Erik McAlister's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Bastards Reviews: 87
8.3Avg. Review Rating

Abe Sapien (2013) #7

Nov 13, 2013

So far, I like Abe Sapien, but it's mostly just Abe wandering around "trying to figure things out". I don't really know how much longer this creative team can keep that interesting. I can tell that these events are eventually going to lead up to something that will kick our butts, but I'm getting a little restless here. I'm always blown away every time each one of Mignola's series reaches its climax, but I guess I've grown a little more paranoid as I read more. I've been disappointed by "sure things" one too many times. However, even though I have yet to be disappointed by anything that Mike Mignola has attached to his name, I am still hesitant to sing the praises just yet.

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Abe Sapien (2013) #8

Dec 11, 2013

I'm not exactly sure if I would put this in the "jumping on point" category as much as the "breath of fresh air" category, but I suggest giving it a read. If you're eager to see what is going to happen in the grand scheme of things with the whole apocalyptic story arc that is currently happening, you may want to skip this, but I strongly advise against doing that. This is a book for people who love Abe Sapien. So in saying that, I promise that you'll like it. If not, feel free to send some negative e-mails my way; I'm not that hard to get in touch with.

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Abe Sapien (2013) #9

Jan 8, 2014

The only thing, and I repeat, the only thing that keeps me from giving this issue a perfect score is that I just don't know where it's going. Is this post-catastrophe world that these characters are living in ever going to get any better. This place sucks. I wanna see some hint of maybe something happening in the near future that will get this universe back on track. These characters have been basically just existing in a world where death lurks around every corner for a very long time. Pretty soon, if something doesn't improve their situation, they're all going to lose their minds. I don't know how they've managed to keep it together this long. Guys, please. I want to see them start to find ways to fix things. If they don't start fixing things soon, there won't be any reason to keep coming up with hellish story arcs. Hell is already here.

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Abe Sapien (2013) #10

Feb 12, 2014

I'm still waiting to see what will be the next turning point in the series. At this rate, it could be anything. I'm starting to think that the only thing that will get Abe back on track is a kick in the butt by Hellboy himself, but he's a little preoccupied right now (you know, with being in Hell and everything). For now, Abe Sapien is staying in my pull list, but I can't wait for a reunion. That would hook me indefinitely.

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Adventure Time (2012) #22

Nov 22, 2013

With as much as this series has going for it, the lack of just one of these things can bring the entire book tumbling to the ground. And this issue is definitely missing something. I urge you to give it a read and get back to me. There is definitely a discussion here. As for my final opinion, it won't be as positive as I was expecting it to be.

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Batman Beyond 2.0 #7

Nov 8, 2013

If I haven't convinced you to read this series, I apologize. But if you do decide to give it a shot, you will not be disappointed. I've been reading comics for a long time and this is as good as it gets, folks. The end of this arc is right around the corner and I couldn't be more excited for it. I will hate to see it end, but I know it's going to be great.

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Batman Beyond 2.0 #8

Nov 17, 2013

Overall it is a good ending for the story, but it just seems a little uneventful. I want to make sure that I clarify something though; it tied the arc together well. Everything that should have happened, happens. It might not happen in as much of an exciting way as I was hoping, but I'm not going to pretend that it doesn't deliver satisfying results. My expectations may have just been too high this time around. I really was expecting a lot this week.

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Black/White #1

Mar 14, 2014

Get in touch with these guys as soon as you can. You can't afford to let a book like this escape your grasp. I jumped on it the second that I could, and I suggest that you do too.

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Brain Boy #0

Dec 12, 2013

In case you missed this in Dark Horse Presents, this serves as a great jumping on point for a new reader or icing on the cake for anyone that has been reading already and wants to backtrack a little bit. So I guess what I'm really saying is, try to get on board with this series early.

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Brain Boy #3

Nov 20, 2013

I suggest you pick up this book. Dark Horse has a winner here, especially if it keeps its current creative team. I almost wish that Dark Horse wasn't putting out its zero issues next month, because I'm really curious about what happens next to Agent Price. Regardless, if you were trying to decide whether or not to give it a chance, ponder no further.

