Kareem Ali's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Hulking Reviewer Reviews: 385
8.4Avg. Review Rating

13 Coins #1

Oct 23, 2014

13 Coins #1 is a good start to the series as its entertaining premise is laid out along with a satisfying introduction to John Pozner's life. And the action in the second half of the issue is intense and gives a solid idea about how far the competing organizations will go to complete their missions while also creating an intriguing story. However, these different story threads felt disjointed because no answer was given about how they tie together and so I'm looking forward to see how that unfolds.

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13 Coins #2

Nov 20, 2014

13 Coins #2 is an uneven issue that builds on the fascinating concept of the Fallen and the Sons of Noah but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. John Pozner's importance was stressed since last issue, and what was troubling wasn't that I believed all the answers should've been given by now but that importance wasn't reflected in any of the characters' actions. And as a result the shocking turn of events didn't feel as engrossing as it should have been. However I'm still looking forward to next issue and seeing more of this world and the truth behind the scenes.

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13 Coins #3

Dec 21, 2014

13 Coins #3 gets the series on track to finally tap into the potential of its premise fully by revealing the truth of John's bloodline and the introduction into the exciting new elements with his training. This has me excited to see what kind of powers John will acquire and how they will be developed. The shaky execution from the previous issues doesn't return here, and thankfully John's commentary on his situation made it easier to accept the way this was all unfolding. But this was also due to the storyline becoming more interesting, and I felt engrossed at various points. So I'm looking forward to the next issue, and seeing what's in store for all these characters.

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4001 A.D. #1

May 2, 2016

4001 A.D. is an exciting start to the series with Father becoming an even more terrifying threat in the face of the opposition. The start of this issue feels like it could be Rai #12 with the fall of New Japan and Lula's interactions with her parents. It adds a personal touch in the midst of all the destruction, and shows Father's influence on the populace. However it's when Rai joins the fray that this issue starts to feel like the start of a massive event and gains the most momentum. And as a result I'm glad this series takes us to 4001 because it's both horrifying and awesome. I can't wait for the next episode.

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4001 A.D. #2

May 31, 2016

4001 A.D. #2 is another entertaining issue complete with high-octane action and well-paced story progression. The action is top-notch and the use of the technology is impressive. There isn't as much character development as the first issue aside from Lula learning of Grace's fate since the focus is mostly on the immediate battle with Rai and the strategic decisions that entails. Once again Gilad's role is minimal, and his significance isn't even as big as Lula's despite the connection to the current Geomancer. However, the change in the battleground and the understanding of what's at stake with the population of New Japan sets the stage nicely for some great developments next issue.

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4001 A.D. #3

Jul 27, 2016

4001 A.D. #3 is a solid issue that moves the series forward with the rebellion's climactic battle against Father. Lula comes into her own as a character in terms of representing New Japan as a hero but I was somewhat disappointed in Rai's lack of development and not touching on Gilad's reunion with the Geomancer. The artwork is captivating, as usual, and the fights and large scale battles look terrific. However, this issue still doesn't reach that level to make this series feel like an epic event but it's still a really good one.

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4001 A.D.: X-O Manowar #1

May 10, 2016

4001 A.D. X-O Manowar #1 is an okay issue that successfully establishes the X-O Manowar armor piloted by Rai but the circumstances aren't truly compelling. The process used for the creation of these behemoth armors is impressive and the need for the Earth's response is made clear. However, the showdown is so lackluster that all the momentum is squandered and it results in it feeling like nothing more than a relic collecting dust. I do enjoy one-shot issues that add to the overall understanding of a major event but this one almost takes away from the impressive conclusion to 4001 A.D. #1.

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4001 A.D.: Warmother #1

Aug 1, 2016

4001 A.D.: Warmother #1 builds a rock-solid case for more of the character with the world she inhabits, the setting of the Grove and the dynamic between her and Flaco. This world is rich with potential ranging from her history to the history of the Grove as well as all that exists outside of the Grove. The story flows at a good pace, and the artwork adds to the level of enjoyment easily. I do wish more explanation was given about the different species but I also know some of that would be better covered in a series as opposed to a one-shot issue. So if this was just meant to be an introduction to the character then I'm definitely on board for more.

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4001 A.D.: Bloodshot #1

Jun 8, 2016

4001 A.D.: Bloodshot #1 does a solid job in expanding the world of 4001 A.D. while paying homage to a beloved character. Despite taking place outside of New Japan, the initial connection to the events in the 4001 A.D. series is enough to provide context to the events surrounding the new Bloodshot. And there's plenty of action, as to be expected, but the real gem is the final mission, which is a culmination of the journey of discovery throughout the issue. So now I'm hoping there are more opportunities for Bloodshot to make an appearance in the world of 4001 A.D.

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Alien vs. Predator: Life and Death #4

Mar 28, 2017

All in all, Alien vs Predator: Life and Death did a much better job with the story than Fire and Stone. I felt at the end of Fire and Stone it got way out of hand and lost whatever momentum was built up to the point. This is where the more organized format did it's job. The story, while not as ambitious as Fire and Stone was easier to follow and read. It all ends with a 40 page finale next month. I'm sure the Engineers still have something to say about what happened..

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Aliens: Defiance #11

Apr 23, 2017

Despite a its first misstep the issue remains strong thanks to strong characters and dialogue. I can't imagine things getting any better for Hendricks and Hollis, and wonder how much strength they truly have left to keep on with their mission. We can only hope Davis managed to find a way to survive and pull them out of this terrible situation. Solid read, not a bad way to celebrate Alien Day at all.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #1

Nov 12, 2013

If there was ever a case to be made for another X-Men comic book, Amazing X-Men #1 makes a damn good case for it because this has been immediately added to my monthly list. For as many times as a character has died only to return down the line, I'm now excited to see Nightcrawler return

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American Gods: Shadows #1

Mar 22, 2017

American Gods #1 is an excellent start to the series combining strong character development with an intriguing story line. Shadow Moon's journey is just starting and the writing makes me care about every step of that journey. Mr. Wednesday's introduction is good overall but not as impressive as the start of the issue. However, the conclusion is spectacular and I'm looking forward to seeing how next issue builds on this.

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American Gods: Shadows #2

Apr 10, 2017

American Gods: Shadows #2 is a solid follow-up to the first issue deepening Shadows journey into Mr. Wednesday's mysterious world. Shadow's choices are very believable considering the way this issue conveys his current ordeal. Thankfully the interaction between Shadow and Mr. Wednesday is more entertaining this issue than last. Technical Boy is an intriguing character and reveals some of what's at stake for Mr. Wednesday. There's definitely more action than the first issue. And now I can't wait to see what unfolds next.

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American Gods: Shadows #3

May 9, 2017

American Gods: Shadows #3 successfully expands the mythos in the series through past and current events. Shadow's visions of different gods as well as his wife's temporary return creates a more engrossing situation. And the origin of certain gods being revealed sheds light on how they acquire their power. Even though the banter is entertaining I do hope Wednesday and Shadow's story line speeds up a bit. But I am enjoying the ride.

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American Gods: Shadows #4

Jun 12, 2017

American Gods #4 is a riveting issue that gives much-needed depth to various characters. The checkers match between Shadow and Czernobog set the stage for the entire issue as much as the next chain of events with Wednesday. Shadow continues to impress me from the way he handled Czernobog as well as his interactions with Zorya. And Essie's story is a wonderful example of how this series has intertwined American history with the mythos of various gods. I don't know Wednesday's overall plan but the character dynamics guarantee it'll all unfold in an entertaining way. I can't wait for more.

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American Gods: Shadows #6

Aug 17, 2017

American Gods #6 does in excellent job in finally revealing Mr. Wednesday's true identity and his plan. I've waited six issues for this and it's well worth the wait. Mr. Nancy is the most memorable character among the gods introduced. That's stating a lot since they're all intriguing now. It's also good to see Shadow in a situation that doesn't revolve around Mr. Wed"Odin's plan. And what's even better are the answers that are given. Every issue the world American Gods is creating just gets better. This issue makes me feel fully invested.

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Armor Hunters #1

Jun 29, 2014

Armor Hunters #1 is an explosive start to Valiant's crossover event and one that's worthy of setting the stage and showing the very survival of humanity is at stake, and not just from one direction. The armor hunters are ruthless and truly believe in their cause but aren't one-dimensional so their hunt for armors throughout the galaxy and the toll it has taken on them is very intriguing. And I was very impressed with my introduction to the Valiant characters in this issue and easily digestible story made me hungry to investigate the events preceding this issue despite not being an absolute necessity to follow the events. And with the stunning conclusion I'm glad I won't have to wait an entire month before reading the second issue.

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Armor Hunters #2

Jul 9, 2014

Armor Hunters #2 is an incredible issue that makes this series even more engrossing as there's plenty of character development and action as the story progresses perfectly with zero filler. I wondered how the first issue could be topped but Robert Venditti definitely pulls it off, and Doug Braithwaite's artwork captures every moment and emotion in the necessary fashion to keep you mesmerized throughout. Valiant stated that this crossover event would be a must-read, and I agree with that statement completely.

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Armor Hunters #3

Aug 13, 2014

Armor Hunters #3 is an excellent penultimate issue that raises the bar with its amazing sequence that results in multiple surprises, and sets the stage for an earth shattering showdown. Aside from unexplained behavior by Primary Reebo in the middle of this issue, you'll be on edge from beginning to end as everything from the artwork to the dialogue will keep you engrossed and anticipating what could happen next. I do wonder how everything could be wrapped up in one issue especially with Malgam on the loose but I have confidence that it will be an exciting and satisfactory conclusion.

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Armor Hunters #4

Sep 24, 2014

SUMMARYArmor Hunters #4 is an incredible conclusion to the crossover event with its heartfelt appeal to Aric, its earth-shattering action and beautiful artwork. My heart was beating fast with every page turn anticipating the next blow or fallen character, and as a climactic battle it was very satisfying. And it wasn't just a complete slugfest as some of the ramifications would be shown setting off a new beginning for Aric and his armor. I came into this issue with high hopes, and I'm glad to say this crossover event was well worth it. I highly recommend the entire Armor Hunters series.

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Armor Hunters: Aftermath #1

Oct 1, 2014

SUMMARYArmor Hunters: Aftermath #1successfully establishes the new status quo for Unity, M.E.R.O. and their relationship with the public at large in an entertaining way. It also gives a sense of closure regarding the Armor Hunters, at least for the crossover event, and introduces GIN-GR as a new member of Unity. I don't know what storylines lie ahead for the team but if this issue is any indication then I'm on board for all the exciting possibilities.

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Armor Hunters: Bloodshot #1

Jul 22, 2014

Armor Hunters: Bloodshot #1 is a very satisfying issue considering how much I've been anticipating Bloodshot's involvement in the Armor Hunters event, and it didn't disappoint me in the least. The character development takes place in such a wonderful way in conjunction with the story progress that even if one is being introduced to Bloodshot for the first time his capabilities could be fully appreciated. We've gotten teases of Bloodshot in previous Armor Hunters issues but this is his first full appearance and it is indeed grand.

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Armor Hunters: Bloodshot #2

Aug 21, 2014

Armor Hunters: Bloodshot #2 is an intense, action-packed issue that opens up with a bang and finishes with an explosion. In the first extended battle involving one of the main Armor Hunters, an entertaining plan is put together requiring Bloodshot, Livewire and the Colonel to work together to defeat him, and so it was well worth the wait. Even the biggest Bloodshot fans should feel satisfied with the developments in this issue. And considering the task he has to take on next issue alone, I'm looking forward to an incredible conclusion to an enjoyable series.

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Armor Hunters: Bloodshot #3

Sep 17, 2014

SUMMARYArmor Hunters: Bloodshot #3 is a highly-entertaining and action-packed conclusion to the series as Bloodshot's place as my favorite Valiant character is solidified with this issue. The coordination between Bloodshot, Livewire, and to a lesser extent this time, the Colonel, works wonderfully again, and I'm really hoping to see more of this down the line because of how enjoyable it has been. And Malgam's symbiotic relationship with the Armor, and his past with the Armor Hunters made him a compelling antagonist revealing some interesting tidbits. Overall the artwork was impressive but some of the fighting void of backgrounds lessened the impact of the characters' intense actions in those panels. But I'm very satisfied with this series and can't wait to see where things go from here.

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Armor Hunters: Harbinger #1

Jul 31, 2014

Armor Hunters: Harbinger #1 brings very little to the Armor Hunters event as the team doesn't encounter any of them, and only contend with an ill-timed, and offensive, assault by masked gunmen. In fact, the assault left a bad taste in my mouth and was a distraction from the catastrophic event at hand. However the individual characters came off very well so I am intrigued by the Harbinger series in general, and with a unique development at the end of this issue I'm actually hopeful for the next issue to see what unfolds.

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Armor Hunters: Harbinger #2

Aug 20, 2014

Armor Hunters: Harbinger #2 improves on everything about the first issue and has the team facing a unique threat in all the armor hunters related issues. The character dynamics allowed for each one to be utilized fully, and in an impressive way, considering the nature of the threat. And the shocking discovery in the midst of all of this can have huge ramifications going forward so even if your interest in this series is because of the team and not the armor hunters event then you'll love this development and what it could mean. It feels good that this issue capitalized on the potential in the series, and I'm as excited for the answers next issue as I am to see what's in store for the team after the event ends.

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Armor Hunters: Harbinger #3

Sep 9, 2014

SUMMARYArmor Hunters: Harbinger #3 is a solid conclusion to the series as it does an excellent job in wrapping up Generation Zero's involvement in the Armor Hunters event as well as addressed the aftermath in Mexico City. The parallel drawn between Generation Zero's predicament after escaping Harada's group and Mexico City's predicament was powerful and worked on many levels. And as a result the characters are so intriguing I want to know even more about them and their stories. And there's plenty of action in this issue and it's both gripping and electrifying due to the characters' powers and the wonderful artwork. I don't know how the other Armor Hunter series will end but hopefully they're all as satisfying as this one because now I'm a fan of this team.

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Assassin's Creed #1

Oct 13, 2015

Assassin's Creed #1 is anexcellent start to the series and introduces an exciting new protagonistwhoaccomplishes the rare task of standing out immediately among a great roster of assassins. From the beginning to the end this issue is engrossing due to Charlotte, and the writing and artwork gives tremendous life to this story. And the action is as intense as one would expect from the Assassin's Creed franchise. I have a slight concern about Charlotte's ancestor seemingly being so generic but I'll wait to see how that plays out. Overall I'm happy with the beginning of Charlotte's journey.

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Assassin's Creed #2

Nov 11, 2015

Assassin's Creed #2 is a great follow-up to the first issue and with its engrossing story line and interesting characters I can say that I'm hooked so far to this series. The Templars' plot in Salem may seem straight forward at first but there are enough twists, character development and action to keep you glued to every page. I wish there was more of Charlotte this issue but I admit that Tom was more interesting this issue than last and that's due to the overall situation and being paired with Jennifer. Can't wait until next issue now.

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Assassin's Creed #4

Jan 13, 2016

Assassin's Creed #4 is arguably the best issue in the series with its high-octane action, meaningful character development and engrossing story flow. The transition between the past and present is deftly handled so the suspense builds consistently throughout leading to a satisfying twist. The pace is amazing since it doesn't feel rushed or slow, but like a well-trained assassin this issue strikes at the right moment. And now I'm looking forward to the conclusion of this story arc with bated breath.

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Assassin's Creed #8

May 11, 2016

Assassin's Creed #8 is a decent issue but is also thelethargic point in the story arc since some of the events feel like the goal is to keep the characters in a holding pattern until more interesting developments. The character development is entertaining with more revealed about Quila's backstory and the potential connection to the current assassination plot. However, Pardo's bumbling removes all progression and I hope the next issue advances past that. It's good that Charlotte sees some action again, and the conclusion to this issue is a shocker that makes me look forward to next issue.

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Assassin's Creed #9

Jun 15, 2016

Assassin's Creed #9 is an entertaining issue that progresses much better than last issue providing much-needed action and story progression in both the present and past. Charlotte and Galina working together to free Kody is an intense scenario that even when it becomes predictable it still manages to add a satisfying twist. Unfortunately part of that twist also has the potential to make the situation feel as if the team is wandering aimlessly. Thankfully Quila and Pardo's story progresses wonderfully in terms of providing enjoyable character development and excitement of what's to come. Hopefully next issue delivers even more.

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Assassin's Creed: Templars #1

Mar 22, 2016

Assassin's Creed Templars #1 is a decent start to the series introducing an intriguing character in the Black Cross and creating an interesting setup that could explorer the dynamics in the Templar Order. The opening sequence is great in setting the stage, and it's easy to become engrossed in it. However, the rest of the issue is somewhat hit and miss because Darius is not the most compelling protagonist and most of it is dedicated to him. Shanghai in 1927 is an interesting setting full of potential. And since it's not long until the Black Cross makes another appearance I'm really looking forward to next issue and seeing more of the world of the Templars.

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Assassin's Creed: Uprising #1

Feb 2, 2017

Assassin's Creed Uprising #1 is an entertaining start to the series with its blend of action and character development. It starts off action-packed with Charlotte jumping out the window and that intensity never lets up throughout the issue. The Assassins come off as slightly generic but that's mostly due to the series just starting. However, the addition of the Templars gives the story more depth and I can't wait to see what's next.

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Bad Blood #1

Jan 6, 2014

Bad Blood #1 is a very engrossing start to this series and paints an excellent portrait of Trick's life in terms of why he would ultimately respond to the vampire's actions the way he did. The premise that his blood is poisonous to vampires and his plan to go after this one is even more intriguing after seeing how that was set up in this issue. The vampire itself doesn't feel imposing as an antagonist so the strength of this issue is Trick and his story. And besides the vampire angle, in this issue is a heartfelt tribute to not only those suffering from a recurring illness but those providing support as well. This is now on my must read list.

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Bad Blood #2

Feb 6, 2014

Bad Blood #2 is an ok issue that focuses more on the views of those who worship vampires and believe them to be capable of lifting them out of their daily struggles than dealing with actual vampires. Since all they expressed was speculation it's unclear whether any of it actually applies to the vampires in this series, and so parts of this issue felt redundant. However the growing relationship between Trick and Lolly, and how they come to an understanding of each others lives is what carries this issue as the event that takes place at the end of this issue promises to alter their lives permanently. And that should make the rest of this series very entertaining for readers.

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Bad Blood #3

Mar 5, 2014

Bad Blood #3 gets the series back on track and is an exciting issue as the action picks up and a new character is introduced. The relationship between Trick and Lolly continues to be strong in the sense that it's consistent and therefore the developments are easy to follow and understand, and actually root for them to overcome despite their individual struggles. And with the conclusion of this issue it appears that things will be only better next issue.

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Bad Blood #4

Apr 2, 2014

Bad Blood #4 is an excellent issue that shows the series has found its stride combining great personal development, story progression and a unique and interesting lore for the vampire order. With every issue it becomes easier to root for Lolly and Trick and in this case their training as well, while Jonas provides some thrilling action to go along with that. And with the vampires proving to be more cunning and capable this time around Jonathan Maberry shows that he has a lot in store for the fifth and final issue.

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Bad Blood #5

May 7, 2014

Bad Blood #5 is a very satisfying conclusion to a series that didn't hold any punches in addressing the human condition, suffering and loss, and despite dragging briefly in the middle of the series, ultimately stayed on track and also became an inspirational tale. For a story to take a weakened cancer patient and a drug addict and not only turn them into heroes but show the journey as well is not an easy task but one that Jonathan Maberry pulls off convincingly, and the artwork was perfect for this series. The vampires themselves are somewhat underwhelming again this issue despite a very interesting backstory but when it's all viewed as Trick and Lolly facing all their struggles and demons together one can appreciate the series even more (and the cover of this issue). I highly recommend this series for its personal story of growth and its refreshing take on the entire vampire genre.

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Bankshot #1

Jun 26, 2017

Bankshot #1 is an intriguing start to the series with mostly effective flashbacks and entertaining action. The opening sequence works beautifully in the way it establishes him as a formidable character. It's easy to get excited about a shiny new character, but the way Marcus King's world is set up I have hope that the story will be enjoyable throughout. Looking forward to the next issue.

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Bankshot #2

Jul 27, 2017

Bankshot #2 is near perfect in the way it builds on the first issue. The flashbacks are not only entertaining but beautifully woven into the story so the present becomes moreinteresting. And the character development is outstanding. There's not much actionthroughout the issue but the ending is a wonderful example of how quality over quantitymatters. Now I'm starting to believe this series is the real deal.

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Bankshot #3

Sep 1, 2017

Bankshot #3 is an electrifying, action-packed issue. It puts King's full arsenal on display in brilliantly drawn panels and clarifies why he's so feared. Flashbacks occur less compared to the first two issues but the implications in the flashbacks could have more potential. With two issues remaining I have high hopes for the rest of this series. And I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Barb Wire (2015) #1

Jun 30, 2015

Barb Wire #1 is an excellent start to the series and is full of interesting characters, explosive action and enough charm to make me anxiously wait for the next issue. The character development is enjoyable with some interesting setups such as the TV show, financial trouble with the club and a very fragile truce between rival gangs. None of the characters feel like archetypes thanks to Chris Warner's stellar writing, and Patrick Olliffe's wonderful artwork makes every action sequence electrifying. I can't wait to see what's next.

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Barb Wire (2015) #2

Aug 5, 2015

Barb Wire #2is an explosive follow up issue full of intense action and entertaining character development. The way Barb's routine bounties are connected to her eventual plan to go after Stormblud feels like a natural and necessary development. And the impact on the power structure and current events taking place in Steel Harbor can't be underestimated. And, of course, the action is terrific with the artwork making it extremely enjoyable. I'm getting hooked to this series and all it has to offer.

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Barb Wire (2015) #3

Sep 1, 2015

Barb Wire #3 is an action-packed issue that finally pits Barb against Stormblud in a no holds barred match, and does an excellent job in portraying his unbelievable strength relative to others. The action and artwork are more than up for the task in making this issue entertaining, however Stormblud's proclamations eventually wore a little thin at certain points this issue. But it's not bad that an issue is devoted mostly to action as long as the enjoyable story continues to progress in the next issues.

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Barb Wire (2015) #4

Oct 7, 2015

Barb Wire #4 is a good conclusion to the first story arc and a great setup for things to come with its relatively complex status quo. The battle between Barb and Stormblud is entertaining although Stormblud's limitations as a character shows through again. I'm more excited for what's to come due to the deal between Barb and Mace, and how that can impact her future activitiesbutthis issue doesn't delve into the current power structure too much. But overall things look good for the future of Steel Harbor. Or at least entertaining for readers.

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Barb Wire (2015) #5

Nov 5, 2015

Barb Wire #5 is a slow start to the story arc but introduces intriguing new characters while touching on some of Barb's backstory. The opening sequence feels like a continuation of the fight with Stormblud so it's forgettable when it could've been more entertaining. Not much is revealed about Barb's former associate, Roman, but the Fed's interest in him has me curious about the answers that will be revealed as this story arc unfolds.

