The Witcher #4

Writer: Paul Tobin Artist: Joe Querio Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: June 18, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 5
6.8Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

Geralt struggles to maintain his sanity as he is forced to endure the House of Glass’s unrelenting torment! He soon finds himself questioning Jakob’s true motivation and is faced with a dark new omen!

  • 8.4
    The Daily Crate - Keri Honea Jun 16, 2014

    The Witcher comic series continue to be intense, suspenseful, and befuddling all at the same time. It's exactly why I've enjoyed The Witcher franchise so much since first delving into it. I told every The Witcher fan I met at E3 that this comic series is the best video game comic on the market right now, and I continue to stand by that statement.The Witcher #4 releases on June 18th at retail and digital download. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Nevin Jones Jun 19, 2014

    In all truthfulness, not much happens in this chapter except showing the agitation the house is causing on our characters. We are still not any closer to solving the mystery of this house though the issue ends with definite promise for reveals in the next installment. As said of previous issues, if you're a fan of The Witcher, you'll still enjoy everything here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Jun 18, 2014

    This is an absolutely great addition to the Witcher mythos, and with the most recent English translated novel marred by a dicey translation, its easily my highest recommendation to fans of Geralt who need to get a quick, easy fix. The writing and art might stumble occasionally, but the flaws are far from ruined and vastly eclipsed by the issues strengths. This book perfectly sets up a tense finale that I already cant wait to read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Eric Bridges Jun 17, 2014

    The Witcher is dark and awesome but moves really slow. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Jun 18, 2014

    The Witcher #4 is unable to escape from the holding pattern from previous issues similar to how none of the characters can truly escape the house proving that Geralt has more patience than I do. The dynamic between Geralt and Vara is still entertaining as progress is made there but the lack of progress regarding Jakob and Marta is troubling. I can always enjoy a mystery being unraveled slowly if it becomes more intriguing but this comes off as pure avoidance delaying what could be an obvious and simple answer. Either way it's time for some answers to be given so it doesn't feel as if it's possible to skip the majority of issues and not miss a single thing that affects the original premise, which seems to be the case now. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    We The Nerdy - Kierra Prince Jun 24, 2014

    There's some interesting dialogue and a few odd details that hint at mystery but ultimately it feels a little bit tired as it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Even with the hag making dark threats and showing off some mysterious powers, they're still resorting to comments about her gross naked appearance. And although the succubus does some great seducing this issue, she more or less still exists to be a little whisper of “Hey Geralt, you're a notorious womanizer, sleep with me” which has gotten more than boring by the 4th issue and is a bit creepy considering Geralt's constant moaning about how much he can't be swayed. Even adding in the various important plot points, I still feel like I was essentially rereading the previous issues with a bit of a twist on the dialogue. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Front Towards Gamer - Lido Jun 19, 2014

    I don't mean to sound so negative about The Witcher as it's not like it's a horribly broken or deeply offensive comic, it's just that it feels like a lazy comic. It's a series that, before now, had enough uniqueness and creativity to make the last couple issues feel like blatant giving up. It's still adequate at passing the minutes from cradle to grave but if you're looking for a more unique or engaging experience there's nothing to recommend here, this issue doesn't even have a real conflict driving things anymore so much as it's become a holding pattern of characters awkwardly telling "amusing" anecdotes to pass the time till The Witcher issue 5, not recommended. Read Full Review

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