Tyler Goulet's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: All-Comic, Read Comic Books Reviews: 221
8.4Avg. Review Rating

100th Anniversary: The Avengers #1

Jul 24, 2014

Anyway, along with doing the art (pencil and ink) Stokoe handles his own color work and all his own lettering, giving readers the absolute full-package deal. His colors are insane, bright, in-your-face, and his lettering (especially on logos and the title pages) is just stellar. It's original, it's new, it's fresh, and it's something that Marvel needs to take more chances on. This Avengers book is 100% Stokoe in all his glory and if you take the time to really sit down and pour over these pages you're going to be converted to the Holy Order of Stokoe"send $5 in and you'll get your membership card. It's really very simple. After you read this and while you wait for your membership card, go out and pick up at least the two other books mentioned above and tell Marvel, in tweets or emails or by buying 50 copies, that youdemand more work from this talented, talented creator.

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2000AD #1924

Apr 1, 2015

Ending with two heavyweights like that was brilliant and considering that Prog 1924 will go down in history as this reviewers very first, its more than something special. It cant be expressed enough how well these progs are put together and the kind of material and creators that 2000 AD gets week in and week out for your enjoyment. There is so much to love here, its hard to pick out favorites or highlights, so maybe its best if you just go pick this up. Try their digital store (Android/iOS) if you cant get your hands on a physical copy, then look into their subscriptions. If this is any indication, you wont be sorry. Splundig vur thrigg, Earthlets!

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4001 A.D.: X-O Manowar #1

May 12, 2016

Between Venditti, Clayton and Reber this one-off issue is fun, enjoyable and while not Earth shattering, it does provide some revelations from the first issue of4001 A.D. This is a tasteful little bite off of a much larger event and, frankly, this is the kind of thing we need more of in the world of comics, especially if the whole “event” thing is going to continue amongst the shared universe publishers. This book is not required reading, but it's the perfect pick-up for readers looking to dive a little deeper or for those Valiant diehardswe all know and love that just need to know every little bit of what's happening. Hell, even for those who might not have read X-O Manowar prior to this, this could be the spark to finally get you to pick up the series that, arguably, has been the standout amongst many giant books since 2012.

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Abe Sapien (2013) #3

Jun 6, 2013

The hints dropped at the end of this issue are almost too much to bear. Waiting another month for the follow up of this series is going to be tough. Theres so much in the Mignolaverse, even with just the B.P.R.D. series that its hard to say if somebody with no prior knowledge with understand it. At the very least its an exciting issue and should undoubtedly make any new reader want to go back and connect the dots. Month in and month out, you cant go wrong with anything that has Mike Mignolas name on it. The people he works with always do a phenomenal job and the stories are always insane, deep and some of the best in all of comics. Next time youre at your local comic shop, check them out. You will not be disappointed.

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Abe Sapien (2013) #11

Mar 10, 2014

Really and truly, Abe Sapien has been a treat from the start. Mignola and Allie, who have worked together for years and years, are great as a team and continue to give us amazing stories with one of the key, original members of the B.P.R.D. On top of that, Fiumara and Stewart do an equally impressive job with the art each and every time. This series has the best of both worlds and if youre not reading this, or anything in the Mignolaverse for that matter, you really need to do yourself a favor and pick it up because its easily one of the best books on the shelf each and every month.

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Abe Sapien (2013) #19

Jan 12, 2015

Fans of the Mignolaverse, particularly of good old Abe, really need to pick this up if theyve decided to skip it, for some insane reason. Abe Sapien is arguably one of the strongest titles in the Mignolaverse and considering the other titles involved, that says it all right there, doesnt it?

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Abe Sapien (2013) #20

Feb 10, 2015

While this issue of Abe Sapien might not have been an action-packed issue, it certainly was full of deep, ominous foreshadowing and it felt like a little breather before what comes next which, thanks to the cliff hanger, is going to be insane. Time after time, Abe Sapien impresses and this issue is no exception. In a line-up full of great books, this is easily one of the best, so if youre not picking this up youre missing out.

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Action Comics (2011) #26

Dec 4, 2013

Overall, one of the best Superman comics in a long time, to be quite honest. That opinion may be a little bias based on the fact that Superman doesn't rate too high on this reviewer's list of favorite heroes, but a great issue nonetheless. If you've been curious aboutAction or need some Superman in your pull list, this could be the one for you. Definitely think both Pak and Kuder have earned, if nothing else, a follow up issue after the effort they put forth in #26. Check it out.

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Action Comics (2011) #27

Jan 8, 2014

It might have been said last time, but Action Comics might just be the best comic that is about or involves Superman right now. Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder work great together and it is a team that DC hopefully keeps together for the foreseeable future. Multiple artists on one book might not be a personal favorite, but these artists do a superb job with the awesome story from Pak. If youre missing good Superman books, pick up Action. You wont be sorry you did.

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Action Comics (2011) #28

Feb 5, 2014

Action Comics has really and truly been an absolute treat to read since Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder assumed the writing and artist duties only a few issues back. It clearly outshines what the New 52 has done with Superman up to this point, with maybe an exception to Charles Soule'sSuperman/Wonder Womanwhich has been a pleasant surprise, and when guys like Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr. are being brought in to, more or less, saveSupermanproper you can't help but think that, hey, we already have a great Superman book. They have a lot of catching up and work to do to be in the same league asAction Comics.

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Adventure Time (2012) #25

Feb 18, 2014

Okay, so, the praise for this issue is high. Some of the art is a bit different that what were used to, but in context it works. As usual though, Ryan North gives us a fantastic story that very easily could be an episode on the Cartoon Network and both Paroline and Lamb provide stellar art that compliments Norths beyond perfectly. What does all this mean? Well, it means you need to read some Adventure Time from BOOM! Studios because they really do it right. If youre a new fan or an old one, you need to check out this issue and this series.

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Adventure Time: The Flip Side #1

Jan 6, 2014

For a #1 issue, this was a great start. Tobin, Coover and Clark have set the bar high and the twist at the end is fantastic. BOOM! Studios has never disappointed with their Adventure Time books and consistently have great creators putting their touches on the cast and land of Ooo. If you like Adventure Time, or even if you havent tried it yet, you cant go wrong with this issue.

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Afterlife With Archie #1

Oct 9, 2013

This is one of a handful of number one issues released today and its possible that it just might be one of the best. Its new, but its different. It's characters you remember, but with a bit of a darker twist. Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Francesco Francavilla make an excellent pair for this particular yarn and its something thats highly recommended. If you havent read an Archie for years, it might be time to check back in. This is going to be a helluva story.

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Afterlife With Archie #4

Mar 4, 2014

Francavilla and RAS have not only done something new and amazing with long established characters that, frankly, nobody thought would be in this sort of situation, but they've done it on a level that makes most books look silly in comparison. This series, and this issue especially, really turns up the tension and emotion and leaves an interesting cliff hanger for people to agonize another month over. Everybody knows Archie and the main supporting cast, or at least they understand the main points of them, so there's no excuse to not pick this series up. It's everything, and more, you could want in not only a zombie apocalypse book but also in a comic. This is a new measuring stick for comic book quality, so go pick it up. Right now.

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Afterlife With Archie #5

May 14, 2014

This is a story that really and truly can be picked up and read and enjoyed by everybody (except maybe the kiddies, because who wants to give their kids nightmares of Zombie Jughead?) on every level. It's just that good. Even if issue five isn't quite as good as the last issue, and that's by no means a shot at it as the last issue was just insanely good, you need to get on this series. The trade is coming, the next arc is set to begin with issue six and you have no excuses to not be reading this series.

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Aliens: Dead Orbit #1

Mar 23, 2017

Okay, maybe that isn't exactly how it was said previously, but you get the picture.Aliens: Dead Orbit comes straight from the hands of a comic book god up there with the likes of Jack Kirby, Will Eisner, Brian Bolland, Osamu Tezuka, and more. That is the kind of artist and storyteller that James Stokoe is. This is setting itself up to becometheAliens book; the best book to come out of this franchise in its almost thirty-year existence. No bullshit, buy this book and you will not be sorry.

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Aliens: Fire and Stone #1

Sep 26, 2014

If you like the Aliens franchise, chances are good youre going to like this book. Its pretty much what you could expect and hope forexcept maybe actually seeing the drool drip from their mouths as they sneak up behind their next victim. Roberson has dropped his cast in a jungle and maybe thats a sign of things to come. Check this book, and the other Fire and Stone books out. Great creators and a great universe, how can you go wrong?

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All-New Ghost Rider #1

Mar 26, 2014

Look, this issue was good. It was actually surprising how good it was, even if a lot of that praise tends to lean on the visuals because they were absolutely show-stealing fantastic. Smith did a good job with the build up, but just got too excited at the end. Theres still plenty of hope for this series, but itll be up to issue two to really sell it.

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All-New Ultimates #1

Apr 9, 2014

Was All-New Ultimates enjoyable? Sure, it was interesting to see the start of another big chapter in the Ultimate Universe but its off to a bit of a shaky start. For those that know whats going on, or rather whats recently gone on, with the Ultimate U then you should be okay and hopes are high that the coming issues will be an improvement on this one. If youre new to the Ultimate U, its debatable what youll get out of this but its worth a shot if youre curious. Either way, heres hoping to a good follow up issue because this series, really, has a lot of potential that Id hate to see wasted.

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Animal Man (2011) #21

Jun 19, 2013

Overall this is most definitely still a book you need to be reading. Probably now more than ever. After the events of Rotworld, Animal Man is finally coming back around to that series that, quite frankly, was one of the very best right out of the gate for DC and they New 52 initiative. This book is different from the rest of the capes and tights books, folks, so don't go into it expecting the same old. This title remains the jewel in Jeff Lemire's crown and it's undoubtedly one of the best DC has to offer right now.

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ApocalyptiGirl: An Aria for the End Times #1

Apr 30, 2015

MacLean has a winner here; even if we never see Aria and Jelly Beans again, this is something that will last. Two reads down, and already looking forward to having and reading a physical copy might be the peak of praise, especially if you knew the back log that threatens to come crashing down and kill me in my sleep. Andrew MacLean is a creator to keep tabs on, and this is, if you didn't piece it together, a book that you absolutely need to have/read/own/cherish.

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Armor Hunters #1

Jun 10, 2014

Once again, superhero world, take note of Valiant here because clearly Armor Hunters is going to resonate through not only X-O Manowar but the rest of the Valiant Universe for some time. With something that large in scope, youd think it was going to be some crazy 12-part series, right? Well, youd be wrong, because, aside from tie-ins, Armor Hunters is only four issues. Four issues that you can bet money on being all killer and no filler. In Venditti and Braithwaite we trust, jump on Armor Hunters. If only all major events, across the board, could follow a format like this…

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Armor Hunters #3

Aug 11, 2014

Look, Armor Hunters is no joke. Its an event that has far surpassed the initial expectations and its such a fantastic display of what Valiant can do and in many respects how comics should be done. Theres no bullshit and every creator involved is giving it their all. This will be felt throughout the Valiant Universe for a long time to come, you can bet on it, so get caught up if youre behind and prepare for the finale next month because this is something special.

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Armor Hunters #4

Sep 22, 2014

So, was Armor Hunters a success? Yes, absolutely. Did it live up to the hype and all the expectations when it was announced by Valiant? Not only did it live up to those expectations, it drove a spear through it and kept on going. It needs to be shouted from the roof tops, but since my voice cant reach everybody this will have to do: VALIANT COMICS IS THE REAL DEAL AND YOU NEED TO READ THEIR BOOKS!

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Armor Hunters: Aftermath #1

Sep 30, 2014

Theres so much more to come from these creators and there are so many things to do in the Valiant Universe that, again, this issue really does feel like the Sun peaking through dark storm clouds right before all Hell breaks loose. A good wrap to a great event and the start of so many new things, even if there was no real action, is just what the doctor ordered. Keep your eyes on not only this team but all of Valiantthe best is yet to come.

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Armor Hunters: Bloodshot #1

Jul 21, 2014

Admittedly, Bloodshot hasnt always done it for me as a character, granted theres still a bunch of issues from his solo book to catch up, but Joe Harris has really taken this badass character and made him more interesting than, arguably, hes been in the past. Valiant is bringing its top notch talent to not only work on Armor Hunters but theyre signing them to work on future projects as well, some of them even signing contracts with them (like the recent announcement that Clay Mann has signed exclusively with Valiant). Armor Hunters: Bloodshot reminds everybody just how good Joe Harris is and lets hope it leads to more Valiant work for him in the future. This tie-in is another great example of how things ought to be done in the comic industry. Pick this up and dont miss the rest of Armor Hunters.

