Ghost #1
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Ghost #1

Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick, Chris Sebela Artist: Ryan Sook Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: December 18, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 23 User Reviews: 2
7.4Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Ghost, the hero trapped between two worlds, fights to protect Chicago from extradimensional demons disguised as humans. When a familiar stranger destroys an el train, Ghost makes a deal with a devil for the chance to uncover her own mysterious past. The perfect issue to join this action-packed superhero title!

  • 9.4
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Dec 18, 2013

    Ghost #1 is an excellent first issue and combines great action, story telling and character development in a way that instantly makes this issue and character memorable for me. All 3 story branches have huge potential and are all very intriguing to me. The way Kelly Sue DeConnick is able to take a supernatural character and effortlessly fit her into the city of Chicago as realized in this issue is a true testament of a solid first issue. This series is now on my read list and I definitely recommend it. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    Multiversity Comics - David Henderson Dec 19, 2013

    Overall, this is everything you could hope for from this issue whether you read the miniseries or not. DeConnick's ear for dialogue and focus on unique, personable characters is in full force here which is backed up by a story that just shows a hint of what is come, dripped in mystery and action and even horror. Not only that, but this issue shows how perfect a co-writing team DeConnick and Sebela are as the whole package feels like a seamless whole that never once plays it's hand with who wrote what and is instead focused on simply telling it's story. Ryan Sook's art contributes that seamless package by creating a real world atmosphere to the setting of Chicago which makes the mystery elements of the story work even better while allowing the horror and action elements to stand out. All this and it still has time to set up plot points to pay off later down the road make it one of the better #1 issues in recent memory and an incredibly strong start to the series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - Stuart Conover Dec 21, 2013

    I truly felt that the mix of mystery and action worked well here, giving it almost a noir feel. While I mentioned in the beginning of this review that the comic felt like a mixture of Hellboy and Batman, it wasdone in a good way! Having missed the mini-series, I was worried this was going to make me feel that I was truly behind on the book from the first issue, but that didn't end up being the case. My hometown may have sold me on picking up the title, but the top quality story telling and art has me ready to continue reading to see what happens next! Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Geeked Out Nation - Mike Okeke Dec 18, 2013

    Ghost #1 is a really solid read. For those who are familiar with Kelly Sue's other work in Captain Marvel and Pretty Deadly then I would highly recommend picking this up. Anyone on the fence, give this first issue a shot if you are fans of Arrow, any kind of paranormal comics like Valiant's Shadowman and enjoy some good action scenes from a kick ass heroine. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Dec 18, 2013

    Ghost #1 is a fantastic start to this new series. While reading the mini-series is a must to get the full experience out of it, this comic has solid writing and absolutely beautiful looking art to it. For old and new fans of the character, you'll definitely want to give this a shot. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Dec 18, 2013

    Ghost #1 is an action packed and thought provoking continuation that easily deserves to make a timely appearance on your pull-list. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jan 13, 2014

    Ghost is an easy cornerstone of the Dark Horse superhero side that I'm glad to see is getting a good treatment that's also filled with a whole lot of potential. You can see that all the right ingredients are here with this reworking of the character and the opening issue leaves you hopeful that it will succeed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Erik Gonzalez Dec 17, 2013

    This book will hook you instantly if you like supernatural stories. There's drama, action, mystery and, surprisingly, it's all well-written and illustrated! Don't worry if you aren't familiar with Ghost; just go along with this fun comic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Front Towards Gamer - Lido Dec 17, 2013

    I've reviewed a lot of opening issues in my time doing this job (like Clown Fatale or The Occultist), and almost every time, the series has been almost the complete opposite of its introduction(like Clown Fatale or The Occultist); I really hope that's not the case with Ghost because this was a superb first issue. Ghost herself is interesting and well characterized in a way that draws the reader in and makes you root for her, the supporting cast are enhanced and perfected from previous appearances, the story and additional plots are all expertly constructed, and it's chock full of awesome action scenes; highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Jen 'Miss J' Aprahamian Dec 18, 2013

    In its energetic and action-packed debut, GHOST opens up as a series with strong potential to appeal to a wide range of readers. It's loaded with mystery and drama, set against a fantastically large supernatural backdrop, and full of history that we're only getting hints of so far. Kelly Sue DeConnick and Chris Sebela take an interesting premise and make it approachable and fun to read. It should be hard to connect to a character like Elisa -- who doesn't even know who she really is -- but this issue makes us want to learn about her and get to know her more (and see her fight off those demons!). It's a strong first issue, with plenty of hooks for interesting plot paths, and it'll be great to see where things are headed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Dec 17, 2013

    DeConnick, Sebela and Sook pick up right where the last volume left off but add a last page twist that will surely define this iteration of Ghost. The dialogue does get a little over-expository at times (especially considering how succinctly the recap page can bring you up to speed) but not enough to affect the quality of this book. Consider this one another feather in the cap of Dark Horse's superhero lineup. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Lawrence Arboleda Dec 23, 2013

