Ninjak #18

Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Khari Evans, Andres Guinaldo Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: August 10, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 7
7.6Critic Rating
7.1User Rating


Many years from now, Earth's immortal master of war and the world's deadliest intelligence operative fight side by side. As was foretold in the BOOK OF DEATH, an aging Ninjak and Eternal Warrior are fated to spend their days as humanity's guardians, protecting it from the myriad threats that loom over the horizon of Earth's future. But when the ultimate menace rises to obliterate all traces of life, can Colin King and Gilad Anni-Padda - Ninjak and the Eternal Warrior - cement their status as the Valiant Universe's greatest heroic duo...or will their legacy go more

  • 10
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez Aug 12, 2016

    The art is quite superb. The writer is exquisite. Ninjak #18 deals with a future of our hero while deconstructing him, both in the future and in the present. Kindt makes a point to not only highlight the friendship between Gilad and Colin, but work on their methodologies. There is definitely a lot more than what is on the surface and Kindt weaves it into the main plots seamlessly. Evans and Guinaldo turn in some of their best art work yet, presenting readers with a fresh experience while Arreola and Sotomayor bring these works of art to life with their powerful colors that burst every page with a perfect brilliance. Definitely the best issue Kindt has written of this book to date. This book continues to be a triumphant of a man of action who is so multilayered. Get this issue and you won't be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Aug 10, 2016

    Release Date: 8/10/16Writer:Matt KindtArtist:Khari Evans Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Aug 13, 2016

    I like this series a lot - it features smart scripts by Matt Kindt and strong artwork by Ulises Arreloa and Chris Sotomayor, and the stories are always edgy but fun. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 11, 2016

    Ninjak's been an uneven book for me since the get go, particularly since so much of what we get feels rushed and without the engagement and involvement we need to really connect with it all. There are great themes and ideas that could go on for a dozen issues that are compressed into one or two at best. With this issue, Kindt takes us to a point in Colin's life decades in the future and that's really engaging, though it's going to be filled with teases and potential misdirections along the way. I like the potential here and I really like what Khari Evans brings to the book in giving us this older Colin. At the same time, the usually problematic or uninteresting backup feature material becomes intriguing as it puts us in the present and begins to show what Colin's doing after his encounter with Roku and I want a lot more of that, giving me hope for an interesting feature for the next few issues. I'm definitely intrigued overall but am wary as I've been for most of this run. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Aug 10, 2016

    Ninjak #18 is the start of something intriguing because demons of the past don't seem to find rest. There's someone big pulling the strings of this new mystery and you want to know how that person could truly be a threat to the pairing of Ninjak and the Eternal Warrior. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Inhuman Mongo Aug 10, 2016

    Valiant has delivered as advertised on this title by opening a great universe of characters for new readers. This is indeed a PERFECT jumping-on point and why not do it in a title with some excellent writing and incredible artwork. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - mansah19 Aug 9, 2016

    If you haven't read an issue of Ninjak, this is the perfect jump-on point for new readers. It may be a much older Ninjak, yet he is true to the main characteristics of the hero. Also for the new readers, the flashback tale gives the info needed in order to stay with the series permanently. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Amy Okamoto Aug 9, 2016

    Ninjak #18 is a solid story that builds bridges between the past and the future foretold in Book of Death. Offering both an interesting mystery and a burgeoning camaraderie, Ninjak #18 should absolutely be on your pull list. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Graphic Policy - Alex K Cossa Aug 11, 2016

    Again, there's nothing I really dislike about this issue, but it just didn't have the magic within its pages that the publisher's other release does this week. Hopefully, next issue will be stronger, and this is the weakest in the arc. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jeff Lake Aug 11, 2016

    They may not be the ones who get the ampersand billing, but for our money the title of Valiant's premiere bromance goes to Ninjak and the Eternal Warrior. And following the systematic dissolution of all things Colin King, the rejoining of this particular odd couple makes for a nice change of pace. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - Matthew J. Theriault Aug 8, 2016

    ‘The Siege of King's Castle‘ was easily the best arc in one of Valiant's " or any publisher's " best books currently on shelves. ‘The Fist and the Steel' Part One does not maintain the high standard set by that story arc, but it's nevertheless a compelling first issue full of promise and potential for the next installments. Moreover, its use of the flash-forward is brave and refreshing. Comics too rarely commit to a definitive vision of their characters' futures, and this brief glimpse into Colin King's is full of intriguing information " quite appropriate for a series about espionage. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    GAMbIT Magazine - Alan D.D. Aug 13, 2016

    In summation Ninjak #18 may not the best issue ever of the series, but it was solid all around. I'm definitely excited to see where things go from here as I have a feeling there are good things on the horizon from the people responsible of this. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bounding Into Comics - Elliott Cole Aug 9, 2016

    Ninjak #18 is good but not great. Fans of the series have no reason to quit now, but I can't necessarily recommend this as a good jumping on point for new readers. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Jason Laframboise Aug 11, 2016

    The new story arc looks like it will be okay, but not stellar. I guess after months of this being one of my favourite books it looks like it might take a step back for a bit, but still an okay read. Probably should wait for the trade for this one. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geek-O-Rama - Rick Aug 16, 2016

    All in all, its no Manowar, but Im intrigued enough to read the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Aug 10, 2016

    The likelihood of me reviewing the next issue is pretty slim. I'll likely read it as a fan. Having read the previous 17 issues of Kindt's run and figuring out that the first issue in the arc always sets the style and experience for the complete arc" well, I kind of know what to expect. Since I'm not loving this issue, I can expect the same for the next few and that's okay. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy it, but you also probably don't want to read the same review over and over either. Because of Kindt's fantastic writing style you can't just skip this arc if you don't enjoy the issue, you'll need the details here and for that reason it's enough to keep buying and reading. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Aug 17, 2016

    What it all comes down to, as Alanis will remind us, is whether the book is entertaining, and on that score, it hits the mark. Even with some overworking of wrinkles and an uncertain future setting, Ninjak #18 delivers action, an interesting plot and some nice interaction between very old friends. Read Full Review

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