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Armor Hunters: Bloodshot #2

Aug 20, 2014

While the art slipped in a few places, Joe Harris made up for it with a wicked action-packed issue. It seems like Armor Hunters proper is so much further from this moment, almost making it feel way behind, but it was still great to finally see the showdown between Lilt and Bloodshot. One issue to go and no doubt Harris will impress, lets just hope that Hairsine has a little more time on the art and we can get back to the quality of issue #1. Regardless of that, its another great entry into the fantastic Armor Hunters event.

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Armor Hunters: Bloodshot #3

Sep 19, 2014

Really, if you like cool characters, good action and story without a huge commitment you ought to check out this quick 3-part run. It gives you a glimpse of just what youre missing if youre not already reading Valiant books while not being a huge money suck if for some crazy reason this just isnt for you. So, pick this up, you cant lose with Valiant.

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B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #114

Dec 16, 2013

This was a great arc, all said and done, and its seemingly going to lead to something even better. The Black Flame is back, and the B.P.R.D. is heading to New York for the first time since the world went to hell. Color this reviewer excited, and strap yourselves in for some B.P.R.D. magic from one of the best teams in comics today.

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B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #126

Dec 17, 2014

Speaking of wicked, two words: JAMES HARREN. Seriously this guy has launched himself ahead of all of the other fantastic artists that have worked on this title (sorry guys) and he's taken the mantle as the BPRD artist. Top of the top and in a league all his own, James Harren continues to impress on a scale that will blow your mind.

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B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #127

Jan 22, 2015

Look, youre not an idiot per se if you arent reading BPRD, but youve certainly got some splaining to do. This is by far one of the top books each and every month, and it just feels like theres far too many people side stepping it for one reason or another. Too high of a number, maybe? Two paperback omnibus editions are out, Volume 1 and Volume 2, and theyre not only amazing, theyre cheap too. So, throw that out the window and what other excuse could you possibly have? Havent read Hellboy or the other tie-in series? Well, you can always get caught up on those later (particularly Hellboy, of course. What the hell are you thinking?!). Really and truly, you have no excuse not to read BPRD unless, of course, you really are an idiot.

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Batman (2011) #29

Mar 12, 2014

These four are a force to be reckoned with. Batman is as good as everybody says, if not better, and Zero Year is here to prove it. This is an arc, and a run, that without a doubt people will be talking about for years to come, much like they talk of Frank Millers Year One. Theyre tweaking this in the Batman mythos, and theyre putting their own stamp on it like, maybe, nobody else could. Truly, this is one of the best from DC and one of the best on the shelf and it was foolish to ever doubt that. In Snyder and Capullo we trust and with only a handful of issues to go in Zero Year were in for a spectacular finish.

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Batman (2011) #35

Oct 10, 2014

Look, you pretty much know what youre going to get when you pick up an issue of Batman; after three years, at least, youd better. The fact that the team keeps getting better and keeps stepping up their game is something you might not except. Some creative teams can get complacent or lazy as their run drags on, but not this one. Its hard to believe that these guys can still blow you away, even with just one issue, but they do. Theres a reason this is the one of the top books month after month and all credit goes to the names on the cover. If you arent reading Batman (and youd be stupid not to) start here with Endgame; I guarantee you wont be disappointed.

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Birthright #3

Dec 4, 2014

Theres a lot more to come from Birthright and a lot more questions to be answered. What is really happening with Mikey, what, if anything, does the final page mean for the next issue? How the hell can this creative team top themselves? So many questions left unanswered, but not in a negative way. Williamson is giving just enough each issue to leave you hooked, and hooked hard. He along with Bressan and Lucas are going to continue to kick you in the face and give you everything they have issue after issue and youll thank them for it and beg for more. Birthright is a legitimate contender to become one of Images top books, if its not considered that already. I guarantee you that if you read this book it will blow you away and make you question why you didnt pick it up in the first place.

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Black Science #1

Nov 27, 2013

Is that everything, then? Was it all covered? I dont know if any review is going to do this book justice, because its one of those things you just have to experience for yourself. Remender is a hell of a talent, as is Scalera and White and obviously Wooton, but this is another level. This series just might become not only the measuring stick for the work of this team after Black Science but other comic books as well. Its different, and the comic industry needs different, and its exciting and interesting and visually stunning. If you dont read Remender, or Image, or youre stuck on the Big Two or whatever get your ass to the comic store or get onto Comixology and pick this book up. Do whatever you have to do to get this book, because if issue one is any indication, this is going to be one to remember.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #1

Apr 14, 2015

Bloodshot Rebornis a starting point for anybody, even if youve never read anything Valiant before. The art is phenomenal, its arealfeeling story and there is so much more in store for this character that youd be a damn fool to miss it.

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Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #1

May 29, 2020

It's exciting to see the story continue and be allowed to watch this world continue to grow and evolve with new characters at the forefront. If you enjoyed Naruto, either anime or manga, you definitely need to check out this new series. Believe it.

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Captain Marvel (2012) #12

Apr 17, 2013

This is definitely something that should be on your pull list. Its flying under most peoples radar, it seems, and its a shame. The impending cross over with Avengers Assemblewhich are both written by Kelly Sueis going to be a big one for Carol Danvers, so its definitely time to start reading this title. When it comes to Kelly Sue DeConnicks Captain Marvel, lets make it as simple as possible: YOU! BUY! READ! ENJOY! Seriously.

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Chaos #1

May 6, 2014

Theres a lot here for a first issue, even with there really wasnt any kind of in depth look at the characters. Having only a vague knowledge of Evil Ernie and maybe seeing Purgatori somewhere before really feels like, as a reader, youre missing a lot of whats going on. Hopefully (and because its Seeley, you can pretty much bet on it) well get more on these characters as this mini goes on to really flesh out those parts that new comers might not yet know or understand. Regardless, it was a good first outing and another example of Dynamite really stepping their game up. Its certainly worth checking out.

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Conan / Red Sonja #1

Jan 12, 2015

All in all, Conan Red Sonja #1 was a treat. It might not be absolutely perfect, but for fans of these characters and this genre its great. These two characters share the same world so its about damn time they crossed paths. Dark Horse has always done justice to Conan, from the very first issue, and Dynamite has had some great Red Sonja stories, especially the recent volume from Simone. So, thank you Dynamite and Dark Horse for bringing these two together. The second issue cant get here fast enough.

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Conan / Red Sonja #2

Feb 11, 2015

One of the best things about Conan Red Sonja, aside from the fact that is has both Conan and Red Sonja together in one book, is that its fun. There are so many dark and gritty books out there that sometimes it feels like the fun aspect of comics is thrown out the window in favor of seriousness or some other misconstrued ideal. Simones Red Sonja from Dynamite is fun, no doubt, and its great to see that pulled into this series and Zub is a great writer capable of many things (maybe a future Conan run, Dark Horse?), plus Panosian and Stewart deliver in a big way on art, so if youre tired of the same old dark and grit you should do yourself a favor and check out Conan Red Sonja. You wont regret it.

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Conan And The People of The Black Circle #1

Oct 21, 2013

The art side of things, to be honest, was weaker than the writing in this issue. But thats not to say that Olivetti did a poor job. The vast majority of his panels were crisp, detailed and executed well. There was just a few that slipped by and, of course, the lack of the smoldering blue eyes of Conan set it back. Van Lente weaves himself into the story, adding his touches here and there, and it makes for an enjoyable read overall. If you like REH and Conan, especially if youve read the original story, this is worth checking out for sure, but if youre just a casual fan it might be worth the wait to read it all together as a trade. While you wait, go find the original, preferably unedited, REH story and check that out.

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Conan the Barbarian #18

Jul 16, 2013

Overall, this is a surprisingly enjoyable side story from Brian Wood. Its a What If? issue that plays out beautifully and could have some major ramifications on Conan down the line as Wood steers this ship ultimately back towards Robert E. Howards original Queen of the Black Coast tale. There is undoubtedly a lot more to come from Wood before we reach the conclusion and if theyre anything like this issue and, frankly, the other 17 issues of this series so far, were in for a treat. A treat that nobody should be missing!

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Conan the Barbarian #20

Sep 16, 2013

Maybe this reviewer is being too critical of the work that Wood and Azaceta have done with this issue, and the issue before it. Maybe its just time that we got back to the original Robert E. Howard story, with its fantastic ending that undoubtedly shapes Conan for the rest of his life. Whos to say? There is nothing wrong with this issue, so dont take this the wrong way, and both Wood and Azaceta do their jobs very well. This will all undoubtedly pay off when Brian Woods run and adaptation of Queen of the Black Coast comes to an end, but this issue, and this arc, just have yet to have that wow factor that previous arcs have had.

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Conan the Barbarian #21

Oct 16, 2013

Maybe this is too harsh and, being a fan of this run and Brian Wood, it probably is. But this issue and this arc as a whole just didnt work for me. Some people might have loved it and more power to them, but it was almost a chore to get through the last issue of Black Stones and thats not something that can be said often with Woods Conan workor any of his work for that matter. At the end of the day, its going to be great to get back into the REH story and reach the conclusion thats been building for two years. Wood has had a good run up to this point, and its going to be interesting to see how he finishes his adaptation of one of the best stories to come from Conan creator, Robert E. Howard.

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Conan the Barbarian #22

Nov 18, 2013

The last arc was not one of the strongest, something that was made clear with the review of issue #21. It might be too early to say that Wood has redeemed himself, but this issue was leaps and bounds better. Is that because it's back on track with the REH story? That's something that's difficult to answer. Either way, Wood is a talented writer and he has done some great things with Conan and this mega-arc based on arguably one of the best REH stories, and this is still going to be an ending you won't want to miss.

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Conan the Barbarian #23

Dec 17, 2013

When you turn to the last page, and your eye hovers on the last panel as you pause to take in the comic you just read then the team has done their job and done it well. Theres not much more you can say about this issue aside from, whoa. It was a fantastic issue from top to bottom and the next issue cant come soon enough.

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Conan the Barbarian #24

Jan 20, 2014

Theres one issue left for Brian Wood to add his finishing touches, place a bow and hand it off to Fred Van Lente, and its really up in the air as to just what hes going to do. What can he do, really? This might have been a perfect send off for Wood and his run on Conan, but well just have to wait until next month to see what he has left for us.

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Criminal Special Edition (One-Shot) #1

Feb 23, 2015

Well, thanks for taking the time out to do this for us, Ed. Its an absolute honor. Not only am I a huge fan of your work, but when i started out with another site a few years back, you actually retweeted something I said (looking for followers, or some such) and my Twitter blew up and weve just grown from there. So, thanks for that. It meant a lot to me. So thank you, and heres to much more from you and Sean, whether itsCriminalorThe Fade Outor whatever else thats on its way.

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Daredevil (2014) #1

Mar 19, 2014

Have eyes and enjoy comics? Read. This. New. Series. Get the picture? No holding back here: you're an idiot if you didn't pick up this new number one issue. There's something for everybody to enjoy, it's done with the utmost care and respect to the character and the comic medium and it's easily, EASILY, one of the best things you'll spend $3.99 on, ever.

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Daredevil (2014) #2

Apr 24, 2014

Okay thats a whole lot of praise for a series that, by now, everybody should be reading even if you wouldnt consider yourself a fan of Daredevil. These guys will make you a fan within a few issues, no question, and youll have one of those Oooohhh moments where you finally realize why everybody raved about the last volume and why everybody is already raving about this volume. Its like a master class in comic book creation every month by three guys who do what they do better than almost anybody else out there. Buy it, read it, love it, cherish it while its here. As much as we all want Waid, Samnee and Rodriguez to stay on Daredevil forever, its probably not going to happen. But, hey, we can dream.

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Daredevil (2015) #1

Dec 4, 2015

Okay, look, apologies all around. ThisDaredevil is out too soon after the last, spectacular run; it's hard to get immediately excited about it and it's difficult to really care about this new sidekick person that seems to be under the proverbial wing of Daredevil. There's just a lot of change here, and it's scary. The second issue, or so, is worth checking out, for sure, and this was still a good issue of course, but man is it hard to get your head around this new direction. No more beating a dead horse here, but if you pick this up, try to go in with a fresh set of eyes and try to forget what came before it. Maybe you'll enjoy it more.

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Daredevil: Road Warrior #1

Feb 28, 2014

Tyler Goulet, founder and editor-in-chief of All-Comic.com, has an addiction to comics that seemingly cannot be sated. Reading everything from Hellboy (his favorite character and series) to Batman and most everything in between, theres not much he cant talk about or wont read. He currently resides in Calgary, Canada with his fianc and annoying black cat, Hailstorm (Yes, like the Transformer) and their newly acquire three legged cat, Lemmy. Yes, from Motorhead.

