Star Wars: Rebel Heist #1
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Star Wars: Rebel Heist #1

Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Marco Castiello Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: April 30, 2014 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 19 User Reviews: 2
7.1Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

A young Rebel meets one of the Alliance’s best for his first mission. But the young man’s hero worship is crushed by the reality of Han Solo. A botched escape, a ship that doesn’t work—could it be that Solo is just a lucky bumbler whose luck has run out?

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Charles Joy Apr 29, 2014

    So, I am not sure what the die-hard Star Wars fanatic is going to think, but this casual Star Wars informed, Matt Kindt fan really digs this first of four part mini-series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes May 3, 2014

    An interesting start that has me completely lost as to where this is heading. And that's something to relish! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali May 1, 2014

    Star Wars Rebel Heist #1 is a really good start to a series that is set during a well-known time but creates a story that is suspenseful and interesting while highlighting the attributes that made a character so enjoyable. The new recruit comes off as very green, which I'm sure was intended, and it also makes the rebels' hidden plan more intriguing but hopefully he smartens up going forward. And so I have a really good feeling about this series and I'm looking forward to the next series of events. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Apr 30, 2014

    Star Wars: Rebel Heist #1 throws you into familiar territory with characters you know, and a world you know. The perspective though is new, and voice interesting. Mixing action and humor, I found myself getting to the end with a smile on my face, having wrapped up the first issue of an entertaining adventure. One that got me to laugh, and took me for a ride. Even if you're not a Star Wars fan, this first issue is a fantastic start and a great read. I figured Kindt would deliver something special, and it looks like he has. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Apr 30, 2014

    I'm a bit of a hard sell on the Star Wars franchise in general when it comes to moving away from the movies because of the sheer size of it all at this point and the overall connected nature of so much of what has come before. With this series, we're getting a bit of a smaller story that for its opening issue focuses on Han Solo through a different character's perspective as a mission goes all wonky in a big way. The inner monologue works well and it helps to paint a good picture that's aided by the visual design of it all. Matt Kindt definitely hits the right tone for the serie with this opening installment and has me actively looking forward to seeing what the next installment will be like to see if it can be carried forward from there to tell a larger tale of a time just after A New Hope. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson Apr 29, 2014

    I'll be honest, this is a series that won me over with its premise before I'd even picked it up, but I'm happy to say that the execution definitely doesn't disappoint. This is an eye-opening and creative take on the well-established Star Wars Universe, and a perfect opportunity for the inner fanboy (or fangirl) in all of us to get up close and personal with our iconic heroes. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Milo Milton Jefferies Apr 30, 2014

    If youre a fan of Star Wars action that doesnt for now have any Jedi in it and like reading stuff set between the timeline of the original saga, then this will be right up your street. Matt Kindt is an impressive writer and he should be able to tell an impressive tale over the course of this four issue mini-series. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Apr 30, 2014

    Im so very intrigued by this issue and by this books mission statement in general. A book that explores the darker, non-force related side of the Star Wars universe is something I 100% endorse as it makes the universe far, far more interesting. As much as I love the Jedi and Sith, the entire universe rotating on the axis of what theyre up to can get a little dull, particularly as it often results in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE being at stake, so a book focusing on a more intimate story is just what I wanted to see. The Rebellion might be known for their massive victories, but Im intrigued by the small plots that made those victories possible as well. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 1, 2014

    Marco Castiello's art certainly does a good job of conveying the grit and grime of the Star Wars universe. The facial work outside of Han is fairly muddled and indistinct (though again, this could be intentional to an extent). Like many Star Wars comics, there's a certain inconsistency to how well Castiello renders familiar costumes and technology. It looks like authentic Star Wars in some ways, but less so in others. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain May 4, 2014

    A decent enough start to a new mini-series in the classic era, but could definitely have been better. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Peter Schmeiser May 28, 2014

    Marco Castiellos pencils ushers us through unfamiliar and familiar visuals while the story twists and turns. While Matt Kindts narrative describes Hans swagger and attitude, Marco Castiellos pencils back it up visually, earning our trust in the visuals, and letting us take in the scenery of Corellia. The cliffhanger at the end actually leaves me wanting to see how Han plans on escaping, and if he should take this green rebel recruit with him. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Mark Pritchard Apr 30, 2014