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Blackout #1

Mar 26, 2014

Blackout #1 is a good issue that lays the groundwork for some potential interesting story threads and so I'm looking forward to seeing how these things unfold. I wasn't impressed with Scott's character outside of the suit and his interactions with Ash as his cover/alter ego seemed to be a combination of the stereotypes of superhero alter egos. The suit and its ability were interesting but the machinations surrounding it were more intriguing and so I'm hoping the suit is more impressive as more of its origin is revealed, or Scott faces different situations. And the stage for that is set at the conclusion of this issue and I'll be waiting to see what's in store.

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Blackout #2

May 2, 2014

Blackout #2 is a disappointing issue as the series intends to stretch out this period that lacks any substantial progress story wise or with character development, and as a result even the new robotic suits come up flat. Granted I don't expect everything about a story to be revealed in the first issue but when the only thing that has occurred and not just alluded to after two issues is the protagonist has jumped in and out of portals it is extremely difficult to be invested in the events taking place. Hopefully this changes next issue with the way this one concluded but at this rate I would have to see that occur first. And even though King Tiger is interesting I can't recommend a series just for the short included in it at this point.

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Blackout #3

Jun 4, 2014

Blackout #3 would be at best a decent issue if it was the second one but considering the length of all the issues, enough just doesn't happen to make the overall series feel entertaining or engrossing. Hopefully next issue some series answers will be given but with the way this issue concluded I have very low expectations of that actually happening. Unlike King Tiger, which is excellent once again and has me anxious to see what happens next, Blackout just leaves me feeling left in the dark hoping that some story development will be the spark necessary to escape from its cold embrace.

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Blackout #4

Aug 13, 2014

Blackout #4 is a perplexing issue, and not in terms of a complex story, but in inexplicable events that don't care about simple logic and in doing so makes the suit even less impressive. It's not good that there are still no answers regarding the nature of the suit or purpose of it, and when its use of power is still unclear then it becomes very problematic. I don't know where things are headed from this point but most likely this series would've been more enjoyable if it started from this point instead of the pursuit of Robert Marshall. It's possible that when some answers are finally given that things can turn around but even the excellent King Tiger can't save this very disappointing issue.

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Blade Runner: 2019 #1

Jul 28, 2019

Blade Runner 2019 #1 is an exciting start to the series, laying the groundwork for interesting story threads. Ash is an intriguing character and I'm looking forward to seeing her in various situations. So far, I'm optimistic that this series will bring the Blade Runner world to life once again.

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Bloodshot (2012) #24

Oct 1, 2014

Bloodshot #24 is a highly entertaining issue with its action and story of mind control setting the stage for Bloodshot questioning his own situation with Project Rising Spirit and true identity. The writing flows so smoothly and the artwork captures each scene just right whether it's Bloodshot in combat or those at the research facility in Colorado. This is an excellent follow-up to his role in the Armor Hunters event and even offers a great jumping on point for those who want to know more about the character. So I'm looking forward to next issue and all its double-sized glory.

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Bloodshot (2012) #25

Nov 5, 2014

Bloodshot #25 is an entertaining double-sized issue that contains a very touching, and shocking story about Bloodshot's life prior to Project Rising Spirit, and the extremes they went to in order to maintain control over their weapon. I really enjoyed what was revealed about him, and the action was brief but intense in that situation. And the conclusion would only make me want to see more about Bloodshot and Project Rising Spirit. This story was so good that even though I enjoyed the short stories in this issue I did wish that they were as revealing as the first one or directly connected to it in some way. The good thing is they were entertaining for what they were, and the "advertisements" were hilarious too. Whether you've been keeping up with Bloodshot or not, this issue is still a great jumping on point for new readers, and satisfying to those who are already familiar with the character.

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Bloodshot U.S.A. #1

Oct 26, 2016

Bloodshot U.S.A. #1 is an excellent start to the series with this issue not wasting one page in setting up the premise. From the start of the issue to its last shocking page it's an engrossing read. The initial plot to infect all of Manhattan with nanites to the way it evolved throughout the issue creates enough potential for this series to be memorable. I know it's just the first issue so I'm hoping this momentum carries forward into the next one. Can't wait.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #1

Apr 15, 2015

Bloodshot Reborn #1 is a great start to the series, and mostly makes up for the initial way his nanites were removed by dealing with the psychological impact of it. It's an interesting dynamic considering all that was done to him by Project Rising Spirit and his recent break from them. I would like to see what's in the file about his true identity but at this point it makes more sense he would be put in a position to contend with a violent imposter. I don't know what he'll discover but seems like it's going to be an entertaining journey.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #4

Jul 8, 2015

Bloodshot Reborn #4 is a chilling issue that explores the depths of the impact of psychotic killers not only in the form of Bloodshot's character development but Agent Festival as well. The turn of events adding a new character to the mix has potential so Bloodshot isn't just dealing with Bloodsquirt and Kay in his quest to reacquire the nanites. The action is intense although the acquisition of the nanites doesn't feel as monumental as last issue. But this issue definitely makes this story arc more intriguing.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #5

Aug 5, 2015

The majority of Bloodshot Reborn #5 feels like a filler issue as his “adventures” with Bloodsquirt dominate this issue. Their adventures have a slight redeeming quality but pales in comparison to the overallengrossing story in this series that's neglected this issue until the end. At least the artwork fits the tone of the adventures as it captures Bloodshot's altered mind state wonderfully. However, I'm looking forward to next issue when some answers finally arrive about the truth of Bloodshot's identity.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #6

Sep 16, 2015

Bloodshot Reborn #6 is an issue that focuses more on character development than those hunting for more nanites but it's done in such a good way that I wish this was the type of character development done sooner. Bloodshot makes significant progress with his mental state, and the hunt for nanites takes on an interesting twist. It's good to see Agents Hoyt and Festival back andI'm looking forward to seeing where their investigation with their lead of just the name Project Rising Spirit goes and if they'll finally learn Bloodshot isn't the enemy. All in all it's a decent start to this story arc.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #7

Oct 7, 2015

Bloodshot Reborn #7 sets up the confrontation between Bloodshot and the hunter but doesn'tadequately build the latter up so it has less of an impact than it should. It does build on Ray's character development making him feel more rounded, and despite the imaginary Kay reappearing that momentum isn't lost. Hoyt and Festival finally have a lead that could break new ground and I hope the full potential is explored. For now I'm just enjoying the interesting turn of events.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #10

Jan 27, 2016

Bloodshot Reborn #10 is an engrossing start to the Analog Man story arc as it paints an intriguing picture of the current world while establishing an entertaining personal situation for Bloodshot. It unfolds in a smooth manner transitioning from Bloodshot's personal life in the settlement to his journey in collecting water when he's attacked. The action is good although it feels too similar to Mad Max to feel wholly unique. However, the conclusion more than makes up for that and I can't wait to get my hands on the next issue.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #11

Feb 23, 2016

Bloodshot Reborn #11 is a solid continuation to the Analog Man story arc delving deeper into Bloodshot's character development in a powerful way. And Ninjak's battle against the technological goo and the latter's subsequent connection to the attack on Bloodshot made their quest more intriguing. As a result the Shadowmen have become more interesting antagonists. However, the lack of answers regarding the technological goo takes away somewhat from the overall issue but does make me look forward to them even more. So hopefully next issue will reveal a little more about the threat behind the destructive path of the goo.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #12

Apr 20, 2016

Release Date: 4/20/16Writer: Jeff LemireArtist: Lewis Larosa

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Bloodshot: Reborn #14

Jul 6, 2016

Bloodshot Reborn #14 is an excellent start to the Bloodshot Island story arc placing the various Bloodshots in a shocking and engrossing predicament. From the way the initial situation is explained to the way the truth about it unfolds is captivating throughout. There isn't any character development for the individual Bloodshots but it's not necessary in this issue since their names and use as hunting fodder has a tremendous impact in the story. I truly hope Bloodsquirt doesn't play an important role in this story arc, and if he doesn't, the conclusion of this story arc might just be as compelling as it's beginning.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #15

Jul 12, 2016

Bloodshot Reborn #15 takes everything that was great about the start of this story arc and makes it even better by delivering an intense, exhilarating issue with its action, character development and story progression. The inclusion of Agent Festival opens the door to a more immersive experience and the explanation of the other Bloodshots brings the story together. The action is a complete joy but it's the twist at the end that takes Bloodshot Island to another level by creating new questions about this intriguing setup. I can't wait for next issue.

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Book Of Death #1

Jul 14, 2015

Book of Death #1is a highly entertaining start to the series complete with an engrossing story and interesting character development. The inclusion of a Dark Geomancer clarifies the previous actions of the Immortal Enemy while opening the door to so much potential with 2 Geomancers existing at the same time. Unity not even giving Gilad the benefit of the doubt considering recent events with Kay feels slightly forced but the story progression and the setup are wonderful. This is the series I've been anticipating, and everything the Valiant should've been.

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Book Of Death #3

Sep 22, 2015

Book of Death #3 is a high-octane issue that provides in-depth answers to the Book of Death and Darque's plans with David, the Geomancer. Even though Unity only makes a brief appearance, Gilad is more than enough to provide entertainment with his battle against Darque's army of the dead. However, this issue doesn't feel like a penultimate issue because a lot is left unresolved but I'm still enjoying the intriguing story and direction of this series. Can't wait to see how it concludes next issue.

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Book Of Death #4

Oct 27, 2015

Book of Death #4 is a satisfying conclusion to the series due to the final battle against Darque and Tama's impressive character development. The action is stellar, intense, and well worth the wait. I appreciate how things were tied up very well while offering a future with significant change for certain characters involved. Unity could've played a larger role or eliminated completely from this issue to give Punk Mambo additional exposure since they don't do much. However, I'm excited about what's ahead based on all the events that took place this series.

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Book Of Death: The Fall of Harbinger #1

Sep 30, 2015

Book of Death: Fall of Harbinger #1is an enlightening issue that details its end in an exciting manner consistent with the characters. It's good seeing what becomes of Harada's Foundation Zone and the eventual impact on the Earth as well as the impact of other characters on this future. The mystery behind Harada's return is intriguing, and the answers are well worth the wait and leave a lasting impression. The current Imperium series is one of my favorites and I'm glad this issue captured the essence of what makes it so great.

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Book Of Death: The Fall Of Bloodshot #1

Jul 22, 2015

Book of Death: The Fall of Bloodshot #1 is an okay issue that doesn't truly do Bloodshot justice as he wanders around getting caught up in random situations. Aside from him somehow being killed I understand the difficulty in chronicling the centuries he could survive but the events are too disjointed, and the disconnect from the big events in theBook of Deathmakes this feel like an issue of emo Bloodshot. There are some good moments as well assmall hints of what occurred due to Dark Geomancer but not enough to make this engrossing. And Bloodshot definitely deserves better.

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Book Of Death: The Fall of Ninjak #1

Aug 28, 2015

SUMMARYThe Book of Death: Fall of Ninjak is an engrossing issue that sets the stage early on allowing the events that follow to remain clear and enjoyable. The way Ninjak's current condition and character development is displayed here fits the character perfectly, and this last mission is throughly entertaining. But what makes this issue top-notch is the way it touches on past events in a meaningful way while laying the groundwork for the known future in an intense way. I highly recommend this issue.

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Book Of Death: The Fall Of X-O Manowar #1

Oct 20, 2015

TheBook of Death: Fall of X-O Manowar #1 is a satisfying issue that's representative of Aric of Dacia and covers almost all of the Manowar mythology. Aric's last acts as king create an exciting chain of events with some twists involving Trill and the new armor wearer. Unfortunately this issue doesn't show Aric in battle one more time but there's plenty of intense action and I was on the edge of my seat wondering if/when Trill would strike the fatal blow. If you're a fan of X-O Manowar then you should enjoy this issue.

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Book Of Death: Legends Of The Geomancer #1

Jul 15, 2015

Book of Death Legends of Geomancer #1is an entertaining start that introduces exciting characters while making the story connected to them feel pertinent to current events. And the artwork is phenomenal. I've been looking forward to seeing more about the Geomancers and this origin story is definitely on the right track. Anni is a well-rounded, and feisty character, and her interaction with Padda shows another side that has potential. There's plenty of action and the explosive ending has me excited for what's to come.I don't know what Nergal's true motivations are but I'm hooked to this series and can't wait to see.

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Book Of Death: Legends Of The Geomancer #3

Sep 23, 2015

Book of Death: Legends of the Geomancer #3 adds wonderfully to the Geomancer's stature through great character development and Anni's extensive use of her new powers. Right from the beginning with the giants being unleashed on humans this issue establishes a tone that reaffirms the series tone on not presenting things in a simple black and white manner. This allows for intense action with spectacular artwork and tough decisions made by characters setting up a surprising twist and an interesting conclusion. This issue definitely adds to the legend of Anni.

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Book Of Death: Legends Of The Geomancer #4

Oct 27, 2015

Book of Death: Legends of the Geomancer #4 solidifies Anni's role as the start of the Geomancers but does a disservice to her by skipping over her major feats and solely focusing on her preparing for the future. And Padda's transformation and portrayal isn't elaborated on so he feels like a random enemy. However, this issue does a great job in showing the 3 brothers in their youth and explaining Gilad's selection as protector of future Geomancers. And Anni's legend overall is still as intriguing as ever. She's definitely set the bar high for all Geomancers.

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Britannia (2016) #2

Oct 12, 2016

Despite some bumpy parts, Britannia #2 is overall a solid issue that starts to peel back the mystery of Britannia. Antonius as a character is at his strongest when he's investigating and given a clear context. This allows the story to move forward in the most compelling way since it brings the local population into play. Rubria and Nero's interaction mainly feels like a distraction considering next to nothing was revealed about their true plans. However I am hopeful right now that all these different story threads will start coming together better next issue. And I'm looking forward to that.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops III #1

Nov 4, 2015

Call of Duty Black Ops III #1is a perplexing issuewith the waythe randomness in which certain events occur takes away from any semblance of a cohesive story. And as a result the name dropping of weapons is blatant since that appears to be the only explanation for these events. And the dialogue takes away from this just being a fun action packed issue so it feels like being stuck in a multiplayer chatroom with 10 year olds and unable to mute it. It's not all bad because the redhead is actually intriguing and the action has momentum later in the issue. However, I'm hoping that next issue is an improvement.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops III #2

Dec 5, 2015

Call of Duty Black Ops III #2 is an entertaining issue that improves on the first in just about every way. Considering the score I gave the first one that might not seem like a lot but the story is easier to follow with the amount of random events and characters drastically reduced. And the action is more intense and varied, and fits in the context of the events unfolding. There is still too much chatter during action sequences at times and it wouldn't be a problem if it's good banter but mostly that hasn't been the case. However, I'm excited that this series feels to be headed in the right direction now.

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Captain Stone #1

Dec 22, 2014

Cap Stone #1 is a very engrossing issue about Charlie Chance's life story and how she became the Pet. It's an engaging story that details her thinking and her relationship with her father, the master thief Craven Panther. And the gorgeous artwork makes all of it that much more enjoyable. While reading it the first time I wasn't sure how this was connected to Captain Stone nor did I have any idea how he was a superhero. However it ultimately did connect to him in a manner that would make the search for him in the next issue(s) that much more intense. So I'm glad I decided to read this issue because now I want to see where the story is headed and don't want to miss anything.

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Clown Fatale #1

Nov 11, 2013

The artwork by Maurizio Rosenzweig captures the seedy nature of the characters and the environment wonderfully, as well as the sultry aspect of the story line. I'm intrigued by the potential of this series and the direction the story will take.

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Clown Fatale #2

Dec 11, 2013

Clown Fatale #2 builds off the developments in the first issue and delivers in more ways than expected. The story is well-paced and once the action gets going it's as thrilling as the crew's descent (or ascent)?) into the world of contract killing is fast. In the midst of that there is enough character development to give some depth to certain members of the crew to make it plausible how they not only ended up in the circus but how they could end up in the world of contract killing. And with a startling development I'm very interested in seeing what happens next. I wasn't sure what to expect when I decided to give this series a try but I'm glad I got on this ride because it's been a fun one and even if I don't know where it'll end up I have hope that it'll be satisfying at the end.

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Clown Fatale #3

Jan 17, 2014

Clown Fatale #3 continues the rip-roaring ride and the tone of the series established in the first issue, and results in a great setup for the final issue. Just when you think the fast-paced nature of the series will slow down and the crew will have a moment of down time, a new element is introduced in an entertaining way. So if you're looking for some heart-racing fun with all the elements of an exploitative film done right then you really need to check out this series.

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Clown Fatale #4

Feb 11, 2014

Clown Fatale #4 is an exciting conclusion to a thrilling series that combined jaw-dropping action with humor and character development as it created a wonderful tale fully taking advantage of the potential of its premise. Beneath the exploitative B-movie exterior is a story where you actually end up rooting for the protagonists to not only be successful but do it with a bang, literally. Considering all the books and comics I read, I would compare my enjoyment of this series to people getting on rollercoasters even though they're going to end up in the same exact spot once the ride is over. It's the intense ups and downs, twists and turns, and the feeling of just letting go and enjoying the ride. This isn't the most profound story, nor did it pretend to be, but it was definitely entertaining so I recommend Clown Fatale #4 and the entire series because you just might enjoy the ride.

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Conan / Red Sonja #1

Jan 14, 2015

Conan Red Sonja #1 is an excellent start to the crossover series with its entertaining portrayal of classic characters, and a story that brings them together in an organic way. The differing styles were established early on to introduce the characters so even if you're completely unfamiliar with them you'll still be able to fully enjoy this issue. The initial theft of the “jewel” is enjoyable but the connection to a larger story and threat leading into next issue is even more engrossing, and I'm looking forward to seeing the two of them working together to confront this. The artwork captures the tone of the series wonderfully, especially the twisted nature of the threat, although some panels from a distance could lack the finer details. However, if you're looking for an entertaining read or ever enjoyed either of these characters, then you should definitely check out this issue.

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Conan / Red Sonja #3

Apr 1, 2015

Conan Red Sonja #3 is another entertaining issue that makes this series consistently enjoyable with great character development and scenarios. It's good to see character growth for Conan with his perspective on everything taking place, and even though it's not shown for Red Sonja, that much can be assumed from the writing. It feels somewhat cliche to have the two facing off considering their growth up to this point but the action throughout this issue is overall solid. So I'm looking forward to getting my hands on the next issue when the two of them go back at Thoth-Amon.

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Conan / Red Sonja #4

Apr 28, 2015

Conan Red Sonja #4 was a satisfying conclusion to a series that successfully avoided all the potential pitfalls of such a crossover due to its excellent writing and character portrayals. The confrontation between the duo and Thoth-Amon was worth the wait, and the extended action sequence with them fighting the one truly responsible for the Bloodroot was impressive. This issue almost had me convinced that the duo could've fought a twig and the writing would've made the conclusion sound epic in portraying the two as heroes. If you're looking for a fun action series with solid character portrayals, look no further than this one.

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Conan And The People of The Black Circle #2

Dec 3, 2013

Even though everything hasn't been revealed about the king's assassination, it was convincing that the two of them would try to seize this opportunity for their own gain. And the way the story unfolds is as smooth as it is brutal with the artwork of Ariel Olivetti capturing both the brutality of Conan's world and the treachery magic of Khemsa's world, and switching between the two seamlessly.

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Conan And The People of The Black Circle #3

Dec 11, 2013

Conan and the People of the Black Circle #3 is another solid issue in this series and does an excellent job of demonstrating why the Black Circle is viewed with such fear by people. The events in this issue move the series along wonderfully and builds the anticipation for a confrontation between Conan and the Black Circle, and for the rescue of Queen Yasmina. I still feel that the interactions between Conan and Yasmina have been underdeveloped but there are enough events taking place to make it stand out less and make this series still feel engrossing.

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Conan And The People of The Black Circle #4

Jan 30, 2014

Conan and the People of the Black Circle #4 was an ok series finale but it felt like a lot of potential in the series was squandered due to the feeling of it being rushed. The action and artwork were very good to me, and Conan and Yasmina had a moment that was able to address some of their original situation but the interruptions and the lack of capitalizing on the common ground the two of them should have had left many things unanswered. If you've been enjoying this series or you're a huge Conan fan then you might want to check this out. Just don't expect it to be his finest moment (or the best issue in the series.)

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Dark Souls: The Breath of Andolus #1

Apr 21, 2016

Dark Souls #1 is an entertaining start to the series introducing an intriguing character while exploring familiar themes from the Dark Souls mythology. After the initial synopsis the story is engaging and easy to follow with Fira's quest being both personal and heroic. The artwork at times is bright for a Dark Souls series but it works mostly due to the graphic splash pages detailing the action sequences. The story progress makes me feel better about the series going forward and I can't wait to see what's next for Fira and Aldrich.

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Dark Souls: The Breath of Andolus #2

Jun 1, 2016

Dark Souls #2 is an adrenaline-filled issue that is able to build on the first issue with its intense action and shocking conclusion. The first 8 pages' focus on rehashing the synopsis given last issue is somewhat surprising, and doesn't add anything new to the overall story. However, Alan Quah's artwork carries the action sequences making them visually captivating so its easy to get lost in the world in these pages. And now I can't wait to see how next issue starts considering the remarkable ending here.

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Divinity #1

Feb 15, 2015

Divinity #1 is a solid start to the series and introduces any interesting protagonist with the capability to seemingly shape reality at will. I don't know how deeply this series will delve into certain issues it mentions or if it was just to give Abram a more interesting background. And the parallel drawn between Abram and another character's journey after an injury has me intrigued about what happened to Abram while traveling through the universe. And with the sanctuary he's set up I can't wait to see what he has in store for the world or what he hopes to achieve with his sanctuary. But I have a feeling it's gonna be an entertaining ride.

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Divinity #2

Mar 18, 2015

Divinity #2 provides exciting insight into Abram's life and his seemingly limitless power. Revealing that he was to have a family knowing how he grew up without one makes everything more intriguing as it gives more than a glimpse into his motivations and use of his powers. There isn't any action this issue but the storytelling is excellent and the setup for major events next issue is almost flawless. After 2 issues this series has really skyrocketed up my list of must read.

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Divinity #4

May 29, 2015

Divinity #4is a relatively underwhelming conclusion in comparison to how excellent this series has been since the first issue. It's an enjoyable issue that sheds even more light on Abram's character and brings the current situation to a close. However, more light isn't shed on the origin or nature of Abram's powers, and at times it's perplexing except the fact that some answers are being delayed until next series. Despite hoping for the series to live up to its bold, cosmic potential only to choose to become a caged bird, I still recommend it as an overall gripping, and exciting story. And Abram is a character I can't wait to see again.

