Shane Hoffman's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Big Comic Page Reviews: 74
7.6Avg. Review Rating

13 Coins #1

Oct 22, 2014

Even with the somewhat unclear story at points, there is not a bad word I can say at all for the outstanding visuals. Simon Bisley sucks you right into this tale from the first page! His depictions of the battle in Heaven and how he chose to distinguish the Angels from the Fallen are phenomenal. The artwork is very clean and highly detailed and carries a sense of grit and darkness that fit the atmosphere the story creates very well. I'm definitely looking forward to progressing issues of this story to see what plays out and " if I'm honest " just to get another glimpse at these outstanding visuals!

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Bad Ass #1

Jan 21, 2014

The story brings to mind elements of Deadpool, Wanted, and even a little Kick Ass yet mangaes to have its own unique qualities. While the character names seem a little simple and on-point, the story moved along at a decent pace and leaves you wanting to read more about this mysterious man in black known as Dead End. The writing is done fairly well with the intelligent and witty quips back and forth between characters and the flashback elements providing a little more depth to the new character. I found the book to read fast and leave you wanting the next issue stat, particularlywith the abrupt end to the first chapter. After the first read Im on board for the next ish, if only to find out just what this maniac in black is all about!

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Bad Ass #2

Feb 18, 2014

I thoroughly enjoyed the first issue and I enjoy reading a villain in the lead role for a change but these few things really turned me off and at this point I'm not really sure I'd care to read any more of the adventures " or in a villain's case, misadventures " of Dead End.

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Bill & Ted's Most Triumphant Return #1

Mar 11, 2015

Unfortunately, I can't in good conscience recommend this book for anything but a fun nostalgic trip down memory lane. If you were a fan of the movies you will probably enjoy yourself to a point, but unless you were an extreme diehard who wishes the Wyld Stallyns were an actual band and Bill and Ted were you're most excellent friends, then I'd suggest you pass on this book. But hey, if you are feeling nostalgic then there's no reason not to give it a read " on the other hand, you could just look the movies up on Netflix and shut it off when you get your fix.

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Black Dynamite #1

Jan 14, 2014

As long as you go into reading this comic with the idea that it is comedic entertainment then you should enjoy. Its a quick read, and entertaining in aesthetics and story. I mean you have a Kung-Fu hero that speaks in the third person by the name of Black Dynamite, fighting The Man and another nemesis by the name of Too Swole. That alone should say enough right there at the entertainment value of this book. I found it rather enjoyable even going in having no clue what I was getting into and I would be fine checking out issue #2 when it comes out.

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Black Market #1

Jul 14, 2014

Barbiere has, in one issue, set up a story with complex yet simple subjects that will affect different readers in different ways, making this much more that just another typical superhero story on the racks of your local comic shop. Victor Santos style fits perfectly into the story as well. His work has an almost ‘pop art' feel, with fairly simple but clear lines throughout. The images leap off the page with vibrant life and draw you into the story. The designs are also perfect for the characters created, making it easy to relate to the dilemma and choices that they are left to make.

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Black Market #2

Aug 21, 2014

That said, the interesting thing with this sequence was the interaction between the housing tenants and Ray.  It seemed almost like reaffirmation for what he was now doing, as if now he could tell himself that his actions weren't  truly wrong and instead actually made him a hero of sorts. So I guess my main gripe, without using all the words I just used, was that the timeline jumped around too much making it hard to stay on track with what was in the past and what was a continuation of the first issue. The story is still good, I still like the creative take on the dynamic between Hero and Villain, but I sadly found this to be a fairly confusing read overall.

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Black Market #4

Oct 8, 2014

All that aside, this actually is a great story that takes an interesting look at morality in a world where super heroes are feared more than praised for being what they are – heroes. One man finds a way to make them heroes, but in order to do so he must become a villain. The real question of which one he is comes down the readers opinion, and that in itself makes this book worth the read. For a writer to take a story involving something we will never see but always dream of, super heroes, and really make us question which way our moral compass points, is not something you read everyday. So Frank, though my reviews for this have not been stellar from a stand-alone issue viewpoint, as a whole, this truly is a fantastic story!