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Brain Boy: The Men from G.E.S.T.A.L.T. #1

May 21, 2014

Make sure to bring some popcorn and possibly a seatbelt, people. This is going to be an entertaining ride, but not without some bumps and sharp turns along the way.

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C.O.W.L. (2014) #1

May 28, 2014

Now try to think of my score more in terms of my enjoyment level, and not a measure of quality. I tried to dig it, but I probably won't continue reading it. Maybe I misunderstood what the overall feel of the book would be when I first heard about it, I don't know, but it definitely won't be added to my pull list.

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Clown Fatale #1

Nov 13, 2013

Overall, I don't recommend this issue to anyone. But more specifically, don't waste your money. I'm sure that you could get the same satisfaction that this kind of comic offers on the internet for free.

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Coffin Hill #1

Nov 2, 2013

The writing of Kittredge definitely keeps your attention. As I said earlier, I felt uncomfortable with the entire issue. Of course, it was a good kind of discomfort if that even exists. And Miranda's art has been matched up perfectly to the writing style. For a dark story, the colors really pop and the pages flow smoothly due to a nice panel format. The creators took their time planning this series, and it really shows in the first issue. I hope that it stays this way. If so, I see this title landing on top rated lists for years to come.

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Coffin Hill #3

Dec 16, 2013

I honestly didn't know what to expect from this issue as a whole when I first started reading, but I definitely know now that we're being set up for some killer stuff. But before I end this review, I do want to point out that the colors were terrific. Colorists sometimes seem to be the unsung heroes of a series, but I want to make sure that I make a point to give credit where credit is due. There were a few panels that really made me glad that I still read this series. Eva De La Cruz should be proud. So as you can see, as a whole this series continues to impress. I can't remember the last time that I was satisfied with every single issue of an ongoing book. I know that it hasn't been out for that long, but it's definitely staying in my pull.

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Coffin Hill #4

Jan 16, 2014

Coffin Hill continues to be the most interesting series that I've been reading lately. Aside from that one hiccup (that may only be in my mind), I'm still very impressed with everything that I've seen so far. This is a six issue arc. That means that there are two to go. I know that Caitlin Kittredge and Inaki Miranda are going to deliver. I wouldn't still be reading if there was any doubt of that. I look forward to the next two months.

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Conan the Barbarian #22

Nov 20, 2013

Honestly, even if you haven't followed this entire series, start here. One of the first things that I noticed was that I didn't feel like I needed to know all of the history of these characters when I started reading the first page. It definitely does help, though. I have a feeling that you'll regret it if you don't ever give this series a chance. I'm assuming that because you're reading this review that you know a thing or two about Conan the Barbarian, but in the off-chance that you were just curious, check it out. Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli just opened a can of whoop ass on us.

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Conan the Barbarian #23

Dec 18, 2013

Don't forget, folks, this run by Brian Wood is almost over. You really can't afford to miss these events. This has been one of my favorite ongoing series for two years now. If you haven't had a chance to jump in yet, you're really missing out. No lie, you need to get online and add every single issue of this book to your cart as soon as you can. What the hell are you waiting for? Stop screwing around and make the best comic book purchase of your life.

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Conan the Barbarian #24

Jan 22, 2014

I won't keep going on and on this week about how this series has changed the way that I read comics, maybe when Wood's run is complete, but I will say that something is different here. There comes a time in every person's life that certain moments start to make up who you are. I guess that you could call these "defining moment". We start to show symptoms (for lack of a better word) of our experiences. Whether these symptoms come from something that we've experienced firsthand, heard in a conversation, watched, or read. I will never read comics the same way again. That is for sure. This is one of those moments.

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Criminal Macabre: The Eyes Of Frankenstein #3

Nov 27, 2013

Leave it to Steve Niles to make you think that a story is going in one direction, but totally throw you off last minute. That's what I found so exciting by the time I got to the end of this issue. He always keeps you guessing. We have the finale of this arc next month and I can assure you that you'll want to be there. I definitely will be.