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Divinity II #1

Apr 19, 2016

Divinity II #1 is an engrossing issue that deepens the mythology in terms of re-examining the situation responsible for imbuing these individuals with incredible power. It doesn't shed more light on the entity that gave them this power aside from Valentina and Kazmir's theories but the character development gives a fresh take on the aftermath. Valentina's backstory and current view of the world and what needs to be done opens up the door to a new, exciting chapter in Valiant's cosmic universe as well as the Earth. I can't wait to see more.

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Divinity II #3

Jun 21, 2016

Writer:Matt KindtArtist: Trevor HairsineRelease Date: 6/21/16

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Divinity II #4

Jul 27, 2016

Divinity II #4 is a satisfying conclusion to the series providing solid character development that makes the Divinity characters more intriguing while remaining exciting. The action gets intense but the real entertainment value is in the subtle ways Abram and Myshka can and do influence each other expressed in Matt Kindt's use of a Russian classic. I'm a Divinity fan so I'm always looking for more, however, the conclusion to this series is also a great starting point for the next. And I can't wait.

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Divinity III: Stalinverse #2

Jan 23, 2017

Divinity III Stalinverse #2 is an excellent follow-up issue that brings together all the elements in the Stalinverse. Ninjak's battle with Bloodshot sets the stage for crucial events to occur. Harada's inclusion as well as the introduction of Divinity's army adds more depth to the story. Despite the same experience giving them all powers, I really enjoy how all 3 original companions use their abilities in drastically different ways. I can't wait to see more.

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Divinity III: Stalinverse #3

Feb 22, 2017

Divinity III: Stalinverse #3 is a solid penultimate issue that sets up the finale perfectly. The addition of the new Soviet characters makes for electrifying action as the story progresses beautifully. Abram, Myshka and Kazmir's character development expands the Divinity mythos in a powerful way. Matt Kindt does an outstanding job this issue so I hope there's no letdown next issue.

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Divinity III: Stalinverse: Komandar Bloodshot #1

Dec 28, 2016

Divinity III Komandar Bloodshot #1 is a visually impressive issue that fits Bloodshot wonderfully. The way he cuts through the rebels is memorable due to the artwork, and the portrayal of his abilities was fascinating. The story is enjoyable for the most part. However, the intensity is lacking at times during the battles due to Bloodshot not even breaking a sweat (if he could). I do like the ending and how there are some things that even Divinity can't change.

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Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #1

Nov 5, 2014

Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #1 is a solid start to the series, and the premise is made even more interesting with Gilad's character development and relationship with the Geomancer. And what was at stake was made clear through Greg Pak's excellent writing and the artwork, which captured the gravitas of the Magyar's slaughter of the Franks. I had some doubts about how exciting this series could be based on him being relatively unimpressive during the Armor Hunters event but he's truly in his element here, and I'm as intrigued to know the significance of the outcome in Gilad's mission to protect this newborn. So I can't wait to get my hands on the next issue.

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Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #2

Dec 2, 2014

Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #2 makes the original premise even more intriguing by introducing twins with the same mark and completely different personalities but doesn't delve into either one as deeply as I would have liked to see. It's not that they become caricatures but a deeper examination of how a child could be chosen and what makes either one so special isn't done, and some of the potential entertainment there is lost. It was interesting to see the Geomancer even wondering about the situation because it makes me curious about how these revelations work for him, bringing back to mind Gilad's issues with his missions over these millennia. So I do wonder how things will unfold next issue as Gilad has to face the original choice he made.

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Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #3

Jan 7, 2015

Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #3 had its entertaining moments but ultimately didn't make me feel that Falk's life was so impactful and unique that the Geomancer prophesized it, and Gilad dedicated decades to it. I understood the impact that Falk's song had on the people but the exaggeration of what it could truly do or actually did fell somewhat flat. I did enjoy the aspects of this issue that focused on Gilad's life during this time, and how he learned some things and had faith restored. I just wished more of this was connected back to Gilad instead of emphasizing Falk. However, I do have a better appreciation of Gilad, and I look forward to more entertaining stories.

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Eternity #2

Nov 26, 2017

Eternity #2 is entertaining in the way it breaks down the conflict between the Past-Light and Future-Light but some of the lead up to that is uninspired. I understand that this world's environment and its characters have to be established but I was disappointed it didn't feel different from Earth. Considering how fascinating Abrams and Myshka's abilities are I hoped this issue would show more thingsreflective of that. However, I'm looking forward to see where Abrams and Myshka's journey takes them next.

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Eternity #3

Dec 27, 2017

Eternity #3 successfully takes everything I love about the Divinity series and makes this series more intriguing on every level. Abram's perception of the events around him made them that more entertaining. And Abram's memories hopefully serve as a way to further understand the current events. Either way I'm looking forward to delving deeper into the world of Divinity next issue.

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EVE Online: Valkyrie #2

Nov 20, 2015

Eve: Valkyrie #2 is an engrossing issue that does an incrediblejob in detailing Ran'd backstory with rebirth and introducing magnificent scifi elements. this issues exploration of the process and the circumstances behind its creation are captivating. And Ran's character development was on point making her a more interesting character. The story flow with the flashbacks and time jumps within the flashbacks takes away from the momentum slightly but overall this issue is successful in making the world of the Valkyries more fascinating.

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Eye Of Newt #1

Jun 18, 2014

The Eye of Newt #1 is an uneven start to an interesting series as the strong grip of the visually stunning artwork would have on the reader is weakened by the confusing way the story transitions from one sequence of events to the next. The story is effective in setting up what's at stake while creating an air of suspense regarding Newt's calling and his importance in upcoming events and so I'm satisfied with that and the world created by Michael Hague. Maybe the second issue will improve in smoothing out the transitions so the immersion isn't lost since a lot was introduced in this issue but the story is intriguing enough to make me look forward to the next issue.

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Eye Of Newt #2

Jul 16, 2014

Eye of Newt #2 is an okay issue that improves on some things from the first issue but never quite feels as engrossing as it should be. The artwork is still fantastic and indicative of a magical world seeking to grab the imagination yet a lack of the characters' back stories or interactions that showed depth limits the understanding of them being chosen for a mysterious reason to take part in this trial. However Eye of Newt #2 would seem to be an excellent read for a children's story with its abundance of characters and various events, and aside from that it still hasn't reached its full potential.

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Eye Of Newt #4

Sep 16, 2014

SUMMARYEye of Newt #4 is a very frustrating conclusion to the series as the random encounters are only topped by the inexplicable developments that still have me shaking my head while I type this. This series started off with so much potential, hinting at deep secrets behind the selection of the youngest wizard ever chosen for trial, and in the midst of a long running conflict between witches and wizards. But it soon became muddled as characters and events popped up as fast as they ended, leaving the original premise mostly unresolved. And I don't usually give details about endings to avoid spoilers but in this case I'm not giving details to save you from this mess. This is far from a smash, so I recommend you pass and just enjoy his artwork from other series.

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Faith #1

Jul 20, 2016

Faith #1 is an excellent start to the series and lays the groundwork for great character development and intriguing story lines based on Faith's unique personality and situation in the Valiant Universe. Jody Houser's writing makes every situation enjoyable to read whether it's Faith spending time with her friends or stopping a burglar with a unique weapon. There isn't much action in this issue but since this is an ongoing series there's plenty of time for that down the line. I'm glad that what made the miniseries exciting to read is back and better than ever.

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Faith #4

Oct 21, 2016

Faith #4 is an entertaining issue because it does a great job in defining Faith Herbert. Jody Houser's unique take on Faith dealing with her duplicate is refreshing and enjoyable. Murder Mouse still isn't the type of villain I would want to see in future issues but he serves his purpose as one attempting to foil the convention. So now after these first 4 issues I'm looking forward to a deeper story arc.

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Faith (Mini-Series) #2

Feb 25, 2016

Faith #2 is another entertaining issue confirming once again Faith's strong appeal as a standalone character due to the combination of Jody Houser's excellent writing and Francis Portela's artwork. Faith's character development is enjoyable, although I wish this issue didn't focus as much on Torque in the manner that it does. The mystery behind the missing psiots becomes deeper and I really like how the developments have been bold increasing the potential in this series. Faith isn't the typical superhero and I'm enjoying how this series is capitalizing on that.

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Faith (Mini-Series) #4

Apr 27, 2016

Faith #4 is a solid conclusion to he series and sets up an intriguing situation for her ongoing series. Whether it's her work or personal life I really like how it's all supportive of her role as a superhero avoiding clich pitfalls.The confrontation with the Vine is entertaining although the tone of the last battle is somewhat surprising in terms of the humor in light of all those killed by the Vine's operations. However, this issue is indicative of who Faith is and that's something that I'm interested in keeping up with and I'm looking forward to her next series.

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Faith and the Future Force #4

Oct 22, 2017

Faith and the Future Force #4 is a satisfying conclusion to the series. Chris Chriswell “defeating” the robot doesn't take away from previous attempts by Valiant's heroes to stop it. The logic used is consistent and reveals a lot about Chriswell's mentality. And it sets up Faith's next story arc in a wonderful way. It doesn't delve into the robot's backstory in terms of it becoming so invincible as much as I hoped. But thankfully it touched on it enough to successfully conclude this story arc.

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Fallen World #1

May 5, 2019

Fallen World #1 is a great re-introduction to the world of Rai and 4000 A.D.. This issue picks up from the perfect spot with the heroes of the revolution on New Japan facing new challenges on Earth. I really appreciate Rai's new situation because it allows an examination of his character from a different angle. It also gives a face and voice to the residents of his sector. I love Bloodshot but I'm concerned his role will only be to serve as a host for a new enemy in this story arc. However, Gilad and the Geomancer add another entertaining element to the start of this series. I can't wait for the next issues.

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Fantomex MAX #2

Nov 11, 2013

I think issue #2 capitalizes perfectly on what was laid out in the first issue and does so in a way that makes it more enjoyable than the first issue.

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Fantomex MAX #4

Jul 5, 2014

Fantomex #4 is a satisfying conclusion to the series as its humor, action and slight revelations bring everything to a head while also leaving the possibility open for more intriguing stories. Ultimately the character development wasn't as drastic as I would've hoped as serves as a setup for future story lines more than anything. Fantomex and Eva's relationship changed only slightly throughout the series, and Agent Flemyng's relationship with them remains as complicated except her personal feelings for Fantomex. However it's still an entertaining issue anda fun ride if you just want humor with some intense action closing a unique chapter in Fantomex's history.

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Freeway Fighter #1

May 10, 2017

Freeway Fighter #1 is an exciting start to the series and just gives enough to be intriguing. De La Rosa has potential as a character and I'm looking forward to learning more about her. This issue is beautifully drawn and suitable for a dystopian future. Not much is given about the current world other than the need to survive. But I'm hopeful next issue will get into more of that.

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Furious #1

Jan 30, 2014

Furious #1 is a very interesting start to a new take on a superhero striving to do good and use one's powers responsibly while trying to protect one's alter ego. The parallel drawn between the car chase Furious is trying to stop in the best way and her own life worked in not only giving a clear way to understand the overall predicament and mentality but also in showing how physics is even important for superheroes (if you read the issue you'll understand). The character's notoriety in the public eye was somewhat confusing initially and hopefully that'll become clearer as more of the character's past is revealed. Overall this is a very promising start to a new series showing the journey of a conflicted superhero coming to terms and maybe finding redemption for one's past.

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Furious #2

Feb 26, 2014

Furious #2 is a very entertaining read as it improves on the first issue in every way from the action to character development. The story flows very smoothly and instead of just Cadence saying she has a past, we're shown parts of that here and an excellent job is done in making her a more interesting character, and her story one that can be invested in. This issue left me even more intrigued about the events that will unfold considering the actions taken, and with the revelation that there's one who not only knows Cadence's true identity but is directly connected to her past creates the potential for a very gripping showdown, and one that I'm looking forward to.

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Furious #3

Mar 26, 2014

Furious #3 is a solid issue that reveals more of Cadence's history and is effective in showing the motivation behind her actions and how she struggles to come to terms with her past. Although this issue is less effective than the previous one in connecting this with the story that unfolds here, the antagonist is twisted enough to make things entertaining and puts Furious in a situation that's unique in her crime fighting career. This is one series I've been enjoying and this issue shows once again Bryan J. L. Glass's ability to create a well-rounded and very likeable character.

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Furious #4

Apr 30, 2014

Furious #4 is another solid issue with some engrossing moments and exciting twists that not only make this issue entertaining but keeps the eagerness for what's to come next very high. I would have wanted to see more in the way of a direct confrontation finally but the set up here makes it seem as if even more will be resolved, at least for now, than just the two with a shared past facing off. And I can truly appreciate the story that Bryan Glass has woven because he has been successful in this unique take on a classic superhero dilemma.

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Furious #5

May 28, 2014

Furious #5 is an exhilarating conclusion to the series about the heroine learning to come to terms with her powers, her past, and her real identity and brings it all together in one of the most impressive aerial battles in recent memory using the perfect metaphor for her life. I truly hope this isn't the last we'll see of Furious as she's a protagonist with great character development and there's still plenty of potential in future story lines for her, and I would still like an answer to one of the mysteries that isn't fully resolved here. I highly recommend this series and its unique take on a superhero coming to terms with the responsibility of her powers while struggling with her personal life. It's a ride you can't miss.

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Ghost (2013) #1

Dec 18, 2013

Ghost #1 is an excellent first issue and combines great action, story telling and character development in a way that instantly makes this issue and character memorable for me. All 3 story branches have huge potential and are all very intriguing to me. The way Kelly Sue DeConnick is able to take a supernatural character and effortlessly fit her into the city of Chicago as realized in this issue is a true testament of a solid first issue. This series is now on my read list and I definitely recommend it.

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Ghost (2013) #2

Mar 12, 2014

Ghost #2 is an ok issue that has interesting elements but suffers somewhat from execution as what is most memorable is the number of times Elisa threatens Beleth to make the story progress, and then the revelation is second most memorable moment. And the setup for the next issue is very intriguing and I am very interested in how that will play out as it seems there will be some really good action but I also hope that the mayor's plot at least seems as threatening as they say it is. And the White City Butcher becomes more interesting as a shape is given to the character as well as a pattern of behavior and Elisa's decision to not pursue the Butcher could come back to haunt her. So I'm still on board with this series and looking forward to the next issue very much.

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Ghost (2013) #3

Apr 17, 2014

Ghost #3 is an excellent issue that provides electrifying action from beginning to end, and is full of great character development and interesting story progression. I was pleasantly surprised with how much was covered this issue and it was very easy to follow. Despite Elisa and Beleth issuing threats back and forth again this issue it was much less and didn't detract from the overall story or the thrilling suspense. So I'm looking forward to the next issue with high anticipation of what's in store for the characters.

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Ghost (2013) #4

Jun 4, 2014

Ghost #4 is a very moving issue, which doesn't reveal the circumstances surrounding Elisa's death but does an excellent job in defining her character as well as making the connection to James Barrow very meaningful. It's a story of when innocence is lost and how others can rise to the occasion leaving an indelible mark on those who witnessed it. This was a story that James Barrow stated made him fall in love with Elisa, and I suspect it will have a similar effect on readers who become engrossed in its heart-rending yet inspirational tale.

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Ghost (2013) #5

Jun 25, 2014

Ghost #5 is an incredible issue and I've come to expect nothing less from this series at this point as it has some intense action, great character and story development, and creates enough suspense to make me more excited for this story arc than the last one, and with an intriguing subplot I think it'll exceed the last one. If you still haven't started this series I recommend you do, even if you start with this issue, because every month it's an extremely enjoyable ride.

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Ghost (2013) #7

Aug 13, 2014

Ghost #7 is an action-packed issue that builds on the suspense of the origin of the Hunter and raises his status to a serious threat to Elisa. And the changes to her personality this issue is an interesting reaction to her last 2 defeats and even though I'm curious to see how that plays out I wish it wasn't used as a way to avoid giving answers about Von Ghastly, the Hunter or any of the topics he brought up. However with the conclusion of this issue it appears that we're headed for an explosive showdown next issue, and I'm already preparing to enjoy the ride.

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Ghost (2013) #8

Sep 24, 2014

Ghost #8 is an exciting conclusion to the story arc as Elisa finally lets go, and in the process not only becomes stronger but a more intriguing character as the truth of her nature is hinted at in a horrifying way. I enjoyed the progression throughout this story arc from her feeling bored about fighting common criminals to her maturing in her role and now standing face to face with the truth about her past. I felt it was already clear her friends were concerned with her and wanted to help but Vaughn's drinking habit seemed to be random this issue. But with answers about her past certain to be revealed next issue I can't wait to get my hands on it.

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Ghost (2013) #9

Nov 5, 2014

Ghost #9 is an exciting start to the new story arc as Elisa's memories returning has not only left her torn about approaching her family but put her in a precarious situation when it comes to abusing her powers. The revelation of her battles in hell and all that did to her opened up a fascinating new angle to understand her character and give clarification about her struggles in the last story arc. It was good to see her use her powers in some creative ways, and I am curious to see how far she will go in her new course of action to protect the city. I don't know what role her friends will play in shaping her at this point but I do hope it's not something superficial that waters down what is needed for her in this new situation. But I'm excited to see how things unfold for her.

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Ghost (2013) #10

Dec 2, 2014

Ghost #10 is an entertaining issue that only suffers due to the execution of some of the details but not the overall direction of the story line. I enjoy how Elisa is coming to terms with her memories and former life, and what that all means to her current situation including her friends. Her use of her powers has been pretty exciting and opens the door to so many possibilities. And new enemies emerging consisting of the reluctant mayor raises the stakes in many ways. Questions such as why Ghost would have Tommy driving her around or how she could afford to just move made it harder to feel completely engrossed in this issue but I'm looking forward to seeing how things unfold in this new, entertaining direction.

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Ghost (2013) #11

Jan 7, 2015

Ghost #11 is overall an entertaining issue and has plenty of touching moments following Tommy's death with great character development. I'm not really feeling one of the unexpected developments yet considering that character was drunk as a skunk but I have to see what becomes of it. However, Elisa as Ghost is still truly fascinating and it's always enjoyable to see her in action, and this storyline just keeps getting better. And since she is a well-rounded character, there are many things I'm looking forward to next issue.

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Ghost (2013) #12

Feb 8, 2015

Ghost #13 provides a satisfying conclusion to this story arc as Elisa triumphs over Mr. Park, and in doing so, comes face to face with her new reality. I enjoyed the battle between the two, and even though Mr. Park's powers wouldn't be shown until this issue, what he represented made for an entertaining scenario. Despite Sloane being the closest to him, the impact of Tommy's death on others was still done in a cursory manner compared to Elisa. However, the flashback story and the conclusion of it was a great touch, and I'm looking forward to see her new reality going forward.

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Gunsuits #2

Jul 9, 2015

Gunsuits #2 is a solid issue that builds on the intriguing character dynamics while delivering interesting answers regarding the multidimensional invasion. It's refreshing how Paul Tobin utilized the different dimensions to give life to the characters on the team with the alternate Potts. Despite one comical addition to them, the monsters are overall more frightening this issue since more is revealed so hopefully next issue capitalizes on that. But I'm glad I gave this series a try and I'm looking forward to the next one.

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Harbinger Wars 2 #1

Jun 19, 2018

Harbinger Wars 2 #1 is a great start to the event with the way the situation is laid out. Livewire's actions are monumental so it's good this issue took time to address the consequences of them. It doesn't address the consequences affecting the entire world or at least the general population.However, I'm looking forward to next issue and seeing how things unfold now that the various sides are defined.

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Harbinger: Faith #0

Dec 17, 2014

Harbinger: Faith #0 is an enjoyable tale about a young superhero coming to terms with being one, and deciding what would be best for her life going forward. The use of Twitter to tell parts of this story was an interesting and entertaining touch, and didn't feel gimmicky at all. The character development not just for Faith but Torque as well, shed light on these characters making them well-rounded. And there are also messages in this issue for specific audiences, which I believe will receive this well. And as a result of this issue I have a much greater appreciation for Faith being selected as the latest member of Unity, and I'm looking forward to seeing her in those stories as part of the team.

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Harbinger: Omegas #1

Aug 5, 2014

Harbinger: Omegas #1 is an incredible start to the series that immediately sets the tone for the series and pulls you in completely once Harada starts talking, and raises the stakes to nuclear level. The beuatiful writing by Joshua Dysart and electrifying artwork by Rafa Sandoval makes this issue a very engrossing real as the characters are compelling, the action is intense, and the story progresses extremely well. This issue served as my introduction to Toyo Harada and I was thoroughly impressed, although I wonder why the armed forces were so inadequately prepared for one who could clearly treat their weapons as toys or if that was truly the best they could do. Either way the second issue can't get here soon enough so I can sit back and enjoy it.

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Harbinger: Omegas #2

Sep 24, 2014

SUMMARYHarbinger Omegas #2 is an amazing follow-up issue giving more depth to Harada while crafting a delightfully sophisticated situation one can't help but be pulled completely in. It's remarkable how much unfolded in this issue in terms of character development and story progression while also being action-packed. Peter didn't play a huge role in this issue and I wonder what that means considering there's only one issue remaining but the world's response was gripping and suspenseful. And now I wish I had my hands on the final issue already because I can't wait.

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Harbinger: Omegas #3

Oct 29, 2014

Harbinger Omegas #3 is an extremely solid and entertaining conclusion to the series as it creates an intriguing new status quo for Harada and the world. Harada establishing his sovereign state was even more riveting due to the action as well as the smaller details including the independent rising of groups calling themselves the Scions of Harada. Peter's story was a little less engrossing due to an aspect of it feeling out-of-place in the midst of so much occurring with Harada. However, I'm very satisfied the confrontation between the two wasn't simplified, and so I'm looking forward to seeing how events unfold from this point on.

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Harbinger: Renegade #1

Nov 15, 2016

Harbinger Renegade #1 is an exciting start to the new series setting the stage for the return of the Renegades in an entertaining way. The prologue is highly intriguing creating an atmosphere of suspense early on. However, the hunt for new psiots putting Jay and Faith right in the middle is the real driving force this issue. And the conclusion is everything I could've hoped for coming into this issue. Now I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Harbinger: Renegade #4

Feb 22, 2017

Harbinger Renegades #4 is an overall solid conclusion to the first story arc reuniting the team. I really like Solomon's rise because he's an entertaining character with intriguing plans. However, the focus on Kris takes away somewhat from the other Renegades making progress. Still, the situation for the Renegades has so much potential I can't wait to see what's in store for them.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1952 #1

Dec 4, 2014

Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. 1952 #1 is a solid start to the series and sets up an intriguing story rich with the potential for some fresh character development, avoiding the pitfalls of prequel stories. And enough is given about Hellboy's origin with ProfessorBruttenholm that even those completely unfamiliar with the character can get on board and enjoy this story. There isn't any action in this issue, and that stands out with the abrupt ending but it was still entertaining and the build up suggests that the pacing will be worth it in more than one way. So I'm looking forward to the next issue and seeing how things unfold.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1952 #2

Jan 9, 2015

Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. 1952 #2 is a solid follow up to the first issue and gives enough hints about what's being going on in this village to make the overall story more tittilating. This is done through a couple of developments but also through ominuous looking panels, and so I'm hopeful that the payoff will be worth the wait. There was some action this issue but even that mostly makes me look forward to when there's more intense action because of the potential here. The investigation should move forward next issue since there isn't more to explore on the surface and no other villagers, so unlike Susan, I'm excited about what's ahead.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1952 #4

Mar 5, 2015

Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. 1952 #4 ups the ante as the truth behind the mysterious occurrences in the small town is revealed, and with a surprising twist. The long-awaited answers start to roll out immediately, and has Hellboy and Archie fighting for their lives against this vast scheme. There's no further explanation about the attempt on Hellboy's life or if there's any connection to this scheme but the story progresses tremendously. The action was entertaining, and the artwork wonderfully captured the tone. I can't wait to read the next issue and see how the B.P.R.D. responds to this threat.

