Five Ghosts #11

Writer: Frank J. Barbiere Artist: Chris Mooneyham Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: April 23, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
9.8Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

What horrors await on The Island of Dreams? Find out in the penultimate chapter of “Lost Coastlines!”

  • 10
    Bloody Disgusting - Zac Thompson Apr 23, 2014

    I dont know what else to say about this book, other than it might be my favorite thing on the stands. Barbiere paces a story with the pure cream of the storytelling. Mooneyham is a beast as he lingers on the small details like a throw pebble, only to follow it up with an explosive demonstrate of energy. The wild and energetic style pulses though this book. I cant wait to read it again. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - James Anders II Apr 23, 2014

    There is no denying that I am really going to miss the wrap up of the Lost Coastlines arc. It has been one super read for the last several months. But even with it ending, Five Ghosts will continue to amaze because it simply rocks hard. Barbiere and Mooneyham have created something quite unique and amazing that like Fabian is something legendary. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Big Comic Page - Shane Hoffman Apr 22, 2014

    This comic, in my opinion, is an absolute must-read for any fan of comics. Seriously, do yourselves and these two extraordinary talents a favor and follow their work. It definitely does not disappoint. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Apr 28, 2014

    The cover says it all " and how often in a world of variants and gimmicks can one say that about a comic? But the truth of it is that this issue of Five Ghosts, like every other before it, delivers on the nightmarish, thrilling pulp adventure it advertises. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Deckard May 1, 2014

    I dropped this title for the last few issues because I felt the story had gotten a bit stale and wasn't going anywhere. I picked this issue up because I really liked the cover and I did not regret it.

    I was a bit lost obviously because I hadn't read #9 or 10, but other than one or two pages, everything fit together quite well. The art and pulp style is better than ever in this issue and there's a good amount of action and development, which is what this kind of story needs. I'm looking forward to what this title has to bring in the future because I'm back on board after this issue.

  • 8.0
    GreyMouser Apr 24, 2014

    The pulp design and feel is the best part of this title. I keep going back & forth as to if i should have dropped this title after #5. #6 was awful and each issue opens with my thinking 'WTF?!?'. It usually doesn't connect to the previous issue in a way that makes sense. So maybe this is better read it TPB. I would encourage that option. However, this issue is one of the best in the arc. The art and colors are fantastic, and i appreciate the cleanup of the flashback scenes (although there is one panel they left with some guidelines). I think a lot more can be done with these characters and premise, but i don't see it yet. Ill drop the monthly after issue #12 and switch to TPB.

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