Furious #3

Writer: Bryan J. L. Glass Artist: Victor Santos Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: March 26, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8
8.1Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Cadence Lark's past is riddled with fiery ruin and personal train wrecks, and she's desperate to prove her worth, if only to herself. As Furious, she must tame her own fears, while ensuring the creeps of the world know justice! When she is signaled to help at a rooftop fire, she heeds the call.
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  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Mar 26, 2014

    There's still so much I want to say about this series. I want to talk about the crazed version of Cady Lark running around, the troubling accident that took Cady's sisters and just the mysteries that surround this series, but that would make for a long and boring review. Instead I will just say that this series continues to get better and better with each issue and no" there isn't another title out there that's anything like it. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Fortress of Solitude - Byron Hendricks Mar 25, 2014

    This is a great read paired up with art and colouring that works towards creating a great issue. The writing is powerful and shows us how a powerful female lead character is important, if not necessary for modern day comics. Whilst telling a great story, Furious is a read that encourages female independence and gender equality. Every strong superhero needs a strong villain, one that makes the protagonist question their abilities, morals and beliefs; this issue offers just that and then some! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Backwards Compatible - Paul Fiander Jul 29, 2014

    Furious continues to be a hero for a new generation; her story is one that works on a number of levels. But whether it’s fun you desire or cultural analysis Bryan J Glass has created a place for you at the Beacons table. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Mar 26, 2014

    Furious #3 is a solid issue that reveals more of Cadence's history and is effective in showing the motivation behind her actions and how she struggles to come to terms with her past. Although this issue is less effective than the previous one in connecting this with the story that unfolds here, the antagonist is twisted enough to make things entertaining and puts Furious in a situation that's unique in her crime fighting career. This is one series I've been enjoying and this issue shows once again Bryan J. L. Glass's ability to create a well-rounded and very likeable character. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Rhymes With Geek - Dante Buccieri Mar 27, 2014

    I love this series. The creative team is in sync on all levels and the book is an absolute pleasure to read. With nothing even close to a bad issue so far, Furious is in an early frontrunner for best miniseries of 2014. It's rare that you see a real introspective superhero comic, something that's just as concerned with the person behind the mask as it is with the fisticuffs. Furious gives you a taste of a tortured psyche struggling with redemption and the flashy fights we expect from Marvel and DC. This is going to be a really good trade, but I'd recommend the singles if you can find them. On a level of 1 to Strange Talent of Luther Strode, this gets an 8: plenty of really good stuff already shown, and a lot of room in the next two issues to elevate Furious from "really good" to "great." Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Multiversity Comics - Michelle White Mar 28, 2014

    This isn't the strongest issue so far, but "Furious" is still a powerful tale told with a lot of conviction. We're witnessing tangible character growth in Cadence Lark, the kind of development that makes a series feel like something weighty and relevant; and at the same time, the emotionality of the narration and art makes it hard not to relate to Furious's predicament. Brash, bloody, and ultimately cathartic, "Furious" just keeps on surprising us. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Peter Schmeiser Apr 9, 2014

    This book has had quite a marked improvement, and I when issue 4 hits my pull, I wont groan and shuffle it to the back of the pile. Well done fellas. Whatever changed internally worked. Keep it up. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Joey Caswell Mar 25, 2014

    While we didnt get quite as much in the way of more straight forward plot development as weve seen in the first two issues, the latest installment of Furious was a very enjoyable read. At first, the major conflict may appear a bit random, but everything comes together as the book progresses. The suspense in this issue was very effective. While the well-written thrills were enough to enjoy this book, the artwork keeps getting better with each new installment. The visuals in Furious #3 give a sense of growing comfort with this particular style which definitely made for an even greater reading experience. Given the crazy ending this month, there are sure to be some wild shenanigans in the future for this series! Read Full Review

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