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Immortal Brothers: The Tale of the Green Knight #1

Apr 11, 2017

Immortal Brothers: The Tale of the Green Knight #1 is an amusing tale that utilizes its characters well. The mystery of the Green Knight is intriguing because it's tied to him being a possible immortal. And the banter from start to finish is on point. The buildup is great and the reveal is wonderful, however, the conclusion felt sudden. But Archer's story did serve its purpose.

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Imperium #1

Feb 9, 2015

Imperium #1 is a great start to the series and captures everything about Toyo Harada's megalomaniac nature to create an interesting situation for the psiots following him and the world opposing him. The opening sequence apparently showing Harada's vision of his utopia was a great touch in showing the influence of his vision while segwaying into the current battle. And as a result all their actions, especially his, will be viewed in light of that. I don't know why the world is only using small groups to oppose Harada instead of one of the many superteams but I only expect things to be more intense going forward.

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Imperium #2

Mar 6, 2015

Imperium #2 is a prime example of why this series has been so engrossing as it combines great storytelling with perfectly timed action. The first issue showed Harada's vision from the viewpoint of psiots while this issue deals with how his vision has influenced even nonpsiots. From the moment it addressed the impact of arms sales on children in conflict zones to the final page, this issue was riveting with its series of events. Gravedog is an exciting character operating in the gray area, and fits perfectly with the tone of this series. I can't wait to see how the shocking turn of events at the end of this issue play out next issue. It's just that good.

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Imperium #4

May 14, 2015

Imperium #4 is an engrossing issue that introduces an intriguing new character while raising the stakes greatly for both Project Rising Spirit and Harada. The majority of this issue seems to depart from recent developments with Harada and Gravedog but ultimately ties back into their respective goals. The introduction of higher dimensions through a psiot is fascinating, and creates so much potential going forward. And the conclusion of this issue means that things are only beginning to heat up, and I can't wait to get my hands on the next one.

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Imperium #5

Jun 2, 2015

Imperium #5 is an exciting issue that only gives a taste of the assault on the Leviathan but the plan that's unveiled makes it worth it. It ties up some loose ends regarding Gravedog, and including the two most unpredictable characters,Sunlight On Snow and Lord Vine-99, makes the entire situation more intriguing. I enjoyed how Kozol's perspective was shown because it made Harada's plan seem more grand but I was slightly disappointed in the way other things fell apart in the manner they did. I can't wait to get my hands on the next issue as the battle intensifies.

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Imperium #6

Jul 1, 2015

Imperium #6 isis an adrenaline pumping issue that doesn't sacrifice it's intriguing storyline or entertaining character development. From the start of this issue to its exciting, and surprising, ending I was glued to the edge of my seat anxiously awaiting what was coming next. Broken Angel's motives fit into Harada's plans in a good way, and I have a greater appreciation of every character in this story arc. Every issue seems to get better and this one is no exception.

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Imperium #7

Aug 6, 2015

Imperium #7is an exciting issue that takes two juggernauts and creates an interesting scenario that develops both characters making them more intriguing. Harada comtemplating the chain of events since the Leviathan was ruptured reveals so much about him and Divinity, and unravels these events in an entertaining way. Despite no update on the condition of the Foundation Zone, this issue addresses the true motives and attitude in achieving that goal in a great way. I'm glad Divinity will be in more than one issue and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Imperium #8

Sep 1, 2015

Imperium #8 is a satisfying conclusion to the current story arc and Harada vs. Divinity. It gives more insight into Harada's mindset and how he truly views his actions compared to others, and also makes me anticipate the return of Divinity even more. And since the Foundation Zone is finally shown again the new characters' roles in it are starting to take shape, and returns the series to its engrossing roots. I don't know how the Vine Imperative will affect upcoming events in this series but after this story arc I can't wait to see it.

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Imperium #11

Dec 20, 2015

Imperium #11 is a solid issue that raises the stature of the Vine plantings through the use of an intense flashback story and the current timing of Harada's 24-hour slumber. Out of all of the characters in this series LV-99 has been the least interesting but this issue makes him more fascinating with the help of Sasha. I'm not sure how Angela factors into this current situation other than knowing why she supports Harada but hopefully it'll become clearer down the line. However, this issue continues the wonderful trend of addressing complex factors in an entertaining manner, and this is part of why I thoroughly enjoy this series.

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Imperium #12

Jan 20, 2016

Imperium #12 is an overall satisfying conclusion to the story arc due to Tess's emergence with all her story revealed, and Lord Vine's surprising character development. Pinter's true motives are relatively weak and as a result the final sequence involving him is forgettable aside from the initial confusion about the way events unfold. However, there are enough entertaining story turns with significant developments that add to the overall series that has me looking forward to what's next.

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Ivar, Timewalker #1

Jan 23, 2015

Ivar, Timewalker #1 is a great start to the series building up an intriguing story complete with entertaining characters whose motives are more than one-dimensional. The use of time travel only enhanced the series of events and didn't feel gimmicky at any point. Instead it increases the potential in the story while introducing the tantalizing idea of various forms of time travel. The interactions between Ivar and Neela felt slightly flighty at times with Neela storming off in different time periods. However, the big revelation at the end made everything more interesting as the possibilities all suggest exciting events ahead. And I'm all for that.

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Ivar, Timewalker #6

Jun 17, 2015

Ivar, Timewalker #6is a fun issue that makes the overall situation more intriguing with Neela's discovery and subsequent reaction. It's good that this issue capitalized on having 2 Neelas together and not just in terms of the banter but the interesting questions that are raised here. Gilad and Armstrong aren't particularly useful this issue and I'm hoping next issue the setup pays off. This issue doesn't reveal Ivar's hand, and I'm looking forward to seeing where things go from here.

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Ivar, Timewalker #7

Jul 22, 2015

Ivar, Timewalker #7 delivers big time with the revelations regarding Neela and the identities of the Prometheans, and it was worth the build up. Future Neela's answers about why this is all being done and what needed to be discovered blew my mind. It takes a while for this issue to get to that point but Ivar's battle with the guardian is one of the more entertaining action sequences this series. Although the overall story still doesn't progress much with Ivar no closer to getting to Neela this issue is still an exciting ride.

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Ivar, Timewalker #9

Sep 16, 2015

Ivar, Timewalker #9 is an exciting issue that delivers with big answers connecting the start of this series with recent developments. The way Ivar's decision at the start of this issue setting off the chain of events is portrayed wonderfully sets the tone throughout even though there is plenty of humor later. I've been enjoying this ride not entirely sure where it was heading but now that it seems like everything is coming full circle I'm more excited than I've ever been about the future of Ivar. Or is it his past?

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Ivar, Timewalker #10

Oct 23, 2015

Ivar Timewalker #10 is an enjoyable issuethat creates an overall interesting society and puts the characters in scenarios one would expect of this series. The character development is great for the dinosaurs with Ank being the most intriguing, and there's plenty of action. The issue is more entertaining when it focuses on the structure in society as opposed to the cliche of gladiator games. However, the conclusion of this issue has me excited for what's ahead because it's one step closer to the Prometheans.

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Ivar, Timewalker #11

Nov 25, 2015

Ivar Timewalker #11 is a touching andprofound issue that ties together all the major story elements and shows each is a thread in a wonderful tapestry. You'll feel love, sadness, loss but also a purpose, determination and friendship. The way the alternate universes are laid out in conjunction with Neela and Ivar's character cevelopment is a joy to read. The addition of the Seven Sages does more to make the story more engrossing than it does to take away from what has already been established. This is the best issue in the series and it's everything I hoped this series would be from the beginning.

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Ivar, Timewalker #12

Dec 16, 2015

Ivar, Timewalker #12 is an exciting conclusion to the series and successfully wraps up just about everything introduced in these 12 issues. I like how it's true to its handling of time travel throughout, and as a result creates a great addition to the overall Valiant Universe going forward. The Prometheans don't strike me as memorable as antagonists and I still have questions about the Seven Sages but I'm satisfied with how this series ended. Now I just hope that in some ways this is just the beginning because this has been one of the more highly entertaining series this year.

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King Conan: The Conqueror #1

Feb 26, 2014

King Conan: The Conqueror #1 is a very solid start to a series that portrays Conan in the most enjoyable light I've seen in a while. I loved everything about the tone set through the recounting of the tale to the way the story unfolded as well as the setting it took place in. And the pacing was perfect as there was enough action worthy of a Conan issue but enough story development to keep the tale moving forward and fully engrossing. And after this issue I have high expectations for the rest of the series and with everything set in motion I believe it can live up to them easily.

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King Conan: The Conqueror #2

Mar 26, 2014

King Conan: The Conqueror #2 is another excellent issue that takes Conan from a man drifting at sea full of doubt in his choices and restores him to his status as Amra the Lion in a very entertaining way. It wasn't all gratuitous action as it connected back to what was mentioned in the first issue as part of Conan's history and character growth, although it would have been just as enjoyable if a page was given to one of the more interesting threads introduced in that same issue. But after 2 issues in with Timothy Truman's writing and Thomas Giorello's artwork I have no doubts that this will remaining a very satisfying series.

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King Conan: The Conqueror #3

May 3, 2014

King Conan: The Conqueror #3 is an entertaining single issue but suffers due to the fact that it makes virtually no progress with the more interesting story lines introduced at the start of the series. Yes Conan is still pursuing the priest but the focus here is on him navigating the city and doesn't address any of the questions from earlier. There's an intriguing development at the conclusion of this issue so I'm hoping there are more story developments going forward from this point but I'm still enjoying the series overall.

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King Conan: The Conqueror #4

May 28, 2014

King Conan The Conqueror #4 is an entertaining issue and even though it's an improvement from last issue it still doesn't quite reach the full potential that was displayed in the first issue. The interaction between Conan and Akivasha was an interesting touch which could have some meaning later. The story definition moves forward this issue, which is a good thing, but the way everything came together felt like a convenient way to tie up earlier plot points instead of the sequences having the impact they could have had with more development. I'm still looking forward to the next issue as well as how this series brings a conclusion to the enjoyable story of how a king was able to regain his status against all odds.

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King Conan: The Conqueror #5

Jun 26, 2014

King Conan The Conqueror #5 returns the series to its earlier glory similar to Conan returning to Aquilonia declaring he was still alive. The masterful writing with the splendid artwork made this issue such a joy to read, and succeeded in everything a penultimate issue should strive to achieve. I felt Conan's return and now I can't wait for the head to head battle and conclusion next issue.

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King Conan: The Conqueror #6

Jul 30, 2014

King Conan The Conqueror #6 is a perfect ending to an incredible series about one's life story, persevering and acquiring what's needed to triumph and attain what's truly meaningful in life. It can be viewed as inspirational but it's definitely entertaining whether or not that was originally intended when this series was conceived. King Conan set out to tell his scribe a story that would encompass his entire life for others to know him, and my hat's off to Timothy Truman for an excellent adaptation that succeeded in completely doing that. And of course this includes the artwork of Tomas Giorello, which helped make this one of the most engrossing series I've read. I highly recommend this series.

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King Tiger #1

Aug 11, 2015

King Tiger #1 is an excellent start to the series setting up an engrossing situation where the villains are as intriguing as the mystery behind their plot. A great job is done in laying this out due to the excellent writing in the form of one of the villain's narrating these events. And the character development is solid with King Tiger, Rikki and Milo, although the lack of King Tiger's powers being used even once this issue does stand out. But I've been waiting for this series since the character was introduced in Blackout, and it's well worth the wait so far.

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King Tiger #2

Sep 9, 2015

King Tiger #2 is an overall entertaining issue but is held back as much as King Tiger is held back in shining as the title character. There's plenty of action and it's good to see King Tiger display some of his skills and weapons. And the explanation of Tiger's family is both intriguing and enjoyable. However, I'm not feeling Milo's role and actions since they drag down the story and characters. So hopefully King Tiger's response next issue will elevate this series to where it should be.

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King Tiger #3

Oct 14, 2015

King Tiger #3 is an okay issue that unfortunately feels like random events happening to random people due to the lack of an immersive mythology or planning on the part of the characters to give everything taking place a better context. And as a result the supporting cast of characters come off as superfluous instead of enhancing the story. However, it's good to see King Tiger's skills on display and the action involving him is pretty good. I don't know how this story arc will end but I hope the conclusion is more engrossing overall.

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King Tiger #4

Nov 11, 2015

King Tiger #4 is unexciting ending to a disappointing series. It doesn't make sense to me that throughout this series even the characters who initiatedCanthastius's rampage become incompetent and unable to understand anything going on. And since no one is competent enough to handle anything occurring the solution just highlights the bizarre chain of events. King Tiger as a warrior skilled in the mystic arts is more compelling than one stumbling through everything. Unfortunately that character doesn't exist in this series.

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Kingsway West #1

Aug 6, 2016

Kingsway West #1 is an interesting start to the series by introducing an entertaining protagonist, story set up and the concept of Red Gold. The opening sequence with Kingsway sets the tone early with the character and the establishment of his life with Sonia is a great way to make the story more engaging. And the Red Gold not only makes the action better but the value of it creates an intriguing world dynamic that I hope is explored further in future issues. However, the way the story jumps around including the way it skips showing Kingsway's life with Sonia, which is his motivation, prevents it from being as engrossing as the premise. But with the way this issue unfolds overall I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Lara Croft And The Frozen Omen #2

Nov 11, 2015

Lara Croft and the Frozen Omen #2 continues the entertaining ride by making the enemy more intriguing while delivering intense action and an increasingly interesting story line. Everything about the artifacts isn't explained in this issue but enough is given to show why others would at least seek to possess it. This series is off to a great start and I'm looking forward to seeing more answers about everything going on.

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Mass Effect: Discovery #1

May 25, 2017

Mass Effect Discovery #1 is an electrifying start to the series with an engrossing setup and enjoyable characters. As a Mass Effect fan, I'm thrilled about this story angle because it's ripe with potential to capitalize on everything that makes the Mass Effect universe fascinating. Tiran infiltrating the Andromeda Initiative is handled well. And I'm looking forward to the answers he'll discover on his mission. I can't wait for issue #2.

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Mass Effect: Discovery #2

Jun 28, 2017

Mass Effect Discovery #2 is a mostly action-packed follow-up that doesn't shed more light on Shio'leth's importance. It does shed more light on Shio'leth but the impact is limited. However, the story does move forward somewhat due to the electrifying action. And there is still potential in the story soI want to see what's in store next for Tiran and Luna.

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Minky Woodcock: The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini #1

Nov 12, 2017

Minky Woodcock: The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini #1 introduces enough elements to create an interesting start to the series. Minky's strong desire to succeed as a detective coupled with her traumatic past is a perfect fit in the world of illusions. There's the right combination of skepticism, ulterior motives but also a genuine desire to believe in spiritualists to give the story depth.

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Mirrors Edge: Exordium #1

Sep 10, 2015

Mirror's Edge: Exordium #1is an interesting start to the series complete with entertaining action and an intriguing story line. As soon as the issue starts things are off to a blistering pace setting the tone quickly, and following up with enjoyable character introductions. Those who are unfamiliar with the game will only have a slight problem understanding a couple of things but not followingthe overall story. And even though a brief moment could've been taken to elaborate on certain terms the context definitely helps in figuring it out. So after the first visit back to this world I can't wait to see what's in store for Faith next.

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Mulan: Revelations #1

Jun 23, 2015

Mulan: Revelations #1is an excellent start to the series with interesting characters, an engrossing backstory and a potentially rich dynamic in the societal structure of the current world. From start to finish it's an enjoyable read and I'm excited about what's ahead. Mulan comes off as a capable and well-rounded character whilethe action and artwork only enhance the story. As a fan of cyberpunk, I think Dark Horse has something good in its hands with this series.

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Mulan: Revelations #2

Jul 28, 2015

Mulan Revelations #2 is a satisfying issue that successfully builds on all the interesting elements from the first issue and makes the story and characters even more engrossing. Mulan's use of her powers creates some intense action sequences, and the artwork conveys that beautifully. And delving more into the Hybrids and Immortals current situations and inner discussions makes for a more rewarding experience. If the first issue is an engrossing introduction to this world created byRobert Alter and Marc Andreyko then this issue gives a very convincing argument why one should stay in it because it'll be an enjoyable ride.

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Mulan: Revelations #3

Aug 25, 2015

Mulan Revelations #3 is an intense issue that keeps the momentum from the first 2 issues going while providing great answers about everything occurring. I love the way the history of the Immortals and Hybrids is conveyed to Mulan, although the way others know about her isn't completely revealed here. So even though I'm glad Adam's involvement is clarified and he's more useful I'm not completely sure he's necessary in his role yet other than to be a western influence. However, the exchange between Longwei and Hong paints a clear and delightful image of the gravity of the situation while providing more depth to the story. This series has been thrilling from the start and I'm just enjoying every aspect of it.

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Mulan: Revelations #4

Nov 18, 2015

Mulan: Revelations #4 is a highly entertaining issue that advances the story tremendously with its action-packed sequences and makeshift alliances. I've really enjoyed Mulan as a character in this series but she's even more badass here with the use of her powers and her mentality towards current events. I like how everything isn't black and white but the Order's context isn't entirely clear, and the Immortals can be maximized more. However, I'm so glad Mulan: Revelations is back and I can't wait to see what's in store next issue.

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Mycroft Holmes #1

Jul 31, 2016

Mycroft Holmes and the Apocalypse Handbook #1 is a sensational start to the series combining an intriguing story setup with entertaining character development and action. It's an engrossing issue from the first page to the last due to the smooth writing and beautiful visuals. The way the attack on the British museum unfolds sets the tone early, and the focus on Mycroft's behavior makes him feel like a unique character while leaving room for some serious growth. I know it's only one issue but at this rate this series could easily become one of my favorites. I highly recommend it.

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Mycroft Holmes #2

Sep 14, 2016

Mycroft Holmes and the Apocalypse Handbook #2 is a solid follow-up issue that does a wonderful job building on the story introduced in the first issue. The premise of the Apocalypse Handbook is fascinating, and even though a lot of answers are given the overall mystery is still intriguing. I like how the story expands so it's more than just attacks in London because it raises Mycroft's stature as well. I just wish the motive was more than just an auction but after 2 issues into this series I'm hooked.

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Mycroft Holmes #3

Oct 25, 2016

Mycroft Holmes and the Apocalypse Handbook #3 is an outstanding issue that does a wonderful job introducing its newest characters and making the story more engrossing. The flashback showing the difference between Mycroft and Sherlock and connecting it to his possible motives in the current situation is brilliant. And the way the veil is pulled back revealing the masterminds behind the Apocalypse Handbook plot is both shocking and exciting. I can't wait to revisit this world again next issue.

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Mycroft Holmes #5

Feb 17, 2017

Mycroft Holmes and the Apocalypse Handbook #5 is a solid conclusion to what has been an extremely enjoyable series. The character development at the start of this issue sets the stage for the entertaining interactions between Mycroft and Holmes. The story unfolds with a smooth pace, and the action is as exciting as it's been all series. Even though this one has been completely satisfying, I do hope to see more of Mycroft Holmes from Titan Comics.

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Ninja-K (2017) #3

Jan 25, 2018

Ninja-K #3 is an exciting issue, and not just for its action, but its engrossing story. Ninja-C is fleshed out very well here, and his motivations are compelling. It makes him a more interesting villain/character. This issue even makes one re-examine earlier Ninja-K stories to see what could have been missed in terms of the Acclimation Bureau. And I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Ninja-K (2017) #5

Mar 21, 2018

Ninja-K #5 is an enjoyable conclusion to the story arc and ties up the loose ends wonderfully. Colin and Ninja-C infiltrating the Acclimation Bureau's headquarters was slightly easier than expected but that is explained as the story unfolds. This issue doesn't shy away from confronting the differences between Colin and C's stance on going after MI6, and it's better as a result. The depth of these stories never cease to amaze me, and I'm glad this one ends on a solid note.

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Ninjak (2015) #1

Mar 11, 2015

Ninjak #1 is an excellent start to the series combining intense action and great writing to create a highly engrossing issue. All the characters introduced here are done in an entertaining manner and add to the story being crafted. The way flashbacks from Ninjak's childhood are used only give clarity to what led him down this path in life and don't hold the story back at all. All the best aspects of Ninjak's character are on display and that's why the story feels so rich. A very promising start and I can't wait to get my hands on the next issue.

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Ninjak (2015) #4

Jun 24, 2015

Ninjak #4 successfully takes a badass character in Roku and creates a wondefully twisted yet entertaining backstory. Seeing her learn how to use her powers for the first time as a matter of survival is pretty intense. And her journey to discover her new identity also opens the door to more supernatural and spiritual elements. Although the overall story arc didn't advance, the second short story in this issue served as an additional treat in building up the world being introduced to Ninjak. Definitely looking forward to next issue.

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Ninjak (2015) #5

Jul 29, 2015

Ninjak #5is an engrossing issue that continues the excellence exhibited throughout this series and makes the overall Weaponeer story line more intriguing. Kannon gets to unleash his power for a few panels and the strategy Ninjak uses is entertaining and clever, although a part of the battlemissing takes away from it slightly. And now I can't wait for the next story arc, the start of the Shadow Wars.

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Ninjak (2015) #8

Oct 14, 2015

Ninjak #8 is an engrossing issue due to its character development and expansion of the world and influence of the Undead Monk. Fitz is an interesting character although the end result with his situation isn't nearly as intriguing as he is. And the second story chronicling Ninjak's journey and training with the Undead Monk is gripping and intense. So even though Weaponeer as a whole doesn't come off as a more intimidating organization, Ninjak's world is such an entertaining one that Weaponeer seems like a small part of it.

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Ninjak (2015) #9

Nov 5, 2015

Ninjak #9is a decent issue due mainly to Ninjak's connection to the Undead Monk and his quest for revenge for the death of his former handler. The main fight against Fakir is entertaining but the fact that the nuclear bombis out in the open from the beginning takes away any suspense and reduces the intensity. And the explanation of the Undead Monk is wrapped up quickly. However, this issue completes a fascinating look at Ninjak's backstory, and as a result the future looks insanely interesting.