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Black Science #3

Jan 28, 2014

If you like science fiction, great storytelling or just plain great artwork in your comics then I highly recommend this series.

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Black Science #4

Feb 25, 2014

Do yourself a favor and pick this comic up while its still early in issues, get caught up and stay along with me for the adventure!

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Black Science #6

Apr 29, 2014

Matteo Scaleras artwork alone would sell this comic to me; one look at his artwork and you can help but be mesmerized. His style is distinctive and unique to him and is full of life as it jumps off the page. His artwork tells the story at a near cinematic pace. Its as if he captures each and every action beat and pivotal moment needed to tell the story in each panel. Also, with the vivid colours he uses the images just pop and jump right off the page and into your imagination.

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Black Science #9

Oct 8, 2014

As far as Mr. Matteo Scalera goes, all I can say in short is wow! But seriously, if the writing duties on this book didnt have enough challenges, Scalera with each issue gets to pull out all the stops and bring whatever his imagination can create for each new creature and world. And every issue he does an incredibly stunning job. You get to see new environments, any of which could be the backdrop for a movie, and the creatures rival those created for other forms of media. I cant say enough about this artists abilities to create new and interesting forms of life and environments. To have these two creators on the same project is, to me, a match made in heaven. I honestly can't wait to see the continued adventures of our dwindling number of time jumpers and find out what's in store for them next!

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Blackcross #1

Mar 3, 2015

Overall, I'm sad to say that this is just not a story I'm likely to pick up again. Maybe when the next issue comes out and Im curious to see if it leaves me with yet again more questions than answers and plot lines Ill just give it a read, but as of right now I would say if you are a die-hard Ellis fan then pick it up and support him, if you are just a comic fan looking for a new series maybe hold off and wait for “volume 1″ and read it in one sitting.

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Blackout #2

Apr 29, 2014

All in all I found the story while its an interesting concept to just lack strong story telling on both creative ends. In the story telling theres just too many questions that are unanswered and that leaves the plot flat. And the lack of details and visual stimulation in the art make it hard to then capture the readers eye as well. While its not a horrible story it just didnt grab my attention and let my imagination run wild.

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Colder: The Bad Seed #5

Feb 25, 2015

All in all, I found it hard to put this series down. I read most of it in one sitting, and I believe that had I read them as they were released, I still would have been anxious like a kid on Christmas Eve waiting for each new issue. Colder is a horrifyingly terrific book with great writing and outstanding artwork. I may have found it a little confusing at times, but when you have a story based around insanity, what more would you expect?

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Conan: The Avenger #2

May 27, 2014

All in all, this book is set at the perfect pace with the story developing and the action keeping the ball rolling. Van Lente and Ching bring this installment of Conan to life panel by panel.

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Danger Girl: May Day #1

Apr 22, 2014

Overall, the story just lacked a strong plot. It came across as a typical action movie plot, but one which was was lacking information and distinction of its parts.

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Dark Engine #2

Aug 20, 2014

John Bivens has created some truly stunning artwork for this series. The creatures are violent whether they are on the enormous side or the smaller scale and Sym is graceful yet lethal. The movement created in the fight scenes is intense and it feels as though the battles were happening right in front of your eyes. The world he is visually creating is hard to describe in words, being as there are many settings from the Sporelands and the Alchemists immense tower to the different time periods and locations of Syms travel. Bizens truly has been given the creative freedom to do what he wants, and in truth, he uses this freedom to his advantage and creates some fantastic visual story telling.

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Dead Body Road #6

May 27, 2014

Now, to the artwork, provided here by Matteo Scalera. I honestly dont know where to start. I fell in love with his artwork on Black Science and seeing his work here only increases that love. He has a way of taking his gritty yet detailed style and drawing you into the pages. I found myself, as I read, moving along with the story. To me the panels werent still images frame by frame, but rather it felt like the comic in my hand was my favourite media device playing a movie. The visuals flowed perfectly with the story being told, making the book come to life and jump off the pages. While this particular issue didnt have the double page spreads of his that I have come to love, it still featured plenty of intense action scenes, as well as scenes without action where the panels were just as intense and dynamic. I for one hope to see Matteo Scalera as a staple in comics for years to come.