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Daredevil: Road Warrior #2

Mar 4, 2014

Tyler Goulet, founder and editor-in-chief of All-Comic.com, has an addiction to comics that seemingly cannot be sated. Reading everything from Hellboy (his favorite character and series) to Batman and most everything in between, theres not much he cant talk about or wont read. He currently resides in Calgary, Canada with his fianc and annoying black cat, Hailstorm (Yes, like the Transformer) and their newly acquire three legged cat, Lemmy. Yes, from Motorhead.

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Dead Body Road #1

Dec 10, 2013

Dead Body Road, while on the surface doesnt seem like a new concept, has some major potential down the line. Both Jordan and Scalera are big talents in the comic world and once you get through this first issue, which is still good if you didnt really get that in the above babble, youre going to be in for a good series. Trust in these two and Image, and its a safe bet youll end up adding another great Image series to your list.

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Death Vigil (2014) #2

Aug 13, 2014

Its fantastic to see a creator so invested in his story and even cooler to see one able to literally do everything involved. Hell, he might have even stapled all the issues himself because thats how involved and invested in this story he is. Death Vigil is another great title from Top Cow from a great creator really letting himself loose on the world of comics. The only downside to this book is once you read it, you might find yourself less impressed with everything else out there.

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Death Vigil (2014) #4

Oct 6, 2014

In all seriousness and put as simply as possible: Death Vigil is amazing. This is a must read if you like monsters, and great art and great characters and, well, great comic books. Stjepan Sejic is the real deal and work like this deserves to sell Walking Dead numbers every time it comes out. Do yourself a favor and pick it up.

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Death Vigil (2014) #5

Nov 12, 2014

In case you missed it, two of the Croatian words above started the last two paragraphs"fingers crossed, Google translate"and since the last one doesn't quite fit into this one, let's just reiterate that Death Vigil really, truly is brilliant, incredible, and masterful. It's one of those series that needs more attention while, at the same time it's nice to be one of a select group that have picked this up and given it a chance because, jokes on you, you're missing out.

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Death Vigil (2014) #6

Jan 26, 2015

It feels so fresh and different from what you're getting out there, and considering the things that Image is doing that's saying a lot. This is one of those series that has immediately jumped into must-read territory. It feels like something that anybody can pick up and enjoy the hell out of, so why not go out there and pick it up and enjoy the hell out of it!

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Death Vigil (2014) #7

Jun 4, 2015

The story, as a whole, feels as deep and well thought out as anything you're likely to find right now on comic shelves. The quality, thought and care that goes into every panel is unmistakable and given the detail that's put into it, breaks here and there are more than forgiven; in fact, it gives us as readers more time to re-read and pour over the pages and story that's being presented. Sejic is a special talent that really shouldn't, and can't, be overlooked as a top-tier talent in this industry. Every time his name is attached to something, it's brilliant, it's breath-taking and it's absolutely a must read. So, see the link above and catch up, buy the trade that's going to drop, keep up with this series and check out his other work. Sejic is amajor talent, and it's about damn time everybody took notice.

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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #1

May 6, 2020

[Demon Slayer] has that special something to at least give it some meaningful longevity. Maybe to the point of taking one of the coveted top spots in theShonen Jump magazine for years to come.

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Detective Comics (2011) #30

Apr 2, 2014

Manapul and Booch don't, and won't, hold back. They won't take the easy way out and they won't conform to what people may want from, or expect from, them. They're going to put their blood, sweat and tears into every single panel and give comic fans a series they can be proud of and get giddy over month in and month out. They're fans, they're insanely talented creators and DC has given them the key to play in the world of their most popular character"what more could you ask for? Look out Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, you've got some serious Bat-competition here.

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Detective Comics (2011) #31

May 9, 2014

If you like Batman (and who doesnt?) and you like great art, great writing and one team (as opposed to those books that have 14 inkers, 6 pencilers and 3 colorists) on a book for a complete, constant look and feel than Detective Comics is for you. Hell, youd be considered weird if for some reason all those reasons didnt make you pick this book up. So, if youre not, rectify that immediately because this has very quickly become one of the best books DC is putting out.

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Divinity #1

Feb 9, 2015

Divinity is a bit of a mind-bending (foreshadowing?) introduction to a fantastic new VU character. We really haven't learned a lot about what he is or what he can do, aside from some trippy glimpses towards the end of the book, and we certainly don't fully know what happened to him on his thirty-year space exploration mission. After just one issue, it already feels like four issues might not be enough to cover a character this complex. Of course, in Kindt we trust, but there just feels like so much to explore and expand upon. This might be one of the strongest character debuts to date, not just for Valiant, and that's going to make the wait for the second issue even more excruciating. But, hey, there's always room for a few re-reads, right?

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Divinity #2

Mar 18, 2015

Divinity is a book you need to read; forget your Marvels and your DCs and your Secret Wars and Convergences. This is better than any of those could ever hope to be–which is no slight to the creators because, of course, there are tons of fantastic creators working in those systems–and this is something that literally anybody can pick up and read. There is no VH1 history to this character; there is no prior knowledge required. Do that thing where you all flock to an issue with a “#1″ on the cover like it's going out of style and buy it. Read it. Then go out and buy the second issue because it's even better. This creative team, and this company as a whole, is doing things that you've been wanting, but might have been too scared to admit. Takingall of the fantastic issues and stories told through the current Valiant incarnation into consideration,Divinity #2 just might be the best single issue yet. Yeah, just sit on that one for a minute.

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Divinity #3

Apr 22, 2015

Divinityis earth shattering;it's something that will blow minds and change perceptions both literally and figuratively and it's 100% in the right creative hands. Maybe it's the sheer immensityof this character that makes it feel like there should be more, like maybe we need to spend more time with him, but it still works. A book like this might be one that you need to read multiple times, but it's a book you're going towant to read and will certainly enjoy every single time that you read it. Kindt is a visionary, andd this artistic team are absolutely top-notch;here is literally nothing else you can ask for in a comic.

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Divinity #4

May 28, 2015

Divinity, overall, was magnificent. The first three issues felt new, fresh and introduced a real player into the VU, but the fourth proved to be a bit of an anchor that dragged the series back from what, arguably, could have been better than The Valiant, which still holds the title of best mini-series (or event, if you want to pull it into that realm) in recent memory, from any publisher.

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Divinity III: Stalinverse #2

Jan 28, 2017

Divinity III is the real freakin' deal.Valiant is the real freakin' deal. Matt Kindt is" okay, well you get the picture here. This is only issue two, and the Divinity mini-series is only eight issues deep so far, and he's a brand new character in the Valiant Universe, so there is absolutely no excuse not to be picking this up and diving in. Start here, start at the beginning, whatever works for you. Just start; you won't be sorry.

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Divinity III: Stalinverse: Aric, Son of the Revolution #1

Jan 15, 2017

Divinity III has been a fantastic event so far and this additional one-shot really helps put another piece to the puzzle. Aric on his own is interesting, but setting him down in this Soviet run world really puts an interesting spin on him.Aric, Son of the Revolutionis awesome and can certainly be a great way to dip your toe into this event and the Valiant Universe as a whole.It's one comic that can open up an entire new universe to you, so get out and pick this up. You won't be sorry.

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Divinity III: Stalinverse: Shadowman #1

Feb 7, 2017

Shadowman and The Battle of New Stalingrad #1 is a great tie-in to a great Valiant event, but it also stands as an effective gateway into the Valiant Universe if you simply want to get a peek of that captivating cover sitting on your local comic shop's shelf -if you avoid the other Shadowman books, of course, until you're more invested in the universe and can understand those books a little better. Invested or otherwise, pick up this issue. Nothing to lose, an entire universe to gain.

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Drumhellar #1

Nov 4, 2013

Any day of the week, Id rather see an artist let loose and do what he wants than be weighed down by structure or rules about how youre supposed to do something. Every time Rossmos name appears on a book, you know its going to be good but his work with Drumhellar is a whole new standard that hes set for himself. Hes done the research, hopefully not too much research if you catch my drift, and hes got the talent with some to spare. If the rest of this series is anything like issue one then were in for something special… and we might need to go to rehab afterwards. But, hey, its still going to be special and something to remember. Check this series out.

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Drumhellar #2

Dec 10, 2013

Look, it cant be stressed enough when it comes to Drumhellar: This aint your Daddys comic book, and it might not be your brothers either but its darn sure worth a look. This isnt your standard comic book and cant really be treated as such; this is something more. In the world of comics there is a lot of cookie cutter stuff thats beaten to death on all ends of the publisher scale; Drumhellar is not one of those comics. This more than deserves your attention and youd be doing yourself a disservice if you missed out on it.

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EGOs #5

Feb 4, 2015

Really and truly, welcome back EGOs. If youre behind, buy and read the trade, but you can start on this issue if you have to wait for the trade to come in from Amazon or your local shop or wherever. Moore makes this issue extremely accessible to anybody, while also making it a very enjoyable read to long time fans, Gus Storms and John Rauch make this visually appealing to anybodyor damn near anybodyand its got the Image logo on the cover. For a second time lets pose this question: what more could you ask for?

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FBP: Federal Bureau Of Physics #6

Dec 11, 2013

Overall, both writing and art were still good. This is still a series that should be checked out from DCs surging Vertigo line and, slip ups and slower story aside, pick it up. After we get past this introduction to Agent Reyes, and if the first arc was any indication, expect Oliver and Rodriguez to ramp up the craziness.

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Flash (2011) #20

May 22, 2013

They've taken this book and iconic character and really made it feel like their own. From upgrades to his rogue gallery to new powers for The Flash himself, Manapul and Booch are really firing on all cylinders. If ever there was a time to start reading The Flash that time is now. Well, okay, you should have been reading since issue #1, but if you haven't pick up issue #20 and get ready for, quite possibly, one of the best Flash arcs in recent memory.

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Flash (2011) #22

Jul 24, 2013

Bottom line,The Flash is here to stay. Barry Allen is in the spotlight and he's in perfect hands as far as Manapul and Buccellato go. This Reverse Flash is vicious and brutal and seemingly has a similar power set to Barry Allen. Right now there's no telling where this superstar team is going to take this iconic character and this new villain they've cooked up. One this is for sure, it's going to be fantastic. It's going to be something that is going to have a lasting impression of Barry Allen and the rest of their run on The Flash.Plus, it's going to be something that you aren't going to want to miss.

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Flash (2011) #23.2

Sep 11, 2013

All in all, this issue really did go by in a flash. There was nothing wrong with the book, which is to be expected when the team of Manapul and Booch are involved, but there really wasnt a whole lot extra added to the world of The Flash. Sure, we got to see the origin of the Reverse Flash, but it might have been better served on its own as The Flash #24 if we didnt have to deal with the whole villains month gimmick. At the very least, this continued to, even if only incrementally, move their Reverse Flash arc forward and if you ignore the other Flash books this month that break up the current arc, it still works well as an in between real issues filler book. Not bad, but not great. Itll be nice to get back on track next month with the finale to this amazing arc.

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Flash (2011) #30

Apr 23, 2014

With all that said, yes, The Flash #30 is more than worth checking out. The first run was an instant classic and one thats most definitely going to go down as some of the best Flash work to date, but this new group has the potential to match that success and, just maybe, even match it. Its going to be a long road, but if this is any indication its going to be a good one. Pick up The Flash, you wont be sorry you did.

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Future Imperfect (2015) #1

Jun 4, 2015

This entire creative team shines, even if the twistmight not have been exactly what was expected (or wanted, initially anyway) andFuture Imperfectends on an extremely high note which easily places it amongst some of the best first issues in recent memory. Everything has changed in the aftermath ofSecret Warsand the possibilities for new stories and character interactions are almost endless. Yes, you need to read this book (along withSecret Wars)especiallyif youve never been introduced to The Maestro before.

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Ghosted (2013) #1

Jul 9, 2013

This is a great debut, folks. It sets the bar high for Williamson and his crew and it's going to be interesting to see how they follow up. Number one issues generally have a bit of give with readers, and it seems that issues two and three tend to hold more weight on whether or not people keep the book or not. If number one is any indication, and if you know Williamson it's a safe bet that it is, this is going to be another break out series from Image Comics. Pick it up.

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Godzilla: Cataclysm #1

Aug 12, 2014

Really and truly, if youre a fan of Godzilla (even those who only know that shitty remake in early 2000 with Matthew Broderick that was awful) or even just a fan of large monsters, youre going to like this. Bunn and Wachter mesh together extremely well and both clearly have a love for the story and characters involved. You cant go wrong with this creative team or Godzilla, so definitely give this a chance and check it out.