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Criminal Macabre: The Eyes Of Frankenstein #4

Dec 18, 2013

Of course, I have no idea when the next time will be that Steve will grace us with another Cal McDonald mystery, but I can't wait. But until then, I will definitely be gaining some grey hairs in anticipation.

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Curse #1

Jan 15, 2014

I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't very excited for what these very talented creators have in store for us. This book is going to be worth every second that you'll spend flipping through its pages. Curse is fast, smart, and brutal. Three ingredients for one hell of a ride.

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Curse #2

Feb 19, 2014

Not a very long review, I know, but I think that it's safe to say that this may be the general consensus. A good issue, but not nearly the impressive all around storytelling of its predecessor. I'm sure that the best is yet to come though. This is just the calm before the storm. Or maybe I just have the wrong expectations for this book.

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Curse #3

Mar 19, 2014

I can't wait to see what this creative team has in store for us next month in the conclusion. But if it's anything like the lead-up, I'm sure that it won't disappoint. I have my theories on what could possibly happen, but I don't want to be correct. I wouldn't mind a total mind-blow. Occasionally those really deliver. And I think that this may be the team that can do it.

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Curse #4

Apr 16, 2014

I wrote last month that I thought that I may have known where this was going, but I was wrong. But that's okay, I didn't want to be right. However, I didn't want to be disappointed either. I really think that I made a good opening argument to why I feel the way that I do. If you need to be reminded, and aren't eager to instantly hate me for disagreeing with you, please re-read my opening. But I still wish this team all the luck and success. Maybe I'm the only person that feels this way.

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Cyber Force (2012) #7

Nov 7, 2013

Anyway, that's just my opinion. So in closing, I just want to reiterate that I liked this issue. I like the series in general, but I do have some concerns as you can see. I suggest that you give issue six a read if you haven't already, and then go pick this up. If you want to follow a series that is a lot of fun and full of pretty cool stuff, look no further. Just don't expect anything too grand.

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Cyber Force (2012) #9

May 8, 2014

So let me just say this about the overall experience this month. If I had no idea who was writing it or who was drawing it, I'd think that this issue was pretty alright. And I mean that in the most complimentary way. I never have to worry about it being boring or derivative, and that is freaking awesome. So in closing, I would give this book a chance if you haven't already. It's one of the few books out there that is still under the $2.99 mark that is actually worth it. That should be motivation enough right there.

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Dept Of Monsterology #2

Nov 20, 2013

I've had a lot of luck lately. I've really enjoyed most of the stuff that I've reviewed and actually just read in general. This is a good time for comics and this series just adds to that. If this were a group review, I'd be giving this issue a bold "buy" all in caps. I may have even thrown an exclamation point in there. Hopefully I'll see you all here next month.

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Dept Of Monsterology #3

Dec 18, 2013

So in closing, I'm going to say that I can't wait for the conclusion of this arc. I just know that it's all going to be worthwhile in the end. Everything is going to come together. That's all that any of us can hope for. Until next time.

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Dept Of Monsterology #4

Jan 6, 2014

Now I look at this review and notice that I haven't really written that much. I usually tend to stick to a set word count, but you don't need me to keep rambling on and on about how great this book is. You also don't need to hear every single little opinion that I have if you're already convinced (which you are). I'm a fan just like you, and I'm telling you to pick this up. You won't be disappointed. If you've followed the story at all to this point, doesn't it just make perfect sense to finish what you started? Of course it does.

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Evil Empire #2

Apr 23, 2014

I would only recommend this book to certain people. I'm not exactly sure how big the fan base could possibly be for something like this, but it's good. I really like it. It might have to be one of those comics that you just take a chance on because there's this really awesome reviewer online telling you to. This review is for all you people out there who was totally intrigued by the cover and wondered what it was all about, like me.