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Ninjak (2015) #10

Dec 14, 2015

Ninjak #10 is an impressive start to the Operation: Deadside story arc and the intriguing conclusion makes me look forward to what will happen next. Neville narrating the majority of the issue doesn't take away from feeling engrossed in the story although I do wish it touched on the first team's battle with Ember just a little bit more. However I really like the Deadside so far and the combination of Ninjak and Punk Mambo. Good thing this is only the first issue because I really want more.

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Ninjak (2015) #14

Apr 5, 2016

Ninjak #14 is a promising start to the story arc and is successful at creating a thrilling atmosphere filled with intrigue and great action. It's engrossing from the start with Ninjak being thrown into one situation after the other while realizing just how much his identity and life is compromised. Thankfully this issue also has a lot of story progression as well, utilizing Livewire and well-timed answers to keep the story interesting. And the second story at the end of this issue starts off relatively routine but the ending is enough to make me want to know more. Now I can't wait for the next issue.

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Ninjak (2015) #16

Jun 8, 2016

Ninjak #16 is a solid issue that brings back some of the earlier boldness in the story arc by revealing more about Roku's identity and Ninjak's past. From the beginning of this issue with Ninjak re-examining Roku's possible motives to the end when Ninjak would have a revelation this issue is intense. At times Ninjak's hunt for leads feels similar to last issue, and that would be my only complaint about it. Considering how intriguing the story becomes I wish more was devoted to that. And more than ever, the Lost Files segment at the end of the issue feels like mandatory reading because it's just as entertaining as the rest. I started to feel that this story arc wouldn't be as bold as it seemed at the start but now I have renewed hope, and it feels good.

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Ninjak (2015) #17

Jul 13, 2016

Ninjak #17 successfully brings together all the story threads that have been built up throughout this series with the culmination of Roku's true identity and the connection to Ninjak. It takes the story arc's title, Siege of King's Castle, and makes it more meaningful than just Ninjak's possession's or status and touches the core of the character.

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Ninjak (2015) #18

Aug 10, 2016

Release Date: 8/10/16Writer:Matt KindtArtist:Khari Evans

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Pariah #1

Feb 27, 2014

Pariah #1 is an uneven start to a series that can get better as it goes along. Being thrown into the middle of chaos at the start could've worked in the issue's favor but instead of immediately giving a reason to feel invested in the vitros situation right after, the arguments about side issues only added to the confusion and hurt the story and view of the characters. It does gain some traction towards the end and one of the revelations makes me curious about the answers that will be given. And hopefully those answers will make me more interested in this series.

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Pariah #2

Mar 26, 2014

Pariah #3 suffers from the same problems as the first issue with the lack of explanation of how this situation originated and the nature of the vitros. A few characters do stand out this time around as they work to solve the immediate dilemma of someone attacking the world economies and putting everyone on the station in danger due to retaliation. It's still not enough to make this series engrossing so I'm hoping the final development this issue opens the door to the explanations that are sorely needed by the next issue.

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Pariah #3

Apr 30, 2014

Pariah #3 is EASILY the best issue in the series and I'm still in awe at how it improved so drastically from one issue to the next making the overall story very exciting. With the series propensity to change the narrative point of view each issue I can't say that it's turned a corner, especially considering it's returning to the space station where it's had its share of problems. But I can say I enjoyed this issue immensely and I hope the story is as provocative and exciting going forward. I've never recommended an issue in a series without recommending the series before but this is an excellent single issue to read.

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Pariah #4

May 29, 2014

Pariah #4 starts off with the same problems that plagued the earlier issues but thankfully moves past them in time to become a tg, suspenseful ride where more interesting protagonists emerge. And since the status quo inside the station has changed I have hope that the series has found its stride and future issues will be overall just as entertaining, if not more. And with the stakes being raised incredibly high at the end of this issue I cannot wait to see what's next for the vitros and Earth.

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Pariah #6

Jul 30, 2014

Pariah #6 is a step back in the series as the focus remains on the characters I dislike the most, and as a result all the characters feel one-dimensional at best, and at worse calls into question their ability to truly comprehend the situation or work towards the best solutions. It started off with a lot of potential with the mention of a new home but then felt like it became stuck in orbit much like the way the space station was in the first issue where the hope was it didn't crash and burn. The work on a cure would've been impressive if the story progressed in a different direction that would open up new possibilities for them. However now it feels right back to square one without any true definition of what that is.

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Pariah #7

Aug 26, 2014

Pariah #7 fails to build up any meaningful excitement as the penultimate issue as the choice on one hand results inso much of this series becoming filler and the choice on the other hand has no serious support in comparison. Throughout this series I've wondered about the vitros in terms of whether or not they were meant to represent something new that offered tremendous possibilities due to their abilities. But the series has treated the majority of them as novelties, and unless you have an attachment to the characters from a previous series you won't feel engrossed in the ultimate decision that has to be made.

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Polar: Came From the Cold #1

Dec 3, 2013

Polar: Came From The Cold is a very enjoyable comic and even though it's a tale told with few words at times, it's just like its protagonist and its actions (artwork) speaks volumes and is engrossing. And at 160+ pages the story isn't rushed so you can sit back and take your time with it and appreciate it thoroughly. If the intention of Victor Santos here was to create an impression in the reader's mind that the Black Kaiser was indeed a legend that should be feared he definitely accomplished this while showing the world the Black Kaiser used to be a part of and how it's changed. If you enjoy espionage action-adventures then you definitely don't want to missPolar: Came From The Cold.

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Predator: Fire And Stone #1

Oct 22, 2014

Non-sequential story placement is starting to take away from this ambitious story arc. Once the series is complete, I think these issues will shine like they are supposed to. However, the last few pages are awesome and worth reading.

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Prometheus: Life and Death (One Shot) #1

Apr 27, 2017

Did the Life and Death live up to it's epic promise? Yes and no. It did have a grand scale to it, and it was awesome the way everything connected. It was much more organized and easier to follow than Fire and Stone as well. I still think it's a bit much, having all four (Prometheus, Aliens, Predator, Aliens vs Predator) involved ends up with too many moving parts with the story and characters. In the end, this was an entertaining story that was much improved over Fire and Stone. It didn't quite take some of the crazy risks, but was a more coherent product.

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Punk Mambo #0

Nov 19, 2014

Punk Mambo #0 was an entertaining origin story and has piqued my interested in the character beyond the events contained in the pages of this issue. From the moment she was introduced to the final panel, there was great character development that fit perfectly in the message of things coming full circle for her, and the understanding she gained. And the artwork by Robert Gill just made everything more fascinating and appropriately creepy considering the subject matter. I know this isn't the last we will see of Punk Mambo but hopefully this is the start of being able to see her more frequently.

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Q2: The Return Of Quantum and Woody #1

Oct 17, 2014

Q2: The Return of Quantum and Woody #1 is a solid start to the new series combining humor, action, and an intriguing story to create a refreshing twist for crime fighting duos. A lot of the humor is tongue-in-cheek or crude so it can be hit and miss or might not be another's cup of tea. However, the character development and entertaining series of events has me looking forward to seeing what unfolds next for the old and new crime fighting duos.

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Q2: The Return Of Quantum and Woody #2

Nov 12, 2014

Q2: The Return of Quantum and Woody #2 improves on everything in the first issue and reveals a very engrossing storyline about Koro's origins and the true motives of the one behind him. Having the original Quantum face to face with Mr. Ali was an excellent move and served as a way to provide so many details in an entertaining way. Enough light would be shed on the new Quantum and Woody while the original would explain why he came back, and I thoroughly enjoyed the character development. And the humor worked better with a couple of legitimate laugh out loud moments so everything came together in a very smooth manner. I still don't know how the flashback from their youth still pertains to the current situation but it had its moment. But now I'm really into this series and seeing how everything comes to a head in this story arc.

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Q2: The Return Of Quantum and Woody #3

Dec 17, 2014

Q2: The Return of Quantum and Woody #3 makes past and present situations more intriguing overall but falters by making every situation unnecessarily complicated. And the Koro storyline, which has been the most interesting, is kept in the background as the mysterious character development takes precedent without any straight answers. There is absolutely no action in this issue either as the fight with Koro for the penultimate piece of the grail will be treated like a flashback. I do think that things will tie together very well but for that we'll have to wait and see.

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Q2: The Return Of Quantum and Woody #4

Jan 16, 2015

Q2: The Return of Quantum and Woody #4 got the story back on track as the new Quantum's history is revealed, shedding light on the current situation and connecting past and present events. It was interesting to see how deep this situation went and the character development was on point. The flashback for Woody and Eric's teen years was humorous and entertaining in its own way but I'm still not sure how it'll be connected to the current situation. The Koro storyline is still as intriguing as before, and now that certain identities are clearer, the setup is pretty sweet for the conclusion next issue.

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Rai #3

Jul 10, 2014

Rai #3 is an excellent issue that has pulled me into its futuristic world, and now I don't want to leave as I can't wait to get my hands on the next issue and see how things unfold for these characters who are new to me but very rich. As one who loves sci-fi and martial arts this combines the best of both worlds as there are shades of Blade Runner in its dystopian future and yet the most powerful being uses swords and his mastery of the arts. I'm glad I gave Rai a shot because now I can't get enough.

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Rai #4

Aug 27, 2014

Rai #4 is an excellent issue that raises the stakes in the plot against Father while building on everything that has made this series so fascinating to me. The artwork alone makes this futuristic world appear like the utopia that many believe it is but the story captures perfectly the reprehensible underbelly that others experience and is responsible for their view of Father. This has become one of my favorite series, and as a sci-fi fan there are more than enough cyberpunk elements to rival even the most established works in the genre. I was terribly disappointed to learn that the next issue won't be until December but that's just a testament to how much I'm enjoying this series, so maybe rereading all the issues released so far can hold me over until then.

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Rai #5

Dec 2, 2014

Rai #5 is an excellent start to the new story arc and creates exciting story threads from the plan to kill Father to the independent Positronic deciding on a course of action to live. From the first page to the last I was completely engrossed in everything taking place. The introduction of the chemical hiding Raddies from being detected was a great touch as it made the overall plot against Father seem more plausible and interesting. And the uncertainty regarding Rai's mental state in terms of Father's ability to read his mind added a little more edge to the entire situation. And Lula finally getting her own Positronic along with Momo searching for meaning in her own existence rounded off the events taking place in this futuristic world nicely. So I'm glad that I won't have to wait 4 months to get my hands on the next issue because it's just too good.

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Rai #6

Jan 16, 2015

Rai #6 is another incredible issue, and at this point I expect nothing less. This series has been a sci-fi lover's wet dream, and this issue just adds to the engrossing world that Matt Kindt has created since the beginning. Izak is a wonderful addition to recent events, and knowing other aliens like him were unleashed on Earth even makes Spylocke's trip more intriguing. And Momo's character development creates so much potential in her story line as well as other Positrons and anything connected to Livewire. There wasn't much Rai this issue but it was about the advancing plot against Father, and it's all coming together so beautifully.

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Rai #7

Feb 15, 2015

Rai #7 is a solid issue with some interesting developments that make the plot against Father more intriguing. If it wasn't clear from all that was stated before about how the Positrons were being treated horribly, Momo's story makes it even more clear why Father's reign has to end. The battle between the Raddies and Positrons felt like filler, and considering the way an excellent job has been done creating environments throughout this series, I wish more was shown about the Earth instead. However, the developments were so exciting that I'm really just looking forward to the plot being set in motion and seeing what comes next.

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Rai #10

Sep 15, 2015

Rai #10 is a great character development issue for Rai as he learns about the inhabitants of Earth and a great warrior who can help him in his quest to defeat Father. In addition, what's laid out on Earth in terms of the new characters and the introduction of an eternal warrior creates so much potential going forward. Spylocke's ordeal including Lula and Grace mounting a rescue feels relatively simplistic although I like what's revealed about Spylocke here. And once again this series has put forward an entertaining issue with an engrossing story, enjoyable characters and intense action. I can't wait for the next one.

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Rai #11

Oct 22, 2015

Rai #11is an excellent issue with anintense ending that makes up for what would have otherwise been just another build up issue. It's good to see Lula and Spylocke taking action and not just planning to attack Father. Same goes for Momo and Izak, although this toostops on the precipice of the move against Father. However,the conclusion to this issue has melegitimately excited about next issue since it seems as if Rai will finally return to battle but not alone.

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Rai #13

May 18, 2016

Rai #13 is an engrossing issue that succeeds in developing Father's character more through the story and learning experience of the first Rai. The fact that this is from Father's perspective and not so black and white makes it all more intriguing, and whether it's the creation of the Positrons or the rebellion's plan against Rai, this issue is pretty intense. There's no new insight given into the rebellion against the Positrons so an understanding of previous issues might be necessary. I've stated this before but I'll reiterate that if you're a fan of futuristic sci-fi you need to give Rai a shot.

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Rai #14

Jun 21, 2016

Rai #14 is another enjoyable addition to the nuanced take on the line of Rai's and the relationship with Father but lacks the same nuance when it comes to the population-at-large in New Japan. Sai is an intriguing Rai, and it's interesting to see how her rebellion against Father is more about her staying true to her optimistic nature regarding humanity. And the arrival of the new Rai supplies plenty of action while creating an entertaining predicament for next issue. Father's true villainy starts to become clearer, and even though the progression from the hopeful Sai to the present drastic actions isn't as smooth as last issue it still connects to current 4001 A.D. events.

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Resurrectionists #1

Nov 12, 2014

Resurrectionists #1 is an excellent start to the series with its engrossing story line about Jericho's past and how it pertains to the current situation. And this issue had it all with plenty of action, suspense and heartfelt moments. The banter between Jericho and Mac during their first burglary was entertaining although it would pale in comparison to the flashback of Jericho's former life and how it would impact his current situation. I was really looking forward to this issue and I'm glad I can say I wasn't disappointed in the least. And withMaurizio Rosenzweig's artwork complementing Fred Van Lente's writing I have a feeling that things will only get better going forward.

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Resurrectionists #2

Dec 24, 2014

The Resurrectionists #2 is an excellent issue that raises this series to one of my current favorites. The excellent writing by Fred Van Lente coupled withMaurizio Rosenzweig's artwork makes this another highly engrossing issue. The big revelations and the story progression left me on the edge of my seat and I can't wait for the next issue. Jericho Way has become a much more intriguing character with the introduction of Quinn and his growing understanding of the Resurrectionists. This series has it all: a love story over millennia, intrigue, action and great artwork. And with the plots revealed, the story just keeps getting better.

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Resurrectionists #3

Jan 14, 2015

Resurrectionists #3 continues the series' trend of combining past and present in an exciting way, creating a story that pulls you into its thrilling world. A fully unlocked Jericho Way opens the series up drastically, and thankfully it wasn't a let down. The construction of the entire team despite the challenges they face in identifying the remaining members was intriguing, and I'm curious as to how they got these roles/titles. I'm not sure how I feel about the twist with Quinn yet because I have to see where it goes but I'm more than willing to let the story play out with more answers being given than in this issue. And with the artwork, I'm looking forward to even more action sequences, and life being given to these characters.

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Resurrectionists #5

Mar 11, 2015

Resurrectionists #5 is a relatively entertaining issue that suffers from not providing answers about the crux of the matter resulting in the events not feeling as engrossing as they should. The way Maya is unlocked is exciting, and the story progression in ancient Egypt reminds me of how this series started off, which is a good thing. But after seeing everyone else unlocked in similar manner with answers still lacking, it almost feels gimmicky since the greater context remains unclear. The overall premise is still fascinating but I really hope some things are tied together next issue to make the picture clearer.

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Resurrectionists #6

Apr 19, 2015

Resurrectionists #6 is an excellent issue that restores the series to its original engrossing and exciting status with the truth being revealed about the Resurrectionists endless cycle. The successful utilization of past and present events brings everything together, and it's what I've been waiting for a long time. The path ahead for the Resurrectionists and what's at stake is laid out clearly, and I can't wait to see how events unfold next.

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Rivers of London #1

Jul 18, 2015

Rivers of London #1is an entertaining issue that does a wonderful job in building up the mystery and investigation while remaining exciting and interesting. Peter Grant and his support cast are not only diverse but intriguing, and I actually care about the character development in this issue. The story moves forward smoothly although use of supernatural abilities is limited after a certain point. However, I'm looking forward to the next issue and seeing how the story continues to unfold.

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Robotech (2017) #1

Jul 26, 2017

Robotech #1 is a solid start for the series balancing action, character development and an entertaining story. The story fast forwards to the right point so even though the Robotech Project has been in place for years there's still a lot more to learn about it and the characters. The action is exciting, although the adrenaline filled transformation moment is slightly squandered here. However, I am satisfied with the start of the series and I'm looking forward to more.

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Rocket Girl #1

Jul 21, 2014

Rocket Girl #1 is an extremely enjoyable start to the series with its stunningly detailed artwork and beautifully organized chaos capturing 1986 NYC and how things would unfold with a teenage cop believing she knows it all being sent back from the future. The story starts off with an explosion and is full-speed ahead from that point on while setting up an intriguing mystery regarding the nature of her mission, who sent her, and what she has to do to succeed. And after this issue I'm all in to seeing where this time-traveling journey takes Dayoung.

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Rocket Girl #2

Aug 4, 2014

Rocket Girl #2 is an excellent follow up and builds on what was established in the first issue in an exciting way. The issue is as fast-paced as the first one but with less characters doing the same exact thing it's more focused and the story progresses very well, confirming that everything isn't as it seems. The flashbacks (or flashforwards?) work much better this time around, and the partial revelation of Dayoung's informant's identity only makes the story that much more intriguing. I hope that the developments at the end of this issue don't slow down the story's progress but for now, I'm just kicking back enjoying this thrilling ride.

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Rocket Girl #3

Aug 24, 2014

Rocket Girl #3 is another excellent issue as the details of Dayoung being sent back in the past are revealed shedding some light on others motives but its brevity took away from its overall impact. I enjoy when a well-crafted story is built up because it can be more rewarding as events unfold but when it's unnecessarily delayed it can take away from the excitement. Rocket Girl is still very exciting so I hope next issue continues to shine light on everything that is going on.

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Rocket Girl #4

Sep 13, 2014

SUMMARYRocket Girl #4 is an intense issue that has thrilling action from start to finish with breathtaking artwork once again. The machinations behind Dayoung being sent from the future are confirmed as the Hawkcycles role in the greater scheme are revealed, opening the door to even more intriguing possibilities. And even though the present and future come together more than any issue with current Quintum Mechanics employees finally understanding their roles, the story developments being interspersed between the amazing action sequences and jumps between time periods results in them being overshadowed. However, I am hooked to the series and enjoy the overall pacing so I can't wait to see what unfolds next for Dayoung and the future of NYC.

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Rocket Girl #5

Sep 14, 2014

SUMMARYRocket Girl #5 is a satisfying conclusion to the first story arc in terms of establishing the characters, an engrossing situation that's highly entertaining, and creating a strong desire for future story lines in this world. The premise of a teenage cop from a world where things are viewed in black and white terms to the past, namely 1986 NYC where practically nothing is in black and white, works extremely well. However the impact on 1986 NYC has been more enjoyable than any influence on the future timestream due to the lack of any answers about the future other than the Hawkcycles sent back, which doesn't necessarily mean anything was changed. But there are many things to enjoy on this ride, and the amazing artwork, which has been consistent throughout, is alone worth the price of admission. And Rocket Girl is definitely a series worth reading.

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Samurai: Brothers In Arms #2

Oct 18, 2016

Samurai BrotherS in Arms #2 is a strong follow-up to the first issue with the way the story gets back on track and advances. Takeo remains an interesting character including everything from the situation with Sayuri to the new character guiding them as part of a tentative deal. I didn't like Akio's addition last issue but once the story advances and answers are given he becomes much more bearable. So I'm looking forward to more answers and seeing what lies ahead for all of them.

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Samurai: The Isle With No Name #1

Mar 7, 2016

Samurai #1 is an excellent start to the series creating an immersive world with its setup of characters, the exploration of the island and the everyday lives of the inhabitants, and intense action. From the opening sequence to the final page the story is engrossing, and even with all the details in this issue it never feels sluggish. There isn't much progress in terms of Takeo understanding more about his true identity, and since this is only 2 parts I wonder how much will ultimately be covered here. However, after my first taste of the world of Samurai I'm anxiously awaiting the next issue.

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Samurai: The Isle With No Name #2

Apr 15, 2016

Samurai #2 is a terrific issue that makes every aspect of this story more engrossing whether it's the lives of the villagers, the Yakuza's activities, or the truth of Takeo's family history. Akio's introduction early this issue is a great touch allowing the story to progress without anything feeling like filler because of confidence that important issues will be addressed. There isn't much action aside from Takeo and Shobei's preparation for the upcoming tournament but the character development is so strong and entertaining that it makes the anticipation for the action even greater. I don't know how events will unfold next issue but I'm so glad I started this series because now I'm hooked.

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Samurai: The Isle With No Name #3

May 9, 2016

Samurai #3 adds more wrinkles to the story with its developments from the duel and within Clan Nobunaga setting up some intense cliffhangers. There's still no progress regarding Takeo and his brother, and aside from the training flashbacks there's no further insight in this issue. Shobei's character is still fascinating and among all of them he remains the wildcard. And with so much left on the table with unexpected developments, I'm hoping next issue addresses them more thoroughly.

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Samurai: The Isle With No Name #4

Jun 16, 2016

Samurai #4 is an impressive conclusion to the series with its satisfying handling of its many story threads. Temuri's evolution from a captive to finding her place on the island is just indicative of the thoughtfulness put into the character development for all the characters. The duel between Takeo and Shobei lost some of the suspense with the Yakuza leaving but is still impactful due to the effects on the villagers and Takeo. And with the big development at the end I can't wait for the next series.

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Secret Weapons #1

May 21, 2017

Secret Weapons #1 is an intriguing start to the series because it successfully takes lesser psiots and creates an engrossing story where the stakes matter. The character development is entertaining, and it's easy to care about them because they care about each other. It's easy to enjoy battles between high-powered psiots. However, this series is on track to show that even psiots discarded by Harada have an interesting future.

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Shaper #1

Mar 20, 2015

Shaper #1 is a solid start to the series and not only develops the characters very well but creates an interesting environment full of intrigue and underlying societal issues. The way Shaper's history is shown is entertaining and makes it simple to follow along while showing the severity of these actions. And Spry comes off as an intriguing protagonist and not a carbon copy of an archetype. And Felipe Massafera's artwork works wonderfully with the nature of Shapers. I don't know yet where this series will ultimately end up but if the start is any indication then I believe I'm going to enjoy this ride.

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Shaper #2

Apr 20, 2015

So I've been enjoying the pace of this series, and the way its handled its characters and overall story so far. And now I'm more interested in what made the Shapers a unique target to Cal Victus.