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Dead Letters #3

Jun 10, 2014

Chris Visions artwork, while it is definitely his own unique style, does little to help alleviate the confusion in the story telling. Sometimes when a story is hard to follow the artwork can fill in the gaps in the actual word play. However, in this case, I found the artwork just as hard to follow as the story. There is a lot crammed into every panel on every page, which is a commendable approach but which also leaves the eye confused as to who is who, what panel is next, and who or what is actually in each panel. So while the story. So while I appreciate the unique style and the work put into every issue, for me its just too much going on and not clearly defined enough to really hook me.

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Deadly Class #2

Feb 25, 2014

Wes Craigs artwork however, is fantastic. The varying look of the characters is refreshing to see, in a time when a lot of artists fail to make every character look distinctively different from one another. And the color choices fit every panel flawlessly. The artistic team has done a great job creating the environments of the story and the personalities of the characters in it.

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Drifter #1

Nov 12, 2014

The landscapes and environments are fantastic and definitely are something I could picture in a sci-fi film and the characters are highly detailed and very distinguishable from one another. Nic Klein brings his A-game to this comic and it makes for some beautiful visual story telling. So even with the minor problems in the dialogue I still am curious to see where Drifter will go, so I'm still on board for issue 2.

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Drumhellar #6

Jun 17, 2014

Riley Rossmo and Alex Link have created a truly unique and vivid story with a very uncommon cast of characters. I almost found myself question his state of mind while writing but if that were true I'd also have to question my own state of mind while reading because I found myself being sucked right in to the madness along with him.

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Drumhellar #7

Jul 29, 2014

If you are in the market for something different from the norm, do yourself a solid and go pick up Drumhellar. Heck, go out and get the first volume trade and get caught up with me. It wont disappoint.

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Drumhellar #8

Aug 26, 2014

The trips themselves are becoming a little predictable, but each one has its own unique aftermath that make them visually different every time. So even though the trips are a tad more predictable and expected, this doesn't impact them to the point where they take away from the story. Not only does Rossmo continue to keep my interest in the twisted tales of Drum Hellar, but also his artwork still pops and catches my eye. Each trip alone is a new avenue for Rossmo to show his skills and just wow us with what he can throw on a page.

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EGOs #3

Mar 11, 2014

Overall however,this is a decent sci-fi story that does grab your attention and leave you wondering where the story will go next or what kind of villain or hero will be introduced next.

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Fatale #20

Feb 11, 2014

As I stated earlier, being thatI have come in at such a late issue and enjoyed the book this thoroughly truly is a testament to the abilities of both writer and artist. I find the story intriguing and different from what I am normally drawn to read. To take a character that is a succubus of sorts and spin a tale that takes her from the 1930′s to the present dayand keep it interesting is no easy feat. So my advice would be that if you're looking for a different story from the normal comic on the shelves then youdefinitely need to snatch this up and give it a read.And while you're at it, you should also follow in my footsteps as I head to the local shop to pick up some past trades of this story when you get a chance!

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Five Ghosts #9

Feb 4, 2014

Overall, this is a great, well rounded action adventure book with outstanding characters and stories that leave you wanting more, I highly recommend anyone picking up the first five issues then continuing on with Fabian on his journey!

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Five Ghosts #10

Mar 18, 2014

This is a story I think most any comic fan would enjoy but also anyone who has been a fan of the classic action adventure movies like Sinbad, and Jason and the Argonauts. For me it embodies all of these things I have loved for years, and it is intelligent and just an amazing piece of fiction brought to life by an extraordinary artist.

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Five Ghosts #11

Apr 22, 2014

This comic, in my opinion, is an absolute must-read for any fan of comics. Seriously, do yourselves and these two extraordinary talents a favor and follow their work. It definitely does not disappoint.

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Five Ghosts #12

Jun 3, 2014

There are so many panels in this issue just leave me speechless at the talent possessed by Mooneyham and I'm glad I had the ability to view such artistry.

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Five Ghosts #13

Oct 22, 2014

All fan boy gushing aside if you aren't reading this book, shame on you. You are missing out on story telling not only with words but visuals at its highest level.