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Green Arrow (2011) #29

Mar 6, 2014

There aren't enough ways to say just how amazing this team has been and continues to be. It's one thing to have a few great issues, but it's another to continue to top the previous issue each and every month and raise the bar higher and higher for all the other comics that dare to sit on a shelf next to Green Arrow. The first collection, though it's labelled as Green Arrow Vol. 4, is coming this month and if you aren't reading this because you're afflicted with some form of insanity, here's your chance to get on board. This run is going to go down as one of the premier runs in all of comics. This is on a level that's going to deserve an absolute collection down the line if DC knows what's good for 'em.

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Green Lantern (2011) #35

Oct 2, 2014

Since the Geoff Johns era ended, both Venditti and Tan have done a fantastic job keeping the legacy alive and well. Godhead is just one more step towards cementing their own legacy, outside of the massive shadow that Johns casts. Only two acts in and Godhead is really starting to feel huge in scope with consequences that could affect the entire DC Multiverse for years to come.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #35

Oct 9, 2014

Without a doubt, the art shone brightest (get it?) but Van Jensens work still lives up to what weve grown to love about Green Lantern Corps. This is only Act Three of whats going to be a very large scale Lantern Event, so theres still lots of time to build to… wherever this is headed. If youre into this crazy Godhead event, dont leave out GLC. This group of creators delivers the goods and sets up next weeks New Guardians perfectly so dont miss out!

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Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead #1

Oct 2, 2014

With everything being thrown at you in this issue just remember that these creators have proven themselves time and time again.Yes, this issue has some issues with art, at least from this perspective, but after this the series splits into Acts from across the Lantern-title line up so the art should normalize. So should you continue with this series? The answer is absolutely, even if youre not reading all the Lantern titles it might be worth checking them out as well. Kirby characters and Kyle Rayner at the center of it all (a personal favorite) has the makings of something great and with creators like this you just cant go wrong.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #27

Jan 22, 2014

New Guardians stands out as one of the best, if not arguably the best, Lantern book on the shelves right now. Its fun, its interesting and it doesnt seem to be tied down by all the weight and seriousness that some of the other titles have. It might help that the rest of the Corps think Rayner sacrificed himself to replenish the light and therefore he doesnt have to answer to anybody but himself, the Guardians and maybe Carol Ferris who hes dragged along for the ride, but who can really say? In any event, this is definitely a book you need to catch up on if you've fallen behind. Jordan, Brad Walker, Hi-Fi, Bressan and anybody else that has worked on this series since the creator change have done an excellent job with this series and it deserves your attention.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #28

Feb 20, 2014

Oh, and don't forget to check out our recent interview withNew Guardians writer Justin Jordan. Definitely one you don't want to miss.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #35

Oct 16, 2014

Does this Green Lantern: New Guardians issue reward readers who have been waiting for it? Hell yes. Godhead has been decent up to this point, but this issue brings it up a step and really leaves a feeling of longing for the next issue once its done. What more could you ask for from a comic than that antsy, panicky feeling that you need to read the next issue now and waiting just isnt an option? Bravo.

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Helheim #1

Mar 4, 2013

This book may not be for everybody, but it is definitely a book you should check out if youre even a little big curious. The wait for this issue has been Hel (see what I did there?) but its certainly paid off big time. The last few pages are exciting, shocking and unexpected. Sit down, strap in and get ready for what is going to be one hell of a ride with Cullen Bunn and Joelle Jones Helheim. You wont be disappointed.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1952 #1

Dec 1, 2014

The possibilities are almost endless with what Mignola and Arcudi can do here as they have a lot of figurative years they can cover before Hellboy inevitably leaves the BPRD which would literally takes years to put on the page. As mentioned above, this might as close to perfect as you can get with such a devoted fan base while also trying to attract new readers. Anybody who hasnt ventured into this world, which easily can go against anything else on the shelves, should start here. Dip your toe in, check the water before you inevitably dive in.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1952 #2

Jan 6, 2015

Hellboy and the BPRD is full of feels; the art and the story are of Hellboy of old, with a hint of new car smell. Its everything that every Hellboy fan ever wanted, without Mignola going back on his once its broken, it cant be fixed line. Sure, that line was more about what he was doing, and has done, in B.P.R.D., but it applies here as well. This series is for you, even if youve never read Hellboy and wont have these feels. Why? Because its a great comic and I guarantee youll want you dive right into the Mignolaverse shortly after. Even if youre late to the party.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1952 #3

Feb 9, 2015

Once again, Hellboy and the BPRD shines and it provides just enough Hellboy to continue the long stretch until we get another Hellboy in Hell issue. Hellboy as a character will never grow tiresome, because theres just so much depth to this character and his history. These guys make it look easy, but once again Mignola and crew have another winner on their hands. There's not a better time to get into the world of Hellboy and the Mignolaverse.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1953 #2

Nov 25, 2015

So, recap: Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. 1953 (awesome rhyme, by the way) is a book, and series that you can easily pick up off the shelf on a whim and be satisfied with the story inside. It has fantastic writing, fantastic art and color skills for days. Its a book that should be on all the Best of lists, and certainly a book that should be read first off the pile every week its out. After reading this, youll be so satisfied that youll actually want to go back for seconds, and thirds and eventually youll be just as addicted as the rest of us. Maybe there should be a disclaimer on these books"

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Hellboy in Hell #5

Dec 2, 2013

Everything is dark, with lots of greys and blues and his usual heavy blacks which really add to the tone of the book. Dave Stewart, the coloring master, adds in some fantastic pops of reds and oranges here and there while maintaining that dark and dreary look that, clearly, Mignola is going for. It might not be his most elaborate work, but it's all very thought out and, as always, executed exceptionally.

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Hellboy in Hell #6

May 8, 2014

Point being this comic is beautiful and it can't be stressed enough how lucky we, as comic readers and fans, are that Mignola has come back to the series he started. It's an absolute treat every single issue and it, really, doesn't matter how long we have to wait in between releases because it's more than worth it. Not to mention an absolute STEAL at $2.99. This is truly something that every comic fan needs to be reading because it's just far an above pretty much everything else that's released. No offense to them but, c'mon. This is Hellboy we're talking about.

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Hellboy in Hell #7

Jul 29, 2015

IsHellboy in Hell every bit as good as described above? Absolutely. It's all that and then some. It's a special comic in a category all its own from creators that transcend anything you think you know about comics. If you haven't readHellboy, at the very least, you've not truly experienced comics yet. The depth, genius, both artistically and with the story, are far beyond what you might come into the series expecting. It's its own beast and something you just can't compare to other comics in the industry. It can't be stressed enough here, or in any of the reviews before this, that youneed to readHellboy and experience it for yourself. Until then, it might be time for this reviewer to go back and read everything all over again.

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Hellboy in Hell #8

Oct 28, 2015

Hellboy in Hell #8 might be the most must-read issue in this line in recent memory. Mignola gives you a taste of the world he's created, while catching you up on some key points so he can bring you along for the ride in the issues to come. There's something downright magical about his storytelling, his art and his overall eye for panels that just puts him a cut above the rest. Even if you've skipped the last installment, you need to pick this up. All-Comic.com has beenscreaming about how good this series is for years, and it's about damn time you pick it up. There is no better time than now.

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Hellboy: The Midnight Circus OGN

Oct 23, 2013

This story really feels like something that was done for the fans. People wanted more stories with young Hellboy, so Mike Mignola went out and wrote an awesome one. People wanted more Duncan Fegredo on a Hellboy book, so that's exactly what we got. If you're a fan, this was for you and it was an absolute treat. Any time you get Mignola and Fegredo together it's going to be special, and this was no exception. New fan or old, go out and pick this up. There's no way you're going to be disappointed.

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Hercules (2015) #2

Dec 10, 2015

More people need to be talking about this series.Hercules is definitely setting itself up to be something special; we're talking along the lines of Jason Aaron'sThor, or something similar. Maybe it's the subject matter, maybe it's reaching, but so far in the All-New, All-Different world,Hercules has been magnificent and it's more than worth your time to pick it up.

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Imperium #1

Feb 2, 2015

With some very interesting characters at his disposal, Dysart and Braithwaite have a fantastic set of possibilities set out in front of them. These Harbingers and their powers, unleashed against the world as Harada looks to mold it into his vision is something that should intrigue anybody, but its particularly intriguing to fans of the VU. How is this book going to clash with the rest of them and how is it going to affect them and the rest of the VU? Theres so much potential here and Imperium really could be one of those titles that helps shape and move the VU in big, big ways and all you can do is strap in for the ride. Imperium, easily, is another win for Valiant and comic fans everywhere.

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Imperium #2

Mar 2, 2015

Dystart, Braithwaite and McCaig impress once again andImperium easily vaults itself amongst the top books at Valiant. The slight confusion with the H.A.R.D. Corps is forgivable, in the end, and even the lack of Harada is forgivable simply based on how good the rest of this book is. There were some surprises, some fantastic art and some excellent character work all packed into one issue that easily surpasses the vast majority of other books on the shelf. Beating the same old drum here, but you need to get yourself out to a comic shop (digital or otherwise) and pick up another great Valiant series

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Imperium #3

Apr 6, 2015

Artistically, as well as from a story stand point,Imperium stands as one of the main pillars of Valiant and it will certainly come to challengeX-O Manowar for the throne and title of Valiant's crown jewel if it keeps up the momentum and quality of these first three issues. Major Mech is a winner, Gravedog is a winner, Imperium is a winner. Hell, anything Dysart touches is a winner and on top of that you have art like this? Forget about it.It can't be expressed or said enough: Valiant is producing books that youneed to be reading. It's really that simple andImperiumis just one more example of that.

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Imperium #4

May 12, 2015

Words are hard, so lets say this as simply as possible:Imperiumis a f***ing giant amongst men, and has quite possibly usurped the throne as Valiants top series. The writing is deep, intricate, methodical and powerful and the art takes all that and puts it onto the page in a way that no other comic seems to be doing.Imperiumisthemust-read book right now, and for the love of all things holy/evil/blue, youneedto pick this up.

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Imperium #5

Jun 4, 2015

Regardless of the massive swing on the art side of things, Imperium continues to be a fantastic book from Valiant. With all the reboots and relaunches and number ones and all this going on in the industry, Valiant remains on the path it started way back in 2012 and ever single issues is done with the utmost care and consideration as it moves the stories and universe forward. Dysart is a beast, Eaton, Livesay and Reber, everything else aside, kill it and, yeah, Imperium is still a must-read book. Tonto, jump on it, jump on it.

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Injection #2

Jun 11, 2015

Ellis is amazing, Declan and Jordie are pumping out career-defining work andInjectionis yet another Image book that will undoubtedly be on everybodys best of lists for 2015. It almost feels like a sleeper at this point, simply because the coverage doesnt seem to be there just yet, but itll get there and you (yes you, reader, youve not been forgotten) will want to get in on this at the ground level. This is not a series you want to come late to. Its not a trade-waiting kind of book, though itll read fantastic in a trade just as it does in singles.Injectionis just starting to put its pieces together and reveal where this creative team is headed and, god damnit, if these first two issues are any indication its going to be one hell of a ride.

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Invincible Iron Man (2015) #1

Oct 12, 2015

The timing is funny withSecret Wars only at issue six, and there seems to be a real disconnect in this issue which might turn some people off. Some people have grown to hate number one issues and relaunches and all that same old crap we've been getting for years, but you know what?Invincible Iron Man is just a damn good comic. Forget the number one on the cover, let go of theSecret Warsscheduling issues and just read the thing. Bends and Marquez, along with Ponsor, are a great team for this book and you'd be hard pressed to get a bad issues from these three. If you love Iron Man, across any media, you need to check this out. It's as simple as that.

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IXth Generation #1

Jan 8, 2015

IXth Generation totally wins or, rather, the fans totally win here. You probably dont need any prior knowledge of these stories, Hawkins has done and undoubtedly will do a great job filling you in, but you also shouldnt deprive yourself of some of those stories. Particularly the most recent Aphrodite IX and the current Witchblade run with Ron Marz and Laura Braga (dont let the high numbers scare you off). Hawkins and Sejic are cooking up something special from an Image imprint that does some amazing work month in and month out. If youre unfamiliar with the Top Cow Universe or youre just behind, now is as good of a time as any to get into it.