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Flash Gordon #1

Apr 9, 2014

I hope that everyone reading this review gives this book a chance regardless of how much I didn't like it. I would love to hear some feedback. Get in touch with me on Twitter. Tell me why I was wrong and you're right. Or just tell me how much you agree with me. Whatever. I love a good discussion based on comic book quality.

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Hawken: Melee #1

Dec 4, 2013

Unfortunately, Hawken: Melee is actually a five part series where each issue is a standalone story, and Dan only writes the first issue. That's enough to get me interested in the rest of the series however. If the other writers handle it like he does, there shouldn't be a problem. I think that the audience for this book will really get into it. It isn't over-complicated, it's fun to look at, and it's a blast being inside the head of this pilot while he is delivering this inner monologue.

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Hawken: Melee #2

Dec 19, 2013

I enjoyed this issue for what it was, but I don't think that it was anything groundbreaking. It was cool to look at, but I would have preferred that it, in some way follow in the same direction that the other Hawken books have gone. I'm not saying that it needed to be more violent, God forbid that I sound like some kind of warmonger, but I definitely wanted to see some more action. Or maybe I just wanted to see a little more action that didn't involve some fast-talking super-douche that didn't know when to shut up. The message was definitely important, and I get the reasoning why someone would need to see the negatives of being a jerk, but I just don't think that this was the right format to get that point across. So this issue was interesting. I hope that that is enough incentive to get you to go pick this up, because it's definitely worth a read. But if I were doing a group review on this, I think that I'd slap a "Borrow" on it.

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Hawken: Melee #3

Jan 3, 2014

I'm starting to get the impression that the first issue of this series is the only one that will really brings anything fresh and exciting to the world of Hawken. I wasn't too impressed with last month's issue either. I'm really hoping that the stories that are forthcoming are going to bring back the, for lack of a better word, coolness, of the series. I actually had high hopes after I finished Dave Abnett's issue. I just think that the idea behind this standalone experiment has run out of gas. Something exciting is definitely past due in the Hawken universe.

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Hellboy in Hell #5

Dec 4, 2013

In closing I would just like to reiterate that if you've been at all on the fence about spending an extra $2.99 for your monthly pull list, stop wasting time. This is going to be yet another groundbreaking era for the Mignolaverse. Dark Horse's cash cow is going to be delivering for a long time to come.

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Hinterkind #2

Nov 7, 2013

Both the writing and art seem a little weak right off. But like I said earlier, this could really be a series that surprises everybody. I could even see this becoming a sleeper hit. So I would watch for it. I'm really thinking that I haven't seen anything too impressive yet because of the fact that nothing has really happened yet. That is definitely a possibility. I plan on sticking around for a bit. I got a good feeling about this one.

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Hinterkind #3

Dec 5, 2013

Overall, I feel like this has been the best issue so far, but it still seems like the carrot is just dangling in front of our faces while we're being lead along with the promise of great things. I really hope that the waiting that we're going to be doing isn't for much longer, and that there is in fact, something big planned for us. It really does feel like something awesome is going to happen soon. I can almost taste it, and I'd like to think that I would never let myself be led along in vain like this. So my final verdict: realistically, I don't know. Go to your local shop and pick this up" or don't.

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Imagine Agents #2

Nov 25, 2013

I recommend that you pick up this series. So far, it's totally worth the investment and you won't regret it. It reminds me of when I was a kid and I used to get worried about a character when they were going into a dark room, or when I heard the dramatic music would pick up right about the time that something bad was going to happen. It takes me back, and that right there makes all the difference.

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Imagine Agents #3

Dec 18, 2013

This series is undeniably one of the best series of the year. I can't believe that it will be ending next month. I'm not exactly sure that there is enough content to warrant an ongoing series, but so far, I have been so impressed with the potential that I see each month. Maybe four issues is enough. I definitely wouldn't want it to become one of those bloated series that runs out of gas after an arc or two, but somehow keeps holding on waiting for the next big story to hit. Those kinds of books tend to create more and more desperation every time the talent changes. I love this book. I'm going to miss it.