    So should you pick up a copy of Star Wars Rebel Heist #1? If you are a Star Wars fanboy who likes Han Solo (and who doesn't?) then sure, why not? It's only four issues long, and its got Han Solo in it, so it's not going to be terrible. Matt Kindt has gone all fanboy with it, and like I said in my introduction, some people will hate that. I'm okay with it at the moment, but my opinion could very well change. If this is just going to be a self-indulgent book where Matt Kindt gets to hang out with Han Solo then it's probably not going to be the best Star Wars book in the world. Get it if you like Han Solo, but be warned. This is fanboy stuff that reads like something a schoolboy would have written in 1979. It has a nostalgic quality to it, but don't get your hopes up for anything special happening here, because if you do you'll probably end up feeling a little bit disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp May 7, 2014

    With each issue centering around the combination of both a core Star Wars character and original characters to the expanded Star Wars Universe Star Wars: Rebel Heist gets off to a good start here. I like Marco Castiello's art (even if some panels do feel a bit rushed) and Matt Kindt captures Solo through the eyes of of a hero-worshiping fanboy in way over his head. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    Multiversity Comics - Vince Ostrowski May 1, 2014

    “Star Wars: Rebel Heist” #1 performs just like its hero tends to when he allies are in a jam. It comes through as a fully fleshed tale of intrigue by the end and, in the end, gets you with its roguish charm. But it's messy and takes its time in getting there, all the while kind of telling you what you already know. For fans of Han Solo, the book is a must, because it celebrates the character by embodying the point of view of a fan. For everyone else, it's worth a browse, because it really does pull through in the final pages. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Ashley Victoria Robinson May 1, 2014

    Star Wars: Rebel Heist #1 is just that: fun. The $3.50 price point is a bit steep for a middle-of-the-road issue, but if you love this universe and everything that comes with it and want to read a pretty cool series of chase scenes with a little narrative twist at the end its worth taking the time to flip through. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Erik McAlister Apr 30, 2014

    This story reads like the writer is a fan of Han Solo as a character, but I'm not sure that he has any business writing for him. And the only interesting aspects of the issue come in the final four pages. Which is the only reason that this issue crosses the threshold between "dislike" and "like" in a positive way. The last four pages just isn't enough for me. Keep in mind that this is just one man's opinion, and that you need to make your own decision about its quality, but I'm the one reviewing it here. I probably won't be picking it up anymore. I'll stick with Legacy until the year is up. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza May 1, 2014

    "Star Wars; Rebel Heist" #1 isn't the greatest "Star Wars" comic book that Dark Horse has ever published, and quite honestly, it's mostly forgettable. Lucky for Kindt and crew, however, that the opening installment of this series features one of the brand's most revered characters. If nothing else, that will keep readers coming back. Hopefully the next issue peels back the shroud of mystery a bit and elevates the story. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Justin Giampaoli May 6, 2014

    Marco Castiello's art is helped along in the aesthetic consistency department with nice color from Gabe Eltaeb, and even lettering from Michael Heisler (the team from the "regular" Brian Wood Star Wars), but the art itself is littered with awkward proportions and weird posturing. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Apr 30, 2014

    Overall, there's little reason for any but the most die-hard of Star Wars fans to pick up this book. Caper-story enthusiasts will be disappointed by the lack of an actual heist or any indication of a heist to come in later issues. And comic fans will be turned off by the mediocre artwork and dry plot. Read Full Review

  • 10
    seksienvoy May 2, 2014

    Upon reading the first fanboy was smiling. Told after the battle of yavin, this story begins with a young Han Solo in all his glory. The Han Solo that I remember, ruthless....and calculated at the same time. This story is following along to the holy trilogy closely enough that I will be interested to see what happens next. A 10 out of 10.

  • 8.0
    GreyMouser May 2, 2014

    Another classic Star Wars title that has me excited, even though its only a mini-series. It looks like this will focus on one of my favorite characters of all time, Han Solo! First off the Art, colors and character recognition are quite good. Design and Price VS. page count is decent, but there are some ADs interrupting the story. The writing was quite good until the last few pages when it got odd and confusing and just plain lame by the last page. But i'm giving it the benefit of the doubt and going for issue #2, which i hope will explain the turn of events.

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