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Five Ghosts #14

Dec 2, 2014

I know I am like a fan boy stuck on repeat when it comes to reviewing this series, but it truly is one of the best I've read in a while. Each issue is packed with action, but it also has the adventure side and character build that makes each issue the full package. And the best part is, it's completely unlike most of the other comics your local shop is saturated with. If you are looking for a comic that has strong characters, great writing and phenomenal visual storytelling, you need look no further.

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Five Ghosts #15

Feb 11, 2015

I promise you that if you enjoy action/adventure stories featuring some characters that you will likely recognise from outside the comic world then I strongly recommend this book. It does not disappoint in its writing and the visual storytelling is some of the best in the market today. But hey, thats just my humble opinion – grab an issue and judge for yourself!

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Five Ghosts #16

Apr 7, 2015

I've been saying it for as long as I can remember, but I simply cannot recommend this book highly enough to readers. It really has everything you could ask for; incredible writing, stunning visuals and intensely engaging story lines. You truly are missing out on comic story telling at its highest levels if you arent following the work of Barbiere and Mooneyham.

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Frankenstein Alive, Alive! #3

Apr 15, 2014

If you are a fan of Frankenstein, or of just exquisite artwork in your comic books I highly recommend picking up this series, if not in single-issue form definitely pick up the trade when it comes out and stare in awe at each page as you flip through!

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Ghost (2013) #2

Mar 11, 2014

Having two artists tackle any issue of any comic can bea challenge that often time fails or leaves the reader with the feeling of a broken story. It is a major win when two artists can almost seamlessly switch from one to the next and Ryan Sook and Drew Johnson do just that. I found that I didnt even really notice that the pencil duties switched while reading even going back through and counting the pages to the switch I still had difficulty picking out the subtle differences. To me that is a huge feat to accomplish, Ive read comics before where artist switch mid-way through a story and it takes you completely out of the story and makes it feel as if two totally different stories are taking place, even though the writing is constant and one fluid story the artwork is the visual telling and when it is a drastic noticeable change it takes the reader out of that moment in the story. To you Mr. Sook and Mr. Johnson I say well-done gentleman, well done!

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God Country #4

Apr 18, 2017

If you're not already reading this creative masterpiece then you're missing out on what could be one of this years best works. I give this story high marks all around; it has a great story that is deep, personal and full of fantasy, along with artwork that captures each moment just as the words intend. And man, if the final page of this latest chapter doesnt have you impatiently waiting for issue five, then you better check your pulse. I dont want to have to wait another month. I want it now!

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Halo: Escalation #2

Jan 7, 2014

Aside from a lack of strong dialogue at times this was a fairly entertaining read. Though I have no clue of what events take place before this story begins, the writer does an excellent job of making it accessible to new readers. If you are a die-hard Halo fan then I would assume you are already reading this to stay up to datewith the happenings in the Halo universe, andif not, I suggest you start. If you are a new reader with no knowledge whatsoever of the Halo universe this may not be somewhere you want to start, as you will be at a loss for what some of the characters and races are that are discussed. All that being said, it's stilla fairly entertaining bit of comic science fiction.

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Juice Squeezers #1

Dec 31, 2013

All in all if I was 20 years younger and got this in my hands I probably would be okay with it and even want to stick around for at least issue #2. But as it stands right now I think the plot, though it is good with minor holes, just isnt a fresh enough idea. Something lurking in the shadows, only a select few can battle it, big secret only the townsfolk know blah blah blah. Mr. Lapham Im sorry for the less than stellar review but Juice Squeezers just didnt do it for me. I will have to squash any further reading into this series.

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King Conan: The Conqueror #1

Feb 25, 2014

The artwork of Tomas Giorello is very detailed and keeps the pace the story has set nicely. The environments are detailed and very much alive on page, and the characters are portrayed with emotion and movement. There are a few fight scene pages that truly leap off the page and show just how visceral and brutal the movement and violence of a fight with Conan would actually be like.

