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Joined: Mar 24, 2014

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seksienvoy reviewed Hulk #2 May 2, 2014

Reading the all new hulk is a test in patience. I despise when something that I love about a character is taken away with a horrible reason. I don't want to read about Mr. Fantastic losing his stretch, or the Punisher getting married....or The Wolverine not being able to heal 0_o. If the drastic change was for the better I would be uhh forgiving, but this is just bad.

I'm giving this more

Hulk #2

By: Mark Waid, Mark Bagley
Released: Apr 30, 2014

Following the shocking events of last month's INDESTRUCTIBLE HULK finale, Bruce Banner lies at death's door! If he survives, it WON'T be as the Bruce Banner we've known! How will the Hulk wreak vengeance on Banner's assailant? How CAN he?

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seksienvoy reviewed Star Wars: Rebel Heist #1 May 2, 2014

Upon reading the first fanboy was smiling. Told after the battle of yavin, this story begins with a young Han Solo in all his glory. The Han Solo that I remember, ruthless....and calculated at the same time. This story is following along to the holy trilogy closely enough that I will be interested to see what happens next. A 10 out of 10.

Star Wars: Rebel Heist #1

By: Matt Kindt, Marco Castiello
Released: Apr 30, 2014

A young Rebel meets one of the Alliance’s best for his first mission. But the young man’s hero worship is crushed by the reality of Han Solo. A botched escape, a ship that doesn’t work—could it be that Solo is just a lucky bumbler whose luck has run out?

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seksienvoy reviewed Silver Surfer #2 May 2, 2014

What a breath of fresh air for the Surfer. The story is full of interesting characters and plot development. The art is bright and captures my attention. Seeing the impericon city, you could look the page over seven times and keep finding details that were missed previously. A great new book, I'm giving this a 9 out of 10.

Silver Surfer #2

By: Dan Slott, Michael Allred
Released: Apr 30, 2014

• Who is the NEVER QUEEN? How is the entire future of the Marvel Universe tied into her very existence? And why is she trying to DESTROY the Silver Surfer?!
•  Are these questions important? Sure. But you know what's just as important? Lunch. Because what Earth girl Dawn Greenwood has for lunch today could change the fate of EVERYTHING!<...

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seksienvoy reviewed Batman: Eternal #4 May 1, 2014

As of right now, I'm reading just about every batman book out. So of course I'm hesitant to start another, its a lot of money to spend on a single universe. Right now were four issues in and I'm hooked. The story is building up the characters of Gotham city in a big way. I'm glad this is weekly, kudos to the whole DC team for putting out quality work. Im giving this book a 9 out of 10.

Batman: Eternal #4

By: Tim Seeley, Dustin Nguyen
Released: Apr 30, 2014

Batman battles Batgirl as Jim Gordons troubles take a turn for the worse!

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seksienvoy reviewed What If? Age of Ultron #5 May 1, 2014

I am so glad this is over, I stuck it out for all five issues and I'm not left wanting more. I understand that a weekly series is no easy task, but look at Batman's weekly and great. I am giving this series a failing grade of 5 out of 10.

What If? Age of Ultron #5

By: Joe Keatinge
Released: Apr 30, 2014

• What if Hank Pym never created Ultron at all?
• Could a world without Ultron survive a world without Ultron's own weapon-turned-Avenger, the Vision?
• Can the very idea of the Avengers survive without each other?
• In the darkest of all realities, can the Avengers ever hope to Assemble?

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seksienvoy reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #1 May 1, 2014

I am so relieved to have Peter back in control again. The old web slinger is back, but with new problems. One thing that I'm glad was touched on (not a spoiler, because it shows on the cover) Parker is happy to be back. Despite the position that Doc Ock left him in, Peter has a new lease on life. In all honesty, the reflection of the positive things that the good doctor did for Peter was a nic more

Amazing Spider-Man #1

By: Dan Slott, Humberto Ramos
Released: Apr 30, 2014

The Greatest Super Hero of All Time RETURNS!
The world may have changed since Spidey's been gone, but so has Peter Parker. This is a man with a second chance at life, and he's not wasting a moment of it. Same Parker Luck, new Parker attitude. Putting the "friendly" back in the neighborhood, the "hero" back into "super hero," and the "amazing" b...

