King Tiger #4

Writer: Randy Stradley Artist: Doug Wheatley Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: November 11, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
6.8Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

King Tiger has used all his strength, expended every weapon, cast his last spell. His adversary is trapped, and Tiger is trapped with it. But Rikki Boyd, the woman whose heart he broke, refuses to let Tiger die alone. When magic fails, can the heart prevail?

  • 9.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Nov 11, 2015

    King Tiger #4 is everything you could have wanted from the kind of series it is and more. Who knows what the future has in store for King Tiger, but if it holds a candle to anything delivered within the past four issues then this will be a series to look forward to hitting shelves again. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - christopher scott author Nov 22, 2015

    While compared to the previous issues, this comic is much more vibrant and colorful. However, there isn't much contrast outside of the ones between the character's and their environment. I will admit the cover art is superb, and reminds me of old comics I have seen from the 60's and 70's. Just updated with a more modern character, and environment. Defiantly wouldn't mind having a physical print of the cover to hang up, or frame. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Nov 11, 2015

    King Tiger #4 is unexciting ending to a disappointing series. It doesn't make sense to me that throughout this series even the characters who initiatedCanthastius's rampage become incompetent and unable to understand anything going on. And since no one is competent enough to handle anything occurring the solution just highlights the bizarre chain of events. King Tiger as a warrior skilled in the mystic arts is more compelling than one stumbling through everything. Unfortunately that character doesn't exist in this series. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 11, 2015

    Though King Tiger was never one of my favorites, I liked the backup material we had previously and the opening of this series felt like it was setting some decent if familiar foundations. As it progressed and it became this big world ending event, it just started coming across as weaker and weaker with what it was going since there wasn't time to really develop any of the characters and the threat was just too large. The end result is that the final issue is all about the action and some really cringe worthy moments from our title character that paints him in a fairly bad light as he just didn't think of most of what actually saves the day and kind of just lucks into it. While I wouldn't opt for a whole on reboot of the series, I'd certainly turn it over to a new team for any potential future miniseries. Read Full Review

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