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Imagine Agents #4

Jan 15, 2014

I would recommend this book to anyone. If you have a kid trying to get into comics or a best buddy that just can't find anything that keeps his attention, here you go. This truly has something for everyone. It's funny, dramatic, and pulls at your heartstrings all at the same time. It was an awesome series. I'm looking forward to more. Who knows what these guys are going to come up with next? As far as I'm concerned, Boom Studios is on fire. Imagine Agents is going to be around for a while.

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Indestructible #2

Jan 15, 2014

The bar has been set, and it's a high one. IDW and Darby Pop make it easy to pick up a new series this year by putting Indestructible on the shelves of your local comic shop.

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Indestructible #3

Feb 5, 2014

Indestructible gets another perfect score from me this month. I'm happy to say that I'm never on the fence about scoring this book. I always know the second that I finish the last page. Jeff Kline and Christopher Johnson make quite the creative team. And with publishers like IDW and Darby Pop backing them up, I'd say that they will continue getting the necessary tools to give us great reads month after month.

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Indestructible #4

Mar 12, 2014

I could be worrying a little prematurely, but I am afraid that this series is running out of gas. It kind of feels like everything is winding down. Of course, the way that this issue ends, I could see it picking back up, but I just have this weird feeling. I always get this way when I read comics with very little dialogue. But also, the addition of some new blood could be exactly what this series needs. And also my paranoia may just be getting the best of me. We'll see.

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Indestructible #5

Apr 9, 2014

Well I guess that I've made my point or points. If you don't agree… well that actually makes me happy. I want to think that maybe I'm just super wrong and everyone else is much more level-headed. But I do not believe that that is the case.

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Lazarus #5

Dec 11, 2013

I can tell that we're going to be in for a great show. We have a phenomenal creative team combined with a publisher that brings its Agame every time it steps up. I can't really think of anything that will be able to stop this freight train that is Lazarus.

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Lazarus #6

Feb 5, 2014

Now that I'm done kissing this book's butt (I definitely let my inner fanboy get the best of me here), I can close out by saying that Lazarus should be on everybody's pull list. I'm not an advocate of telling anyone that they'll love anything, but give this book a chance. If you like the style of either one of these guys, you can't lose.

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Lazarus #7

Mar 20, 2014

Ok, there is a small firefight. I forgot. But that's the point, I think. The Barrets are a forgettable story element. Now that I think about it, that is my main issue with this book currently. I do not care about them. There is nothing interesting there. Nothing. Enough with the Barrets already. But if things continue to go the way that they currently are, that issue may not exist anymore.

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Legends of the Dark Knight #79

Dec 3, 2013

I guess that the real bottom line is that I'm recommending this issue. But I'm also strongly suggesting that you go back and read the whole story. I'm sure that you know how the whole digital series thing works by now. We're seeing more and more digital series all the time. This is why they stick around.

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #2

Apr 10, 2014

I'm looking forward to really digging another series. It's hard for me to stay interested for more than a one arc if the momentum doesn't stay the same. It looks like there is enough story here to keep it going for a while. And it's about freaking time. I'm pumped.

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #3

May 22, 2014

I wasn't going to mention this, but I can't just be too nauseatingly positive. I gotta keep these guys on their toes. At least a little bit. I wasn't really a big fan of the theme song thing. It was kinda 'meh'. I get it and everything, but I don't know, wasn't my thing. Other than that, great issue this month.

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Mars Attacks: First Born #1

May 14, 2014

If judges sentenced good things, and I was one of those judges, I would sentence you to read this book if I could. I promise that I don't mean that to sound like a punishment. So like I said, if judges sentenced good things.

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Prime-8s #1

Nov 8, 2013

I really don't think that it's going to hurt anyone to pick up this first issue. Just check it out for the sake of trying to find something new. You may not like it as much as I did, but I wasn't sure that I was going to like it at all. I was surprised by it and maybe you will be too.

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Prime-8s #2

Feb 12, 2014

So there you have it. It's been a nice long wait since the first issue came out, but it was well worth it. One thing that I know for sure though, if this story continues to stay excellent like this, it's going to get harder and harder to stay patient in between issues. My patience wore out a long time ago.

