but the darker half is just a little too angsty for my blood. I am all for the recreation of the Owl as someone more sinister and capable as he has been in the past, but I just don't see how all of these elements are coming together. I'm no Mark Waid. Maybe I'm just blind as a Matt.

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Daredevil (2014) #4

Jul 2, 2014

In the future, things will get pretty complex. If done right Mr. Waid may have the foundation for a truly epic tale. I can't wait.

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Doctor Fate (2015) #1

Jun 26, 2015

It is sincerely shameful that I found the Arkham Knight advertisement at the back of the book to be the most interesting part. In short, if Earth 2: society was all about potential, Doctor Fate feels to be more about missed opportunities.

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Earth 2 #22

Apr 3, 2014

The greatest parts of reading Earth 2 is seeing how characters get reimagined. The Alan Scott Green Lantern appears to be Earth 2s version of swamp thing, Batman is the guilt stricken father of Bruce Wayne, the Sandman and Red Arrow are members of the World Army instead of sidekicks of previous heroes. With the cross over into the Worlds Finest andBatman Superman, and Supermans plan to move the Earth, are we approaching a merging of the universes?

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Earth 2 #23

May 9, 2014

For quite possibly the first time in this entire series, it feels like the Wonders of Earth 2 have finally made some headway. I realize this is strange as the Bat Cave is gone, Lois is in the clutches of Superman, and Red Arrow is rat food. But Green Lantern is back, and there is a distinct feeling of control at the end of the comic that can't be denied. I hope things continue this way towards some kind of conclusion, so the world can develop beyond the chaos that has been the main theme for the previous 22 issues. If you read the First Contact event, you might be wondering what part Power Girl and Kaizen Gamorra have to play in the upcoming drama. Hopefully, all will be explained next month, on Themyscira!

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Earth 2 #24

Jun 9, 2014

I didn't really dig the strange and abrupt introduction of the Beguiler, but everything else about this issue was worth reading. I wanted to learn more about what was going on with Red Tornado, as she is stuck with Darkseid Superman. Since I wanted it so bad, of course it didn't happen. The Val reveal wasn't too surprising, but I enjoy how they are bringing him into being a Superman by degrees. I just can't wait for SOMETHING to finally wrap up.

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Earth 2: Society #5

Oct 19, 2015

Issue #5 has been just as unique and interesting as all of the previous issues, with the noteworthy exception that we finally have a villainous mastermind to focus on. The drama of the Flash shouldering the weight of the world was compelling and relatable, even it the flashback didn't seem to be as pertinent to the situation he was in at the time as it should've been. I love the introduction of Anarky even though it is a hyper powerful Jimmy Olsen instead of a dedicated twelve year old from Gotham. The fresh and unique angle of Earth 2: Society continues to rate at the top of my DC reading list.

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Five Weapons #8

Apr 26, 2014

Five Weapons is a fantastic read. While the dialogue and the reactions of characters is sometimes clunky and clich, the overall concept and suitably mysterious machinations of characters other than Enrique keep it running at a good pace. The mood is fun, Tyler is an excellent rival, and it is amusing to see Enrique playing a high stakes Dr. House lite. I'll be waiting for this title next month, wearing a grin.

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Five Weapons #9

Jun 3, 2014

This issue was not as entertaining as the rest, mostly because the dueling banjos feel of the masterminds in the story and their monologues. There wasn't as much happening, and therefor, less for Enrique to handle with his incredibly sharp mind. The twist of Tyler being a good soldier instead of just a prick, and the actually introduction of the psionic club were noteworthy, but just a little too late. I still want to see where this is going, and every comic series has a few "set up" issues.

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Hulk (2014) #1

Apr 21, 2014

I found two things very interesting about this new direction. First, it is rare to see the Hulk as vulnerable as Marvel Now has portrayed him. He both begins and ends as a prisoner of his head wounds and we have no idea how long it will last, or if it will ever end. Second, I wonder what level of intellect the Hulk will have. In his many iterations, Hulk has been anywhere from a Spartacus like leader in Planet Hulk, to the savage beast he started out as. In even this issue, Hulk seems to know to chase the people in charge instead of just blindingly attacking people, and even puts saving the civilians over chasing down his targets. At any rate, this new direction is incredibly provocative and seeing how this plays out will be a priority in months to come.

