Broken kingdom!
The world has changed for Aric of Dacia - the armored earthbound hero known as X-O Manowar. Unable to protect his friends and allies from the interstellar hunters sworn to kill him, the Visigoth warrior who would be king now recoils from the horrendous consequences - even as a threatening new future looms. Everything changes now!
It is no wonder that Robert Venditti is handling books like Green Lantern and X-O Manowar. The man knows his emotions and how to displayed them on pages. Solid dialogue with great artwork by Bernard and Fajardo combines for a pleasant finish in the Armor Hunter saga. A nice change of pace from the chaos is needed every now and then. Read Full Review
While Armor Hunters had a solid conclusion, you have to read X-O Manowar #29 to understand what really came out of this event. The Unity team will be around in the same capacity that we have an Avengers team or Justice League, but the X-O Manowar is now someone the world can look up to and use as a symbol of strength when they have to pull themselves together. Read Full Review
X-O, and more importantly Malgam, get a new direction and it's clear, concise and interesting. Good stuff. Read Full Review
X-O Manowar #29 is a solid follow-up to the Armor Hunters event and plants some interesting seeds for future story lines to develop with the new status quo. The existence of those who don't want a cure to exist for the armor along with the revelation at the end of this issue has me excited for what's ahead for Aric and the different parties in play. The crossover event was my introduction to the character and the history of the armor, and now I'm ready to see them in action in other storylines. Read Full Review
Intentional or otherwise, the minor inking issue shouldn't take away from what Venditti and crew set out to do with this issue. We're at the end of an amazing event put on by a bunch of amazing creators, and there's something new coming just over the horizon. Next month's zero issue should be an excellent addition to the already excellent X-O Manowar line, but #30 and the beginning of something new can't get here fast enough. X-O Manowar continues to be the shining gem in Valiant's crown (King metaphors work here, right?) and if nothing else, you need to pick this series up. Read Full Review
Slight criticisms aside, XO Manowar #29 is another great issue in this series, giving us some nice character moments and setting up future arcs that leave this series with endless potential and plenty of places to go. Read Full Review
Next challenge for Aric: Armorines. I will be there. Read Full Review
X-O Manowar #29 is a comic book that does what it needs to do. It moves the flagship title of this shared universe beyond the rubble of Armor Hunters while setting intrigue for Aricand his allies. Recommended. Read Full Review