Ghost #2

Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick, Christopher Sebela Artist: Ryan Sook Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: March 12, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 1
7.2Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

An unlikely ally sneaks Ghost into a secret meeting, where a legion of disguised demons gather around Dr. October-until her cover is blown! Meanwhile, the very human serial killer prowling the streets of Chicago takes a personal interest in Sloane and Tommy!

  • 8.5
    Front Towards Gamer - Lido Mar 12, 2014

    Ghost is a true testament to the writer's skill at shared focus and pacing" despite being chock full of concepts and ideas, the book never once feels off center or jumbled or weighed down by those stories. The characters all feel legitimately real and complete and like they have lives, even when we aren't directly looking at them or they aren't directly involved with our heroin. I also really like that none of the female characters in this are ever forced into sexually revealing outfits and that Ghost's costume itself is one of the more conservative designs in superhero comics today. Great artwork and character design, an engaging narrative hook, down right amazing focus, balance and pacing helping to give the characters a three-dimensional, fleshed-out appeal all make this a great comic that I highly recommend. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Mar 18, 2014

    Admittedly, some of my very minor issue in getting into this book comes from the delay since it's been longer than usual from the first and what we get here is kind of transitional in a way. We get some minor reveals that could mean more down the line, but it's hard to see what's useful at this point and what isn't. With just the two issues, most of the time is focused on Elisa so I can't really get a good feel for the supporting cast yet, to the point where even Beleth feels a lot more fleshed out and central than those that Elisa trusts. We get some good dialogue throughout and some interesting places to visit, which opens up its own questions, but Ghost is at that early point where it's still revealing itself and it's doing what it can to provide things to latch onto without just asking more and more unanswered questions. And I totally appreciate that. It just feels like it needs a bit more tightness and focus with the core story that I can't quite put my finger on yet. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Mar 12, 2014

    Ghost #2 is a follow up that continues the arc of this supernatural romp without losing the core mechanics that allow this title to stand out. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Shane Hoffman Mar 11, 2014

    Having two artists tackle any issue of any comic can bea challenge that often time fails or leaves the reader with the feeling of a broken story. It is a major win when two artists can almost seamlessly switch from one to the next and Ryan Sook and Drew Johnson do just that. I found that I didnt even really notice that the pencil duties switched while reading even going back through and counting the pages to the switch I still had difficulty picking out the subtle differences. To me that is a huge feat to accomplish, Ive read comics before where artist switch mid-way through a story and it takes you completely out of the story and makes it feel as if two totally different stories are taking place, even though the writing is constant and one fluid story the artwork is the visual telling and when it is a drastic noticeable change it takes the reader out of that moment in the story. To you Mr. Sook and Mr. Johnson I say well-done gentleman, well done! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Mar 12, 2014

    Ghost #2 is an ok issue that has interesting elements but suffers somewhat from execution as what is most memorable is the number of times Elisa threatens Beleth to make the story progress, and then the revelation is second most memorable moment. And the setup for the next issue is very intriguing and I am very interested in how that will play out as it seems there will be some really good action but I also hope that the mayor's plot at least seems as threatening as they say it is. And the White City Butcher becomes more interesting as a shape is given to the character as well as a pattern of behavior and Elisa's decision to not pursue the Butcher could come back to haunt her. So I'm still on board with this series and looking forward to the next issue very much. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Mar 14, 2014

    The creative teams for "Ghost" might be doing a bit of a shuffle, but you'd never know it if all you had to go on was just "Ghost" #2, and as a reader I appreciate that. DeConnick, Sebela, Sook and Johnson all do a fine job here, and I'm still firmly on board for what's still to come. Hopefully once things have calmed down, the book will be back on a more regular schedule. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Adam Kelly Mar 12, 2014

    The only positive I can take from reading this book is the fact that we get to see Ghost and Beleth waste some demons. That said, the cover features Doctor October, and Ghost's encounter her is just like the rest of this book, and that's underwhelming. If you read this book, all you really have to do is look at the last two pages and that's about the only relatively exciting thing that happens. I felt like I was reading a book that was PG-13 when it needs to be amped up to R or beyond. On top of the other problems I've had with Ghost it's just not gritty enough or enticing enough for me to enjoy. Perhaps they should take some cues from Ghost's old pal X" Read Full Review

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