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Hulk (2014) #2

Apr 30, 2014

Despite all of these issues, I still enjoyed reading this month. It wasn't my favorite pull this week, but it was far from horrible. I can't put my finger on it, but Hulk #2 still draws my attention. Perhaps it is the art, or perhaps it is loveable simpleton that Banner has become. Either way, I'll be reading for at least one more month, and I think you should too.

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Hulk (2014) #3

May 28, 2014

I have to say, this issue was incredible, more for the idea of the radiation changing banner's mind than any of the action going on around the town. The mystery of who is behind it all is there, and yes, as any reader would, I want to know. But the correct direction here is all Bruce Banner. I get the feeling that something big is going to change with his character, his powers, and the nature of the Hulk himself. I can't wait for next month's issue, because Hulk will be delivering a star-spangled beat down.

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Hulk (2014) #4

Jun 14, 2014

While not nearly as amazing as the previous issue, there were still a lot of noteworthy elements to discuss in Hulk #4

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Hulk (2014) #5

Sep 1, 2014

This is an incredible direction to take this hero. For one, it kind of returns him to the semi-villain state that he was born to. While he is still in the mad scientist role, I can't help but notice taking away everyone else's Gamma strength is just a smarter way to say "Hulk is the strongest." I have no idea what the nanite's are for, but I love the throw back to the Mr. Fixit era of Hulk, with Hulk keeping Banner locked inside. If things keep up in this vein, I foresee a long fun for this series of the Hulk.

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Inhuman #1

Apr 4, 2014

I found this issue to just amazing. Equal parts sci-fi epic and a throw back to the earlier time periods of the beginning of the mutant evolution. With the X gene reactivated since Avengers vs X-men and now the Terrigen Mists introducing new people with super powers, the Marvel Universe is really about to get a whole lot more interesting.

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Inhuman #2

Jun 8, 2014

This series is just as awesome as I expected it to be. It brings back the edges of the Friends of Humanity civil rights movement, but from the point of view of a disease. On top of that, you have Lasher whose mission is to squash the expansion of the Terrigen Mists. Finally you have the political ramifications of the Inhumans returning to the world, in a highly populated place, and in the spotlight. I can't wait to see what is happening next, and July's issue can't come quick enough.

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Inhuman #10

Dec 20, 2014

I have to say, of all of the series that I started out excited about, this one has been the most disappointing. I realize that right now the series is under the Axis umbrella, but still. Every story arch has felt stringy and contrived, serving almost no purpose in the long run. When the title of a series is Inhuman and the best character is in the last 4 issues has been Spiderman, you are clearly doing something wrong.

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Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #1

Apr 15, 2014

The stark depressing feel of this new Iron Fist series was startling, even if the art was incredibly beautiful. His detachment and complete focus on violence is a dark turn for the character, despite his lethal and combative history. There is poetry amidst the narration that enhances and underscores the art, be it the loneliness of repetition or the violence of kicking a robot zombie ninjas head off, in true martial arts epic tradition.

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Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #2

May 12, 2014

I find this issue to be interesting, but the focus has shifted a little too quickly. Much of the previous issue deals with his feeling of madness, of being hollow beyond violence. This issue focuses on the upheaval of his timeless home, nearly glossing over his involvement completely. I was happy to see Steel Phoenix returning as a villain, even if the more dangerous villain, the cloaked assailant from the helicopters, is standing in the spot light. The martial arts epic feel is there, I only hope they can remained focused enough to make the story as compelling as it started.

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Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #3

Jun 9, 2014

I am ecstatic at the return of Davos and at least the possibility of a new immortal weapon due to Crane Mother. The damage done by Wendell and his son in the last two issues feels so drastic that it should have been given more attention. I would say that Wendell's existence, even as a cyborg, is a bit much. However, steam punk technology has been a part of Iron Fist in the past, as well as in his very first appearance, he was forced to fight a robot. I'm not sure where this is going, or what the monk has to offer the world at large, but I'm looking forward to seeing where Rand's journey takes him.