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Lazarus #8

Apr 22, 2014

The storytelling on display here by Greg Rucka is actually quite engaging. Even being at a loss jumping into the story relatively late in the game, I still found myself truly drawn into the story. The characters seem well developed and all the parts of the story definitely point to the whole. The artistic team of Michael Lark and Brian Level also do an outstanding job of bringing this gritty reality to life. It is a world which can be dark and violent at times, but also detailed and vibrant at others. And, based on this issue, I personally found myself wanting to go back and catch up on the ‘story so far' before continuing on to see what transpires in the future.

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Li'l Battlestar Galactica #1

Jan 14, 2014

My rating for this comic is bases solely on the how it would be for true fans of the show. As for myself Im not a fan so a personal rating would be low and not do this book any justice to a fan. So I give this a 6-10, its entertaining and I think any true fan will enjoy it.

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #1

Mar 11, 2014

Magnus: Robot Fighter #1, either for fans of something new or for fans of the different takes on the well-established character, is a highly recommended read. I found the character well-developed and the book most definitely grabbed my attention and interest. I was left wanting to see where this story will go next.

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #2

Apr 8, 2014

I still believe that the concept of the character and the story are interesting and would make for good comics but the writing on this particular issue just didnt do it for me in the slightest.

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Manifest Destiny #7

Jun 10, 2014

Also, it has to be said, Matthew Roberts artwork is phenomenal! And thats still probably not giving him enough credit. Not only are the environments believable, being that they are a representation of our country in its infancy, but the characters are highly detailed as well. The level of detail that is in every panel is astounding and very well done. To know that Roberts handles the inking duties as well just adds to the creative talent behind this artist. I hope that he is on the book for the long haul and look forward to seeing where his career will take him.

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Manifest Destiny #8

Jul 15, 2014

Adventure? Check. Danger? Double check. Excitement? Thrills? Chills? Check, check, check. Simply put, this interesting take on the Adventures of Lewis and Clark has it all! If you aren't reading this book you are doing these fine creators " and yourself " a disservice. Chris Dingess and Matthew Roberts, along with the rest of their creative team, have done a fantastic job of taking a part of history and rewriting to make it fit nicely in the world of comics. If you like action and adventure without the 'traditional' heroes, then look no further. Oh, and one more thing, if you like a cliffhanger at the end of every single issue then you will definitely love this book. Manifest Destiny takes great pleasure in leaving you salivating at the mouth and ready for the next issue as soon as you finish reading the last page.

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Manifest Destiny #9

Aug 19, 2014

With the wide range of characters you would think it would be difficult to build each one their own personalities and roles but I find that each one gets more and more deveiled the more this series goes on. Yes, you have your non-essential characters, but there are enough in the main cast that it amazes me how well each ones own story is progressing. You get to see the different views of each one as events take place, and experience their reasons for continuing (or questioning whether they should). Dingess has truly created something special with this twisted ‘New World' story, and I'm definitely going to continue reading the adventures of this particular Lewis and Clark.

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MPH #2

Jun 17, 2014

To create a story based around a real city in turmoil I think brings the problem to light in a different way. Art imitates life, and in this case that is most certainly true. Respect to Millar for taking this turmoil and shining even a small, albeit unrealistic glimmer of hope to it within the pages of this story. And also for finding a truly talented artist like Duncan Fegredo to bring it all to life. The artwork is very realistic and very detailed in every panel.

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ODY-C #1

Nov 26, 2014

I would suggest this to readers familiar with "The Odyssey" who know the story and what to expect, that way the new take to them makes it worth the read. But, again as a reader not strongly rooted in the base mythology I found it a daunting task to read and keep interested in as I was lost from the beginning.

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POP #1

Aug 26, 2014

Jason Copland's artwork along with Pete Tom's colors fit this story perfectly. The style Copland uses and the colors that Toms chooses give this a very Pop art feel.

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Rasputin #2

Nov 29, 2014

Throw in the typically beautiful artwork from Rossmo and, well, if you're not reading this book already then I strongly suggest you start. There are panels that have no words but with Rossmo's knack for visual story telling there is no lack of story being told. In reality, the picture truly is worth a thousand words, or at least a few word a bubbles to keep the story rolling. I'm definitely on board after the first two issues to see how this story progresses, and most importantly, I need to know just why Rasputin is being murdered by his closest friends.

