All-New Ghost Rider #1
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All-New Ghost Rider #1

Writer: Felipe Smith Artist: Tradd Moore Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 26, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 32 User Reviews: 20
7.8Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

A street race leads a young man on the FAST and FURIOUS road of destiny. Amid an East Los Angeles neighborhood running wild with gang violence and drug trafficking, a war brews in the criminal underworld! With four on the floor, Marvel's newest GHOST RIDER puts vengeance in overdrive!!!

  • 10
    Following The Nerd - Crowbar Mar 29, 2014

    The art style and coloring from Nelson Daniel, Val Staples, and Tradd Moore do a great job shaking up the usual comic book art style to give us something really different. Felipe Smith did a great job introducing Robbie's because it feels fresh. This wasn't a flashback or anything; just a start of Robbie's life. All-New Ghost Rider sticks out with unique-ness and originality among the new Marvel comics these days. The new Rider design is fantastic and this was a great beginning to a new series. Major props to everyone involved. Color me excited for issue #2. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Booked - David Hinspeter Mar 27, 2014

    The greatest part of this new direction for the Ghost Rider is the gentle soul behind it. Robbie Reyes is a truly compelling and sympathetic character, an underdog that has you rooting for him immediately. Being dealt a raw deal over and over again, even in just these 32 pages, has you raising your hands and crying come on! by the end. With so many unfair turns of events, there is plenty to fuel the rampage that will be All New Ghost Rider. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Max Level Geek - Jonathan Semoneit Apr 10, 2014

    Buy this book. It's really that simple. It's got tragedy; it's got style; it's even got a certain X-factor quality about it that's indescribable. That's a very good thing this early on. And let me be clear about this: Tradd Moore's art isn't just great, it's powerful enough to summon the Spirit of Vengeance! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Mar 31, 2014

    It's an impressive first outing, and if they can avoid the "invincible demon" pitfall for the Ghost Rider, then they should have something very special here. The series is off to a great start! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Nerds Unchained - Connor Frigon Mar 27, 2014

    All-New Ghost Rider #1 is not perfect and I frankly couldnt care less. Itenthralledme on a purely emotional level. It made me enjoy a genre I previously couldnt care less about using characters Ive never heard of before. I just need more of this in my life. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    We The Nerdy - Henry Varona Apr 1, 2014

    All-New Ghost Rider is one of the best issue ones that I have read in a long time. Immediately engaging, I want to read more already. I sincerely hope this book gains traction, because its such a unique take on a long-standing character. It revitalizes Ghost Rider and provides a better launch than the character has had in the last decade. In this case, carving a new path is the best thing that could have possibly happened for this book. I love it and cherish it and can't wait until the next issue hits. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Geeked Out Nation - Rob Thomas Mar 27, 2014

    All-New Ghost Rider is barely past the starting line, but already my feelings of suspicion and wariness are giving way to optimism. In Robbie Reyes I feel like we may have a potentially worthy successor to Johnny Blaze's legacy. Both are thrill-seeking rebels who find solace in the purr of a revved-up engine. Both end up in their respective, character-defining crucibles due to their desire to save family. And I have to admit I love the nod to Blaze's classic outfit in the flap-fronted leather jacket. And while this raises questions of how this new Ghost Rider is related to the Blaze/Zarathos Rider currently palling around with the Thunderbolts, hopefully we'll find out soon enough. Alright, guys. You have my attention. Let's just hope you can navigate the curves ahead. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Mar 27, 2014

    Even better? There's no dialogue for this origin scene. There doesn't need to be; you get all the messages straight from Moore's faces and the hellacious flames surrounding our titular character. From that moment on you know this isn't just a pretty book. It's not even a simply well-written book. “All-New Ghost Rider” is an exhilarating journey of fast cars, sacrifice, and a burning sense of vengeance. Don't be fooled by the seemingly slow start; it's the traction to ground yourself to the floor so you're not completely blown apart by the second half of this comic. Even though there's a couple hiccups in the art from time to time, they're ultimately rendered insignificant by the rest of the comic. Tradd Moore is redefining what action scenes in comics mean, and with Smith's heartfelt script and Nelson Daniel and Val Staples' colors, “All-New Ghost Rider” has become the must-read book of All-New Marvel NOW! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Mar 25, 2014