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Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #7

Dec 12, 2014

Finally, I mentioned that the opponent in the Challenge of One being a robot is important. This is because, at its heart, Iron Fist has always had a very steam punk component to compliment the martial arts and mysticism facets of the narrative . Without that reminder, The increasing amount of odd technology, from the mad robot Wendell Rand and the cybernetic improvements to the Steel Serpent to the portal used to save Danny and his new fists could easily turn off long time fans of the character. I really hope the story takes some positive turns soon, because riding this sadness train is becoming more than a little exhausting.

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Justice League (2011) #37

Dec 20, 2014

I have to say that Justice League has been amazing since the Forever Evil event. This is really the first time that the Justice League has come across actually desperate while still leaving enough mystery to have fans searching each panel and line of dialogue for answers. And lets not forget the art! The whole issue is an exercise in apocalypse couture, taking dismal shades and muted colors and putting them effectively into a world tha tis coming apart at the seems. I cannot wait for next month.

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Justice League 3000 #6

May 9, 2014

I have to say, despite the first few issues, this comic has really stepped it up. The moment the origin of the JL3k was revealed, everything has become more interesting. Our heroes are still hopelessly outclassed, and the universe in the future feels a little bit too much for such a fractured team, but at least we are getting there. And the old adage "Love someone for their flaws" has never been truer, as not only their weaknesses but character traits have begun to grow on me, especially Superman's false bravado. While Justice League 3000 is far from perfect, it's getting there. One issue at a time.

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Justice League 3000 #7

Jun 8, 2014

This is the payoff that I was waiting for. I struggled through some particularly bad issues in the first few months, but the series has certainly picked up the pace. The villains have felt pretty overwhelming, and the Justice League 3K has felt little better than completely inept. Finally things are coming together and even though the group has a boot on their collective neck, I can't wait to see the Five versus the League. Good show, DC!

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Justice League 3000 #8

Jul 8, 2014

I have to say that this comic not only surprised me by getting so much better so fast, but it has also had some developments I have found really creative and entertaining. I am actually most intrigued that it is a series that took the entire threat of characters dying out of the hands of the reader, yet still has high enough stakes and compelling enough situations that it doesn't hurt the narrative at all.

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Justice League 3000 #9

Aug 8, 2014

This issue felt a little rushed to me, but with the odd layout and the inclusion of the Flash, perhaps that was the point. As the Five have developed in the narrative, they have become both less freightening and completely insurmountable. Their heaviest hitters are coming off as useless and inept, while Coeval and Convert seem just as unbeatable as ever. With all of the smoke and mirrors, I am still wondering where Firestorm is and what his contribution is going to be to the final fight with the Five. All in all, it was an ok installment in the series, but left me wanting a little more.

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Moon Knight (2014) #1

Mar 6, 2014

This first issue of Moon Knight has taken a dramatic new direction from the previous series in which he has starred. With virtually no supporting cast, a (nearly) legitimate job, and a justifiable explanation for his previous personalities, both the avengers and his traditional personalities, Moon Knight seems far more competent and mature than ever before. With this interesting and surprisingly solid new direction, I have never been more interested to see where Moon Knight is headed.

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Moon Knight (2014) #2

Apr 3, 2014

Warren Ellis' focus on weird crime has thus far been an excellent use of Moon Knight. Having two issues now to look at, I wonder if Mr. Ellis is using villains and murderers from the same background as Marc Specter for some greater purpose. Mercenaries and Soldiers who were betrayed and abandoned seem dangerously close to the origin of our hero. This would work a lot better building a rouges gallery of his own, but for that to happen, an enemy would need to survive.

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Moon Knight (2014) #3

May 13, 2014

So, I have no idea if Ellis has an end game here. I thought that perhaps there would be a military angle, but this issue had no military ties. Moon Knight appears to be gaining more costumes, almost as fast as Marc Spector used to collect personalities. His Mr. Knight alter ego, the Moon knight suit, and now his mystical hunter-of-the-dead outfit seem to be turning him into a a new kind of Batman. One that combats every threat, Magic or otherwise, and has the tools already at his disposal. For what it is worth, I love the new suit and I hope he has opportunity to fight the dead in future issues. What other outfits will he end up in? In Ellis we trust.