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Shaper #5

Jul 17, 2015

Shaper #5 is a solid conclusion that wraps up the pertinent story threads in a satisfying manner while creating a team I hope to see more of in the future. This issue is action-packed as a result of the story running its course and the action sequences are entertaining and still allow for a little character development. The initial scope of the battle is massive but a lack of an update on the surface of Solace makes it feel like an afterthought. However, I enjoyed this series so much I'm very open to revisiting these characters again in a new series hopefully.

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Skyman #1

Jan 17, 2014

Skyman #1 is an excellent start to this series, and even though this is my first foray into Skyman terrority, it's very engrossing due to the opening sequences, and even made me look into the history a bit more. It laid out and approached the issues in a bold, and smart way, and the resulting story lines are ripe with potential and I'm hooked. I don't know if I can trust the Skyman Program and its intentions but this first issue has definitely built up my trust in this series.

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Skyman #2

Feb 19, 2014

Skyman #2 is an enjoyable issue that shows Reid's true character and his role as a hero isn't defined by the Skyman Program choosing him to be its poster boy. Despite the decision he has to make this issue when he learns that secret missions are taking place behind his back, he comes off as a less nuanced character and so do the others who also appear incompetent in the way they weren't prepared to deal with any fallout from Reid discovering this. But the events that occur sets up a very interesting angle that has potential to truly move this series forward and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how this occurs.

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Skyman #3

Mar 19, 2014

Skyman #3 is an enjoyable issue although I feel that the depth of the characters has been simplified compared to the setup in the first issue. However the story progresses well and it's interesting to see how Eric Reid is becoming free of the Skyman Program while also relating to Captain Midnight. And with the developments at the end of this issue at least it's guaranteed that next issue will have even more action but hopefully it takes advantage of the potential in the story of how this could permanently affect the Skyman Program. And if this is done then it could make up for some of the lack of character nuances and restore some of the potential of the new Skyman.

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Skyman #4

Apr 16, 2014

Skyman #4 is a solid conclusion to the series and what it lacks in terms of dealing with the fallout with the Skyman Program and the international community, it makes up for it mostly with great action and character development that shows what differentiates Eric Reid from the others and makes him a true hero. And the developments at the end don't just guarantee we will be seeing more of Skyman but makes me look forward to seeing him in action once again since this issue, and this series, was very enjoyable.

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Star Wars: Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir #1

May 21, 2014

Star Wars Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir #1 is an entertaining start to the series as its simple yet interesting premise benefits from the pacing and the enjoyable action sequences. I'm not sure how long that enjoyment can hold up considering there was virtually zero character development but taking this issue for what it is, a continuation of a Clone Wars story line devoted to Darth Maul, it's still pretty fun. If you hated Star Wars Episodes I – III then this series isn't for you as many of the same characters reappear here but if you've been looking for more Darth Maul you might want to give this issue a look.

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Star Wars: Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir #2

Jun 18, 2014

Star Wars Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir #2 is an entertaining issue that moves the story forward while creating the potential for some interesting plot twists. It's not the most complex story and readers who have no knowledge of the Clone Wars might feel slightly detached due to the lack of character development these two issues but won't have a problem following the series of events taking place. And the conclusion of this issue means all bets are off the table for next issue…well, within the confines of established events but at least the suspense makes it seem that way.

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Star Wars: Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir #3

Jul 16, 2014

Star Wars Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir #3 is an entertaining issue in the context of the series, and the inclusion of the Jedi makes the story slightly more complex and that works if it's connected to Sidious's original plan. However the focus on Count Dooku when the action started took away from the sequence for me as the matter was already decided before even started. Still, this series is enjoyable for what it is and since the plot has become more complex with the Jedi the potential story developments become more intriguing.

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Star Wars: Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir #4

Aug 19, 2014

Star Wars Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir #4 ends with a satisfying series of events but unsurprising with all things considered. The plans from both sides were completely revealed and they were engrossing. The mercenaries working with Darth Maul were treated dismissively this issue in order to avoid addressing their involvement in a meaningful way, which wouldn't be the first time a matter was simplified. But since the battle between Darth Sidious and Mother Talzin would take center stage, and it would be electrifying, I'm glad the focus was on them and not the peripheral players. So if you've been enjoying this series as a continuation of the animated Clone Wars series or you're a fan of Darth Maul, you won't be disappointed with this issue.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #1

Dec 18, 2013

Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #1 is a somewhat disappointing first issue because Darth Vader doesn't make an appearance, and the narration of a lone, former clone trooper isn't a gripping enough story for an entire issue. It wasn't a completely bland story as a clone trooper struggling to find his identity separate from the original purpose he was cloned for has some good moments. But as a series that's promoted as starring Darth Vader, his absence in this first issue ultimately made the story feel less than what it could have been if given a better context.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #2

Jan 17, 2014

Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #2 is more of the same narration from Hock, the clone trooper inspired by his view of Darth Vader, and feels very uneventful. Since everything that occurs comes off as a summary there is no character defining moment that convinced me Hock was truly a unique clone trooper, and in fact, the mention of another clone trooper only highlighted my belief about Hock. And I assume anyone who would be interested in this series already knows how awesome Darth Vader could be as a villain and this issue doesn't seem to take that into account. Hock gets to witness and be inspired by Darth Vader's actions, while we only get to read Hock's ramblings about those actions. So I could only recommend this to those who are absolutely certain they would love to hear a clone trooper talk about his admiration for Darth Vader…again.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #3

Feb 19, 2014

Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #3 is the best issue in the series so far but considering I've been struggling with this series it's all relative. The setup that leads to Hock taking center stage and becoming the “hero” was due to egregious mistakes that can be overlooked but only due to the desire to see Hock finally perform some character-defining action. And in Hock doing so breathes the slightest bit of life into this series creating potential for the next issue and an opportunity for the series to get on track. At least that's what I'm hoping.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #4

Mar 19, 2014

Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #4 suffers from the same problems that plagued earlier issues and that's Hock as a main character, and ironically, Darth Vader's incompetence. There's an interesting sequence when Hock meets the separatist leadership and the exchange with them but the Mandalorian Anomaly steals this issue and comes off as a much intriguing character in just a couple of panels. And instead of capitalizing on the character-defining actions from last issue, Hock's character becomes an enigma again and so does the purpose of this series.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #5

Apr 16, 2014

Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #5 as a standalone issue would've been decent and enjoyable but as the conclusion to the series it doesn't make up for the uninteresting storyline and protagonist, and only confirms there were more interesting story threads that should've been pursued. The pacing of the series hurt it ultimately because the ending wasn't satisfying and only raised more questions that can't be answered. So unfortunately this series never reached the full potential of its premise and there are other Star Wars series that are more enjoyable.

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Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force War #1

Nov 22, 2013

I'm anxiously looking forward to the next issue and I recommend checking it out if you've been following the Dawn of the Jedi series or if you're just a Star Wars fan.

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Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force War #2

Dec 18, 2013

Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi " Force War #2 is a solid follow-up issue chronicling the war between the Rakatan Infinite Empire and the Je'daii and their allies. The stakes are raised in this exchange of attacks and counterattacks, and things get personal in the midst of it all. The story line with the spy has the potential to reveal even more of Xesh's past and the workings of the Rakatan Infinite Empire and I definitely want to see how that unfolds. And even though a part of this issue felt predictable, it still does a really good job of moving the story along (with some cool use of force powers too) and so I'm very intrigued as to how the stakes will be raised even more in this war that can change the use of the force permanently going forward.

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Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force War #3

Jan 17, 2014

Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi " Force War #3 is just about everything one could want in an issue. The twist is executed perfectly, the reputation of the Rakatan Infinite Empire is shown to have been well-deserved, and there's still hope, or at least in my assumption, for the Je'daii based on what was laid out in earlier issues. If all I wrote for my review was “buy this issue” you would understand because you have to experience it from beginning to end, and like Daegen Lok you'll see how much was underestimated. I highly recommend this series and if you're a Star Wars fan in any way there's no excuse for you to be missing out on this.

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Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force War #4

Feb 19, 2014

Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi " Force War #4 is a solid issue that gives answers regarding the Infinity Gate and even though it moves the story forward it still feels like more of a segway into the next issue. That's not necessarily a bad thing as this series has been building up to these events so I expect it to be incredible. I would've preferred to see at least one confrontation between characters instead of more Flesh Raiders but with the events that unfold here that's almost guaranteed next issue. And I'll be looking forward to that one as well.

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Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force War #5

Mar 19, 2014

Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi " Force War #5 is a thrilling conclusion to what has been an excellent series providing both satisfaction and a strong desire for future Dawn of the Jedi series. The confrontations between characters lived up to the lofty expectations created by previous issues and the character depth created paid off very well. Throughout this series a rich story was crafted with great character development as well as introduced exciting elements that kept it from every falling victim to prequel issues. If you're a Star Wars fan you have pick up this series, and I highly recommend it even for those just looking for a great sci-fi story about war, love, loyalty and choices.

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Star Wars: Rebel Heist #1

May 1, 2014

Star Wars Rebel Heist #1 is a really good start to a series that is set during a well-known time but creates a story that is suspenseful and interesting while highlighting the attributes that made a character so enjoyable. The new recruit comes off as very green, which I'm sure was intended, and it also makes the rebels' hidden plan more intriguing but hopefully he smartens up going forward. And so I have a really good feeling about this series and I'm looking forward to the next series of events.

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Star Wars: Rebel Heist #2

May 28, 2014

Star Wars Rebel Heist #2 is an excellent issue that puts this series high on my list of current series I enjoy the most as it's thrilling from end to end, and instead of being exhausting it whet my appetite even more. It effectively takes a classic character and puts her in an exciting situation that is consistent with the character but also shows her in a new light. The overall rebel plan becomes even more intriguing as the determination of the rebellion forces becomes even more clear as well as their belief in the importance of it. Sarin is an interesting companion who also serves as a means to highlight Princess Leia's qualities and turn any negative assumptions to admiration. And as I result I can't wait to see what's in store the rest of this series.

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Star Wars: Rebel Heist #3

Jun 26, 2014

Star Wars Rebel Heist #3 is another solid issue in the series, and just like the previous two, it sheds light on the rebel, which in this case is Chewbacca, and ultimately gives you a greater appreciation of the character. The witty writing along with the exciting action makes for an excellent read, and using the stormtrooper with Chewie was the perfect scenario. Light still hasn't been shed on the overall plan so hopefully that will start to happen next issue but I can say I'm very excited for it with the conclusion of this one.

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Star Wars: Rebel Heist #4

Jul 30, 2014

Star Wars Rebel Heist #4 is an ok issue that brings the series to a conclusion and effectively connects the different plot threads. It's not as effective as portraying a strong characterization of the feature character as previous issues due to the vantage point of the narrator but does a good job in showing aspects of why the rebellion was effective in attracting others and the important role everyone can play. If you don't recognize what they stole then it might be a disappointing climax in ways but still an enjoyable ride.

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Sundowners #1

Sep 5, 2014

SUMMARYSundowners #1 is an interesting and entertaining start to a series that effectively takes the quirky nature of its characters and creates a world that is both engrossing and unique. The angle it takes regarding its superheroes is refreshing, and the build up and suspense is rewarded with a shocking ending that can take the series in an unpredictable direction. I didn't know what to expect when I opened up this issue, and I'm still not sure what to expect, but if this start is indicative of the entire series I know it'll be entertaining.

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Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #1

Dec 4, 2013

Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #1 is an excellent start to the series and brings a fresh perspective to the franchise as well as providing a bridge to what came before with its explanation for the time-traveling missions in general. The artwork by Pete Woods is solid as always and the action is as intense as the story is engrossing. It's a perfect set up to the series and handles the 4 perspectives over 2 time periods almost flawlessly. This issue is an excellent start to the series and if you've ever enjoyed the Terminator series to some extent then you definitely have to check outTerminator Salvation: The Final Battle.

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Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #2

Jan 3, 2014

Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #2 is a good issue but feels like more developments could have taken place instead of elaborating on what occurred in the first issue. It was good to see Dr. Kogan starting on the research facility and what occurred after she was first contacted, and this aspect of Skynet's plans is still interesting. The hunt for Thomas Parnell moves forward and with his characterization I'm starting to imagine why he would be useful to the terminators even if it's not completely clear yet. This is still a must read series for me and I'm hoping next issue moves the story along more.

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Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #3

Feb 6, 2014

Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #3 is an enjoyable issue overall despite a lack of progress in terms of clarity for the multiple events taking place in the present and future. It is a Terminator series so some gratuitous action is acceptable at some point. And with that being said I will be expecting the story arc to move forward next issue and at least one of the story threads to become a lot clearer or else the story will start to feel like filler until we reach well-known events. And if that occurs then the potential in the story threads introduced at the start of this series will be squandered, and that would be more unfortunate than Sarah Connor being on birth control when she met Kyle Reese.

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Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #4

Mar 5, 2014

Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #4 gets the series back on track story wise and makes excellent progress on that front as Skynet reveals its hand and its purpose of going back in time to acquire Thomas Parnell. And even more impressive than that is the clear and detailed way Skynet's rise to power was laid out including its very first moments of being self-aware and why it responded the way that it did. And as this issue answered questions in impressive fashion the series becomes more intriguing as the mystery regarding the time-traveling events deepens and sets the stage for some entertaining developments, and possibly shocking revelations going forward. But the stakes were raised in this issue and one thing is clear: Skynet intends to finish off humanity and has no interest in negotiating a truce. And the reasoning behind the Final Battle moniker added to the title of this series starts to come to light and I can't wait to see what unfolds the rest of this series.

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Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #5

Apr 2, 2014

Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #5 is a disappointing issue that only made me appreciate the original Terminator movie even more for its simple brilliance and execution. What started off as original story threads has descended into filler surrounding the events of that first movie. Even speculating about potential developments that could occur based on just the story making sense isn't particularly exciting and so as of now I'm only looking forward to the next issue just out of curiosity considering the number of issues remaining in this series.

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Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #6

May 7, 2014

Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #6 is another disappointing issue that takes the story nowhere and the very brief interesting moments are dwarfed by the overall lackluster story that is all over the place. And instead of inspiring confidence about where this series is headed when a character states that everything from this point forward is up in the air as to what could happen, I wonder why it has taken so long and the ending suggests otherwise. I don't know if this series can turn a corner but the resistance has more hope to succeed than I do about where the story is headed.

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Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #7

Jul 9, 2014

Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #7 is an enjoyable issue where the early story threads finally start becoming clear, although this issue is just a setup for things to come. It doesn't completely make up for all the recent lackluster issues but I finally have hope that it's on the right track and will tread new ground going forward. It was interesting to see Connor and Skynet talking about working together since obviously this could have drastic ramifications for the terminator chronicles but I am curious about their portrayals and how this will be pulled off. So yes, this issue was a step in the right direction for the series but it still has a long way to go before living up to the potential from the first issue.

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Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #8

Aug 13, 2014

Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #8 ties up at least some of the loose ends from the start of the series, and even though some things unfold in an entertaining manner, Parnell as the mastermind behind these significant events is unconvincing. To get a brief understanding of Connor's mentality about his destiny was intriguing, and I'm hoping there is still some meaning behind that conversation that will become clearer later. It has taken awhile to get to this point but with the loose ends tied up the series should now be able to cover new ground but I have to see it to believe it first after 8 issues.

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Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #9

Sep 9, 2014

SUMMARYTerminator Salvation: The Final Battle #9 is an issue that has its moments but is unconvincing when it comes tothe core of everything taking place, and that's the dominance of Parnell. There are too many factors, even shown in this series whether it was as small as influencing a terminator for a brief moment or the complexity in which all these systems could've been controlled simultaneously, to reconcile this utter dominance. Even with Parnell serving as a potentially interesting metaphor for the bloodlust and how an endless war could mean the end for both humanity and Skynet, the story doesn't flow in a manner that would make it possible to appreciate that because there's very little progress. Fortunately the questions raised about the survival of humanity and about John Connor were intriguing but this far into the series there should be more to look forward to than that.

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Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #11

Nov 19, 2014

Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #11 is a decent issue that moves the story forward with its climatic battle between Connor and Parnell. In a way, Connor's fight has always been about Parnell considering his role in past events, and I'm still torn about that. It was interesting to see another side of Connor prior to the operation, as well as Dr. Kogan's reaction, giving more depth to the characters and the overall situation. Despite feeling that a lot of potential was squandered throughout this series I am very curious to see how it concludes, especially considering the surprises this issue.

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Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #12

Dec 23, 2014

Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #12 is a relatively solid conclusion to an up and down series that was plagued by character and logic inconsistencies from one issue to the next. John Connor's life coming full circle this issue as well as the deal between the human resistance and Skynet made for a satisfactory ending as loose ends were tied up in a convincing way. It was good to see this issue deal with the aftermath of the war and some aspects of human nature too. However I did feel that showing even just a little of Skynet after the deal was struck would've made everything feel more complete. But with all things considered it ultimately did feel like the final battle.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #1

Sep 3, 2014

The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #1 gets the series off to an excellent start with its brilliant setup, interesting protagonist and artwork that captivates the imagination, drawing one into its paranormal world. As one who is new to Doctor Mirage I could appreciate the way this story was handled, although I do wonder what her true capabilities are since communicating with the dead in the way shown wasn't a true indicator. And there was no action to give more of a taste of that either. However the fact I am intrigued to know more is a very good sign that I'll continue to enjoy this series moving forward.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #2

Oct 8, 2014

SUMMARYThe Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #2 is an overall enjoyable issue that puts the readers in the shoes of Mirage during her first trip to this spirit realm and shows how complex and dangerous it could be. The mystery behind Linton March and his goals deepened but the organization he's a part of became more intriguing as they all don't want to achieve the same thing. Mirage first meeting her husband was a fascinating story but with the flurry of activity became almost an afterthought. However, I'm still enjoying this series and I'm looking forward to the answers that will be revealed.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #3

Nov 5, 2014

The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #3 wonderfully answers the question of what became of Hwen Mirage through Shan's interesting journey in the spirit realm and her discoveries. Even the initial back story at the start of the issue pays dividends in the form of connecting it to current events in more than one way. The chain of events triggered by Mirage's journey has been fascinating and it becomes more intriguing but a lack of answers in the physical realm prevents the overall conspiracy that started everything from being clearer. However, I'm looking forward to the next issue especially since the conclusion of this one all but guarantees that the overall picture will be clearer soon.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #4

Dec 17, 2014

The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #4 is an excellent issue that moves the story forward tremendously while shedding light on the true motivations of those behind the scenes causing havoc in both the real world and spirit realm. It does this through the wonderful character development and flashbacks showing origins. And the perfect balance was struck using some flashbacks to add to the clear understanding of the bond between Shan and Hwen, and at times that even served as a stark contrast to the selfish motivations of others. And the artwork by Roberto de la Torre gave life to each of these situations. And with the way this issue ended I'm very anxious to see what unfolds in the next one.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #5

Jan 16, 2015

The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #5 is a very satisfying conclusion to the series with great action, character and story development, and sets up a potentially exciting new story arc. I appreciate how much was resolved this issue as all the original story threads from the beginning of the series were answered in some way. Even the Scry, which I felt was underdeveloped to this point became a much more intriguing character and didn't just stand by idly. I didn't know anything about Doctor Mirage prior to this series, and now both of them are among my top characters. And I'm looking forward to seeing more.

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The Goon: Occasion of Revenge #1

Jul 22, 2014

The Goon: Occasion of Revenge #1 is a solid start to the series with its mesmerizing setting in the form of a cursed town, engrossing story, and gorgeous artwork that is perfectly suited for it and its array of characters. And the way the defense of the town took was an extremely enjoyable series of events, and revealed even more about the characters' natures and progression. The only problem I had with this issue was the way the main characters weren't as developed early on as James and Sandy, so in the case of the Goon his connection to the town isn't entirely clear and there was no mention of what led him there. However, I'm pretty excited to get my hands on the next issue and see what unfolds.

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The Goon: Occasion of Revenge #2

Aug 26, 2014

The Goon: Occasion of Revenge #2 is an excellent follow-up issue if not in terms of story progression then its great character development and consistent tone that is bold and indelible. Separating this issue into distinct parts worked since each part was engrossing, and the artwork in each panel was as wonderfully haunting as last issue. The characters have really made their mark on me, and I'm really curious to see how, or even if, the different story threads tie together. But at the very least each one adds to the overall mystique of the town and the world it inhabits. And so it's effective in showing why the town would be so valuable to the Coven because of the terrible things it can do to people but also what truly matters and is so endearing to those striving to defend it from the mischievous invaders. And so I'm looking forward to seeing what's in store for Goon and his squad.

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The Goon: Occasion of Revenge #3

Oct 29, 2014

The Goon: Occasion of Revenge #3 is an engrossing issue due to its story developments that includes shocking twists, and effectively sets the stage for an explosive conclusion to the series. The build up of Kid's backstory is entertaining and pays off, although I admit I enjoyed the way the previous issues were able to connect the backstories of others to the destructive influence of the town. There wasn't much action, even though it was alluded to heavily, and so I believe some of that will be shown next issue. Either way I can't wait to get my hands on the final issue and see what fate awaits Goon and the town.

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The Goon: Occasion of Revenge #4

Dec 9, 2014

The Goon: Occasion of Revenge #4 is an excellent issue that builds on the shocking conclusion of the previous one and results in an interesting turn of events. The multiple panels without words are highly impactful due to the beautiful artwork capturing all the relevant emotions in the different situations. This series has shown the way the suffering of others was due to the strange nature of the town, which fed off of it, and this issue ties Goon's current situation to the mystical powers fueling the town in a riveting way. Considering this issue is the conclusion to the series there is the feeling that some important things aren't answered. However, it's also clear that this isn't the end to the story so I'm very enthusiastic about getting my hands on the next series involving Goon…whenever that is.

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The Goon: Once Upon A Hard Time #1

Feb 9, 2015

The Goon: Once Upon A Hard Time #1 is a solid start picking right up where the Occasion of Revenge left off, and it was good seeing Goon in action again. However the turn of events made the entire situation more intriguing as Goon's actions only contribute to the magpies' plan to fuel the town for some reason. I'm interested in seeing how Don Rigatti wanting to kill Goon will factor into everything but at this point I'm more interested in getting more answers about the importance of the town and its influence. Until then, there's plenty of action to enjoy.

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The Goon: Once Upon A Hard Time #2

Apr 1, 2015

The Goon: Once Upon A Hard Time #2 is an entertaining issue that delves deeper into Goon's current mentality and the impact of the Coven's plan on him. Unfortunately there isn't much story progression as the majority of the issue is devoted to retelling the Island of Dr. Moreau instead of current events. But the writing flows extremely well and the artwork is still wonderful, so overall it's an enjoyable issue. I just hope that next issue things move forward so the greater events are clarified.

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The Life And Death Of Toyo Harada #1

Mar 4, 2019

The Life and Death of Toyo Harada #1 is a solid start to this series. This issue takes an already fascinating character and adds another intriguing layer. There's a lot of potential in this story line. Harada has big plans in terms of shaping the world by directly impacting the technological advantages and disadvantages. However, his team is almost at its breaking point due to internal pressure and worldwide pressure. And I can't wait to see what happens next.