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Rebels: These Free and Independent States #2

Apr 25, 2017

Even if you are not into this style of book, one that takes historical events and adds in fictional characters, I strongly recommend giving Rebels a try. If youve read a Brian Wood series before youll already know the man is talented, and when you throw in the accomplished artwork of Andrea Mutti, you really need to do yourself a favor and check this one out.

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Reyn #1

Jan 21, 2015

As an opening issue for a new series I found this to be very well done. The setup and character back-stories are already starting and all the major players have been introduced – or at least what we may think are all the major players. I have no doubt in my mind that more villains will show themselves in the issues to come, but for now my interest has certainly been piqued. Im definitely on board to see where Reyn goes from here and what develops between him and Seph and whomever else they may recruit or meet along the way.

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Rise of the Magi #1

Jun 3, 2014

The use of two artists in a story can be either unnoticeable with similar styles or in this case a rather noticeable switch from Sumeyyes clean detail to Marcs trademark gritty style. I thought that Sumeyyes artwork was very well done and fit the story well and wonder the need for it to then be taken over by another artist. While I have always been a fan of Marc Silvestris art I couldnt help but wonder if he rushed the panels he did or if the more sketchy look than his previous work was intended. The characters do not change much from artist to artist, merely presentation of style, both are well done and I have no gripes. I just think that rather than having this story broken up by the chapter break pages and then switching artists, it would have been better off using a singular artist. That said, there's still a lot to like about this issue.

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Saga #19

May 19, 2014

Fiona Staples has got to be one of the most talented artists out there right now. There are times when I wonder about the necessity of certain things – whether its the porn on Prince Robot IVs screen or the opening page of this issue – yet at the same time, they fit the story perfectly and set the tone right off the bat for the issue. Each character is so distinct from another that it just makes it easy to read and continue seeing what types of character we will see next. The words of this comic tell an amazing tale but without Staples extraordinary talent to tell a story with words it just wouldnt be the same.

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Sherlock Holmes Moriarty Lives #2

Feb 11, 2014

Writer David Liss does a fantastic job in continuing the intelligent speech and conversational skills of the beloved characters from the novels. The banter back and forth between characters is not far off from what you have seen on screen in the recent films. It's witty yet delightfully intelligent and intellectual to a certain degree.

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Starlight #2

Apr 1, 2014

I find that Mark Millar has taken subject matter that could be difficult for anyone, losing a loved one and trying to find a way to move on, and made it endearing and dare I say, enjoyable to read.

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Starlight #3

May 13, 2014

Starlight seems to get better each passing issue, so if you are a fan of science fiction, in my opinion reminiscent of late 70s, 80s and maybe early 90s science fiction movies, then go out and jump into Starlight. The title could easily be switched to the Adventures of Duke McQueen and be on point, thats truly what it boils down to, Duke McQueen savior of Tantalus!

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Starlight #4

Jun 10, 2014

This story continues to build up to where I hope we will see Duke once again living up to his heroic status. One thing's for sure, I'm going to be sticking with this series – and rooting for Duke every step of the way – until that happens.

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Tales Of Honor #2

Apr 29, 2014

While I am not a long running fan of the series of novels I feel that fans long standing fans will appreciate the series being brought to life in the comic medium. However for a new reader, while the story and characters are interesting in their own right, the first two issues fell a little flat for me. I understand a lot of information has to be thrown out to educate us on the Honorverse but it had a tendency to make the story drag and I was hoping for the last page around half way through. I did not dislike the story but just didnt find it fully grabbing my attention and keeping me interested in the story.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire #1

Jan 21, 2014

Im not up to date on what has happened in the TMNT universe up to this point but I found the storytelling drawing me in. Paul Allor does an excellent job in making Fugitoid an endearing character. The artwork fits the story quite well and the coloring does a good job differentiating elements within the story. The panels with Fugitoid are dark and soft colors and the panels with Krang or the planet Utominom are very bright colors of oranges and pinks. The creative team is working well together to bring the story to life and grab even a new reader like me and have me curious to see where Fugitoids story will lead.