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Moon Knight (2014) #4

Jun 10, 2014

For the first time I can't claim that this title, my favorite superheroes' title, was great. It was good, if a little strange, and I am aware that "weird crime" is one of the pillars of Ellis' writing. This title just basically ignored the super hero aspect of the character, and focused on organic, weird art, much like an homage to H.R. Giger. Something about this issue didn't seem to jive with the previous three, and introduced us to no new development for Moon Knight. It's issues like this, entertaining but ultimately disappointing, that really make me need to take a deep breath and repeat my mantra; in Ellis we trust.

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Moon Knight (2014) #9

Dec 13, 2014

For the first time in years, Moon Knight seems to have a story of his own. In the previous runs of Moon Knight, his story has seemed mostly reactionary, dealing with the wages of the Dark Reign and Norman Osborne, and before that the infamous Committee. I look forward to seeing how this new development will effect the world of Moon Knight and Marvel as a whole.

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Moon Knight (2014) #10

Dec 20, 2014

We knew, after Kendrick stole Khonshu, that she would start her knew role as an avatar of vengeance by ending her vendetta with General Lor. As a fan who pays attention to detail, I did notice a few things that are going to cost her the newfound powers. Her current attempt at retribution lacked two major parts of what Moon Knight and Khonshu are; it happened during the day and it wasnt Khonshus avatar that was making the kill. We know from previous issues and series that Khonshu wants the blood on his hands. I also get the feeling that the god can deal with defiance and disobedience such as Marc has shown in the past much better than he can deal with incompetence and cowardice, both of which Kendrick has shown by using someone else to make the kill, and failing. I cant wait to see how Marc gets his mojo back. This series cant come out fast enough.

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Morning Glories #38

Apr 20, 2014

While this issue is a little lighter on the mysterious and mystical intruige, it holds up it's strong tradition of thickening the plot without resolving anything, or even answering any questions. Morning Glories is one of the few series in the market that can make everything so complicated, so vague and nebulous, that it should be frustrating to read, but instead we are simply more entertained and willing to dive deeper and wait a little longer for the explanation. I have read every issue so far, and I can honestly say, next month can't come fast enough.

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Nightcrawler (2014) #1

Apr 14, 2014

Nightcrawler #1 was a perfect blend of the three required parts of any characters resurrection story; what has changed, what hasnt, and what is to come. The entire first half of the comic, being dedicated to the people and places that are both the same and different, was a wonderful foundation for the series. The hook to pull Kurt forward and without the X-men feels a little ephemeral but still interesting enough to make issue #2 worth it.

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Nightcrawler (2014) #2

May 18, 2014

This issue had me right at the beginning. A lot of the Marvel Now titles are showcasing flaws and darker versions of characters. Nightcrawler seems to be showcasing the lighter, more compassionate sides of the character. From the focus on his fun loving and generally happy upbringing, all the way to his knowledge and desire to protect his friends from Der Jahrmarkt, his every move is based on concern for his fellows.

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Nightcrawler (2014) #3

Jun 13, 2014

This issue was pretty interesting, but it had a kind of piece meal feel to it. First of all, the circus folk stepping out seemed a little hands off for friends of the elf. The Trimega makes sense, until the very end. Are they mass-produced like sentinels? Are the mutants just in the way, or are they a different set of targets? Finally, the dual double crosses were interesting, but in the midst of the Trimega attack, what purpose did they serve? I'm going to keep reading to find the answers to these questions, but I hope the story raises the bar at least a little.

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Providence #1

Jun 10, 2015

I am a huge Lovecraft fan and have read every bit of fiction he has produced. I am still excited for the series, but I cant help but feel cheated of the supernatural and cosmic horror that is the cornerstone of his body of work. Heres to hoping that Cthulhu can inspire just a bit more boldness from the man who brought us Watchmen.

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Rat Queens #5

Feb 26, 2014

This issue was one that speaks to masterful timing. This series has been comical and action packed, which is enough to keep a reader occupied, but not forever. By hinting at the past and entwining relationships into the story, everything has taken on a new depth and more interest. This has become a comic not only worth reading, but truly riveting, and absolutely worth every penny.

