Unity #13

Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Cafu Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: December 24, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 7
8.6Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

A Renegade stands against The United!

Even the addition of the bright and bubbly Faith Herbert - aka Zephyr of the Harbinger Renegades - can't solve Unity's PR crisis in the wake of the team's actions during the Armor Hunters' attack. But can she help stand against the threat of the international strike force known as THE UNITED? And what secret is the US harboring that threatens to push the world to the brink of war?

  • 10
    Outright Geekery - Bufo76 Feb 6, 2015

    In short, this issue is just one fraction of what Valiant is all about. Fast paced adventure with stories that stretch beyond it's own covers. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Outright Geekery - Henry Starling Feb 6, 2015

    In short, this issue is just one fraction of what Valiant is all about. Fast paced adventure with stories that stretch beyond it's own covers. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Crusaders - 13th Crusader Dec 24, 2014

    Unity #13 is a perfect opportunity to learn more about what goes on with Unity through the eyes of their newest member, Faith, while learning more about Unity's newest rivals, The United. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Dec 24, 2014

    Unity #13 effectively raises the stakes and stature of Unity's enemies by detailing their capabilities and intent, making the current situation more entertaining. Faith's first mission with the team wasn't surprising except her green portrayal and view of events considering all she went through as part of the Renegades, and even recently during the Armor Hunters event. Overall I still like the dynamic and the way events unfolded this issue makes the entire story arc more intriguing. I don't know what the fallout would be with GIN-GR still being operational but so far it has the potential to be extremely thrilling. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Dec 24, 2014

    Unity #13 both escalates the situation of Unity Vs. The United while making Faith question her place on the team. The end is both a shock and also not very shocking when Faith makes her decision as to how she feels about being there. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Tyler Goulet Dec 29, 2014

    Unity blazes by and aside from a look at the villains, there really isnt a lot of time spent on the story. However, this creative team continues to put out a top-notch book and theyve certainly left it at a helluva cliffhanger for next month. As ever, Valiant has another great series here that you ought to be reading and now might be as good of a time as any to jump on. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Chris Romero Dec 26, 2014

    This book's a good jumping on point, but after witnessing the immense power of the Armor Hunters (they did decimate Mexico City), it's going to be tough for Kindt to match that with the United team. But hey, this guy's a talented writer, so I'm sure he's up for the challenge. Cafu and Brian Reber's artwork compliments the book well, there are no surprises; every panel looks crisp. It's too soon to judge this arc, but it sure has the potential to take the Unity team in an entirely different direction. Read Full Review

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