Armor Hunters: Bloodshot #2

Event\Storyline: Armor Hunters Writer: Joe Harris Artist: Trevor Hairsine Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: August 20, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 4
8.1Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

Massacre in M.E.R.O.!

Something deadly has escaped and is running loose in the underbelly of America's classified Military Extraterrestrial Reconnaissance Outpost (M.E.R.O.)! With all hands on deck dealing with the fallout of the Armor Hunters' attack, it's down to Bloodshot and MERO's number one officer, Colonel Jamie Capshaw, to stop the alien menace only known as...Malgam! Spoilers on: not everyone is going to get out this in one piece!

  • 9.4
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Aug 21, 2014

    Armor Hunters: Bloodshot #2 is an intense, action-packed issue that opens up with a bang and finishes with an explosion. In the first extended battle involving one of the main Armor Hunters, an entertaining plan is put together requiring Bloodshot, Livewire and the Colonel to work together to defeat him, and so it was well worth the wait. Even the biggest Bloodshot fans should feel satisfied with the developments in this issue. And considering the task he has to take on next issue alone, I'm looking forward to an incredible conclusion to an enjoyable series. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Aug 19, 2014

    Another good issue out of this writing and drawing team. It's also rather self contained, never needing to go outside to the main event much beyond why Bloodshot is fighting the alien he's fighting. The cliffhanger introduces a not so surprising twist, but if you're not excited to see what happens next you're probably not digging this great art either. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Aug 20, 2014

    Armor Hunters: Bloodshot #2 gave us a little bit of story, and a whole lot of action. Joe Harris brings out the best in these characters while showing what they are capable of when the pressure is on. We'll see what happens next as Bloodshot's far from done, these feels like only a taste of what Bloodshot has to offer the world and M.E.R.O.. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Tyler Goulet Aug 20, 2014

    While the art slipped in a few places, Joe Harris made up for it with a wicked action-packed issue. It seems like Armor Hunters proper is so much further from this moment, almost making it feel way behind, but it was still great to finally see the showdown between Lilt and Bloodshot. One issue to go and no doubt Harris will impress, lets just hope that Hairsine has a little more time on the art and we can get back to the quality of issue #1. Regardless of that, its another great entry into the fantastic Armor Hunters event. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerds Unchained - Michael Bowie Aug 23, 2014

    While I cant imagine this issue was a huge stride forward for the overall Armor Hunters saga, it did push Bloodshots section forward as much as it really needed to and was a very fun ride while doing so. Is there really any more that needs to be said about a comic other than I enjoyed reading it and it made me look forward to reading the next issue? I think that says plenty all by itself. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Eric Biewenga Aug 21, 2014

    Pick this title up, it's been worth every penny and it's a page turner. I can wait for the conclusion. Also this title is a perfect pure action title that you can't put down. I know I look forward to it every release day. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    IGN - Jeff Lake Aug 21, 2014

    At this point it's safe to say that Armor Hunters has begun to suffer from tie-in syndrome, the book's secondary titles failing to capture the same gripping stakes as their flagship series. Armor Hunters: Bloodshot #2 is a prime example of this, the issue revolving entirely around the nano-bot fueled assassin's battle with the alien Hunter, Lilt. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    We The Nerdy - Jean-Luc Botbyl Aug 20, 2014

    Afterwards, it transitions to an elevator shaft, as Lilt attempts to kill Malgam and sabotage the Loveboat (which is the airship MERO HQ from Armor Hunters #3). She is pursued by Bloodshot, and the two face off again in this location, though there is less actual fighting between the two. Unfortunately, readers will already know how this scene has to end, because of events in the previous issue of Armor Hunters. We see the Loveboat escape from MERO, and as a result, the stakes simply do not feel all that high for what is supposed to be the climax to this issue. Read Full Review

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