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The Occultist #3

Dec 6, 2013

The Occultist #3 is a decent issue serving as a bridge for the rest of the series now that the plot has been revealed and the next phase set in motion. Anna's activities in this issue are the real driving force here and even though the actions of the Occultist are believable in the sense that he's susceptible to plot and fell in love quickly, it felt like this was explored in issue #2. However I am looking forward to how things unfold now that the pact between the living and the dead has been broken by the one who was supposed to protect it.

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The Occultist #4

Jan 3, 2014

The Occultist #4 shows the potential of this series and was a very enjoyable read. Since this issue highlighted the responsibilities of the wielder of the Sword, it was entertaining to see him finally take on those responsibilities and actually use the Sword. It was slightly annoying that it took him extra time to realize what was going on despite Anna and Mr. Elder standing right in front of him but I did understand his anger later towards the mastermind behind this plot to deceive him, and it should be a great confrontation. So I'm looking forward to the final showdown.

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The Occultist #5

Feb 6, 2014

The Occultist #5 is a solid ending to this series and is satisfying as it reveals the true motives behind everything that occurred while tying up loose ends. When the Occultist is at his best, as he is in this issue, he can be a mesmerizing character and with the ghostly action combined with the character development, this was the best issue in the series. I don't know what's in store for the Occultist after this but I would be on board to seeing him in future series based on this issue alone. If you've read any issue in this series then I recommend finishing it because it has a satisfying conclusion. If you enjoy ghostly subject matter or tales of the mystic arts you should check out this series and enjoy the ethereal journey.

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The Order of the Forge #1

Apr 29, 2015

The Order of the Forge #1is an impressive, and at times humorous, start to the series complete with action, character development and story progression. The pace is just right, and the story build up has me intrigued about the antagonist's goals as well as the true nature and extent of George Washington's powers. It has nudity and curses so if that's offensive to you just be mindful of that. So I'm hoping that what unfolds next issue is as enjoyable as this issue.

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The Order of the Forge #3

Jun 23, 2015

The Order of the Forge #3is an entertaining conclusion to the series but makes me feel as if so much potential was left on the table just to wrap up the story arc. There's plenty of intense action, the best in the series, and it's good to see every character use their abilities in different ways. The character development is relativelylimited outside of George and Kate's wonderful interactions. However, there are still unanswered questionsabout whatset all these events in motion that I hope there's another series that will delve into this fascinating world and characters.

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The Strain: Mister Quinlan - Vampire Hunter #3

Oct 31, 2016

If you are a hardcore fan of The Strain comic book series or of the TV show The Strain: Mister Quinlan #3 is a must read. Everything is meticulously put together; you can feel The Master's voice in your head as you're reading it. The art, the dialogue, and even the subtle dialogue font changes bring it all to life.

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The Terminator Enemy Of My Enemy #1

Feb 19, 2014

Terminator: Enemy of my Enemy #1 is an ok start to the series although the potential in the premise remains intriguing due to the developments in the last few panels as opposed to the story development throughout the entire issue. Farrow Greene is an interesting character and her actions and current situation hold the story together in this issue since Elise Fong barely has a presence. The action was entertaining but I hope to see at the very least some hints to what makes Elise Fong so vital and such a huge threat to Skynet going forward.

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The Terminator Enemy Of My Enemy #2

Mar 19, 2014

Terminator: Enemy of My Enemy #2 is a solid entry in the series revealing why Dr. Fong would be important to so many people and as a result a target of Skynet as well as a mysterious client wanting her delivered safely. The fact that this is done almost immediately makes the action this time around more enjoyable, and with the agency getting involved it makes for even better moments. The story developments are intriguing and there appear to be a lot of machinations going on behind the scenes, and for some time, so if the next issue capitalizes on that and Greene being an interesting character, this series would definitely move up in my book.

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The Terminator Enemy Of My Enemy #3

May 13, 2014

Terminator: Enemy of My Enemy #3 is a mildly enjoyable issue due to its action but the lack of a story or any progress being made regarding the last issue's developments lowers my expectations for the rest of this series. I'm not convinced that protecting or killing Elise Fong is vital for either side since she's had almost zero character development nor has her invention been confirmed as the reason since it's just been described as skin grafting and this issue completely ignores that. I don't know what will unfold next issue but it seems ripe for another drawn out battle with very little in the way of answers so hopefully that's not the case.

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The Terminator Enemy Of My Enemy #4

Jul 9, 2014

Terminator: Enemy of My Enemy #4 is a thrilling, action-packed issue that unapologetically knows what the series has done best so far and continues to do it. The action sequence in this issue is my favorite one in the series so far, and the fact it was preceded by more of Greene's backstory and the two of them discussing their capabilities made it that more electrifying. However there is still very little story development so Dr. Fong's importance is still a mystery for the most part, and it seems as if the story has almost passed her by based on the conclusion of this issue but that remains to be seen. So for now all you can do is wait and you will enjoy the ride this issue.

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The Terminator Enemy Of My Enemy #5

Sep 3, 2014

Terminator: Enemy of My Enemy #5 is an enjoyable penultimate issue that makes Greene an even more impressive protagonist through her revealing backstory and entertaining interactions with the terminator. Their coordination provided great action, and even though it's not the first issue where they worked together, it still felt fresh because of the opponents they faced and what it took to overcome them. Dr. Fong's role was still weak as her importance still wasn't made clear and the overall story still depends on that. However with the series concluding next issue I'm still very intrigued about the answers that await.

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The Terminator Enemy Of My Enemy #6

Oct 22, 2014

Terminator: Enemy of My Enemy #6 is an ok issue containing intense and exciting action in one final battle between Greene and the Terminator but is lacking when it comes delivering answers for the most pertinent matter, which is Dr. Fong's importance. The destruction caused by the Terminator was epic in scale and so the importance of the target should've matched that. However, Greene comes off as an even more intriguing character and the action sequences had the feel of an enjoyable action movie. I don't know if they'll be another story arc eventually connected to this series but I hope it delivers more answers so the story could be more engrossing overall.

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The Troop #2

Jan 14, 2016

The Troop #2 is an intense issue that is successful at both provocative character development and intriguing story progression. The way Torrance's life and transformation is laid out confirms the tone of the series in a good way. This issue doesn't clarify Edward's true motives in collecting all these powered individuals but addresses it in an entertaining way with a surprising twist that has me looking forward to next issue. And the action is electrifying again and the new characters this issue make a strong impression with their abilities. I don't know if all the comparisons to other series was necessary but I do know that The Troop is definitely making a name for itself.

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The Valiant #1

Dec 9, 2014

Valiant #1 is a solid start to the blockbuster event but is more of a steady build up to the greatest threat in Earth's history as opposed to an explosive issue. I enjoyed the recap of Gilad's previous encounters with the Immortal Enemy because they established the latter's stature. And the introduction to the latest Geomancer was handled very well. Nothing was revealed about the nature of the Immortal Enemy but I assume that will become clearer when the depths of its power are explored in modern times. I was skeptical of another major event so soon but I'm on board now and can't wait for the next episode.

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The Valiant #3

Feb 25, 2015

The Valiant #3 was a surprisingly disappointing issue because it felt like it was full of filler material and at best did very little to advance the story, develop characters or make the threat of the Immortal Enemy worthy of its own series. It started with Bloodshot's bizarre portrayal, and the cursory manner in which Earth's forces were treated didn't help matters. There were some slightly entertaining moments but overall felt like things were put in just to fill the pages. And considering nothing developed this issue, it would be fine for one to skip it and not worry about missing a thing because it ends almost exactly where issue #2 did. Hopefully things will pick up once the contents of the box is revealed next issue.

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The Valiant #4

Mar 24, 2015

The Valiant #4 has its enjoyable moments so it's a step up from last issue however the series overall didn't live up to the potential in its premise with this concluding entry. The contents of the mystery box were finally revealed and it was interesting yet the necessary answers to tie everything together and make the Immortal Enemy feel like more than a random unstoppable threat or the story more engrossing were lacking. I still feel this story would've been better suited if just a story arc in another series and less characters since it would've been more focused and allowed for character development. So the significant developments that will carry on in other series will just have to do.

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The White Suits #1

Feb 19, 2014

The White Suits #1 is an excellent start to the series and exceeded my expectations, which were already high based on the potential of the premise. The story moves seamlessly between past and present events painting a clear picture of the current situation while creating more intrigue and interest in everything that is taking place. The artwork complements the story well as it conveys the ultimate shadiness on the part of the characters in the story. And the way all the elements in this issue combine to make a smooth story with enjoyable action, this has instantly become one series whose issues I can't wait to get my hands on.

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The White Suits #2

Mar 19, 2014

The White Suits #2 builds perfectly on the first issue while providing its own entertainment and intriguing plot twists. One of Prizrak's missions with the White Suits coming to light provides insight into and gives depth to the character as it also serves as a way for him and Sarah to relate to each other. The plot also thickens in terms of the origins of the White Suits and their connections and there's so much potential in that story line unfolding. Despite Sarah and Prizrak's lack of recon it leads to an even more interesting development and one that not only leaves me anticipating the next episode but keeps my hopes up for this entire series.

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The White Suits #3

Apr 16, 2014

White Suits #3 is another entertaining issue as the counteroffensive against the White Suits is set in motion and the stakes are raised for all parties involved. The action isn't as easy to follow due to some face recognition problems but the level of satisfaction reached in prior issues due to the plot thickening or a question being answered isn't the same here as the enjoyment is more visceral than cerebral. But it still moves the story forward and I can take satisfaction in that while still looking forward to the next set of events.

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The White Suits #4

Jul 2, 2014

The White Suits #4 is an utterly satisfying conclusion to the thrilling series and all questions are answered as characters and events come full circle. The series started with characters who were anything but one-dimensional and it stays true to that as the character development from the beginning of this series to its conclusion is remarkable, and Prizrak and Sarah become truly memorable characters. I highly recommend White Suits because it never shies away from its material and it's a riveting tale about espionage, redemption and truth, and it ranks up there with some of the best tales born out of the Cold War and its consequences.

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The Witcher #1

Mar 19, 2014

The Witcher #1 is a solid start to the series creating an interesting setup and despite its deliberate pace it's still eventful in establishing the characters while having some action throughout. I feel Geralt's personality has been captured well considering the current situation and there are some intriguing developments that make me believe things aren't necessarily what they seem in the Black Forest. And if that's the case then this could be an even more thrilling ride but either way I'm encouraged by this start and I'm looking forward to the next issue.

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The Witcher: Fox Children #2

May 6, 2015

The Witcher: Fox Children #2 is an excellent issue that puts on an entertaining display of the Vulpess's powers while making the entire situation more intriguing. The mystery behind the illusions is perfect for Paul Tobin's writing style because now everything that has taken place can be significant when the truth of what's occurring is revealed. As a Witcher fan, I'm very pleased with the direction and pace of this series and can't wait to see what's next.

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The Witcher #2

Apr 23, 2014

The Witcher #2 is an enjoyable issue and another treat for fans of the Witcher and those unfamiliar with the character alike. There's plenty of tension being built with the deliberate story being crafted by Tobin and the action is entertaining as we get a taste of the Witcher's abilities. The new character is intriguing and I'm hoping some answers are given regarding the entire situation, and after two issues I believe the payoff will eventually be worth it.

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The Witcher #3

May 21, 2014

The Witcher #3 is an enjoyable issue for the most part but the plodding story line pushes the boundary between suspense and stalling with it feeling mostly like the latter. The characters however are still very intriguing as a little bit of one's backstory is revealed, and thankfully the potential in the story line is still there. However it definitely needs to move forward next issue and with a major change affecting one of the elements present throughout the series that seems to be a certainty, and just in time too.

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The Witcher #4

Jun 18, 2014

The Witcher #4 is unable to escape from the holding pattern from previous issues similar to how none of the characters can truly escape the house proving that Geralt has more patience than I do. The dynamic between Geralt and Vara is still entertaining as progress is made there but the lack of progress regarding Jakob and Marta is troubling. I can always enjoy a mystery being unraveled slowly if it becomes more intriguing but this comes off as pure avoidance delaying what could be an obvious and simple answer. Either way it's time for some answers to be given so it doesn't feel as if it's possible to skip the majority of issues and not miss a single thing that affects the original premise, which seems to be the case now.

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The Witcher: Fox Children #4

Jun 30, 2015

The Witcher: Fox Children #4is an intense episode that, albeit slowly, brings the confrontation between the Vulpess and Geralt to a head setting up an interesting finale. The crew arguing about what to do next with some taking drastic action elevated the fear of the Vulpess's powers to a new and much-needed level. And the action this time around is much better with Geralt's witcher abilities on full display. And the ending has me intrigued about the nature of the Vulpess and how this entire situation will be resolved. Hopefully it'll be a solid finale.

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The Witcher: Fox Children #5

Aug 5, 2015

The Witcher: Fox Children #5 is a satisfying conclusion to the series due to the way the true nature of the Vulpess is revealed and the world of the Witcher is explored. The conclusion to the ordeal on the ship is handled half way through this issue, and it's entertaining and thorough. However, the best part of this issue occurs after this and is way more fascinating than the time spent on the ship, and makes me wish some characters were developed further earlier on in the series. But if you are a fan of the Witcher or want to at least get a true taste of what's so enjoyable about the lore, I recommend this series.

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The Witcher #5

Jul 15, 2014

The Witcher #5 is a satisfying issue that brings a conclusion to Jakob and Marta's tale but leaves other threads wanting as a result of certain story developments not taking place until this issue as opposed to earlier in the series. Even though some aspects were obvious a couple of issues ago some developments were still surprising and entertaining. And the artwork by Joe Querio is at its best when the twisted natures of the characters shine through among other things. If you're a Witcher fan or enjoy fantasy elements mixed with intrigue then you might want to consider this series if you have patience on skip some middle issues. I just wish it was more eventful throughout.

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Tomb Raider #1

Feb 26, 2014

Tomb Raider #1 is a very interesting and promising start filled with great action and gives a clear portrayal of the new Lara and her current mentality while leaving plenty of room for interesting character development. The heavy leaning towards the supernatural elements has the potential to really open up the series and put Lara in some unique situations. Playing the video game does help with this first issue to the extent that the relationships and experiences of the other characters are known but it's definitely not a requirement as enough is explained through Lara's recollections. And I'm looking forward to seeing how events unfold.

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Tomb Raider #2

Mar 26, 2014

Tomb Raider #2 is an impressive issue story wise with its character and story development as the mystery deepens attracting the attention of formidable foes who mean business. And I really enjoy how the series has taken on a life of its own outside of the video game so it's a refreshing read even for those who enjoyed the story of the game while maintaining what made Lara so appealing. Unfortunately I'm not sold on the artwork being the best suited for this series as the action sequences aren't visually gripping, and it betrays the seriousness of the predicaments Lara faces. Hopefully that improves going forward, or it grows on me, because I'm excited about the tone of this series so far.

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Tomb Raider #3

Apr 23, 2014

Tomb Raider #3 is a solid read and has the best character developments and interactions so far this series presenting a better picture of who they are and a foundation going forward. The action sequences worked much better this issue with the artwork and was quite enjoyable and I'm hoping that continues to improve going forward. Despite the chase going on a little bit long the developments were very intriguing and I'm looking forward to see where this takes the adventurous heroine.

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Tomb Raider #4

May 29, 2014

Tomb Raider #4 is an ok issue that suffers once again from the artwork as all the characters appear to be emotionless regardless of the scene and that effectively diminishes the mature tone of the writing in the same panels. I'm not entirely sure if that's why it was stressed once again that saving Sam means a lot to Lara and the others but doing so prevented the story from moving forward even more, which at this point is very crucial to the story remaining intriguing. With the conclusion of this episode it seems we'll start to get the answers needed for this story arc to start making more sense and I can honestly say I'm looking forward to that.

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Tomb Raider #5

Jun 25, 2014

Tomb Raider #5 is an exciting issue where Lara finally shines in her own element, and the story becomes more engrossing as motives are revealed, warnings are given, and intentions are questioned. It was great to see a more assertive Lara again and I hope that balance remains going forward to maintain the character development from when she first met Sam. When this series was first announced I was excited about the possibility of new Tomb Raider stories, and now it seems like things are starting to come together to make that a reality.

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Tomb Raider #6

Jul 22, 2014

Tomb Raider #6 is an overall satisfying conclusion to the first story arc, and answers all the questions that have been raised throughout in an electrifying fashion, and at times literally. I felt that Lara's portrayal at times throughout the series took a step back from what was established in the video game but the glimpses here and the explanation for that fits in the story wonderfully. The mystical elements didn't tie together as neatly for me but at least served a purpose. And more so than that I'm looking forward to the next story arc because I believe the adventures ahead will be even better.

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Tomb Raider #7

Aug 27, 2014

Tomb Raider #7 is a solid start to the new story arc, and has a great blend of character development, intrigue, and of course, action. Initially I was concerned about the vision of Alex coming back from the dead to warn Lara but it was explained, and could serve as character development. I was impressed with the building tension surrounding those seeking Kaz for competing reasons, and so I can't wait to see how events unfold with Lara growing into her role with her newfound assertiveness.

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Tomb Raider #8

Sep 24, 2014

SUMMARYTomb Raider #8 is a solid continuation for the new story arc with the mystery behind Kaz being targeted by a ruthless organization deepening with enough hints to keep it intriguing. I'm enjoying Lara's assertiveness being back and I'm still excited about the potential in this story arc and her involvement with Kaz and the organization. And the artwork is impressive, and the deliberate pace of this issue benefits from that. I would like to see at some point every flashback not being related to the ship or island but overall it worked here. So I'm looking forward to seeing Lara in action next issue and what unfolds.

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Tomb Raider #9

Oct 22, 2014

Tomb Raider #9 raises the stakes in this story arc as the capabilities of Trinity become more apparent while Lara and company are more determined and ready to defend themselves. The action sequences this episode are arguably the best in the series so far, and it was good to see Lara's growth in this respect. I would've liked to see more light shed on Kaz's involvement with Trinity's operations instead of another flashback from Lara's childhood this issue but the overall backstory made the current events more engrossing. I felt this story arc had a lot of potential when it first started and it's been exciting watching these events unfold.

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Tomb Raider #10

Nov 26, 2014

Tomb Raider #10 is a fun issue that has some pretty intense action throughout as Lara fights back against Trinity. I don't mind the action allowing characters to sustain more injuries than usual but it's a fine line with the tone of this series, and I don't want it to be exaggerated to the point where what happens to characters become meaningless. Lara doesn't receive more answers about Trinity or their operations, and as a result nothing new was added to their overall story or Kaz's involvement with them. There was story progression so I'm interested in seeing how things develop with the characters' situations changing and the possibilities in future storylines.

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Tomb Raider #11

Dec 26, 2014

Tomb Raider #11 is an ok start to a new story arc but the lingering questions from the last one carry over, and aren't explored as Lara prepares for her role in Jonah's play. There were entertaining moments such as Lara getting into action, and Auger being an intriguing character with his own deadly moves. However the story doesn't advance much nor does it have meaningful character development with Lara. And Mr. Cruz's remarkable recoveries just make me feel like his character has been extended for too long. I am still interested in Trinity as an organization so hopefully the developments this issue leads to more answers about them going forward, and Lara can be in more entertaining situations overall.

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Tomb Raider #12

Jan 30, 2015

Tom Raider #12 had some interesting moments as the conclusion of the story arc but overall felt like a filler issue. Trinity started as an intriguing organization but the combination of Mr. Cruz's incompetence as well as the fact that no one still knows for sure whether Kaz took something made it feel almost comical. Thankfully the story arc is over, and I believe there will be better adventures ahead for Lara.

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Tomb Raider #13

Feb 25, 2015

Tomb Raider #13 was a decent start to the new story arc and it seems as if the Watchers will be a much more entertaining group than Trinity. I'm not entirely sold on another shady organization threatening Lara and her friends in some manner, and not just in terms of feeling redundant but another underdeveloped boogeyman as well. Lara in action at the start of this issue gave me hope that she'll get back to her roots as an adventurer. And considering the ultimatum the Watchers gave them, and the decision made at the end of this issue, I have hope that we'll see more of that during this story arc.

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Tomb Raider #14

Mar 31, 2015

Tomb Raider #14 is just a decent issue that suffers from a bad sense ofdj vu as it pertains to the characters and events and the lack of build up of the antagonistic organization so it remains faceless. The fact that every leg of the trip was documented instead of providing a more engrossing context to the events taking place, and those involved, it felt like filler again. Maybe the tone of the series focusing on the adventures of Lara and her friends in this manner throws me off or it's just my sentiments about the artwork but I hope next issue can pull me into its world, and the current story arc, a little more than this one.

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Tomb Raider #18

Jul 28, 2015

Tomb Raider #18 is a disappointing issue that doesn't capitalize on the conclusion of the excellent Queen of Serpents storyline and instead focuses once again on Lara's internal struggles without giving a way forward. This series is at its best when Lara is adventuring but this issue shows the lack of interesting character development as none of the characters bring anything to the table. I do find the way this series handles Lara's PTSD symptoms at times yet this issue feels like a rehash. So I'm hoping this serves as a start to more entertaining situations and characters.

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Unity #0

Oct 15, 2014

Unity #0 is a compelling story that successfully captures the foundation that Unity is built on, and shows the need for them throughout different periods of time. The story got off to a somewhat slow start and felt like a typical World War I story with added superheroes but each character became memorable as events unfolded and Gilad's narration took center stage. And the artwork was perfect for the tone of the story as it captured both the action sequences and somber moments effectively. The team members may have changed over time, and even now in the aftermath of the Armor Hunters event but what hasn't changed is the fact that it will always consist of those willing to give their all to defend what is right.

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Unity #8

Jun 30, 2014

Unity #8 is an enjoyable issue that brings the characters into the Armor Hunters event in an exciting way, and gives us a taste of the inevitable confrontation between the armor hunters and Earth's defenders. It's slightly perplexing that the hunters wouldn't grasp that killing an entire base of soldiers without warning wouldn't necessarily be about defending the armor but about not being killed but that sets up an interesting angle that can be explored during the event when others learn how destructive the armor can be. And overall this issue just made me more excited for things to come, and raises my hopes for the crossover event.

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Unity #9

Jul 17, 2014

Unity #9 doesn't truly feel like a significant entry in the Armor Hunters event but the character development and relatively enjoyable action sequence make this an enjoyable issue. Livewire's introspection gave great insight into the character and an interesting way to show the impact of the Armor Hunters outside of the battlefield on Earth's forces. The two beasts defeated in this issue paled in comparison to the overwhelming force of the Armor Hunters but they served their purpose in allowing Gilad and Ninjak to put their abilities on display. And I'm glad I can say I'm really enjoying this series.