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seksienvoy reviewed X-Men #13 Apr 18, 2014

Holy nightcrawler's ghost, this was an intense issue. I can't say anything that won't spoil it, so I'll just say this....go get this issue. And also....vampire Jubilee is just awesome.

X-Men #13

By: Brian Wood, Clay Mann
Released: Apr 16, 2014

•  Jubilee is haunted by Shogo's past... or is it his future?!

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seksienvoy reviewed Wolverine #4 Apr 18, 2014

It's strange to see Logan so weak and vulnerable, but it shows off how truly bad arse he really is. In this issue we see The Wolverine running away yet again (not a spoiler, it's on the cover) And like the many times before, we have to figure out why. It's actually pointed out in the book by Storm that him running away from the school is getting played out. However, where will Weapon X head to more

Wolverine #4

By: Paul Cornell, Ryan Stegman
Released: Apr 16, 2014

• Why did Logan leave the Jean Grey School? Your Answers are here!
•  Paul Cornell (WOLVERINE) and Ryan Stegman (SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN) close off first arc of the world's most dangerous mutant!

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seksienvoy reviewed Superior Spider-Man #31 Apr 18, 2014

Just a perfect 10, and the covers from all superior spider man books was placed inside at the right time. I stared at all of those covers, and remembered the past two years in retrospective. Kind of emotional, kind of sad. I truly loved the character that Doc Ock brought to the table. But clearly he was not the superior Spider Man we all initially thought he was. I'm so glad that the characte more

Superior Spider-Man #31

By: Christos N. Gage, Giuseppe Camuncoli
Released: Apr 16, 2014

• SERIES FINALE! The end of an era! A tale of triumph and tragedy! The GREEN GOBLIN unmasked! A hero reborn! But what does this mean for OTTO OCTAVIUS?!
•  There's only one man who can save us from the Goblin Nation... PETER PARKER: The one, true SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN!

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seksienvoy reviewed Ms. Marvel #3 Apr 18, 2014

I, like many others was a skeptic at first. Anytime a super hero passes the torch, I get a little upset. I think a good formula for this is to get a fresh hero and watch them make mistakes. Try to figure out where they stand in the world of heroes. Kamala is doing an awesome job of this, and that makes me grow a new fondness for the character. I will keep picking up Ms. Marvel.

Ms. Marvel #3

By: G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona
Released: Apr 16, 2014

• The All-New Ms. Marvel has already gained international fame.
•  But in Kamala's case, star-power comes with a whole lot of... awkwardness.
•  Find out why the most exciting new Marvel hero is also the most loveable!

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seksienvoy reviewed Harley Quinn #5 Apr 18, 2014

My initial thrill of a stand alone Harley Quinn book is beginning to fade. The real world is trying to be just as funny as she is and it's not working for me. I want the Mistah Jay Harley Quinn, which...needless to a sidekick character. The Art and writing are both spot on solid, but the novelty is worn out like a joy buzzer. I will give the book a few more issues to pull me back in, more

Harley Quinn #5

By: Jimmy Palmiotti, Chad Hardin
Released: Apr 16, 2014

Sure, Harley has made some enemies along the way. So what happens when a bunch of them show up to kill her dead? She kills them right back, of course! Youve been warned: This issue contains violence.

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seksienvoy reviewed Batman: Eternal #2 Apr 18, 2014

This story is slowly turning into the tale of Gothamites, not so much Batman. It's a great series, and I love picking it up. But it's not like the other Batman books on the shelf right now. There is an underlying tone that the people of Gotham are going to make their own mistakes, Batman can only do so much. It's different, and I like it. Now I am reading three different Batman books, we don' more

Batman: Eternal #2

By: James Tynion IV, Jason Fabok
Released: Apr 16, 2014

A notorious Batman adversary appears for the first time in The New 52 continuity!

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seksienvoy reviewed Rover Red Charlie #5 Apr 18, 2014

I can't believe this series is so close to ending, I could keep reading it. Rover and his pals are closing the end to their journey, it's amazing how far they have come. However, trouble is still lurking around every corner.