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Red Team #7

Mar 12, 2014

Anyway, I'll be sad to see this series go. Regardless of its irregularity, it was always nice to see it on the previews list. I always looked forward to it. I guess all that I can do now is wait patiently for these two dudes to team up again, so that I don't die of boredom anytime soon.

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Regular Show #5

Nov 6, 2013

I like this series so far. I especially liked this issue. I'll also mention that it has a great backup story by Brandon Snider and Wook Jin Clark that is on par with the main one. Two stories are almost always better than one, especially in this case. I have to admit that I feel more comfortable and happy picking up an issue of this series than I am when I pick up something mainstream and that almost always falls flat at the end. There is nothing flat here. Therefore, Boom Studios gets my money.

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Regular Show #6

Nov 22, 2013

I continue to enjoy this series, but I would like it better if it followed in the footsteps of a more classic series. Every issue is a one-shot. I wouldn't mind a three or four issue arc from time to time. Or I think that the issues should be longer. I just feel like Boom has the ability to pack a little more content in these stories. I realize that the back-ups are always there (and they're always funny), but I'm finding myself to be more interested in the main stories.

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Star Wars (2013) #11

Nov 13, 2013

In conclusion, I loved this issue. The entire story happens so fast that you'll be lucky not to get whiplash. I honestly couldn't be happier with the result. I guess that we'll just have to wait and see if all the risk was worth the reward in the end for the rebels. See you next month.

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Star Wars (2013) #12

Dec 11, 2013

There are quite a few really important plot points in this issue, so I really suggest that you pick it up. You're going to want to be clued in on what you should be expecting from future issues. There is one particular nugget of information on how Leia obtained this new world that you're going to want to read. Star Wars is and has been a great read. And get ready for "Five Days of the Sith" starting with issue fourteen next month.

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Star Wars (2013) #13

Jan 8, 2014

Honestly, I don't know what to expect next month. If it's anything like it was here, I'll probably have to take a nap or something afterwards. I see some pretty intense stuff coming up, and I'll be damned if I'm going to miss a single thing.

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Star Wars (2013) #14

Feb 12, 2014

So there you have it I guess. If that doesn't send you running for your local comic shop, I don't know what will. If you love Star Wars, and you love Darth Vader even more, then you better get going. I may have just found my "best issue of the year" for the Comic Bastards End of the Year Roundup. I know that it's early, but nobody saw Crash winning best picture back in 2006 either.

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Star Wars (2013) #15

Mar 12, 2014

I have mostly good things to say about this issue, but it just didn't blow the proverbial skirt up. But we don't give out half points on this site. I tend to round up anyway. I was never very good at math. Anyway, I've reached my decision.

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Star Wars (2013) #16

Apr 9, 2014

A series like this never deserves a sub-par rating, but I think that this team needs to find some consistency. That sounds harsher than I mean it to, but as I look back on the previous issues, it becomes more apparent that Star Wars isn't what it used to be. I'm afraid that my standards have actually gotten lower. Anyway, read it" or don't.

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Star Wars (2013) #17

May 14, 2014

I can't wait to see how this all unfolds in the next couple issues. I know that it won't be a simple transition from this to wherever our heroes eventually end up. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that they were all screwed. Looks like we'll just have to be patient.

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Star Wars: Legacy Vol. 2 #13

Mar 26, 2014

Well I'm still stoked for whatever happens next. And I guess that that's all you can ask for when reading an ongoing series like this. You know, I always end up leaving a series after the fourth or fifth issue if it hasn't managed to blow my skirt up yet. I knew right off the bat that I would be reading this until the end after the first issue. Well I at least hoped that I would. Looks like I will be.

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Star Wars: Legacy Vol. 2 #15

May 28, 2014

So there you have it, folks. Try and guess how I've scored Star Wars: Legacy this month. It was an awesome end to an awesome arc, and I can't wait to see what's next. It looks like it's going to be awesome. Whatever this creative team has in store for us, I'm sure it will deliver. Until next time.

