Every December in Rhinebeck, New York, a celebration is held in honor of Sinterklaas. One of the inspirations for the legend of Santa Claus, Sinterklaas brings presents for good little children, and punishes the bad. But this year, the Sinterklaas seen in Rhinebeck isn't a man in a costume... it's a sinister spirit set on haunting the children of the town! It's the Ghostbusters to the Holiday rescue as Happy Horror Days continues!
Ghostbusters #11 may not break new ground but there's enough here to make it worth a look. Recommended. Read Full Review
There is so much fan service and plot in this book that there is something for everyone. This creative team knows what they are doing and this series is in very capable hands! Read Full Review
I'm hoping that Erik Burnham and Dan Schoening really deliver next month. At this point, I've kinda come to expect a pretty interesting story based on the carrot that has been held in front of our faces with these past few issues of Ghostbusters. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what they have in store for us. Read Full Review