Rover Red Charlie #5

By: Garth Ennis, Michael DiPascale
Released: Apr 16, 2014

Long gone are the days of treats and dog parks.  Rover, Red, and Charlie near the end of their canine odyssey as they discover the trail to their final destiny.  As the feeders' world collapses around them, these three best friends continue to search for the new path in this post-apocalyptic world.  And with the very f...

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seksienvoy reviewed Nova #16 Apr 16, 2014

Nova continues to be a great series about a boy, trying to find himself in a universe full of heroes. I am very happy with this issue, no spoilers. Sam is truly turning into a great Nova corps member. There is a new development brewing in the story, but it seems very easily solvable in light of the many powers of Nova.

Nova #16

By: Gerry Duggan, David Baldeon
Released: Apr 16, 2014

• Sam's adventure with Beta Ray Bill in space comes to a shocking conclusion and Sam arrives home to a very unpleasant discovery. (No, it's not the Statue of Liberty on its side.)

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seksienvoy reviewed Deadpool vs. Carnage #2 Apr 16, 2014

It's harmless fun, kind of like watching Freddy Vs. Jason. Or Jaws vs Orca. It's a fight the reader wants to see, even if it's not entirely well thought out. There are some funny moments, it seems like carnage is kind of losing his crazy cool bravado. This will definitely be one of those runs that lasts at most four issues and it will be wrapped up in a pretty little bow. Am I going to keep r more

Deadpool vs. Carnage #2

By: Cullen Bunn, Salva Espin
Released: Apr 16, 2014

• Two red-suited madmen for the price of one!
•  That's right-good crazy vs. bad crazy, once and for all!
•  And you can bet it's gonna be a bloody one!

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seksienvoy reviewed Secret Avengers #2 Apr 11, 2014

This book takes the best of so many worlds and wraps it into one burrito like wrap that is easy to digest. What sold me on this book was fury...coulson...and hawkeye, all in one comic. There is definitely a side of some characters that I have never seen before. That alone makes it woryh the read, its almost touching. I would say pick up this issue and support it, its a great read for the marv more

Secret Avengers #2

By: Ales Kot, Michael Walsh
Released: Apr 9, 2014

• Earth is in danger. Massive decommissioned S.H.I.E.L.D. satellites are about to fall on us all. It's a P.R. nightmare in the making!
•  Speaking of things falling from space: Nick Fury and special agent Phil Coulson are about to die painfully. •  Unless Hawkeye, Black Widow and Spider-Woman save them!

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seksienvoy reviewed Shotgun Wedding #2 Apr 11, 2014

Usually I see certain keywords in a title and I will dismiss the book without ever giving it a chance to be great. Certain keywords include the words Love, Funny and Wedding. However, you can't not see this without picking it up and reading. I have to say, if you are as big a fan of espionage as I am...then this series is right up your alley. Love, betrayal, murder, spy stuff......a wedding? more

Shotgun Wedding #2

By: William Harms, Edward Pun
Released: Apr 9, 2014

Mike Stone wants nothing more than to marry the woman of his dreams. Denise is smart, sexy, teaches the second grade, and loves Mike more than anything in the world. What she doesn't know is that Mike is one of the world's top assassins and was once engaged to a fellow assassin named Chloe. And when Mike abandoned Chloe on their wedding day, she vo...

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I get where the creators were going with this story, to show a different side of the Superior Spider Man. Is he really superior? More like flawed, he's not the web head you know and have grown to love over the decades. I thought it was an interesting take on the story, but not needed. This issue could never have existed and the reader would not have missed any continuing story plot. I think a more

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #11

By: Elliott Kalan, Carmen Nunez Carnero
Released: Apr 9, 2014

• They don't get NOW-er than the Superior Foes of Spider-Man!
•  Is there a rat in the Sinister Six?* *=there's still only five members.
•  Spencer & Lieber continue the sleeper hit of the NOW-lenium!

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seksienvoy reviewed The Walking Dead #125 Apr 10, 2014

A f***ing TEN out of TEN! I couldn't be happier with how this war is panning out. This whole story arc has had my butt on the edge of my seat every issue and it keeps getting better. I would love to see the war go on a little longer, but it's almost over. If you haven't been following the story line, then now is not the time to start. Go pick up the trades and get caught up.