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Rat Queens #6

May 12, 2014

Rat Queens might be my favorite comic on the market right now, which is saying a lot as I am both an avid fan of Moon Knight and Iron Fist from Marvel. The constant laughs, intense and visceral combat, and raw emotional moments make this an excellent story. And all of that, before the intrigue of the Merchant Guild Mage and all of the Rat Queen's sordid pasts. This book has the staying power in both art and story, and I'll be reading it right up until the end.

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Real Heroes #1

Mar 27, 2014

Real Heroes has some beautiful art and the writing of the relationships within the Olympians is particularly interesting. However, this comic just feels like a superhero version of Galaxy Quest. One can only hope that completely apparent lack of heroic traits in the group will make for interesting drama while the story develops.

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Real Heroes #2

May 7, 2014

I will say this for Real Heroes, for a comic built entirely on clichs and a relatively common concept; it is becoming more and more entertaining. The familiar and new feel of the world, costumes, powers, and characters is really working for this story, which is surprising considering that same feel suffocated the first issue. Also, the nonchalance of Brainchild is an excellent and organic angle for the character. Real Heroes pulled itself out of gutter and made sure I'd be pulling it again, in a few weeks.

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Real Heroes #3

Jun 13, 2014

Holy cow! The obvious parallels of Real Heroes compared to Galaxy Quest end in the high concept. I love the fact that by wearing the Olympians' outfits, the heroes actually gain their powers. The theatricality of Brainchild and his supposed rival Smitty is interesting considering the Brainchild's words. I wonder who the big bad is that had the Olympians killed. Finally, the social discord surrounding the Patriot has some really interesting repercussions. This issue blew all of my expectations out of the water and I just can't wait to see what happens next month.

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Sinestro #2

May 26, 2014

Geoff Johns made us love Sinestro during his run of the Green Lantern series, and the new creative team has taken that sentiment and ran with it.

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Sinestro #3

Jul 2, 2014

This issue felt more like a comic and less like some bizarre science fiction history lesson, and that is a step in the right direction for the series.

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Sinestro #4

Sep 3, 2014

This issue was excellent, mostly because we got to see more of this mysterious Inquisition and what it's powers are. The little window into Sinestro's inner thoughts and fears was revealing, especially with how Jordan-centric they turned out to be. I still find myself compelled to read about Sinestro more for the odd duality of him; Fighting to save a people that hate him and dealing death in an almost offhand, if large scale, manner. This series si shaping up to be an excellent, if not redemption story, then reintroduction of a beloved, morally grey character.

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Star Mage #1

Apr 21, 2014

The art in this issue is well done and the story telling is interesting, if the subject matter is a little stale. I'm curious as to the villainous face of the father's killer, and how exactly this Arylos will be training the young Darien in the use of his talents. All in all, a nice solid read with the potential to become more.

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Stray Bullets: Killers #1

Mar 30, 2014

This read was excellent. It had some grit, and a compelling story. The main character being the boy caught up in everything really made this stand out from the other true crime books out there. I fully intend to add this to my pull, and if you're a fan of crime dramas, you should be too.

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Stray Bullets: Killers #2

Apr 21, 2014

The first and second issue were both fantastic, each with a very human story and a powerful ending. Killers seems like an apt subtitle and I will most certainly be getting next months issue.

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Stray Bullets: Killers #3

May 23, 2014

This was an incredibly entertaining issue, that makes Virginia all that much more human, if not altogether like able. The finger puns were an excellent way to insert the overt comic-like camp into this very serious series. This has not been the most satisfying issue, but it has been the most compelling. Bring on next month!

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Stray Bullets: Killers #4

Jul 2, 2014

This issue was timeless in the way it was told, touching on a lot of the discord of the formative years, first love, etc. The best part of this issue for me, however, was the happy ending that we haven't been trained to expect in this title. While a complete tale in it's own right, issue #4 feels like it is another layer of braiding in a story that is getting increasingly complex. Next month is sure to drag me in just a little farther.