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Star Wars: Rebel Heist #1

Apr 30, 2014

This story reads like the writer is a fan of Han Solo as a character, but I'm not sure that he has any business writing for him. And the only interesting aspects of the issue come in the final four pages. Which is the only reason that this issue crosses the threshold between "dislike" and "like" in a positive way. The last four pages just isn't enough for me. Keep in mind that this is just one man's opinion, and that you need to make your own decision about its quality, but I'm the one reviewing it here. I probably won't be picking it up anymore. I'll stick with Legacy until the year is up.

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Tales to Admonish #2

Mar 7, 2014

Give these guys your business. You can find out all you need to know here at If you don't like what you see, I'm not that hard to get in touch with. Drop me a line.

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That Bulletproof Kid #1

May 5, 2014

The best word that I can use to describe this book is probably "solid". You know exactly what you're getting with it. And I think that there is a lot of room to grow. That keeps me interested. If I was under the impression that this book couldn't ever get any better, I wouldn't be interested, but I know that that isn't the case. This is worth your time.

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The Fox #1

Nov 2, 2013

Bottom line, this is a great read. And with as many titles as there are that have reached the $3.99 mark, this title delivers at just $2.99. So far, all I have to say are good things. The writing is excellent, the art is complimentary and with a great backup story by Dean Haspiel, it's a definite achievement. Add this one to your pull list, folks.

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The Fox #2

Dec 5, 2013

The only beef that I have with this book today is that I could have really lived without the backup story. I love when publishers cram as much content into their books each month, but I found that story really boring. I tried to separate it from main story, but I was so drained after reading it that it actually will prevent me from giving this issue a perfect score. Sorry, folks. I'd rather The Fox have longer stories with the other stuff left out. That's what I look forward to paying for. That seemed harsh, I know, but I didn't want the score to confuse anyone after I had such good things to say overall. Anyway, The Fox is a keeper this month. Pick it up.

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The Fox #3

Jan 9, 2014

I touched on this slightly in the intro to this review, but the backup story is outstanding. It is really coming together. I'm just as excited for the continuation for these characters, as I am for The Fox, if not more so. The story seems familiar in a good way. It feels like I already know the characters so well, and I want to go along for the ride as long as they've got room in the car. I'm sure that it won't come as a surprise to anyone reading this, but this issue gets a perfect score from me, and I'm honored to have had a chance to review it for the site. What a great way to close out the day.

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The Fox #4

Feb 5, 2014

I just love the classic feel of this book. You don't get to see enough "comic book" feeling comics anymore. Everything seems so forced now. It's nice to see that there are still books out there that depend on good storytelling and strong dialogue instead of the ever aggravating shock factor. I'm so tired of being shocked. I think that it's safe to say that I'm shocked out. Anyway, pick up The Fox #4. You can at least count on one thing for New Comic Book Day.

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The Fox #5

Mar 12, 2014

Overall, I'm glad that I've had the opportunity to review The Fox for the past five months. It has definitely been a fun and trippy ride. I would say that I hope that the series continues to deliver, but I know that it isn't necessary to say that. I trust these guys.

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The Massive #17

Nov 27, 2013

Please go out and pick this up. I really can't urge you enough. The waters are getting darker for Ninth Wave and the crew is starting to show signs of wear and tear. And I thought that a partial mutiny was bad. Tragedy is coming. Don't miss it.

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The Massive #18

Dec 19, 2013

I really hope that this series picks up again soon, because I just didn't connect to the characters like I thought I was going to. I really thought that there would be some groundbreaking events unfold because of the aftermath of that "shot heard round the world". I didn't see the Callum Israel that I expected or wanted to see. I do, however, have some new expectations for the crew. Who knows what will happen on that front?

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The Massive #19

Jan 22, 2014

I liked this issue. It really left me wanting more at the end. I was a little disappointed when I read the ending to "Longship", but I can see that everything is happening for a reason, and that's good. This situation with Arkady has the potential of really bringing some extremely powerful stuff to the table, and I can't wait to see what that is. I don't want to get too excited just yet, but I can safely say that I'm looking forward to "Bloc".