The Walking Dead #125

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Apr 9, 2014

"ALL OUT WAR," Part 11
The f*ck f*cking f*ckity f*cking penultimate chapter of All Out Motherf*cking War!

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seksienvoy reviewed Star Wars #16 Apr 9, 2014

I'm giving this book a high rating, why you ask? Because this is the first Star Wars series in a while that I feel holds true to my childhood impression of what the Wars should be. It's classic Star Wars, and this issue is no different. princess Leia's relationships are being tested....a mysterious ship drops out of orbit. It's such a subtle story line and yet, so powerful.

Star Wars #16

By: Brian Wood, Stephane Crety
Released: Apr 9, 2014

Establishing the new Rebel base on Arrochar, Wedge Antilles teaches the local pilots Rogue Squadrons secret tactics, Luke Skywalker joins the Arrocharian militia on a routine mission, and Princess Leia balances her duty to the Rebellion with her upcoming duties as a royal wife. So why is everyone so uneasy?

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seksienvoy reviewed All-New Ghost Rider #2 Apr 9, 2014

My review of issue 1 had a theme of confusion about it, why is this kid suddenly a Ghost Rider? Who is he? Why should I care? I feel like he's being forced into a role of an anti hero, and the reader has no choice but to believe it. First off, everyone in this universe (*just short of his crippled brother) is a douchey raping gang banger. So of course we don't feel bad when the Ghost Rider ru more

All-New Ghost Rider #2

By: Felipe Smith, Tradd Moore
Released: Apr 9, 2014

•  ROBBIE REYES has been given a new awesome power but can the teen handle it or will it drive him to a path of destruction?
•  Who owns the HAUNTED RACE CAR and what will they do to get it back?
•  What are the PINK PILLS and who is behind their creation?

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seksienvoy reviewed All-New X-Men #25 Apr 9, 2014

Wow, a truly epic 25th special issue. I'm going to glance over the writing of this book very briefly. It's well written, and has a great twist in the end. What I really want to focus on is the amazing artwork. I love when artists don't take themselves so seriously, and slip in a goofy comic strip in between two masterpiece pages. Personally, I think this is best cover of the week, it really s more

All-New X-Men #25

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Stuart Immonen
Released: Apr 9, 2014

•  Artist Stuart Immonen is joined by a practical comic book artist hall of fame for this special landmark issue!

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seksienvoy reviewed Action Comics #30 Apr 7, 2014

The prelude to Doomsday, what can I say? It's a big storyline that did well for Superman in the past, I don't think it will have the same effect today that it did when Death of Superman was released. All in all though, a good read if you have been following the storyline.

Action Comics #30

By: Greg Pak, Aaron Kuder
Released: Apr 2, 2014

Following the events of FOREVER EVIL, Superman confronts Lex Luthor but the world has turned around for these two. The hero has become thevillain and the villain the hero as forces beyond these two gather to destroy the Man of Steel, beginning with a dormant Doomsday who has crossed over from the Phantom Zone!

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seksienvoy reviewed Punisher #4 Apr 4, 2014

Punisher has always been my favorite anti-hero, some stories rise and some sink to the bottom. As of issue 4, I am counting it as a winning Frank Castle series. The introduction of super villians is a welcome change to the usual "take out the drug cartel" story. Those turn out to be a dime a dozen books. Of course, some key elements are still taken from those classic story lines and brought in more

Punisher #4

By: Nathan Edmondson, Mitch Gerads
Released: Apr 2, 2014

• The Punisher, captured by the Dos Sols gang, is caught in the metaphorical lion's den. Tough luck, metaphorical lions.
•  The 131 get the call: Take down the Punisher with extreme prejudice.
•  A new player tosses her hat in the ring, and Frank's gotta ask himself a question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well...

