Evil Empire #2

Writer: Max Bemis Artist: Ransom Getty Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: April 23, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
6.1Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

The sands are shifting in America's public consciousness. One action has torn the
country apart in a debate over the meaning of right and wrong, and Reese is not about to
stand by as the American people support the rantings of a mad man. But how far will
people go to take a stand in what they believe in?

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Erik McAlister Apr 23, 2014

    I would only recommend this book to certain people. I'm not exactly sure how big the fan base could possibly be for something like this, but it's good. I really like it. It might have to be one of those comics that you just take a chance on because there's this really awesome reviewer online telling you to. This review is for all you people out there who was totally intrigued by the cover and wondered what it was all about, like me. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Patrick Ross Apr 23, 2014

    While not necessarily gaining much more traction than it already had, Evil Empire #2 provides adequate fallout from its debut, and sets everything in motion nicely. If you don't often think about the sad state of politics, revolution, or dystopia, I don't know that this series offers much to change your mind, but if you're into this kinda thing, it's punk rock ethos in comic book form. What's not to love? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Ross Sweeney Apr 22, 2014

    Ultimately, this is an incredibly solid piece, with aspirations to be almost a Fight Club for the 21st Century an insightful punk rock record distilled into comic book form, and whilst its final proof remains to be seen, its setting up a fascinating getting-there, though itll take a few more issues to see quite where and why. But right now? All signs are pointing towards getting in on this early. Read Full Review

  • 6.6
    Geeked Out Nation - Mark Pritchard Apr 24, 2014

    Check out Evil Empire if you want to read some 2014 left leaning anxiety on what could happen if a good liberal like Hillary Clinton doesn't win the next US election. I personally found it to be a bit nave. It completely misses the recent exposure of the left/right political paradigm, and it's depictions of a hellish future where right wing totalitarianism meets moral collapse and anarchy gave me the very strong message that writer Max Bemis might not be too happy with the current collectivist agenda in the US, but he's happy to support it because he can't envisage a happier alternative. I found this to be very illustrative of how the Rockefeller funded indoctrination of young writers and artists still persists, even though all evidence around them should probably be waking them up a bit by now. However, if anxiety is freedom, then this book is as free as you can get. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    All-Comic - Joey Caswell Apr 22, 2014

    Hopefully this series will reach the inevitable point of the actual Empire rising but for now, the story doesnt do as much as it could to really grab your interest and maintain that hold. None of the characters have become particularly interesting yet and it remains to be seen how much can be accomplished with the current plot. Despite the negative criticisms, things could have been far worse. While the story hasnt offered a lot yet, the actual writing is decent, the story is fairly fresh, and the artwork is excellent. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Apr 23, 2014

    I've read good comics by Max Bemis before. It's clear that Evil Empire is his attempt to break out of his comfort zone, but it just isn't working. Uneven dialogue spouted by characters that have yet to be fully realized set against an increasingly unbelieveable political climate are making this more of an exhaustive melodrama than high stakes entertainment. It feels like there's an effort being made to say something important but if you don't care about who's saying it, then you'll never get your point across. whatever message Evil Empire is trying to get across is falling on deaf ears because the quality of its package isn't up to snuff. Read Full Review

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