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IXth Generation #2

Feb 17, 2015

It seems to be a fairly common occurrence with books coming out from Image Comics or any of its imprints, especially Top Cow these days, but this is another great series.IXth Generationis building to something huge and likely something that is going to completely change this end of the Top Cow Universe for the foreseeable future. Its hard to tell just where Hawkins and Sejic are taking this, and maybe thats just due to being so far behind on a lot of the series that are in play here, but its going to be exciting finding out. In Top Cow we trust, particularly when it comes to Hawkins and Sejic. Check this out.

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John Carter: Warlord of Mars #1

Nov 6, 2014

Yes, Dejah Thoris has always been depicted as scantily clad, but it just seems that theres too much emphasis on certain areas. This is not to say the book is bad, or the artist is bad, or Ron Marz is bad or whatever, that is not the case. Some people like that kind of character, which is fine, but for personal tastes it was, at times, a little much. Putting personal tastes aside, John Carter: Warlord of Mars was still an interesting and well crafted first issue. This character and world have been around as long as they have for a reason, and if youre new to it, short of going back and reading the novels from Burroughs, this is still worth checking out.

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Judge Dredd: Titan #1

Apr 6, 2017

Judge Dredd: Titan is one of those collections that has a lot going on. Its yet another collection that seamlessly sews together the fabric of all these smaller strips into one, large helping of Dredd. If youre looking for if, you might be able to pinpoint the starting and stop points of each episode, but with a story as engrossing as this, its more likely youre just going to continue plowing through it without giving it a second thought. And thats the beauty of these 2000 AD collections. Not only are they filled with some of the best characters, some of the best stories and of course some of the best art youll find anywhere on the planet, all of those things combine to really pull the reader into the story. Titan is a one-sitting kind of collection because youre simply not going to want to put it down.

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King Conan: Hour of the Dragon #2

Jun 24, 2013

That being said, pick this series up. Its the first 6-part set of a planned 12 issue adaptation of the original Robert E. Howard story. If you like the current Conan the Barbarian series from Brian Wood, a story set early in the chronicles of Conans life, then youre going to love seeing this badass, old man Conan recounting the story of the second woman in his long life that he truly loved… plus, you know, sorcery, swords, blood, guts, creepy skeletons, badass beards AND SO MUCH MORE!

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King Conan: Hour of the Dragon #3

Jul 31, 2013

Overall, King Conan from Truman, Giorelllo and Villarrubia is a smash hit. This will become a measuring stick for every future story that involves Conan. Writing that is spot on, art that can't be beat and the fact that it's adapted from the legendary Robert E. Howard makes this series an absolute winning combination. Check this out.

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King Conan: The Conqueror #3

Apr 30, 2014

Bottom line is really, really simple: If you love Conan, especially if youd read some or all of the original REH works, youre going to love this series. This is the kind of adaptation that a character like Conan deserves and its definitely something that fans of the character and the world deserve.

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Lazarus #1

Jun 26, 2013

As for Greg Rucka, coming off of a fantastic run over at Marvel with The Punisher, it's hard to think of another series that he's done that has started off this well. Not in a negative way, it's just that he really seems to be giving it all, and he's really developed this concept and all these little ideas into a really interesting story that we haven't really seen before. It's worth noting that this series has been planned out for the foreseeable future, but there is a definitive ending to it so expect a whole lot more from these two as they flesh out this crazy ass world. This is Greg Rucka and Michael Lark letting loose. All bets are off and they're coming out swinging. This series has started out with a helluva bang a helluvabloody bang that grabs you by the face and commands that you read on. Pick this up.

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Lobster Johnson: Garden of Bones #1

Jan 2, 2017

Garden of Bones is a creepy, excellent little tale from a corner of the Mignolaverse that hasn't had as much attention as big Red as of late. Lobster Johnson is a classic archetype character, set in the always thrilling mobster run 30s and he's a take-no-crap kind of hero. Think of him like Batman, without the rules and with a gun…who likes to burn his symbol onto the foreheads of the people he's brought to justice. If you're looking for a fun one-shot comic outside of the whole Big-Two universe of books–because who doesn't need a breather from them every now and then–thanLobster Johnson: Garden of Bones is definitely the book for you. Maybe it'll be your gateway into the Mignolaverse.

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Magneto (2014) #1

Mar 6, 2014

While Magneto the book and Magneto the character might not be for everybody in theory, this book is worth a shot and far exceeded expectations from when it was first announced. If you enjoyed the First Class Magneto, pick this up. If you enjoyed the Bendis stuff in Uncanny X-Men, pick this up. Hell, if you enjoyed Gandalf as Magneto you need to pick this up. Its dark, its brutal, its awesome and its clear were in for one hell of a ride. Cullen Bunn hasnt steered us wrong yet, check this out.

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Marvel Knights X-Men #1

Nov 13, 2013

So, to recap: go buy and readGuerrillas, Beast looks badass, awesome art and story, comfy sweater. Look, it's about damn time that Brahm Revel got a shot like this, he's more than earned it as far as I'm concerned. So if you like the X-Men, new or old, what more do you need to go and pick this up? It's a great X-book with great art and characters that you know and love. Go pick it up.

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Marvel Zombies (2015) #1

Jun 11, 2015

Well, yeah,Marvel Zombieswas a fantastic first issue amongst many other great first issues that weve gotten from Marvel sinceSecret Warsstarted and considering what weve had glimpses of so far, this place beyond the Shield (keep wanting to say beyond the Wall…) is certainly going to be one of the more interesting ones. Spurrier is a brilliant talent and its great to see him letting loose and doing, seemingly, whatever he wants to do and the art from Walker and DArmata is fantastic. There is literally nothing else you can ask for of a new book. AnotherSecret Warswin, folks, jump on this one.

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1

Dec 2, 2015

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaurflew by, sure, but it read and looked fantastic while doing it. This creative team might have something special brewing here and once we start to get an idea of the relationship between these two in the issues to come there might be no stopping it. Devil Dinosaur is always a win, and thankfully Montclare and Reeder have made Moon Girl an interesting character to be opposite him. You know that last page Marvel has been putting in, about the second issue? After reading number one, there is absolutely no doubt that youre going to want to see what happens next. Pick this up.

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MPH #5

Feb 18, 2015

MPH, if it wasn't already clear, is another gem from Mark Millar and it was great to see Fegredo again as well, after the stellar work he did onHellboy a few years back. Hopefully this isn't the end of Fegerdo's work with Millar or this corner of the Millarworld because it really was a great series. If you missed it, or got lost in the delays, pick up the trade and check out this super fast paced book from two industry giants.At the end of the day,all jokes and puns aside,MPH flew by too quickly and it'll be sorely missed.

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My Hero Academia #1

Dec 30, 2019

My Hero Academia is great. It's really great. It's captivating, has fantastic art, great characters, and a great story. It also feels like something that transcends the box most Western comic fans stick manga into... It's a gateway drug, and you'll be hooked. Plain and simple. Pick up this series at the very first chance you get.

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My Hero Academia #2

Dec 30, 2019

If the first volume was supposed to get your attention, then the second volume was definitely designed to pique your interest.

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My Hero Academia #3

Jan 3, 2020

This is a stand out volume forMy Hero Academia and is certainly a step or two above the previous two volumes.

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Nonplayer #2

Jun 4, 2015

Assuming everything is back on track, even forgiving the odd break here or there because, come on, look at that art,Nonplayershould most certainly be hitting the top of your pull lists as it builds back the momentum that was started with the first issue. For people to care for so long about a single issue has to say something about what Nate Simpson started here and for fans who have been waiting patientlyor not so patiently in some casesthis is like winning the comic book lottery. For those that havent picked this up and let the first one slip past their radar well, hey, its back now and there are no excuses. If youre still not convinced, go pick it up. Its only $2.99 and at that price, it absolutely feels like youre stealing it.

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Past Aways #1

Mar 26, 2015

Past Awayswas surprising, to say the least. Kindt's books are like one giant box of chocolate, but more often than not you're going to get something that is not only “out there” but something that is also meticulously thought out, designed and executed. Kindt is undoubtedly at the top of his game right now and there might not be another writer out there firing on all cylinders like he is (maybe Joshua Williamson). On top of his wizardly, bearded genius you have a fantastic art team that all combine for an excellent debut issue. If you're tired of the same old, same old, pick upPast Aways. What's the worst that could happen?

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Peter Panzerfaust #11

Jun 10, 2013

Kurtis Wiebe's last arc focused heavily on this Peter's Hook, so it's interesting that he's noted well over a year has past since their last encounter. These boys have grown as a unit and as men, all seemingly gearing up towards another encounter with the ever dangerous Captain Haken–which, of course, translate to “Hook” from German. See what he did there? Yeah. It's pretty awesome–in the middle of an indescribably large war. Sidetrack aside, Mr. Wiebe does a hell of a job giving each character his or her own personality and, thus far, his own tale to within the much larger story of, “Who was this crazy haired boy named Peter?” It's a great approach to telling this particular tale. Nothing seems repetitive and every issue is a new piece of the puzzle. It's handled and executed very well and it really makes the wait between issues terribly hard to deal with. Only 30 more days to go…

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Peter Panzerfaust #14

Sep 17, 2013

So what do we have with Peter Panzerfaust? We have a series that demands your attention. It takes a childhood favorite and adds evil Nazis, a favorite comic book villain, guns, explosions and war. The heart of the story is still very much the same, it just has an even cooler backdrop than the story of Peter Pan that you know. Two trades are out, a deluxe hardcover is on its way and a third trade is sure to be here soon. Theres no excuse to not check this series out. Its one of the best over at Image and, really, that says it all doesnt it?

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Peter Panzerfaust #15

Oct 9, 2013

What more do you want? Buy this f*cking series already.

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Peter Panzerfaust #16

Jan 13, 2014

This is almost like the little book that could. When it first came out, its doubtful that too many people knew what it was about or really cared. Around the time we got to see Hook for the first time, the book exploded and issues were selling for big bucks and people were going nuts for it. It cant be stressed enough that its all 100% deserved. All the hype, all the craze behind Peter Panzerfaust, couldnt be more deserved. Weibe and Jenkins smash it out of the park every issue and youd be a damn fool to keep missing out.

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Planet Hulk #1

May 20, 2015

Yes, Planet Hulk is another win for Marvel. Yes, Humphries, Laming and Boyd are amazing creators and should be given all due praise and adoration. Yes, Captain America is absolutely f***king badass as a Gladiator that rides Devil Dinosaur and seems to have some sort of crazy, almost telepathic connection with the beast. All this, and more, is true. If you're tentative onSecret Wars and/orPlanet Hulk for any reason, seriously, you have nothing to fear. You're in great hands here and undoubtedly anybody can enjoy this book.And, hey, who wouldn't want to visit the Killiseum? Sounds like a lovely place.Snoorxxx.

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Planet Hulk #2

Jun 25, 2015

Hell yes,Planet Hulkis a gem shining brightly amongst many other fantasticSecret Warsbooks. Hell yes, Sam Humphries is the real deal andhell yes,this is one of the best art teams that Marvel has had in recent memory and, hey, if you look back at all the greats and soon to be greats, there might not be a higher compliment (or reason for you to pick this up) than that. Soak up all the brutal goodness while you can, folks, becauseSecret Warsis half over next week andPlanet Hulkwont be around forever.

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Quake: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #1

Sep 9, 2015

Marvel took some chances and hell yeah it paid off. Quake is a great issue you'd be doing yourself a favor by picking it up.

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Ragnarok #1

Jul 23, 2014

While this might not be the story that you expect it to be, its Walter Simonson drawing and writing a story based on Norse mythology without the constraints of Marvel and their shared universe. What more could you possibly ask for? If you like Norse mythology, if you like fantasy, if you like sword and sorcery, if you like Walter Simonson, if you like good comics, than this book is for you.

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Ragnarok #2

Oct 7, 2014

Lets say it one more time, in case the point was missed: Walter Simonson is a comic book legend. This story is what he has been building towards his whole career and it has a feeling of something massive and epic and, quite possible, something that hell do until he decides to put the professional pencil down and call it a careerwhich we all hope isnt any time soon. Ragnarok is something that everybody can get in to and with a creator of this caliber pumping out story and art on a subject that he cares deeply about how the Hel can you go wrong?

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Rai #7

Feb 10, 2015

Everything is starting to come together in Rai, and it couldnt be more exciting. From surprise characters, to insane action this book has it all and more. Kindt and Crain, easily, are one of the best teams in comics right now and it shows month after month in their work for Valiant. You might even go so far as to say that Rai could challenge X-O Manowar for the crown jewel spot in the Valiant line up and considering how great X-O is, doesnt that just say it all?