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The New Ghostbusters #9

Nov 7, 2013

Overall, I really liked this issue. Everything seemed to come together really well. The only thing that I can think of at the moment that I don't like is the $3.99 price tag. I don't think that I'll ever really get used to that. However, I'm really looking forward to seeing how everything plays out in the future months. I'm guessing that it'll be a pretty exciting ride. I hope so.

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The New Ghostbusters #10

Nov 27, 2013

Overall, I liked this issue, but there wasn't really anything in it that stood out and made me thankful that I didn't miss it. It had its creepy parts, it had good artwork, and the script was pretty good, but because of the structure that they're using for this arc, I think that it might be more enjoyable in a trade. So I'm not going to urge you all to run out right now and pick this up. Bottom line, if you like Ghostbusters, you'll like it, but if this were a group review, I'd say "borrow".

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The New Ghostbusters #11

Dec 19, 2013

I'm hoping that Erik Burnham and Dan Schoening really deliver next month. At this point, I've kinda come to expect a pretty interesting story based on the carrot that has been held in front of our faces with these past few issues of Ghostbusters. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what they have in store for us.

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The New Ghostbusters #12

Jan 29, 2014

I honestly don't know how I thought this arc would end. I didn't know what to expect. I mean, it's Ghostbusters. What did you expect? It was entertaining for the short time that it took to read it, but I wouldn't put this in the "buy" category. It wasn't funny, but the story was cool. I just think that I'm kinda done with it. On to the next one.

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The Shadow #25

May 14, 2014

Although I am happy with the end, I'm not really happy, or ecstatic. It was pretty good. The whole rushed feeling is really hard for me to get over. I get the impression that more care could have gone into the finale of the book. I don't know if that was talent just slacking off (I doubt it), or if there was pressure from somewhere else to get this book done and in the archive. Who knows? But I will admit that I would have liked to see another issue or two here at the end. At least one.

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The Shadow: Year One #8

Apr 2, 2014

I'm glad that I gave this book a chance, and I hope that I've convinced you to do the same, if you haven't been on board already. I'm curious to find out how a story like this can end. This will be a first for me, but I doubt that it will be my last.

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Velvet #2

Dec 4, 2013

We're seeing more and more comics with stories that are centered around female leads. Growing up, I read a lot of superhero comics. I would say that about ninety-eight percent of them were focused on male characters. I wasn't one of those guys who was obsessed with Wonder Woman. Personally, I don't really like her, but I've come around with age. I think that Velvet is going into my pull list from now on.

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Velvet #3

Jan 15, 2014

The most convenient thing about this series is that it's still in its early phases. There is more than enough time to jump on board, and you wouldn't have to catch up too much. Sometimes people get so burned out catching up to the current place of the book that they don't have any desire to stick with it. I've actually done that. But these issues are such a quick read, especially if you're a fan of Brubaker's work already, it won't feel like it's taking any time at all. I recommend picking this up. You don't really have an excuse not to. Especially now" I have spoken.

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Velvet #5

May 21, 2014

I'm so glad that I've decided to stick with this series. It's definitely the highlight of the month. I have no idea how many issues of Velvet there are going to be, but I'm definitely going to ride this series out. It's rare that I stick with something all the way to the end, but it doesn't look like I have much of a choice in this case. So many different comics run out of steam after a few arcs, but I think that it's safe to say that that won't be the case here.

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X-Files Annual 2014 #1

Apr 16, 2014

So my official, final word is that I liked it. It wasn't amazing, it didn't blow me away, but it did make up for the series that is currently on the shelves. Of course, it's not that I think that the current series is bad, but it just needs a new format. Something that keeps me caring about the endings of each arc. But I'm also not eager to pay $7.99 every month either. Maybe The X-Files Season 10 could be bi-weekly. I would probably be on board for that. Actually, I definitely would. There's some free advice, IDW.

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Reviews for the Week of...