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Superior Iron Man #2

Dec 13, 2014

I have to say, I think that Axis was created to test out how many characters would benefit from a "superior" style story. I don't know how many other characters could pull it off, but Iron Man is perfect. I haven't enjoyed Iron Man this much since his cinematic debut at the beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With the ways that Tony has become beloved as well as Narcisitically evil, and especially that backhanded gift of sight that he gave to Daredevil, I just can't wait to see what happens next.

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Tales Of Honor #1

Mar 9, 2014

Having never been a reader of the novels this comic series is based on, I find myself interested where this artistic marvel is headed. The need for heavy exposition was evident, but broken up with promises of both action and intrigue by the bits of foreshadowing dropped in amongst them. All in all, the art alone would drive me to pick up the next issue, but the story leaves you wondering; in a career this damned, where did it all go wrong?

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Talon #17

Mar 27, 2014

Now, of course I am a fan of the series and I am sad to let it go. I do have a gripe with this final issue. Every writer tries to find ways to make their characters more cool and more interesting. This can be done with powers, enemies, and intense moments. Sometimes it works, like in an earlier Talon comic, Calvin Rose slips a pair of hand cuffs Batman created that not even Batman could escape. Infamously, the classic television show Happy Days tried to do this with the Fonz. The notorious Jump the Shark episode, and concept, was created. In this issue, Calvin Rose literally throws a shark at Lord Death Man. Im not sure if it was in an attempt to be cool, funny, or some combination of the two, but I felt it really "Tossed the Shark."

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #31

Mar 1, 2014

In short, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #31 was a great read, if a little slow at times, and in one issue, has snagged yet another reader.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #32

Mar 13, 2014

This issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles delivers on a number of levels, but its greatest strength is that it is fun. The climax focusing so much on surprise and the light-hearted Michelangelo really made this fun read. The action is excellent and the healing of Aprils father make the end of this story arc a happy ending to remember.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics Vol. 2 #5

Mar 15, 2014

All in all this was a fantastic read, the only exception being such a large chuck of the action being a bit confusing. The drama in the story was solid and really showcased the dynamic of the two dominant brothers. I think the most interesting thing in this issue is that, without Raphael, the four brothers often find themselves lacking the passion to push forward, but also lack the recklessness to take foolish risks.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #9

Mar 27, 2014

All in all, this book is a fun read, with just enough depth for the readers that are also the demographic for the show. It is good clean fun with some easy moral messages for kids of all ages. Id say that the new animated adventures are worth every penny your not spending on pizza.

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The Devilers #1

Aug 2, 2014

This book has everything going for it, from beautiful artwork, to a universal theme, to a story that looms mysterious and complex just outside of the pages we've been given. I think the addition of the character that is just along for the ride, Mr. Lieb as the agnostic voice on the team is a dash of genius. I look forward to learning about the Devil and his treaty, and the myriad of demons that have found their way onto Earth. Also, I want more Rude Demon Frog.

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The Dresden Files: War Cry #1

Aug 28, 2014

I may be biased, but I absolutely loved this comic. It didn't have the kind of exposition that I would have preferred, kind of throwing the reader into the thick of things without much traction, but the art and action make up for it. As a fan of the series, it is excellent to see the familiar characters, specifically Remirez and Yoshimo, portrayed on the glossy page and visible for the first time. The running narrative gives the Dresden we are used to a slightly more responsible feel than we are used to, mostly due to a lack of wisecracks and witty, internal banter. All in all, a great beginning to an excellent story.

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The Dresden Files: War Cry #2

Aug 28, 2014

This issue was much better than the first, not because the first issue was bad, but because this issue increased suspense exponentially. With the interaction between Dresden and the Baron you have a traditional rivalry brewing. The injury to one of the wardens is the beginning of increased desperation. Finally, the introduction of the Shoggoth, the equivalent of a magical time bomb is HUGE. If I didnt already know how the Red Court War turned out (read the book Changes), Id be on the edge of my seat! Next issue cant come soon enough!