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Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #2

Dec 31, 2013

If you are fan of the movies up to this point and would like some resolution from where Salvation left off I suggest picking this series up and giving it a try. It may not be a fresh idea in the Terminator universe but it is a decent continuation of the story. The story is engaging and the artwork fits quite well with it. All in all interesting read and I for one am interested in whats going to go down in issue #3.

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Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #3

Feb 4, 2014

True fans of the franchise may thoroughly enjoy this series, as it is a very good continuation from where Salvation left off. But from the standpoint of a comic fan, its starting to lose my interest. Too many plots in each issue with not enough resolution, just more questions and more confusion.

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The Damnation of Charlie Wormwood #2

Nov 12, 2014

The interior artwork by Chee for this series is done in all black and white. In all honesty I think it was a wise choice. The black and white choice leaves the story to tell itself, not distracting the reader with vibrant colors or too much going on. The details are there and done well, but the lack of color doesn't at all take away, but in my opinion enhances the story as a whole.

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The Dresden Files: Down Town #2

Mar 10, 2015

Overall, if you have been a fan of the stories done in graphic format since they started – or consider yourself a fan of the longtime novels – youll definitely want to pick this new story up, if for no other reason than getting your Dresden fix while you wait for the next novel.

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The Dresden Files: War Cry #1

Jun 3, 2014

Carlos Gomez does and outstanding job bring Dresden to life. He may not be how I always pictured him in my mind, but in all honesty ever since Paul Blackthorne played him in the SyFy series, my idea of him has been kind of set. The artwork is very well done; landscapes and characters are detailed and take on a life of their own within the panels. And for Gomez to keep up with the pace set by Butcher and Powers is impressive. Youve got action in just about every panel and the way Gomez illustrates them its as if watching the scene take place in full motion not just still frames.

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The Fade Out #1

Aug 19, 2014

Before I started this review I was already impatiently waiting the next issue, and now the anticipation has been multiplied and Im not sure what Im going to do with myself for a month until the next comes out. Seriously. It's that good. I guess thats the beauty of comics and of a story like this, and while I wait I can begin to formulate my own guesses as to where Brubaker and Phillips will take us next on this utterly compelling mystery

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The Field #2

May 13, 2014

Its hard to judge a series by just the first issue or the first two issues alone; its like judging a movie based on the first 15-30 minutes. But then again if you arent hooked and captivated by the first two issues why spend the money? I can honestly say Im hooked in. This story has developed well from issue 1 to issue 2 and the stories have captured my imagination and attention Im ready to see what the Field will bring next!

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The Maxx: Maxximized #6

Apr 8, 2014

As I stated above, the stories are definitely in a league of their own, leaving you wondering with every page turn just what is really going on and which reality is the real reality, but they undoubtedly keep you the reader wanting more. And Kieths artwork captures the stories with his unique unequalled style that keeps you involved in the story even when you are questioning what is really going on. If you arent old enough to remember the days when this was first published, you should definitely check these remastered issues out and enjoy the intriguing world of Sam Kieths creative mind.

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The White Suits #4

Jul 1, 2014

So, if you like your stories full of everything that makes a good thrill ride – with a touch of espionage and a load of senseless violence thrown for good measure – then this is definitely a series you want to check out. Keep an eye out for The White Suits; they may be out there

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There's Nothing There #1

Apr 24, 2017

Overall, if you are a fan of horror, you should definitely consider giving Theres Nothing There a look. My slight reservations aside, Im definitely on board for issue two, if only find to find out exactly whats going on, whats causing these visions and just where Reno fits in. Kindlon and Llovet theres definitely something there!

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Translucid #1

Apr 15, 2014

Im not writing off this story just yet. In fact, I have high hopes that with the coming issues the story will build more and more and this will become a ‘must read' by the time the final issue sees print.

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Trees #1

May 27, 2014

There wasn't much dialogue to be had, and what little there was didnt help me to understand what was happening. Sadly the narration did little to help either. The artwork was well done, and I have no major complaints on that score. Locations were detailed, and characters had their own personalities. Even with decent artwork though, this issue fell very, very flat to me. Im not even exactly sure I want to read the next installment for fear I may become even more lost as to where this story is going.

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