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Rai #8

Apr 8, 2015

The only downside of Rai #8 is one little word on the very last page, advertising the next issue. That word is August and who knows if anybody can wait that long for more of this excellent series, but at least it gives those whove fallen behind more than enough time to catch up and it certainly will give Mr. Crain some time to get back on schedule. Read this, catch up, re-read this, whatever, as long as you have some Rai in your life.

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Rasputin #1

Oct 28, 2014

Before you embark on reading this comic sit down and prepare yourself for what you're about to behold. This issue might be one of the strongest debuts, with some of the strongest art, that Image has put out yet"and considering just what Image can and does put it, that should say it all right there.

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Rasputin #2

Nov 24, 2014

Rasputin is cleverly written and beautiful to behold; something, again, as simple as giving a secondary character some background information is twisted into a clever ending that leaves a lasting impression. Rasputin really is something special from three creators who are giving it their absolute best and when you have a group as talented as this at the top of their game youd be an absolute fool to pass this one up. Another instant Image gem, so go out and buy it.

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Rasputin #3

Dec 22, 2014

In a comic world that has so many great titles, especially from Image, Rasputin stands tall and for the third straight time delivers a five-star comic. Rasputin is a comic that anybody can pick up and get into and its a comic that can stand up to anything else of the shelf, month after month. If this isnt a book thats on a lot of Best of 2014 lists, its going to take 2015 by storm when people realize what theyre missing. Be ahead of the curve and pick this up, you wont regret it.

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Rasputin #4

Jan 27, 2015

A couple of very large things happen in this issue, particularly for the history of Rasputin if you know it, and you cant help but feel its all leading to something bigger even if, as mentioned at the start, this series is destined to finish its story sooner rather than later. Not being one to pay any attention to the numbers, hopefully Rasputin is getting the sales it deserves because it really is a special book. Grecian, Rossmo and Plascencia are hitting every note, every single time they release an issue. Rasputin might be a bit of a dark horse amongst a lot of the other Image titles available right now, but its one that surely demands and deserves your attention.

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Red Sonja (2013) #10

Jun 18, 2014

Arguably, there might not be another writer better suited to handle Red Sonja than Gail Simone. Shes got a complete range of humor from witty and clever all the way down, while still writing a compelling character. Add to that the fantastic skills of Walter Geovani, who might be one of the best to ever draw Sonja, and youve got nothing short of a winning combination. All potential shortcomings aside, Red Sonja is definitely something any Sword and Sorcery fan should be checking out, particularly ones who enjoy a strong, witty female lead whos deadly with a sword and most certainly one who could drink you under the table.

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Red Sonja (2016) #1

Jan 14, 2016

Maybe going into this new volume there was some skepticismwho really likes change, after all?but by the end of it, its as if everything is how it should be. Forget the change, its insignificant. Bennett, Aneke and company potentially have something really cool here. Following it and seeing where she takes the She-Devil is no doubt going to be something youre not going to want to miss. If you liked previous runs, or even have never read aRed Sonjacomic, there is no better time than now to pick of a Red Sonja comic.

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Saga #16

Nov 27, 2013

Small complaint aside, this is still a good issue. It sets up some potentially crazy stuff for the follow up, where were sure to have story progression which nobody is going to want to miss. Saga is still great and its still better than almost anything else you can find on the shelves, and as usual the next issue cant come fast enough.

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Seconds #1

Aug 19, 2014

Seconds is funny, touching, creepy, masterfully crafted and all wrapped up in a neat little hardcover"with a very interesting dust cover that doesn't quite cover the entire book which is a very interesting idea, who ever came up with that. I hate dust covers, but it totally works"that you can sit down and absolutely lose yourself in. If you like the movie, the comics, both, or if you simply just like well crafted books, you need look no further than Seconds. Pick this up.

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Secret Wars (2015) #3

Jun 4, 2015

If the word brilliant or amazing or fantastic havent been used enough above, just say those three words half a dozen more times, and maybe youll understand just how goodSecret Warsis. Not only this issue, but the intricate and deep tale that Hickman has been weaving and adjusting and changing foryearsnow that are all finally coming together and as long as weve waited and as much as weve enjoyed his work, it just cant seem to come fast enough. Theyre so well thought out and so excellently crafted and executed that you cant help but get sucked in and pulled along for the ride. A new universe is here for any Marvel fan, new or old, andSecret Warsis destined to become the best Marvel event in the history of the company (thats right, I went there), so youd better jump on now before youre left behind.

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Secret Wars (2015) #4

Jul 6, 2015

After an issue like this, its hard to predict just how Hickman and Ribic will top themselves. Rest assured, though, that they will. Hickman is not the kind of guy to let his faithful readers down, especially after playing the long, long game like he has with his time at Marvel. Plus, Ribic and Svorcina are absolutely perfect for a mega event like this, so stay tuned, true believer, because guaran-damn-teed there is going to be so much more to come with only four issues remaining. Marvel is at a high that is hasnt seen in a while and there is no better time than now to jump in with both feet.

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Seven to Eternity (2016) #1

Aug 26, 2016

Seven to Eternity has started off on the right foot and so far it's setting itself up to be another feather in Remender's overly feather filled cap.Opea, Hollingsworth and Wooten, together, craft pages that only come around on rare occasions these days and even if you're not into this genre of comics (epic fantasy action), you'll get more than your money's worth just staring, drooling and getting lost in these panels and character designs. Look, this book is shaping up to be something special–even with a resume like Remender has, and the books he and the rest of this crew have done. If you're looking for something new to check out,Seven to Eternity should be on your list. Also, any of the books mentioned before. Seriously. In Remender we trust.

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Silver Surfer (2014) #1

Mar 26, 2014

Truly, Silver Surfer surpassed and exceeded all expectations. Slott and the Allreds have a story more than worth the cover price with a character that has sorely needed a new solo series. Hats off to Slott and Mike and Laura Allred, because not only does Silver Surfer get the series he needs and deserves if this issue is any indication hes getting a fun and light, but exciting, series from Marvel. Maybe even a contender to fill the void left by FF after it ended. Time will tell, but another 30 days cant go by soon enough to get into issue two.

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Silver Surfer (2014) #2

Apr 30, 2014

This series is fun, has an interesting co-lead character to the Surfer and, of course, has the Allreds doing art duties, all of which combine to make something immediately special. As a fan of the Surfer, its great to see something like this being allowed to thrive in the All-New world that Marvel is constantly tinkering with. Surfer is a great character and with the limitless potential for fun and adventure in Space, we can only pray to Galactus that well continue to get this series, with these creators, for a long time to come.

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Sinestro #6

Oct 29, 2014

It comes down to something really simple: if you like the Lantern section of DC Comics and you've been a fan of ol' Hal and the rest of the crazy green crew, you need to pick up Sinestro. Get a look at the other side of the coin, so to speak. Hell, even if you're reading zero Lantern titles Bunn, Eaglesham and the gang are doing great things. Pick up this gem from DC Comics.

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Space Riders #1

Apr 1, 2015

Really and truly, it's like an acid trip in space in the best kind of possible way and with just one issue, Rangeland Ziritt have distanced themselves from any other book currently available and it's something we desperately need more of. Different is good, or in this case different isgreat.From the moment you see the absolutely stop-in-your-tracks-gorgeous cover, you'll want to pick up this book and when you do, you'll be hooked. For back-to-back weeks, Black Mask has put out an absolute stunner. Pick upWe Can Never Go Home and check out what Black Mask is doing, for sure, but before you do anything else,pick upSpace Riders.

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Space Riders #2

May 14, 2015

And, hey, if you dig this Black Mask book (which you will) you really ought to check outWe Can Never Go Homefrom them as well.

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Space Riders #3

Jun 16, 2015

Space Riders is phenomenal on so many, mind-bending levels. If you like good comics, this is your jam right here. It's hard to believe that this book seems to be flying under everybody's radar, but when people do start discovering it, when that trade is sitting on a shelf looking with the extreme colors and, likely, on a black background, this book is going to be huge. Get on board before everybody else, folks, this is something special.

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Spider-Gwen #4

May 7, 2015

Spider-Gwen was good, sure, but it wasn't what we've been getting. It wasn't up to the standard that this creative team has set for themselves and, really, it's just a shame. Knowing what these guys can do and not seeing it is just disappointing. IfSpider-Gwen doesn't survive, it would be better if it ended on a high note and not cancelled because of numbers–note that I don't have exact figures to back anything up, and maybe it's selling like gangbusters and I should just shut up–or because of quality. It's a great concept, with a great visual team, hopefully this is nothing but a minor slip in an otherwise successful run. Don't let this deter you from trying this book, if you haven't, because if only for Rodriguez's work,Spider-Gwen is worth it. Let's just hope that next month it's back up to the level of quality we're used to.

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Starlight #6

Oct 21, 2014

This creative team absolutely nailed this series. This is something that we desperately need more of. Even as the final pages are wrapping up, the withdrawals are already kicking in. We need more Mark Millar/Goran Parlov in our lives, even if that means its not a Duke McQueen tale. You dont need any previous knowledge of the Millar-world to get into this book, so you have no excuses when the trade drops. This was something special and I implore all of you to check it out.

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Superior Carnage #1

Jul 17, 2013

Okay" so it's already been said that you need to check this series out. That's a foregone conclusion, here. The two page spread that really sold this issue and really show cased Segovia's strength as an artist came only a few pages from the end. Let it be put on record that this two page spread is quite possibly the best spread involving Carnage since we first got to witness the red and black suit of death way back in 1992 in Amazing Spider-Man #360. So, if nothing else, pick this up for that spread. Two pages, and one image, in this book make the cover price worth it, the rest is just icing on the delicious, murderous cake.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #22

Jul 3, 2013

Overall, Soule continues to surprise and impress with his rendition of Swamp Thing. Having a more consistent artist is more of a personal preference than a complaint"a complaint shared on Snyder's run as well"and it's nothing that should hold this book back or stop anybody from reading the book. This is one to watch. DC has a keeper with Charles Soule, no question.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #23

Aug 7, 2013

Hey, come on now. Read this book. Dont let it fall by the wayside just because bigger names like Snyder and Paquette are off this book. Jump in head first and get caught up while you have some time between issues as DC goes on their marketing/gimmick month and make us wait two months for the (potential) first meeting between Seeder and Swamp Thing. On a side note, not happy about that if you cant already tell. Gimmick months that break up the story need to stop… but thats a conversation for another time. Pick up the series because, bottom line, Soule and company are doing awesome things.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #27

Jan 9, 2014

At the end of the day, Soule solidified himself, as did Saz, as a top of the line talent and someone who was perfectly suited to take over after the fantastic run that Snyder and Paquette had. Dont let the star rating fool you either, because this was far from a bad issue. There was just so much more that just didnt seem to happen, and what did happen seemed just a touch too fast and too easy. This is still one of the best books on the DC roster so pick up this series if you arent already and get ready for what will no doubt be another great arc.

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Swamp Thing (2011) Annual #3

Oct 29, 2014

Simply put, Swamp Thing Annual was a winner. It wrapped up a story that has been ongoing since Soule took over in a beautiful and heartfelt way while still being interesting and action packed. It had a little bit of everything and even if you haven't been reading this series, you should pick this up and get a taste of what you've been missing. This has easily been one of the best annual issues of any series yet and when Soule inevitably leaves this book, and DC, its' going to be a sad, sad day. Until then, enjoy what you can get. Pick this up.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #29

Dec 19, 2013

Phew. This issue seriously packed one hell of an emotional punch. Its going to be a tough road to try and get things back to normal for the Turtles – if thats even possible at this point. The setting in New Hampshire (which totally looks like the house they went to in the first TMNT movie when Raph was hurt) is a perfect place to rest and regroup and something they all desperately need. Issue #30 cant come fast enough.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #6

Dec 17, 2013

Overall, this is a nice, quick read over in the New Animated Adventures universe of the Turtles. Even without seeing the show or reading the other issues its easy to jump in and just enjoy a good TMNT story. Pick it up if you get the chance because, really, who cant use a little more TMNT?

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Thanos (2016) #15

Jan 27, 2018

Everything about this book is perfect, make no damn mistake about that... this book should easily be the first one you read each and every time it's released.

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The Belfry (One Shot) #1

Jan 10, 2017

The Belfry is a killer (you'll see what I did there) one-shot book from a stellar comic book creator. Gabriel Hardman is a top-tier talent, and this was a nice deviation from what you might normally see from him. It's eerie, creepy, bloody, and brutal; it just might be everything that you'd want in a one-shot horror comic.The Belfry is out February 22nd and if you already like Hardman's work, or even if you're new to it, this is an absolute pick up. Very little investment for a very cool comic. Now to plan my next trip on a bus, because forget airplanes.