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Unity #10

Aug 14, 2014

Unity #10 gives insight into GIN-GR, one of the more intriguing armor hunters, and makes her a more rounded character but aside from that it adds very little to the armor hunters event. Livewire's reaction to her interfacing with GIN-GR was intriguing and has potential that could play out soon but that remains to be seen. Ninjak's battle with an alien hound was reminiscent of last issue so instead of being impressive it felt as a way to just fill an issue despite being well-executed. I'm not sure what next issue will cover in terms of the team's role in the conclusion of the event but I am looking forward to seeing how things will ultimately start to line up in the aftermath so I'm optimistic about that.

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Unity #11

Sep 17, 2014

SUMMARYUnity #11 is a decent issue that is most notable for its highlight of events in Ninjak's past and connecting that to an entertaining solution to the current predicament. As one who is relatively new to the series and character, I could appreciate that. However Gilad was ineffective this issue and the alien drones didn't feel compelling in terms of the overall situation in the Armor Hunters crossover. As far as feeling intrigued about the characters and future story arcs, I'm completely on board and I look forward to the next issues.

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Unity #12

Nov 12, 2014

Unity #12 begins a new and interesting stage for the team but somewhat rehashes the status quo established in Armor Hunters: Aftermath. Governments from around the world conspiring to counter what they see as an abuse of power on the part of the U.S. and British governments definitely has potential, as does the elite team formed to go against Unity. The build up to introducing the new Unity member was entertaining, and I'm very intrigued about the choice. And I think that will make the team interactions more entertaining. There wasn't much action since the focus was on story development but I'm looking forward to seeing the team in action next issue in some capacity.

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Unity #13

Dec 24, 2014

Unity #13 effectively raises the stakes and stature of Unity's enemies by detailing their capabilities and intent, making the current situation more entertaining. Faith's first mission with the team wasn't surprising except her green portrayal and view of events considering all she went through as part of the Renegades, and even recently during the Armor Hunters event. Overall I still like the dynamic and the way events unfolded this issue makes the entire story arc more intriguing. I don't know what the fallout would be with GIN-GR still being operational but so far it has the potential to be extremely thrilling.

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Unity #17

Apr 19, 2015

Unity #17 is an entertaining issue giving insight into Livewire's personal life especially in the wake of GIN-GR being revealed to the world. Unlike the past 2 issues this one connects to the battle against the United, and as a result, gives a little insight into the overall impact on the team. The action was relatively unique and exciting, showing why Livewire is such an enjoyable character. So I'm looking forward to what lies ahead for Unity as a whole even more now.

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Unity #18

May 15, 2015

Unity #18 is a decent issue that does a good job in showing what became of Malgam and has some entertaining action. However, some of the sequences towards the end of the issue rehash what was explored in the previous 3 issues about the members current mental and physical state. So despite the lack of character development it was still a relatively enjoyable read. I'm not sure what the next story arc will entail but hopefully things will move forward for the team as a whole.

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Unity #19

Jun 10, 2015

Unity #19is a solid and entertaining issue that does a superb job in introducing a new and exciting villain. I was not feeling the character at all in the brief appearance last issue but now I just want to see more especially considering the last sequence. This issue is a masterful buildup to what could be expected based on Warmonger's backstory even though I'm not sure how she figured out something no one else could. (No spoilers). However, after seeing her capabilities I'm definitely looking forward to the next issue and seeing how this story arc unfolds. All I know is that Unity will have its hands full, and it should be good.

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Unity #20

Jul 8, 2015

Unity #20 is a solid issue that slightly suffers by focusing more on Warmonger's previous battles with former Unity teams as opposed to the current situation and her plans. The previous battles are entertaining, and the artwork is wonderful but after a while it feels like Warmonger's stature as a villain is just being diminished. However, the flashback stories are entertaining and hopefully next issue the focus will be more on the current situation and threat.

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Unity #21

Aug 11, 2015

Unity #21 is an entertaining ride that makes the overall story arc more intriguing with the revelation at the end of this issue. Despite the Warmonger's routine being the same as the previous 2 issues, the flashbacks this time around are more entertaining, and the lines Warmonger uses to justify telling them fit perfectly in shaping the tone of this story arc. I'm still not a huge fan of the artwork for the current events but there aren't many panels with it. So I can't wait to see how Warmonger will be dealt with one last time.

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Veil #1

Mar 5, 2014

Veil #1 is a solid first issue that sets up a very interesting story line and character dynamic that should be very rewarding for readers going forward. Despite almost falling completely into a clich for Veil's first interaction with the world it redeems itself through the connection she actually makes with another character while allowing her to demonstrate a little of her capabilities in an impressive fashion. And in doing so makes her unknown origin just as intriguing as what lies ahead for the duo.

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Veil #2

Apr 2, 2014

Veil #2 is a solid issue that builds on what made the first one enjoyable, and with a hint of Veil's origin and a new character it becomes even more intriguing going forward. The visuals once again are very pleasing and its details and use of colors easily pull you into the world being created in this series. The character development started off strong again but I would really like to see a different catalyst used to advance the story next issue or else an opportunity will be squandered and the characters will come off as one-dimensional since there's only one possible response to that type of situation. However I am looking forward to the next issue as things should become even more interesting for Veil and Dante.

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Veil #3

May 7, 2014

Veil #3 is an excellent issue that moves the series forward with fluid storytelling and captivating artwork while making the true identity of Veil even more intriguing with its revelations. There aren't any answers given regarding the intentions of the Cormac or the group that initially hired him other than it being for some sinister reasons. However I suspect we will be getting those answers soon enough and I'll be looking forward to them.

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Veil #4

Jul 30, 2014

Veil #4 is a solid issue that creates the perfect metaphor for Veil's struggle with her identity, which can be a gruesome reality, and those seeking to control her for their own gain. This issue worked wonderfully in so many ways from the artwork capturing the gruesome reality with its details to Dante's continued role and what he represents. Veil has been a surprising series for me and one I've been enjoying throughout, and with the stakes higher than ever it seems like next issue will be an explosive one.

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Veil #5

Oct 15, 2014

SUMMARYVeil #5 is an enjoyable conclusion to the series and is filled with enough action and beautiful artwork to be entertaining from beginning to end. Veil's internal struggle due to those wanting to have control over her powers was compelling, and made her unique considering her true nature. However I do wish that this was explored more so the reason(s) behind her being so different, as well as Dante's devotion, would have made the overall story more engrossing. And so I hope this world and story is revisited because it's definitely worth another look.

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Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #1

Jun 18, 2014

Witcherfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #1 is an excellent start to a series I had high hopes for and it didn't disappoint as it created the right amount of intrigue with its setup and its heart-racing action provided the necessary punch to finish things off. Sir Edward Grey comes off as an enjoyable character whose personality traits and abilities have so much potential for an entertaining series, and as the mysteries are unraveled I believe the journey will be well rewarded.

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Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #2

Jul 16, 2014

Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #2 is an excellent follow-up issue that continues the blazing start to the series. The heart-pounding suspense is just one of the many enjoyable aspects of the writing and the way the story flows as you'll be so engrossed in the mysteries and the events unfolding, the excitement won't stop until you close the book. And Hallam now being a fully realized town makes what's at stake feel real and solving the mysteries that more vital. Two issues in I'm fully onboard and can't wait to see where Sir Edward takes it from here.

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Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #3

Aug 20, 2014

Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #3 is another excellent entry into what is currently one of my favorite series, and even though some answers are given, it still feels as if anything is possible, which only increases the overall creepiness of the story. Sir Edward continues to be an impressive character despite ignoring an obvious location during a critical moment, and one of the masterful things about this story has been the character interactions, which have been highly enjoyable throughout. Too bad I'll have to wait a month to get my hands on the next issue but so far it's definitely been worth the wait.

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Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #4

Sep 17, 2014

SUMMARYWitchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #4 is a solid penultimate episode that builds up anticipation for the conclusion by providing crucial answers, and in turn, bringing together all the elements that have played a factor in recent events. The wait for answers regarding the Unland was well worth it, and the use of past events was successful in uncovering itsmystique while giving a context to current characters' situations. And I could appreciate the relative complexities of the story, and since I've been enjoying this series from the beginning, it's even more satisfying. I don't know how the rest of this story will unfold but at this point I have the utmost confidence that it will be entertaining, and I can't wait for it.

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Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #5

Oct 20, 2014

Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #5 is an electrifying conclusion to the series that answers all remaining questions while delivering intense action that will leave you haunted by eels for some time. It goes without saying that it's a good thing when the build up to a climax is worth the wait, and this story is successful providing that engrossing feeling. And the artwork is once again indicative of all the enjoyable aspects of this series from the subtle creepiness to the large-scale action sequences, although I wish Sir Edward was more involved in the action. If you haven't picked upWitchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland yet I highly recommend this series. Just don't expect to walk away with a fondness for eels.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #1

Oct 28, 2015

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #1 is a great start to the series laying out an engrossing situation for Gilad that allows for intriguing character development and plenty of action. This issue wastes no time in picking up from the conclusion of the Book of Death series and makes a compelling case to be drawn into Gilad's world and learn more. The time he spends with his family makes him a more rounded character to start, and hopefully the overall situation is explained more in the coming issues. I've been of the mindset that Gilad would be great in his own series and this issue makes me feel this just might be it.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #2

Dec 19, 2015

SUMMARYWrath of the Eternal Warrior #2 is a touching issue that sheds more light on Gilad's family and his past while detailing what he goes through every time he's resurrected. Many questions are answered pertaining to his family being with him in the afterlife and I believe there are some potential story lines there down the line. The generic horde still feels the same but the action is a little more intense and the main demon is slightly intriguing. I'm not sure if this story arc will just result in Gilad returning to Earth or if some elements in the afterlife will be explored further but I'm hoping next issue will give more clarification regarding the direction. However, I'm still enjoying this series so far.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #3

Jan 19, 2016

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #3 is a slightly disappointing issue due to the fact it doesn't address the more intriguing aspects of the current story arc and mostly focuses on Gilad cutting through more generic demons. Yes it's made clearer how strenuous it is for him to come back to life but it becomes redundant because there is no new significant character development. I can thoroughly enjoy action, however, Gilad is a more fascinating character when he's treated as more than just a simple axe. So hopefully next issue can reflect that sentiment.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #5

Mar 16, 2016

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #5 is a powerful start to the story arc detailing in graphic nature the massacre of Gilad's village and the kidnapping of his son. It's effective in making Gilad's motivation extremely clear, and the manner in which this issue unfolds is engrossing with its flashbacks and beautiful artwork. There isn't any additional information given about the Labyrinth or why Gilad's son was targeted but the conclusion of this issue makes me feel that next issue will have the necessary answers. And that's what I'm definitely looking forward to reading.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #6

Apr 12, 2016

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #6is a great follow-up to the last issue with its engrossing story progression shedding light on the plot against Giladwhile containing incredible action sequences throughout. The reincarnation tale early on is a nice touch because the overarching plan can be connected to Gilad's eternal existence and makes the antagonist more intriguing. There aren't many answers regarding the intentions for Kalam, and one of the revelations feels a little clich but the conclusion to this prelude succeeds in increasing my anticipation for the Labyrinth story arc next issue.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #7

May 18, 2016

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #7 is an exceptional issue that like its antagonist gets right to the point subjecting Gilad to brutal experiments while making the goal clear with its story. Sovereign's introduction is impressive and his calculating demeanor makes the issue more intense and the overall story arc more intriguing. Gilad is less impressive this time around but ultimately fits into the story at this point. And the surprise ending raises this story arc to another level so I hope the remainder of it is just as bold.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #8

Jun 14, 2016

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #8 is an intense continuation of the Labyrinth story line tying together elements from Gilad's resurrection process with an intriguing take on a cat and mouse game with Sovereign. The way Sovereign's no-nonsense approach to collecting data on Gilad's repeated deaths is portrayed is perfect in conveying his true goals and raises his stature as a sociopathic kidnapper.Kalam's attempt to give Gilad a message in the midst of this isn't explored other than as failed attempts coming off as either a distraction or a squandered opportunity. However, the conclusion is an exciting development that has me looking forward to next issue even more.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #9

Jul 10, 2016

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #9 is a disappointing issue that provides no answers or story progression as it pertains to Gilad, Sovereign or Kalam. Instead it only covers Gilad's trek through the Labyrinth on the way to Sovereign so the conclusion of this issue feels just like the beginning. There is one bright spot with Kalam's decision to attempt to journey to the land of the living following in Gilad's footsteps but it's way too brief and gives no insight into his thinking. Hopefully next issue adds more depth to this story arc because this issue is largely forgettable.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #11

Sep 11, 2016

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #11 is an entertaining start to the story arc due to the character development throughout. Gilad's interactions with Aric and then his family give much-needed depth to the characters and made me feel more invested in the story line. Some of the unengaging enemies from the start of the series return but hopefully Kalam's involvement this time will make them more interesting. I'm looking forward to next issue not just because this was a good start but so I feel at ease about it not fizzling out at the wrong time.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #14

Dec 18, 2016

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #14 is an overall satisfying issue due to its successful narrative shift to focus on Gilad and his family. Seeing Gilad and Kalam cut through hordes of demons is a sight to behold. And the motivating words they exchange provide a resolution to the previous tension between them. The purported message Kalam had to deliver to Gilad is still somewhat perplexing. But the sheer joy based on the character growth in Gilad's family is a good ending to read.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #0

Oct 8, 2014

X-O Manowar #0 is a successful origin story that shows Aric's deepest motivations and how he not only became one of the greatest warriors in Earth's history but why he fights even to this day. To focus on his first battle and his actions prior as opposed to endless battles was entertaining, revealing and added a unique wrinkle to the fabric of this hero. And the artwork shined throughout with the details making each panel that much sweeter as the story progressed. If you're a fan of X-O Manowar or was just introduced to the character during the Armor Hunters event then you need to check out this issue because you'll gain a greater appreciation of the character.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #26

Jun 30, 2014

X-O Manowar #26 is a solid issue detailing Reebo's first encounter with the armor and therefore showing his understanding of how dangerous it can be in impressive fashion, and as a result successfully establishes his motivation for hunting them. In a way this is also my first encounter with the armor and aside from some hiccups in Wince's tale the destructive nature of the armor was made clear to me in this engrossing issue, and the motivation of the armor hunters makes the conflict with those on Earth defending it more interesting.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #27

Jul 31, 2014

X-O Manowar #27 is a very enjoyable issue that continues to build an engrossing back story for the armor hunters and in doing so makes the crossover event that much more exciting, and richly complex. The origin of the armors is shown to an extent and the convincing of Reebo to jump completely into this task was believable, as was choosing him as leader. The setup is perfect to show how a squad initially eager to undertake this task can become weary after a long war and just want to get the job done. And the revelation of how an armor has to be killed makes the potential climax in the main series very interesting. And in the moment that made all the other members of the squad hesitate, any doubts I had about this series ending strong were erased.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #28

Aug 27, 2014

X-O Manowar #28 is an entertaining issue that gives critical answers regarding the Armor Hunters and what created the situation prior to their visit to Earth, but raises some equally important questions about their portrayal in the main series. Reebo's brutal action in ordering the destruction of Mexico City stands in stark contrast to the actions he takes here but it seems as if that will be answered next issue. At least I'm hopeful of that. However this issue did addmore nuance to the characters and showed what they believed in. In addition to making me look forward to the next issue and anticipating the crucial answer it'll contain, I'm also more intrigued by the Armor Hunters as a whole, and even the fate of Control. So in that regard, this issue succeeds.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #29

Sep 24, 2014

X-O Manowar #29 is a solid follow-up to the Armor Hunters event and plants some interesting seeds for future story lines to develop with the new status quo. The existence of those who don't want a cure to exist for the armor along with the revelation at the end of this issue has me excited for what's ahead for Aric and the different parties in play. The crossover event was my introduction to the character and the history of the armor, and now I'm ready to see them in action in other storylines.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #30

Nov 19, 2014

X-O Manowar #30 is a very promising start to a new story arc with the intriguing Armorines led by Zahn, and the push in the U.N. to account for all alien technology. The contrast between him and Aric was presented in an entertaining way that immediately gave Zahn a context but his character wasn't simply presented as a caricature. So I'm looking forward to their battle/interaction. And I'm also interested in how the politics will affect the status quo including the secrets still being kept by G.A.T.E.. So I'm on board with this new story arc and can't wait to see how events unfold.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #31

Dec 27, 2014

X-O Manowar #31 is an excellent follow-up issue as Zahn's grand scheme to destroy Aric is put into motion in an intense and surprising manner. Zahn's ruthlessness was on display last issue but this issue takes it up another level as his cunning mind is only matched by his arrogance and recklessness. Since the U.N. resolution was passed there have been issues brewing throughout the various Valiant titles, and Zahn's actions could play a huge role in bringing all of that to a head. Even without greater repercussions it's still an interesting time for Aric as he has his family established and happy, and this issue is the start of him addressing bigger problems in his new role, starting with Zahn. And it makes for a very entertaining read.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #32

Jan 30, 2015

X-O Manowar #32 is an electrifying conclusion to the story arc with the build up of the battle between Aric and Zahn being worth the wait. I've been looking forward to seeing Aric utilize his suit in a battle like this since the Armor Hunters event, and from the moment he takes the offensive to the end of the battle, I was on the edge of my seat. The artwork conveyed the intensity of it perfectly, and the story wrapped things up nicely. I'm feeling really good about future story arcs for X-O Manowar, and I can't wait to see what's next on the agenda.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #33

Feb 8, 2015

X-O Manowar #33 is an excellent start to the new story arc and successfully introduces cosmic events while tying them to Aric's character and past. I really enjoy how Aric's character development is treated with consistency, and as a result it's easy to become engrossed in the various situations. Not much is shown about the new threat but the sequence of events is very intriguing so I'm looking forward to seeing what unfolds next, and more about the prophecy.Rafa Sandoval provides great artwork in this first issue and I'm pleased with the choice. I thought that the last story arc was so dope and would be hard to top but I have high expectations for this one now too.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #34

Mar 4, 2015

X-O Manowar #34 is an exciting issue that ties the recent Armor Hunters event to the survival of Loam, the Armor's homeworld. It was pretty cool to see them back in action briefly, even if it was just a flashback. It made the arrival of Dead Hand on Loam even more foreboding, and its activities more intriguing. And once Aric got involved the action was even more entertaining. However, Aric's portrayal regarding his wife was really perplexing nor did this issue clarify any connection to Aric's past like Shanhara was attempting to show him. But I'm looking forward to next issue and seeing more of who or what is Dead Hand, and I can't wait.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #37

Jun 18, 2015

X-O Manowar #37 is a satisfying conclusion to the Dead Hand story arc, and what it lacks in making Dead Hand feel like an imposing villain, it more than makes up for by showing the armors are a force to be reckoned with in the universe. Dead Hand'sgoal is made clear and intriguing but the fact armors couldn't be destroyed like that makes this ultimate plan even more questionable. The action is intense, and the hint about seeing other armors in the future is enough to get me excited for what's to come.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #39

Aug 12, 2015

X-O Manowar #39 is an enjoyable start to the story arc and successfully sets the stage to address the Vine's current situation in a multi-faceted and entertaining way. Their sudden arrival on Earth creates a myriad of problems, and the actions of a jet fighter pilot only highlights one aspect of it. I do wish the Vine's connection to the armors, and as a result the Armor Hunters, was addressed at least a little but that can still happen down the line. For now, I'm interested in seeing where things go from here.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #40

Sep 1, 2015

X-O Manowar #40 is a strong follow-up to last issue, and drastically raises the stakes of the Vine coming to Earth by revealing hidden Vine plantings sent ages ago with their own agenda. And restoring the command back to Aric makes his difficult position clearer as he tries to maintain the peace and deal with the concerns of his people. Commander Trill is a welcome addition making the Vine's choice in light of recent events possibly more complicated. And now that the stage is set in a more meaningful (and enjoyable) way, I'm looking forward to seeing what's ahead for all parties involved.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #42

Nov 28, 2015

X-O Manowar #42 is a solid issue filled with action and interesting developments that result in a satisfying conclusion to this story arc. It's been a slow build up to the conflict between the Vine and G.A.T.E. butit's anenjoyable battle while it lasts. Aric's ability to enter the Vine's mindspace is an exciting development and I can't wait to see how this impacts the hunt for the plantings and inevitable confrontation with Commander Trill. This issue doesn't explore the deeper ramifications of the Vine living on Earth but I assume that will be done in the next story arc. I'm just glad about this exciting new chapter in X-O Manowar.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #43

Jan 6, 2016

X-O Manowar #43 is a tantalizing start to this story arc setting the bar high for subsequent issues with its no holds barred action, the dynamics of the overall situation and story progression. It starts off with a bang and only slows down to develop an engrossing story that takes time to address the intricacies of the overall situation with the Vine's arrival. I do wish more was shown with the Vine in terms of how they're viewed around the world good or bad. But overall it's a very promising start to what can be an incredible story arc.

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X-O Manowar (2012) Annual #1

May 18, 2016

Artist: J.G. Jones, Pere Perez, Mike McKone, Adam Gorham, Roberto De La Torre

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X-O Manowar (2012): Valiant 25th Anniversary Special #1

Jun 10, 2015

X-O Manowar: Valiant 25th Anniversary Special #1 isan engrossing issue that does an excellent job with Shanhara's character development making the armor more intriguing with a touching story. The history of Shanhara's transformation as well as the Vine's subsequent worship is detailed in an entertaining way that sheds light on the Vine's behavior and Aric being chosen. I've been enjoying X-O Manowar and looking forward to every issue, and now I'm even more excited about what lies ahead for Aric and his unique armor, Shanhara.

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X-O Manowar (2017) #1

Mar 9, 2017

X-O Manowar #1 does an outstanding job in portraying Aric's mentality and creating a fresh, new scenario for him. His relationship with Schon and Shanhara speaks volumes and are responsible for the riveting start. The action sequences here work mostly because of Tomas Giorello's artwork. Since the overall context for the war isn't clear and Aric isn't the narrator, it's not as engrossing as the beginning. However, I'm looking forward to what's next after this exciting start.

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X-O Manowar (2017) #2

Apr 29, 2017

X-O Manowar #2is a solid follow-up with more engaging action sequences than the first. Aric as leader of characters with even a little bit of depth made the conflict more interesting. The artwork is still incredible. I just hope next issue there's more Aric and Shanhara.

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X-O Manowar (2017) #3

May 25, 2017

X-O Manowar #3takes the series to a new level by laying out Aric's new situation in a riveting manner. This issue not only made me care about his team more but also the stakes in this conflict. And the action sequences are electrifying. The only thing missing from this series has been the deep connection between Aric and Shanhara. However, Aric's conclusion has me excited more than before about the direction of this series.

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X-O Manowar (2017) #8

Nov 6, 2017

X-O Manowar #8 is a solid conclusion to the first chapter of Aric's time on the planet. The stage is wonderfully set by Aric's somber interactions with his comrades. And the battle itself is intriguing and varies from earlier battles with an enjoyable climax. However, the ending reiterated the challenge facing Aric after the final battle but that message is conveyed better at the start of the issue. But I'm looking forward to the next story arc and seeing how Aric handles his new responsibilities.

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