Marcus King was shot in the back, paralyzed, and left for dead. But fate, a beautiful woman, and science intervened. Now King has returned, better than ever, on a mission to take down the most dangerous adversary from his past: the Dutchman. Spies! Intrigue! Betrayal!
o Written by Eisner nominee Alex de Campi (Archie vs. Predator).
o Art by ChrisCross (Convergence: Justice League of America).
Bankshot #2 is near perfect in the way it builds on the first issue. The flashbacks are not only entertaining but beautifully woven into the story so the present becomes moreinteresting. And the character development is outstanding. There's not much actionthroughout the issue but the ending is a wonderful example of how quality over quantitymatters. Now I'm starting to believe this series is the real deal. Read Full Review
Even after two issues, it is obvious that Bankshot should continue past this miniseries. Read Full Review
For those GI Joe fans, for those 007 fans, action fans, hero fans that love the twists, I truly believe this is a book you would find interesting. Read Full Review
Bankshot #2 is a straight forward revenge yarn with goofy comic book elements. For the most part we have a campy tale in our hands, but one that oozes with personality. So much so that it really is easy for me to praise its creative team as this issue earns recognition. Read Full Review
This might not have been the strongest story roll out, but Im intrigued enough to see where Bank Shot is headed. Read Full Review
I really believe there's a solid bit of escapist, nano-tech espionage in here. DeCampi has a proven flourish when it comes to the old ultraviolence. But "Bankshot" #2 isn't there yet. It's fine if this story boils down to supersoldier done wrong " might not be reinventing chess, but people have done more with less " and if that's the case, then just let Chrisscross and Snakebite Cortez cut loose. They're clear and precise and inject their panels with a healthy dose of velocity. It's too bad they had to stop right as they were building up steam. Read Full Review
It's a boring issue but at least it shows promise with its last page. Read Full Review