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The Black Beetle #3

Apr 16, 2013

Really, truly, this limited series has been great. Francavilla has a character in Black Beetle that has impressed from the start, and it's really quite clear that he's putting his heart and soul into each and every panel between these covers. The final issue, in 30 agonizing days, is going to be one to remember. If you have been on the fence about this series, or maybe missed the first few issues, youneedto go out and buy it. Show Dark Horse, and Francavilla, that you love this character and this series so that we can all enjoy more of it in future.

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The Black Hood #1

Feb 25, 2015

Maybe the shotgun comment earlier was a little over the top, butThe Black Hood certainly leaves an impression.It feels like a real story, about a real guy going through issues that anybody in his shoes might have to go through. For those looking for a comparison, you might put it in the same vein asPunisher, particularly the MAX stuff, but somehow more refined and down to Earth, without all that Marvel craziness. Regardless of any potential comparisons, this story makes a hell of a statement for the Dark Circle Comics line and certainly to all other creators out there.The Black Hood is here to stay and if this issue is any indication it's going to be one crazy ride.

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The Black Hood #2

Mar 24, 2015

Much like theAfterlife With Archie series that changed the landscape before it,The Black Hood is treading its own path and changing the landscape. The entire creative team is doing something different; something that is not what you expect, but something that more than demands your attention. Anybody that might write this off because of the attachment to Archie Comics has another thing coming. This is another giant in the making and if you missed the bus onAfterlife, make sure you're on it forThe Black Hood.

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The Black Hood #4

May 28, 2015

The Black Hoodis a winner; it's one of those books that seems to be flying under the radar, and maybe that's due to the new imprint, Dark Circle, from Archie and maybe it's making people shying away from their books. If that's the case, don't be afraid of something new especially when it's backed by a giant like Archie Comics.The Black Hood is down to Earth and real and once it's on your radar good f'ing luck trying to forget it. It's a modern masterpiece by a group ofextremely talented creators. It's everything that you didn't know you wanted and maybe more than anything else out there it deserves to be on your pull list.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #1

Jul 21, 2014

Admittedly, this book has some interesting potential moving forwards. Calling herself a paranormal investigator is interestingand hey maybe we can have her channel a certain, big, red and dead demon who also happens to be a paranormal investigator (shut up, I can dream)and it really leaves a lot of potential for Van Meter in the issues to come. Once the first arc is over and Doctor Mirage is let loose on the Valiant Universe, its going to be interesting to see how she fits in with the likes of the Unity group. Valiant has some awesome, awesome books that a lot of people seem to pass up. If youre interested in high quality books with a universe thats still growing and changing then it cant be stressed enough that Valiant is for you.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #2

Oct 9, 2014

The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage is not your average Valiant book, and while it seems to be a bit on the outside looking in at books like X-O Manowar and Bloodshot simply because it is so different, its still something that demands your attention. DDDM will undoubtedly tie into the rest of the Valiant Universe after the first arc, as was the trend with all the initial launches, which will certainly help with exposure and getting this character more time with readers who might have skipped over the launch. As it stands now, not enough people seem to be checking this book out and thats a damn shame because theres definitely something special happening in this corner of the Valiant Universe.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #5

Jan 19, 2015

The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage had a lot of things in it that Valiant has been lacking since Shadowman ended. With Shadowman long done, and apparently out of the picture for now, DDDM was a great reminder of just what the VU can offer for fans of this sort of genreand, hell, for fans of good comics in general. When this drops in trade form, if youve missed it, itll definitely be worth picking up. The next arc is certainly going to be one to watch, lets just hope they trim that ridiculously long title.

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The Delinquents #1

Jul 21, 2014

The wait for the second issue is going to be excruciating, considering just how advance of a review this really is, but Asmus, Van Lente and Kano have a re-read worthy first issue here while you wait for the follow up issue after this drops August 20th. In anticipation for this series, you most certainly need to check out these guys in their own respective books. This team, and the teams on the other books, consistently prove why Valiant is gaining ground on other publishers. They have a great line up, great creators and great characters. This book in particular is such a ray of light in a rather dark and dreary comic industry that it demands your attention. Dont pass this one up in August.

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The Ghost Fleet #1

Nov 3, 2014

The Ghost Fleet #1 is off to a crazy start. We've seen the beginning and the ending and now we get to sit back and enjoy how we get there and with both Cates and Johnson throwing themselves at this book, and very clearly giving it their all, the comic world is in for a treat. It's fast paced, beautifully crafted and intriguing as hell. Dark Horse has been on a hell of a roll as of late, and this just might be another big hit when it drops in November.

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The Ghost Fleet #2

Dec 2, 2014

Only two issues in, and admittedly this reviewer is hooked. The story is interesting as hell, and its just getting started, and the visuals are absolutely top-notch. This is some stellar Dark Horse stuff here, folks, and its the kind of thing we all need more of in our comic lives. If you like crazy action, interesting story, and fantastic art then look no further.

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The Legacy Of Luther Strode #1

Apr 10, 2015

This feels like the series these guys were meant to create and work on; they were born to do this work and tell this story, if we can go that far here. Everybody involved is so focused and so talented that what we get as a reader is so unlike anything else out there; not only is Luther Strode completely engrossing and interesting, but it has some of the best, albeit hyper-violent (in a good way, promise), fight scenes around. Great characters, great premise, great art (understatement, much?) and a helluva lot more combined to make The Legacy of Luther Strode a damn great comic book. If you can only get one book this week, get Luther Strode.

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The Massive #13

Jun 24, 2013

Brian Wood continues to shape this epic tale, and he continues to leave new clues as to where this might be heading. Originally, Wood had commented that this story was going to be approximately 30 issues in length and, assuming that hasnt changed, were close to hitting the half way mark. To use an unintentional pun, Wood and The Massive crew of artists continue to build steam and continue to impress on a monthly basis. There is still a long way to go and a whole lot more to explore with this story. Youll be sorry if you wait until its all said and done to read it.

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The Midas Flesh #1

Dec 17, 2013

Overall, The Midas Flesh is a good read. It might not be for everybody, but its fun and interesting and its differentsomething that the comic industry always needsand its something thats definitely worth a look. If this is what BOOM! Box is going to be releasing, were in for some awesome stuff from this new imprint.

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The Valiant #1

Dec 4, 2014

After something as spectacular as Armor Hunters Valiant doesnt slow down; instead, it picks up the pages and puts something of this caliber in front of you, with a smirk. This is the kind of stuff you need to be reading. Its setting the bar for all other books, not just within Valiant, and it might just make you reconsider some of the books you're pulling when you try and compare them to this. The Valiant is yet another reason; one of many, that Valiant deserves to be on your pull list. How the hell can they top themselves next? Only they can answer that one, folks.

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The Valiant #2

Jan 19, 2015

Oh, and make sure you spend some time with the commentary at the end of the book. Not only some great insight into how the book was made, but very cool art made from pencils to finished product. Definitely dont overlook this stuff.

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The Valiant #3

Feb 17, 2015

The only downside of The Valiant #3 is theres only one issue left.

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The Valiant #4

Mar 20, 2015

Okay, there are a few more words to say, but not specifically about art.The Valiant is a gem in the world of comics; it's something special that everybody who has ever said they love comicsneeds to pick it. It doesn't matter if you don't know the old Valiant, or you aren't familiar with the new, what matters it that not only is this series accessible to the masses, it's beyond description andby the time you're done, it'll blow you away.Jeff Lemire's follow-up Valiant work,Bloodshot Reborn, can't come soon enough. Of course, let's hope there's more Paolo Rivera somewhere in the cards as well and be sure to check out everything else you can get your hands on that has that Valiant “V”.

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The Wicked + The Divine #7

Jan 21, 2015

Okay, yes, the art absolutely steals the show. The vibrancy of it all is just astonishing, and it more than sets itself apart from everything else youre reading (from an IMAGE book? Imagine that.) month in and month out. Being slow to start this series, its really become a favorite in a very short amount of time. The Wicked + The Divine is another one of those must-read Image titles that you hear so much about but for whatever reason you havent read it yet. Do yourself a favor and rectify that mistake quickly.

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The Wicked + The Divine #11

Jun 4, 2015

Okay, yeah,The Wicked + The Divine is amazing. This issue leaves us with a strong WTF feeling, but that's okay. Gillen will make it all better, right? Everything is going to be okay and we'll all be one, big, happy Godly family… that will die in approximately two years time. Okay, forget that last part. The second trade forWicDiv is out next month, so it's high time you caught up. Being late to the party and being able to readWicDivin a large chunk was a delight,so for those who have yet to experience it, you're in for a treat. Until then, the wait for issue twelve will be excruciating. Damn you, Gillen.

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Thor (2014) #3

Dec 12, 2014

The art will draw you into the book, like a magnet you cant escape, and Jason Aarons story will keep you there. Its something thats just too brilliant to pass up. Forget all that but its a girl Thor! bullshit that youve heard. This is THOR doing what THOR does best: smash faces with a hammer, talk some big talk and be an all around badass. Its going to be interesting to finally find out who is now worthy of Mjlnir, but until then just sit back and enjoy the ride. This is Thor comics at its finest; dont let any misconceptions hold you back from picking this up.

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Thors #1

Jun 18, 2015

The ending might have been pure cheese and absolutely predictable, given the cop show overtones, but for some reason it still ended up being exciting and more than enough to rope a reader into the follow-up issues. Really, Jason Aaron is a hard guy to say no to. He's done such a stellar job in the Thor-corner of the Marvel Universe, not to mention his creator owned work, that you'd be a fool to ignore this chapter ofSecret Wars, especially considering all the mystery and intrigue thatSecret Wars writer Jonathan Hickman has put into this gang of Hammer-Cops.Thorsis yet another feather in Jason Aaron's cap that comes with stellar art from a great team who all come together to make this part ofSecret Wars extremely enjoyable.

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Translucid #2

May 21, 2014

After just two issues, it's more than safe to say that BOOM! Studios has a winner here. The first issue had a hell of a hook, and now this group of creators just has to keep reeling us in. If the next few issues are anywhere near the quality and skill that was between these covers, then there shouldn't be a problem. If you want something different, but with a hint of familiarity, look no further than Translucid.

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Translucid #3

Jun 18, 2014

Even just from a visual stand point, Translucid is something you need to check out. But, lucky you, this book is not just standing on the merits of art alone. Youll also get to see just how deep of a story Sanchez and Echert are crafting and then you can start guessing just where theyre going to take it. Not that youll be right, because these two are tricky, but it never hurts to try. At the end of the day come for the art, stay for the story; its just that simple.

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Translucid #4

Jul 16, 2014

BOOM Studios knows how to put out a series and pick great creators. Weve learned this time and time again and Translucid is no exception. If youre behind on the series and cant find the first three issues, check out Comixology. Failing that, start harassing your shops now to pre-order the trade now. Even if its not solicited yet, just go stand in front of them, or call/email, and harass them until they say theyre going to pre-order it for you.

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Translucid #5

Aug 19, 2014

Its absolutely nerve racking to wait for this final issue and hopefully getting some of those answers, but its (finally) almost here. This entire team has produced a magnificent mini-series thus far, so all thats left is to bring it home in one issue thats sure to top all the rest. If you missed out on this BOOM! Studios classic, do whatever you can to check it out. Its more than worth every penny.

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Trees #8

Jan 7, 2015

Treesis one of those books that started off slow, and admittedly it took a Comixology sale to really give this book the chance it deserved from the beginning, but if this issue is any indication Warren Ellis and Jason Howard are just getting started. They're starting to pull the curtain back and they're most certainly taking no prisoners and holding nothing back. In twenty-odd pages,Trees has jumped to the next level.Issue eight blazed by because the next page and next panel could not come fast enough. Everything changes, and who can say if we're ready for it?

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #1

Feb 4, 2014

While this first issue was not bad, it also wasn't particularly great. It was just above the average markwhich for those playing at home, on our scale is two starsbut it leaves a lot to be desired. First issues are always hard to really sit down and look at because its generally the first time were seeing the characters and getting a feel for the story to come. Greg Pak is a fantastic writer, so theres little doubt he has a plan and this will get better. At the end of the day, its worth sticking with it for a couple more issues just for that old Turok nostalgia.

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Unity #1

Nov 14, 2013

This team is quite possibly the best that Valiant has brought together to date. This was an issue to remember, and this is a series that demands your attention. If youre not reading anything Valiantprobably because youve been under a rockyou should do yourself a favor and go pick up Unity. This is going to be a crazy ride, no question. Kindt and Braithwaite have a lot of great characters at their disposal, but can any of them actually take down Aric and the X-O Manowar armor? Thirty days is far too long to wait for another issue. Take note, comic world; this is how you start a huge, universe cross-over.