    This comic reads like a muscle car about to start a street race. The first half of the issue is idling, rumbling, brimming with tension and when Smith and Moore cut it loose in the second half there is nothing but tires screeching and roaring power. All-New Ghost Rider is looking to be a high octane book with a ton of potential and a relatable lead character with some absolutely jaw dropping art. The first issue is a thrill ride, and you're going to want to give this series a try before the first printing is sold out. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Rhymes With Geek - David Melton Mar 27, 2014

    Ghost Rider promises to be an action-packed, heart-felt story that hopefully doesn't race too quickly to the finish line. Take your time reading this, and even take it for a spin a second or third time. Everything is thrown at you pretty quick and it would be a shame to miss anything that's this debut! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Mar 26, 2014

    It is, albeit it could use more pages and more time on the bad guys. That said, this number one issue delivers a solid origin story, solid art and a solid start for a brand new, four-wheeled riding superhero. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 26, 2014

    Time will tell if All-New Ghost Rider can find more sales traction than the previous book. But at least the new creative team are off on the right foot. All-New Ghost Rider offers an engaging, accessible entry point into the franchise that doesn't trip over itself trying to introduce the new hero. And in the tradition of new series like She-Hulk and Moon Knight, the unique visual style immediately sets this Ghost Rider apart from the ones that have come before. Hopefully this series can only get better as the creators work through the origin story and further establish Robbie's world. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Mar 26, 2014

    All in all, All-New Ghost Rider #1 manages an impressive feat: reminding me of the cool stories of the past, while taking a new path, and the art is visually distinctive enough that I'd have enjoyed the issue even if the writing were less capable. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Mar 26, 2014

    I wasn't sure if we needed another new Ghost Rider but after reading this issue, I'm sold. Felipe Smith and Tradd Moore give us exactly that, a NEW Ghost Rider. This isn't a Ghost Rider we've seen before. We get a new character from a different part of the Marvel Universe and it's all really cool to see. I've seen some have concerns over the art but the more you see, the more you'll agree it's fitting for this comic. There is a nice indie feel to this comic that, again, makes it feel different and fresh compared to past Ghost Rider stories. I like where this comic is going. I like it a lot. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - King Oct 25, 2014

    All in all, the combination of Smith’s down to Earth narrative, Staples’s vibrancy in details, and of course Moore’s hyper-stylized/ultra-kinetic illustration, this new take on an old hero is one that I look forward to reading for issues to come. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Chris Stark Mar 30, 2014

    The name that most people will know on this book is Tradd Moore. His art is very unlike any Ghost Rider book of the past. It has a cartoon quality to it with television animation styles. But it completely fits. The line-work is astounding from the basic talking scenes to the action panels. The story looks to be heading in a good direction thanks to Felipe Smith. The first issue is a set-up book where we meet everyone and get some basic information about what is going to move the story forward. And this is a much better start than the last Ghost Rider series. Overall, I am on-board for the initial ride, no pun intended. I always enjoy a good Ghost Rider story and this different take might be just what the character needs to get back in the spotlight. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Mar 29, 2014

    I've never worked up much interest in Ghost Rider as a character, and I really figured that Aaron's recent psychotic run on the book was as much singed-skull action as I'd need for the foreseeable future. But even if I'm not wholly convinced that making the rider a Hispanic muscle-car racer is enough of a conceptual rebirth to invest me in the character, I'm absolutely onboard for the first arc, just to see what other eyefucks Moore, Daniel, Staples, and Smith have in store for me. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Mar 31, 2014

    But considering how much the concept has flailed about in the past, All-New Ghost Rider isn't a bad respite. There's no way that Marvel is going to keep Robbie Reyes in the driver's seat - there's already too much iconography, too much history to just forget about Johnny Blaze and Danny Ketch. But for now, it's good to rest the concept and see what other directions it might go. If Smith can provide a solid platform for Moore to cut loose next issue, I'd say that All-New Ghost Rider will be a fantastic showcase for a future superstar artist. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Mar 28, 2014

    Overall, a decent first issue that promises some interesting things for the series. I want more. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - George Marston Mar 25, 2014

    This is nothing like any Ghost Rider book that's ever hit the stands. And that is definitely as mixed bag for Marvel. There's a component of Marvel's readership that will be repelled by this new take on the character - it really isn't like anything in mainstream American comics right now - but there are also those who will be drawn to the book for its odd-duck style. The bottom line is, Ghost Rider #1 is a book that wears its influence on its sleeve, along with its emotional core, and its sense of subtlety. But there's something incredibly gripping about its raw, unbridled energy that will make readers who are willing to go along for the ride clamor for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Refueled - vashmcdash Mar 28, 2014

