Shaper #2

Writer: Eric Heisserer Artist: Ace Continuado, Adelso Corona Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: April 15, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Eighteen-year-old Spry has just learned that he is a member of the hunted race of shape shifters known as Shapers-and that his newfound parents have been captured by the all-powerful Caliphate. Determined to rescue his parents, Spry discovers that the best bounty hunter in the galaxy owes his mom a favor . . .

  • 9.1
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Apr 20, 2015

    So I've been enjoying the pace of this series, and the way its handled its characters and overall story so far. And now I'm more interested in what made the Shapers a unique target to Cal Victus. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - John F. Trent Apr 14, 2015

    Shaper #2 continues the strong start from the first issue by expanding the number of actors and providing excellent characterization. Eric Heisserer uses a multi-storyline narrative style to great effect, building up your interest in the characters and their struggles and quickly transitioning to do the same for another character once the story reached a climactic peak. The art was a bit of a downgrade from Felipe Massafera. It lacked the unique style he brought to the first book. However, the action scenes were engaging and there appears to be a definite Star Wars influence. This is shaping up to be a top pull. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Apr 15, 2015

    Shaper #2 is a good sign of things to come in a series where the concept of Shapers pulls you in with a general sense of emotions and adventure. Who knows how far things will go to avoid that prophecy, but if anything like what we have seen in this issue things will only get worse before they get any better. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Apr 15, 2015

    The second installment of Shaper is a much easier and smoother read overall as it expands on what we know but doesn't have to deal with throwing so much at us so quickly. Keeping it to two main story points helps, even as both move along at a breakneck pace in some ways, but it sticks to the old space opera feeling in how it unfolds. The writing is still solid and enjoyable, less convoluted here as it's not trying to establish all that much that's new, and the artwork has a great smoothness to it as we see the various locales and the kinds of aliens and other oddities out there. It's definitely a fun book that hits some good marks, and continues to show the potential it has if it's able to ge the time to stretch things out a bit and not rush forward quite so much. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - David Gladman Apr 14, 2015

    Overall, thisis a really good issue and I highly recommend picking it up if you fancy something a little different from your sci-fi. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Steven E. Paugh Apr 15, 2015

    Like its first issue, though much less literally, Shaper #2 ends on a bit of a shock, but it boasts a much more evenly-paced build to that crescendo and for all its faults, is a book I plan on sticking with for a while. It wouldn't call it a necessarily vital read, but if you've got a spare four bucks and an empty space in your pile this week, definitely check it out. Read Full Review

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