    This new Ghost ongoing series is off to a great start, thanks to Kelly Sue's strong writing and Ryan Sook's gorgeous art. There's nothing here that can be considered groundbreaking (at least not yet), but the issue has presented the series's premise in ways that made the characters interesting and the plot engaging. As a new reader of Ghost, this issue has definitely made me a fan. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Adam Kelly Dec 18, 2013

    Overall, the best way I can describe this book is pretty much genre-defying. For me, the musical equivalent would be a band like Faith No More. It's clearly a supernatural book, but Ghost is arguably a superhero, there's clearly going to be drama elements, mystery elements, etc. That's one of the most enjoyable things about this book, just how refreshing it was to read. Definitely check this one out if you're a fan of any or all the genres that it features. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Fangoria - Svetlana Fedotov Dec 19, 2013

    The current series is being penned by a writer duo of Kelly Sue DeConnick and Chris Sebela. With their powers combined, they've managed to create a smooth, sharp read while staying true to the pre-established characters. The story plays as a mix of crime drama and superhero turmoil, flowering a well-rounded comic with plenty of action along the way. Ryan Sook's art is an excellent complement to the script and, having previously worked on other macabre titles such as THE SPECTRE and ARKHAM ASYLUM, his style is well versed in everything spooky. The character designs are beautiful, illustrated with sharp detail. The creative team on GHOST just seems to work in tandem and it's apparent in the preciseness and deliberation of the issue. With these three at the helm, this could be an amazing series. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Entertainment Fuse - Jim Bush Dec 30, 2013

    Although there are no scenes with the devil, the mayor or his associate, Dr. October, the fights between Ghost and the demons still give the issue a sense of conflict. I would imagine that the big bads will soon show themselves, giving the new volume of Ghost a plotline larger than just demon hunting. So far, though, DeConnick has kept the series unpredictable, so Im eager to see where she takes the story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Dec 20, 2013

    The art, unsurprisingly, beats the script by some ways, but there's enough solid craft and material here to recommend the series, especially for supernatural buffs. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - Andrew Lamb Dec 18, 2013

    The art and color create a vibrant cityscape filled with equally colorful demons. Terry Dodson‘s cover sets an almost unmatchable standard, though illustrator Ryan Sook takes up the challenge. Sook takes this female Moon Knight and adds a melancholy, almost sultry persona as she scours the city for answers (the two panels of Elisa in front of a mirror are particularly exceptional). I'm a firm believer in reinvigorating characters and storylines as zero issues or number one issues, and Ghost is no different. While they should have taken more time to flesh out the story, DeConnick, Sebela, and Sook will take Chicago's apparitional superhero to new heights. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Dec 19, 2013

    The thing really saves Ghost #1 from being just okay is the art by Ryan Sook. His pages are dynamic and energized. The action scenes look fantastic and the smaller, character scenes look even better. Sook draws some of the best faces in comics, conveying emotion and motives through something as simple as sideways glance. We simply don't get enough Ryan Sook art, so if he draws something it's definitely worth checking out. If nothing else, Ghost #1 is a very, very pretty comic book. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Culture Mass - Joshua Eubanks Dec 18, 2013

    So, all in all, not abysmal, but not great. If you like the character, I don't think you'll be too disappointed, but I don't expect a lot of new readers to be won over by this issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Dec 18, 2013

    "Ghost" #1 is a fine offering that doesn't force readers into epic amounts of backstory. Labeled as the fourth volume of this character's solo adventures, this comic book is clean and smooth, giving readers just enough information to fuel the story. The mysteries offer readers some incentive to come back and are certain to entice more familiar readers just a bit more than newer readers finding the adventures of Ghost for the first time. "Ghost" #1 is a strong, smart offering from Dark Horse that serves as a nice gateway. It's not the most shocking comic book published in 2013, but neither is it the most forgettable. Sook's art certainly makes it worth checking out and the story from DeConnick and Sebela treats the readers kindly. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Dec 18, 2013

    While Ghost is a fine story, DeConnick does not do anything that crosses remotely into greatness. Readers could find a more bold use of their time with something else on store shelves, like the same writer’s own Pretty Deadly. This first issue is a mixed bag, but those searching for a platform for Ryan Sook to deliver some great pencils may want to explore these pages. Ghost may not be the most consistent thing on store shelves, but the first issue looks truly beautiful. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Your Friendly Neighborhood Brady Dec 20, 2013

    Elisa goes searching for answers about her past and stumbles upon an unexpected encounter and opportunity. What she ends up finding should lead to something more intriguing down the line. I found this premier issue a little ho-hum for a first chapter. Ill try getting haunted by “Ghost” at least one more time before passing a final judgement. With the pedigree of creators on this book, Ive got high expectations for something more substantial coming soon. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Big Comic Page - James McQueen Dec 17, 2013

    The art is clean, colourful and for the most part capable but has to shoulder some of the blame when it comes to every character besides Ghost being wholly flat and unremarkable. They look like featureless plastic people. In some respects, everyone in this book manages to be more of a ghost than Elisa and she isnt the strongest character herself. Avoid. Read Full Review

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