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Unity #3

Jan 14, 2014

Unity is moving at a fantastic pace and it doesnt appear to be slowing down any time soon. With the end of the first arc quickly approaching, its hard to tell exactly what Kindt is planning for this superstar cast of Valiant characters. Whatever hes planning, with an art team the caliber of Braithwaite and Reber, you can be sure youre not going to want to miss it. Bring on issue #4!

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Unity #4

Feb 20, 2014

So, in conclusion: quick pace good, writing and art both top notch, need more fast, Valiant doing great things. That basically covers it all, right? Valiant has so much going on and so much coming if you arent caught up already, its time to go pick up some trades. Valiant got it right, this stuff really is must read.

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Unity #8

Jun 16, 2014

While Unity really strives to hit that bar that Armor Hunters #1 hit, it might have just missed the mark by hairs. That being said, the bar was set insanely high by Venditti and Braithwaite so you cant fault them for anything. Unity is definitely a great book and a great chapter in Armor Hunters. So far, its safe to say that Valiant and company are more than living up to the hype around the Armor Hunters event. Bring on the next issue!

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Unity #10

Aug 11, 2014

While Armor Hunters proper and even the Bloodshot tie-in stand tallest so far in this event, Unity is certainly giving them a run for their money. Kindt really, truly, never fails to impress and both Segovia and Milla more than deliver on this issue. If you didnt already get it before in any of the other reviews done for the Armor Hunters event, you really, really need to be reading this. Comic book master classes almost every week, folks. Valiant more than deserves your attention and money. Check. This. Out!

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Unity #11

Sep 18, 2014

While Unity #11 was not spectacular, especially when compared to some of the other books within this event, but it also wasnt bad either. Kindt already seems focused on whats to come after this is all said and done and thats perfectly fine with this reviewer. We need more Ninjak and Gilad, and Kindt is just the man to give it to us.

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Unity #13

Dec 29, 2014

Unity blazes by and aside from a look at the villains, there really isnt a lot of time spent on the story. However, this creative team continues to put out a top-notch book and theyve certainly left it at a helluva cliffhanger for next month. As ever, Valiant has another great series here that you ought to be reading and now might be as good of a time as any to jump on.

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Unity #14

Jan 26, 2015

Unity is changing and growing as the VU changes and grows. Theres going to be pains here and there, and theres going to be internal issues and external problems with and for the team. So far, they seem to be handling it well. Kindt has a great cast of characters to play with here and hes using them all equally and more effectively than a lot, a lot, of other team superhero books out there. Unity is one of those books you really cant miss, even if youre new to the VU because itll give you a taste of a handful of characters that you can then go and explore in their own, or other, series. Dont miss out on more great Valiant, more great Kindt and, of course, more great art.

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Unity #15

Feb 18, 2015

Once again,Unity impresses and they didn't even have to show a giant, alien robot to do it. There was no crazy action, byUnity standards, and nothing major really took place except for the beginning of a deep look at one of the major Valiant players. Ninjak is an amazing character who Kindt has really taken to the next level. If this issue doesn't get you excited forNinjak the series, there might not be anything that will. Don't feel like you have to read the rest ofUnity to get into this issue either. If you're curious about Ninjak orUnityor the Valiant Universe in general, grab this book.

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Venom (2011) #34

Apr 17, 2013

If you've fallen off this series, you better believe this is the time to come back on. Cullen Bunn feels like he's really settling into the character and this resurgence of Edward Brock and the Toxin symbiote could be a large part of that. Together with Declan Shalvey and colourist Lee Loughridge this Venom team has really stepped up to the plate and have really brought their “A” games. Regardless of what happened before, or what happens after, this Toxin arc is going to be listed as one of the greats in the long history of everybody's favourite symbiote, Venom. Hats off you you, Bunn and Shalvey, this issue was fantastic.

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Venom (2018) #1

May 9, 2018

Donny Cates clearly has some insane shit planned, so this is only the tip of the iceberg. If you've every liked Venom or been Venom-curious, there is no better time than right now to try out aVenomseries.

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Venom: Space Knight #1

Dec 2, 2015

Frankly, it doesnt even matter if there is no finite ending here. It would be nice just to have a badass series with Venom, in freakin space, going around, punching things, getting into trouble and just having crazy adventures. Sometimes a series doesnt need to be connected to the larger Marvel Universe so strongly and should be able to stand on its own and justbe. Its hard to say which direction Marvel and Thompson are going to take, but even if we dont get our wish, you best believe were in for the long haul on this book and you should be too. Its Venom. IN SPACE.

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We Can Never Go Home #3

Jun 11, 2015

We Can Never Go Home is the real deal and, yeah, it is fucking rad. It's one of those comics that's so damn grounded it just connects with you on many different levels. Some of which you can't even describe. The art and character work is fantastic, the colors are spectacular and the story has been nothing short of perfection up to this point. That last page shakes things up and will undoubtedly change the dynamic in the issues to come but it's all good; it's in the hands of an amazing creative team from an excellent publisher.

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Weirdworld #1

Jun 11, 2015

Marvel has a long, long history and almost certainly there were things in here that were eluded to that newer fans, who might not have read everything they could since the 70's, might miss.Weirdworlds scope feels large, the art is on a level all its own and all comparisons aside theres something really great about Arkon. Sword and sorcery is a great genre and one that feels underutilized in todays Marvel, at least in the more classic sense, soWeirdworld, though certainly weird, felt refreshing and had an interesting hook at the end. If youre looking for something different from this greatSecret Warsevent, definitely give this book a shot.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #0

Oct 7, 2014

Look, the art was beyond amazing and arguably the best thing, or at least right at the top, youve seen on the shelves in recent memory but dont let that make you take Vendittis story for granted. Its deep and subtle and really speaks to the foundation of the character that now has the entire planet on his shoulders. Venditti is a master craftsman thats been paired with a couple of artists who went above and beyond the call of duty and theyve combined to create something that will stay with you long after youve filed it away. Consider this the new benchmark.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #17

Sep 16, 2013

These last few issues have been leading and building towards the upcoming Valiant Universe event Unity, where it appears that the rest of the Valiant U are going to have to try and stop Aric and his X-O Manowar armor and its going to be difficult to choose whose side youre on. Aric is a likable guy, even if hes a little bit… behind the times. X-O is one to watch and the upcoming Unity is really going to change and shape the new Valiant Universe for years to come. Make sure you check out this fantastic series that seems to be flying under most peoples radars.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #19

Nov 18, 2013

X-O Manowar #19 is a stellar follow up to Unity, making it even more difficult to wait for the next issue. Valiant has something special with this crossover, for lack of a better term, and as mentioned when discussing Unity Valiant has put not only some of their best talent on it, but some of the best talent in the industry right now. Bottom line, youre a fool if youre not checking out X-O Manowar and Unity because they rival, and arguably best, anything else on the shelf today.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #23

Mar 18, 2014

With Armor Hunters just over the horizon, nows the time to check out X-O Manowar before the you-know-what hits the fan. You can even go and check out the recent first arc of Unity if you want to get a little more on Aric and why hes working for the US Government without having to go all the way back to #1even though its highly recommended that you do start from the beginning and read Unity. Either way, jump on and enjoy something a little different and outside of your Marvels and DCs, you wont regret it.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #24

Apr 15, 2014

Even though its already been said a hundred times, heres one more: You, yes you, the reader, need to go out and pick up X-O Manowar. Even if you just start with the last issue or you go back and get all the trades or you start with the special 25th issue next month. However you do it, do it. Venditti and all artists involved are crafting, and have crafted, something excellent. It might be bold to say, considering the quality from Valiant, but X-O Manowar is their best title and it shows no signs of slowing down.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #26

Jun 24, 2014

Armor Hunters, as an event, is the real deal folks. Valiant is pulling no punches and all the creative teams, at least so far, are at the top of their respective games. Looking for something thats shaping up to be one of the best events in recent years? Look no further than Valiant and Armor Hunters.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #27

Jul 30, 2014

From day one, X-O Manowar has been something special. Its something hard to describe, but its seemingly got a little bit of everything for everybody; warriors, space, alien race, sci-fi, heart, death, humor and more. If its been said once, its been said in every review for this event and series: you need to be buying X-O Manowar its an absolute must if you love comics. Venditti, Bernard and Reber can do no wrong and lately, it seems, neither can Valiant.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #28

Aug 27, 2014

Once again Valiant, Venditti, Bernard and crew impress. X-O Manowar has been the crown jewel of Valiant since it burst back on the scene and this is just another example of why. Stellar back story for some really interesting characters that, in all honesty, I hope get to stick around after this event is all said and done. Bravo.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #29

Sep 24, 2014

Intentional or otherwise, the minor inking issue shouldn't take away from what Venditti and crew set out to do with this issue. We're at the end of an amazing event put on by a bunch of amazing creators, and there's something new coming just over the horizon. Next month's zero issue should be an excellent addition to the already excellent X-O Manowar line, but #30 and the beginning of something new can't get here fast enough. X-O Manowar continues to be the shining gem in Valiant's crown (King metaphors work here, right?) and if nothing else, you need to pick this series up.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #30

Nov 18, 2014

Yes, X-O Manowar earned another perfect score, but believe me when I tell you it earned it. This is not Saga where almost everyone throws a 5-Star rating on it month in and month out and no one is surprised (because, yes, Saga is fucking amazing). This is X-O Manowar; a book that has more than earned your attention and more than deserves it. Its the Valiant crown jewel and it really, truly, deserves to be read by anybody who likes any of the other top books out there, month after month. This is easily a book to rival any other superhero book thats out right now, so if thats your kinda thing pick this up!

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X-O Manowar (2012) #31

Dec 29, 2014

This team has yet to disappoint and continue to roll out issues at the level that weve all gotten used to on X-O Manowar. It's hard to pick out flaws or complaints when the team can continually put out books at this level, so all props to them, and of course Valiant, for bringing them together. Venditti and Bernard, along with Quintana, are a team that needs to stick with X-O for the foreseeable future. They're building an epic in their corner of the Valiant Universe and I, for one, feel sorry for anybody that has to follow them when, inevitably, their run is done. Let's just continue to hope that's a long time from now.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #32

Jan 26, 2015

Another arc, or maybe mini-arc, of X-O Manowar wraps and you know what theyve all managed to do? Theyve managed to not only continue to add to Aric, the VU and the great stories being told so far, but theyve managed to make this book even more must-read. Just when you think they cant stop themselves or make this book any better than it has been, they do it. Theres no better time to start reading Valiant than right now. Pick these issues up, or the next ones, or all the ones before it, as long as youre picking this up it really doesnt matter where you start.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #33

Feb 3, 2015

Fantastic, flowing cloaks, blood that any warrior would be proud of, beautifully epic space sequence and the Vine, X-O Manowar #33 just might be everything that a new fan could need to get hooked on this brilliant character and brilliant series from Valiant. Plus, it has all those things, and more, for existing fans as well! X-O Manowar #33 will get you hooked all over again, and will undoubtedly hook anybody new, while making it impossible to contain excitement for the future of this series.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #34

Mar 2, 2015

Both Reber and Winn add amazing depth and layers to the pencil work of Diego Bernard and their fantastic contributions can'tgo overlooked. Really,X-O Manowar continues to be the crown jewel of Valiant, even if other books are starting to creep up on it, and it's due to the work of all the people involved. From the mastermind Venditti to the current art team, and of course the teams that have come before them, this is a series that just keeps changing and evolving and raising the bar every time out. What more can you ask of creative team than that?

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X-O Manowar (2012) #35

Apr 6, 2015

A few, likely nit picked panels does not take away from the story that Venditti and company are building towards. While, certainly, the art might not be at exactly the same level that has been maintained for so long, it still stands up against the vast majority of other books on the shelves.X-O Manowar, even though it has some competition in a few of the other titles Valiant has been producing lately, is still the crown jewel of the Valiant lineup and it's still most certainly a book that you need to be reading. Now is the time to jump into the Valiant Universe, folks, so jump in!

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X-O Manowar (2012) #36

May 14, 2015

So aside from looking great, consistently, and being one of the most consistently well written books in all of comics… wait, there's no downside here. What more could you ask for in a book, especially one that comes out monthly? Does it need to be screamed from the roof tops before you people pick this book up, or what?X-O is brilliant, consistently, on ever level so buy it because my voice is getting hoarse.

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Reviews for the Week of...