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The Dresden Files: War Cry #3

Aug 29, 2014

his issue wasn't quite as intense as the last one. The action was a bit more interesting; especially with the stiletto of the human agent of the Red Court aimed at the underbelly of Venatori. The Baron and Dresden coming to blows left a bit to be desired, but it is still only the third issue, so we wouldn't want to rush that. The introduction of Thomas Raith was a great cliff hanger ending, and it is a happy ending to the comic. This scares me though. If something that helps this much happens at the end of the third issue, how much worse are things going to get for the team before the end of the series. Unfortunately, its another month before we find out.

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The Dresden Files: War Cry #4

Sep 5, 2014

I have to say this issue was just as god as the second, with the inclusion of Thomas and the stakes being raised, yet again. It is a treat to see how Thomas thinks and his reasons for following and fighting with his brother Harry. Bravosa becoming less visually human is an interesting symbol, too, considering that all of his best laid plans are making him more and more desperate. Seriously, I should have seen the Shoggoth bit coming, but they just made it sound so FINAL in the earlier issues that I put it out of my mind. How is harry going to put the creature back in it's box when this is over? I guess I'll just have to wait for the finale.

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The Field #1

Apr 3, 2014

Field #1 is a good first issue with just a little too much mystery. While the protagonist is sympathetic, his lack of even a name causes a distance that damages the story just a little. This is overshadowed by Christian's sociopathic behavior, which is perhaps the point, as it establishes the enemy early on. The biker's and the dream about the scientists hint at a larger story, but the most intriguing thing is the waitresses words. Already, we have enough information to take a guess at elements of the story. Is the man some kind of reset button on time, a trigger pull away from starting the night over again? I'll anxiously await issue #2, if only to see if my theory is right.

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Veil #1

Mar 7, 2014

Veil #1 is a terribly interesting read. Offering enough intrigue and questions with one hand, and a powerful and broken protagonist on the other, I found myself drawn deeper and deeper. The events of the issue seem to obfuscate the fact that magic is heavily implied in the opening pages, and I am unsure if this is intentional or not. Also, with Veils powers unexplained thus far, it is easy to question if Dante is helping her on his own accord or not. This is a title I would suggest to my hardiest of comic reading friends, and I know Ill be anxiously awaiting next months issue.

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Veil #2

Apr 2, 2014

I was happy to have been right about the magic angle from the first splash of images on the first page of the first issue. Though that question was answered, it only brings with it more questions. Who does Scarborough work for? What does Cormac want from Veil? Again, I ask you, rats? Where has Veil gone and why did she turn on Dante? Hopefully, these questions are answered in next months installment in the dark and compelling series.

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Veil #3

May 7, 2014

I found this month's issue to be very brief, but that is just the consequence of the highly visual storytelling. The dialogue, especially dealing with Cormac and Veil is almost negligible, as it is only a few brief sentences and a a hearty helping of arcane gibberish. The transformation feels both rushed and very drastic considering the early nature of the story, but I'm hoping the writer has a plan for that. The best parts of this issue were certainly the magic bits; the rat like familiars, compulsions, and the final binding/working that effects our awkward protagonist. The brevity of the issue actually enhanced the experience, creating the mood of a situation spiraling out of control. I can't wait to see just how far the spiral goes.

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World's Finest (2012) #20

Apr 15, 2014

The Earth 2 angle to this issue was interesting, and the most interesting dynamics of the changing team ups have really been entertaining. The best part of the comic once again comes at the hands of Gamorra, who is creating mass produced super humans, which was his whole gimmick as a super terrorist in the Authority comics of the past. Seeing him re-envisioned wrapped up in a multiversal storyline is truly a treat, making me wonder if the Stormwatch team is going to make a cameo in this event, if only for old times sake.

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World's Finest (2012) #21

Apr 26, 2014

I have mixed feelings with the finale of the First Contact Event. I was expecting a full blown cross over, something to mirror or complicate the Forever Evil fallout. That isn't to say that some interesting developments did occur. For one, Darkseid Superman refers to Kara as his "little secret weapon" which adds an interesting element to her character and Superman's plotting in Earth 2. Also, the introduction of Kaizen Gamorra, the super high tech genius, into the powerful subjects and allies that Superman has amassed in his attempt to conquer Earth 2 is a ripple that could reach farther than any yet. I may not continue reading World's Finest or Batman Superman but this series has reinforced my love of Earth 2 for months to come.

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