    This new Ghost Rider seems as it will deliver on all fronts. Smith, Moore, and Staples work very well together and I have high hopes for this series. As long as Smith brings more about Robbie in the coming issues, I see this turning into one of Marvel's new must read series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Lance Paul Mar 31, 2014

    Thing is, this just isn't your daddy's Ghost Rider anymore. Rather, this is a Rider raised on Steve McQueen and copious amounts of Japanimation. While I still have some concerns over a lack of character development, the American muscle-meets-indie feel pulls this one in front of the lot. And, let's be honest, this is only the first episode of the new duo's first season. I can sense the smoke of a mid-season cliffhanging skull right now. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Rob McMonigal Mar 26, 2014

    If you like speed lines, has Marvel got a comic for you! Tradd Moore, in an otherwise visually appealing comic if you are a fan of OEL Manga, overdoes the impressions of motion, which hurts this otherwise innovative debut of a new take on a classic character. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicBuzz - Ollie Mar 28, 2014

    I am not normally a fan of Manga style art but Moore's art works on this title giving it a modern look and moving it away from the old titles. The story is well written and there is a genuine bond created between the brothers and a bit of mystery given to the shady characters. We are left guessing about things that happened before and wanting to know more. There is enough in the book to make me pick up the next issue which is something that I did not think would happen. My only issue with the book is the use of derogatory terms being used for people with disabilities where young people can see characters using them and not being held accountable for it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Matt Little Mar 28, 2014

    I want more, and that's the most you can ask from a first issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Sean Ian Mills Mar 28, 2014

    Still, All-New Ghost Rider #1 is a solid start to the series. Like the rest of the new solo hero comics from the All-New Marvel NOW!, the gears seem to be set for creativity and originality. Maybe that'll be enough to finally propel a Ghost Rider comic to success. But if I'm being honest, I definitely think the issue ended far too early. We already know Robbie Reyes becomes Ghost Rider. Smith and Moore should have given us a taste of what their Ghost Rider is going to be like in action. Some people might not be willing to bother waiting for that second issue to roll around. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Mar 29, 2014

    The art is definitely unique, and I think I like it. I've really been enjoying the artists Marvel has brought on board for All-New Marvel NOW! They're becoming a stronger part of each comic, and while Moore's art won't be for everybody, it definitely works for me. I especially love his new design for Ghost Rider. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Mar 25, 2014

    Tradd Moore handles the art, which is perfect for what Felipe Smith is doing. The work has a modern feel, blending parts of anime and underground comic book art sensibilities, with an urban graffiti feel. Moore's work has an original hook to it, as well as an interesting way of communicating movement. His dynamics are really odd, as is his line work and sense of anatomy. Mixed with the vibrant colors from Nelson Daniel and Val Staples, Ghost Rider looks great. It's too bad the story is so unappealing. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Kliq Nation - Timdogg Mar 18, 2014

    I was very pleased with All-New Ghost Rider #1. The mystery surrounding the circumstances of Robbie Reyes becoming the next Spirit of Vengeance and the creative team ofFelipe SmithandTradd Mooreall combine to make this new addition to the All-New Marvel NOW! a comic to watch out for. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Tyler Goulet Mar 26, 2014

    Look, this issue was good. It was actually surprising how good it was, even if a lot of that praise tends to lean on the visuals because they were absolutely show-stealing fantastic. Smith did a good job with the build up, but just got too excited at the end. Theres still plenty of hope for this series, but itll be up to issue two to really sell it. Read Full Review

  • 5.3
    Florida Geek Scene - Scott Apr 16, 2014

    The story is a little quick, and a little too identical to the movie the Wraith, but I can forgive that because if you reverse it the Ghost Rider existed first and he wreaked vengeance before Charlie Sheen in the Wraith, no matter which Ghost Rider incarnation you want to follow. I'm just hoping that in issue #2 we get some more insight on Robbie Reyes and his family situation, love interests and all the stuff that be some how included in any title, in any case I have kept it on my pull list. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Zac Thompson Mar 26, 2014

    Whats to come still hold hope. First issues are hard to stick. They have to keep a lot of plates spinning and sometimes its almost impossible to balance everything perfectly. Im intrigued to see more of this Ghost Rider, but only because of the previews of issue two. As a standalone introduction to the character this feels underdeveloped, under utilized, and ends far too quickly. The last three pages actually feel like the beginning of the story. Read Full Review

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