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seksienvoy reviewed What If? Age of Ultron #1 Apr 4, 2014

Ugh...i was dreading this day. Ultron reimagined as a one man show....almost like a terrible one man inner monologue theatre piece. You know the kind I'm talking about, the one's they show for free at the community center. You didn't want to be there, you just came in to use the bathroom but they won't let you leave. I digress from my go nowhere rant, this is really bad. If you want a good U more

What If? Age of Ultron #1

By: Joe Keatinge, Raffaele Ienco
Released: Apr 2, 2014

• In Age of Ultron, a time-travelling Wolverine killed Hank Pym before he could create the world-conquering Ultron.
• What would the Marvel Universe look like if another founding Avenger had been killed instead?
• A world without the Wasp brings a world where Hank Pym created an Ultron even more...

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seksienvoy reviewed She-Hulk #3 Apr 4, 2014

Everytime I see Victor Von Doom on the cover, I'm obligated to buy that book. Thankfully I am addicted to the new She-Hulk plot, it's actually quite creative. I can honestly say, I never bought a She-Hulk storyline before this one, she was always just a fill in (guest appearance) type of character. Giving her a personality that in my opinion is kinda cute (i love those tall green women) and the more

She-Hulk #3

By: Charles Soule, Javier Pulido
Released: Apr 2, 2014

• We the people find you DOOM!
•  When the son of Victor Von Doom seeks extradition, Jen Walters will go to the ends of the earth for Justice!
•  All this, and Matt Murdock too as Charles Soule (THUNDERBOLTS) and Javier Pulido (HAWKEYE) continue 2014's sleeper hit!

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seksienvoy reviewed Batman '66 #31 Apr 4, 2014

Do you like Adam West Batman? corny Cesar Romero style Joker jokey jokes? Than this is the series for you, personally I like the Batman '66 series & I am looking forward to Ralph Garmin going on to write. If you like break your bones and leave you for dead batman, dark psychological scar batman or semi lesbian sexy time with the Catwoman batman??? If you like any of that, than this is not your more

Batman '66 #31

By: Jeff Parker, Jonathan Case
Released: Apr 2, 2014

The Joker's back and he's teaming up with Catwoman. Will Batgirl's help be enough for Batman and Robin to overcome this dastardly duo?

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Lets be honest, every time a new Terminator story comes out I feel a little let down. Not because it's necessarily a bad story, or terrible artwork. My gripe is the story, it feels like a lot of recycled storyline that we have all seen before. I'm giving this book a 7.5 out of 10, because I'm a sucker. I always love the Terminator, it could be Terminator vs. Hello Kitty & I would probably buy more

Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #5

By: J. Michael Straczynski, Pete Woods
Released: Apr 2, 2014

John Connor's assault on Skynet is met with a devastating counterattack! Controlled by a human serial killer with no loyalty to mankind, the Terminators' deadly mechanical efficiency is now matched with the creativity and pleasure for killing of a murderous psychopath!

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seksienvoy reviewed Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #3 Apr 4, 2014

I have the original Turok series, and I wanted to begin reading this book. Even though I have to catch up in the current series, I found this title by Dynamite easy to pick up and get right into the story. The whole concept takes me back in time, in the long long ago, before zombies ruled our lives. There was a time when Dinosaurs were huge, large thanks to JP. I still think Dinosaurs are larg more

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #3

By: Greg Pak, Mirko Colak
Released: Apr 2, 2014

As dinosaur carnage spreads across the land, Turok and Andar face an even more dangerous enemy - a fangless, scale-less monstrosity that's more ruthless than any other creature on the planet. How will Turok face the onslaught of this new world of horror? GREG PAK (Batman/Superman) and MIRKO COLAK (Conan) bring you an amazing Turok tale you've NEVER...

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What a surprising story, I was a little hesitant on this book. When I picked it up, I saw the artwork and became slightly apprehensive. This quickly apprehension quickly dissipated as I turned to the next page, every single page is a Marvel masterpiece. The story quickly escalates into a search deep into Peter Parker's past, one that he is not so sure of. The reader is thrown through a very bel more

Amazing Spider-Man: Family Business #1

By: James Robinson, Werther Dell
Released: Apr 2, 2014

Someone has Spider-Man in their crosshairs, and the only person in the Marvel Universe who can save him is...Peter Parker's sister?! As the web-slinger meets family he never knew, will she end up becoming his greatest ally, or the one who damns him? And what does the Kingpin of Crime have to do with it? This all-new, original graphic novel - writte...

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